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<  USA  ~  From the Bowels of L.A.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:22 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
"Mmmmmmm... What a lovely night. Thank Set that I have everything I could ever want.", she says with a slight smile.
She brings one arm up and admires her pale skin as she looks over to her bed. Her usual outfit is laid out on the bed: black vinyl corset with buckles, black vinyl full length skirt with slits that go all the way up, tied together simply with a piece of leather, pair of fishnet thigh highs, black garter belt. At the foot of her bed are her immaculate black, knee high vinyl boots with a stiletto heel. Apoptygma Berzerk plays "Until the End of the World" as she saunters over to her bed.
"I should get ready for my adoring masses...", she says quietly.
She walks by her desk that has a small pile of letters upon it.
"I'll read those later.", she thinks.
She sits upon her bed, nude, as she looks upon a statue of Set placed upon her desk.
She slowly dresses, enjoying the sensuality of the clothing touching her soft cold skin.
"Can't wait until dinner touches my skin; all nice and warm... Mmmmm... The thought. I just can't wait.", She smiles seductively, and her fangs showing as she thinks about dinner.
She stands up fully dressed in her bondage finest. She slowly moves her hands over her shapely figure.
She looks back behind her and looks at her ghoul.
"You think Mr. Archer was glad to get his package?", she says with a slight smile.
"I think he's going to be truly delighted.", the ghoul says back smiling.
She saunters over to the ghoul and lays a cold hand upon his cheek.
Her piercing blue eyes bore into his mind.
"Maybe I should pack. I think that Mr. Archer might need some help. But that will come after this evening’s revelry. For the time being lets just go downstairs and enjoy the evening.", she says in a sultry tone.
She turns the low lights off and walks down the stairs, ghoul faithfully in tow.

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:27 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
She winks to a young man who is dancing seductively on the dance floor. She makes her way over and begins to dance with him. Hips meet hips. His arms wrap about her waist, and fall to rest upon her hips.
"Is there anything you want?", she whispers is in his ear.
"Yes...", he says breathlessly.
"What is it?", she asks with a sultry tone.
"You...", he says even more breathless.
Her arms fall down to his hips. She pulls him in closer to herself. She licks the side of his neck.
"Are you sure this is what you want?", she asks.
The man just moves in closer to her body. He pulls her closer to him with his muscular arms. His naked torso rubs against her corset and the breasts that overflow from the top. His hands work down to her legs and reach underneath the skirt. A hand clasps around her nude buttocks. She can feel him hardening in his tight vinyl pants. They dance quickly to "Cyberchrist" by Flesh Field.
"Follow me outside.", she says to the man.
He nods and follows behind her.
While outside she opens her purse and pulls out a pack of Djarum Supers.
"You smoke?", she asks.
He shakes his head.
"Can I have one?", he asks her.
She gives him one and lights it for him. He coughs as he takes the first inhale.
She laughs a little and he gives her a sheepish smile.
"What is it that you desire? If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?", she asks him, looking into his eyes.
"It would be you underneath me, in bed.", he says entranced.
"Really?", she asks in mock surprise.
He nods assuredly.
She licks her lips slowly and then puts an arm on his shoulder.
"I think I can manage that.", she says to him seductively.

Isis opens up the door to her room. The smell of incense overtakes the pair as they move into her room. A click is heard as the door shuts behind her.
She flips a switch and the lights go on low.
"How quaint.", he says.
He puts a knee and two hands on the bed, to feel its sturdiness. It feels firm, yet giving. He sits himself down, his hand rubbing the silken sheets.

Isis unties her corset. She lets it fall to teh floor. The pale light caresses her pale silken breasts. She places one of her hands upon the side of his face, followed shortly by the other.
"Now close your eyes.", she tells him softly.
He closes them. She tilts his head upward and kisses him deeply. She slowly leads him down onto his back. She stradles his chest, the vinyl of her skirt gathering upon his stomach. She kisses down his throat and chest. Each kiss tenderly plays upon his flesh.
"Open your eyes.", she tells him.
He opens them to see her beauty over him. Her long back hair gently touching her back. Her piercing blue eyes looking down at him. A painted hand sets upon his chest.
"Thank you God. ", he thinks.

