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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 10:18 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 1117Location: The riverbank.Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:20 pm
Porter had reacted remarkably calmly when Gabriel asked him to accompany the pissant Toreador he seemingly loved. He wasn’t even fazed it seems when Gabriel passed on Kathy’s message regarding his attire. In fact, much to Gabriel’s surprise, the Ancient ordered Tyler to retrieve some things for the trip. Gabriel, who really should have thought his ghoul’s treatment a personal affront, merely smiled at Tyler’s bemused expression and nodded an affirmation.

A few hours passed since the flight had been arranged and Kathy was waiting for Porter to get ready to meet their taxi. She paced the room floor impatiently, Gabriel trying as always to suppress her impetuousness.

[i:66cafe944e]“Damn him! He’s doing this on purpose! Did you tell him when we had to leave, Gabriel?”[/i:66cafe944e]

Gabriel could only stutter into her wake as she passed him again.

[i:66cafe944e]“Yes he knows, Kathy. Listen, I’m sure he isn’t trying to annoy you. He took the news awfully keenly. He even had Tyler go into town to buy some things.”[/i:66cafe944e]

At that the door to Porter’s room opened. A pregnant pause followed before the Gangrel stepped into view.

Kathy gasped. Gabriel’s heart leapt at the sight.

Porter stood arms crossed, one hand clutching the opposing hand’s wrist. The coffee coloured suit was magnificent. As before, a John Phillips cut that clung and hung to his powerful frame perfectly. The faded cream shirt and dark tie standing out in stark contrast, but melding in fluid unison with the fabric. He smiled then. His green, glinting eyes sparkling as his smile widened. The exquisitely stylised and trimmed goatee beard that framed his strong jaw line was genius. His long black hair equally trimmed at the edges, then expertly tied back into a ponytail.

[i:66cafe944e]“Well? Not bad for a mutt, huh?”[/i:66cafe944e] He grinned at the speechless dilettantes.

Kathy smiled. She kissed Gabriel’s cheek before stepping forward, her nose quivering with anticipation as she inhaled Porter’s choice of cologne. He raised an arm, inviting her to take it. She kissed Gabriel again, this time a lingering farewell kiss before the unlikely pair stepped out to meet their taxi. Tyler and Gabriel following closely behind. The Ghoul acting as luggage handler.

The young lovers kissed a final farewell as Porter stepped into the front passenger seat, instructing the driver on their destination and flight time. He stroked the goatee casually as the car pulled away. A tearful Kathy didn’t even seem to faze his apparent optimism.

Kathy dabbed her silken handkerchief, removing any trace of her grief at leaving her beloved Ventrue.

As the duo stepped onto their plane, Porter could only imagine what fun he could have with an entire Camarillan court of Toreador. A wicked, almost boyish shimmer in his eyes.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 12:16 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
Over the past week or so, the news paper in Marseilles had a few bi-lines about vagabonds turning up dead. As Marseilles was not a particularly violent town and no apparent cause of death could be ascertained, the gendarmerie was at quite an impasse as to what to do. They had no leads, no witnesses, and not a lot of urge to invest resources into investigating the crime as the deceased were merely transients. It was not until a nondescript bank official of the Banque Nationale turned up in the morgue with a rather severe case of death that they stood up and took notice. This was something different. Although he was not a major player on the Marseilles societal stage, he was still a respectable citizen. In addition to this, an odd number of animals were turning up dead.

Julius sat across from Khemintiri and with Goratrix peering out of his mirror in between them.

"It must be the Toreador," said Goratrix. "She is starting to learn how to become more existant in this plane."

Khemintiri looked at him, "She sounds as if she is sucking the life out of life forms in order to bring herself more solidly into this world."

Julius did not seem surprised by this. He knew that Eve always had been strong willed and tempermental. He was rather impressed, however, by the relatively advanced magic she utilized.

Morathi came back into the room to join them. She had heard what they were saying from where she was sitting. "It is something right out of a Russian fairy tale," she said.

"What do you mean," asked Khemintiri.

"Well, there are legends, stories if you will, of young women betrayed by lovers who are killed by drowning. They come back as particularly dreaded entities called Rusalkas. They suck the life out of all living things around them. Legend has it that the Priepet Marshes near Minsk are to have been created by a Rusalka whose strength of will was such that she drained not only animals, but the very nutrients of the grounds as well. She was reputed to have created the vast wastelands in her jealous rage to avenge herself against her lover. "

Julius looked up. "Revenge?" he asked. "She is doing this out of a desire for revenge?"

