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PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 8:24 pm Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
As the night passed with no sign of Arial showing up to the meeting set earlier by the Dark Prince, Cappadocian ghoul's were sent thru the whole city, in search of the young Kindred, that now at the eyes of the Dark Prince became more of an outsider than anything else if she didnt had any damn good reasons for not showing up . The true form of those ghouls being a skeleton covered in a long black cloak was only visible at the eyes of the Kindred, to humans they looked like humans. Carved with the symbol of the Dark Prince, the symbol of the damned, those ghouls would come back to unlife even if killed countless times. As the damned were now sent, the Dark Prince attended to the next and last appointment of the night.

Still stitting in his throne made of human bones and flesh, the 1367 years old Prince looked at the Kindred brought upon him by his dark servants for breaking a rule, Siring without the Prince permission, which is punishable by Death for both the Sire and the Childe . Next to the Dark Prince was standing his Sire Angelica, a very old 4th Gen Cappadocian. Standing up slowly from his bloody throne, the Dark Prince spoke as he was looking at the Toreador who broke a tradition " I could waste my time and explain you why you will be killed tonight along with your pathetic Childe, fucking Toreador. Rest assured that the only thing I will take time for is the time I will take to torture you until Death . Any last words .. " . The Toreador raised her head looking up at the Prince as she lat out the following words
" This city became more of a grave ever since you stepped up to the throne Cappadocian ! " with a smirk on his face the Dark Prince replied " Excellent isnt it " , those words were followed by those of the Toreador " I take pride in getting killed tonight, for I will be in a better place ! " .

Smiling evily Valek approached the Toreador " Where you will be going is a place of eternal torments, the second you will die your soul will be mine, you will burn in the eternal depts of Hell, where Midian ( Satan ) and I reign Supreme.

With those words said the Toreador got taken to the torture room, she screamed in fear as she continously was hearing the tormented screams of the wraiths, the screams of blood thirsty demon coming from the underground dungeon, where she was heading now . The dark servants of the Prince chained the Toreador on the ground, on top of a pentagram carving that was still covered with fresh blood, most likely the blood of the previous victim. As the Toreador was now set, the ritual for her Death began .

[b:1e185e5d35][u:1e185e5d35][i:1e185e5d35]The Ritual[/i:1e185e5d35][/u:1e185e5d35][/b:1e185e5d35]

In the dungeon so cold, is chained the Toreador
Her eyes filled with thears, her soul with fear
Asking herself, where is her god know
Preacher of lies, soon to be nailed

HAIL MURDER ! your God of Filth won't help you now
HAIL MURDER ! soon to meet the evil one

Carry your cross to your own doom
Meet my hatred
you will die amongst the dirt, where you belong

Christian blood soon will cover the ground
as I drive the nails of evil deep inside
you are nothing more than a crucified whore

HAIL MURDER ! as the nails are hammered deep
HAIL MURDER ! I am the spear in her side

The demons fly high, they circle above
Waits for her blood to stop flow, I shall collect her soul
Preacher of lies, soon to die
thousand of years of pain await !

end of ritual

On the pentagram, was lying the corpse of the Toreador, her stomach ripped wide open, her intestines sliding its way out of her lifeless corpse. The eyes were pierced with burning metal needles, her fings and toes cut and insered in the mouth of the Toreador, words getting carved on her forehead and the rest of her body with a sharp dagger. Reaching the spine passing thru the rib cage with his hand, the Dark Prince ripped off her spine, lifting it up his head, drinking the blood dripping from it .... The childe of the Toreador suffered the same fate.

As daylight fell upon Cascadia, the Dark Prince stayed in the endless maze that is the dungeon of his own haven. The ghouls now returning from the night they spent out, they brought back no news, the Dark Prince ordered them to go back out once more when the moon will be high in the nightsky .

(( Very nice posts once again everyone :) ))

Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 10:31 pm Reply with quote
“Oh I’m sorry are you having trouble with your PMS? Funny but I thought you were dead? Mind you I think you are having a few mild mood changes. Not so long ago you were smothering me in your breasts and begging for a fuck. Well that’s women for you I guess…”

Mark let out a smirk as the dun rays burned deep and painful wounds in Arial’s flesh giving of a repulsive smell. Mark laughed a little bit and looked repulse as he held his nose “Peee Ewww! Your not smelling to good little lady”

“If you have foreseen my death at the hands of Valek then….” Mark laughed “God! Valek couldn’t snap me in half and you know what he wouldn’t want too. You see not only am I powerful but I’m also useful so no harm… no foul! But you on the other hand are a different story!”

