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PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:07 pm Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 34Joined: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:01 pm
[i:8d44984ba8]"I would suggest we make preparations in case we are attacked again,"[/i:8d44984ba8] Wren said, looking around and taking note of the fact that the damage was minimal. [i:8d44984ba8]"That's the most intelligent suggestion I've heard anyone voice, so far, Wren,"[/i:8d44984ba8] Cyrilynn said mirthlessly.

[i:8d44984ba8]What we really need,"[/i:8d44984ba8] Wren said, momentarily ignoring the words of praise, [i:8d44984ba8]"Would be flare guns, they burn bright and hot, and it looks like these bastards are even more susceptible to fire than we are."[/i:8d44984ba8]

Cyrilynn suddenly fixed Wren with a stare, [i:8d44984ba8]"Thats easy enough, the freighters have loads of them... but I'll need company, carrying so many back won't be easy, and those spectres travel in numbers,"[/i:8d44984ba8] she said, causing Wren to nod.

[i:8d44984ba8]"It is my idea, I'll go with you,"[/i:8d44984ba8] Wren said, then turned to Gabriel, [i:8d44984ba8]"Gabriel, please tell Julius that Cyrilynn and I are headed out, I highly doubt we have any considerable amount of time to waste on niceties at the moment."[/i:8d44984ba8]

[i:8d44984ba8]"Won't you need some help carrying all those flares?"[/i:8d44984ba8] Gabriel said to Wren, only to be rebuffed by a shake of the Brujah's head. [i:8d44984ba8]"No, I won't leave the settlement with only a few defenders in my absence, besides, I'm a lot stronger than I look; I'll just drag a cart,"[/i:8d44984ba8] he said with a gesture towards one of the remaining pieces of equipment.

[i:8d44984ba8]"Oh, and by the way, Kathy and Cyrilynn, thank you for coming to help us,"[/i:8d44984ba8] he said, even as he headed to the cart, lifted it's end, and started heading out, with Cyrilynn in the lead.

[b:8d44984ba8][i:8d44984ba8]A few hours later[/i:8d44984ba8][/b:8d44984ba8]

Wren and Cyrilynn practically dashed back into the village, the cart in tow, a pile of flares and flare guns loaded onto it. [i:8d44984ba8]"That was a little too easy,"[/i:8d44984ba8] Wren said, looking over at Cyrilynn.

[i:8d44984ba8]"You just can't stand it when you don't have to work at something, can you?"[/i:8d44984ba8] Cyrilynn retorted, wondering, not for the first time, about Wren's sanity. [i:8d44984ba8]"If things get too easy, you take them for granted."[/i:8d44984ba8] Wren replied matter of factly.

Cross that line, and I'll burn you down.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:20 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
She found Julius, alone, watching the horizon, hours after the fight was over. Stepping up next to him, she began her own sentry duty by checking their immediate surroundings. They stood there in companionable silence for several more minutes, a slight breeze ruffling strands of hair.

[i:b15e3f437e]"Master?"[/i:b15e3f437e] She broked the calm first because she knew the mage wouldn't.

[i:b15e3f437e]"Yes, Cyrilynn."[/i:b15e3f437e] The reply was non-committal.

[i:b15e3f437e]"I failed you and dishonored my name."[/i:b15e3f437e] She stared straight ahead, wanting to hang her head in shame.

He turned his enough to glance at her side-long. [i:b15e3f437e]"I know."[/i:b15e3f437e] came the unexpected reply, then he returned to the horizon, [i:b15e3f437e]"But it was something you couldn't help. Rotschrek gets us all at one point or another, it's the nature of the Cainite. Don't beat yourself up over it, my dear, I need you focused for what lies ahead."[/i:b15e3f437e]

Cyrilynn inclined her head in the mage's direction, [i:b15e3f437e]"As you wish, Julius."[/i:b15e3f437e] More time ticked by before she felt the need to speak again, [i:b15e3f437e]"He warned me this would happen. Toisol did. He said I'd pay a price for his help in Greece, in becoming a python."[/i:b15e3f437e] She resisted the urge to toe her foot in the lackluster soil, like a naughty child.

Julius glanced at her again, [i:b15e3f437e]"Did he?"[/i:b15e3f437e] He quirked an eyebrow. This was the first time he'd heard tell of this, but the full story would have to wait until later. When he had the time. [i:b15e3f437e]"Well, then, you paid your debt... [b:b15e3f437e]in spades![/b:b15e3f437e]"[/i:b15e3f437e] The heat of his statement caught her off guard and she whipped around to stare into his eyes.

[i:b15e3f437e]"I know what a burden I laid on you, Lady Cyrilynn, all those years ago. [b:b15e3f437e]But_I_had_no_choice![/b:b15e3f437e] Not if anyone was going to survive."[/i:b15e3f437e] His tones shook with supressed anguish and rage but he didn't allow it mastery. Instead, he swallowed it back into that all-knowing-master-magus facade of his, then took a deep breath. [i:b15e3f437e]"What we face, now, is bigger than anyone of us. Either we will win, or we will fail, in other words, no more chances."[/i:b15e3f437e]

Given new insight into the mind of her domitor, Cyrilynn slowly sank down into a lotus position, not even seeing the skyline she'd resumed scanning, chewing over what he'd said. The Tremere broke into her musings, [i:b15e3f437e]"I'm well aware of your deepest wish, Tzimisce, and you've more than earned it."[/i:b15e3f437e]

[i:b15e3f437e]"What!!??"[/i:b15e3f437e] He grinned at the astounded look on her face, [i:b15e3f437e]"You think I was totally deaf, blind and dumb, all those years?"[/i:b15e3f437e] He shook his head and the smile faded. [i:b15e3f437e]"No, your pleas seeped into my bones with each blood tear that you shed over my body. Sometimes, I even believe that's what kept me going. That and my unfinished business."[/i:b15e3f437e] Now a grimness had settled onto his countenance.

The Tremere sighed, [i:b15e3f437e]"I can't give you want you want, right now. But you will have it, once this business is over with. Give me everything you have in you, Cyrilynn, and I will let you have the rest you seek. However,"[/i:b15e3f437e] he shook a finger at her, mock playfully, [i:b15e3f437e]"no more delusional episodes!"[/i:b15e3f437e] Then he did something really strange, to Cyrilynn's further astonishment. He leaned down and flicked the tip of her nose, chuckled at her expression and walked away!!

Last edited by Lady Cyrilynn on Sat Dec 17, 2005 10:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 4:42 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((i dislike cluttering threads with lots of OOC chatter, but i wanted to mention that i apologize for any liberties i took with characters. i unfortunately had to post that segment before the storyline could progress, so i wasn't able to wait for input or allow others to post. :/

anyway, if anything was out of line or a poor representation, i'm sorry.

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:07 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
[i:aa98f2912f]"So now we can be fairly sure that the outriders are manifestations of the souls of lost kindred. I guess that explains why they share the sensitivity to fire and light that we do."[/i:aa98f2912f]

Julius pursed his lips for a moment in thought, looking around at the impromptu war council. All the kindred of any age were present, along with Zeki and Karli, representing the interests of the mortal residents.

[i:aa98f2912f]"During the attack, I was far from inactive. I studied these outriders and next time they come, I will be able to defend Enoch by magical means. Further, I will be able to add enchantments to blades so they will become effective against these malign spirits."[/i:aa98f2912f]

General murmurs of relief came from around the table, however Julius held his hand up for silence, before continuing.

[i:aa98f2912f]"This is only a temporary solution, however. We don't know how many outriders there are and it is quite clear they are aligned, or possibly controlled, by the enemy. I cannot be in several places at once. I must remain here, to defend this enclave of civilisation. Accordingly, unless ..."[/i:aa98f2912f] Julius paused. [i:aa98f2912f]" ... No, the conflict is inevitable ... [b:aa98f2912f]until[/b:aa98f2912f] we face the enemy in person, the fighting will fall upon your shoulders. The only comfort I can give is the guarantee of a place of safety to which you can retreat.[/i:aa98f2912f]

Nobody noticed the door opening, then closing and a solid wooden bar being placed across it.

