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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 11:01 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMavenPosts: 38Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:09 pm
The chain flailed like some tungsten alloy python. Both striking and crushing in it’s simplicity. The first coil had missed Alekz, who had almost sensed the oncoming rush of metal before it hissed towards him. But he wasn’t quite so intuitive with regards to Tynan’s next move. The giant snapped back the chains as you would a bullwhip. The sudden retreat of killing metal struck Alekz on his back with righteous impunity.

[i:2fbba80d4b]“Puny man dumb! Tynan smart! Tynan crush little man!”[/i:2fbba80d4b]

Gerard stifled a churlish giggle as his pet growled below. A dark look from Jarl, combined with an almost pitying look from Hler (directed towards Tynan no doubt) silenced the Tremere quicker than the cry of pain that rose from the pit.

Alekz fell forward. But rather than simply crumble under the impact nor it’s subsequent gift of momentum, he used it. Tucking into a roll, he slipped under Tynan’s legs, bringing the sword’s edge up into the monster’s crotch. It was a nick, but it clearly hurt Tynan. Taking the initiative, he followed it with a kick to the exposed flesh behind Tynan’s knee sending him stumbling. Tynan bellowed again, spraying the arena wall with bloody phlegm before he turned.

Quicker than anticipated, Alekz/Grendel thought. He spun to his feet, raising the sword in a defensive arc. But Tynan was already ahead of him. The giant seized the sword’s blade between two enormous fingers, lifting its wielder from the earthen floor. Alekz tried to kick out, but Tynan’s arms were long. He daren’t release his only weapon. But as Tynan began to swing him, he had to consider it.

Consideration wasn’t a word Tynan would have known. He simply reacted to his current victory by swinging the sword and Alekz around his body, mimicking the chains he’d woven through the air previously. He suddenly let go, sending Alekz and his sword hurtling across the arena catapult-like. Roaring with laughter as his little enemy crunched against the distant wall. Alekz, weakened by the daze and the crushing pain, dragged himself to his feet. Propping himself up with the sword, which miraculously hadn’t broken. He looked back at the posing titan through blood swilled eyes, his head pounding.

[i:2fbba80d4b]Damage is severe. Use your weakness. Lure him closer.[/i:2fbba80d4b] Grendel spoke mechanically. Alekz did as instructed. He released a mouthful of blood to show Tynan just how deep the impact had shaken him. Tynan stomped around in a circle, shouting his superiority to the heavily restrained Gerard who itched to egg on the idiot brute.

This time however, it was Hler who spoke up.

[i:2fbba80d4b]“Get him Tynan! Show him how strong you are!”[/i:2fbba80d4b]

Tynan looked up, surprised to see such a beautiful woman urge him on to victory. He actually managed to ignore the pain in his crotch from Alekz’ earlier attack, relishing in the waves of lust that rose through his veins.

[i:2fbba80d4b]“Tynan kill! Tynan bed beauty! Make beauty bleed!”[/i:2fbba80d4b]

Jarl looked at the hag next to him and rolled his eyes.

Hler simply looked at him, winking mischeviously.

[i:2fbba80d4b]“Well might as well give him some kind of incentive other than lunch.”[/i:2fbba80d4b]

Tynan charged, arms outstretched. Alekz, poised on faux weakened legs, the sword still seeming to bear his weight. Tynan came forward like a runaway locomotive. But before he reached Alekz, his left hand was lopped off at the wrist. Alekz whirled the blade upwards too fast for the slow witted fiend to see, the blade severing through the brawny arm, leaving a blood-spewing wound.

Hler’s eyes widened angrily. A long distant, but never forgotten memory came rushing upwards like a fear-spawned dream.

Jarl felt it even before he turned. His mind positively throbbed with Hler’s rage as the death of her only Childe was re-enacted under them.

"You were a stranger to sorrow: therefore Fate has cursed you."
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 10:53 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMavenPosts: 38Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:09 pm
Tynan swung wildly. Rage, agony and even a touch of fear throbbing in his brutish mind. The ferocity of his swing caught Alekz under the chin, sending him spinning through the air. He struck the wall as before. Only this time when he crawled to his knees, he felt fear. Tynan was on him before Grendel could instruct him, grabbing him by an arm, his missing hand leaving splashes of crimson on the wall and on Alekz himself. He held his smaller enemy, threatening to crush his arm until it snapped. The enraged titan threw Alekz again, the gladiator-once-assassin crumbled in a heap. The real fear of defeat prevalent on his now feverish mind.

[i:ce7afc65c1]Get up. Fight.

“I can’t. He’s too strong.”

Then you’ve already lost.

“I’m scared. Can’t you see that?”

Fear is irrelevant. If you won’t fight, then I won’t help you. You’re on your own.[/i:ce7afc65c1]

At that, Grendel became silent. Alekz was terribly, terrifyingly, alone. And Tynan, having healed the open wound shut, was swinging his chains, preparing to strike.

The force catapulted Alekz’ head back. He stumbled into unconsciousness. Tynan pulled the defeated body behind him, following the circular walls of the arena.

[i:ce7afc65c1]“Tynan won! Tynan stronger than Ventrue pup.”[/i:ce7afc65c1] Gerard cheered, ignoring Jarl’s wrathful glare. Hler leaned over the parapet, she whistled to the stomping giant beneath her. TYnan’s face lit up as he saw his prize.

