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<  USA  ~  The Rain Of Torment

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 9:13 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
Her beginning was like most or maybe not. However here she was, standing in this god forakening place as the rain came pouring down on her. Korryla was leaning again a wall, tightly pressed against it as if her life depended on every single movement she was about to make. The rain, it brought back so many memories, so many painful memories. Shaking her head softly as the voice inside her head was screaming at her

[i:162de16255]Dammit Korryla.. if you don't keep your mind focus you will screw this up[/i:162de16255]

Time was everything. Dammit, why? Sighing somewhat as she edged herself closer to the edge of the wall. Sticking her head out as she gazed down at the crowd below. For a moment it took her eyes a little bit longer to adjust, but his scent was still strong in her mind. It took a few seconds longer for er to find him. But there he was, flashing that smile getting everyone around him to fall for him.

Why? Why was it her that she saw past this? Why was she the one that had to go after him and bring back his head? Damn those people, damn myself. Shaking her head once more as she began to count the number of bodyguards that she could spot. Four.. he must be feeling pretty lucky tonight, or that he has confidence in myself that he isn't afaird of the councel anymore.

[i:162de16255]You can do this Korryla, you have practiced this and went over this about hundred times. There is nothing that can go wrong. Just do it![/i:162de16255]

That voice, of course it would be her 'other' who else would it be. Stepping closer to the edge as she inhaled one last breath before jumping from the roof top. Free form falling as she liked to call it, it was a good fifty foot drop. As her feet hit the ground her body arced slightly inward, her arms where extened out to ensure her balance as she landed in a crouched postion on the ground. [i:162de16255]Good now get moving![/i:162de16255]

Raising quickly to her feet as she made a dash to the nearest tree, coming to stand behind it as she tried to hide herself from the crowd. Something felt wrong, why? This isn't right and she knew it. But that split second of thinking was already to late. In the midst of the shadows standing only feet away from her, there he stood.

Blinking as she hissed softly "They told you!! They lied to me!!"

He laughed, what else could he do. Stepping closer to her as he lifted his left hand to her right cheek, caressing it softly

"My my my Kor.. You should have known I have control over this city ma petite. Whether you like it or not, your little games are at an end. Now, take your rightful place beside me or die."

Korryla was glaring at him already as a smirked tug over her lips. "You may be right about the city, but I will damned if I join you.. And have you forgotten? I am already dead"

She threw her hands up and thrust the quickly down as a darkness began to creap over her, the shadows as some like to call it. A plane between the world of reality and those of the night. It engulfed her body, though her presences lingered there for only seconds more, until it was gone as well.

He blinked staring at the tree as his head tilted somewhat to left.. she was growing stronger by the day and he knew it. Cursing softly under his breath as he was lost in thought. A woman's voice called out "Jordan!" Shaking his head as he put on that reassuring smile, stepped out from behind the tree and joined the crowd.

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 8:46 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
Shifting in and out of the shadows as Korryla was making her way to the edge of the city limits. [i:87098ae4eb]Dammint.. I should have know.[/i:87098ae4eb] This was it, this was her vow to never trust another soul, living, undead person or creature again. The burning desire ate her up inside, ate her until she could no longer see correctly. The graveyard seemed like the safest place to hide, the sun would surely be up soon enough.

As as reached the graveyard the shadows seem to have just faded from being around her, her chest raising and falling quickly with each breath she took. Her her right hand clenthced into a fist as her nails dug into her skin, slowly blood began running down her on her hand. Her mind was almost lost to her as the rage was trying to take control, clouding her vision and turning her into the creature she truly was.

Something had moved, made her stop, almost jumped right there. Her eyes quickly gazed around as stepped back and slide down into a crouching position as her eyes began to narrow somewhat. A vampire, she knew it, she could sense it and feel him. A prey of sorts.. Jordan wants to play a game, than a game he shall have.

Shifting back into the shadows as she unclenched her fist, her eyes following the movement of the creature carefully. It look like they had only sent one. But why? As the creature seem to move forward, Korryla slide her left hand over the hilt of her top blade. Inhaling slowly as she closes her eyes, letting her senses and her mind take over. Her arms begin to pulse with a dark purplish lightning that run from her shoulders, wrapping around each arm and running down to each wrist. A twisted grin tugged over her lips as she stepped from the shadows once more. The creature nearly jumped and looked at her in totally shock. As she spoke her voice seem somewhat altered and demonic for that matter

[i:87098ae4eb]"He sent you didn't he?"[/i:87098ae4eb]

The creature couldn't answer.. How could he, the strength, the energy level that was coming off of her almost seem unreal. As Korryla stepped forth she rushed her right hand forward out as she extended it quickly across just barely inches from his face. However the moment her arm came in level range with his, the dark purplish lightning that was pulsing around her arm seem to have shot out to his head. Grabbing it as if it was now being held.

[i:87098ae4eb]"Answer me now!!"[/i:87098ae4eb]

Again the creature just stood there in total shock.. How.. how could she do this? Jordan was said to be the strongest vampire in the city. He.. he was the master vampire. But this? How?