Goratrix merely sat in his mirror with a bemused smile on his face. Julius looked to Morathi for some sort of response. Khemintiri was the one to answer, however.

"I do not believe it is revenge," she said. "It is more akin to self preservation on Eveshka's part."

Goratrix looked over at Julius as Julius began to speak. "So her very existance as a shade is dependenant on her willpower?"

"And other's lending their life force to her to survive," said Goratrix. "Her very being in this plane is the result of a particularly strong, concentrated, wish."

"But," said Khem. "If she does not learn how to extract life force from those around her without killing the host, she will most likely descend into madness."

"Which means," concluded Julius. "That even if we bring her back, she'll be at the whim of her Beast."

"That means we may be running out of time," said Morathi. "But, the legends do not say how long the manifestations went on before the ceased, or until the Rusalka became corporeal. Indeed, none of them actually talk about that."

Julius nodded slightly. "Well, we should try to make some sort of contact with her."

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 5:04 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((well folks...i tried...i really did. but i just COULDN'T drum up a proper post tonight. i tried, God knows i did. but the Muse was far far far FAR from me. however, i will attempt to summon her services once more tomorrow. :P

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 2:38 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
The huddled Tzimisce in the corner had somehow become a huddle of three. No longer a fearful kindred hiding from Julius, but now a rather large amount of occupied floor space. Time to deal with this unwanted situation. Julius wandered to the gaggle and looked them over. The Scorpion appeared to be in some kind of trance, whilst the other two, a man and a woman were trying to doze as best they could.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Wake up!"[/i:d0d4698e8a] Julius demanded.

The woman leant over and tapped her mistresses knee cap. The tzimisce slowly opened her eyes. She wore a calm expression on her tired and worn face.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Yes?"[/i:d0d4698e8a] She asked.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"These two with you, I presume."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Replied Julius, more of a statement than a question.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"You know, Serai, I believe and the other is the man you wished brought here. He is Venisi, my best operative."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Cyrilynn agreed.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"I don't think I ever met Serai, at least not looking like this. No matter. All three of you. My study."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

The three followed Julius into the room he had co-opted as his office. As tended to happen in places he stayed for any length of time, the room had started to take on the typical appearance of a place where Julius worked. A desk had arrived from somewhere with some chairs. Upon his desk, the ever present skull sat, somewhat anachronistic, next to his laptop and other trappings of modern business life.

Julius sat, behind the desk and waited a moment, surveying the threesome. [i:d0d4698e8a]"Close the door."[/i:d0d4698e8a] He said, finally, noting that Serai did so, rather than the Scorpion herself. The three arranged themselves in front of his desk, the Scorpion standing foremost, with Serai to her right and Venisi to her left.

Julius indicated the chairs. [i:d0d4698e8a]"Sit down please."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

Cyrilynn hesitated for a moment, looking confused, then nodded and sat, the other two remaining standing. Julius waited a moment, then gave Cyrilynn a hard stare. Finally, she gestured to her retainers, who took seats next to her.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Ghouls are they?"[/i:d0d4698e8a] Julius asked.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Yes. Their bond is [b:d0d4698e8a]quite[/b:d0d4698e8a] strong."

"Good. Listen up ghouls. You may think you do what your mistress says, but for the sake of her safety, understand that I am in charge here. When I say sit, you sit. When I say stand you stand, when I say hop on one leg, you do so, understood?"[/i:d0d4698e8a]

The pair looked to Cyrilynn, who nodded.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"[b:d0d4698e8a]Don't look at her, look at me.[/b:d0d4698e8a]"[/i:d0d4698e8a] Exclaimed Julius sharply. The two started at his words, looking at Julius and nodding vehemently. [i:d0d4698e8a]"I can't hear you!"[/i:d0d4698e8a] Continued Julius.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Yes, sir."[/i:d0d4698e8a] They chorused perfectly. [i:d0d4698e8a]"Good."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Answered the mage.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"So, I can't keep calling you Scorpion. What is your name?"[/i:d0d4698e8a] Asked Julius

[i:d0d4698e8a]"No, you can't. You've effectively killed The Scorpion. [b:d0d4698e8a]I[/b:d0d4698e8a] am Lady Cyrilynn."