[i:aa98f2912f]"And I fear we already have a problem."[/i:aa98f2912f] Continued Julius. [i:aa98f2912f]"I've heard Eveshka's tale of her journey south to Enoch."[/i:aa98f2912f] Almost unconsciously he reached out his hand to take hers. [i:aa98f2912f]"They were constantly plagued by Outriders and now the Outriders have come here. Finding an answer to this is our first task. Granted this is no longer such a small place, but how do these spirits know where to look?"[/i:aa98f2912f]

[i:aa98f2912f]"Probably because of the spies."[/i:aa98f2912f] Came a voice. A voice, it was clear, to all who heard it, that had been the inspiration for every stereotyped voice for witches, hags and all manner of strange old women. A voice which played on everyone's primal fears. Julius froze in his seat, squeezing Eve's hand tightly, for he alone had heard the voice before.

[i:aa98f2912f]"Little Grandmother."[/i:aa98f2912f] Said Julius simply. [i:aa98f2912f]"Show yourself."[/i:aa98f2912f]

A cackle came from the empty air. [i:aa98f2912f]"These little ones would die of fright if I appeared in my true form, Wizard... Or perhaps you begin to tire of that sculpture you still cling to and are ready for a woman with experience."[/i:aa98f2912f]

Julius shuddered and pulled a face. Eve, peered into the empty space with her auspex and visibly blanched. [i:aa98f2912f]"What the fuck is that?"[/i:aa98f2912f] She asked.

Another cackling laugh and the form of a small girl appeared in the room, blonde hair in pigtails with pink ribbons, wearing a matching gingham dress and clutching a posy of wild flowers. The hideous voice didn't change though. [i:aa98f2912f]"I'm one of the oldest of us all, childe, don't you recognise me."[/i:aa98f2912f]

Julius looked uncertain. Whilst this creature had never done him any harm and in fact been extremely helpful, there had been a price to pay. [i:aa98f2912f]"This is Baba Yaga, one of the eldest of the Nosferatu."[/i:aa98f2912f]

The little girl shook her head. [i:aa98f2912f]"No Wizard, I am [b:aa98f2912f]the[/b:aa98f2912f] eldest of the Nosferatu. All of that bloodline are my descendants."[/i:aa98f2912f]

[i:aa98f2912f]"Bloodline?"[/i:aa98f2912f] Cut in Wren. [i:aa98f2912f]"Not clan? What of Absimilliard?"[/i:aa98f2912f]

[i:aa98f2912f]"What you think of as Clan Nosferatu are my progeny."[/i:aa98f2912f] Baba Yaga explained. [i:aa98f2912f]"My Sire bound all his childe to him, like pawns. I broke free and created my bloodline, progeny free of their Grandsire's control. The true clan was never widely known of, outside the Nosferatu. They are named the Nicktuku and it is they who have been spying upon you. Even now, one sits here, listening to this council."[/i:aa98f2912f]

Julius narrowed his eyes and spoke a couple of words in latin. A creature appeared from out of nowhere, sitting on the table in front of Gabriel. Baba Yaga threw her flowers at him, which became a wooden stake in mid-air, pinning the unfortunate into torpor.

[i:aa98f2912f]"Of the thirteen clan elders,"[/i:aa98f2912f] continued Baba Yaga as if nothing had happened, [i:aa98f2912f]"two remain. Absimilliard and Troile. Both have thrown in their lot with your enemy and both must be destroyed before you can face her. Without them at her side, you might, maybe, stand a chance."[/i:aa98f2912f]

[i:aa98f2912f]"You know who the enemy is, don't you?"[/i:aa98f2912f] Surmised Julius.

[i:aa98f2912f]"Indeed I do, ancient one. We Nosferatu are used to surviving on vermin and lesser bloods, so we are not so diminished as the other clans. I too have spies, spies which will doubtless prove invaluable to you in the coming days."[/i:aa98f2912f]

Baba Yaga seemed to take a deep breath. [i:aa98f2912f]"The enemy you face, Julius Darrant, is the wife of Adam, the first mage, the Dark Mother. Some say she is the consort of Samael, who is called Lucifer. In India she is Kali, goddess of war and vengeance. In Africa she is Yemaya, goddess of magic and the dead. In the East she is the Scarlet Empress. She taught Caine himself how to use the blood to create disciplines. In the Book of Nod, she is named simply, as Lilith."[/i:aa98f2912f]

Baba Yaga waited a moment for the revelation to sink in. Around the table, shuffling feet and dark haunted expressions dominated.

[i:aa98f2912f]"You must remain here, Wizard and defend this place. These others must hunt down and destroy both of these antediluvians and they will need all the help they can get, so for a start you had better do something about that useless excuse for a Ventrue who is lying with a stake through his heart."[/i:aa98f2912f]

Julius shook his head. [i:aa98f2912f]"Without the resources of a Tremere library, I don't know what I can do. His affliction is one of the blood."[/i:aa98f2912f]

The little girl nodded. [i:aa98f2912f]"Which is why I took this from you. One of the better things about being able to read the future is it allows preparation. Now I return what I took. You're going to need it."[/i:aa98f2912f]

Baba Yaga held out her hand and a skull appeared, which she placed in front of Julius. [i:aa98f2912f]"There. I kept it safe for you. Now ... I'm sure you have much to talk about ..."[/i:aa98f2912f]

The little girl bowed somewhat formally to Julius. [i:aa98f2912f]"Most Ancient One. My abilities to read the future end at this meeting, I can see no further. Fate and predetermined destiny, which you so hate, are ended and the final battles await us. I and my progeny commit to your cause. I shall remain here in the first city. Until you call for me."[/i:aa98f2912f] The girl began to fade from view. [i:aa98f2912f]"I leave you to your councils."[/i:aa98f2912f]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:57 am Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 34Joined: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:01 pm
[i:6a9ef6b00b]"I'll hunt Troile,"[/i:6a9ef6b00b] Wren said softly, causing every kindred in the room to suddenly stare at him open mouthed. [i:6a9ef6b00b]"As I recall, Troile is the Brujah antedeluvian. I'm a Brujah, though I'm loathe to admit it. Seems right that I should be the one to handle him."[/i:6a9ef6b00b]

[i:6a9ef6b00b]"Are you out of your fucking mind?"[/i:6a9ef6b00b] Poe, Cyrilynn, and Gabriel all said at once, though Julius shook his head. [i:6a9ef6b00b]"He isn't precisely insane. Wren isn't exactly unprepared for a fight with an antedeluvian, though I'd suspect he has other motives than just whats right and wrong,"[/i:6a9ef6b00b] he put in, looking fixedly at Wren.

[i:6a9ef6b00b]"You must be joking, right? Hunting an Antedeluvian alone? Especially his own progenitor?"[/i:6a9ef6b00b] Gabriel said, crossing his arms, [i:6a9ef6b00b]"Thats nothing short of suicidal."[/i:6a9ef6b00b]

[i:6a9ef6b00b]"No, as stupid as Wren is for trying this, I have to agree with Julius,"[/i:6a9ef6b00b] Cyrilynn suddenly piped up, [i:6a9ef6b00b]"You might not believe it, but underneath that polite exterior, Wren is savage and completely reckless. The same miracle by which he has survived over a millenia may prove to be his saving grace."[/i:6a9ef6b00b]

Wren finally sighed, [i:6a9ef6b00b]"Stop talking about me like I'm not here, and listen."[/i:6a9ef6b00b] he said, his eyes suddenly blazing. [i:6a9ef6b00b]"I'll kill Troile, no matter what the personal cost. Suicide? Doesn't matter, I'm already dead anyhow, so I've nothing to lose."[/i:6a9ef6b00b]

Finally he shook his head and stood, [i:6a9ef6b00b]"No matter though, Julius, to you I apologize. I was wrong to blame you for Haven and Cassie dying. To the rest of you, to any who would stop me, I suggest only that you stay out of my way; I owe you nothing, and I go my own way."[/i:6a9ef6b00b]

[i:6a9ef6b00b]"Finally, you say something worth a flying fuck,"[/i:6a9ef6b00b] Poe said with a laugh, [i:6a9ef6b00b]"I'll even go with you, even if it is just to clean up your mess."[/i:6a9ef6b00b]

[i:6a9ef6b00b]"Yeah? Fine then; I won't try to stop you there, I'll even welcome the company. But that means we go as soon as we're ready. We have one shot at this... all of you gentlemen, so try to not screw it up."[/i:6a9ef6b00b]

Wren suddenly smiled, [i:6a9ef6b00b]"Oh yeah, I have a present for you folks,"[/i:6a9ef6b00b] and picked up a large bag. [i:6a9ef6b00b]"Magnesium and tar in glass bottles, the magnesium will burn hot, ignite the tar. Tar will burn a long time, real nasty molotov, so make sure you use them,"[/i:6a9ef6b00b] he said and started handing out bags of the dangerous concoctions, including one to Poe.

