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<  USA  ~  DarkHunter

PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 9:49 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
There was silence about the room, it was cold and she could hear whipping around the old house. How did I get stuck in here like this again? Not only for the second time, but the third. What did I do? Why do I keep coming back. Of, course she was not stable, for no one in their right mind would be after that night. The screams came next followed by a low hiss. They were at it again and there was nothing she was going to be able to do except sit here in this damn room and freeze to death. Why? Shaking her head softly she rose to her feet, her knees shaking with every step she took. She would be damned if she died in here like this. Walking with extra care, softly, and as quiet as she could possibly walk she snuck out of the first room. One more room to get through and than she would have her stretch to forest. Her breathing had pretty much stopped as sweat began to drip down her forehead as she move closer to the front door. There was another loud scream, murdering, almost crying out for help, maybe the other person was being murder? It sure sounded like they where. She was almost to the door, almost out of this place. But it was to late the moment she had looked back at the door she had already taken a step to quick without looking or thinking. She had tripped over a lamp that had fallen. Landing on the ground as soft whimper escaped from her lips as her head hit the floor.

Silence filled the whole house, as moving feet were heard up stairs. Get up, run now, go. The only thoughts that where running through her head as she turned and dashed out the front door and ran. It felt like forever, it might have only been ten minutes but it felt like a century. Again, she was not paying attention but than again it was pitch black outside and the thickness of the fog was not helping her any. She had tripped this time over a branch and again she fell. Her head this time hitting a rock and knocking her out.

He had watched her movements ever since she left the house, had been walking behind her through the forest. He made his way over to the spot in which he had saw her go down, for he was sure she was more than likely hurt. His long cloak clung to his body as he hovered over the poor helpless little girl. Scooping the small child up in his arms he turned and began to walk off towards the west. He had question many things before, many things of why he still walked these parts. But seeing the child in his arms he understood why he was given the power he had and why he refused to go back to the life he had once lived.

It was getting close to dawn as he had made his way out of the forest. The sun was rising, the grass was covered in the morning dew, as a line of fog covered part of the ground. The house was old, it was nothing speical, but it was his home. He pushed through the doors and closed it using his foot. Walking over to the couch he gently laid the small girl on the couch and covered her with a blanket. Turning on his heel he walked over to the other chair and just sat there. Rising his left hand to the hood of his cloak he pulled down, revealing his pale face and his dark blue eyes. There were several scars that lined his face but with the lighting in the room it would be hard for anyone to make. The house was dark, no lights, no windows, a couch, a spar chair, a room with a closed door off to the left and pair of stairs leading up.

After several hours of just sitting there watching the girl she finally stirred, before jolting up to a sitting postion. Her chest was raising and falling with each breath that she took. She tried to move further than a sit up position but her head hurted so much she was not even sure she was going to be able to go anywhere else. In house? How did she get here? It wasn't the hosue she was being forced to stay in, it was different and it felt safe. Slowly she turned her head to look at the man. Blinking softly as she stared at him dumb fondly.

"Your safe I promise you no harm."

Again she just stared at him for a couple of more minutes, before she tilted her head to the left a little bit.

"I.. I.. Why?"

The man softly smile as he laughed softly. "Because my child you were hurt and scared and I know of the place that you were running out of."

"Your not going to take me back there are you?" She should concern and probably even a hint of being worried. She didn't want to go back to that place, she didn't want to have to think about living if she had to back there.

He shook his head softly "No, I was not planning on it. And I really think you don't want to go back there either. I don't have any food, but if your hungry I am sure I will be able to get you something."

Again she was taken off by surprised again at this, why does he care about if she was hungry or not. She bit her bottom lip softly and nodded a little "Alright."

Slowly he got up from his chair as he came to stand about 7ft tall. Broad shoulders, white hair, pale skin and deep dark blue eyes. Leda could of swore that she was in a dream. It felt like a dream, he looked like a dream. She shook her head softly as she laid back down on the couch and pulled the cover over her and closed her eyes. Sleep, its all she really wanted to do, it was all her body really needed at this point. He stood there watching her, he said nothing, but the smile seemed to linger over his lips for a moment before he pulled the hood of his cloak back over his head. Turning he walked out of the house and silently closed the door. Heading straight back into the forest to go on with his job as he liked to call it.

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 11:24 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
Ok. I'm intrigued now. :D Is there more to come? Obviously. The question is when. :?:

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 6:31 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
((*grins* I am sure when I get some more time at work thise one will be updated. lol I just need time. hehe :D ))

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 8:52 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
Night was beginning to fall over the area once again. Once again there was that painful hollowing scream that came from the old house in the middle of the forest. He stood probably now more than a good 10ft away from the entrance of the house. It was best to begin something that was soon to happen anyways.

"Why don't you come out and face me!!" His voice thundered out.

Another painful scream was heard, the hollowing grew even more louder. The russeling of feet, and than a crash. He knew damn well that the thing inside that house heard him. The creature did hear him, heard him well enough for the bond between the two was still weak but if one tried hard enough they would beable to pick up on the thoughts that each other was thinking. Scrambling about in the house the creature looked over the dead naked womans body and let out another hollowing scream. Emerging out of the bedroom on the top floor he was quickly at the bottom of the stairs. It as if the creature could not even walk, it was more of a float, hovering sort of. His movements were quick, sharp, and precise. The door was open as he stepped out on the front porch. Everything was a blur, it always was a blur, but he could damn well make you the outlines of every little thing. He heard his breathing, he could he the blood flowing through Dark Hunter's veins. Again, he gave out another loud piercing scream. When he spoke it was almost as if he was hissing everyone to get it out..

"Wwhhhhhhhat.. Dooooo youuu wwwwwannnnttt?"

The cloaked man, the dark hunter as he was refered to by so many others just stood there, sizing the damn thing. It had been about three years since they last saw each other, since he left this place. Lifting his left hand to the hood of his cloak the pulled it down as he revealed to him his face, though he also knew the creature only saw the outlines.

"Your time has come to and end."

The creature gave out another hollow, it was almost as if it was its way of laughing, or making any type of noise possible.

"Sooooooo, yyooooooouuuu haaaaaaavveeee cooooomme tooooooo plaaaaaay god? IIIIIII creeeeated yooou."

The cloaked man shrugged softly, "And I have pretty much destoryed the bond between use. I've not come tp play God, but I have come to an end to your little games."

"Buuuuut youu wwweere apppaaart oooof that beeeefffoooore."

"It doesn't matter now, I refure to watch you do this any longer to these people."

"Yoooouu haaaaaave foooouuund the chiiiild thaaaan."

"I don't know what you speak of, there has been no childern in these parts for years. And I have not seen one on my end of forest."

"IIIII seeee. Thhhheeere issssss sssssssstilll hoooope yeeeeet."

"Hope for what?"

"Thhhhaaaaat chiiiiilllld haaaaas sommmmmething IIIII waaaaant"

"Beside the blood that is coursing through her veins! What the hell could you possible want from her?!"

