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<  USA  ~  Meanwhile, back in New Orleans...

PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:01 am Reply with quote
Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 10:37 am Post subject: Meanwhile, in New Orleans...


The young Brujah sat at a booth in the club, idly stirring the cranberry/vodka cocktail in his hand. He sat there, curly hair rather unkempt, but somehow, looking like he WANTED it that way. His clothing was decidedly GOTH, yet there was a subtle aura of high intelligence, and the wisdom of many years that showed through on his 20-something visage, implying that he would be just as comfortable in a tweed suit, giving a lecture on Mesopotamian Religions.
The conversation
between himself and the female sitting across from him appeared to be heated at times, and at others, sorrowful. This appeared to be a parting of ways, a fork in the road for Jeighsonne. The woman got up to leave, he arose as well, and they shared a physical embrace, one of only two times they had ever touched each other in so many years... She turned to walk away.
"Lady Sterling... MOTHER... please... no..." he pleaded with her.
She turned back to look at him one last time, gestured a farewell, then walked away, into the crowd.
He sat down, hung his head, and thought,"Well, what now... now that I am alone...", as a single red tear ran down his cheek. His green eyes glowed dim as he sat there, mulling over his options.
"That is not dead, which may eternal lie;
Yet with many strange eons,
Even DEATH may die..."

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Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 5:34 pm Post subject:


The sorrow quickly turned to rage...
He still sensed her presence, so, he rose from his table to find her... Once he walked out of the small club, he didn't have far to look. There she was, weeping in an alley behind the club. He walked up to her, silent, and arms folded...
"Jeigh, I don't know what to say... other than, I'm sorry..."
"..."... he silently stared her down.
"But, it's what's best, the Triumvent has deciced that it would be best if you left us..."
THE TRIUMVENT?!, he screamed. FUCK the Triumvent!!!
YOU made me, not them! So now, on the word of those pompous, self-righteous bitches, you turn your back on ME?! The one who who turned his back on all that he was for YOU?!
"Wait, Jeighsonne.. now hold on a minute, you're way outta line..."
"AND?! what are you gonna do about it?!"
"The Triumvent know what's best, and I won't abide you speaking of them in such a manner!"
"Oh, is that so?"...he asked.
Her eyes became filled with rage, and she reached back and slapped him full force across the face, with a blow that would have sent a mortal's head flying off their shoulders. Visibly stunned, he backed away, then, once realizing that his jaw wasn't broken, he began to laugh...
"HaHaHa.. I guess I have to admit... I was wrong."
Surprised that that was all it took to make him see things her way, she said, "Good... then leave me in peace."
Within the blink of an eye, he was across the alley, and had her by the throat. Using the finger-armor he wore, he slit her throat open. She was stunned, but she'd recover, he knew.. it wasn't a wound that would bleed her dry
"Yes, I was wrong... wrong for ever calling you a mother, wrong for accepting your Embrace, wrong for sitting admiringly at your feet as I have done for so many years now... ENOUGH! I will no longer be subservient to ANYONE, ESPECIALLY to a cunt like you! NOW LEAVE HERE!
The sight of you sickens me!!"
She hobbled off in the darkness, holding her wounded throat.
So, that was it.

THAT bridge was most definitely burnt.
But he chuckled to himself...
...Because for the first time in years, he felt truly ALIVE.

He wandered off into the darkness of New Orleans to see what his future held for him.
"That is not dead, which may eternal lie;
Yet with many strange eons,
Even DEATH may die..."

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Erin Brannagh

Joined: 24 Nov 2002
Posts: 19

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 8:21 am Post subject:


Erin sat at the back of the club her eyes scanning the crowd for something....someone, she didn't even know why she had come here. She had needed some fresh air , so to speak, life had got dull , maybe because of her friendship with sam had made her more vulnerable, made her feel like she was changing to please him.

She had packed her things and left sams earlier that night leaving him a note saying that she was going away for awhile and now she must be sat in one of the sleaziest clubs in new orleans and she let a smile pass over her face.

"back to normality then girlie" she whispered to herself as she continued watching its patrons.

Her brown eyes stopped at a couple and she watched them seemingly having some sort of a quarrel. It was not that which made her eyes stay on them though....they where like her, not of the living, revelling in what it was to be one of the undead.

she flicked her long black hair away from her eyes and the lights caught the streaks of deep blue that ran through it.