"Cyrilynn"[/i:d0d4698e8a] Repeated Julius, deliberately ignoring the honorific. [i:d0d4698e8a]"Good. And you may call me Julius"[/i:d0d4698e8a]

Cyrilynn maintained a passive face. [i:d0d4698e8a]"As you wish."[/i:d0d4698e8a] She replied with a regal nod.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"So, shall we analyze your situation?"[/i:d0d4698e8a] Said Julius, mildly.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Alright."[/i:d0d4698e8a] She replied.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"You were contracted to collect some items. During the course of that work, you came into some information, which made you feel a need to change the terms of our arrangement."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Julius summarized.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Yes, I did, things did change but not because of the information I received. Well, maybe that's not quite true."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Cyrilynn paused, remembering that twice felt tingling jolt and then continued in a resigned tone. [i:d0d4698e8a]"Alright, you are correct then."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

[i:d0d4698e8a]"And, things being as they are, you now believe your position as "the scorpion" to be utterly untenable."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Julius went on.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Unfortunately, yes."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Came the saddened reply.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Just because a few kindred associates of mine know who you are."

"Yes."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Answered Cyrilynn with a sour look.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Very narrow minded, to my view, but never mind."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Julius chided.

Cyrilynn made no comment, gritting her teeth at his words.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"So, first of all, let us discuss who you have had spying upon me and why."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Julius' spoke slowly, his eyes accusing.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"I have not had anyone, per se, [/i:d0d4698e8a]spy[i:d0d4698e8a] on [b:d0d4698e8a]you[/b:d0d4698e8a]. I have had Venisi follow your associates from the plane."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Replied Cyrilynn. [i:d0d4698e8a]"I believe they are Monsieur Gabriel of the Ventrue and Madam Kathy of the Toreador. They were aboard the plane when you and I spoke for the first time."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

Julius gave her a withering look. [i:d0d4698e8a]"Very well, please explain why you felt it necessary to have your operative tail the Seneschal of Cascadia?"[/i:d0d4698e8a]

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Seneschal!!??"[/i:d0d4698e8a] She looked to Venisi. The man looked back, shaking his head with apprehension in his eyes.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Indeed, Gabriel holds that rank. At least he did, been a while since he was there I guess. In any case, you may assume him to be a Camarilla official."

"I'm afraid we were unaware of this. No matter. They accompanied you, they saw me. I needed to know who else I might be dealing with."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Answered Cyrilynn in a tone which seemed to indicate this to be perfectly reasonable.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"This all seems to come down to your paranoia and lack of trust. The trust I placed in you in giving you the original commission was very poorly repaid, no?"[/i:d0d4698e8a] Julius asked.

Cyrilynns face took on a weary and saddened demeanour. [i:d0d4698e8a]"I admit that there is paranoia and for good reason. And, again, I have betrayed your trust. I owe you a blood debt because of it. No matter any more. I will not be able to function in the capacity of Scorpion ever again. It is all now moot."[/i:d0d4698e8a] After a moment's silence, she straightened up and looked Julius in the eye. [i:d0d4698e8a]"You have the right to do with us as you will. I will apologize, for what good it will do, and accept whatever price you ask."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

[i:d0d4698e8a]"What do you think I should do, Cyrilynn?"[/i:d0d4698e8a] Asked Julius, after a moment's thought.

Cyrilynn was quite startled at the question. [i:d0d4698e8a]"You are asking [b:d0d4698e8a]me[/b:d0d4698e8a] that question? Isn't that your decision?"[/i:d0d4698e8a]

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Yes, it's my decision."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Said Julius in a semi-exasperated tone. [i:d0d4698e8a]"What do you think I should do?"[/i:d0d4698e8a]

[i:d0d4698e8a]"If it was me, I would end all of our lives. You spoke nothing but the truth when you said it was no longer simple. We know too much."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Cyrilynn looked down.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Paranoid and vindictive. You would show no compassion or mercy."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Accused Julius.