The creature paused, it stared pierced through the other man. Something, could possibly. Yes, he was lying to him about the girl. He has her, or maybe he wants to patch things up. But why, why would he help her? What has he been doing this whole entire time that they have not seen each other? Again, another loud hollow escaped from the creatures mouth as he pushed himself forward, moving off of the porch and now coming to stand about a good few feet away from the vampire. The creature was covered in a dark mist, one that was constantly moving, always swirling around him. His black eyes were hardly even able to be seen. Though a human body could possibly be seen if one was to stare hard enough at the creature.

"Shhhhheee haaasss sssssomeething oooother thaaaan blooood in heeeer."

The dark hunter stepped closer to the creature, anger showing in his eyes. "Stay away from her, stay away from this place. And if I see you harm another person I will have your head!"

Again, another hollow and than another. "Yooooouu fooool. Whaaaat maaakeessss yoooou thiiink thaaaat yoooou could possssible beeeat meeeee?"

"I am warning you Fredrick."

Anger shot through the creature as he heard his once real name, his human name. He screamed, a loud eye drum piercing scream. Turning sharply he dashed out into the forest and was simply gone. The dark hunter knew what buttons to push, knew what to say, and he also knew what to do to hurt the creature. A trade of sorts, he could pick up on someone's weakness and burn them down. The girl!! Turning on his heel he quickly ran back into the forest.

(To Be Cont.)

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 10:59 pm Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
Ok. I'm hooked for now. :) I'll just have to wait patiently for the rest. But you have to understand that it's been a drought of readable material for the past week or so and I'm thirsty!! mwhahahhaha

BTW. keep up the good work! You're getting better! 8)

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 6:59 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
((hehe. Thanx. Sorry its taking me alittle bit longer to get these done. But such things happen with life. So enjoy.))

He was half way through the forest when the rain started pouring down. The creature was out roaming around now, he could hear the vivid hollows the creature was making. It was all around, as if the creature was everywhere. Another night of death would pass for some helpless person. His thoughts however were still on the girl. What could possibly be in her blood that he needs? Than it dawned on him, for the same reason why he was who he was today. The same reason why he was doing this, searching, for the same type of people that came into that house and was able to with stand the wrath of the creature. He knew damn well that he was not powerfull enough to up against him, but he had a hunch that the girl had already been tested. Why didn't he see it? She didn't look like she had, she doesn't look like she had been through anything at all. There were no bruses on her, no scars, no nothing. He shook his head softly, knowing he shouldn't question this, the girl should probably just be killed for her own sake.

He reached the end of the forest once again and there he stopped to look upon the house he had been living in for three nows, it almost seemed different. It was different, there was a blue aura surronding the outline of every curve or dent that the house had. A confused expression crossed over his face as he picked up in speed and kicked down the front door. The girl quickly jumped up off the couch, letting out a soft scream. Her eyes search about the room quickly as her chest was rising and falling with each breath she took.

"I..I am sorry."

The cloaked figure tilted his head somewhat as he himself glanced around the room quickly, than turn picked the door up and placed it in its place and left it there for now..

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You did nothing wrong."

The girl nodded softly as she tried to calm herself down. Slowly she slide back down to the couch in a sitting position. She felt safe here and that man looked safe so it was alright, she would maybe be okay. Her vision started to get fuzzy as she felt the room start to spin. She bite her lip softly as she closed her eyes and laid her head down on the arm chair.

"Whats wrong?" His voice was filled with concern and worry.

"I.. I.. I think I am tired. Everything is spinning."

He nodded somewhat "Just rest, relax. Try not to think about anything you will be safe here in this house."

The girl sighed softly, she wanted so much to believe him, to believe his words. But she knew herself that she had been given a speical power a long time ago. He would have to be the one to unleash her, to change her into something she was not willing to give her life to yet at the moment. Shaking her head softly she pulled the blanket closer to her, almost clinging to it for dear life. Closing her eyes as she spoke with great worry and barealy above a whisper as she closed her eyes and tried to pretend the room was not spinning around.

"There has always been talks about you. Talks about a hunter that roams the forest in search of people who are lost and helps them out. Many have talked about the creature that has haunted these parts for centuries and the one who used to help him who know longer is alive anymore. I don't know they seem like stories back than, I wish I could believe they were stories. But I knew they were not and that these people did truely exists. But why me?"

Her voice trailed off after that as she once again feel back asleep. He just stood there staring at her, watching her sleep. He could not bring him to the thought having to embrace her, to change her. Than again it sounded as if she was actually the one, the one who would always understand it all, who could tell whether or not something was happening within the choaic world. Why her? She seemed so innocent, so pure of heart. Shaking his head softly as he turned and headed up the stairs, thinking it would be bet if he even got some sleep.

The howlings coming from the creature could of woken the dead. Maybe that was his whole intent, to let them know that he was looking for both of them. You see every creature has some type of weakness, something that destroy its insides form emotions and the existences in which it lives. He had two; the ever growing part of his human emotions still lingered somewhere deep inside his hollowed soul and he was unable to leave the forest as if he was bound to it. Whatever the case may or may not have been he never left the forest, never left his dwelling. He called upon his prey in their sleep, with visions of nightmares, hopes, desire, and lust. He craved everything about them even though he used to be one of them. Humans were his soul key to surveying in this ever changing world. With a gift to bliss one mortal of a life of immortality and for that one they would be given the gift to embrace one other that was souly choosen to carry out this plan, this gift of evil it might have seen. Protold on to all, the visions that he did see, the one of his own. The ones that drove him out to seek this man that turned him into what he is today. It didn't matter though, it didn't matter to him or to anyone else that he was stuck like this until he pissed someone off that was strong enough to him.
He moved quickly through the woods than before, he could smell his tracks, his blood. His own blood. He let out another loud howl as he quickly drew to a stop just right at the edge of the forest his gaze burning out towards the cottage. The cottage that sat no more than five feet away from the forest's edge. He took a step forward and the moment that he did a jolt of electricty shot through his body and began eating away at his skin. Quickly he jumped back and let out another loud ear piecring scream.

She was already sitting up, with her chest rising and falling as her breaths came in quick gasps. He nearly stumbled down the stairs as he struggled to get his trench cloak on, his focused on her for a moment and than to the door.

"Its alright, he can't leave the forest." He began walking to the door and was about to move it when he heard her voice.

"No. Please, don't, I don't want to see him."

He laughed softly at this, she was still scared of the creature, still feared him for whatever reason there was to have fear. "Fear not child, if he frightens you that much go up to the stairs."

She shook her head as she slide of the couching moving to the stairs, her eyes filling with tears. "I don't want to do this, I want no part of this, or a part of you! You don't have to be such a cold hearted bastard just because I am frighten!!"

He was already standing right by her, his anger burning through his eyes, it showed and he knew it showed just by the look on her face. He grasped her neck tightly with his left hand.

"If I was such a cold hearted bastard I would have left you out there for him!!"

