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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Thorp in Cascadia

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
"yes" said Sorenti, continuing, unsure of whether Thorp was still with him or lost in another world....he paused until Thorp's eyes became focused upon him again, then carried on.....

"The one I believe to be true from what I have read is this.....the Gangrel probably took it as a trophy, yet being so close to the sword itself, the spirits invoked into the blade caused the finger to become a sort of vessel. Channelling and absorbing the pieces of spirit and soul from those the sword slays....

A Tremere could probably explain it better, but the finger appears to be the link to the mortal world for the spirits constrained within the blade itself.....hence why it appears to be freshly cut.......the souls, along with the spirits in the sword, keep the finger living.....the spirits are dead, the finger is half dead, half alive.....and the final link is the wielder of the sword, which completes the circle of existence between the mortal world and the realm of death.....or as far as I can make out anyway.

I would advise you to only use the sword when you absolutely HAVE to....just in case....with forces like this, feasibly very strong, be careful....there is a chance they could leap into the wielder of the sword...namely you. But I do suggest going to see a Tremere, might be wise to be on the safe side.....very possibly they might know of a binding spell to prevent that from happening.

Anyway I'm sure you're aware, I have many things to attend to, so do excuse me.....and be damn careful with that thing."

Sorenti stood up, dusting himself off and eyeing Lupus Mortis warily. He felt for the hilt of La Magra, just for reassurance, and smiled to Thorp, nodding curtly as he headed for the door.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((lol! you just SCREWED yourself Graven. hehe. give me back my fingerrrrrr.....give me back my fingeerrrrrr!!! ::menaces::

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((hmmm when did you become a Cappa OOC Gabe? lmao

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((well the fingerless Cappa may be dead now, but wasn't 707 years ago? Or maybe it was jsut a whole 'nother fingerless Cappa, and the thought of a Cappa finger brought the memory back to Thorp... Ahh, i love Rping, the possibilites....

Thorp sat there for hours, not really sure what to do or think. He knew no Tremere personally, not In Cascadia at least. He got tired of sitting, strapped lupus' sheath and decided to go to Elysium.
"Sir! What are you doing?!?" Aitreni, Thorp's ghoul, suddenly screamed.
"I'm goin' out, what's the big deal?"
"Sir, it's almost noon, why do you want to kill yerself??"
Thorp raised an eyebrow. "Noon?". He had stayed sitted and thinking way more than he thought he had.

Thorp couldn't even think of lying down, let alone sleep, he just read and re-read the photocopies of Sorenti's books. He wondered if Odnan knew  about Lupus Mortis' real potential. He tried to think how many odnan, and only Odnan, had killed with Lupus. Thorp had seen at least a couple hundred, what about all those years before  he arrived and after Thorp left, and when he didn't see Odnan use it. How many souls had the thing absorbed!?
Thorp tried to look for a clock, he was sure he ahd one somewhere. No clock, no watch.
"Aitreni, waht time is it??"
"The sun will sink in two minutes." Came the answer from the flight above.
"Thanks, and you should really think of cleaning this dump!"
"I do, every single day, you just trash it as often.
Thorp mumbled something about ghouls being disrespectful, put on his shades to hide his eyes from mortals, and ventured out.

Thorp stopped halfway to Elysium. Gabriel most know some Tremere, they had been through some together, he might help. He recalled the map of Cascadia in his head, the Mississippi Shipping Company's skyrise was close. He took a shortcut through an alleyway and got to the skyrise.
He entered, muttering somehting about the place being Ventrue clean, and noticed the guards and the receptionist were eyeing him suspiciously.
He walked to the elevator, and was stopped by the receptionists voice.
"May I be of any assistance, sir?"
Thorp turned to her, and tried his best polite smile, trying to keep his unstealthy fangs concealed:
"No, thank you very much, i just came to see Gabriel, Gabriel O'Brien."
"Mr. O'Brien is busy, sir."
Thorp could tell the receptionist was lying, he could here her heart beat accelerate. And the two security guards were a wreck, they had their hands millimeters from their guns.
"I'll just go on up, thank you."
He turned to the guards, that were dubious of what to do, and gave them a look, both turned back, and carried on with their work, standing.
In the elevator, Thorp wondered on what floor Gabe was, slapped his forehead, and pressed the button for the highest floor on the building.