His thoughts where cut off as a force of electricity shot to his head, again, and than again. Yes, she was frying his head completely. That lightning quickly faded as she stepped closer to him, running a her right hand softly over his cheek. His breaths came in short gasps almost, his eyes widen in fear as she tilted his head to the left a little, bring her mouth to his neck. The dark purplish lightning fades from both her arms as she drew her mouth closer to his neck. Her right hand was placed around the back of his neck, her left arm sliding around his body to the middle of his back as she pushed his body closer to hers. Her fangs extended about a good two inches as she quickly sank them into his neck. Her eyes closed as the hunger took over, she began to suck his blood from his body. The vampire tried to move from her hold, but was unable to as his very life was being sucked from him.

Jordan was sitting at a round table, music was playing, people were smiling and having a wonderful time. Just what he wanted, peace and for once it seemed like that would happen. The rain outside was still pouring down hard as the thunder sounded across the sky. A crash as the window broke an a body of something that was dead went flying into the room and landed directly on Jordan's table. People screamed as the music and talking all seemed to die out. Everyone was starring at the dead body on the table. Jordan slowly stood up his eyes dead locked on the body on his table.. Anger and fury filled his eyes.. Someone would pay for this..

"My God.." A voice called out.. "Someone diablized(sp) the poor bastard.."

Jordan's gaze quickly slide to the dead vampires neck, it was true. He quickly looked up to the broken window but the figure that was standing there had already been long gone.

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 4:46 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((well written :) glad to see you on the boards

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:57 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
((*grins* Thanxies.))

Jordan shifted slowly through the crowds. The rain seemed to pour down for three straight days. Guess this was what he got for trying to bring that woman here and turning her to be on his side. In away he needed her, this town needed her. Shrugging softly to himself as he he made is way into the building. Another night, more going to be business now..

He hung his trench cloak up in his office, walked over to the desk to read the note.
"Important. Please attend this meeting ASAP"
It was the counsel of course. He gave his word that she would not get away, there would be no seen, no need of alarm. He lift his left hand up, balled a fist and slammed it into the wall. Blood trickled down over his skin as he hissed softly.


Get a grip on yourself Jordan.. something will be worked out. And with that he walked into the next room. A very very dark room at that, torches lined the wall and provided the only light in the room. In the middle of the room was a long table with about twelve people sitting around the table. Jordan pulled the chair at the head of table out and sat down. All eyes were on him. The eldest looking male there was the first to talk.

"You gave us your warning Jordan. I told you she was to much for you. I also told you exactly what she would do if something like this happened."

Jordan shook his head softly

"Frost there was nothing I could do. I didn't think she would have that type of power in short little time... I..-"

Jordan was interrupted as redhead female looking to be about forty cut him off.

"Jordan, there is no need to explain what happened. We all know."

The eldest man slowly rose to his feet.

"This meeting is over with Jordan. You have exactly a week to find that bitch and bring me her head!!"

The rest of the people sitting around the table also rose to their feet and followed the old man out of the room. Jordan lifted his arm and slammed it on the table. Damn that woman.. damn her.

Korryla had been in the room the whole time, in the shadows, watching intently. A twisted grin tugged over her lips as she watched everyone walk out of the room. Her voice echoed throughout the room as she spoke.

"Damn me? Now now Jordan, your thoughts are speaking a little bit loud these evening. You have such a strong hatred and if I am so fucking dangerous why did you double cross me in the first place. I layed down the rules and you agreed to them. And like the counsel you will pay."

Jordan was frozen in his chair for the whole time she spoke. Quickly getting up to is feet he knew she was gone. But now the chase was on.

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 2:39 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm
((Great writing BD! Is Koryla a Setite then?

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 2:29 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
((*smiles* Thanxies again.. and I will just let you decide on exactly what she is.. hehe always fun to guess))

Damn straight the chase was on. But how long could they go? How long could he keep up with her? Jordan was pacing up and down his office waiting for the report. The phone rang. Jordan quickly picked up the phone an answer it


The voice almost seems altered as if it was Korryla but she sounded so demonic.

[i:1715bdbdae]"Jordan, my my my. Are you to afraid to face me yourself? Or is there a reason you keep sending people to their deaths?!"[/i:1715bdbdae]

He could tell she was pissed and with her calling he knew he had just ten of his men.

Korryla was covered in blood from head to toe, her breathing came in quick sharp gasps as the 'other' released its hold on her. Funny, how everytime she came into this state she lost control over herself. A frown pressed over her lips as she dropped to her knees and screamed loudly. The scream echoed throughout the room as her gaze burned down upon the pool of blood she was kneeling in. She closed her eyes and her mind drifted on her.

[b:1715bdbdae]-------------------Five Years Before-------------------[/b:1715bdbdae]

Korryla stood there in front of Jordan's desk, a faint smile pressing over her lips. Her gaze drifted around the room slowly as she seemed to take in everything, the pictures, the colour of the room the darkness, the lights. Everything. Jordan was sitting there behind the desk with his flashes smile pressing over his lips.

"Korryla join us.. I will take you in and call you my own. And I will love you for the rest of your life. Ma petite."

In her mind she knew that this was wrong and that joining with him on this reason would only lead to trouble for her. Jordan stood up and walked around over to her and gently placed his hand over her cheek and caressed it softly. Why did she fear him so much? Her gaze met his.. and for a the brief moment she thought he had ment it.. She would beable to finally sit down and call a place her own and have someone to come home. Slowly she nodded her head yes. Jordan smiled and took her into his arms and held her tightly to him....