He let her go with a light shove against the wall, turned on his heel and once again tore the door of and stepped outside. The creature gave out another loud hollow.

"Yoooooooou waaaaaant meeeee thaaaaaan coooooooome annnnnd geeeeeeetttt meeeeee!!!!!" His voiced hissed every word, he was filled with pain, pain of desire in which drove him to the maddness in which he thrived on day in and day out. Turning he scramped back in the forest and ran, hollowing like the creature he truely was.

The dark hunter stood there, he was about to run after him. To end this silly game of mouse and cat. The girl, what about the girl? She knew her part that she would have to play in this and he didn't have to explain anything like he thought he would. He turned around walked back inside and prompt the door against the frame and than looked back over towards the stairs and the sight he saw tore him in two. There she was curled in a ball, sobing, her arms were wrapped around her knees as she held them close to her chest. Slowly, he made his way over to her, sliding out of his cloak as he tossed it onto the couch. Crouching down beside her as he gently stroked her purple hair.

"I'm sorry. Sorry that I scared you or hurt you. It was not my intent I hope you know that. I understand that this is hard for you. And that you may not want to do this, trust me I don't want to either. But if you don't I understand and I will takr you home now if you wish it so."

She slowly uncurled herself, wrapped her arms around her neck and hugged him tightly, but the tears where still falling as she spoke, trying so hard to calm herself down.

"I'm Leda and I have nothing to go home to. My place is here by your side."

His own arms wrapped around her as he held her tightly to him. Picking her up as he held her in his arms, smiling gentle down at her. "I promise no one will harm you. Ever."

With that he turned and walked up the stairs, as once again he was going to prelong something that was going to happen one way or another. But another night, away from the chaos of this world in which they would both have to face again.

(To Be Cont)

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 9:25 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
She woke up the next morning to a dreamless sleep. It was as if she was untouched by the creatures dreams and she didn't quite understand why. Shrugging softly as her eyes gazed over at his face, he almost seemed like a dream for it looked like he was not even alive. The thought gave her chills. Slowly and carefully she crawled out of the coffin, making sure not to touch him for she did not want to wake him. Glancing around the room she released that there was hardly nothing up here but a small sized lab with green liquid. Again she shook her head and slowly slipped out of the room and walked down the stairs. That is when it hit her, the thrusts from the creature and the lust that he and for her was just overwhelming for her own body to handle. She fell back and landing sitting on the middle stair as a soft whimper escaped from her lips. Her body began sweating as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, it was a feeling she had never known before. Her legs where trembling as she whispered harshly..


Its all it took for him to be standing beside the coffin, the moment for him the realize that she had gotten out without him even noticing. How? Where? Dammint go. He stepped around the room and came to stand at the top of the stairs, his gaze falling upon her quickly, he could feel everything about her, everything. Slowly he stepped down the stairs as he fought off his own urges for her, scooping her up in his arms as he turned back around and walked into the room. He gentle laid her back into the coffin and tried his best to offer a reassuring smile.

"I tell you what, you tell me how you even got to the stairs without me know and I will help you take care of your problem."

Her problem? How did he plan on even helping her? She only nodded softly as she bite on her lip softly. Her voice was soft and shaky with each word that she had to speak.

"I... I know I have special powers. It was said even when I was little that I was special and that I would needed to be watched all the time." She paused, took a breath and than closed her eyes. "I tried learning small things on my own, but no matter what I did it would always result in me getting hurt. So I stopped after I learned how to move around quietly because I saw no point in hurting myself to learn new things few other people were always hurting me."

Her voice trailed off as she slowly opened her eyes to look at him. He nodded softly at this and was still smiling or really giving her that reassuring smile. She smiled back at him or at least gave him a faint one to show that she appreciated the gesture from him. He turned around and walked over to the table and picked up a vile of the green liquid that was on the table and just stood there has his head slowly tilted downward.

"My real name is Andy. But like everyone you know me as the Dark Hunter. I prefer Dark Hunter seeing is how my human self died when I became this."

Turning around he slowly began to walk over to her, but this time the smile had all but faded from his face. An expression of torment and pain seemed to lingering in his eyes as he let out a soft sigh.

"I promised you I would not hurt you. So in doing that I am going to tell you every important detail about me so you don't find any of this out on your own. You spoke of a man that use to help the creature. That man is me. After only a year of serving him I had realized my mistake and took refuge here to hide in shame for my mistakes."

He paused, maybe to let her take it in or to give himself a moment before he told her the rest.

"I promise you I will let nothing bad happen to you in the sense of being harm. For I don't know if you will even like the change that you need to take in order to do this. To calm yourself I will give you this. It will basically eliminate the bond between him and you until you are ready to change and let me embrace you. So until that time you can drink this."

She blinked and stared at him, it was all she could do, she was not sure of what to do or say at the moment all she knew was that her heart was pounding and she knew for a fact it was because of him. Nodding softly she sat up and slowly slid out of the coffin and stood next to him. She was about 5'6, icy blue eyes, red hair, and she was thin. She looked to weigh about 110lbs if that. He smiled softly and nodded.

"I just want to ask you something that has been bothering me. How old are you?"

She grinned "You tell me and I will tell you."

He chuckled softly and grinned as well "In human years I honestly don't know. I have been immortal for about a good century now."

She smiled and nodded "I'm 20."

Shaking his head softly as he let out another chuckle. "Boy, you sure hide that well my dear. Now, to the serious stuff. Which would you like to do now? Do you want to wait? Or would you like to be embraced now?"

She gentle laid her head against his chest and shrugged softly “I suppose it would be now or never.”

He nodded “Alright then, tonight we will begin.”

(To Be Cont)

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 11:53 pm Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
That's it? You leave me hanging here like this!!?? :shock: WWAAHH!!

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 8:24 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
((*laughs and grins* I don't think your gonna like how I ended this one.. hehe. Enjoy))

The morning had passed just like the other one had did; she once again had a dreamless sleep and had come to the conclusion that it was something about him. It was the only way for her to explain it. She stretched slightly and yawned, his eyes were open he was smiling as her eyes met his. She smiled softly back at him and slipped out of the coffin and he soon followed suit.

"Are you ready?"

She nodded softly "I am."

He nodded softly and turned her to face him as he pulled her closer to him and wrapper his arms gently around her waist. She was so small, but the change would also help this out somewhat. He drew his mouth down to her neck and inhaled slowly. Opening his mouth as he gently snuck his fangs into her neck as he began drink her blood. A wave of heat mixed with pleasure rushed over her body, her knees where trembling as she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. She wrapped her hands tightly around him as she felt her life slowly start to drain from her very eyes. She saw images, of him, his life, and his human life. But they were all in a blur; nothing could really be made out all the way. Her eyes slowly closed as she collapsed on him. He slowly eased his fangs out of her neck and laid her gently on the ground. Pulling a small dagger out he slit his left wrist and placed it over her mouth.