Mark grabbed a hold of Arial by her throat and lifted her several feet into the air with his raw strength. “Ill tell you one thing little lady I Don’t like being called a liar especially when I am putting my neck on the line to try and save you from skull splitting pain and agony! Now I’m not inclined to walk the streets during the day but you can be my guest for all I care!”

Mark moved himself around so that one arm was wrapped tightly around her neck and his hand gripping onto her hair while his other held her in an arm lock. “Now as I see it I’ve just about run out of patience… do you hear that…”

The girl child's voice filled her mind. "This is a fun game.. but I'm tiring of it... maybe I should make the hiding one throw you into the light... you seem to really want to go.. right now... do you want to go now, and play in the sun?"

“Now she really is loosening interest so I suggest for all our sake’s you either play along or I’m going to bend the rules. She looks up to me like her Daddy and well… It’s bad for a dad to upset his little girl”

Mark thrust Arial forward until she landed smack hard against a wall. Reaching into his jacket Mark retrieved a pair of blood stained pliers which he held up to the air and examined at the same time a evil grin shot across his face.

“And our final option is I present you to Valek as a gift and sign of my loyalty to him and this city and perhaps in return you will be worth a little boon for me. Hell ill even make up the story and in a few details to make it seem more triumphant and cool on my part because I may not know that much but I know that anyone foolish enough to play around with my mind will get some serious whiplash”

Mark laughed hysterically as Echo emerged from the shadows holding Arial in a vice like grip. “Well what will it be?”

PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 10:55 pm Reply with quote
As the two men, strangers up to a few moments before wandered through the allies in search of the same thing but for very different reasons, Bobs voice droned on. Kaydian new that it was away that mortals had of hiding their excitement or fear, they tried to make small talk. It helped keep their minds off what was actually happening. It also helped to ease Kaydians mind there was something very cathartic about the old man talking about nothing of any real importance. Only when Bob asked if he was the same as Arial did Kaydian allow himself a smile, with his high cheek bones the smile appeared more cynical than warm and Kaydian was glad the older timer hadn’t noticed. As they moved on with their search Kaydian hoped that Bob had a clue as to where she was likely to hang out.

As they made there way along, Kaydian could start to understand why Arial had kept the homeless guy around. He appeared to know the city well and had a warmth about him that was refreshing for those in the modern nights. Then they came to a church, that appeared to be the staging ground, as Bob pointed out the obvious Kaydian cast him a glance.

‘My name is Reverend Kaydian Moore, and I am nothing like young Ariel I don’t kill pizza boys for loose change. Now I advise you to stay to the shadows where I can protect you if needs be, but hopefully that wont be necessary.’ Focussing on the blood Kaydian commanded the shadows to surround them, and then quickly clasped his hand round Bob’s mouth, as the homeless guy was about to run screaming into the night. It had been so long since Kaydian had used his powers around mortals he had forgotten the effects they could have on them.

‘Calm down’, Kaydian held Bob till he felt the old man stop struggling and then released his grip. ‘The shadows will conceal us, now lets see what this midnight meeting is all about.’

Whether Bob understood or not Kaydian wasn’t sure but he saw a fire burning in his eyes, a desire to help his princess if she should need it, a need to see this out to the end. Kaydian felt a little ashamed of himself. He stood in an expensive Charcoal suit, immune to the icy touch of death, and yet he was being shown up by Bob what looked no better than a homeless guy who had already felt the touch of age upon him. Kaydian cast such thoughts from his mind; it was ignorance that lent Bob courage not bravery. When he knew what he was getting himself involved in he would beg for the merciful death that Kaydian would give him. He couldn’t allow some mortal running around knowing so much. Smiling warmly to Bob, Kaydian indicated that they move forward. Under the concealing shadows the two moved on into the church to find out what was going on.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 10:58 pm Reply with quote
User avatarBone FlowerPosts: 0Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:40 am
She scents the smell and drops obfuscate, showing her in all of her hideous glory. She pulls her putrid hand back.
She disappears from site and stalks into the corner to watch the interaction.

stlaking each move quietly, Snappy ever present.

Cut the sky to cry down blood.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 11:52 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 pm
Echo whispered sweetly into Arial's ear...
"Don't worry Brujador... worry Torrieha... worry... They'll grow back... back..."