It was about almost two years later when Korryla was running the out of town drug implements up and down the West coast. She mostly gone that year there were many business meetings she had to attend to and people she had to scare. She had came home earlier.. she wanted to see Jordan. As she entered into their Mansion side house and like always it was dark, cold, and quiet. The way the two preferred to live. Something was different and she knew it. Anger was building up slowly in her as she stood there in the living room. Shaking her head softly

"Noo.." She said nervously. She quickly turned and began to run up the stairs, running up about seven flights of stairs and turning down the hall to the left. It seemed everything was running in slow motion. And once again for the first time anger burnt deep down in her veins.. She stopped in front of the door taking quick gasps as she her two voices moaning. Quickly she kicked open the door and stalked into the room. The sight nearly killed her, betrayal.. the one word she knew well. And there on their bed as Jordan and a blonde headed lady. Her eyes seems to glow a deep dark purplish colour as the dark purplish lightning pulsed around her arms starting from her shoulders, wrapping around each arm and running down to her wrist. Black tears fell from her eyes as she moved to quickly for Jordan to realize, to quickly to be noticed at all. Her movements where quick, her fangs tore into Jordan's neck as she began sucking his very life from him. Heh.. she would not kill him.. No, that was not her plan.. he would suffer far much worse. She torn her fangs from his neck and threw him across the room. Her gaze slide over to the woman as she grabbed her by the head and pulled her closer to her, the woman was human, she could sense it. Tilting the woman's head to the left as she sank her fangs into her flesh.

Korryla had left the bodies in the room and was walking outside miles away from the mansion when a huge explosion erupted from inside the house. She didn't care if Jordan got out or not. She didn't care, she was going to the counsel to turn him in.

For the next three years Korryla didn't talk to anyone but the eldest vampire. Even though he wanted to help Korryla he was unsure about Jordan. Jordan was alive after that fatal night, suppose ever vampire has a down fall. And Jordan's would be Korryla. DrethMia shook his head as he held Korryla that night when she first came to him..

"Chyld you come to the wrong place seeking help. Everything is not what it seems. There will be a time when even I will have to do something I will regret to you."

Korryla blinked at him as the voice screamed out into her mind.. Screaming, she couldn't make sense of the words as the 'other' just screamed.

[b:1715bdbdae]--------------Present Time-------------------[/b:1715bdbdae]

Korryla was screaming again, the scream was almost sounding demonic. Black tears slowly slide down her cheek, as her breaths came to her in quick gasps. Raising slowly to her feet as she stood and walked outside of the building. The sun was raising and filling the morning sky. She was able to stand within the daylight and no one knew this but her. With that she turned down the road that lead to the graveyard and quickly made her way out the area she was in.

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 8:19 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
Korryla slide down slowly into the coffin as she pulled the lid to the coffin up but did not close it all the way. She felt her body begin to shake violently as she struggles for control over herself to keep from letting the 'other' take control of her. Her arms flared up with a dark purplish fire.. her eyes widen as she gasps for air. Her body trembled uncontrollable as the flame seemed to engulf her body. Heat ... it was hot, she was sweating..blood.. pain. She screamed out again.. louder than before. She was slowly loosing her mind.

Jordan with the rest of the vampires that stayed up through the morning hours where hundreds of feet under ground. He shifted in his chair as his good friend came walking through the door.

"She diablized(sp) all every single one of them. Jordan.. what the hell kind of a vampire does that? I thought you guys needed fresh blood in order to survive?"

Chad was one of Jordan's closest humans friend. Throughout the years the two had grown a bond with each other when Jordan had stopped another vampire from killing him and his family and ever since than Chad started working for Jordan. Jordan sighed somewhat as he stood up and walked over to a picture of him and Korryla a few nights after he promised her his life..

"I don't know. She never really got into it. She wouldn't talk about her past or how old she really was. You know things like that."

Chad just seem to nod somewhat at this as he moved over to a chair and sat down, placing the crossbow down at his feet. "The whole city is out looking for her.. well more than half of it. Is there anything we should know about?"

Jordan's eyes pierced into the picture as he stared at Korryla, it was the first time since they met and got together that he had seen her smile. She almost looked happy.

Chad nodded at that thinking.. "Jordan, do you know what vampire clan she came from?"

Jordan grin somewhat at this as he turned around to face his friend, leaning his back against the wall "She is a Caitiff. They do not truely have a bloodline. They are the Kindred without a clan to call their own, and are shunned by most other vampires. The few that do accept them are usually little better themselves. However, in my personal opinion I think she was just saying this to pass of the question."

Chad arched a brow slightly as he nodded at this. "I see. Anything else I should know?"

Jordan's grin faded from his lips as he nodded "Yes, she is dangerous..very very dangerous. Promise me you won't go after her?"

Chad simply nodded at this "Alright. Tis not a problem."

Loosing her mind wasn't the way to describe the amount of energy that was seeping up form the graveyard. Other people would be able to feel it and she would be on the run once again. The dark flames remain engulfing her body as another black tear slide down her cheek. Surely there was something else in her bloodline..and it ran deep.. As her mind drift off on her again she seem to have passed out.