She opened her mouth a portion of the way as drank the blood that was running down from his wrist. Her mouth closed over his wound as she began drinking his blood. It felt weird, and almost unreal. But she felt the smallest of things slowly come to life in her mind. It wasn't before long before he slowly pulled her mouth off of his wound on his wrist, scooped her back up into his arms and laid her back into the coffin.

"Rest now. You’re going to need it. I promise I will be back."

He turned and walked out of the room and down the stairs. Walking over to the couch he picked up his cloak slipped it back on moved the door, placed back upon the frame, turned around and stopped directly in his tracks. There stood the creature; standing about almost nine feet tall with a black ooze, oozing off of it body and burning the ground the moment it hit the ground. The creature was pacing back and forth, hissing softly when it let out soft hiss. His voice was different; it almost sounded human but had the strange demonic hiss but not as bad as it was before.

"You think you don't know what your doing?! You change her and now you plan on trying to get rid of me!! You fool, she was made for one purpose and one purpose alone!!"
The dark hunter slowly walked down the steps and came to stand about a good five feet from where the creature was pacing. Shaking his head softly as he let out a soft chuckle.

"She has more of a purpose than you know. Or what you portray her to have."

The creature stopped pacing and stepped back, his gaze focusing on the Dark Hunter. "You think you can control? Her mind will not be able to witttth stand what you are doing!! You fool!! You never think anymore!! Stop thinking with your damn heart and let me have her before you kill us both!!'

"Good!!! She kills us both and we are both paid for our crimes and that would be it! You said there was others! Go get them! But I promise you I will come for you!"

"I'm right here. What are you waiting for?"

"You must really take me for a fool. I am no idiot I know I can't beat you."

"Ahhh than you have a brain after all. How interesting. Than what will you send her to come face me than? You know what I am able to do."

That thought, that feeling, that memory. It all came flooding back as if it was nothing. He felt bad, guilty, as if once again he was doing something wrong. But she understood her place more than they had originally thought she would. She knew this what was going to happen to her. How could that be wrong? How was that a mistake? Again he began hating himself for beginning the process of turning her. He shook his head and looked at the creature.

"No, I will not send her after you. I will never let you put her through the torment like you did me. Never." He was serious his tone was dead serious. The creature hadn't heard him speak since the last time they had fought, when the creature nearly died the first time. The sound of the ringing truth echoed throughout the creature’s head. The creature stepped frothed and hissed softly.

"You want a game of cat and mouse than? Than you shall have it!!" The creature whipped around and fled back into the forest.

He shook his head softly as he let out a soft sigh, turned around and walked back to the porch steps and sat down. He was planning on walking; just taking it easy while the transformation took place. But now he was worried that the creature would try and send other vampires after him and her. It was something he had to check into more. For if there was a clan that was solely devoted to what the creature was doing. They were headed for a long road up hill and he knew that if he left her here by herself something was bound to happen. Shaking his head softly he let out a soft sigh as he sat there listening to the howls that were coming from the creature. It somehow still didn’t seem right, he was damned to this life, is now forcing the life upon a girl who knew her part. What about the other clans? He rose to his feet and walked about five feet away from the house. Spun quickly on his heel and drew forth a black katana and quickly dropped to his knees as the blade of the sword went into the ground.

“Everything that has forsaken me, through the light and the darkness of this woman. Protect this house with light of thy holy name until I return.”

A white light shot out from the ground, which caused him to fall back on the ground as he landed on his arse with a grunt. The white light shot up and over the house from the top to the bottom of the ground. It lasted for about a moment before the white light slowly went down to a white mist. He smiled somewhat, proud at this; at least no dark creature or any mind with an evil intent would be able to get into the house to harm her. Rising to his feet he turned and began walking back to the city to see exactly how bad things were going to get for the both of him, but he didn’t care about himself, he was more worried about her.

She lay there, drifting in and out of consciences, her mind slowly growing. Of course it was always said that she was special, its just no one really knew for sure how deep this had ran. For centuries her bloodline was conversed for a main purpose; a weapon of destruction. The creature was right she had to be watched, she had to have some type of special care. But the care she needed was love; it was the only thing her mind lacked. For the good faith from the Dark Hunter she was now becoming the one thing everyone feared. But the question would have to be would she with stand the transformation.

(To Be Cont)

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 9:50 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
The town was a good couple of hours or so away. Living out in the middle of nowhere is not really a bad a thing, than it also could be a bad thing. The first place the Dark Hunter stopped at was at a local bar a local hang out for vampires on the street and of course this is place where the gossip is always at. He pushed through the doors and paused at the entrance and glanced around. The room got deadly quiet the moment everyone was able to look at him. There was always a rumor, of him but he never really ventured out into the city. But now here he stood in their presence. The whispers of talks slowly picked up once he started to move to the bar. A woman who was sitting at the far end of the bar was watching him. She let out a soft chuckle, slipped from her barstool and walked over to him and sat in a seat next to his.

"Well, well, well. I'll be damned. What in Gods name are you doing here?"

He lifted the hood of his cloak and pulled it down as his eyes gazed over the woman. "Your already damned and I am here for my reasons. Good enough for you?"
She frowned "Sorrry." With that she scouted of the bar stool and went back her little corner.

The bartender came up and nodded to him next. "Long time no see Andy."

The Dark Hunter nodded "Yes, I know. How are you? And can I get the usual."

The bar tender nodded and stepped back and pick up a black bottle and sat it down in front of him. "Me, well you know. Nothing has changed since you left and nothing has gotten better. I am here still doing the same old same old."

Andy nodded "Better than doing nothing I suppose." He picked up the bottle, twisted off the cap and took a nice big drink and set it down on the bar counter.

"How are the wife and kids?"

The bar tenders face got pale as he took a shaky breath and sat down on the bar stool behind the bar.
“Well, let’s see here. They are both dead and they have been dead for about two years now.”

He nodded softly at this and picked his bottle up and down about a little over half of it. He sighed softly as he sat the bottle back down upon the bar counter.

“I’m sorry to have brought that up. Do you know who did it?”

The bar tender shrugged somewhat as he got up and began serving another regular customer. “Yeah and you know who it is. You know there have been rumors about you both rumors in which that you were dead. But I don’t know. It’s still a little hard for me right now to sit here and look at you. Why are you here anyway?”

He shrugged softly as he picked the bottle up off the counter and downed the rest of it. Setting it back down he waited until the other customer was gone before he told him why he was exactly here and why it took so long for him to even come back and face society.

“I’m back because of an old legend or myth that some would like to say has come true. I have not been working with that creature for almost about three years now. I would rather seem him dead than anything else.”

“So, the girl is real?”

“Yes, she is real and in the moment being turned.”

“I see. So it has begun after all.” He chuckled somewhat “The vampire clans have been at the brinks of war this last century and now to even think of this is almost unreal.”

“A lot of things seem unreal. Hell, even when I found out I was the one that had to help that damn creature out that even seemed unreal. But, that is the past and I refuse to help him anymore.”

“What about the girl?”

“What about her?”

“Wasn’t it said that once she was turned she would need the guidance from the creature in order to live?”

