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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
Rea had returned to her haven and was just checking her security system for any glitches, something flickered on the screen and she adjusted the contrast trying to make out a shadow on the screen.
she looked was a face...looked like a gangrel.
she checked the time of the recording.....that can't be she thought I was here then......I would have seen if anyone came in here.
she rung calvin and asked him if he had let anyone into her haven...any at all...he assured her that he had not.

as she watched the screen again and again....she wondered what the hell was going on.....first vince's haven gets trashed...then the other day she could see that someone had been in the cupboard in the bedroom.
The lid on vince's box, that had some of his personal things in had been left open...she had looked in it since he had been killed.

as she walked around her haven she wondered what to do. she picked up the phone and called Sorenti...she waited for him to pick the phone just rung she replaced the reciever...he wasn't there.....she hadn't seen him for a few nights now.
her computer hummed to life as she turned it on....she had sent him an email earlier telling him that mephisto would be staying with her for awhile...she shrugged as she saw that there was no reply from him.

"I cant stay going out " she said to herself


The bar was nearly empty and as she sat and waited for him she looked around.....there was  a guy at the bar and that was all...the barman leaned against the counter looking bored...
He walked in and she smiled...he must have got her message that she left him..he walked over to her looking worried.

"what's wrong Rean..."
"I dont know really....."
she  explained to him about the break in at her old haven and the face on the security system.
"I'm sure its nothing Rean...really  " he said...she sensed his wariness in his voice..
"You sure...Its spooked me a bit really...."
he nodded "look if you dont want to go home.....i know of somewhere you can stay...."
Just then another kindred walked in ..Rea waved at them and they walked over.

All three of them sat and talked for a while, until it grew late....
"We really must be going Rean...if we are to get there before dawn"
they said there goodbyes and walked out ....


she was alone in the secret location....not sure why she was here at all but he had insisted that she stay here. She had had to find here own way here following his directions... he had wanted to make sure that they werent followed at all.
As she lay on the bed she felt sleep wash over her and slipped into a deep sleep.


Her eyes fluttered in her sleep...she didnt want to wake up but for some reason she felt she had to.
As her eyes opened and focused she jumped up in shock.
"what the hell!"
In the corner of the room stood a figure dressed in black, he stepped forward out of the shadows and she realised who it was.

"Alek? did you find me...what are you doing here...?"

He walked over to her.
"sorenti has sent protect you...he fears you are in danger...and as to how I found you....he smiled slightly...I can find anyone..."
"Im in danger...why what have i done....?"
He slipped his hand into his jacket and pulled out a tape. and passed it to her...
" I think you should listen to this......"

she got up off the bed and walked into the other room she could remember seeing a midi hifi somewhere in there.

As the tape played she sat and listened...then sat upright...her hand going to her mouth..
He stood and watched her...knowing that she was just realising what was going on....
"what have I done to deserve this Alek......"

"I promised to protect you when I came to this city Reannag...and that I will do"

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((Wow. To cool Rean! ::shudders:: Gave me chills! Keep it up girly!...More! I want mooooooore!


PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarCity GangrelPosts: 52Location: UnknownJoined: Tue May 20, 2003 9:41 pm
The opportunity shall present itself...

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
   Gabriel put the car in neutral and pulled up the emergency brake. He switched the headlights off and sat in silence. His eye scanned the street for life, but found none. Only Alekzandre's grey Audi was visible. Sorenti had undoubtably sent him to protect her.
    Gabriel had heard the rumors about her being targeted. His ghouls, who had their bony fingers in everything, had reported her looking upset and worried. Having nothing better to do he had decided to check in on her, but seeing Alekzandre there made him think twice. Alekz did not go on social calls, he must have been sent by the Prince. Which means she is in some sort of danger.
    Gabriel looked slowly to the passenger seat of his car and nodded to Mephisto. Mephisto watched the house, but turned slowly towards Gabriel and nodded in return. He had been conducting some business deals when he had received Gabriel's call, checking in on Reannag, wanted to make sure everything was okay, sure you can come with me.
    Gabriel lit a cigar and exhaled, filling the car with blue dingy smoke. As he cracked the window he reached to the backseat and pulled up his Spas. He gently laid it down across his lap. He looked over and saw Mephisto's pistol in his hand.
    Nodding to himself he turned his gaze back to the street....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarCity GangrelPosts: 52Location: UnknownJoined: Tue May 20, 2003 9:41 pm
::Moves throught the city invisable and silent as death serching the streets of Cascadia looking for any Lasombra.  They find none,  they start to search all the bolt holes that are known in the city.  As the first pale light of dawn begins to touch the sky.  They near one of the last bolt holes.  As they approch they notice that ""things"" have been disturbed.  They slowley back away being carfull to not disturbe anything else.  They move slowly away from the bolt hole.  Once a good distance away they head for the safety of the haven...........................::

Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((::wonders what is on the tape ?????::  If you are trying to use OOC knowlage or something or are going to say that that the Assamite Haven is bugged or a phone conversation or some crap like that I dont think so.  The only people that know anything IC as of right now are the Assamites no one else.  Any and all converstaions about this have been face to face with the Assamites and in the safety of the Haven.  Which is not bugged.  If you want to try to break in in a game not on the MB you are more than welcome to try :)  We have plenty of guards and security and of course there is always at least one of us in the haven and here recently Walker has spent alot of time there.  So OOC whats on the tape or did I just screw up the story that some one told you))

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
Sitting in the car waiting...Mephisto and Gabriel, just watching the house. No one seemed to be moving one would dare make a move with 3 armed Ventrue lying in wait. The only way to stop this stalker was to go inside. Daylight would be upon them they had to do this quickly. The stalker would have an advatage, as he could hide out in the house when daylight comes, but those outside of the house would be left to burn. With his Revolver in his hand he loked at Gabriel. Gabriel nodded, and Mephisto stepped out of the car.

Walking slowly and quietly across the yard he reached the front door. It was unlocked, so he turned the handle and walked slowly inside. Holding his Revolver FBI style, he put his back up on the wall. Turning his head around the corner, he saw no one so he walked into the living room/kitchen area. Hearing no noise except the wind blowing outside, he proceded to check every room on the first floor.

Wondering whether to go outside onto the deck, he shook his head, and decided that walking out into the open with a potential killer on the premesis. He proceded down the stairs into the basement. Holding the Revolver out in front of him, he walked into the hallway. Carefull not to make any noise..but steped on a creaky part of the floor letting loose a high pitch creak. Cursing himself he continued. Opening each door sliently, he found nothing. Mephisto was at the last door. Looking at it, he ponered whether to fire into it and force whatever was in there to face him, or open it silently and face the possibilty of a gun being forced into his face. Taking a deep breath he turned the knob then kicked the door. It was a storage room. Clicking on a flashlight he checked for any signs of life, and when he heard a scratching noise he braced himself for the worst. Aiming the light into the corner, it fell upon a small dog. With his voice in a coarse whisper he muttered "damnit!".

Then he picked up the very shaken dog and brought him upstairs. Dropping a dig biscuit from the box on the table, he then turned and walked out. Opening the door then shutting it behind him, he saw that Gabriel was still sitting in the car, watching the deserted streets. He slowly made his way back to the car, and opened he passenegr door.
"Anything?" Gabriel asked.
"Nothing of importance..but I did mannage to scare the shit out of Calvin's dog." Mephisto replied.

((take it from there :)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
((cain the tape has nothing to do with yout haven been bugged...or anything like that really...the tape...or where it came from is on the mb...somewhere....hehehe

((nice posts guys at a secret haven btw....but its cool....dont hurt the dog lol

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
((lol...hey I fed the damn dog! lol..I'm not gonna hurt the thing

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((just checking :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
Standing downstairs gently petting my new white puppy. It was so happy to be getting attention, its little tail wagged and its tongue dropped aimlessly out of its mouth. When I heard a creak on the steps. Looking around for somewhere to hide, but not finding anywhere so I deciding to curl into a ball and practice a new shadow technique.
The Shadows warped and streached to encompass my whole form, hiding me from sight. I heard all the doors open one by one I grew anxious. Puppy looked into the dark shadows and skampered around in circles confused.

Finally the door opens and Mephisto entered gun drawn, not knowing if he was here to kill Reannag or myself I drew my pistol and pointed it at his head.

I saw him look at my puppy and my trigger finger almost slipped. After a  second he regained his composture and so did I.
After he left I left as well, grateful there wasnt a conflict.
Very happy that my shadow techniques worked.
My little puppy tagging along behind me. =)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
((hehehehe u were there
((and did u name the thing 'Puppy'? lol

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
(( Woudnt you like to know =)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
The sky was darkening as she woke up, she stretched lazily. she had been exhausted, her emotions where running wild...she was in another haven and the feeling that she couldn't move around freely without protection was taking its toll on her. At the elysium the night before she had wanted to go see sorenti...he was outside with mephisto...she had just wanted to feel his arms around her for him to tell her everything would be ok. she had angered Alek...he had stopped her from going outside ....his loyalty to her was strong. she knew he just wanted to protect her.