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:32 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
She stands up and unbuttons his pants slowly. One of her hands running down his stomach as she does it. Soon enough they are totally unbuttoned and crumpled upon the floor.
He lies on the bed, at the ready.
"Well, are you ready for your dreams to come true?", she asks him in a low seductive tone.
"Oh, God, please.", he whispers.
Her hand continues it's way down. It finally winds its way down to its goal. She runs a long fingernail along the shaft to the tip of the head, sending acute pain through his body.
She kisses his sleek muscular chest. Her tongue plays upon his nipples. She continues to kiss all the way down.
Her lips wrap around. Her tongue plays and she lets her teeth gently rake against the shaft. A moan escapes his lips as his face winces in pain.
She laughs seductively as she watches the pleasure that shows on his face.
"So, easy, so simple...", she thinks.
She kisses back up his chest. Her knees plant on either side of the boi. She straddles him, and yet still lords over him.
She leans down. Her pale breasts rub against his chest as she moves towards his ear.
"Do you want it now?", she whispers.
He simply gives a staggered nod.
"You think you're ready?", she continues to whisper.
"Yes, please.", he gasps.
She slides her legs over his body. The hair between them rubbing against his chest. She slides all the way down to find him hard and ready. She lifts herself up a little and then feels him slide all the way inside of her. She leans her head back and lightly moans. He gasps ever so slightly.
She looks down at him, her eyes serpentine. She licks her lips with a forked tongue. He looks at her in awe. Her tongue reaches down to lick his nipples as she begins to rock gently, feeling him move within her. His hands reach up to grab her breasts. He kneads and massages them. She tickles his neck with her tongue.
She continues to rock on top of him. She leans down and softly kisses his neck. She feels him just exit her. She then sits back down feeling him fill inside of her again. She continues to do this for a little while, further titillating him.
She then continues to grind, hard. She sees his face begin to contort. She bends down, as she grinds, to kiss his neck. She can hear his heart racing. Her fangs extend down and she bites into his neck. He moans deeply as she grinds harder. His nails dig into her back. His free hand grabs her long hair and pulls. She continues to feed as they are thrown into the throes of sexual passion.
His breathing is faster. He thrusts into her harder. She bites his neck harder. Her free hand digs deeper into his back. His face contorts as he climaxes. The pleasure he feels is so indescribable, so untouchable.
She lets go of his throat and licks the wounds closed with her tongue. She lets him fall back onto the bed. He looks at her through half opened eyes. She sits upright, still straddling him. Her body is flushed with blood.
"Was it as good for me as it was for you?", he asks.
"Why don't you get some sleep. I'll be back shortly to check on you.", she says. She takes off her skirt, shoes and hose. She sees that he falls straight asleep. She walks out of the room.
Her ghoul is standing outside of the door.
"Feeling well-fed tonight?", he asks her.
"Of course.", she replies with a ghoulish grin.

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:33 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
Malkavian (repost)

Rocks back and forth in his cell, just hugging himself. He thinks of Viviane... that too familiar face... was it really her?