“Yes, it was said this. But that’s not the case. She knows more than what everyone thought she would know.”

“Quite interesting if you ask me.”

The Dark Hunter nodded to this, for he was not going to lie to his old friend about any of this. But trust is a thin line to walk sometimes in order to tell someone about the major importance of what is going on. There always seemed to be someone who was bound to give into the other side and try to make things work out the best for them. But how was he to know that his old friend was holding grudge that ran deeper than a blood line.

“How many connections does he have?”

“More than you could ever image.”

It was the one thing that he did not want to hear. The one true thing though was it could have been a warning to him as well. The Dark Hunter nodded and stood up, placed a couple gold pieces on the bar counter and walked out. The bartender turned and nodded to the woman that was sitting at the far end of the bar.

“Follow him.”

The bar tender than turned and looked to a couple of guys sitting at the table. “Go back and let the word be told, he is here.”

Of course who would have known that this could happen? Who would have known that your very own brother, your own blood would do such things like this? He never expected it and of course e would never see it coming. He takes your trust and holds on to it until he is betrayed. It may not have been the best of ways to live but it was the only way he knew how to live.

A few more passing hours, moments even the word was soon out. And the small several people that were training for years for the worst where gathering in the forest where the house was in which the girl was at. They knew about the barrier protection, they knew more that what they should have known. But no one would be ready for the events that are going to take place. The simplest cry for help could not have alerted anyone for the terror that was soon about to take place,

(To Be Cont)

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 9:41 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
By the time he had return it was too late, possible there was no way of knowing that this was ever going to happen. There are about twenty over vampires surrounding the field that he had placed up before he left. He drew to a stop about mid way. There was a good chance no one would see him, but there also was a chance someone would. He sighed softly and just shook his head.

“Why not come forth my young and release this field you have so finely placed up.”

The voice was from someone he knew, someone he had ties to a long time ago. But how in the world was she here? He could fight his way out of this, but he was running the risks of having to take on every one and than flee. Slowly he began making his way to the center of the group. Pushing the hood of his cloak down as he got a great view of the person that was speaking to him. She was wearing an all black leather outfit, had a katana strapped to her back. Standing at about seven foot, black hair, and icy blue eyes, it was the woman in which taught him how to fight. Now, he knew just how far that line had run and how many people were really involved with this mess.

“So, I take it no one ever thought to come consult me when I left him three years ago?”

“Darling, everything we heard was rumors and we were unable to get out here for the sake of you.”

“The sake of me? You act like if I were to see you guys it would have messed with my mind or something.”

The shrugged softly as her eyes roamed over his body, the cloak was hiding everything if he actually had anything underneath the cloak.

“Look, if you are really looking for a fight there are about fifty vampires standing around. You think you can get through all of them and than me than you can go on about your merry fucking way. If not, and if you still wish to live than I suggest you come over here and take this force field down so we can do our job.”

“Your job? And what exactly is your job?”

“To make sure that this fucking mess gets taken care of.”

“You explain in great detail, not like the teacher I once knew.”

“You fucking bastard!” In one clean movement the tip of her blade was pointing at his neck. “I did not want to do this!! But I had no fucking choice!!”

He nodded softly, again the stakes of what was really going on here were showing by the second and he was now beginning to wonder what would happen to him should he just release this field.

“She is not ready to be woken yet. She still needs another day.”

“A day for what?!”

“I am turning her!! The process is not down I am not just going to let you go in there and take her when she is still fighting off the mere stages of this. Hell we will be lucky if she lives through this.”

“Look I don’t care what fucking stage she is in. We have orders and I suggest you start getting into the habit of following them before you end up dead!”

“Move your blade than.”

The woman lowered her sword as she herself took a step back and inhaled somewhat. The Dark Hunter stepped forth to be the sword was placed into the ground. He inhaled softly as he closed his eyes and held out both his hands.

“Power of light to thy God in the Heavens I call forth upon thy. Lift this field, but lift it with the heart and intention to those that my claim wrong doing, set for a place in a time, only for a time to let this field be lifted and placed.”

If anyone was really paying any attention to what he just said they would have known that this was about to get ugly. For the shift of power over the evil intent of others was not an easy anything. Especially when the darkness of the forest lay about five feet away from where the goodness of Grace was suppose to help. However someone was listening and she was well aware of this. The moment the ground began to shake she sheathed her katana and rushed forward and grabbed the Dark Hunter around the waist and held him tightly to her.

“If you wish to see another waking day you will stop this!!”

The Dark Hunter pushed his hands forward “Stop!!” He cried. And like to be expected the shift of the field stopped. A bright light flashed out and than was quickly gone. The light faded and the vampire ran into the house. It took them only moments to pull the girl out of the house. She was aging already, her skin was so pale and her hair was a dark crimson color. He almost wanted to cry again he knew he should have never stopped it. But if he didn’t cont to fight and be alive there was really no hope for her. The woman standing behind the Dark Hunter slowly eased her grip off of him.

“Let’s go.”

“Where are we going?”

“To finish this.”

“You know for someone who is supposed to be my friend you really don’t give me a lot of choice now do you?”

The woman pressed him tightly back to her as her nail dug into his sides. “Look, what was the first thing I told you when you left me? Huh?! If you need me and don’t want to do this to come back to me no hiding out here!! I could have taken care of this a long time ago but you choose this not me!”

She released him and spun around on her heel and began walking into the forest. Five other vampires came up behind the Dark Hunter and pressed him forward to follow.

The creature was waiting outside as they all made there way to the front of his house. He howled softly as he saw the girl already beginning to change into something wonderful.

“Take her upstairs to the top room.”

The woman and the rest of them drew to a halt a few feet away from the creature. “Alright, you have what you wanted. Now let’s get the rest of this show on the road.”

The creature grinned “Where is my young friend?”

The Dark Hunter stepped forward “I’m right here you bastard.”

The creature simply let out another howl “My my seems someone has missed me. Come, I want you to watch everything that is about to part take to this lovely thing of yours.”

With that the creature turned and walked into the house. The Dark Hunter turned and glared at the woman as he was once again forced to press forward into the house.
(To Be Cont)

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 4:57 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
When he had woken up the Dark Hunter was chained to the wall. His eyes slowly fluttered open as his eyes scaled around the room. First his eyes caught on to what was chained around his arms and he could not believe his eyes. They were really not chains at all; no they were some type of a mystical force for it was merely a grey mist that bound his hands to the wall. It almost as if his body was being drained of every once of energy that he had in his body. His clothing was still on. His feet seemed as if they were bound pretty much the same way. Looking further up he saw a bed and a redhead woman. But this was no other woman; no it was in fact Leda. She aged a little bit more in fact and she two was bound to the bed, hands spread out and legs spread apart as well. Though hers was not a grey mist, instead it was a deep purplish color. She was naked; the poor girl was either put through something or was about to.