[b:157bc5fd1e]-------------------Seven Centuries Before-------------------[/b:157bc5fd1e]

Korryla.... who was that? Some name she had thought of and feel in loved with when she was only ten years old. Growing up on the outskirts of New England on a hill side with her father and his uncle. Though it was strange she never remember seeing her mother or anyone else there and she only saw her uncle at night. Her father was always telling her she was special. She remembers medical surgery, blood transfusions. She never had once seen the inside of a hospital though. Late at night her uncle would bring the doctor to them and operate there in her room.
She remembers one night vaguely, but it was the one that stood out the most from all. Her uncle and her father where screaming at each. Something about no.. just let her go to her mother. After that there was nothing but silence. She had never seen her father again, her uncle had told pretty much told her that her father had left her and ever since that day she had grown a hatred for her father.

Days had turn into weeks, weeks had turned into months, and months had passed into years. Korryla had spent about five years of her life on table, being operated on. Everything was almost built around perfection here. When she was sixteen years old her uncle had a woken her up early one morning..

"Come child wake up!"

Korryla's eyes fluttered to life though she felt empty inside. A sound of numbness crept through her. What had happened? She couldn't recall anything from those five years. Well, at least now she couldn't. She got dressed and followed her uncle out. They walked for what seemed miles, they were walking on the beach that led to the main docks of the city. As they reached the main docks her uncle walked up to the man that was standing there.

"Is that the girl?"

Her uncle nodded "Yes it is. You must hurry though I think they are on to us."

The figure seem to frown at this.. "She hasn't been trained at all has she?"

My uncle shook his head as the figure nodded somewhat and than signaled me to come to them. And I did, why should I be afraid? Korryla could feel something inside of her and she could also hear the voice speaking inside her head.. She knew she had undergone some change.. but she wasn't to sure exactly what happened. She followed the figure on the to the massive boat. As the boat set sail she watched as she drifted further away from her uncle.

She never saw her uncle again.. After that Korryla was forced to do things and learn things that she never thought she would have to do in life. She was put through several years of training, of learning things from physics, black magik, white magik, telekinis(sp). She never really got close to anyone, she couldn't allow herself to fall prey to someone like that. And she would be damned if she did.

Centuries seem to have passed as she was bounced from town to town. Having moved from England to the States she never stayed in one place for more than a week. They were always telling her that she had to go some place safer. It was almost as if people where trying to find her or get to her. But why? No one ever answered her questions.

[b:157bc5fd1e]-------------------Present Time-------------------[/b:157bc5fd1e]

Korryla woke to hearing voices outside from the inside of her little haven. Her body was sweating still, the dark purplish flames had died off. She placed a hand gently over her mouth as she tried to make sure no one head her.

"I saw a woman walk out from the main road and walked towards this was into the graveyard."

Nothing else was said, she heard the foot steps walk off. She sighed softly as her body once again felt like it was going to give out on her. She struggled for a few moments longer as she tried to keep her eyes from closing out on her. She needed to sleep.. but she didn't want to wake up somewhere else, or not beable to wake up at all. But her eye lids closed and her body drifted off the sleep.

The sun was setting when Chad came running back into Jordan's office. "I think we found her!"

Jordan jumped from his chair and looked at Chad, blinking in disbelief.. "Where?!"

Chad just nodded "I will take you out there once the sun has set.. But Jordan there is something you should know first, something that just doesn't seem right."

Jordan tilted his head somewhat and looked at Chad "What is it?"

Chad swallowed somewhat as he himself was still unsure of the this was even possible "Korryla was seen walking in broad day light."

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 10:33 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
Jordan just stood there staring at Chad as if he had almost been shot. Shock ran through his body as he felt everything go numb. "Are.. are you sure?"

 Chad tilted his head to left somewhat as he arched a brow and nodded his head. "My men wouldn't lie to me and make this shit up. The sun has set and if you want I can take you to where they saw her."

Of course he wanted to go, but how? How was that possible that she was able to walk in broad daylight? He had heard about day walkers but they were not fully vampires. Korryla said she was a full-blooded vampire. Simply odd. He shook his head and nodded to Chad. "Lets go."

Jordan was the first to enter into the graveyard and the energy level that seemed to be feeding throughout the air sent chills up and down his spine. He stopped about midway and looked up to the sky, odd there was a dark purplish tint around part of the graveyard. And there was only one person who could make that.. Korryla.

Chad and about five other people where following behind Jordan they where all carrying 45 magnum hand guns and had about two other guns holstered on them, they were prepared for the worst. As Jordan made his was further into the graveyard he stopped where it seemed like it would be Korryla's haven. Jordan looked over at Chad and consider sending someone in there, but he knew damn well what happens when someone enters into a vampires haven. But that was a chance they where all going to have to take.

Inside the haven there she laid in the coffin, her body regenerating itself.. [i:8e9bedfe22]Wake up!!![/i:8e9bedfe22]

Korryla stirred slightly but was pretty much gone to the world.

[i:8e9bedfe22]Wake up Korryla!! Wake up now!![/i:8e9bedfe22]

As Jordan and Chad entered slowly into the haven they just both stood there at stared at the sight of Korryla. She looked like someone had attacked her with needles. There was cuts, inhuman scars all over her arms, face, and neck. Was she dead?

Korryla was awake, her eyes were closed as she laid there knowing that two people had just came in. Which two well she was certainly not to sure. But she was betting her odds on Jordan. Jordan stepped closer to the coffin.. As Jordan stepped closer a demonic voice sounding much like Korryla's echoed throughout the haven.