Cyrilynn's confusion continued. [i:d0d4698e8a]"And is that not how things work? It is all I know and how I was taught. What is the difference? I am assassin and vampire both. How could I change what I am?"[/i:d0d4698e8a]

[i:d0d4698e8a]"How sad."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Said Julius. [i:d0d4698e8a]"You are in a suite of a hotel surrounded by the most remarkable collection of kindred. Each one striving to be something, something more than simply vampire. Even Khemintiri, the Anathema, cursed by the Camarilla, the Mistress of Corruption is here motivated by nothing less than love. And you ask how you could change. How terribly sad."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

Cyrilynn's face took on a pensive expression. [i:d0d4698e8a]"It is true that the kindred here are quite... remarkable and in a better time, I would be delighted to study them. However, all I see is potential threat to my goals. I hunt the Sabbat. It is all that is left to me now. I don't even think that I care to continue this existence any more."[/i:d0d4698e8a] A single blood tear welled up and trembled on her lashes. After a moment, she wiped it away. [i:d0d4698e8a]"Give me something more than that and I will truly consider your words."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Let me get this straight. You are asking me to show you a better world?"[/i:d0d4698e8a] Asked Julius incredulously.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"No. I think, maybe........never mind. I don't know WHAT to think right now. I'm still waiting your word on what you plan to do with us. I will go from there."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Cyrilynn set her chin determinedly.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"And this is the real problem. It's not in my nature to snuff out the lives of others in cold blood."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Julius smiled wryly. [i:d0d4698e8a]"Hot blood perhaps, my temper is shorter than perhaps it ought to be, but never in cold blood. On the other hand, I really don't know what I can do with you. I could extensively rewire your memory, but I suspect, your... personality would suffer somewhat. I'm not an expert with such deep reworkings."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

Cyrilynn nodded in agreement with his assessment. [i:d0d4698e8a]"What of Anathema? Could she do it?"[/i:d0d4698e8a]

Julius laughed at the idea.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"She [b:d0d4698e8a]is[/b:d0d4698e8a] ancient enough."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Said Cyrilynn

[i:d0d4698e8a]"You would wish the Daughter of Set to invade your mind?"[/i:d0d4698e8a] Asked Julius. [i:d0d4698e8a]"Khemintiri the corrupter? The childe of Set himself?"[/i:d0d4698e8a]

Cyrilynn's eyes grew wide, with a lustful look. Clearly she hadn't realized quite who Khem was. Her hands half raised, then settled with a fine tremor. [i:d0d4698e8a]"Well…"[/i:d0d4698e8a] She began.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Oh please."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Said Julius sarcastically, recognizing the desire on the face of the Tzimisce. [i:d0d4698e8a]"She could snuff you out quicker than I could."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

[i:d0d4698e8a]"As you say."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Replied Cyrilynn with a sigh.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"What am I to do with you?"[/i:d0d4698e8a] Asked Julius rhetorically. [i:d0d4698e8a]"I can't keep you here, I can't kill you, I can't mind wipe you..."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

[i:d0d4698e8a]"I owe you a blood debt. Whatever you ask of me, so I will do to the best of my ability. And my ghouls are bound to me more than any other ghoul could ever be. They will do as they are told."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Replied the Tzimisce.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Sweetheart."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Said Julius, his patience wearing a little thin. [i:d0d4698e8a]"You're gonna do what I say regardless of this blood debt you seem to think you owe."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

Cyrilynn inclined her head, regally. [i:d0d4698e8a]"As you have said."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Blood bonded, are you?"[/i:d0d4698e8a] Julius asked, after a moment.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"No. I have never been blood bonded other than by my Sire."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Said Cyrilynn, vague hints of remembered pain in her voice.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Hmm..."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Julius mused.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Do you desire that from me to you?"[/i:d0d4698e8a] Cyrilynn asked.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"It might solve a lot of problems."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Answered Julius.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"I will do it willingly."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Agreed Cyrilynn, raising her head proudly.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Will you? Why willingly?"[/i:d0d4698e8a] Asked Julius.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Yes. Because I think my Sire would approve. He chastised me quite heavily for what I have done."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Replied Cyrilynn firmly.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Your Sire."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Julius looked confused. [i:d0d4698e8a]"Please explain."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

Cyrilynn squirmed in her chair, looking suddenly uncomfortable. [i:d0d4698e8a]"It's hard to explain. Suffice it to say that when I was hurt, I went... somewhere. He... was there and had harsh words for me. Told me he'd never left me, that he was always with me from the time I took him into my body and heart. That's all I know."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

[i:d0d4698e8a]"You diablerized your Sire, then."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Julius inferred.