[i:6a9ef6b00b]"I've also got flare guns waiting outside, use them when you need to heat things up a bit. Should hurt the spectres too,"[/i:6a9ef6b00b] he said with a nod at Cyrilynn's self satisfied smirk.

Cross that line, and I'll burn you down.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 7:50 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
Conversation and debate had proceeded in circular arguments with no clear consensus being reached. It appeared likely that Absimiliard would be the trickier customer, whilst Troile would be more of a straight fight. In the end Julius with a heavy heart had simply made the decisions for everyone. Wren and Poe would seek out Troile, whilst Gabriel and Cyrilynn would seek Absimiliard, accompanied by Tromador, if Julius could heal him. Julius and Eveshka would remain and defend Enoch. Finally, no-one would be going anywhere, until Julius had time to equip them with whatever magical assistance he could create. The council broke up, each going their own way to begin preparations, leaving Julius and Eveshka alone.

[i:d76b3fac66]"Lilith. Fuck."[/i:d76b3fac66] Said Eveshka with her characteristic understatement.

Julius simply nodded, his hand still holding hers, as if the touch of his soul mate were all that kept him from despair.

[i:d76b3fac66]"And Troile and Absimiliard. Fuck, fuck, fuck."[/i:d76b3fac66] She continued.

Julius looked at her for a moment, then unceremoniously drew her to him, roughly crushing his mouth to hers. At another time, she might have protested such mishandling, but not now. Events had conspired for too long to prevent their closeness and they both had great need of each other.

[i:d76b3fac66]"Here on the council table?"[/i:d76b3fac66] Eve barely managed to chuckle out. [i:d76b3fac66]"And what about him?"[/i:d76b3fac66] She glanced askance at the horrid form of the Nicktuku still laying motionless with a stake through his heart - but by then Julius' hands were on her body and she gladly surrendered to the desires of her flesh.

It was a time later, when Eveshka asked the question. [i:d76b3fac66]"Can you do anything for Tromador?"[/i:d76b3fac66]

Julius shrugged and reached out to tap his skull. [i:d76b3fac66]"Online."[/i:d76b3fac66] The familiar voice spoke in the leaden tones of the dead.

[i:d76b3fac66]"List available archives."[/i:d76b3fac66] Instructed Julius.

[i:d76b3fac66]"Code of Hermes, including Peripheral Code and Grand Tribunal precedents.
Articles of the Provencal Tribunal.
Articles of the Normandy Tribunal."[/i:d76b3fac66]

[i:d76b3fac66]"Stop, skip all references to Hermetic law and Tribunal archives."[/i:d76b3fac66] Instructed Julius.

Library of Darrant Manor
Library of House du Hexe."[/i:d76b3fac66]

Julius tapped the skull again.

[i:d76b3fac66]"Closing down. It is now safe to turn off your skull."[/i:d76b3fac66] Intoned the magical archive.

Julius snorted. [i:d76b3fac66]"So she managed to cram it full of useful information, but left that stupid signoff. Yes. If the library of the mother house in Vienna is intact and present inside my skull, I should be able to find something to help me restore Tromador."[/i:d76b3fac66]

[i:d76b3fac66]"Good. Now lets go somewhere more comfortable and get some rest."[/i:d76b3fac66] Said Eve, nipping at his neck just enough to draw blood, which she lapped up with sensual strokes of her tongue. [i:d76b3fac66]"Or not..."[/i:d76b3fac66] She continued, her eyes flashing.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 9:01 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
By the following day, as well as any time could be marked, Julius had made preparations for his Tremere ritual. A small room had been set aside, and laid out in a manner not dissimilar to his old ritual room at the manor house in York.

A magic circle had been drawn on the floor and mystic blue flames rose at the cardinal points of a pentagram. A table had been set up, upon which the skull sat, between two candles. A small brazier sat in one corner and against a wall shelves containing flasks, knives and other paraphenalia such as might be required in the working of blood rituals.

In the centre of the circle, Tromador had been laid out, wood still firmly implanted in his heart. Staring at the body were Julius and Gabriel.

[i:db2039e228]"A bad business."[/i:db2039e228] Observed Gabriel. [i:db2039e228]"He was once among the greatest of my clan. Justicar for a time. The financial centre of the City of London ran at his whim. That I should finally meet him only now, when he has fallen so far. A bad, bad business."[/i:db2039e228]

[i:db2039e228]"And yet ..."[/i:db2039e228] Answered Julius. [i:db2039e228]"Despite the madness, he was able to achieve Golconda, so I am told. Great strength lies within him, he will need it, if we are to be successful."[/i:db2039e228]

[i:db2039e228]"We?"[/i:db2039e228] Gabriel replied.

Julius smiled. [i:db2039e228]"Gabe, this is all about cleansing the blood. What flows in his veins is some mishmash of Ventrue and Malkavian influences. We must restore the balance, remove Malkav from his blood and therefore his mind. To do this, I must have the blood of another Ventrue to compare. That means you, old friend."[/i:db2039e228]

[i:db2039e228]"But, my blood is ..."[/i:db2039e228] Gabriel began.

[i:db2039e228]"No time to waste!"[/i:db2039e228] Interrupted Julius handing him a flask and a sharp knife. [i:db2039e228]"I'll need about half a pint."[/i:db2039e228]

Gabe looked at the flask and knife.

[i:db2039e228]"Please."[/i:db2039e228] Added Julius, remembering his manners.

Gabe shook his head and shrugged, making an incision in his wrist and draining a little of his own precious vitae into the flask. As he licked the wound to seal it, he could see Julius finishing a similar task on the prone body of Tromador.

[i:db2039e228]"What next?"[/i:db2039e228] Asked Gabriel.

[i:db2039e228]"Analysis."[/i:db2039e228] Said Julius, tapping the skull.

[i:db2039e228]"Online."[/i:db2039e228] Said the skull, an eerie glow appearing in each empty eye socket.

[i:db2039e228]"Prepare to analyse samples."[/i:db2039e228] Instructed the wizard.

[i:db2039e228]"Ready, please submit sample for analysis."[/i:db2039e228] Said the skull, managing to sound like a grave being dug.

Gabriel shuddered. He trusted Julius, of course, but talking skulls and bloodletting and bizarre Tremere rituals gave him the heebie jeebies. He took a moment to compose himself. If Julius noticed, he had the decency not to mention it, but instead handed him the flask of Trom's blood.

[i:db2039e228]"If you will, please pour a little of Tromador's blood into the brazier. Take care not to spill any and under no circumstances allow any of it to pass your lips."[/i:db2039e228]

Gabriel nodded, as if he needed telling. One insane Ventrue was enough in these times. He stepped to the brazier and poured a little into the fire.

[i:db2039e228]"Inconclusive."[/i:db2039e228] Intoned the Skull. [i:db2039e228]"Sample exhibits elements of Malkavian and Ventrue blood types."[/i:db2039e228]

Julius nodded, this was much as he had expected. [i:db2039e228]"Now some of yours, please Gabe."[/i:db2039e228]

Gabriel duly poured.

[i:db2039e228]"Ventrue."[/i:db2039e228] Announced the skull firmly. [i:db2039e228]"Perfect."[/i:db2039e228] Said Julius.

[i:db2039e228]"With Gangrel influences."[/i:db2039e228] The skull reported, after a moment.

Julius looked at Gabriel with a raised eyebrow.