She was beautiful. Long blonde tresses. Large firm breasts. Child-bearing hips and a virginal expression that somehow said “I want you inside me” to his freakish mind.

[i:ce7afc65c1]“Tynan is free now. Right? Wizard boss says so. Tynan wants to fuck beauty then go free!”[/i:ce7afc65c1]

Gerard gulped, hesitating to look at Jarl who stood, glaring disgustedly at his “Childe’s” form.


[i:ce7afc65c1]Pain. Impossible pain. I’m dying. Someone help me, please?

[b:ce7afc65c1]Help yourself![/b:ce7afc65c1]

I can’t! I’m too weak. He’s going to kill me! Mummy? I can’t see you, mummy?

[b:ce7afc65c1]She’s dead you pathetic little shit! They cut her out of you, then killed her! And you still did as you were told! You don’t deserve to live! Why don’t you just die! You’ve already given up! Stinking, worthless, hopeless, spineless little cunt![/b:ce7afc65c1]


[b:ce7afc65c1]Yeah that’s right! Just lie there crying while he beats your brains in! You’re nothing! Just curl up into a ball and it’ll all be over![/b:ce7afc65c1]

I don’t want to die. I’m sorry mummy. I didn’t know. I was too young. They’re all I know! I want to live. Please someone help me. Grendel? Help me, please?

[b:ce7afc65c1]He’s gone. Even that emotionless, psychotic fuck’s had enough of your simpering. You don’t want to die. But you don’t want to fight to live. I’ve had it with you. You want to live so bad. Then get up and fight! Stop blubbering like a baby and fight! They killed your mother! They took away everything you could ever have had! It’s time they were punished! GET UP NOW! GET UP AND FIGHT![/b:ce7afc65c1][/i:ce7afc65c1]

"You were a stranger to sorrow: therefore Fate has cursed you."
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 11:01 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMavenPosts: 38Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:09 pm
The sounds that crept up from the unconscious, unmoving lips of Alekzandre Thain were a keening. Tynan couldn’t help but look down with sudden pity for the beaten, battered slave he’d crushed under his feet. The sounds became solid, moulded into words. But words Tynan could not hear, nor make head nor tail of.

[i:6d39ee1f31][size=8:6d39ee1f31]I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer....[/size:6d39ee1f31][/i:6d39ee1f31]

Tynan frowned then looked up at Gerard.

[i:6d39ee1f31]“He’s talking to himself! Why he do that? You said Tynan would be free! You promised Tynan!”[/i:6d39ee1f31]

But still, Alekz spoke on.

[i:6d39ee1f31][size=8:6d39ee1f31]I must not fear. Fear is the ....
Fear is the little-death that ....
I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it .... I will turn the inner eye to ... [/size:6d39ee1f31][/i:6d39ee1f31]

And on.

[i:6d39ee1f31][size=8:6d39ee1f31]I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.[/size:6d39ee1f31][/i:6d39ee1f31]

Then. He opened his eyes, gazing blankly, drunkenly into space. His eyes dull. Haunted.

A word fell to him then, from the giant’s lips. Falling like disused spittle into his hollow eyes.


"You were a stranger to sorrow: therefore Fate has cursed you."
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 11:44 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMavenPosts: 38Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:09 pm
He began to repeat that single word. His blood starved, desperate lips circling each letter, each vowel and consonant with the idiosyncrasies of a fractured mind struggling to knit itself together. Something suddenly attainable, due in some small part, to the mantra, Tynan had overheard.


His eyes rolled back. Then rolled forward, becoming sharp. Focused. Directed.

Tynan, still busy shouting his dissidence at his Tremere master, was unprepared for what happened next. Just as unprepared as Gerard, or Hler were.

Alekz’ hand shot out. Call it fate, or chance. Or just plain Hollywood hokum. But the hand shot out, whichever excuse you prefer, and in it’s palsied fingers it seized upon a tool. A key, of sorts. One which would both lock, and unlock his fate. The sword he’d been assigned was suddenly alive in his still broken right arm. Pain ripped it’s electrifying way along his arm to his brain. But it’s reign ended there. The sword seemed to leap, to dance at his touch. Excitable in it’s owner’s grasp. Glad, if it were capable of anything more than fighting, to be with him once more. It rose sharply. With purpose. With intent. Thudding, no tearing, into the unsuspecting chest of Tynan, who merely coughed once with the flash of pain. Then shrieked at the disbelief of his victim’s awakening. The sword twisted, flexing against Tynan’s prow-like ribs but didn’t break with the impossible strain bestowed upon it. Alekz, using Tynan and the sword as leverage, pulled himself to his feet. His mouth repeating the same word over and over. HIs voice becoming louder, more insistent with each agonizing movement.


He stood now. His eyes locked on Tynan. Who, paralysed by the sword’s entry into his Undead heart, could only stare transfixed. His tusken, leathery lips quivering.


Alekz nodded, before savagely wrenching the sword from Tynan’s chest. Tynan swayed, before Alekz steadied him with his foot. He raised his sword, and swung with impunity. Severing Tynan’s massive head from his mountainous shoulders.


Alekz then turned his eyes to the three watching from above. His eyes looked devoid of the feeling his voice commanded. Hler screeched down at him like a Banshee. Her favourite in this contest lying in ashes at his feet. Gerard pointed a finger down at him, cursing him before Jarl, seemingly unsurprised, dragged both away from the parapet.