The creature stepped into the room and merely grinned at his friend. “You know this would have been so much simpler if you in fact did listen to me. Than none of this ever would have happened, and none of your friends would have to betray you. But I hope you do realize that you made this choose and you were the one that left and betrayed me.”

“Betrayed?” The Dark Hunter’s voice was harsh and rough. “You want to talk about betrayed? You, you sick little fuck were the one that betrayed me! I left you that night standing there on the edge of that damn cliff when I had the chance to kill you. Did you tell them that to? Is that way the whole damn clan is out there now?!”

The creature hissed and slammed his own body against the Dark Hunter’s body. The ooze from the creature’s body began seeping onto his body. He screamed loudly as he felt the burn, the pain, the nagging sensation of the own beings twisted mind that was filled with lust. It was all hitting him at once there was nothing else that he could do but scream. Stepping away from the vampire the creature hissed softly. The ooze had eaten right through his cloak and his leather shirt and pants and was now exposing skin.

“I could have told them anything and no matter they would have brought that many people out here to make sure you stayed out of my way. What you fail to realize is that you still have untapped power that you have not woken up yet. You are just like her, a deadly weapon and for the use of destruction and chaos.”

The creature stepped away from him and moved closer to the bed as he began looking over the girl’s naked body. “Such beauty, such sweet beauty. You do know who is going to be taking care of her if she makes it that far, don’t you?”

The Dark Hunter’s eyes pierced out towards the creature as he just bit his lip and said nothing to him.

The creature grunted and howled softly “I shall keep you from the suspense. In order to secure my own place and yours as well I have agreed to give her to your own master… That is after I get one night of pleasure out of her.”

This set him off, lit the spark that was raging inside of him. “You fucking bastard!!!”

He struggled against the chains but it was more than pointless at this point to even try to get out of them. The pain was still coursing through his body from the burn marks that were created from the creature.

The creature slowly moved over to the bed and climbed up on it. The ooze that was falling from its body slowly seemed to just fade away. He pulled himself on top of her body as his hands ran up and down her naked body. She stirred slightly but she was pretty much to the point of passed out. The Dark Hunter gritted his teeth as sweat began dripping from his forehead. He watched; he watched the whole thing. And the thing was that he could feel them every movement that the creature was doing to her and every thing she felt. He screamed out several times during the night.
When the creature had finish he rose up from the bed and walked over to the Dark Hunter.

“My sweet boy now you can’t tell me that you did not just enjoy that?”

His whole body was shaking as he barely got the words out of his mouth for the anger that was coursing through his body. “You are a fucking asshole!!”

The creature let out another howl as he slipped from the room and went down stairs. And out of the house to go talk to the others.

The Dark Hunter struggled, struggled with his soul, his mind, and his emotions. He could not stand to what he has just witnessed and would be damned that anyone else would use her like that. She stirred slightly again and hissed herself as she sat up quickly gasping for air. That is when he noticed her bounds had been removed from her arms and her legs.


She glanced over at him and blinked, the change did not erase her memories for they were all burning fresh in her mind. She slipped off the bed and slowly rose to her feet.

“What.. what happened?”

“Look we don’t have time to talk I can’t explain everything right now but we need to get out of here. Slipped something on and see if you can help me get out of these damn things.”

She nodded softly and slipped into a cloak that was lying on the floor. Moving over to him as she bite her bottom lip as the urges to feed ran sharply through her mind. She hissed softly again and shook her head.

“I feel strange.”

“I know and I promise to help take care of that. But please.”

She simply nodded and walked over to him and began looking at the bound that held him to the wall. “What am I suppose to do?”

“Your mind.. use your mind.”

The creature let out a sharp howl and jumped. “Hurry Leda!!”

With shaky hands she lifted them both up to the first one and wrapped her hands around the mystic bound and closed her eyes. She thought hard and long and it took a couple moments before the first bound was gone. She gasped softly as she stumble back a moment, her head was pounding and the pain was only growing worse.

“Come on Leda, just one more. You can do this.”

Again the creature let out another loud piercing howl as she wrapped her shaky hands around the second bound and closed her eyes. It took even longer for this one, even harder and the moment the bound was gone she had collapsed on the floor. He frowned and picked her up in is arms and began looking around the room. No way out but the door. He grunted softly and began slowly making his way out of the room and down the stairs. The house was pitch black and everyone was still outside. He needed a place to hide, to hide them both. But where in this house could he have done that. He walked against the wall as he mumbled softly as the shadows just seem to swallow them both. The door was closed, which meant he would either have to wait till the creature to get in and than slip out or make some kind of alarm or something that would cause the creature to come running into the house. He closed his eyes and let his mind span out, searching for the chaos of the other to its maker. He found him in about a second or less as he shot a stunning amount of pain into the creatures mind. The creature let out loud sharp howl as he spun around and ran into the house.

The door flung open and ran up the stairs. Now, it was now or never. He was stilled within the grasps of the shadows as he made his way out of the house still carrying Leda. The woman, his teacher saw them. She sighed softly and shook her head.

“I can see you Andy.”

He turned his head and just gritted his teeth as he took off running off behind the house. He ran and kept on running and it took him awhile before it clicked in his head as to what exactly he had done. The creature had always warned him that he should never go one into the forest past the house. There were more deadly creatures than his own self. He had no choice it was either that or to deal with them and a clan of vampires against one.

The creature scampered out of the house as he let out another loud howl. His eyes piercing over the woman “Why didn’t you go after him?!”

The woman simply pointed to behind the house. “That is where they ran off to.”

The creature slowly turned around and saw exactly where she was pointing to. If this was so everyone was in for a long night. They had to go in there and get them both, it was a bargain he had kept with the other creatures that had lived deeper in the forest.

“Around everyone up, tell them to stick as close together as possible. We have to get them both out of there is that understood?”

She nodded softly. “Understood.”
(To Be Cont)

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 10:33 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
The Dark Hunter had been running for hours, he came to halt the moment he was standing in front of a cave. He heard several different types of howling and screaming. It was like living in a nightmare in which there was no escape to wake up. He could feel them around him, twenty, thirty, and hundred. This place was crawling with different types of creatures. He took a few steps back and looked down at the girl, thinking to him self. This is probably the not safest place to do this but you need blood. Slowly he crouched down to the ground and laid her gentle on the cold ground that was covered in a black mist. Unsheathing a blade he cut his left wrist and put it next to her mouth. Seeing no response from her at all he forcer open her mouth as the blood slowly dripped down into her throat. It took a moment or two, before it all happened, for her eyes snapped open she shot up, her fangs extending out into his skin as she drank his blood. He moaned somewhat and than grunted softly..


She blinked softly again before drinking a little bit more. She released her hold from him as he slide to his knees and pulled her close to him. She wrapped her arms tightly around his body. He stroked her hair softly and just held her close to him before pulling her away to look directly into her eyes.

“We have to get moving, we are no were safe here.”

“Alright, but where are we?”

“The heart of the forest, were even worst creatures live.”