[i:db2039e228]"That's what I was trying to tell you. Poe."[/i:db2039e228] He said, looking slightly sheepish.

Julius nodded and thought for a moment. [i:db2039e228]"I think we can work around it."[/i:db2039e228] He said, before again addressing the skull. [i:db2039e228]"Correlate common elements of previous two samples and provide analysis."[/i:db2039e228]

The skull seemed to consider this for a moment. [i:db2039e228]"Ventrue."[/i:db2039e228]

[i:db2039e228]"So ... we ideally need to ... "[/i:db2039e228] Julius voice lowered into a mutter as ran through various options. Gabriel waited patiently. What else could he do?

[i:db2039e228]"AHA!"[/i:db2039e228] Said Julius finally. [i:db2039e228]"Please mix the two flasks together."[/i:db2039e228]

Gabriel did as Julius asked, swirling the thick liquid so that the two samples intermingled.

[i:db2039e228]"Excellent. Now prepare to throw the whole lot, flask and all, into the brazier when I tell you."[/i:db2039e228]

Gabriel stood next to the flames. A younger kindred might have blanched at the heat, but Gabe was made of sterner stuff and made ready.

Julius spoke to the skull in Latin, the glow from it's eyes increased and the seeming of an ancient book appeared on the table in front of it. Julius flicked through and eventually began chanting again. If it was Latin Gabriel had no clue, the words seemed strange and distant, otherworldly. Finally Julius nodded and pointed at the flask. Gabriel dropped it and the flames from the brazier shot up toward the ceiling for a moment.

[i:db2039e228]"So,"[/i:db2039e228] Said Julius, holding a flask full of vitae. [i:db2039e228]"Here we have the genuine article. Pure Ventrue blood, a combination of yours and his."[/i:db2039e228]

[i:db2039e228]"And that will cure him?"[/i:db2039e228] Gabriel asked.

Julius nodded. [i:db2039e228]"It has been enchanted to reject any vitae not of it's own kind. We must feed it to him. The Malkavian portion of his blood will be discharged, we should try to collect it, if we can."[/i:db2039e228]

Gabriel pulled a face. [i:db2039e228]"For why?"[/i:db2039e228] He asked.

Julius looked solemnly at Gabriel. [i:db2039e228]"Because, for all we know, that vitae is the last of Clan Malkavian. They had a special wisdom, we might need it again one day. Furthermore, I do not wish to be responsible for the destruction of an entire clan."[/i:db2039e228]

Gabriel nodded slowly. [i:db2039e228]"Then, I'll hold him and you get that into his mouth."[/i:db2039e228]

[i:db2039e228]"Aye."[/i:db2039e228] Said Julius.

Making an insane Venkavian take his medicine is a bit like [url=]making a cat take a pill[/url] only much worse, yet between them eventually Gabriel and Julius were supporting the shaking form of Tromador as he vomited Malkavian vitae into a large flask Julius had found for the purpose. After a while, the vomiting stopped and Tromador simply sat, shaking.

[i:db2039e228]"Is he ok?"[/i:db2039e228] Asked Gabriel.

Julius shook his head. [i:db2039e228]"Time will tell, I guess. He should get some rest."[/i:db2039e228]

The magus looked at Tromador, then clicked his fingers. [i:db2039e228]"Sleep now."[/i:db2039e228]

Tromador fell back, as if in great relief, passing into unconsciousness.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:45 am Reply with quote
User avatarConcealedPosts: 33Joined: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:22 pm
After centuries of an endless sea of noise, constant unrelenting murmurings of uncountable voices, ever present, never ending, awakening to a total and profound silence, would be enough to drive most to insanity.

George's eyes opened, to a darkened room and a total absence of sound ... and panicked. The voices, he had loathed and detested as his great shame, yet it was the voices which had kept him sane in his insanity during the endless solitary years of loneliness. Now, once again, he was alone in a dark room, without even the hated M, P & A for company. Panic led to frenzy, as he summoned his beast for company, something to cling to, to not be alone.

His howling echoed around the village, causing the mortals and younger kindred to hide in fear, whilst the older ones ran to the small dwelling in which Tromador had been placed. At the door they found Eve, barring the way, a look of fierce determination on her face. [i:2c291d2b5e]"I will attend to this."[/i:2c291d2b5e] She informed them - and none would choose to argue with her in such a mood.

No frenzy lasts forever, indeed in those who have achieved that most elusive of vampiric ambitions, Golconda, the beast within is but a shadow of it's former self. Thus after a time, Tromador found he was weeping, amongst a collection of broken furnishings, weeping on the shoulder of his former lover.

After a time, she gently disentangled herself from him. He clung to her, the panic rising in him again as she moved as if to leave. [i:2c291d2b5e]"Hush. I'm not leaving you. You need to feed."[/i:2c291d2b5e]

Where she came from Tromador had no idea, one of Eve's latest stable of girls, no doubt. A pretty little thing, willing to share her vitae, in return for the ecstacy of the dark kiss.

Tromador choked and spat, looking first to Eve, then to the girl with deeply apologetic eyes. [i:2c291d2b5e]"Eve, this isn't my preference."[/i:2c291d2b5e] He managed to blurt out.

Blood preference? George was confused, the Ventrue weakness of the blood preference wasn't something he had experienced since the night the voices had come with the blood of the Malkavian.

Eve ushered the teary eyed girl out with reassuring words, no, it wasn't her fault. She knew well enough that his preference had always been for the vitae of a young mother. Something of the new life brought into the world clung to the mother, he would have said, finding other forms of vitae dull and listless, containing no nourishment. Perhaps this was a good sign. She headed to the door to summon such a one. George howled as she headed towards the door. She turned and held his head between her hands for a moment, looking deeply into his eyes. [i:2c291d2b5e]"George,"[/i:2c291d2b5e] she said, [i:2c291d2b5e]"I will not leave you alone."[/i:2c291d2b5e], then turned to summon a woman who would fit his requirements.

George duly settled, lapping gently at the wrist of a young lady, more than happy to share her vitae with one so keen to simply listen to her gossip about Enoch and her children; Eve stepped outside.

[i:2c291d2b5e]"How is he?"[/i:2c291d2b5e] Asked Julius gently.

[i:2c291d2b5e]"Of all the infuriating..."[/i:2c291d2b5e] Eve stamped her foot with a small cry of anger. [i:2c291d2b5e]"He misses the voices, he's lonely practically to the point of a new madness without them."[/i:2c291d2b5e]

[i:2c291d2b5e]"I just think he has to get used to living with himself."[/i:2c291d2b5e] Suggested Gabriel, quick to defend his clanmate. [i:2c291d2b5e]"Give him time. It would be my honour to sit with him and ease his isolation."[/i:2c291d2b5e]

Eveshka treated Gabriel to a radiant smile. [i:2c291d2b5e]"Let's hope you are right. For now, I'll sit with him whilst he gets his bearings. No doubt he would wish to be in better composure before meeting with a strange Ventrue for the first time. Perhaps you can take over a little later."[/i:2c291d2b5e]

Gabriel nodded, understanding completely. Still, he was eager to greet this kindred, about whom he had heard so much.

Eve looked about at all the kindred apparently hanging upon her every word. [i:2c291d2b5e]"Haven't you all got something to do? Go on.. Shoo! I'll call you if I need you."[/i:2c291d2b5e]

Everyone did as they were told and Eve went back into the building to keep Trom company. Perhaps everything would turn out okay, after all.

For I am legion and we are many.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 3:43 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
His tongue flew with anticipation over the fresh fang marks that speckled Kathy's neck and upper chest. His eagerness however, was not in the act, but in something distant, a vague desire that the Toreador could read in the Ventrue's eyes like text.

She had originally thought the climax would sate his desires, but even with intense release, he moved rapidly. Had she not been so relieved he had taken a reinterest in the physical aspects of their relationship, she might have been offended.

With the wounds closed, Gabriel stood and yanked a neatly folded cloth from it's place atop the shelf. As he wiped the sheen from his torso and shoulders, he moved towards the great trunk where he stored his new wardrobe (the suit tags read 'Darantti').