He stepepd out of the elevator, walked down a hall, and opened the double doors at the end of it.
"Yes, sir?"
Thorp eyed the place, it reeked of Ventrue. The security was tight, Gabe obviously had enemies. He looked around, there 2 doors, one bigger than the other, next to the bigger one was a ghoul that looked way too much like a gorilla. THe big one was obviously Gabe's office, the other was probably Mephisto's.
Thorp turned to the human eyeing him.
"I'm here to see Ga..err, Mr. O'Brien"
"Who is looking for him, may I ask?"
Thorp stopepd himself from saying his anme, Graventhorp was too medieval, so he used his mortal name.
"Mr. G. Thorp."
Thorp smiled at the originality of his name, and watched as the secretary pressed a button, and talked into it, trying not to be heard, but Thorp's ears caught the whole converstaion as clear as if it was directed to him.
"Sir, a dirty bum that calls himself G.Thorp. Is here, should I call security?"
"G.Th--? Oh, no, don't, just let him in." Came the response from the com speaker.
The secretary obviously didn't expect that, she made a face like she had been asked to go to bed with a Nosferatu, and nodded.
"H-He's just behind that door, sir"
Thorp nodded and walked towards it, he nodded to the ghoul, who nodded back, and walked in.

Gabriel's office was at the top of the skyrise, with a view that would probably make most mortals pee in their pants, even if they weren't agoraphobic. The place was decorated..well, like a Ventrue's office, too expensively.
"Graventhorp, come on in."
Thorp closed the doors behind him, and noticed the place was sound proof, even his ears had trouble hearing what was going on outside.
"When was the last time you bathed, Thorp?" Gabe uttered his usual greeting.
"I dunno, 40, 50 years, listen I came here to talk to you about.."
"Lupus Mortis?"
Thorp raised an eyebrow, the word had obvously spread.
"Not exactly, Sorenti told me to talk to a Tremere, And I came to you, are you close to any?"

((take it from there, gabe.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
   Gabriel smiled as he looked out over the city. Ah, the top floor. The city spanned out for what seemed like forever. Around the Mississippi Shipping Co. skyrise sat several other buildings. All twisted and hardened masses of steel and cement, reaching towards the sky. Of course, as if to make a point, Gabriel had made sure his was the tallest.
   He chuckled to himself at his arrogance and swirled around to face the door as it opened. Graventhorp stood in the doorway, looking VERY out of place in the clean office.
   "When's the last time you bathed Thorp?"
   "I dunno, 40 or 50 year, listen I came to talk to you about..."
   "Lupus Mortis?" Gabriel interjected. He had been in the middle of a board meeting when Sorenti tuned him into his conversation with Graventhorp. Very unusual, Sorenti rarely contacted Gabriel telepathically unless it was extremely important. Gabriel had zoned out the rest of the meeting and allowed Mephisto to handle it.
   "Not exactly, Sorenti told me to talk to a Tremere, and I came to you, are you close to any?"
    Gabriel felt his heart skip a beat. He didn't know whether to feel insulted or flattered. For Thorp to come to HIM in a situation like this was certainly flattering...however, assuming he would associate himself with ANY Tremere. Gabriel shuddered, feeling his age old hatred well up inside him. He composed himself and forced a calm nature in his voice.
    "No....I don't know any.....Tremere." his voice was slow and articificial, "Perhaps Sorenti was pre-occupied, nothing good can come from a Tremere. We should speak with the Cappadocians instead..."
    "Gabriel....we?" Thorp asked slowly, raising an eyebrow. Gabriel was already striding across the room towards the door.
    "Yes we, it's obvious now that my Sire wished for me to assist you in gathering as much information as possible. Come, we'll see the Cappadocians together."
    Gabriel yanked his black trenchcoat off the coat hanger, threatening to topple it. He pulled it around his shoulders and opened the heavy office doors.
    Within minutes they were riding in the back of Gabriel's limousine towards the Former Prince's Haven. Gabriel looked to Graventhorp. He was STILL very much out of place.
    Gabriel smiled and looked out the window at the passing city.....