[i:8e9bedfe22]"Well, well. If it isn't the man himself. My my Jordan, I was expecting you."[/i:8e9bedfe22]

Jordan blinked as he stared at Korryla who at that time was still laying there looking as if she was really dead. Chad stepped off to the left a little bit as of course he was now scared. Korryla slowly raised up to sitting position, her eyes locked on Jordan as a twisted grin tugged over her lips. When she spoke her voice was still sounding very demonic [i:8e9bedfe22]"You see Jordan.. You know better to enter into this place. Your human friend here though has no clue what you got him into does he?[/i:8e9bedfe22]

At this point Korryla was already standing beside the coffin, to Chad he just blinked, he never saw her move. Jordan on the other hand saw a blurriness and than she was standing. Jordan began moving towards Chad a little bit as he spoke.

"I don't want any problems.. Korryla I just came to talk?"

Korryla arched a brow as she moved and was now standing next to Chad holding his own weapon in her hands. The gun was pointed at Jordan, Chad stood there in complete shock.

[i:8e9bedfe22]"Talk?! You come in here looking like your going to kill me. Hmm, Jordan, do you know what type of bullets vampire hunters use these days?[/i:8e9bedfe22]

Jordan hissed softly as he lifted both his hands up his eyes locking on hers "No, Korryla I don't. Look, I don't want to fight you, I just want to talk and help you"

Korryla snapped [i:8e9bedfe22]"Help?! You send people after to come kill me, how the hell is that helping me? Last time I heard you were sent out to come get me! No Jordan, I was through with you a long time ago."[/i:8e9bedfe22]

With that Korryla cocked the gun and fired it all in one motion. Jordan jumped as his eyes grew wide in shock. Korryla threw the gun down at Jordan's side, she grabbed Chad by the right arm as the twisted grin grew on her face, they were both wrapped engulfed in the shadows and both where gone. Jordan was laying there screaming in a pool of his own blood.. "KORRYLA!!!"

Hours later Jordan was laying in his master bedroom with a blonde head woman, sitting next to his bed.

"Get out" He grumbled.

"Jordan.. I am not going to leave..--"

 She was cut off by him as he grunted.. "I said get out"

 The woman sighed softly and shook her head as she stood up and began walking towards the door. She paused at the door way and turned to look at him..

“You need to let her go.”

Miles away Korryla had Chad sitting in an abandon house just on the outskirts of town. Korryla had locked him in a room down in the basement. It was almost like a cage because it looked like one. She was sitting in a chair simply staring at him when he finally woke up. Raising to sit up on the bed Chad rub his head, his neck and was basically looking for bite marks.

“What are you saving me for something?”

Korryla smirked somewhat as the rest of her face looked completely serious. She shrugged softly as her eyes gazed over him. When she spoke her voice seem normal than it was before. “Perhaps I am. Perhaps I am not. Jordan was a fool to bring you Chad.”

Chad blinked at her as he jumped to his feet and stared at her “How-how do you know my name?”

Korryla stood up and walked over to the cage and grinned, “I know more than what someone should. But than that really doesn't matter to you.”

Shaking his head he sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at her “So, why keep me here like this?”

Korryla moved closer to the cage that he was in, her image seems to flicker and than became almost transparent. She was lifted off the ground only by inches and than she passed through the bars. When her feet touched the ground her image came back to normal as Chad just sat there in shock. Korryla stepped closer to him a twisted grin tugged over her lips, her hands extended out as she placed a hand on both of his shoulders and pushed him back so he was laying down on the bed. She climbed up on top of him and straddled him, sitting down in lap pretty much. Chad looked more than nervous as he stared up at her. She smirked softly "Ohh don't be so nervous I promise this won't hurt a bit.."

With that she lifted her left hand up to his chin and held it tightly as she tilted his head to the left. Lowering her head down to his neck as she snuck her fangs into his skin, reaching the main vein.. She began sucking his blood slowly, for her intention was not to turn him, nor kill him. As she drank his blood, Chad began to feel great amounts of pleasure running through his body. He grunted and groan as his hands slide to her waist. Korryla let out a somewhat of a laugh as she pulled her fangs out from his next. Pushing his hands away as she stood up the twisted grin now playing over her lips.

"Within due time you will die."

Chad shook his head narrowing his eyes on her as she seem to float through the cage bars again. Struggling as he tried to remember what the hell just happened to him. His right hand shot up to the left side of his neck as his fingers traced over the bite marks on his neck..

Korryla had walked out of the building an onto a hill top where she watch the city rustle below her. It was almost dark and soon another night would come to pass like it always had seem. Her thoughts seem to drift to Jordan for a moment as she had wondered if she had actually killed him, but in the back of her mind she knew she hadn't..

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 10:34 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
Jordan just stood there staring at Chad as if he had almost been shot. Shock ran through his body as he felt everything go numb. "Are.. are you sure?"

 Chad tilted his head to left somewhat as he arched a brow and nodded his head. "My men wouldn't lie to me and make this shit up. The sun has set and if you want I can take you to where they saw her."

Of course he wanted to go, but how? How was that possible that she was able to walk in broad daylight? He had heard about day walkers but they were not fully vampires. Korryla said she was a full-blooded vampire. Simply odd. He shook his head and nodded to Chad. "Lets go."