Jarl seized a waiting guard, mumbling something inaudible to the others into his ear.

[i:c0cfb33224]“Shut it down. Noone gets in. Noone gets out. Understand?”[/i:c0cfb33224]

The guard nodded quickly, nervously. Before calling out to his colleagues, informing them of the instruction he’d received.

Hler turned on her heels. Jarl caught her by the arm, but was rebuffed by her glare.

[i:c0cfb33224]“You made this, Jarl! Yet you send underlings to dispose of him? Pah! The boy is mine!”[/i:c0cfb33224]

Jarl snarled angrily, but was caught short by Gerard.

[i:c0cfb33224]“She’s right, Jarl! He tricked us! He’s out of our control! For fuck’s sake, I warned you! And now you’re just walking away!? Leaving it to your minions? He’s your creation, Jarl. But never mind. Hler will rid us of his irritance.”[/i:c0cfb33224]

Gerard fell silent as Jarl simply walked on. Unmoved, uncaring. He turned to Hler, hissing under his breath as the Nosferatu Ancient blurred to the Arena.

"You were a stranger to sorrow: therefore Fate has cursed you."
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 10:45 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMavenPosts: 38Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:09 pm
Alekz could do one thing, considering his location and condition. He stared longingly at the nigh-sheer walls of the arena. Nursing the shattered bones in his side, he winced as the motion of bending to raise the sword to his hip, made his broken bones grind together in their wet, shattered sockets. He expended a little blood, to heal the worst of it. But, he surmised, he had precious little blood left all things considered. So the healing was alarmingly sparse, and frankly medieval in it’s leanings. He hissed through bloodied teeth as the air above the arena seemed to shimmer. The pain, affecting his vision now too?


Alekz whirled, painfully, at the sound of the voice in his head.

[i:4eee51e0e2]“What the...?”[/i:4eee51e0e2]

[color=white:4eee51e0e2][i:4eee51e0e2][b:4eee51e0e2]I said move![/i:4eee51e0e2][/b:4eee51e0e2][/color:4eee51e0e2]

[i:4eee51e0e2]“Who are you?”

[color=white:4eee51e0e2][b:4eee51e0e2]Don’t have time to explain. MOVE![/i:4eee51e0e2][/b:4eee51e0e2][/color:4eee51e0e2]

He stumbled forward as though pushed by something substantial. But turning as he fell, he saw nothing.

Nothing, until the dust ten feet from him exploded upwards as something heavy landed upon it. Landed precisely where he’d stood!

The absence of form appeared abruptly. Hler stood in all her repugnant, dragon-mawed splendour, drooling in anticipation of drinking down the soul of the boy in front of her.

[i:4eee51e0e2]“What’s wrong boy? Are you suddenly all too aware of your impending death?” [/i:4eee51e0e2]

Alekz didn’t answer. Or rather, he couldn’t. He was having trouble conversing with himself, he supposed, in his own head.

Hler didn’t wait. Growling, her jaw opening [i:4eee51e0e2]even[/i:4eee51e0e2] wider, she swung at him. The impact ground already damaged bones, sending him thudding brutally against the wall. Her tattered rags and cloak billowing out like vast bat wings as she moved forward to second her attack.

Through broken teeth, and a fractured jaw, Alekz spoke to the unseen voice.

[i:4eee51e0e2]“Okay. Now do you have time?”[/i:4eee51e0e2] The invisible, but felt, nod in his mind was to the affirm.

[color=white:4eee51e0e2][i:4eee51e0e2][b:4eee51e0e2]For what I’m about to tell you. I have all the time you need. But if you’ll just...[/i:4eee51e0e2][/b:4eee51e0e2][/color:4eee51e0e2]

Alekz’ body jerked to the left just as Hler’s fist drove forward. It shattered concrete where it should have imploded his face. Hler was dumbfounded.

[color=white:4eee51e0e2][i:4eee51e0e2][b:4eee51e0e2]Good. She’s confused. That will give us a few more milli-seconds.

Who am I?

I’m Jonas Cale.[/i:4eee51e0e2][/b:4eee51e0e2][/color:4eee51e0e2]

[i:4eee51e0e2]“Jonas Cale was a memory implant. I’ve already been through all of that. I’ve “spoken to” Jonas Cale, and you aren’t him.”[/i:4eee51e0e2]

There was a pause, then his body dropped sharply to one knee before rolling, albeit clumsily, out of Hler’s reach.

[color=white:4eee51e0e2][i:4eee51e0e2][b:4eee51e0e2]That Jonas Cale was nothing more than a false memory. I’m the REAL Jonas Cale. I’m guessing you haven’t heard of me?[/i:4eee51e0e2][/b:4eee51e0e2][/color:4eee51e0e2]

A mental shaking of the head followed.

[color=white:4eee51e0e2][i:4eee51e0e2][b:4eee51e0e2]I’m not surprised. They wouldn’t want any more bad press.[/i:4eee51e0e2][/b:4eee51e0e2][/color:4eee51e0e2] The voice seemed to smirk. Darkly.

[i:4eee51e0e2]“This isn’t making any...”[/i:4eee51e0e2]


Hler roared, spraying drool over her own chin. She pawed at it, pulling loose skin off in a red, wet lump. Her claws arced out.