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:42 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
She walks down the corridor, ghoul walking close behind her.
"So, was it worth it all?", the ghoul asks her looking like a little lost puppy.
"Of course it was. It always is.", she says as she turns around taking his head in her hand, "And, yes, you will get to know what it's like. That is a promise that I gave to you that I plan to keep. But you must learn more about being in service to Set. What we go through to preserve our lives and what we believe. One year is not enough time."
"Then how long did you learn?", he asked her, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"I didn't. I already knew. I worked at a burlesque house, by choice. That's why I was chosen.", she said looking deep into his eyes.
His head moves closer. His lips press against her deeply. She turns her head away from him.
"What?", he says.
"Not now. I'll continue your 'education' early in the morning, ok?", she says wrapping her arms around his waist.
He simply nods and lowers his head.
"But first, if you want to be good at this, you don't let your emotions get in the way. It makes it more difficult to do our service. We must corrupt by any and all means possible. Remember that.", she says as she turns away from him and continues down the corridor.
She wakes up the next evening feeling fully refreshed. She goes through her evening duties.
"Come here.", she says to her ghoul.
He dutifully approaches her.
"What is it, my dear?", he asks her.
"We will be going on a trip soon. We need to pack this evening. We will be heading to a town called Cascadia. I feel that my skills will be needed there.", she says with a serpentine smile.
He nods and runs off towards their chambers. The door opens and closes.
She walks towards the chambers of the high priest and softly raps upon the door.
"Come in.", is heard.
She opens the door and scents the smell of incense and paraffin.
"You know that I trust your judgment, however, you also know how I left there.", she says.
"Yesssss, of coursssse I do. However, it's a unannomousssssssssssss decisssssssssssion that the ccccccccity needssssss ssssssssssssome better direction. And who better then our own high priesssssssstessssssssss, who'ssss ever been devoted to Sssssssssssssssset."
"I know," she says going on her knees and resting her head upon his lap, "it doesn't mean that I don't have my reservations about going back. The one reason I had is gone, and the prince still sits upon the throne. If I go back, I risk my life."
"That isssss not true.", he says.
She jerks her head up and looks him in the eyes.
"How do you know that?", she asks.
"Apparently thossssssse tapesssss you sssssent to the Malkavian got the jusssssstincarssss attention.", he tells her.
"So, something’s to be done finally?", she says as her eyes light up.
He simply nods.
"Well, that certainly lessens my apprehension about going back.", she says.
She stands up and dusts off her skirt and bows to the priest.
As she walks out with a slight smile across her face.
Her trunk sits upon the floor as she begins to pile in her priestly garments. She picks up her Goth clothing.
"Good, I can go check on my club. I just hope it's in the same condition I left it in?", she thinks as she looks at her outfit she wore that opening evening.
She smiles broadly, her forked tongue darts in out from between her teeth.
"This will be an interesting homecoming indeed.", she thinks as she closes her trunk.
She grabs a black lacquered box from underneath her bed. It has hieroglyphs over the front.
"For the glory of Set and his childer", is what it reads.
"So long has it been since I have wielded this blade.", she says out loud as she unlatches the box.
She pulls out the golden blade. The pommel is a lotus column; the hilt is a winged scarab. The scabbard is engraved with the myth of Set, Isis and Osiris.
She pulls out the blade and the sound of the blade is heard as the metal rubs against the scabbard.
She holds it up in front of her, examining the blade.
"Such a fine piece of Egyptian work, don't you think?", she says turning around to her ghoul.
She waves the blade around in front of her. She tests the balance of the blade.
"Many warriors have fallen to this blade. Many shall fall again.", she says staring intensely at the blade.
She looks at the ghoul with an evil gleam in her eye.
"I think that I may need this. At least I learned a few new tricks in my time here.", she says.
She turns her back to the ghoul and replaces the blade to its rightful place.
She places the box into the trunk.
"You ready to go?", she asks the ghoul.
He nods.
"Then lets go.", she says simply as she locks her trunk.
She sits back and rests her head against the seat of the airplane seat. Her eyes close and she listens to the multitudinous sounds. The voices of faceless people, the steady rhythm of passion coming from the bathroom, the sounds of the machinery of the airplane.
"Note to self, must become member of the mile high club again.", she thinks with eyes closed.
A stewardess comes by and offers the pair a drink.
"No thank you, we'll be fine.", her ghoul says.
The stewardess nods and simply walks away.
"Anything interesting?", he asks her.
"I think you and I are going to make a little venture to the bathroom.", she says as she seductively licks her lips.
He simply nods and puts an arm around her. He kisses her deeply, passionately.
She kisses back with the same ferocity.
"God, I miss this.", he gasps.
She gently kisses his neck.
"You ready yet?", she asks.
He nods. They both stand up and he puts one arm around her shoulders. They both start walking back towards the bathroom.
They stand patiently by the bathroom door. She licks his neck and nuzzles at it. He runs his hands through her long black hair, occasionally tugging on it. She lets out a quiet growl then hisses. She kisses him deeply again as the door flies open, nearly missing the pair.
"It's our turn.", she says in a seductive tone with one eyebrow cocked.
He gulps deeply, taking in her scent as he nods. A bead of sweat forms on his brow.
She steps into the stall before him and sets herself upon the toilet. She gestures with her finger for him to come hither.
He walks in predatorily and close the door shut behind him.
He wraps one of his arms around her slender waist and pulls her up into him.
"You know I like it rough.", she says, a slight hiss is still heard in her tone.
