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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Reannag's punishment.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((Ok heres what Valek did to Reannag in game for her will ONLY KNOW info is provided for your ooc entertainment lol..))

Valek leaded the way to what was looking like some sort of a unholy church...the appearance of this place,was all the opposite of what the Catholic church represented....Sorenti was giving Reannag's some push so she could advance faster....Reannag's was all chained up...her hands and feet...she walked in small steps...Sorenti was continoulsy pushing she could walk faster....Valek opened the door...and let the prince and the prisoner enter first...Valek then entered...

Sorenti then handed Reannag to Valek....Valek then griped Reannag's by the back of her neck...rather hard...
Valek squeezed her neck hard as he pulled her to the altar...Reannag looked at Sorenti all the time wondering why he was letting this happen...Valek then lifted Reannag and slammed her down on the stone altar very hard....the sound of bone crushing could be heard..
Reannag's face it hurted her a lot...Sorenti looked at it...fighting back the need to go stop this....
Valek looked in Reannag's eyes and said

"For breaking will endure pain like you've never felt before...oh will beg for me to stop....but i will understand what PAIN is all about..."Valek smirked and laughed evily at her...Valek then forced her to lay on the altar....

Valek then took out a small vial....and opened it...and said to Reannag
"Open your mouth...."
Reannag refused...Valek then said
"You have 3 seconds..."
She didnt opened her mouth....Valek then lifted her head and slammed it back down on the altar very hard...
Sorenti could heard the sound of her skull cracking a little...
-Valek-"OPEN YOUR MOUTH!!!!!!"
Valek then griped her hair...pulling on it....Reannag finally opened it a little....Valek then poured the liquid in her mouth....Valek noticed that Reannag didnt wanted to swallow the liquid...he then said
"Dont you ever dare to spit it out...."
Valek then moved his hand in front of Reannag's mouth
and he pulled her a sign to say to swallow the liquid....Reannag...finally swallowed it...This liquid will made her feel the pain twice as painful as it already is..and it will keep her awake no matter what....Valek griped her throat and said
"If you fight back again....the will feel more of it...."
Reannag had a worried look on her face...Valek then forced her to sit on the altar...he then turned her so her stomach was against the he forced her way down Valek slammed her forehead on the altar quite hard...hearing the sound of bones cracking....Sorenti was fighting back with all his strenght the need to stop this....he looked away for a second....and then turned his attention to what Valek was doing....Valek then cut a bit of her shirt so he could see her entire back...Valek took out a strange dagger....noises were coming out of a hundred of ppl whispering....Sorenti looked at this dagger carefuly and with interest...Valek looked at Reannag and said
"This......will........hurt......"Valek her...

Valek then put the dagger against her skin....and started to carve a letter on her back...pressing really hard on the dagger...carving it VERY deep....Reannag screamed in pain....and looked at Sorenti as if to say "Please stop this"

Sorenti steped foward to stop it...but changed his mind and steped back....Sorenti was obviously feeling something for her...but...he had no choice to let Valek punish her for what she did....

Valek looked at Reannag and said

Sorenti walked toward the altar...and put his hands on Reannag's head..holding her so she couldnt move....Sorenti smiled evily at it and at Valek...Valek smiled back evily too...and carved the second letter.....Reannag bited her lower lip...holding back a scream....Valek then carved the rest of the letters...the word
"Traditions"was writed on her back....this word will never go away....due to the special dagger Valek used...
the word is there now and forever....Only Valek knows how to remove it...but he wont....Valek then carved a line under the word....tears came out of Reannag's eyes....Valek smirked at it.....

Valek then held the dagger in the flame of a candle...he waited a time...when the blade turned red hot...he then put it against the skin of Reannag...burning her....the odor of burning flesh could be smelled...Valek then put the dagger on the altar...and fliped Reannag back on her back....she holded back a scream again....her wounds touching the altar....Valek kneeled and opened a small door that was on the altar...he took out another vial...opened it...and poured it on Reannag's stomach....
Reannag looked at Valek...her eyes telling him to please stop....Valek smirked and smiled evily at her....

Valek took back the dagger and put the blade against Rea's stomach...Valek then slowly inserted it...and cut the skin...making a hole in her stomach...a square one....Reannag couldnt help but to let out a scream...Valek then lift her head and slammed it down on the altar harder then before...the sound of bone crushing could be heard again....

Sorenti steped toward Valek wanting this to stop...but steped back again....looking at what Valek was doing...

Valek then put the dagger on the altar...kneeled and reached for the small door on the altar...taking out a bottle full of WORMS...Valek opened it...and showed it to Reannag...Valek let one fell in the hole....Valek then put the 50 worms that were in the bottle in the hole....worms were now crawling inside the body of Reannag....Reannag's eyes opened wide...feeling the worms crawling inside her....tears came out of her eyes again...wanting all of this pain to stop....Valek then threw the bottle away...and kneeled again...taking out a bottle full of ants...he opened it and put them all inside Reannag's body....ANTS and WORMS were crawling in her body....everywhere....Valek laughed evily at it....and threw the bottle away....Valek took back the peice of flesh of Reannag he removed to reveal the hole in her body earlier...and put it back where it belong....Reannag then said
"No...please dont..."