[color=white:4eee51e0e2][i:4eee51e0e2][b:4eee51e0e2]Excuse me again.[/i:4eee51e0e2][/b:4eee51e0e2][/color:4eee51e0e2]

Alekz’ body raised the sword. Easily, it seemed, defelecting Hler’s attack. A riposte followed, catching the Nosferatu off guard. She shrieked with growing rage.

[i:4eee51e0e2]“Who are they?”[/i:4eee51e0e2]

[color=white:4eee51e0e2][i:4eee51e0e2][b:4eee51e0e2]Very well then. Let’s start with the obvious.

They. Are the Ventrue.[/i:4eee51e0e2][/b:4eee51e0e2][/color:4eee51e0e2]

Alekz stared into empty space. Slack-jawed and lost.

[color=white:4eee51e0e2][i:4eee51e0e2][b:4eee51e0e2]Yes. Quite.

You see. I don’t quite understand it myself. Well okay, yes I do, but we’ll get to that. You see I was Ventrue once. Beyond your lifetime perhaps, but nevertheless I was once one of the nobility.[/i:4eee51e0e2][/b:4eee51e0e2][/color:4eee51e0e2]

"You were a stranger to sorrow: therefore Fate has cursed you."
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 1:06 am Reply with quote
User avatarMavenPosts: 38Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:09 pm
The querying look on Alekz’ face made Hler pause for thought. She seemed to squint at him, as though trying to see something behind him. A dark pervasiveness crept across her frenzied mind as the source of her confusion became all too clear.

Her snout shivered. The boy was being skin-ridden. By a wraith!

She bellowed a challenge. No longer aimed at the boy, who’d have been destroyed by her second attack. But to the incorporeal, temporary tenant sitting on Jarl-Sonne’s spine. She could see the ghostly fingers tugging at the Childe’s tendons. Tugging him out of her range like some obscene, morbid, parasitical puppeteer.

[i:7a2e2b3e57]“Come out and face me Haug-Bui! You dare interfere in that which does not concern you!? Show yourself! And be thus afraid!”[/i:7a2e2b3e57]

But the wraith was otherwise occupied. And the fog-like sneer that slid over it’s smoky features made it’s refusal all the more unbearable. She screamed, control of her own movements suddenly lost and seized by her own wraith, her Beast, and lunged at the boy and his passenger.

Yet. As before. Alekz’ body was moved sharply and with perfect timing out of harms way. This finally prompted the totally lost and beffudled Alekz to ask.

[i:7a2e2b3e57]“Just how the hell are you doing that?”[/i:7a2e2b3e57]

[color=white:7a2e2b3e57][i:7a2e2b3e57][b:7a2e2b3e57]I’ll tell you later. Just be thankful that I can.

Now where were we?

Ahh yes. Me.[/color:7a2e2b3e57][/i:7a2e2b3e57][/b:7a2e2b3e57]

A kiss-like chuckle.

[color=white:7a2e2b3e57][i:7a2e2b3e57][b:7a2e2b3e57]I said I was once Ventrue. Obviously I say was, because now I’m not. But before my current, shall we say, condition. I was Kindred. And Ventrue. Then. I was not. Yes I know I’m not making much sense, but be patient. Oops, nearly.[/color:7a2e2b3e57][/i:7a2e2b3e57][/b:7a2e2b3e57]

Hler’s claws grazed Alekz’ forehead, drawing a faint, red line.

[color=white:7a2e2b3e57][i:7a2e2b3e57][b:7a2e2b3e57]Anyway. I was no-one of consequence among the Nobles. Not that I was a nobody either.[/color:7a2e2b3e57][/i:7a2e2b3e57][/b:7a2e2b3e57] A trace of arrogance shimmered past. [color=white:7a2e2b3e57][i:7a2e2b3e57][b:7a2e2b3e57]But I digress. I was however unique. Certain things came easily to me. You would call them reflexes. Dexterity was another. It became apparent that something in my blood made me different to the others. And that, as with all things, made me a threat.[/color:7a2e2b3e57][/i:7a2e2b3e57][/b:7a2e2b3e57]

Alekz reeled. How did this concern him? Why was this “Jonas” even here? The irritated [color=white:7a2e2b3e57][i:7a2e2b3e57][b:7a2e2b3e57]“ahem”[/color:7a2e2b3e57][/i:7a2e2b3e57][/b:7a2e2b3e57] emanating from his passenger hushed his questions.

[color=white:7a2e2b3e57][i:7a2e2b3e57][b:7a2e2b3e57]I’m getting to that! Patience boy.

The Ventrue sought to study the Phenomenon. They wanted to examine me. Find out why I’d “gone wrong”. They wanted the ability to themselves as they always do. Forever hoarding any advantage fate hands them.

Well I refused. And they took offence.

They dubbed my new “Discipline” as they put it. Sagacity. Supernatural intuition and dexterity. And when I refused them their prize. They put me in my place.

Six feet under I believe is the phrase?[/color:7a2e2b3e57][/i:7a2e2b3e57][/b:7a2e2b3e57]

Hler became incensed. Her attacks were growing ever more desperate. Ever more frenzied as her Beast grew in ascendance.

[i:7a2e2b3e57]“Irritating little fuck! I’ll gut you like a fish!”[/i:7a2e2b3e57]

Jonas sniggered.

[color=white:7a2e2b3e57][i:7a2e2b3e57][b:7a2e2b3e57]I don’t think she likes you. Me. Us.