He looks deeply into her eyes, becoming intoxicated with them. He bores into her with the most beautiful hazel eyes.
He kisses her deeply, his tongue slipping deep into her mouth.
She closes her eyes as he picks her up and places her on the sink. His hands fumble over her blouse. He grasps at her breasts like a child seeking his mother's milk.
"Is this what you want?", she asks as she tilts his head up to look at her.
He looks up to her, his eyes pleading. He nods slightly as she smiles down upon him the predatorial smile.
She laughs quietly, seductively. Her hand reaches down for his crotch.
"Is this what you want to give me?", she asks, the smile never leaving her lips.
He whispers, "Please, I want this more then anything."
She unbuttons the top button of his pants. She then wraps her arms around his shoulders. She takes off her shirt exposing her pale breasts. She drags a long, claw-like nail across her breast, cutting deeply.
His eyes widen and he licks his lips. She waves her finger in front of his face.
She reaches down for his pants and unzips them. They fall to the floor. She then put her hands beneath the waist of his underwear. She gently brushes the skin underneath. She then shimmies them down. She re-opens the wound that she had made earlier. He looks at her wide-eyed.
"Drink from me, my love.", she says as she leans against the mirror.
He enters her as his lips reach the skin of her breast. His tongue licks at the weeping wound in time to his hips thrusting into hers. His arms wrap around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him, pushing himself further into her. He licks his lips of her blood as he continues to thrust away at her.
HE turns around and slams her into the door. She moans deeply as her head hits the door hard. She wraps her arms around his shoulders. Her hands drape down and dig into his back, drawing blood. The scent of the blood heightens her passion. She bites into the soft part of the neck. He gasps and thrusts harder. The pace quickens as she stops. He grimaces as he reaches the pinnacle of the act.
She looks down at him, her eyes constantly looking into his.
"Was it everything you imagined?", she asks him, wiping the hair back from his brow.
He looks at her in total love. He sits back on the toilet and hugs her.
"God, that was amazing. It... It was like nothing I could have ever imagined.", he says, catching his breath as he sits on the toilet.
He places a hand upon his chest.
She looks at him matronly.
"Do you think you can handle the responsibility? Could you live on never-ending night? And could you handle me doing what I do?", she asks him walking over and taking his head in her hands.
He looks up at her with his big pleading eyes. He drinks her in, hoping that he notices his pleas.
"I would be willing to do all of that and more for you, my love. If it means that I would never leave you, I would make that sacrifice. For that is all that I desire.", he says, his voice trembling under the weight of the words.
"I know you have an idea, but do you truly know what you'd be born into?", she asks him, her eyes to those of an asp.
He looks at her in total awe, like a snake has transfixed him. She shakes her head and turns her head to look at him, he eyes once again blue.
"I would like to learn the way you did. I want to take you in my arms and hold you forever, never to loose you.", he says tears welling up in his eyes.
"My love, you realize that at some point you may loose me. There's no guarantee that once this plane lands that I'm not on stake and deliver orders. What will you do then?", she asks her voice ever steadfast.
"I would avenge you and dance in their blood.", he says with great determination.
"Could you corrupt? Could you do what was needed to bring those to the wisdom of Set?", she asks him, pleading.
His head turns down. He places his arms around her lower waist. He begins to be racked with sobs.
She kneels down in front of him. She turns his head up to hers.
"This is why I can not bring you to me. You need to be willing to accept all responsibilities wholly.", she whispers.
He looks at her, tears still streaming from his face.
"You make this a difficult decision. I want you with me, but I want you to be prepared for all that encompasses.", she says as a blood tear streams down her face.
He looks at her with full determination.
"I would do whatever was needed to keep myself close to you.", he says, strength coming back to his voice.
"Then come to me. I will give you this gift. But it will seem like a curse. May Set bless this union.", she says as she stands up and wraps her arms around his shoulders.
She draws him close to her and her teeth plunge in deeply. She drinks the intoxicating draughts of his ghoul blood. He moans as he feels the blood exit his body. She feels him begin to slip into death. She stops and takes her nail and digs deep into her wrist, rending the flesh and places it to his lips. His lip and teeth fasten to her wrist and he drinks deeply.
"Yes my love, drink deep. Once we get into the city, we will find you suitable prey. And within three nights time we will be each other’s, come death or eternity.", she says as he draws upon her.
She pulls her wrist away and he sits back as he feels the blood run through his body.
"Welcome to my world.", she says, "I shall ensure your survival."
She takes him in to her arms and holds him close. She outs one hand upon the back of his head. Her fingers work their way into his brown hair.
"This first night will be the hardest. I will do everything to ensure that makes it as easy as possible." she says as she feels his body still against hers.
He feels a sharp pang travel through out his body.
"God, this hurts!", he growls as he falls to his knees.
She sinks to her knees and cradles him within her arms. She bends over and kisses him deeply on the lips. She places her hand upon his brown and rubs his hair back. She watches as his face twists from all of the pain.
"Don't worry, it's almost over my love. Then comes your first lesson, the hunt.", and she says in a concerned motherly tone that she hasn't used since she used to soothe Mark.
His breathing accelerates as the pain becomes terribly intense. Finally, his last breath escapes him and he blinks.
"Welcome my love. Have some of my blood, enough to tie you over until we get to Cascadia.", she says as she bites into her own wrist and lets him feed off of her.
She pulls her wrist away from him.
"Lets go.", she tells him, helping him up to his feet.