He pulled three suits from the trunk (they managed never to wrinkle, even folded!) and laid them neatly in a row atop the bed, scrutinizing them carefully. Pacing like a tiger, his eyes scanned each one carefully. One was placed back in the truck, and it was several minutes of pressing the respective clothes against his nude body before he had decided.

Kathy watched the ordeal amusedly, shaking her head.

[i:5c7ea522f5]"Gabriel."[/i:5c7ea522f5] her voice was light and playful.

The Ventrue was not deterred, but instead was rapidly sheering his long dreadlocks from his scalp, allowing them to tumble into great snake-like coils on the floor. He peered into the mirror, trimming his hair evenly and precisely.


He glanced over.

[i:5c7ea522f5]"You're so...I don't"[/i:5c7ea522f5] she reached for a word.


[i:5c7ea522f5]"...giddy! You're positively alive. What's gotten into you?[/i:5c7ea522f5]" the stunning Toreador, her face still a rosy pink from their activities, now joined him at his side, the bedsheets wrapped carefully around her nude form.

[i:5c7ea522f5]"Giddy? Hmm. Nothing, I'm just glad to be among the living I suppose."[/i:5c7ea522f5] he gave her a quick peck on the forehead and returned his attention the mirror, [i:5c7ea522f5]"Maybe their livelihood is rubbing off on me."[/i:5c7ea522f5]

[i:5c7ea522f5]"Rubbing off eh? Are you sure it isn't something else?"[/i:5c7ea522f5] Kathy persisted, laying her head on his shoulder.

[i:5c7ea522f5]"I'm sure."[/i:5c7ea522f5] came the reply.

[i:5c7ea522f5]"It's nothing else? Maybe something bigger than a breadbox? Recently awoken and fully insane?"[/i:5c7ea522f5]

Gabriel stopped clipping and peered at her reflection intently.

[i:5c7ea522f5]"Tromador? Why should he matter to me?"[/i:5c7ea522f5] he shook the notion off and returned to putting the finishing touches on his hair, now cropped close to his scalp.

[i:5c7ea522f5]"I don't know...maybe because you spent months researching his life in the Cascadian archives when you were Seneschal? Maybe because Sorenti spoke of him incessantly to you, and you to me? Maybe because..."[/i:5c7ea522f5]

The mirror shuttered as Gabriel slammed the scissors down upon the desk upon which it sat. Quickly he relaxed his stern response, turning and taking Kathy gently by the shoulders.

[i:5c7ea522f5]"Kay, I could care less about some ancient relic of a world that's now for all intents and purposes extinct. Clan Ventrue is gone as a structure. We're all the same now. Tromador makes no difference to me beyond how useful he may in saving our collective asses."[/i:5c7ea522f5]

Another quick peck to the forehead and he moved past her.

[i:5c7ea522f5]"I'm glad to hear you say that. He's only immortal after all. Still...might be nice for a chat. We can talk about the old stomping ground. It'll make our journey a little less dull I'm sure."[/i:5c7ea522f5] she said, plopping back down on the bed and brushing her hair.

[i:5c7ea522f5]"OUR journey? Kay, you are NOT coming along."[/i:5c7ea522f5] Gabriel slipped his tie around his neck.

[i:5c7ea522f5]"Excuse me? And why not?"[/i:5c7ea522f5]

[i:5c7ea522f5]"This isn't up for debate Katherine."[/i:5c7ea522f5] his usage of her full name either indicated romance or anger. In this case the meaning was clear. [i:5c7ea522f5]"You're to stay here, where Julius can properly protect you."[/i:5c7ea522f5]

[i:5c7ea522f5]"I don't recall handing my unlife over to your complete control!"[/i:5c7ea522f5] her eyes flashed hot.

[i:5c7ea522f5]"'re staying here. That's it. End of discussion."[/i:5c7ea522f5] he turned from her and stalked towards the door, halting at it's entrance. [i:5c7ea522f5]"I'm not kidding Kay..."[/i:5c7ea522f5]

[i:5c7ea522f5]"Fine."[/i:5c7ea522f5] she grumbled at length, realizing there was no winning when he was like this. She would simply have to hold the fort while the boys went off adventuring again. It was a familiar routine at this point.


Gabriel took a deep breath as he approached the building in which Tromador resided. Inside was an icon in Clan Ventrue and among the Inconnu. Every avenue in Gabriel's life had led to traces of Tromador. Grand boastings of his exploits and whisperings of his downfall had become as common in Gabriel's life as tails of Caine himself.

Composing himself and trying to recall the long since dormant social constraints of his clan, he waited patiently...

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:14 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
Cyrilynn crossed the threshold of the empty conference room in search of Julius, woefully aware that what she knew of Cainite history could be held in a thimble. Having finished her own preparations for their mission, she could no longer put off the embarrassment of having to ask him about Absimilliard.

At least, the place was [b:6f53d2310e]supposed[/b:6f53d2310e] to be uninhabited, she mused, warily eyeing the child in gingham that stared back with a speculative gleam in her own eyes. [i:6f53d2310e]"Little Grandmother."[/i:6f53d2310e] she nodded regally as she gave the honorific greeting. Whereupon, the sprite threw back her head and issued a cackle, [i:6f53d2310e]"And I'll just bet that rankles to say, doesn't it, childe?"[/i:6f53d2310e]. There was a mischevious sparkle in those cornflower blue eyes.

The Tzimisce merely inclined her head coolly, [i:6f53d2310e]"My master ordered me to use it, should I, by some chance, have dealings with you."[/i:6f53d2310e] Another chuckle burst forth, [i:6f53d2310e]"And do you find your servitude to him to be to your taste?[/i:6f53d2310e] The smug smile and crafty look in Baba Yaga's eyes spoke of more information than she should have had.

Lady Cyrilynn gave the question it's due consideration. [i:6f53d2310e]"I find a certain safety in my bonds, as well as a kind of contentment. I am well aware that if not for Julius Darrant's leash on me, what I would have become would not have been tolerated long. Yet..."[/i:6f53d2310e] she sighed, [i:6f53d2310e]"there are times when I long to be my own mistress again."[/i:6f53d2310e]

Mentally shaking herself out of dolorous thoughts, she cast a ruminative glance at the most ancient of vampiresses and was suddenly aware that here was a way to find out what she wanted to know that would be less humiliating to for her to face than to inquire of her domitor.

She sank into a full curtsy and petitioned with all the skill she had learned at court, [i:6f53d2310e]"Little Grandmother, this unworthy bond-servant begs your indulgence and requests that you tell me of Absimilliard, for I am truly ignorant in the ways of the childer of Caine."[/i:6f53d2310e] Then, lowering her eyes and bowing her head, as if to the Queen herself, she awaited the answer.

A snigger had her flinging her head up in burgeoning irritation. [i:6f53d2310e]"And with what will you pay the price of my teaching, Lady Cyrilynn Stratsborough?"[/i:6f53d2310e] She waggled a chubby finger back and forth and "tsked", [i:6f53d2310e]"What I could tell you doesn't come cheap, daughter. It is the way of the Nosferatu, that you must give me something of equal value."[/i:6f53d2310e] The lush young lips spread in a parody of a shark's smile, teeth included. The supplicant shuddered and closed her eyes.

[i:6f53d2310e]"I have only my blood. All else is my blood-bond and I am not free to give you that."[/i:6f53d2310e] Cyrilynn's voice went flat with the latter statement. "[i:6f53d2310e]"Of what I can give, will you have it of me?"[/i:6f53d2310e] The question was as formal as she could make it, prepared to give her bonded word to the contract. But the girl-child merely shook her head in negation.

[i:6f53d2310e]"You carry something more precious than you realize, my dear.[/i:6f53d2310e] She cocked her head sideways at the puzzled expression on the Tzimisce's face. [i:6f53d2310e]"You are burdened with a presence of the Goddess Python and I would relieve you of all that encompasses it... in exchange for all intelligence of what you face. Absimilliard."[/i:6f53d2310e]

Astonishment chased itself across the landscape of Lady Cyrilynn's mind. To finally be free of something that had threatened her for a score of years. And had, just recently, cost her her honor. It took only a moment before she found herself sighing a [i:6f53d2310e]"Yes! I agree to the transaction. Your knowledge of the enemy I will face for my memories of the Greecian Oracle."[/i:6f53d2310e]

That rictus grin got wider and Julius's handmaiden found herself frozen in terror, caught in the obesience she'd given the young girl earlier. A youthful hand slid around behind her head and clasped the nape of her neck. Only now they were no longer flush with youthfulness. Instead they felt bony and stronger than corded steel as they sank sharp talons into either side of her spine.