she looked aover to the door and Alek was stood where he had been earlier when she went to sleep.
"you been there all day Alek....?"
he nodded " Yes Ma'am..."
he puzzled her greatly...they had spoke a little last night, he had told her he had no feelings...
she looked at him..a sudden urge for some sort of normality washing over her..
"Alek you think we can go out...and i dont mean the elysium...."
his eyes narrowed...."do you have to...can you not phone them?"
she looked at him...he made her feel like a child...asking him if she could go out to play...and laughed
he scowled at her..."Ma'am, this is no laughing matter, I dont think you realise the danger you could be in"
"I'm sorry...its just that I can't phone them, you will understand when you see them...."

he nodded "very well...but you must do as I walking you did last night..."his eyes glared at her
"Yes I promise...."
she began to get out of bed and looked at him.."Do you mind...I mean I have to get dressed"
"of course Ma'am" he  replied and turned his back on her
"perhaps if you move a little more through the door I can close it..."

"No Ma'am I'll stay right here"
I can't even get dressed in peace she thought as she grabbed the fresh clothes that Mephisto had brought to the elysium the night before.

"You've forgotten something Ma'am"Alek said as she walked to the door.
"I have?"
He glared at her wondering if she was been difficult on purpose.
"The pin that I gave you last night"
"Ah yes...the pin" she took it off her other top and attached it to her clean top.

          a little later.......................

she sat on the floor and he chuckled as she tickled him, he had changed so much since the last time she had seen him.
Alek sat on the sofa by her side, she had pleaded with him on the way here to act normal in front of Tessa, Jacob's carer, he still looked uneasy but at least he was sat down.
Tessa smiled at her..." he misses you Rea...I know your job means you cant look after him, and I know you want to do your best for your dead brother's child... but he only smiles like that when he sees you"

" I miss him too Tessa...but there's no way I can look after err lifestyle and job dont allow for it"
she looked sadly at Jacob.....
" I have something for him though...." she reached into her bag and Alek tutted as she nearly let the pistol that he had given her fall out of her bag.
she hande tessa two bank books..
"One is to be used for his pay for whatever...the other is for him when hes older"
Tessa looked in amazement at the figures in the books. and passed then back to Rea
" I care for him...cause I love him....I dont expect you to give me this ...what you pay me monthly is more than enough"

" no please...take it... I invested wisely in some shares...and it paid off very well" rea could feel herself getting upset , she wanted Jacob with her so much, she looked to Alek and he seemed to notice the pleading in her eyes.

Reannag....we really should be going if we are to make that meeting on time"
she had told Tessa that he was a work colleague.
"yes of sorry Tessa but we really must be going..I dont know when I'll be back round...I may be going away on business, Ill call of course to see how hes doing..."
Tessa nodded Rea seemed a little distant, not her usual carefree self.
Rea stood up and Jacob clung to her legs, he was 10 months old now and was trying hard to walk.
she smiled at him and picked him up.she held him tight to her, " I love you so much Jacob......"
she had decided not to see him again...he needed to grew up among humans, not kindred, she kissed his cheek " be good little one......."

Tessa walked Alek and Rea to the door. Rea longed to take him with her....her heart ached at the thought of not seeing him.
at the door rea turned around to pass Jacob to Tessa..
"I'll be in touch ok...bye Tessa.....bye bye Jacob..." her voice was barely hurt her so much to think that this was the last time she would see him.
she turned and walked towards the car , Alek at her side his eyes alert as always, she could hear Tessa talking softly to Jacob and bit her lip.
" tata Rea "
she stopped dead...and turned around slowly
Tessa smiled" he doesnt talk much but he alwasy says bye and your name was the first he said"

Rea ran back to them and took Jacob from Tessa, holding him to her " bye little one.....and remember Im always around...if you ever need me"
she could feel blood tears beginning to form in her eyes and passed him back to Tessa , turning her face to aside so Tessa couldn't see them.

as she walked back to the car she waved at them. Alek held the door for her, looking at the tears on her face.
"you ok ma'am?"

he walked to the drivers side and started the car...driving her back to the haven.
she waved at jacob and Tessa till she could no longer see them and closed her eyes, leaning back into the seat.
"Ma'am are you ok?" he asked again
she sighed " Just take me home.....or wherever..."


he had driven her home, going by the long route making sure that they weren't been followed.
Rea had gone straight to her room and laid on her bed...sobbing  to herself....he stood by the door watching her.
she wiped the tears from her face.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
(( now thats a post ::claps::

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