So. I was destroyed. They created lies to excuse such blatant murder. Covered up their own greed by telling tall tales. And after all, dead men can’t tell any different.

Fate, I suppose. Kept me around. I remained, as you “see” me now among the Restless Dead in Stygia. Don’t ask. And then I got snared.[/color:7a2e2b3e57][/i:7a2e2b3e57][/b:7a2e2b3e57]

By now Alekz was looking drawn. Exhausted. He couldn’t stand on his own. And the wraith, Jonas, was starting to strain with the effort of holding him up. The Wraith seemed to flux as he gritted his proverbials, before continuing.

[color=white:7a2e2b3e57][i:7a2e2b3e57][b:7a2e2b3e57]The Tremere, Gerard? He built some sort of machine. The White Room I think he calls it. Well maybe it was his own Thaumaturgy. Or the Cabalistic lines and markings upon the device itself. But it acted, I presume, like a hugely powerful super-conductive antennae. I couldn’t help but be drawn to it. Of course, the fact that the machine kept “saying” my name didn’t help. So I was trapped. Stuck inside the machine that is, until you were put in there with me.[/color:7a2e2b3e57][/i:7a2e2b3e57][/b:7a2e2b3e57]

Hler frothed at the mouth. Her Beast needed blood. And by Caine, it intended to have his.

[i:7a2e2b3e57]“So what. You’re helping me to get back at them?”[/i:7a2e2b3e57]

The irritated glare kept him quiet.

[color=white:7a2e2b3e57][i:7a2e2b3e57][b:7a2e2b3e57]No. You see, Sagacity isn’t just about reflexes and dexterity as I found out. It’s about the strands that bind us. Victim to victor. It’s about seeing what fate has in store, and either walking on it’s web. Or having the dexterity to avoid it. It was Fate that brought me to you. Fate that inspired Gerard to build his mind-machine. Fate that told me to pass my gift, my curse on to you.[/color:7a2e2b3e57][/i:7a2e2b3e57][/b:7a2e2b3e57]

[i:7a2e2b3e57]“What if I don’t want it? What if I refuse?”

[color=white:7a2e2b3e57][b:7a2e2b3e57]Then. My illustrious friend. You die here. Uselessly at the bottom of a random pit.

[color=white:7a2e2b3e57][b:7a2e2b3e57]Precisely. Now if you’ll just give me a second to...ahh yes. How’s that?[/color:7a2e2b3e57][/b:7a2e2b3e57]

“I’m blind! How can I fight if I can’t see?”

[color=white:7a2e2b3e57][b:7a2e2b3e57]Oops. Okay hang on. This is a first time for me. Try this?[/color:7a2e2b3e57][/b:7a2e2b3e57][/i:7a2e2b3e57]

Alekz suddenly fell over. His face flat on the ground. Hler saw her chance...

[i:7a2e2b3e57]“Damnit! Now I can’t move!”

[color=white:7a2e2b3e57][b:7a2e2b3e57]Third time lucky.[/color:7a2e2b3e57][/b:7a2e2b3e57][/i:7a2e2b3e57]

It happened in a flash. Boosted by the Wraith’s essence. Enflamed by it’s Pathos. He saw them.

Radiating from and through him. The strands of fate were suddenly there to behold. He saw one quiver as an action was performed a few minutes in his own future. To him it meant nothing. But Jonas understood it and explained so. Alekz pulled himself to his feet, milli-seconds before Hler struck. He brought his empowered foot up, cracking Hler in the face. No damage done. Just stoking her Beast’s already immense rage.

Both Wraith and Kindred saw the spear at once. It hung on the far wall. A disregarded selection from the fight with Tynan.

[color=white:7a2e2b3e57][i:7a2e2b3e57][b:7a2e2b3e57]The spear. Raise the spear when I say.[/color:7a2e2b3e57][/i:7a2e2b3e57][/b:7a2e2b3e57]

Alekz staggered. Drunk with power. He took hold of the spear. Turning away from Hler, who, outwith her control, leapt skywards roaring. She rose like some demented, charred, decaying phoenix. As her claws extended she bellowed in fury. Her face scarred further by the expression of utter loathing. The expression became one of sudden panic as she tried to repel gravity’s hold on her as terrible realisation sunk in.


Alekz lifted the spear. Turning at the very last second to aim the tip at the Nosferatu’s descent.

The crunch sent him tumbling. The scream that rose from Hler’s drawn lips made him cover his ears as the spear tip was driven home by both gravity. And the ground at his feet. Firmly and totally in place, Hler half hung from the spear. Paralysed. But aware.

"You were a stranger to sorrow: therefore Fate has cursed you."
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 1:17 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[i:679f291537][b:679f291537]ooc:[/b:679f291537] I am REALLY enjoying this thread more and more as I read the new additions! Please [b:679f291537]DO[/b:679f291537] keep it on going :D [/i:679f291537]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 1:28 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
(([b:7368cd7bb5]OOC[/b:7368cd7bb5] NS!! This has been a feast for my soul today, when I needed somthing to make my day go better! I'm a sated woman.................for now. But I'll want more later! hehehe))

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2003 12:15 am Reply with quote
User avatarMavenPosts: 38Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:09 pm
[i:847e421dc7]“How? She’s so powerful. How is it that I’m still standing, and she’s staked?”[/i:847e421dc7] The recognition hadn’t been particularly fast in asserting itself within Alekz’ mind.