[i:6f53d2310e]"Hold still, now, this is going to hurt you worst than me!!"[/i:6f53d2310e] was the chortle. At that, the icy cold of the leathered palm that pressed against her skin spread to the very bones and caused the beginnings of a headache. It swiftly grew into shrieking proportions and her eyes went blind with the agony as she [b:6f53d2310e]tried[/b:6f53d2310e] to scream.

Gradually, it subsided to a throbbing in her skull that promised to empty her stomach if she so much as moved. She cracked her eyelids enough to be aware that she was alone in her distress. Baba Yaga had gotten what she wanted and was now gone. As was the presence that had always been a lingering part of her mind. Python, Delphian Priestess.

Ignoring the residual spears of torment, she prodded at the new data in her head, like worrying an aching tooth with a tongue. But returning nausea made her stop and she determined to, literally, sleep on what she'd acquired. [i:6f53d2310e]"Toisol! She's gone, finally gone! That snake will no longer haunt me again."[/i:6f53d2310e] Cautiously, she sat up and pulled her knees up to her chest, resting arms and chin on them, while she waited for the spinning room to settle.

Smiling she called to her Sire again, [i:6f53d2310e]"Toisol? Are you there? Talk to me... please?"[/i:6f53d2310e] a creeping unease began to snake up her spine and she reached to find her lover, [i:6f53d2310e]"Toisol!??"[/i:6f53d2310e] Then she reached desperately into the area of her mind she didn't often visit.

Where he had stood guard over her one and only derangement, and protected her from it, was only an empty space. Cyrilynn let out a sob and rained crimson tears into hands cupped to her face. Now she learned how bitter the price she had paid for the pearl of wisdom she had obtained.

Last edited by Lady Cyrilynn on Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 6:27 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm
Elliot rubbed salt from his eyes as he took his position high on the city’s crumbling spire of a watchtower. He nodded with a smile as Gelert clambered down to his bunk.

The days and nights were nigh indistinguishable these days. Elliot’s grandmother told him stories when he was a boy. Tales of how the sun shone down upon the Earth with an affectionate impunity. Of nights when the moon would hide behind a cloud curtain, rendering the world below in an absence of light that seemed painted in murky oil. Such things were unknown to the youth of today. All the same, Elliot closed his eyes on occasion and pictured the city resplendent under the watchful gaze of a midday sun.

Groggily he swigged from a steaming mug of weak tea. A mug which perplexingly then found itself bouncing down the wooden steps and ending it’s descent gracelessly in a steaming puddle of mud. Elliot’s fingers, still hooked as if unaware he’d dropped it.

[i:e17fb1b86e]“We’re under attack! There’s hundreds of them! Up on the hill! Lord Julius! Lord Julius! Raise the alarm! We’re under attack!”[/i:e17fb1b86e]

He jumped up and down on the spot, each impact with the wooden platform sending it into a swaying, cobra of a dance. Gelert fell from his bunk, his flop of a blonde comb over twisting as he righted himself.

[i:e17fb1b86e]“Elliot? What the fuck are you doing?!”[/i:e17fb1b86e] His words rolled and tumbled as he ran to the dangerously mobile watchtower. The ginger topped youth clung feverishly to the wooden tower, screaming in dismay.

[i:e17fb1b86e]“Gelert! Get help! Get Julius! Monsters! Monsters on the hill!”[/i:e17fb1b86e]

On the hillside, overlooking the burgeoning cityscape stood an army. The likes of which hadn’t been seen in centuries. If ever.

Scores of them stood. A shambled, deformed mass of beasts that stood like men. Arms carried vast pole-arms, swords stained with blood and rust. Limbs stunted and disfigured, scarred by birth in some cases and battle in others. A few walked on four legs, their bodies twisted and almost unrecognisable as human, fingers fused into hooves, fur hanging in patches from oozing wounds. Others sported glowing sockets where eyes should have resided, electrical sparks and wiring denoting their affinity for technology. These figures stood defiantly beside their mutated brothers and sisters. Flanked on either side, they stood like a shining core. Like they were to be protected. Kept precious.

Then at their front stood a line of men. Wearing plates of armour, carrying weapons that could not be easily recognised. Their faces hidden under masks and helmets. A few bore long, narrow cylinders that resembled the lances of ancient times, but were connected to thrumming powerpacks that shivered the air around them.

And then he came, striding purposefully through their ranks. Stopping by their leader, a grievously deformed monster of a man. The leader's arm ending in a long clubbed hand covered in mail and crude spikes, an image that repeated in the banners that suddenly rose from their numbers.

[i:e17fb1b86e]“Redfist! Redfist! Redfist! Redfist!”[/i:e17fb1b86e]

He waved his clubfist silencing the battlecry. Himself falling silent as the Ancient nodded to him.

[i:e17fb1b86e]Arms lowered. Voices shushed. Image of hands clasping in alliance.[/i:e17fb1b86e] The Metis, leader of the last of the Garou, nodded in understanding. Ordering his army silent as the Ancient Vampire moved ahead.

Porter, that was his name once, walked forward. The army behind him stood silently, their weapons sheathed or put on standby. He wuffed at the city walls and sent a greeting into the ether.

[i:e17fb1b86e]Images of the Sun King. Images of a blasted world. Flowing rivers dried. Life destroyed. Images of the Garou. Of the humans uniting. The Sun King at their helm. Julius’ face. Hands clasping. A smiling woman with child. Saplings in the soil. Fish in the rivers.[/i:e17fb1b86e]

He stopped the greeting and waited.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 11:03 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Eveshka emerged from Tromador's dwelling, her face displaying quite clearly the gravity and depth of the situation within. Clearly the great Ventrue remained far from the image of confidence and capability that he had been once.

She nodded curtly in passing and proceeded towards the direction of her and Julius' quarters. Gabriel steeled his nerves, straightened his tie a final time, and thrust himself into Tromador's temporary shelter.

The room was dimly lit with gas lamps, a recent addition to the burgeoning town. In the center, upon a padded slab, a figure sat with his head in his hands. Great white shalks of shimmering hair spilled from between his fingers, covering the finer features of his face. A strong jaw and regal attributes were apparent even beneath the silvery hair and effects of fatigue.

The younger Ventrue stepped forward.

"Forgive my intrusion." he said evenly, presenting himself as calculated and confident. The figure glanced up, and it was then Gabriel caught glimpse of his stern, serious eyes. Eyes filled with logic and cunning. They were the type of eyes that intimidated opponents and drew in allies. "I am Gabriel O'Brien of Clan Ventrue, Former Seneschal of Cascadia, and Strategoi of the Clan of Kings. I am the Childe of Sorenti, Childe of Morkarlov, Childe of the Countes..."

Tromador listened impassively, enduring the age old practice until the younger Ventrue had recited his lineage back to his progenator. At length he stood and bowed deeply.

"I am Tromador." he stated simply. "Did you say you were Sorenti's Childe?"

Gabriel had known that Sorenti and Tromador had been close in unlife, especially during the latter's lucrative stay in Cascadia. He had dropped his Sire's name with pride, glad to have a point of relation to the great Ventrue and famous Inconnu.

"I am." he fudged, not mentioning how he had been more 'adopted' than sired, "In 2001."

Tromador nodded, rubbing his neck more as a twitch than of necessity.

"Ah my idiot brother." he lamented. Gabriel was taken aback. For as long as he had known Sorenti, the elder Ventrue had represented nothing but competance. "I allowed myself to trust Sorenti, made him my friend and admitted him to my counsels. I'm by no means sure why I was so open with him. Perhaps life had become so secure in Cascadia that I needed someone to provide me with a challenge. By laying myself so openly to him, it was almost like bait. When it came, I was disgusted. Did he play for power, or influence? No. Was his backstab even for property or wealth? No. A woman. He betrayed me over a woman. How could I respect him after that? He didn't even love her. Turned upon me for the sake of the pleasures of the flesh. A shaming act for one of our blood. How could I not reject him?"