Lifting the bottle of bud to her lips she drank slowly as she watched first the woman leave then after a few moments he followed , his face showing no emotion as he pushed his way out of the club.

"hmm to follow.....or not.....ah what the hell"

Erin grabbed her bag and slung it on her back , and walked towards the exit.
"hi baby....come on here"
A drunk leered over her short skirt and netted top as he grabbed her wrist as she passed him.

Erin turned slowly and whispered in his ear, smiling as she watched his face turn white with shock and released her.


Erin stood in the shadows of the street and watched the pair with interest listening carefully to what they were saying.

"ahhh nothing like a fight between sire and sibling" she mused as she watched her hit him.

"you go mama....make him see sense"

Then she raised her eyebrows as he lunger forward and she saw a flash of metal.

((couldnt resist soz lol ::is itching to get back to posting::
we live our lives, forever taking leave.

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Joined: 28 Jun 2002
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Location: Sydney, Australia
Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2003 9:38 am Post subject:


((nice one!!! well done
Your flesh is nice, I want to take a bite.
Your flesh is nice, I want to take you twice...

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Joined: 23 Dec 2002
Posts: 98
Location: The Darkest Part of your mind
Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 3:19 pm Post subject:


Xavier stood in a dark corner of the alley observing the two kindred in there heated argument, using his clan gift of hiding from others to over hear the argument.

"Yes, I was wrong... wrong for ever calling you a mother, wrong for accepting your Embrace, wrong for sitting admiringly at your feet as I have done for so many years now... ENOUGH! I will no longer be subservient to ANYONE, ESPECIALLY to a cunt like you! NOW LEAVE HERE!
The sight of you sickens me!!"
She hobbled off in the darkness, holding her wounded throat.
So, that was it.

THAT bridge was most definitely burnt.
But he chuckled to himself...
...Because for the first time in years, he felt truly ALIVE.

He wandered off into the darkness of New Orleans to see what his future held for him.

Xavier stepped out from the showdows as the two left the alley, he imediately grabbed his cell phone and dialed the Prince of New Orleans phone.

Club Purgatory

Katelynn stood above the dance floor looking down at the crowd that had gathered for the Grand Re-opening of her club that she burnt down a year ago. Smiling at her plan to rebuilt this city her thoughts were interupted by the ringing of her cell phone.

-Katelynn- "Hello.."

-Xavier-"Ms. Walsh, sorry to bother you on your night of reopinging of your club, but I feel we might have a problem here on the streets that you should know about.

-Katelynn- "Oh- what sort of problem."

Overhearing the conversation Malcome, Katelynns most trusted enforcer step forth ready to move into action at the Prince's command.

-Xavier-"A kindred an his sire, seem to be having a dispute, the childe attacked his sire. Should I call Assamites for you?"

-Katelynn-"Was the Tradition of Destruction commited?"

-Xavier-"No! no-one dead yet."

-Katelynn-"No then the scourage will not be nessacery at this moment, follow them and find out what you can about them, and if the will be a problem to our plan for this city."

-Xavier-"It will be done, enjoy the rest of the evening, my Prince....Its great to have you back in town."

As Katelynn put her phone back in her pocket she heard Malcome voice come from behind her.

-Malcome-"Shall I get your swords Katelynn?"

-Katelynn- "No that will not be needed yet, Did you get in contact with Theo?

-Malcome-"Yes, Mr. Bell will be here tonight, to formalize you reclaiming the Title of Prince."

-Katelynn-"Great...What about the position of the remaining Sabbat in the city?"

-Malcome-"Most of the Sabbat have been pushed back towards Baton Rouge, the few that remain behind the scourage on the prowl for them as we speak, they will no longer be a problem. I must say hiring Assamite to act as scourage was a very cleaver idea, as long as they do not turn on you."

-Katelynn-"Dont worry about the Assamites, they have been paid well, and will not quit until the job they have been hired for is complete. Come now we must prepare for Theo's arrival, As of tonight the Kindred Laws will be fully enforced, any violators will feel the harshments of breaking those laws.

Back on the streets

Xavier began to follow Jeighsonne keeping his distance and hiden from the eyes of all. He then realized he was not the only one following this Kindred, but he could tell things were about to get interesting once again.

(**IMPORTANT NOTE- By me posting this is by no means saying that NoN is reforming or anything like that just thought it would be interesting to post something on my old stomping grounds of New Orleans)
Beware, Mighty Prince! Your doom is on the horizon. Three heads it has, five legs and two tongues. It will come to your city and befriend your enemies, who know...who know the way...damn. Lost reception. I can try again later, should it please my prince.