Cyrilynn winced as if Julius had stuck a dagger into her belly. [i:d0d4698e8a]"Yes. Not that I had a choice. Remember when I tried to tell you about not knowing pain when you lose someone?"[/i:d0d4698e8a] She rubbed her hands up and down her arms. [i:d0d4698e8a]"Well, lose them at your own hand and [b:d0d4698e8a]then[/b:d0d4698e8a] you will understand what I tried to tell you."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Her words rose in a crescendo of suppressed anger. To her right, Serai took on a shellshocked expression. Venisi sat, impassive. [i:d0d4698e8a]"I've never told anyone else about this."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Cyrilynn whispered after a moment. [i:d0d4698e8a]"It's too shameful."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

[i:d0d4698e8a]"We'll talk more about this another day."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Julius chose not to push the point. [i:d0d4698e8a]"For now, I think, a blood bond will be sufficient. You will remain here for another three days. You may send your ghouls to retrieve some of the earth that I know you require for rest. Each day you will take a little of my blood. When three days are up, we will talk again."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

Cyrilynn looked relieved and nodded in agreement. [i:d0d4698e8a]"How do you prefer that I take the blood. Straight from you or via a goblet?"[/i:d0d4698e8a]

Julius grinned, unable to resist rubbing a little salt into the wound. [i:d0d4698e8a]"I think the Tremere way. A goblet will suffice."[/i:d0d4698e8a]

Cyrilynn looked faintly disgusted and nodded again. [i:d0d4698e8a]"This brings up the question of where in this place you would have me and mine remain. In our current corner? Serai requires a bed rather than the floor. I need her in good health. [b:d0d4698e8a]and[/b:d0d4698e8a], may Venisi go or would you have him remain as well?"

"I believe you will find this hotel has many rooms. You may book rooms for yourself and your ghouls. I'd rather we all stayed together until I can be sure I am able to trust you once more."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Replied Julius.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Easily done, Mr. Dar......I mean, Julius. I will have Serai do the honors. However, there is still a little problem."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Cyrilynn looked at him.


"I can't leave here. You have made sure of that."

"Your ghouls can organize the rooms, then we can deal with my... insurance policy."

"Alright. In that case, you should tell Serai she may do so."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Cyrilynn waited expectantly.

[i:d0d4698e8a]"Yes, run along Serai."[/i:d0d4698e8a] Instructed Julius, to the ghoul, who left quietly, closing the door behind her. Julius stood and took a goblet from a nearby cabinet, filling it with vitae. [i:d0d4698e8a]"Let us hope this experience will teach you something, hmm?"[/i:d0d4698e8a] He said, as he passed Cyrilynn the glass.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 5:05 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Gabriel arrived in the suite just in time to watch the odd procession move by into Julius' make-shift study and shut the door wordlessly behind them. Alone in the sitting room, Tyler stripped the heavy woolen overcoat, now wet with the unnoticed drizzle that had began outside, from Gabriel's shoulders. He dutifully hung it in the closet, careful to watch the creases in the arms.

Shutting the door, he turned back to tend to his masters' whims when he noticed a rather dramatic alteration in Gabriel's silhouette. The finely crafted pinstripe suit, cut wide at the shoulders so as to accentuate the v-shape of his torso, was unbuttoned. It thus revealed a rather large and cumbersome scabbard that sat high upon his thigh.

Tyler recognized the holster immediately. It was the ornate scabbard of La Magra, Gabriel's Sire's beloved sword.

The degree to which the blade sat was so dramatic, that Tyler wondered that he had not noticed it even with Gabriel's coat on. The Ventrue said nothing, apparently letting the sword convey his feelings. He strode quickly to his bedroom and released the sword from his hip, laying it upon the bed.

He shut the door and plopped down languidly upon the bed beside the mystical blade. The walls, uncomfortably thin, vibrated with murmuring voices from the room next. As Gabriel's mind was massaged with fatigue, and the soft mist of sleep crept in, he thought he could vaguely hear his name mentioned.

He was distant however, wrapped in velvet comforts and aware of the sensation of floating.