Once more, the younger Ventrue was awed by the confession, the frankness of the statement. He stuttered for a response.

"W...well my Sire always was a man of great passions. For one of his age and former influence to possess such desires must certainly been a challenge indeed."

"It's clear that he trained his Childer well if they continue to defend him after his death." Tromador said casually, his eyes now devoid of confrontation or challenge. Gabriel grasped for further subjects, desperately hoping to keep the elder amused.

"I was also Monitor of Cascadia for a time, with the Inconnu." he blurted somewhat awkwardly. His bait met with success, as Gabriel noted the interest register on Tromador's face.

"Well then," he smiled weakly, although Gabriel suspected the vulnerability may have been feigned, "allow me to be the first to congradulate you."

He stood and slowly moved across the cold stone floor towards his wardrobe, freshly supplied much as Gabriel's had been. Although the younger Ventrue had not received the luxury of a stone floor...

"I must admit I don't quite follow you." Gabriel said amiably.

"Well...prior to my...illness," he grimaced with the enunciation of the final word, " understanding was that the Inconnu's purpose was to ensure the survival of Kindred, as a species, beyond Gehenna. If not for the peace I sought and achieved, doubtless they would never have approached me and I would be as dead as so many others. Nonetheless, one should probably say that they achieved their aim."

The robed figure, still looking frail and weakened when held up to the vision Gabriel had projected in his mind, collected several items of clothing and slipped behind a dressing screen that seemed to shift patterns before the Ventrue's very eyes. A wayward hand appeared above it and motioned vaguely to the window, where beyond the farmlands, a desolate world sat awaiting it's savior.

"The war of Gehenna is been and gone and at least a few of us yet continue our unlives. Another war is upon us, I think perhaps the very last one. What fate awaits us now is beyond what the greatest scholars of the Inconnu could have predicted."

"I wonder at that sometimes."

Tromador's eyes, filled now with peekish curiousity, appeared momentarily above the screen.

"What's that?"

Gabriel moved closer, his arms folded diplomatically. He paced as he explored the thought.

"What if Gehenna hasn't come yet? What if we've only seen the prologue? After understanding of Cainite lore has always been that the Antedeluvians would set up a new city and then be devoured by Caine...and yet..." he glanced out the window, wondering where these infinite entities that always seemed to conspire against Julius and himself would push him next, " we are."

Tromador's brow furrowed for a moment, and then lightened visibly. He went back to the task of changing.

"Perhaps. It's a possibility to be certain. But as you well know Gabriel, the Inconnu libraries are overflowing with Kindred lore that often contradicts itself, and contradicts the contradictions!"

He emerged from behind the screen and it was all Gabriel could do to keep from gasping. Before him stood every inch the idol he had built within his mind's eye. A blue three quarter length frock coat accentuated his frame, and returned the robust and lively figure that Gabriel had watched in countless security footages. His hair was tied back smartly, and gave him a princely appearance.

He straightened his cuffs from beneath his jacket and shot a casual glance at Gabriel, who barely avoided being caught staring in awe.

"Well. In any case Gabriel, may I call you Gabriel?" seemingly having forgotten his already having used Gabriel's name several times.

"I'd prefer it."

"In any thing is certain...the old rules no longer apply."

"A shame. We built them." he lamented, turning towards the window.

"Ah yes, Clan Ventrue. For possibly obvious reasons, I was never tasked with the position of Monitor of Ventrue. My own particular skills were used only rarely, as my illness would tend to precipitate unfortunate side effects. However, when push came to shove, our brothers fought as bravely as any other during Gehenna and I am fiercely proud of them. Maybe we are the last, George Stanley and Gabriel O'Brien. Even if that is so, it still may be true that we have fared better than some others."

"Undoubtedly." he agreed wholeheartedly. It was as though Tromador were reading his thoughts....which it now occurred to Gabriel he may have been. "Although I must confess, with the task set before us, social structures seem a bit trivial."

Tromador's eyes took on a steely gaze, and his inner determination, freshly regained, nearly shone through. He locked his gaze with Gabriel's.

"How right you are. Do not for a moment think that our purpose is to save ourselves, or our clans, or our blood. We fight because we must, because there is nobody else to take the responsibility. We may die. The Inconnu library told much of Lilith. She has been cursed by God, much as Caine was. Her curse is never to be able to love, or be loved. Imagine a world without love, Gabriel. This is why we fight. We fight, quite literally, for love. And we must prevail..."

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 6:50 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
A bunch of mortals came running down the street in a panic. They had been up at the hill top terrace-like area where Eveshka had decided to hold court, such as it was. They were utterly terrified as if their very lives were at stake. The group saw Julius and skidded to a halt.

"What is it my children?" he asked calmly.

The group of mortals grew even more terrified.

"You can tell me," he said with a disarming smile on his face.

After a moment of silence, a man stepped forwards. "Your.... Your Queen, Exalted One. She.... sh... she," he stammered off.

The corners of Julius' mouth twitched as he understood what had happened.

"Ah," he said. "I see." He really did smile. "Was anyone injured?" he asked.

", Exalted One," the mortal replied. "She grew angry and.... said.... I've never heard such words before. They must be some high language of the Gods."

With that Julius outright laughed. "Did she say, 'Fuck?'"

The crowd nodded. "'Get the fuck out of here,' she said to us," said the man. "I am not sure of the direct meaning, but it seemed as if she wished to be left alone. Never fear, Exalted One, we shall never utter the language of the Gods." With that the group bowed and left, still looking scared pissless.

Julius continued laughing as he walked up the path to the terrace. He sat on the low wall that ringed the terrace. Eveshka was in the middle of the circle, dressed in a simple robe. She appeared to be going through an elaborate Tai-Chi like ritual with her rapier. Julius watched her in silence and was in awe of her beauty. Even here, in this desolate waste, when she was not even trying to look beautiful or impress anyone or anything, she was like poetry come to life. Perhaps that was why he truly loved her, because he was one of the few who really saw her for what she truly was. In these quiet moments, when there was no pretense, she was beauty incarnate. A solitary flame in a world of darkness.

He watched her fluid motions and found himself being mezmerized. A slight motion drew his eye. A young man was spying over the wall but was keeping his distance and was keeping silent. He doubted whether Eveshka had even noticed either of them yet.

Julius slid off the wall and walked over to her.

"Hello Lover," he said. She stopped and stood upright with a slight smile on her face. "I must confess, this was the first time I had ever heard that the word 'fuck' was part of the lexicon of the Gods."

She merely cocked an eye.

"You've really got to be patient with our people Evey," he said. "They only wnat to please us."

"Strange thing is," said Eveshka in a soft voice. "I'm finding that I don't want to be worshipped and adored by them. It's anti-climactic and completely unfulfilling."

Julius nodded. "You've changed, babe."

Eveshka nodded. "I need to steel myself for this mission. We need to end this Hell."

Julius nodded. "And so they shall. But your mission is here, Eveshka."

"Here?" she repeated flatly. "You know damned well that Tromador and I are the most powerful vampires here, after you. As you are not going, you know that they stand NO chance in taking down Lilith without both Tromador and I with them."

Julius shrugged. "Don't underestimate them, Evey. Besides, you are right, you ARE the most powerful vampire here, after me, and I need you HERE."

Eveshka blinked.

"This is the future, Eveshka. This is the last bastion of civilization. Even if they DO all get annhiliated going after Lilith and Troile, Enoch MUST survive. IT MUST!"

She nodded slightly. "We hae a whole army of Garou surrounding the city."

Julius nodded. "And they are unknown quantities, and our natural enemies. If all goes well with Tromador and the rest, the status quo ante bellum just MAY resume. Which means we have an army of werewolves already in position to attack us."

Eveshka looked off into the murky distance. A few flashes of sheet lightening coursed across the sky. Distant thunder rumbled up from the canyons that used to be at the bottom of the Black Sea.