((lets get Bats in on this too! but for now you take it away Thorp

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am

Thorp had the urging temptation to trash, or at least dirty a little the limo, it even smelled of some sort of cleaning substance, which was covering old blood scents. Blood had been in here, and not only once.
He looked out the window, the driver was taking the longest way to Cappa Catta, he could've just turned in that alleyway 2 blocks back, straight into the abandoned tunnel, and then be just 3 minutes from Cappa Catta, the way they were going, it would be at least 15 minutes to get there, not counting the traffic.
"Why did Sorenti say Tremere?"
Once again Thorp caught Gabe's reaction to the word.
"Tr-Tremere, Well, I don't know, but the sword was made by Cappas, so we should see Cappas." Gabe turned back to the window.
Thorp coudln't help but wondering, had the prince really made a mistake...had he found out something else? He put a hand over the hilt of the sword that seemed to be turning Cascadia upside-down.

"The limo is making an interesting should have it checked."
"But I hear no..ok I'll make it have checked." Gabe muttered as both kindred stepped down from the limo, already at Cappa Catta.
"Batgirl should be here, we should ask her."
Thorp's mind wandered, last time he ahd seen Batgirl, her face was blood tear stained, and she was kneeling next to Judas..
He shook the memory away, reminding himself he still had not found the seneschal's killer, and concentrated on the present.

((ok, I don't know how cappa catta is, so I'll leave it here. Either of you can continue here,  Bats and Gabe.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
:as the two living dead men exit the car.  A small unnoticed pair of beady eyes blinks.  Then scurries from its trashcan and heads for the sewer drain....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((::runs inside and flushes the toilet that FAT BASTARD took a dump in::))

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((ok, what fat bastard?

cool drain, a spy ghoul rat, excellent

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
((yay drain like my idea ::does the i had a good idea dance:: :biggrin:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
The Assamite guard that Cain had appointed to watch the Cappadocian Catacombs alerted Batgirl to the visitors.

"Gabriel and Thorp you say?  Well they cannot enter the catacombs.  Please stop them at the door."  It was bad enough that Cain had insisted on the guard entering the Catacombs to provide security after her own haven was broken in to but she would not have Gabriel and Thorp enter too.  These halls were sacred and not for the likes of a Ventrue or City Gangrel.

The guard nodded in agreement and left her in the ritual room.  She quickly gathered a few of the items from the table, slipping them into her satchel.  She closed her books and made her way to the entrance, wrapping her cape about her as she walked silently.

She arrived at the guard's side just as she heard Gabriel's voice.

"Is Batgirl here please? We need to speak to her immediately."  The flashy Ventrue owned limo looked very out of place parked in front, as did the well dressed figures standing at the door.

The guard didn't answer as Batgirl stepped forward from the shadows, the hood of her cape almost covering her eyes.

"Good eve" She didn't bow but nodded her head to the two Primogens respectfully "What is it?"

((ok there you go :cool:


PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((gimme a day....too sleepy after my chron to type. but it's comin...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((my brain's left hemisphere (the creative one) never rests. Oh, and bats.. Thorp isn't and will NEVER be well-dressed

Thorp eyes the assamite with no trust, his City Gangrel nature was to compete with the assamites. He finally saw the slender figure of Batgirl approaching, and nodded back at her.
"How can I help you?" the Cappadocian asked
"We come to seek cappa knowledge, perhaps you can assist us?" Gabriel asked, obviously not comfortable with the Assamite guard so nearby.
"What kind of knowledge"
"Maybe we should speak somewhere else" Thorp replied before Gabe could open his mouth, he still didn't trust the assamite.
"somewhere else?" Batgirl asked
"Yeah, Eylsium, ok?" Thorp replied while eyeing the assamite.
Batgirl shrugged, but gabriel said: "But we will need books from Cappa Catta..."
"You can't go in, anyway" batgirl replied wearily "Perhaps we can speak at Elysium, and I will research for you"
The Assamite twitched, imperceptible to anyone not looking for something like that, like Thorp was.
The three kindred entered Gabriel's limousine, and drove off to Eylsium, Thorp relaxed more and more as they got farther and farther from the Assamite, he didn't want to talk about Lupus Mortis near him.

((ok, gabe, take it to the fridge! Umm..or continue it

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((::coughs:: Elysium ::coughs:: Lupus Mortis = weapon ::coughs::  lol :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((lol @ sorenti, you big meanie!!  ok so maybe we'll look at it in the limo OUTSIDE the elysium lol


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