When he awoke, he found that he was once again alone in the bedroom. Kathy's portion of the bed lay empty, and Gabriel ran his fingers along the pillow, picturing her crimson lips that had so many times eased his pains. He had fallen asleep fully dressed, and Tyler had never bothered to come and awaken him.

He stood and picked up La Magra, still in it's finely etched scabbard. As he made his way towards the bathroom to begin his morning ritual (which greatly consisted of trimming the muttonchops he retained from his mortal life) he stopped short.

On the nightstand, somewhat archaic next to his ever growing collection of cell phones and pagers, lay the simple flower that he had brought for Kathy only the night before. Already it's natural beauty was fading, as edges of brown had appeared on it's once vestile white petals.

Like everything else in this world, it was destined to die and whither away. Everything but himself and his kind. He found himself staring at the decaying tulip for several minutes, before Tyler's knock broke him from it's spell.

[i:b695753f57]"Gabriel....are you up?"[/i:b695753f57]

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 7:57 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
Cyrilynn closed the door of her room, in their two room suite a floor below Julius Darrant's penthouse, and sagged back against the door. Closing her eyes she gave a mental sigh of relief that she was actually here. Not a perfect position to work from but certainly greater than she had any right to And she'd made it out with both Serai [b:3cca42376a]and[/b:3cca42376a] Venisi.

Stripping on her way to the bathroom, she threw the rags she'd worn, for more time than she cared to admit to, into the nearest receptacle and vowed to have Serai take them out into the alley and [b:3cca42376a]BURN[/b:3cca42376a] them! She felt filthy and grimy. Drawing her own bath and liberally sprinkling the water with the scents the hotel provided, she sank in it up to her neck and let her mind go blank.

Serai arrived back from the jet with a single change of her lady's clothing, as well as some for herself, a supply of their vitae stock and the earth needed. She found her mistress dozing in the now tepid water and got her out and toweled dry, then helped her to dress in a fresh skirt and blouse.

Lady C. was beginning to tire by this point but continued to issue orders regarding assuring the estate that things were back to normal, a modiste and tailor to attend both her and Venisi and for a meal to be ordered up for the two ghouls. She then dismissed Serai to see to the affairs and decided to enter a contemplative state until her assistant joined her for the night.

It was an effort in futility as the words of the Tremere, from their earlier conversation, went round and round with no revelations. She eventually compared his reluctance to eliminate unsolvable problems by simple expediency against all she knew and realized that she had no references beyond everything she'd been taught or told. This required research and some study but while a dictionary could provide the meaning, it's significance would still elude her. She needed another source for her investigation.

Breaking out of her reverie as Serai exited from their bathroom, prepared to settle down for the night, she sighed and decided to table it for the time being. She had much to accomplish on the following wakening as well as her second "dose" of the wizard's blood. She was much too tired and confused to indulge in their usual nightly play, so she contented herself with holding her lover in her arms and curling around her on their shared bed. Sleep took them both quickly.


Lady Cyrilynn entered Julius' salon after a much needed period of rest, ready to fulfill her promise to him. As he was momentarily unavailable to her, she chose to settle upon the sofa to await the next phase of her bonding and scanned the room more thoroughly than she'd originally done when she walked in.

The quiet sounds of tapping keys drew her attention to the intent figure busily typing away at a laptop on the nearby table. At one point, the Kindred - Elzbet, wasn't it? - picked up a cell phone and made a business call. At its conclusion, she relaxed back into to her chair with a pensive look on her face. Curiousity getting the better of her, Lady C. stood up and wandered over to ascertain what business kept kept Elzbet's undivided attention.

[i:3cca42376a]"In answer to your earlier question, my [b:3cca42376a]name[/b:3cca42376a] is Lady Cyrilynn."[/i:3cca42376a] She offered the information stiffly, as the woman glanced up in inquiry. [i:3cca42376a]"It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, my lady. Would you care to join me at the table?"[/i:3cca42376a] The Tzimisce inclinded her head regally in affirmation and sank into the seat next to her with exquisite precision. [i:3cca42376a]"May I inquire as to what business you are conducting?'[/i:3cca42376a]

[i:3cca42376a]"I have no objections. I trade heavily on several markets to maintain my fortune."[/i:3cca42376a] And she proceeded to launch into an overview of her current portfolio. Mildly intrigued, Lady C. listened with half an ear while another part of her mind assessed the woman in front of her. Granted she might not be the best source to begin her hunt for the rationalization behind Mr. Darrant's leniency, nevertheless, she was a starting point.