[color=white:847e421dc7][i:847e421dc7][b:847e421dc7]How? Because you/ I/ we saw what she was going to do before she knew she was going to do it. Precognition would describe it. But it’s more than that. Imagine. A force capable of reacting to an enemy before that enemy has even made a move. Imagine the power they would possess. The power to control EVERYTHING. Now you’re beginning to see why the Ventrue wanted it so badly. When I refused them their domination they destroyed me. But they didn’t stop searching. Oh no. I spent many long an hour watching their technicians, their scientists and psychics study my remains. Distilling my cells. Screening my DNA, vainly trying to find the key. But they failed. Why?

Because the key is the sum of my parts. Cut off your hand and it’s nothing but dead, decaying flesh. But when it’s a part of you, it can kill, create, caress and injure. You see, the key isn’t hidden in some part of me. It was, or rather is, all of me.[/i:847e421dc7][/b:847e421dc7][/color:847e421dc7]

Alekz stepped around Hler’s staring, frozen-eyed corpse.

[i:847e421dc7]“So you’re saying that I now have the key?”[/i:847e421dc7] Jonas shook his incorporeal head. It sent a faint flutter of cold down the youth’s spine.

[color=white:847e421dc7][i:847e421dc7][b:847e421dc7]No. I’m saying you ARE the key. All you need do now, is find the lock it opens.[/i:847e421dc7][/b:847e421dc7][/color:847e421dc7]

[i:847e421dc7]“And what’s the lock?”[/i:847e421dc7]

[color=white:847e421dc7][i:847e421dc7][b:847e421dc7]If I told you it’d ruin the surprise. But you’re getting ahead of yourself here. You’re still trapped in a pit with an Ancient who’ll soon expel the tool of her imprisonment. What are you going to do about it?[/b:847e421dc7][/i:847e421dc7][/color:847e421dc7]

[i:847e421dc7]“Well I had considered climbing out for starters. After that I’m not so sure. I’m making this up as I go along....”[/i:847e421dc7]

[color=white:847e421dc7][i:847e421dc7][b:847e421dc7]No. You’re not. Fate is.[/i:847e421dc7][/b:847e421dc7][/color:847e421dc7]

He felt a strange warmth then. As though the Wraith that possessed him had smiled. He walked to the wall, studying it’s featureless surface for cracks, grooves. Anything he could use to propel himself upwards. He turned to look at Hler.

[i:847e421dc7]“I’m sorry you hate the thing you played such a part in creating. I could call you mother. Perhaps in a sense you are my mother. But not in any real sense. That honour lies somewhere in a no doubt unmarked tomb.”[/i:847e421dc7]

Hler managed to speak.

[i:847e421dc7]“You are nothing, boy! Once I break free I’ll teach you a whole new meaning of pain.”

“No. Weren’t you listening? I am something. Something new it would appear. The power of new imaginings is mine, hag! And you don’t frighten me anymore.”[/i:847e421dc7]

[color=white:847e421dc7][i:847e421dc7][b:847e421dc7]Now you’ve said your goodbyes. Climb.[/b:847e421dc7][/i:847e421dc7][/color:847e421dc7]

Maybe it was sheer force of will. Maybe it was the presence of a Wraith and a seemingly limitless source of negative Passion to fuel it’s power. But either way, Alekz began to scale the sheer wall. An almost impossible, Herculean task admittedly. But his fingers found purchase on the miniscule cracks. His feet pushing up, toes hooking into grooves and deformities in the rock. The climb took longer than he’d hoped. But he reached the top soon enough. Glancing back one last time, seeing Hler’s arm twitch.

Not much time till she’s free.

He was dangerously low on blood. The hunger needed sating or it would end here with him falling into Torpor. Or worse.

Fate would have it another way.

The guard had been ordered to ensure that the Nosferatu made her escape before the facility’s self-destruct was implemented. He couldn’t have known that the Kindred they were experimenting with would have reached the parapet first.

Alekz felt him before he saw him.

A strand of fate twitched to his left. Jonas whispered it’s identity into his ear and watched his protege move unfettered.

The guard rounded the corner, his arms swinging carelessly, his sidearm holstered and out of arms reach. The first blow was to catch him, ironically, off-guard. Alekz delivered a double-fisted blow to the guard’s chest winding him. Seizing the opportunity he stepped in again, striking the Kine thrall’s trachea making him choke suddenly and violently. It was over before the guard could know what hit him.

Desperate. Alekz gripped his victim’s hair, pulling him closer, neck bared. And he fed.

Not the clinical, insipid feeding he’d grown accustomed to. He bit with savagery he had no experience of. His fangs tore rather than pierced. This was no blood bag he drank from. This was a living being, and it kicked uselessly and terrifyingly in his grasp. So he bit harder, drawing great gouts of blood. Blood which he slobbered and gulped and sucked at greedily. His Beast, previously dormant, prompting him onward. Then, his stomach full, the guard empty, he dropped to his knees. Awaiting the painful regurgitation that followed when his kind drank blood that didn’t match their requirements.

But it didn’t come.

