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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Vandemar

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
Mr. Croup sat in the shadows of the Assamite haven, looking over some old contracts, remembering th egood old days. He reached up over his shoulder and grabbed the messanger by the hair, and with the slightest effort whipped her over onto his desk and held his letter opener to the woman's throat.
"Speak," he said in a nonchalant voice.
"Mr. Croup, I believe," the woman said with a grin.
He allowed the woman to sit up on the desk. She straightened her purple hair and grinned.
"What is it?" sighed Croup.
"There have been sightings in London by several Kindred, of a cloaked figure... about this high..." She motioned about six feet off the ground. "Wearign a black tuxedo... rings all on his fingers, made from animal skulls.... you know, the usual."
Mr. Croup's eyes grew very wide and a grin crossed his face...


Croup collected his things and headed off to london... he left a note for the other Assamites:

"Gone to London. Be back soon."

He smiled as he flew across the rooftops, headed for the shore...

((Ok guys, I wont be IG much for a bit for personal reasons... Ill still chek the MB and my e-mail frequently though.... see ya around

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((hurry back man....I hope everything is ok in RL :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
He sat deep below the deck of the ship, lurking in the shadows and avoiding contact with the ship's other passengers. He had been on board for a few days now; it was difficult for him to tell. He woke as the ship docked; shouts and rustling from the floors above roused him. He gathered his belongings and checked his watch; 8pm. It should be dark by now. He exited the ship, and entered the London night.
He stepped off and saw how dead the night was. He grinned, realising he had forgotten to add 5 hours; it was now 1am.
Memories came to him as he walked towards the place he was certain Vandemar wound be. Rooftops, chips in walls, sewer covers... everything.
The sewer cover. He was coming close to it now, the one that led to his "office." He rounded the entrance to the underground and walked up the small hill to Islington park. He walked over to the manhole and carefully removed it.
He replaced carefully, then began slowly climbing down the latter. He lept to the floor from the third rung and turned around. an old maintenance door was there, rusty and forgotten. He opened it and walked to the back of the room, where there was an old table and a plaque on the wall. He removed the plaque, revealing a door with the words "The old firm" carved into it.
The knob turned with a loud squeal and the door opened hard. BEfore he knew it, he was on the ground with a knife to his throat.
"Vandemar! vandemar you crazy bastard, its me!" Croup shouted through his laughter.
The knife cut deep into his neck and he felt his precious blood spilling all over the floor of the room.
"You left me for dead you ungrateful little fuck!" he sneered as he kicked Croup in the ribs.
Croup grasped his throat and willed it to heal, using up blood resources which he did not have.
"You.. told me to....."Croup whispered, barely audible over the rushing water.
Vandemar removed an intricate dagger from his belt and approached croup. THe dagger was very shiny, and on the hilt was a skull, with its mouth wide open.
Croup recognized it immediately and backed up, frightened for the first time in his life. He fumbled in his pocket for one of his bloodstones, trying desparately to replenish himself.
Finally he found one and used it- Vandemar was practically on top of him now, frothing at the mouth. He was much different from the last time Croup had seen him. His eyes were dark and sunken deep into his fave, his clothes were filthy; his once fine rings were now smashed and broken.
Vandemar brought his dagger down fast, but Croup was faster. He brought up his shield which Cain had given him; Cain, his good friend from Cascadia whom he knew he woul dnever see again. Cain had given him his first welcome to Cascadia, a place where he felt he belonged.
No time for remeniscing now, he thought, as vandemar's fist caught him hard in the face.
He fell to the floor of the sewer. The sewer, that was where the Cascadian Nos had lived. Drain was his name. He and Drain had met several times, and he had taken a liking to the shadow lurker. He wondered if he ever did put that damn gun away-
A foot came down hard into his ribs and he wondered why he couldnt concentrate. He stood up and saw the dagger coming down on him-
He caught Vandemars arm and twisted it hard, flipping him over. As he landed, he took the dagger from him and turned to run away. As he was opening the door, he fell over backwards, driving the blade which had been put in him further inside. He turned to vandemar.
"You shit." he said, as he realized the sword sticking out of him was his dread falchion, which he had named Vandemar after his long thought dead sire. "You do realise that Im going to have to completely destroy you now, dont you?" With this, he smeared some of his blood onto the mystical dagger which he had disarmed from Vandemar. He turned to his Sire snd leapt upon him, fists and blade. Vandemar fell over backwards, a shocked expression on his face.
Croup brought the dagger down hard into Vandemar's chest.
"You may have been my sire but you were just my fucking patsy," he sneered as the life seeped from Vandemar.
An explosion of blood came from the mouth of the skull on the hilt. Croup drank the warm blood of his sire as he lay dying.
"And you taste like shit," he snickered.
Vandemar's eyes closed; Croup knew he was dead for good this time.
He stood up, wiped himself off, and returned to London above. He had to return this weapon to Almut, where it belonged.

((Poorly written but meh. Anyhow, Croup's gone now. Hes not dead, but he aint comin back. I guarantee that about 4 people read this, right? heh... not a big deal tho. Nobody gave a fuck when Koldor left either; dont bother standing up, Ill show myself to the door.

((PS- Im makin a Nos character, so Ill still be around. I wont be around as much though.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
((hmm well i read it sooo...:P

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((Will post a lil IC note from Almut about this later nice post though

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
::Sits in the Assamite Haven deep in thought he had just got done talking with Septine and she was leaving.  It was her choice of course but he would miss her she had served well.  A guard approched and stood there waiting to be called forward.  Cain looked at him and motioned him forward.  The guard steped for ward and handed Cain a letter that he had been holding and quickly retreated.  Cain looked at the letter it was bad news he could tell just from the way it was adressed.  He shook his head and opend it and began to read it......    ((see events above lol))  Damn he thought Croup would not be coming back it seemed that he was needed else where.  He was alone again .......  he has no clans men to back him up again................. he would survive of course he had befor and would again and truth be known he was not totaly alone he had his beloved still so all would be well .............. ::

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
((sappy lil

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((lol   you have more than just your beloved Cain hehehe or should that be mwuhahaha.....

good posts Croup....will miss Croup...he was cool

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((Notice I dont kill of my chars :P thats a "just-in-case" measure... just in case I want to bring em back

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((goodbye to Croup. I liked him. Ah well. Too bad he never got back to me on that alliance thing. But havin another Nossie will be good.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((Yeah about that... I was waiting to see ya so I could shoot ya... not kill you, just shoot ya.... that would have been my response... lol


PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarKindredPosts: 0Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:46 pm
I'll miss you croup:( never really spoke to you...that is until you wanted to kill Rea.....:)

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