Jordan was the first to enter into the graveyard and the energy level that seemed to be feeding throughout the air sent chills up and down his spine. He stopped about midway and looked up to the sky, odd there was a dark purplish tint around part of the graveyard. And there was only one person who could make that.. Korryla.

Chad and about five other people where following behind Jordan they where all carrying 45 magnum hand guns and had about two other guns holstered on them, they were prepared for the worst. As Jordan made his was further into the graveyard he stopped where it seemed like it would be Korryla's haven. Jordan looked over at Chad and consider sending someone in there, but he knew damn well what happens when someone enters into a vampires haven. But that was a chance they where all going to have to take.

Inside the haven there she laid in the coffin, her body regenerating itself.. [i:9923f0dde0]Wake up!!![/i:9923f0dde0]

Korryla stirred slightly but was pretty much gone to the world.

[i:9923f0dde0]Wake up Korryla!! Wake up now!![/i:9923f0dde0]

As Jordan and Chad entered slowly into the haven they just both stood there at stared at the sight of Korryla. She looked like someone had attacked her with needles. There was cuts, inhuman scars all over her arms, face, and neck. Was she dead?

Korryla was awake, her eyes were closed as she laid there knowing that two people had just came in. Which two well she was certainly not to sure. But she was betting her odds on Jordan. Jordan stepped closer to the coffin.. As Jordan stepped closer a demonic voice sounding much like Korryla's echoed throughout the haven.

[i:9923f0dde0]"Well, well. If it isn't the man himself. My my Jordan, I was expecting you."[/i:9923f0dde0]

Jordan blinked as he stared at Korryla who at that time was still laying there looking as if she was really dead. Chad stepped off to the left a little bit as of course he was now scared. Korryla slowly raised up to sitting position, her eyes locked on Jordan as a twisted grin tugged over her lips. When she spoke her voice was still sounding very demonic [i:9923f0dde0]"You see Jordan.. You know better to enter into this place. Your human friend here though has no clue what you got him into does he?[/i:9923f0dde0]

At this point Korryla was already standing beside the coffin, to Chad he just blinked, he never saw her move. Jordan on the other hand saw a blurriness and than she was standing. Jordan began moving towards Chad a little bit as he spoke.

"I don't want any problems.. Korryla I just came to talk?"

Korryla arched a brow as she moved and was now standing next to Chad holding his own weapon in her hands. The gun was pointed at Jordan, Chad stood there in complete shock.

[i:9923f0dde0]"Talk?! You come in here looking like your going to kill me. Hmm, Jordan, do you know what type of bullets vampire hunters use these days?[/i:9923f0dde0]

Jordan hissed softly as he lifted both his hands up his eyes locking on hers "No, Korryla I don't. Look, I don't want to fight you, I just want to talk and help you"

Korryla snapped [i:9923f0dde0]"Help?! You send people after to come kill me, how the hell is that helping me? Last time I heard you were sent out to come get me! No Jordan, I was through with you a long time ago."[/i:9923f0dde0]

With that Korryla cocked the gun and fired it all in one motion. Jordan jumped as his eyes grew wide in shock. Korryla threw the gun down at Jordan's side, she grabbed Chad by the right arm as the twisted grin grew on her face, they were both wrapped engulfed in the shadows and both where gone. Jordan was laying there screaming in a pool of his own blood.. "KORRYLA!!!"

Hours later Jordan was laying in his master bedroom with a blonde head woman, sitting next to his bed.

"Get out" He grumbled.

"Jordan.. I am not going to leave..--"

 She was cut off by him as he grunted.. "I said get out"

 The woman sighed softly and shook her head as she stood up and began walking towards the door. She paused at the door way and turned to look at him..

“You need to let her go.”

Miles away Korryla had Chad sitting in an abandon house just on the outskirts of town. Korryla had locked him in a room down in the basement. It was almost like a cage because it looked like one. She was sitting in a chair simply staring at him when he finally woke up. Raising to sit up on the bed Chad rub his head, his neck and was basically looking for bite marks.

“What are you saving me for something?”

Korryla smirked somewhat as the rest of her face looked completely serious. She shrugged softly as her eyes gazed over him. When she spoke her voice seem normal than it was before. “Perhaps I am. Perhaps I am not. Jordan was a fool to bring you Chad.”

Chad blinked at her as he jumped to his feet and stared at her “How-how do you know my name?”

Korryla stood up and walked over to the cage and grinned, “I know more than what someone should. But than that really doesn't matter to you.”

Shaking his head he sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at her “So, why keep me here like this?”

Korryla moved closer to the cage that he was in, her image seems to flicker and than became almost transparent. She was lifted off the ground only by inches and than she passed through the bars. When her feet touched the ground her image came back to normal as Chad just sat there in shock. Korryla stepped closer to him a twisted grin tugged over her lips, her hands extended out as she placed a hand on both of his shoulders and pushed him back so he was laying down on the bed. She climbed up on top of him and straddled him, sitting down in lap pretty much. Chad looked more than nervous as he stared up at her. She smirked softly "Ohh don't be so nervous I promise this won't hurt a bit.."