She shuddered softly and slowly rose to her feet; the Dark Hunter did the same. He took her by the hand and began walking back the way the way they had came but further left for he knew that they would be coming out to look for them it would kill them all to make sure she was were she was suppose to be and he was not going to let that happen.

He was right they were tracking their way into the forest; each step was taken carefully and quietly. But the key thing here was to move fast as fast as you could. But how were they to know that? The agreement was that he stays on his side and they would stay on theirs and the house was the reminder to all of them. The creature was humming softly as if to keep from howling out and alerting them that he was even remotely in the area. A movement came and they all stopped. A loud howling noise and than it started screaming loudly.
The Dark Hunter and Leda jumped and began running as fast as they could to get out of the forest. Little did they know that they two were being watched and followed, for another mistake would be blood? These creatures only get to eat so often and when the scent is fresh why would anyone pass up the opportunity to eat when you only eat on like a monthly basis.

The creature and the other vampires were still frozen in their tracks as they listened to this monster making this noise. At first it didn’t even seem like anything was there but than he moved again. A tree swayed, causing them all to take a step backwards. They ended up taking another step backwards as the monster finally came into view. He was about a good twelve or thirteen feet high, it had a well built massive body and looked to weigh more than 600 pounds with nothing but pure muscle covering its entire body. When it spoke its voice was rough, gentle, and all at the same time alarming.

“What are you doing here Olath?”

The creature slowly stepped forward and let out a soft howl. “I have to come to seek two other vampires who have done me wrong and have now escaped after we have caught them.”

“How have they done you wrong?”

“The woman is a well very special to us all. She like me before was once human. She has now been turned into a vampire and is promptly at stage one. However before they escaped I was able to get my seed into her body to start the stage of part two. I did not get to finish however.”

The monster nodded somewhat as he let out a soft grunt. “I see. Tell me oh foolish one as to exactly who else is with her? For I highly doubt that she is by herself, her soul is very fragile and death is still upon her doorstep. Oh else is trying to up against you?”

The creature hesitated at this one and lowered his head, as he felt ashamed even his pride was hurting to say this. “The Dark Hunter.”

The monster let out a soft chuckle and turned somewhat to glance back for a moment as if to check on things or look for others who might be straying this way. “You foolish little pathetic creature. I told you when you first decide to follow out on this damn thing that you were running a risk of choosing a man who still had feelings in his heart, who still cared to show the compassion to love!! You knew this but you still yet to choose that he be the one you use for this damn crusade!”

The woman took a step forward, why she was doing this she was not to really sure why but the Dark Hunter was going to need all the support he could get and she was probably the only inside source that he would have, that is if she could convince him that she was here to help him not betray him.

“Look, he was the one chosen to do this, the creature had no choice in what was brought to him.”

The monster bended down low to the ground to come to the same level as the woman and stared her directly in her eyes. “You stated up and defend this creature than you must believe in what he is doing. However your soul is torn by doing this why?”

The woman blinked and kind of stared dumb fondly at him for a moment before softly shaking her head. “Torn in two now? Suppose you are not looking fully at what is really there. I don’t like being threatened to do something. Simply ask and I will get it done.”

“A woman of her word. Good, go after him and kill and than bring me his head.”

The creature stepped closer to the woman and the monster “But we still need him.”

The monster turned and looked at the creature “Olath Veldrin, you are not seeing from this perspective that I have to. You want the help from the others and me than you will let her go after him and bring me his head. Besides, its not hard to raise a soul in which has been crossed and still has the emotions of a mere mortal.”

The woman just nodded softly and turned on her heel and took off into the forest heading backwards. The creature turned and watched her go and than looked back at the monster. “She is fleeing now.”

The monster chuckled “No, she can sense him and he is already almost out of the forest. As for you take the rest of your crew go get what you need for stage two and come back to the forest to this very spot and I shall be here waiting for you.”

The creature and the rest of the vampires turned and did exactly that. The monster howled loudly before turning and slipping off into the brush to wait for them to return.

Leda and the Dark Hunter were clear out of the forest by this time. Time, something that was against them and it was just a matter of time before they were finally caught. Leda knew it, she knew all along that the time they would get to spend with each other would be very short. Why is trying so hard to push more? Why not just turn herself into them that way he would not get hurt for trying to save her form them? She decided to ask the question anyways, though she didn’t really want to hurt him.

“Don’t you think it would just be easier to turn myself in, let them finish doing what ever they want and than just beat them?”

He sighed softly and drew them both to a stop and turned her around to face him. “There is an even greater hell than what we are. A piece of your mind is still holding on to the life that you once had and still want. I can see this among many things I know how you feel I feel everything you feel. There is still a huge risk of you dying and I am not willing to let that happen to you. You don’t deserve that.”

“But why are you the one to choose to what I deserve and what I don’t? Isn’t that my choice?”

“I care a lot about you Leda. And I am not going to want to see that thing harm you. Your right you are special, you have a power beyond your own knowledge. One in which is still to strong for even you to control.”

“What if I am not real?”


“I can come back.”

“I don’t understand, what are you trying to say?”

“There is a part of me that still clings to the life I once had and the life I want with you. I can come back. Let them kill me, let them try to change me, it won’t work I know it won’t but I could come back.”

“Leda, no. That is just crazy.”

“I don’t care I don’t want you to die. I don’t want you to get harm and there is no way that you are going to be able to save yourself and me. You have to trust me.”

He sighed softly, this was crazy, and almost to the point of stupid. But she was right there was no way that he was going to be able to save them both. Nodding softly he took a step back and finally gave in. “Alright.”

She offered him a reassuring smile, stepped closer to him and softly kissed him on the lips. He pulled her tightly to him and hugged her close. By that time the woman was already standing a few feet away from them.

“Do you think it will work?”

Leda and the Dark Hunter both kind of jumped and than looked at the woman. “Nasse I am not sure but what other choice do we have.”

“Come willingly and turn her over to the monster yourself and HIDE whatever feelings you may have for her to save your own ass.”

“Do you think it will work?”

“I don’t know! But if you want any part in saving her from this crap than you have to at least trust me and believe me that everything I am doing is to try to help you two out. Simple as that leave at that with no questions ask.”

They both just nodded and started walking back into the forest, the Dark Hunter holding a blade to Leda’s neck and Nasse following right behind them.

(To Be Cont)

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 4:59 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[i:81851e948e][b:81851e948e]ooc:[/b:81851e948e] Was VERY interesting, keep up the writing! :D [/i:81851e948e]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 7:33 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
ooc: Thanx alot!

They had made their way further into the forest. Little did they know they were also being tracked. For nothing was what it seemed in this place. For how could it be? It was the home for some of the most evilest creatures know to Hell itself. Leda's whole body was shaking though of course wearing nothing underneath the cloak was not really helping much either. Nasse kepted herself a good couple of feet behind the Dark Hunter, it almost looked as if they really didn't know that she was really there. Several feet behind Nasse was small red creature, his eyes where yellow, his skin looked like dragon scales, he had dragon wings, and his feet and hands look had dragon claws.