[color=white:847e421dc7][i:847e421dc7][b:847e421dc7]I thought you’d caught on. You’ve been changed, Alekz. You’re no longer Ventrue.[/i:847e421dc7][/b:847e421dc7][/color:847e421dc7]

[i:847e421dc7]“Then what am I?”[/i:847e421dc7]

[color=white:847e421dc7][i:847e421dc7][b:847e421dc7]I rather liked the name Maven. [/i:847e421dc7][/b:847e421dc7][/color:847e421dc7]Jonas mused. [color=white:847e421dc7][i:847e421dc7][b:847e421dc7]It rather fits I think you’ll find.[/b:847e421dc7][/i:847e421dc7][/color:847e421dc7]

"You were a stranger to sorrow: therefore Fate has cursed you."
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 11:21 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMavenPosts: 38Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:09 pm
The footsteps were repetitive, regularly spaced and quick of pace. The walker reeked of punctuality. His every step a moment of precise time. He walked along the gloomily lit, marble floored corridor, head lowered, giving him a bookish look that was enhanced by the ferret-like way he’d look at his wrist watch, then relocate his briefcase to his other arm. He was not one to ever be late for a meeting. And, were you to know him, he was not one to be trifled with.

His name was Balor of House Alareus. And he was heading towards a meeting with the leaders of his region’s Ventrue.

Ahead, the flaring, flickering wall-mounted torches, signalled his proximity to the Pantheon. He finally looked up, somewhat sheepishly it seemed to the two guards, and whispered something to them. Both guards, ghouls judging by their demeanour, stepped aside with a nod. Their somewhat regal looking attire made it blatantly obvious they were servitors of the Clan of Kings.

A doorman opened the massive oaken doors, wrought iron fretwork creating a lattice effect on either side. The doorman instructed the visitor to wait until he’d been announced. Balor did as instructed without hesitation.

The doorman walked inwards, disappearing briefly into the creeping gloom that the central fires’ light didn’t reach. He spoke firmly but respectfully.

[i:851deaaef9]“My lords. Master B’lor has arrived, and seeketh your counsel.”[/i:851deaaef9]

There was the faintest trace of a reply, before the doorman waved Balor forward.

[i:851deaaef9]“What do you have for us, B’lor?”[/i:851deaaef9]

Balor stopped, dropping to one knee in full penitence and submission to his masters.

[i:851deaaef9]“I have grim news, my Lords.”[/i:851deaaef9] He paused as though awaiting a nod to continue before continuing.

[i:851deaaef9]“Since my insertion into the identity of Basilisk, it has come to me that Lord Jarl has been involved in erratic and unwise experimentations. His obsession with his Childe, it would appear, has become increasingly dangerous. I fear his loyalty to our Clan is imperilled.”[/i:851deaaef9]

An unseen voice rung out. [i:851deaaef9]“These are serious allegations, B’lor! What evidence have you?”

“His relationship with the witch, Hler and the Tremere scientist, Gerard. From what I can gather, they intended to reactivate Thain. But his programming had been altered.”

“Altered? How?”

“I believe the Aberrant is somehow responsible, Lord.”[/i:851deaaef9]

The chamber grew deathly silent. Balor could just make out a number of hushed voices discussing his report. Then without further delay, the speaker replied.

[i:851deaaef9]“Hmm. We have copies of your report. Thank-you for your time, B’lor. If you would leave us now....”[/i:851deaaef9]

Balor bowed his head as he rose. [i:851deaaef9]“Of course, my Lords.”[/i:851deaaef9]

He turned and began to stride towards the heavy doors.

[i:851deaaef9]“Oh and B’lor?,”[/i:851deaaef9] He paused without turning. [i:851deaaef9]“Yes Lord?”

“Arrangements have been made. Your instructions will arrive at your assigned quarters within the hour.”[/i:851deaaef9]

He didn’t respond, instead leaving the great hall silently and making his way across the labyrinthine corridors of the stronghold.

Inside the Pantheon, the light was raised. Seated on extravagantly carved, raised thrones, representing each of Europe’s greatest Houses, were the Ventrue council. They seemed to speak with one voice, each impassive face lined with the same concern.

[i:851deaaef9]“Jonas Cale, it would appear. Isn’t quite finished.”[/i:851deaaef9]


Exactly one hour after his brief meeting with the council, Balor received a message on his monitor. The message appeared letter by letter until it was complete.

[i:851deaaef9]“Instructions are as follows.....
[list:851deaaef9]Travel to Taanhauser Facility.
Assess situation, and destroy any evidence if necessary.
Eradicate any you find there.
Track and destroy Thain.[/list:u:851deaaef9]

Your equipment will be forwarded to Safehouse Theta. That is all.”[/i:851deaaef9]

"You were a stranger to sorrow: therefore Fate has cursed you."
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 10:38 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMavenPosts: 38Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:09 pm
Alekz, assuddenly refreshed, sprinted along the corridors. The fateful cognizance of Jonas leading him onwards with much vaunted fervour. Dizzy with the power he took from the now dead guard’s blood, Alekz’ feet pounded the tiled flooring, the sound should have drawn the attention of more guards. But none came.

Perplexed, but also relieved, Alekz and Jonas made their way to the exit of the Taanhauser facility. The short barelled MP5 swinging from his shoulder as he moved. Every muscle, every sinew, every energised cell pulsed with undeniable life. Even the Undead had life in their own unique way. Jonas told his carrier to stop. Something distracted the Sage and it troubled him.