With that she lifted her left hand up to his chin and held it tightly as she tilted his head to the left. Lowering her head down to his neck as she snuck her fangs into his skin, reaching the main vein.. She began sucking his blood slowly, for her intention was not to turn him, nor kill him. As she drank his blood, Chad began to feel great amounts of pleasure running through his body. He grunted and groan as his hands slide to her waist. Korryla let out a somewhat of a laugh as she pulled her fangs out from his next. Pushing his hands away as she stood up the twisted grin now playing over her lips.

"Within due time you will die."

Chad shook his head narrowing his eyes on her as she seem to float through the cage bars again. Struggling as he tried to remember what the hell just happened to him. His right hand shot up to the left side of his neck as his fingers traced over the bite marks on his neck..

Korryla had walked out of the building an onto a hill top where she watch the city rustle below her. It was almost dark and soon another night would come to pass like it always had seem. Her thoughts seem to drift to Jordan for a moment as she had wondered if she had actually killed him, but in the back of her mind she knew she hadn't..

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 11:32 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
There was no sight of Korryla once Jordan and the others had found Chad. He was still in the run down house, locked in the cage lying on the bed as a pale as a ghost. Jordan was the first to enter into the room, sadness crossed over his face as reached for the cage and ripped it from it hedges. He was about to walk into the cage when he stopped, Korryla's voice echoed throughout the room.
"Your almost determine to want to save him aren't you?"
Jordan turned as his eyes narrowed on her. "Why?"
"Why what?" She snapped. Of course she had ever right to do this, in her mind she justified every action she was making.
"You bitch! Why him!? Why not me?!" Jordan's anger of course was now growing for the only immortal creature he ever obsessed over. He wanted her, needed her, and was determine to make her, his. The only problem he had was she would never fully open up to anyone. Korryla stepped closer to Jordan as a smirk tugged over her lips.
"You still don't understand it do you?"
"Understand what?"
"What I want from you."
Jordan arched his left eyebrow as the anger slowly began to leave him.  He was confused and he did not understand, but he needed to know all the same.  "What is it that you want from me?"
Korryla nodded softly "Tis only right I just simply tell you?"
Maybe she was thinking out loud, maybe she was asking him, but the silence feel over the room and between them. The group that had followed Jordan was standing outside the room in the hallway watching and listening. Korryla took another step closer to Jordan and the poor fool never moved.
"After all those years, the time, the pain, and the promise that you made me has turned me into what I was so long ago. You were the one thing that proved to me that life is still worth fighting for. And.. and you destroyed  it, ripped it into a million pieces and shoved me aside like I was fucking nothing!!"
Jordan blinked, she was right. He had nothing to say to her nothing that could change what he had done. But she had all this time to kill him, what was she waiting for? Maybe she wasn't planning on killing him after all. Beside is would lead to endless battle, or so he thought.
"I want you dead Jordan.. gone from this place and out of my life!"
With that Korryla's arms flared up with a dark purplish fire that started from her shoulders and wrapped around each arm and stopped directly over her wrist. She held up her right hand, palm facing out towards Jordan. The engeries flowing off of the fire seem to create an orb about 6ft in diameter, the knowing twisted grin tugged over her lips as she fire the orb out at Jordan. Jordan having time to see her pull together the first move was already on his feet both hands shoving out forward as she hurling ball of blue lightning struck into the orb. When the two collide they pretty much caused a massive explosion sending the two both flying back a little ways. Jordan as knocked down on the ground several feet away from Chad, Korryla was standing several inches away from where she was standing before. Jordan jumped up to his feet and fired the same blue lightning wave out at Korryla. The fire around her arms almost seemed to act on their own as a wave of fire was formed inches infront of her. Within moments it was pushed out towards the blue lightning and seemingly engulfed into flames before both just seem to dissolve into each other.
Jordan blinked as he inhaled slowly..
Korryla's twisted grin only seem to grow as she held her blade tightly in her left hand. Taking several steps forward as drew closer to Jordan
"Your time here is over."
With that she lunged at him, her fangs extending about two inches or so, sinking into his skin as she drank his life away. Moments seem to have passed before Jordan went completely limp.. he was gone. After pulling her fangs from out his neck she dropped his body down next to Chad's. Shaking her head softly as she gazed out over the city.. What was next? What would she do from here? Would she cont. to hunt the rest of them, destroy the city? Guess only time would tell on that.

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 11:36 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
((After some thought and what not I have decided to change part of this story here... The part I am taking out is this...))

With that she lunged at him, her fangs extending about two inches or so, sinking into his skin as she drank his life away. Moments seem to have passed before Jordan went completely limp.. he was gone. After pulling her fangs from out his neck she dropped his body down next to Chad's. Shaking her head softly as she gazed out over the city.. What was next? What would she do from here? Would she cont. to hunt the rest of them, destroy the city? Guess only time would tell on that.

((And I am replacing it with this.))

The effervesense of the evening contured her body, ever so elegantly, she caresses her victoms head with her hands, suckling the life from his neck. With the same grace and speed which she struck, she was then gone, all thats left was the corpse, heaped upon the ground, with the faintest heartbeat. At last, she's lived up to her calling, lived up to her name. She has taken from herself, the one thing that can save her, the man that loved her, and that held her in highest regards...She assumes a life in the shadows, forever forgotten, but never forever gone...

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 8:39 pm Reply with quote
User avatarNosferatuPosts: 331Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:50 am
(( nicely done..))