"I need you here Eveshka. I don't just want you here. I NEED you here. You are the only one I TRULY trust. Everyone else, Cyrillin included..." he shook his head slightly. "They are allies of expediency. They are a means to an end. I hope we never lose the bonds of their fellowship, but I do not count on it as I count on you."

Eveshka turned and looked at him slowly.

"Stay. My Queen," said Julius simply with his right hand outstretched. "I can't do this without you."

She nodded and looked down at his feet.

"Very well," she said and looked up with a slight smile, but with unmistakeable disappointment on her features.

"I know you are bored here, Evey," he said. "I'm actually impressed by your boredom. I must confess that I am shocked that the praise and adoration of the mortals is so... meaningless to you."

"Things change," said Eve. She walked up and wrapped her arms around Julius and held him.

"Some things don't," said Julius.

Eve giggled softly. "No. Some things don't." She kissed him full on the lips and love turned to passion.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 7:27 pm Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 34Joined: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:01 pm
Wren smirked, watching the army of werewolves that surrounded the place from his perch on the edge of the wall. Most vampires would have been worried at the sight of so many lupines. He wasn't.

He knew that the lupines weren't hostile; if they were, with those numbers, and with the new variations that seemed to be cropping up in the ranks, they would have already attacked new enoch, and though defenses had been put in place... though new enoch was a city that had begun to thrive, they would have been ill prepared for such an assault.

Wren chuckled, and did something most sane vampires would have dared to do... let himself drop from the wall and down to the ground, in full view of the werewolves, bowed his head respectfully, then, for good measure, opened his arms wide, a peaceful gesture by anyone's terms, and as far as Lupines went, from a vampire, this was downright friendly.

Now he waited for them to come and talk to him, as he knew they would. Of course, they might decide to rip him into little bits, but that was a possibility that he would have to deal with, and then find a way to avoid should the situation arise.

Fortunately, the situation did not arise, though he stood there in plain view. Perhaps it was the nature of Wren's charmed unlife, perhaps it was his bravery in placing himself in such a vulnerable position, but not a one of the lupines chose to attack him.

Instead, one of their number, somehow more, and less human in appearance than the rest of them. Wren recognized him, but only vaguely. It was a memory from centuries past.

[i:ad32c93770]"You have got to be kidding me,"[/i:ad32c93770] he whispered as the giant of a man approached him, the both of them nodding.

[i:ad32c93770]"Well met, wolf among the dead,"[/i:ad32c93770] he said in a half whisper and gave a slow, respectful nod, [i:ad32c93770]"If you come as friend, I call you friend. If you come as enemy, I greet you as an honored foe."[/i:ad32c93770]

Cross that line, and I'll burn you down.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:27 am Reply with quote
User avatarConcealedPosts: 33Joined: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:22 pm
What had passed between Julius and the creature which was apparently Porter was a source of conjecture amongst the other kindred. How they had communicated, with visions and concepts mind to mind had been beyond them all. Only Tromador, with his centuries of unlife carrying the strange mental abilities of the Malkavians could glimpse at their "conversation", but he remained silent upon the subject. In any case, it seemed that the ancient feud between Garou and Kindred had been set aside, a new world, restored to new life become the common goal of all.

Preparations had begun for the two missions to deal with Lilith's antediluvian pets. It was known that both were in the East, but Baba Yaga had yet to receive final reports from her nosferatu spies. It was agreed one group would head northeast into China whilst the other would head towards South East Asia. As Baba Yaga gleaned new intelligence, the groups would be updated on the lair of their respective quarries. Julius meantime toiled in the forges, giving the power of his magic to weapons that would be used against the Outriders.

It was with these preparations in mind that Tromador had called for a meeting of all the kindred, muttering something about a debt to be paid. Whether he had retained some of the mental abilities of the Malkavians, or whether it was simply intrigue at this ancient Ventrue apparently restored to full capacity, the group gathered in the town square as witnesses.

George nodded to Julius, who did something with his skull. [i:9e6992948b]"Recording."[/i:9e6992948b] It intoned in it's dully echoing tones.

[i:9e6992948b]"I want to thank you for coming to witness this event."[/i:9e6992948b] Began George. As if the assembled kindred could have had any choice. Only Eveshka could even notice the subtle use of Tromador's high levels of Presence, yet even she allowed it to affect her. It was good to see Trom playing to the crowd once again, manipulating those around him like a conductor manipulates his orchestra. The reassurance of at least one thing in this world set to rights.

[i:9e6992948b]"Such things, in this time, perhaps have little meaning, yet I owe a debt and would wish to pay it in the manner of times past, hoping that we will all see a brighter future."[/i:9e6992948b] George paused for a moment, allowing a slightly enigmatic smile to cross his face, just so, calculating the effect upon the gathering and timing precisely before continuing. [i:9e6992948b]"Gabriel O'Brien, of the Clan of Kings, I request you stand forth."[/i:9e6992948b]

Just for the slightest moment, Gabriel hesitated, unsure, before his impeccable Ventrue training kicked in and he strode from the group to stand before Tromador.

George nodded. [i:9e6992948b]"During my tenure in the Inconnu, I did not neglect to keep a watchful eye upon my old domains. You did honour to a seat I once occupied, but your achievements and status were never acknowledged as they should have been. I now correct that."[/i:9e6992948b]

[i:9e6992948b]"I Lord George Stanley, Earl of Derby, do invest you Gabriel O'Brien with the Order of the Equerry. It seems especially fitting in this time, where cars and other mechanical means of transport fail, to revert to tradition."[/i:9e6992948b]

George's eyes looked distant for a moment, with just the slightest tinge of a green glow. As if responding to a mental summons, a villager appeared leading a black horse, saddled and bridled with the finest of leatherwork, a scabbard hanging from the pommel. Quite where Tromador had found an Arabian Stallion was anybody's guess, nonetheless, there he stood, pawing the ground nervously.

[i:9e6992948b]"Futhermore..."[/i:9e6992948b] Continued Tromador, before Gabriel had chance to respond. [i:9e6992948b]"It has ever been tradition to award a sword. Normally, the recipient would choose, however in this case, I hope Gabriel will permit me."[/i:9e6992948b]

Gabriel half bowed in acceptance, there being little else he could do, yet already Tromador had drawn the blade from the scabbard. A katana, glowing with a strange and chaotic green light.

[i:9e6992948b]"I thank Mr. Darrant for his assistance in the creation of this blade. Now, please kneel, Mister O'Brien."[/i:9e6992948b] Said George slowly, strangely emphasizing the word 'mister'.

Gabriel dropped slowly to one knee. George nodded and spoke directly to him, though his voice carried to the others witnessing this somewhat anachronistic and out of place Ventrue ceremony. [i:9e6992948b]"My house was a noble one within our clan, as well as within the mortal realm. I am the last. From time to time, it was custom to adopt others into the Stanley Household. By the blood you shed which cleansed mine, we are kinsmen and by the blood you shed now..."[/i:9e6992948b] George laid the blade upon Gabriels shoulder, then nicked the skin of his neck.

Gabriel entered some kind of netherworld. Tromador stood before him like some kind of demon, his twisted face laughing evilly. Behind him the horse stamped, fire coming from it's nostrils, like the legendary nightmare steed. Gabriel shook his head, trying to clear it, but all he could see was Tromador, his eyes whirling green and full of chaos. Falling... falling into a madness of his own creation.

[i:9e6992948b]"...shall you know the sword's power and shall it know it's master."[/i:9e6992948b] Continued George. Gabriel blinked, still looking at the ground. He hadn't moved, his dignity was intact. The sword, it seemed was imbued with the power of Tromador's former madness, able to inflict it upon others. He strongly suspected that Tromador had held him firm whilst giving him the taste of the blade's magic, for which he was grateful, but already Tromador was touching the blade to his other shoulder.

[i:9e6992948b]"Rise, Sir Gabriel of the House of Stanley."[/i:9e6992948b] Concluded Tromador, almost triumphant in his emphasis this time of the freshly endowed honorific as he passed the new sword to his adopted cousin. [i:9e6992948b]"I leave the naming of both blade and steed to you, kinsman. How shall you call them?"[/i:9e6992948b]

Gabriel rose to his feet and prepared himself to respond.

For I am legion and we are many.
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