Valek took the dagger and put it in the flame of the candle again...after the blade was red hot...he put it on one of the side of where he cut her...closing one side..burning the flesh closed...he did the same with the other sides....Valek then kneeled again to reach the small door on the altar...taking out a small black box...full of metal needles...he put it on the table...he opened it..and took out one needle....he moved it inches from Reannag's eyes...Reannag begged Valek with her eyes...not wanting him to continue....Valek smirked at her...and inserted the needle in her right eye...moving it in circles....peircing her eye....Reannag screamed in pain...and was shaking....Sorenti saw it and went to Reannag's feet holding her still...and he smiled evily...feeling his old personality coming back....

Valek smiled evily too...and noded as a sign of thank you to Sorenti...

Valek looked at Reannag and said
"This was the last time you talked..."

Valek sealed her mouth with some sort of barbered wire....she couldnt talk anymore....Valek then took a second needle...and moved it in front of Reannag's left eye...

Valek then said
"You see this new black will live and only see this darkness for a time....this is where you belong...and where you will stay....but rest wont be alone....someone...something is coming to haunt you.....

Valek then raised both of his arms in the air and mouthed some strange words in the Los Demonis language......a strong wind then started to blow through the open windows...and Jessica's spirit appeared...and was flying around Reannag....Valek then said
" will live in a world of torments...."

Valek motioned for the Spirit to enter Reannag....
Reannag could now see the face of Jessica in the blackness she was in....Jessica was tormenting her....

Valek then said
"How hurts....but im not done....someone...something else is coming....."

Valek then put his hands together and mouthed strange words again...In the Los Demonis language one more time....Suddenly millions of whispers could be heard...just if like millions of wraiths were coming....the soul of a demon appeared....and looked at Valek....Valek pointed the body of Reannag....the demon entered Reannag's this moment....Reannag felt huge pain...just if like someone was crushing her brain....she then grabbed her head with both of her this moment her body started to float....Valek was watching at the scene with an evil smile on his face.....She then floated her way down....she arched her back...feeling the pain...Seeing this Valek hitted her stomach...stoping her from arching her back...blood came out of her sealed mouth...from the small holes that the barbered wires did....Valek then took the dagger...and cut the barbered wire...took one of her hands and cut her thumb...he then put her own finger in her mouth...and closed it....Valek moved to her feet...and cut one of her toes...and then he put it in her mouth...and closed her mouth back with the barbered wire...again...Valek then stabbed Reannag in both palms of her hands....with the dagger....he looked at the reversed cross he prepared earlier...he then Grabbed Reannag and move her on this cross....and tied her by her hands and feet...Valek then punched her on her stomach...a few times...smiling evily...Valek then took out his sword that his sire gave him long ago
the "Satanious Mortis" and put it against her forehead.....Valek said
"They say a demon can turn a life into a living hell...imagine what it can do to a un-life....."Valek smiled evily....and mouthed some strange words....a red mist appeared on his sword...slowly moving on it in the direction of Reannag's forehead...Valek pressed on her forehead with his sword...peicing her skin....letting some blood drip on her face....the mist entered her head...turning her eyes red....the demon that Valek casted inside her possess her and made her said

Reannag came took back the control of her body as Valek removed her sword from her forehead...And he said to her
"I am now done....keep in break a rule....and ill come back for you....with more pain.....and small thing i wish to add"

Valek punched her hard on her stomach again...making her bleed from her mouth again....Valek turned back and looked at Sorenti and said

-Valek-"I am done...."
Valek then bowed to the Prince....Sorenti noded and walked toward Reannag and said......((Ok can post what you said to her here man :)))

((After what Sorenti told her....Valek removed the barbered wire from her mouth...and leaded her down in the street...leaving her there on her own....blind...After Sorenti will be finished to talk...Valek said the following to Sorenti too

"She will be blind...until she drink from that potion...::Valek showed the potion::and she will have the demon inside her and Jessica's spirit until i cast them away....Do you wish to keep this potion?"

-Sorenti-"No keep it..."
Valek noded...

((Ok...So like i said...just for rp purpose only Valek can make her see again...and only Valek can cast the demon and Jessica away from her one except Valek can...not even God lol...

Oh and like i said all of you who will read this you are only aware of it OOC not ic :) lol unless me Sorenti or Reannag talk to you about it IC...))

(Edited by Valek at 5:53 pm on Sep. 8, 2001)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((wholly shit Valek is one twisted puppy omfg.  Wild imagination tho omg.  Nice post Valek, and Rea....omg I feel for you.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
(( I think I should say omg one more time.... omg... sound like Im from beverly hills or some shit....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
(( ::shudders then falls off the chair:: I guess thats a compliment depending on how u look at it :P

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
(( Nice post Valek ... :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
((i still want her organs, and her left eye >=-(

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
>=-)   ((im kidding))

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((Valek, you got some messed up shit going on in your head.. lol..

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((LOL i told that it was going to be SICK... lol))

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
way to go valek!
hey hes good at this guys...makes you cringe a bit ..but he is recommend him to anyone if they want to feel pain ! he's not too big on pity though...and pleading eyes dont wotk neither was cool valek...err ummm keep up the good work....just not on me ok...hehehe !!!

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((::is glad to have Valek on her side::


PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 7Location: bay area,caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:19 pm
Ok now how am i supposed tyo go to sleep tonight! Geeze this is the sickest thing i have ever read in my life.
You are a very twisted man Valek. And its been said before what goes around comes around!

J/K :p I like great post man!!

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2001 7:59 am Reply with quote
(( that was sweet drain will love that one. omg what are you going to do with misty i am scared for her ))

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 9:16 am Reply with quote
((I need to do that stuff more often LOL))

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 11:51 pm Reply with quote
((Of Al the Sick, twisted things Ive seen.. that one takes the CAKE))

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