Secret. Secret..... there is nothing for which one cannot use a spy...(Sun Tzu. The Art of War)
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 6:59 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
((Thanxies! =) ))

Set off from to the side from the rest of the world Korryla became an outcast and a drifter to those that she had helped. Humans, she had help them rid the world of vampires cept for herself. But she was one of them, their blood ran through her veins and to some this was a very dangerous thing. The world seemed to have stop form its existences everytime she closer to a battle or had to engage into one. For, if she did this to all the vampires how where the humans be any different? She had define all of the odds that were against her and now her job was over. Or would she than go after the humans as well and leave this planet with nothing?
Thousands and thousands miles away back where the first meeting took place for this project. A group of peopler from aeound the world had been gathering for centuries to form up some type of plan to getrid of her. The US goverment however explained several times that the creature was not to be harmed...for a deal was a deal. But than do you honestly think that one woman or creature for that matter could or would destory her own race?
"Given the facts of everything I would have at least held the location of where the creature was staying."
The blonde hair man stood there staring at the cloaked woman. Stun and well more than surprised, after all this woman was suppose to be dead. Prying minds never got anyone far in this world and if she was who he thought she was than that only ment one thing. They were sending her after Korryla.
"Damn you! I gave the woman my word that she would not be harmed after this wole thing was over. And yet here you stand wanting to know where she is. Do you take me for some type of fool thinking I am just going to tell you?"
The cloaked woman stepped further into the room and from what could told about her she looked to be about told about her she stood around 5'9 but anything else it was clearly hard to tell because her long dark cloak concealed everything. When ske spoke her voice was calm and with the age of great wisdom with each passing word that came from her mouth.
"No, Nathanal I don't take you for some fool. You've fallen in love with this creature and your judgement is being clouded. Now if you wish to remain protecting her than fine, but I warn you now if you get in my way I will kill you."
With that the cloaked woman began moving towards the door her head lowered down somewhat to the ground. "Nathanal, if you even so much as warn her about me I swear I will make you pay for this."
At the end of that note she cont walking out and was soon gone. Nathanal stood there and all he could do was just blink. [i:b4901e5783]How did she come to know his name and where he was at?[/i:b4901e5783] Shaking his head softly as he turned around and began to walk up the stairs, his eyes were trailing along the wall when he caught sight of a picture he had taken about five years back. The memories of that night came rushing back into his mind as he stopped and just stood there. Eight years ago he was handed picked with about seven other people to hunt down and find Korryla and talk her into this little escapde. When he handed in his report to the goverment about this he had failed to mention that when they first found Korryla she was already doing this, but in fear of something like this happening and he kept that out of his notes. [i:b4901e5783]Why am I here? What life I am trying to patch back now? Is there any reason as to why I am trying to patch back the life that has been ripped in two?[/i:b4901e5783]
"Fuck this."
And with that Nathan turn and ran up the stais and started to prepare to leave.

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 9:26 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 13Location: FloridaJoined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:23 am
Thousands of miles away Korryla was off in the mountains of Ireland roaming further into the country with each passing moment that just seemed to pass on. She heard rumors about an ancient power that is residing in a temple that she had came across when she was first here in these parts. Of course she didn’t show any interest in it when they had originally arrived here, for that we during a period in which Nathanal and several others had been following her. He was a fool in her eyes for loving her. For a human though she gave him credit for finding her and than fighting her, but she also knew what lay within his blood, something was stirring that was lying dormant for centuries.
Mountains and darkness was the best way she had loved to travel, even though she had the ability to travel by day she hated it, hated the stares, the comments, how much she was looked down upon. For how could one vampire hold so much to still be alive with so much riding on the other side?
As the temple came closer in her sights a twisted grin tugged over her lips as the power once again caught a hold of her. Sure she felt it when she first came to the island but now it just seemed to flow right through everything, calling, almost screaming out towards her to come forth and claim her rightful place. The black horse started to become restless with each step it took; Korryla patted the horse’s neck gently, “Easy now my black stallion, I promise you no harm.”
Of course at this point the horse quickly seemed to relax as her hand was placed upon the horse’s neck she had eased the animal’s mind from any senses it may have been picking up. Korryla slowly drew the horse to a stop and for that moment she debated about tying the horse somewhere so she could just enjoy walking on her way back home, but she was still unsure how much power it would take to in order to do what needed to be done. With her mind made up she softly shook her head and stirred the horse up the stairs that lead into the temple. The temple had at least about 250 stairs to the front entrance it was tall, black with silver swirls along the polls that held the temple in place. It was ancient what else could you expect from a temple that was made of stone and was around for many centuries.
Upon reaching the stop of the hall that lead into the temple Korryla stirred the horse to look out over the woods and yes it was a sight to see. Pure darkness and the hint of fog lingered over the tops of the trees that surrounded the nearing areas that she could see. Stirring the horse back around she pressed on further making her way down the hall. As she moved further into her mind began to wander out on her for she had no doubt that people were gathering in small groups and trying to think of ways in which they could destroy her. However she was not so concerned about that, no instead she was concerned about a legend or myth of a woman that was said to be stronger than even she was but than again it was also said that this woman was also dead.

"A century of events gone from the mind. A language of the unknown finding its way to the Drifter. Standing for entirety to face this place alone" Written By: BlackDragon aka Karen
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