[i:3cca42376a]"Elzbet, I have a unusual question for you."[/i:3cca42376a] She interjected at one point when the topic slowed, and at the quirked eyebrow, continued. [i:3cca42376a]"What is the intent of mercy and compassion?"[/i:3cca42376a]

Last edited by Lady Cyrilynn on Wed Sep 03, 2003 9:11 am, edited 2 times in total.

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 8:28 am Reply with quote
User avatarSalubriPosts: 14Joined: Mon Aug 04, 2003 11:18 am
The door to the hotel room was knocked upon and she glanced up to see the woman the Tremere had called "Scorpion" entering. She spoke briefly with Tyler only to learn that Mr. Darrant was unavailable for the moment, then chose to sit on the sofa and brood. Elzbet continued to surf the web for investment news, certain by now that plowing money into Darrant stock would be a wise choice. She sat at the breakfast table with a glass of wine and vitae, laptop opened in front of her, Wall Street Journal opened and perused and a cell phone pressed to her ear.

"Close up the house and see about a suite here at the hotel.", she told her ghoul. "While you're at it, see about contacting my broker and unloading those stocks we discussed earlier. I don't want to be caught with them when the market bottoms out in a couple of weeks."

She listened for a couple of seconds then replied, "That's all for now. After you've completed that, take a few days for yourself. Paris is a great place to go shopping; I intend to. And thanks, Shaundra." She closed the phone and leaned back, grabbing absently at the goblet and sipped it, reviewing the last few days.

Although she had Healed Julius of the gaping hole caused by his love's death, she knew that at any time he could backslide should this .....procedure go wrong. She would have to stick around for awhile to ensure his emotional stability.

In addition to that, there was the swirling chaos from the rest of the coterie. There was plenty here to keep her busy, having her servant move their operations to this building would simplify things. She would have to make time to speak with Julius about staying with him and his group before going on a spree through the City of Lights.

Her reverie was interrupted by a stiff voice. [i:a7f2180697]"In answer to your earlier question, my [b:a7f2180697]name[/b:a7f2180697] is Lady Cyrilynn."[/i:a7f2180697]

Elzbet invited her to sit with her and was asked as to her business, which was one of her favorite topics. She expounded at length about the ups and down of the Stock Markets. Although her mind was mostly occupied with talk of blue chips and dividends, she spared a small part to ease the confusion that was simmering off the cool figure in front of her. She was so caught up in those two things that her jaw hit the ground at Lady C's question.

[i:a7f2180697]"What is the intent of mercy and compassion?"[/i:a7f2180697]

The tone in her voice said that this was something that had been on her mind for quite awhile. [i:a7f2180697]"That's a rather complicated question,"[/i:a7f2180697] the younger woman rejoined. [i:a7f2180697]"Did you want the dictionary definition or did you want something more philisophical?"[/i:a7f2180697]

The older woman seemed to think about it for a moment, then said, [i:a7f2180697]"Philisophical, I believe. I am already familiar with Webster's version."[/i:a7f2180697]

Elzbet consciously drew a deep breath and let it out. This was a weighty subject. [i:a7f2180697]"Let's take them as two seperate ideas for the time being, starting with compassion. Compassion is the ability to "feel" what another person is feeling and want to alleviate their "suffering....."[/i:a7f2180697]

Lady Cyrilynn broke in in rapid fire response, [i:a7f2180697]"Why? What purpose does it serve? What do you gain from it? Does it..."[/i:a7f2180697] With that the Salubri intervened this time. [i:a7f2180697]"Whoa! Hold on a second! I can only answer your questions if you let me."[/i:a7f2180697] She smiled. [i:a7f2180697]"It's going to take some time to help you understand these concepts. Obviously, there has been little enough of those elements in your previous life."[/i:a7f2180697] She grinned even more as a line from her favorite program flashed through her mind. [i:a7f2180697]"You have much to learn, my young grasshopper!"[/i:a7f2180697], she told the woman.