She pushes the door open. A stewardess looks at the couple with wide eyes. She sets him down and approaches the stewardess.
She looks at her and the stewardess. The stewardess stands back in awe of the woman standing in front of her.
"Now, you will not remember any of this.", she says.
The stewardess looks at her and nods. She goes to pick him up again and sets him down in their seats.
"We're almost there my love.", she says looking out the plane's window.

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:44 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
The sound of wheels screeching upon the tarmac is heard through out the plane. He clutches to his seat, eyes closed as he notices that everything sounds louder. She riffles through her purse looking for a second pair of sunglasses.
"I'm looking for something to make that pain go away. That's the downfall, bright places are now are enemy. However, the benefits far out weighs pitfalls.", she says as she pulls a pair out of sunglasses and hands them to him.
She places them in his hand. He takes them and puts them on. He opens his eyes and looks at her. He grabs her in an embrace and kisses her deeply.
"Thank you for my gift, my love. I shall do whatever is needed to ensure our survival.", he whispers in her ear.
The other passengers file out of the plane and they continue to sit in their seats.
They go to the end of the line and file out with the rest.
Once they are outside of the plane, she takes a cursory look around the airport.
"Welcome to Cascadia dear. Now we are at risk. But I think what we share will give us the advantage, amongst what I've already done.", she says as she grabs his hand and holds it tightly.
"I feel so hungry.", he growls.
"Don't worry my love, we'll find you dinner soon enough.", she says as she scans the street for any kine.
They both see a rundown bar. Several motorcycles are out front. She looks at him as he starts to give in to his beast.
She drags him across the street and throws open the bar doors. He follows close behind with a feral look upon his face.
A burly guy closest to the door grabs him by the shirt.
"You have a problem bitch?", he snarls.
"I do, and you're going to take care of it.", he growls back.
He forces the man's hands off of his shirt. He grabs the man's arm and throws him out the doors. The biker hits hard and rolls to the end of the sidewalk.
"You have no idea what the fuck you started, bitch. But I'll be damn certain to put an end to you.", he shouts.
He follows behind, eyes shifting to those of a serpent. The man looks at him transfixed.
"Follow me.", he says in an even tone.
The burly biker follows as he walks backwards, luring him into a dark alley.
They get to the in and are completely enshrouded in shadow. He wraps his arms around the man and plunges his teeth deep into the wounds.
She follows behind and has her blade in hand.
She slashes at the guy's back as her childe feeds.
He drops the body once all movement and breathing has stopped.
"I hope you enjoy your first kill. This is what you'll have for the rest of eternity. The desire and lust for blood. After this first night you will need to learn another thing, temperance.", she says as she embraces him.
He looks into her crystalline eyes and gives her a deep passionate kiss.

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:49 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 7Location: bay area,caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:19 pm
As he looks down upon the body that he just so freshly created, He questions her words slgihty in his head.
"Temperance? what good will that do?" he asks her his eyes are still that of the sperant.
he no longer feels the heart beat within him, but the vital blood that he just drank making his ever since become both agony and plesure in the same instance. He lets his body press tightly to her. Still feeling the passion from her kiss. His eyes roll back into his head then come forward again.
" So what Do we do with the body?" he asks.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:51 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
She places on of her hands against his cheek.
"Temperance, my dear, will be the one thing that will save you. We must co-exist with these creatures. They are what will help us bring back our beloved god. As for the body, we can just leave it here. It looks like a murder.", she says as she kisses him passionately once again.
She takes his hand and leads him out of the dark alleyway.
"But first we need to find a place of mine. I think it would be the best place to take sanctuary.", she says as she place her arm around his waist.
"Lets go my love. I have the ideal place for us to call home.", she says as they cross the street.