The brush had moved and all four of them came to a complete stop. The creature that had came out before slowly stood up and began letting out a very loud scream. Nasse cringed as she began stepping backwards, something felt wrong with this. She stopped, as her senses where now picking up the feeling of the other creature. Why? She cursed herself silently and began slowly inching her way back up towards the Dark Hunter.

It looked like a set up, it smelled like one. Anyone with his or her right mind might have known this, could have tasted the forbidden locks of the taint that was in the air. Leda's body was trembling even worse as she looked at the creature. Their eyes met, their souls, their minds. It seemed to plague them both to the point of an extreme. She wanted to turn around and run, wanted the escape that she could get from this and go back to her normal life. But no. She stood there, with tears slowly falling down over her cheeks, her knees trembling. The creature took a step closer to them as he slowly let out a soft hiss.

"I... don't believe this."

Leda swallowed somewhat as she just looked at the monster. "What is there not to believe?" For sure she was catching everything thought that was coming off of the monster, but her question was he able to catch every thought that was running through her head? She shiver at the thought.

"Your tainted.."

"Tainted? What do you mean by that?"

The monster stepped closer to Leda as he pushed away the Dark Hunters blade from her neck. "You are tainted. From both sides, you feel more for him than anything else. Yet, he brings you to me and it doesn't seem to affect you."

She bite her bottom lip as she gazed into the monsters eyes "Yes, but we must all except our parts."

"Yes, we all must expect them. But your hiding your true feelings still. Why?"

"Why does it matter?"

"In way it does, for you still run a risk of dying through all of this if you do not believe full heartily than this is even a greater risk for this not working."

"Well, than I guess I will just have to run that risk but like I said I do except my responsibility to do this. Isn't that good enough?"

"Possibly. But this debate is pointless now." The monster took a stepped close Nasse and just grinned "Me and you have a lot to talk about. Flicous come here."

The monster stepped forth and hissed softly "Yesssss."

"Go back and get Olath and tell him we are ready to get things prepared for the rest of this. And we don't have any time to waste!"

The smaller monster turned and hustled back into the forest. The bigger monster looked at Nasse and the rest of them. "Follow me."

Everything seemed like it was going to go alright, seemed like nothing could go wrong. What other choices did they have? They were going to try an alter their Fate. Nasse was in a room dark cold room separated from the other two. The monster was standing there pacing up and by the window, watching and waiting for them to get here. When he spoke his voice was full of sorrow and pain.

"There was once talk about a legend... one in where a teacher would surpass everything and everyone."

Nasse sat up in the bed in which she was laying in and just simply shook her head. "Well, if you can read everyone’s insides than you should know I don't give two shits about any legends."

"Than why are you here?"

"Because my student is here."

"You have had many students why should this one matter?"

"Because he does."

"There is something else there isn't there?"

She sat up and glared at him "What the hell does it matter?! You have them both here. What other legend are you wanting to bring up to destroy everyone?!"

The monster just couldn't help but laugh "There is a twist to every legend. Something in which is the driving point in which will help all parties out. The girl will die and she will not come back. And it will be up to you to make sure that happens. I see all I know all. But the Dark Hunter must be kept alive no matter what happens he can not die."

She blinked staring dumb fondly at him. "Why?"
"Cause, the true power has still yet to come."

Several hours later everyone is a large room in the basement of the house. Leda was strapped to an alter, the Dark Hunter was standing off to the side with Nasse standing right next to him. The creature and the monster where both standing by the alter. The monster simply picked the stake up and placed it directly over her heart and mumbled softly to himself. The creature turned and position himself between the monster and the Dark Hunter who at this point was being held back by Nasse.


The monster slammed the silver stake down into her heart and turned to face the rest of them. "Nasse, come finish this."

The Dark Hunter turned and stared at his teach, cold goose bumps running over his body. The rage was running through his body as he watched her walk to the alter. He could not believe it, he couldn't even move. How? Why? The thoughts were just running ramped with each passing second. He stood there and watched, watched as Nasse bent down and bite her fangs into Leda's neck and sucked her blood from her body. Nasse's own body began to jerk and shake violently but the monster had already picked her up in his arms and began walking out of the room. The creature turned back and looked over Leda's body. Walking over to the wall he grabbed the torch and threw it on her body. Her body lit up in flames as the creature began moving out towards the door. The Dark Hunter breaths were coming in quick short gasps as he balled his fist and began walking towards the creature.

"Why?!!?!" The Dark Hunter's voice thundered out.

The creature turned and looked at him. "Because there was something we were all missing. And the only there was only one person that could see that."

"He is not a person!!! He is a monster!!!"

"Monster or not he still saw the flaw. Still saw what was missing and who had the key compents to make this happen. Whether you like it or not in order to cont we still need you."

"I don't care!! The bitch can rot in hell for all I care!!!"

"Than why don't you go tell her that yourself."

Nasse and the monster were already on the upper room of the house. Nasse was once again laying in the bed as her body began to shake violently. The monster was pacing up and down by the window. The door opened and quickly the monster blended in with the darkness to make it look like he was never there. The Dark Hunter came storming into the room, jumped on to the bed and grabbed Nasse by her shoulders.

"You bitch!!! You betrayed me for the second time!!"

Nasse could not respond, though her eyes were open and tears were falling with each passing moment. The Dark Hunter saw the pain, felt the pain, the sorrow of everything that she had to do. He collapsed right on top of her. Gasping for air as he himself were fighting back his own tears. At this point the monster appeared and began pacing in front of the window.

"You know, now you feel everything she feels. Her and Leda both are in that body and there is nothing you can do to change that."

The Dark Hunter threw himself off of Nasse's body as the pain went away. "You... you asshole!!"

"Now now Dark Hunter. There is no need for words as such. Your heart does not belong to Leda it belongs to Nasse like it has always been since the day you two... And well you don't need me to get into details in time it will come. Come like the rest of the chaos in this world, besides not every being needs love in order to survive."

The Dark Hunter wiped his tears as he climbed to his feet. "Really? Than why have you been looking at Nasse and why are you still here?! You care about some part of her for its in her damn voice and she knows it, I know it, and god dammit you know it as well!!"

"Such strong words for the man that is suppose to defeat the creature of the forest. They at one point of time said you almost killed him. But you walked away. Why?"

"I wanted to know more about the girl."

"I see. Your not looking at the importance of what just happened to tonight. You are looking at the injustice pain that is in your heart. Step back and look at the picture as a whole but not separate. Look with yourself in and not out. You possess the same sight of power like I do. You just have to open it."

"Why would you tell me this?"

"Maybe its about time you start to release things and stop clouding you damn judgment!!"

With that the monster faded into the shadows as was gone. The Dark Hunter turned and watched as Nasse's body jerked all over the bed, tears were still streaming. It almost dawned on him how much he had missed to see her. Shaking his head softly he turned and walked to the window and just looked outside at all of the creatures and the monsters that where running ramped through the forest.

(To Be Cont)

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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