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Joined: 28 Jun 2002
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Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 4:34 pm Post subject:


(( Very nice post there ))

Bound to evil, carrier of Satan's mark.
Wherever I will walk, the world will tremble.
Thus I have spoken, thus shall it be....

PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:19 am Reply with quote
Jeighsonne felt two beings following him, so, he quickly ducked into the safest place he knew of, "The Witchcraft Shoppe" on Tolousse St.
"Rhiannon, I need your help..." he spoke into the dimly lit place.
"What is it?", the 50ish year old Witch asked.
"Well, I don't know, but let's just say that in severing some old ties, I seem to have made some new friends... or enemies. I don't know as of yet."
"I told you it was a bad road to follow, I told you that 30 years ago when you first came into this place... You remember me pointing out those damn leeches at the Blue Crystal"
"Well, alot of things have happened since then, YOUKNOW THAT, right now, I just need to kinda lay low for the day, I assume my "special" room is still in order... ...and by the way, I happen to be one of those 'leeches' now, so mind your tongue, please."
"Of course, I told you I'd keep a place for you, regardless of your decision...
"Well, it's time I took you up on your offer..."
Jeighsonne slipped through the small apartment attached to the back of the shop, past Rhiannon's prize possesion, the apothecary that once belonged(supposedly) to Marie LaVeau. through a small hole, to a bricked off, secluded room that was once used during the days of the Underground Railroad... How ironic, that a room used once to hide slaves, was now being used by a member of a race that may well soon rule the world... Jeigh had to suppress a slight chuckle.
He slipped off into the darkness, bedded down, then let his thoughts slip into the past as he drifted off...
((N.O. was MY old stomping grounds as well... :) ))

PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:57 am Reply with quote

Sterling hobbled to a nearby payphone. The feedings she had done helped somewhat, but she knew she would bear this wound for awhile...

"Hey, where are you?!"
"In New Orleans... Jeighsonne has wounded me, but I'll be alright..."
"WHAT WHERE YOU DOING?!", a suddenly irate voice questioned.
"Well, I had HOPED to let him down easy... I know, I know you told me differently, but I felt obligated, as he WAS mine, at one time..."
"Are you OK?"
"Yes", Sterling answered, "I'm ok, just more than a little pissed off at the moment."
"It matters not", Nancy answered, "Get your ass back over here to Alabama... Xi and I have a few things to discuss with you. Forget about that bastard. He has no shelter there. The locals will polish him off soon enough. You're in hostile territory. As far as the three of us are concerned, he no longer exists. The name "Jeighsonne" will never again be uttered from any of our lips.. Understood?"
"COMPLETELY...", Sterling answered, casting a glance over her shoulder, suddenly on guard by Nancy's warning of being in "hostile territory". "I'm on my way home... WITHOUT Jeighsonne.. and happy of it."
She hung up the phone, looked around nervously, then made her way through the darkness to a cab, which took her to the airport, where the small private plane awaited her. Right before she boarded it, she cast another glance over her shoulder...
"Piss on it all.." she said, as she left and headed home.

Meanwhile, in a small, dank, uncomfortable crypt of a room, Jeighsonne thought to himself that this was a small price to pay for his freedom. He sensed his Sire moving farther away at a great speed, and assumed she had boarded the Triumvent's private plane, and was on her way East, back where she belonged...
"Well, she's gone. Back to whence she came. And here I am, back where it all started, starting all over again myself. Geez, I was a teenager when I was last in this room, by human years, I'd now be 48...
.. how time flies when you're having fun."
He smiled to himself, but, deep down, he made a solemn vow to himself to not think of Sterling, Nancy, or Xi again... this was a time of rebirth. Almost instinctively, he crossed his arms over his chest and went to sleep, looking much like a corpse...
..."How fitting", he thought to himself... "Tonight, I have died, as far as my old life is concerned... Tomorrow, I will rise, reborn, to experience new things, taste new flavors, learn new strenghts, abandon old weaknesses"... Then he thought of the reason he was here, the two unknown presences trailing him through the night, and added, "And, possibly, to make new friends..."
Then he mumbled, half under his breath, in an uneasy tone...
"or enemies."... he drifted off to sleep the sleep of the dead.

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