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:52 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 7Location: bay area,caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:19 pm
"Home." he whispers. He flows closely behind her attempting to not let his body separate from hers.
Once they get across the street he pauses, taking her and kissing her deeply, with all the love that he still hold within him. He looks deeply into her eyes after she opens them, saying thank you with his look.
"So where is this home?" he asks her as she leads him onward.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:54 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
"It's a club called the Eye of Ra. It's a cozy place I started while I was here. Egyptian motif. Actually, it would make an amazing temple...", she starts.
She looks into his eyes again.
"I can't wait to take you home. We could get some education in on undead anatomy, or we could always find a bench and take care of that lesson here, if you desire it so? But prudence might be in our favour. So to the Eye of Ra it is.", she finishes.
He brings up his hand and places underneath her breast, cupping it.
His other arm wraps around her slender waist. She kisses him deeply, passionately. She feels his tongue brush against hers. She moans a little as she starts to feel intoxicated by his passion.
She shakes her head.
"Yes, let's go.", she says.
They walk down the street towards the locale of the Eye of Ra.

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:54 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 7Location: bay area,caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:19 pm
He sides his hand down the front of her body, slowly stroking very inch of her stomach, he pushes slightly on the waist of her skirt, barely touching her flesh underneath the skirt, his hand pulse there for a moment. he looks into her eyes, over to a small alley way, then back to her.

"But who says we get caught?" he asks her.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:56 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
"Mmmmmm... Good point.", she says as she rolls her head.
She takes him by the arm and drags him into the dark alley. She kisses him with fiery passion. Her hands on either side of his head.
She feels his hands move their way down to her ass. He clutches it tightly.
"Thank Set, I think I found my perfect compliment.", she moans as he kisses her neck.
She kisses his neck, licking it with her forked tongue.

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
Offline Profile WWW ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:57 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 7Location: bay area,caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:19 pm
He takes a hold of her by the back pressing her tightly to him, as he starts to slowly grind her with his body, placing her back against the wall. He starts to slowly work her skirt down her legs. He lets his tongue slide up her neck and tickles her ear. He looks into her eyes and kisses her passionately.

"Yes, thank Set and thank you too for choosing me. For the glory and honor of Set." he starts to unbuckle his belt. He takes the full length of his cock out from within his pants; he presses her hard tightly to the wall as he inserts the length of his hard cock into her. Her skirt rolls up her thighs as he thrusts into her.

What should be done and what will be done, to things that must be accounted for.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:58 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 90Location: san francisco, caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:18 pm
She moans as her legs wrap around his waist. Her neck arches back and her long hair falls down her back. She feels the brick scrape against her back, heightening her sense of pleasure. She whips her head back and looks him in the eyes as she feels him moving inside of her. Her arms dangle off his shoulders. She digs them into his back, drawing blood. She licks the side of his neck and tickles it with her fangs.
"Oh...", she moans deeply into his ear.
She licks the side of his neck with her serpentine tongue before her teeth plunge in, drawing precious vitae. She laps it up as it pours into her mouth.

Well, well, well, isn't it such a pleasure. And if you ask, I can give you more pleasures then you could ever imagine.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:59 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSetitePosts: 7Location: bay area,caJoined: Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:19 pm
Feeling the vitae start to go from his body again, he thrust harder into her. He takes ever inch of his body working her fully with between the wall and him. As she releases the bite from his neck he plunges his fangs deep into her firm hard breast, drinking from it like a childe his mother. He moans after closing the wound with a slow wipe of his tongue, “Isis forever I will be yours."

As he takes her fully upon his hard cock, he start to use his fully body in the thrusts, the speed has intensified as he looks deeply into her, he drags his hands down to her tight beautiful ass pressing it in time with his thrusts. He grips firmly to her and continues to hear he moans of pleasure, know that she can get them from him whenever she would like.

What should be done and what will be done, to things that must be accounted for.
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