[color=white:1e3ed8820e][i:1e3ed8820e][b:1e3ed8820e]Here’s where I leave you it would appear.[/b:1e3ed8820e][/color:1e3ed8820e]

[color=black:1e3ed8820e]Leave me? I haven’t even escaped yet! What happens if they’re waiting outside?[/i:1e3ed8820e][/color:1e3ed8820e]

[color=white:1e3ed8820e][i:1e3ed8820e][b:1e3ed8820e]They aren’t. Trust me.[/b:1e3ed8820e][/i:1e3ed8820e][/color:1e3ed8820e] A fond wink shuttered it’s way through the young “Maven’s” mind.

[i:1e3ed8820e]Well you’ve gotten me this far. Will I see....[/i:1e3ed8820e]

Jonas stopped him with a smile.

[color=white:1e3ed8820e][i:1e3ed8820e][b:1e3ed8820e]Yes you’ll see me again. Won’t tell you when though. That’d ruin the surprise.[/b:1e3ed8820e][/i:1e3ed8820e][/color:1e3ed8820e] There was a pregnant pause between the two souls then Jonas released his hold on his protege.

[color=white:1e3ed8820e][i:1e3ed8820e][b:1e3ed8820e]The exit’s that way.[/b:1e3ed8820e][/i:1e3ed8820e][/color:1e3ed8820e] He pointed with a smoke-like finger.

[color=white:1e3ed8820e][i:1e3ed8820e][b:1e3ed8820e]See you around, kid.[/b:1e3ed8820e][/i:1e3ed8820e][/color:1e3ed8820e]

Then he was gone.

Alekz took the gun from his shoulder, aiming it ahead he jogged in the direction his ghostly mentor pointed. The exit was a large fire door. He double checked for guards then sprinted for the door, turning the handle as he burst forward. Free!

Sadly, the Taanhauser facility and it’s tenants had other intentions.

The building exploded with a fireball that rivalled the best Hollywood spectacle. Glass, steel, ceramic, wires, everything was pulverised by a divine wind as Gerard’s Thaumaturgically enhanced self destruct carried out his commands.

The heat from the explosion’s fires melting the windshields of the parked cars outside....

"You were a stranger to sorrow: therefore Fate has cursed you."
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 11:04 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMavenPosts: 38Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:09 pm
[i:eb2e681412][u:eb2e681412]One year later. 2003. London. The Niphilism nightclub.[/i:eb2e681412][/u:eb2e681412]

The cameras turn on their limited axis, zooming, recording and monitoring the excitable crowds that fill the club. There are samples from every background, faith and style here. Goths attracted by the club’s unusual name, ravers attracted by the reputation the club has for wild nights. Each and everyone looking for fun, be it drug induced, sex, alcohol or dancing. The cameras watch them all with the cold, sterile glances of glass and magnified light.

The cameras sweep through the club. Security ever alert, watch the dozens of monitors. Able to track the faces of everyone that has entered, they are confident that tonight things will go as planned. No bullshit from the punters. No fights. No dealing, unless by the club’s resident suppliers. It’s all under control.

One of the bouncers enters the control room. He looks happy enough, but he also looks intrigued.

[i:eb2e681412]“Now. Why the fuck would a guy like that come here and just sit on his arse? I ask you. Motley? Do a check on him, see if he’s got any previous...”[/i:eb2e681412] The monitor nods. [i:eb2e681412]“No problem, Malcolm.”[/i:eb2e681412] There’s a moment of cautious scrutiny before Motley looks up at the pug nosed bouncer. [i:eb2e681412]“Clean as a whistle. Cushty!”[/i:eb2e681412]

Malcolm nodded. [i:eb2e681412]“Sorted. You see him?”[/i:eb2e681412]

Motley typed in a basic collection of commands. The club’s cameras whirred into action, scouring the crowds.

Not at the ground floor bar. The cameras turned and zoomed in unison. The pictures merging seamlessly as though the two watchers were floating invisibly over the crowds.

Not on the first floor dancefloor. Or in fact at it’s respective vodka bar.

[i:eb2e681412]“He’s near the second floor balcony. Table 11.”[/i:eb2e681412] Malcolm assured his friend. The cameras, thus informed, found him quickly.

Seated at a table, surrounded by dozens of drunken partygoers, he sat apparently unmoved by the commotion around him. The pounding bass lines of the goth/rock/garage/house music made the floors vibratewith a force akin to a localised earthquake.

But still the figure sat motionless. Stone-like. The glass of water by his right hand half empty, or is it half full?

The cameras zoomed in, revealing the cold grey-green eyes of the man. The tousled, but spiked hair. The razor sharp suit that clung perfectly to the obviously athletic body beneath it. And the strong, somehow Nordic, somehow Roman angular face that looked down over the dance-floor. Watching the clubbers dancing furiously. A girl leaned close, her breasts barely contained by the bra-top she [i:eb2e681412]almost[/i:eb2e681412] wore. She whispered something in his ear that she expected would make him blush. It didn’t. Instead he nodded and suddenly looked up.

Was he aware he was being watched? How could he be?

A smile crept across Alekz’ face. He winked mischeviously at the camera watching him and raised his glass. Turning his attentions to the girl.

[i:eb2e681412]“Sky’s the limit. What’ll it be?”[/i:eb2e681412]

"You were a stranger to sorrow: therefore Fate has cursed you."
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 11:20 pm Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 155Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:02 am
[b:0418585514]ooc:[/b:0418585514] [i:0418585514]Said it before, and I say again... this storyline is captivating and always leaves one to want more of it right the second! Sublime writing, I'm curious and eager to see more :D [/i:0418585514]

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.
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