No matter how much she struggled, she was unable to break free. A look of terror crossed her face as Mark came ever closer with the blood-stained pliers, grinning evilly.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 11:55 pm Reply with quote
((top? bottom? or both? what you think Echo?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 12:01 am Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
(( Mark is sure of himself hehe lol

Very nice post tho Mark :) , I liked it . ))

Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 12:08 am Reply with quote
((Thank You Valek! It's just that Mark doesn't fear physcial pain but he is extremly fearful of lossing all of his mind! you can break all my bones and i laugh but touch my wicked hair and you got me there!

Besides Valek has no reason to hurt Mark hes just trying to help out (this is the bit where you tell me youd never kill me so i can smile happily)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 12:10 am Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
(( Yeah I know man :) , I'm just messing around a lil lol ))

Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 12:14 am Reply with quote
((phew!!!!!!!! :P

PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 12:24 am Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
(( lol :P ))

Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 12:41 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2004 12:52 am
[color=darkred:4db65736fc][/color:4db65736fc]As Grimm awoke in the park, he thought where were they now, Odin and Thor had been his most trust worthy ghouls over the last few years he'd had, wolves were just to damn high maintance and the attention they drew was always unwelcome.

Now there were three things that he had to locate in this city. As he crawled out of the make shift haven under the bridge he laughed, "Saying trolls aren't the only things that live under bridges."

But this was only a temporary haven.

As he made his way back to where he had left the two mastiffs he picked up there trail and found them wandering around a church he called them to him and went off in search of the prince. This is the rason why he hated the "civilized cities" all the damn formality, but what was he to do laws are laws after all.

When he turned to walk away he said, "christians the other white meat!" he could feel his hatred of his brother and the churh well up in him as he left the church. both of these had taken loved ones from him. His brother had taken pleasure in killing his wife and there children, while the church had burnt his mentor and lover Ulfsdoitter during the inquisition. But that was old news, move on he thought.

He had to find the prince before a price was placed on his head, he had heard that the prince was a real stickler for the rules at least the city had that going for it.

the bleeding heart bleeds for you and me the bleeding heart aches for you and me the bleeding heart comes from you and me.
Offline Profile YIM
PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 12:44 am Reply with quote
(( DON'T PANIC ARIAL! lol if you don't like this post becouse ive gone quite other the boundry of play rules then just say the word and ill delete it or give yo uyour fangs back or give them to valek when i deliver you to him. its up to you :P

Mark was now just inches in front of the squirming Arial who’s effort to break free from Echo’s grasp seemed pointless and futile.

“Now I haven’t done this for quite some time so I may not be able to perform to my normal standard but I’m quite sure this will hurt just a little and then that will subside just about the same time that it starts to hurt a hell of a lot more….”

As she groaned in defiance Mark gripped the pliers in his hand and began to slowly apply pleasure as it griped onto Arial’s right upper fang. Pulling hardly the fang was ripped lose from its socket as blood began to gush from the wound and Arial screamed in agony

“oh yea I think I was right about the whole pain thing” Mark looked into Echo’s eyes and they both began to laugh with a pure evil madness as Mark ripped out her other fang causing more blood to gush from her mouth.

As Arial screamed in pain her body faded in and out until she fell to the floor leaving Mark and Echoe standing above her with mischievous grins.

“Now the dogs been done how should we gift wrap the bitch?”

PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 12:57 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 pm
((Dont worry Arial, You'll get to your meeting, If we dont get to have your teeth we'll at least put you in to torpor.. cuz we want to deliver you ourselves))

“Now the dogs been done how should we gift wrap the bitch?”

Echo stopped to think a moment. He looked around the haven for anything that might do for a wrapping in a pinch. An old nun's costume...

He showed it to Mark. "No.. he'd cut her to bits without even looking to see who it is."

Vivian's old coffin...
"w-want t-to hang on to that... that..."

Pizza boxes....

An old bloody sheet....

Echo looked at the motionless body of the thinblood. He smirked a little, then dug his old coffin up from beneath the floorboards. It was in pretty bad shape... but it would do. He gestured to it as if asking mark's opinion.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 1:14 am Reply with quote
Mark gave Echo a friendly hug as he smiled smugly “It’s perfect! Maybe a little to perfect for a dog but you know I guess it will have to do”

Mark moved over and picked up Arial by her feet and gestured for Echo to help pick her up by the head and together they lifted her into the coffin which they sealed shut. Both Malkavian’s stood proud.

“She looks pretty enough to give away….”
“Give away… away… way… find our way”

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