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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  The Final Look...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
   Her padded shoes tapped against the cold, grey stone of the monastary floor. When she finally reached the old oak podium she opened the drawer in the base. Inside the small compartment lay an old leather Bible, worn from years of use. She picked it up and placed it under her arm.
    Sister Tanya sighed and patted the old podium. It had served the monstary for many many years. She would miss this place...but the Guest had found a place more in need and safer for them.
    Ah...the Guest. The blonde haired stranger had wandered into their monstary one night and single handedly renovated it. He claimed to have devouted his life to the Lord, but at times Sister Tanya could feel her doubts in her heart. He was always curtious and helpful...but he slept all day and was out most of the night with what he only referred to as business.
    Still...he was a kind man at heart. And the Lord had blessed them with his aid. She smiled and thought of the many people she would get to touch in the new hamlet he had found. They would need spiritual guidance as well...and a friend. She only hoped she could live up to their needs.
    God would watch over her in her hour of change. He had protected her thus far through out the rampant murders occuring in Cascadia. The Guest was was too dangerous to stay here any longer...the murders on the VERY lawn of their monstary. How she had cried for that poor girl's suffering.
    She walked towards the oak doors....massive and looming, passing slowly through rows of pews. The carpet was very flat now...souls seeking help and guidance had pushed it to a compact floor. She looked around slowly taking it all in once more.
    The Monastary was so bare.....the holy pictures and stages of the cross....all gone. The banners and tapestries...statues....candles...everything gone. Sister Tanya let a melencolly smile peruse her face, her ruby lips drawn up ever so slightly....she would miss it but onto better thing....
    She felt the shiver run up her spine the moment the doors flew open....straining to see through the dark she moved cautiously foward. Someone had entered the Monastary.
    "I'm sorry friend....but we're closed...there's another place of worship across town..." she said shakily.

((ok your worst

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((Sure thing ill do my worst man :) ill post something ic very soon))

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
Valek opened the doors of the monastery....walked in...he saw a nun...she told him
"I'm sorry friend....but we're closed...there's another place of worship across town..."

Valek didnt answered....

-Sister Tanya-" sorry we are closed..."

Valek then put a hand on her throat...squeezing it hard enough...and lifted her....with one arm....he then threw her 10 meters away from she hit then of her leg breaked...she couldnt move anymore....Valek noticed that she was holding a book...he then walked til he reached her...kneeled and took the book....

-Valek-"A bible...."

Valek laughed evily...and said to Tanya...

"A place of worship....i dont seek....look around you....its empty...just like the heart of your God...."

Sister Tanya..then started to cry....

Valek then crushed her other leg...crushing it with his right foot...Valek then opened the bible....turned the pages....and said
"Hear those words...."

Valek started to read the this moment...the windows of the after another....Sister Tanya begged for him to stop....Valek didnt stoped...As Valek continued to read the bible backwards....the pews started to a very violent way....The pews...transformed into...pews of bones...Valek continued....the pews turned into pews of flesh...

Sister Tanya...was crying...and begged for Valek to stop....Valek continued...As Valek continued to read it backwards....the bible then turned on fire.....Valek was still holding it in his hands....he continued to read....the pews were shaking very very violently now...just like if they were about to explode...Valek then said

The pews then exploded they exploded....blood and pieces of flesh were floating around.....Blood and pieces of flesh..landed on Sister Tanya...she screamed and cried in fear.....She begged once again for Valek to stop all of this....


Valek then threw the flaming bible away....he took out his sword...and touched the blade of it....Valek's eyes turned black....

-Valek-"See were you belong....."

Valek then inserted his sword on the grey stones floor of the monastery....Red smoke came out of it....forming a wall of blood....Valek then lifted the nun...and showed it to this wall of blood...the nun could see...HELL...souls being tortured....souls getting burned....souls begging for mercy....demons tormenting them....Sister Tanya's eyes the lit...Her eye's were on fire....she screamed and screamed....the fire burned her eyes...leaving two holes where her eyes once were...Valek then lifted her again...and threw her on the monastery entrance doors...breaking them...she rolled on the monastery stairs...she rolled...on the green grass too....Valek then took his sword off the ground...and walked outside....he saw a rope on the ground....and a 5 meters away from him....he looked down at the nun....and smiled evily....Valek then took the rope...rolled it around Sister Tanya's neck...He then lifted her...and walked til he reached the tree...Valek attached the rope on the the nuns his hanging...and choking.....Valek looked in her face...the nun was obviously in pain....At this moment...Valek took out a dagger from his pocket....and stabbed the nun in her stomach...and cut it open...Valek then took out a book from inside his coat....a black book....made of flesh....he puted it inside the body of the nun...and burned the the wound could close.....He then Carved on her stomach...
"God was not here to save her....and he will not be here to save you either..."

Valek then stabbed the forehead of the nun...rather violently...the dagger...was now in her head....

Valek then looked at the sky....and said
"Here ends the pitiful reign of man!!"

Valek then looked inside the monastery....he mouthed 2 words

Huge black flames...was burning the monastery down...The flames could be seen easily from a long distance....Valek smiled evily and walked away...passing by the forest......

((Ok man...I presume that Gabe will return to see whats keeping Sister Tanya lol :) when he will see her....The book that Valek put in her stomach is a curse....when you will approach her...she will come to life again....and will speak in a demonic language....she will also say
"The end is here...."

If Gabe sees the book that Valek put inside will see a picture of Valek inside the book....Along with a note...the note will say...."The Dark angel returned....The gate of Midian...will open....unleashing...the forces of hell....on earth....The things that were...shall be again....."

And sister tanya will not die....she will continously talk to you in a demonic language lol :) you will have to kill her lol....And its a very nice post man as always good work :) ))

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((yuck! nice job though....i guess i asked for it. lol okay my next post is comin real soon.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
Valek entered the forest.....and walked backwards....looking at what he just did to this made him laugh evily...and continued to walk in the forest...

((ok this post is Continues to the thread "Puppy love" ))

(Edited by Valek at 8:34 pm on Aug. 23, 2001)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 1970 1:00 am Reply with quote
((nice posts guys very nice!!!)))

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