Lady C stiffened with affrontery, [i:a7f2180697]"I am neither young nor a grasshopper. Why do you call me such?"[/i:a7f2180697] Seriousness colored her voice and Elzbet wondered what this woman did for fun. [i:a7f2180697]"You DO have much to be taught." [/i:a7f2180697] She stood and paced back and forth, talking to herself. [i:a7f2180697]"I think I have a few tapes of the Kung-Fu series."[/i:a7f2180697] She turned back to the seated woman. [i:a7f2180697]"Come with me, I have to introduce you to Qwai Chang Kane."[/i:a7f2180697]

The woman stayed put and stated, with blunt honesty, [i:a7f2180697]"I'm afraid that I am unable to leave this hotel. Would it be possible to have him meet us here?"[/i:a7f2180697] It was said with a completely straight face and the pacing woman knew that she wasn't kidding and her mouth fell open again. Elzbet stared at Lady Cyrilynn. [i:a7f2180697]"Don't you [b:a7f2180697]EVER[/b:a7f2180697] watch TV?.....Never mind!"[/i:a7f2180697], she waved away whatever it was that the woman was going to respond with. [i:a7f2180697]"I'll have Shaundra bring those tapes and a VCR over."[/i:a7f2180697] She rubbed her hands over her eyes. [i:a7f2180697]"This is going to take longer than I initially thought."[/i:a7f2180697]

Perfection of spirit can only be reached with the attainment of Golconda. That is the reason that we still exist.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 9:37 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
[i:68e76bc7ac]"Grasshopper."[/i:68e76bc7ac] Chuckled Julius, emerging from his study. [i:68e76bc7ac]"Shall I fetch a roll of rice paper for her to walk?"[/i:68e76bc7ac]

Cyrilynn looked puzzled, whilst Elzbet covered a smile with her hand. Julius took on a more formal tone, addressing the Salubri. [i:68e76bc7ac]"I've not had the chance to thank you properly for... helping me."[/i:68e76bc7ac] He began. [i:68e76bc7ac]"Nor to properly introduce myself. I am Julius and I owe you a great debt."[/i:68e76bc7ac]

[i:68e76bc7ac]"And I am Elzbet, whose debt may somewhat be paid off by preferential share options."[/i:68e76bc7ac] Replied the dark haired kindred with a twinkle in her eye. [i:68e76bc7ac]"Your star would seem to be in the ascendant."[/i:68e76bc7ac] She continued, rotating the laptop, so that Julius could see the current share prices.

Julius mock groaned, [i:68e76bc7ac]"How much of me do you own?"[/i:68e76bc7ac]

Elzbet's silvery laugh was a pleasant counterpoint to the seriousness and painfulness of the events of recent days. [i:68e76bc7ac]"Not enough for you to worry. Well, not yet anyway!"[/i:68e76bc7ac]

[i:68e76bc7ac]"What will you do now?"[/i:68e76bc7ac] He asked.

[i:68e76bc7ac]"I thought I might stay a while, make sure you are going to be ok. No more storms, for the time being."[/i:68e76bc7ac] She smiled to take the sting from the words.

[i:68e76bc7ac]"You'll be most welcome Elzbet, you might even witness something wonderful, but if you will excuse me, I have a little business with Cyrilynn here."[/i:68e76bc7ac]

[i:68e76bc7ac]"Of course, Julius."[/i:68e76bc7ac] Said Elzbet, returning to her trading.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 4:43 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
He gave a second, soft knock, this one more hesitant than the last one before cracking the bedroom door open and poking just his head inside. To his surprise the room was lit, the bed already made, and a damp robe lay offhandedly across the chair.

[i:66ae7644c7]"Gabriel?"[/i:66ae7644c7] Tyler offered once more, now stepping fully into the room. Everything was in order, last night's clothes already in the dry cleaning bag and ready to be placed outside his door. The laptops, cell phones, pagers, and other accessories were nowhere to be seen.

Another hidden item was La Magra, and when the ghoul noted it was stowed away he felt a pang of humiliation. The sizeable suite was dampened and the heavy air smelled of scented soaps and a hint of lilac. As Tyler made his way to the bathroom, he wondered if any other CEO's ritualistically sprayed themselves with scent of lilac in the evening. It seemed doubtful.

[i:66ae7644c7]"Well try not to get too worked up over it. He's Gangrel after all...I didn't send him along for his social graces."[/i:66ae7644c7]

Gabriel stood, bare chested in front of the full length bathroom mirror, cell phone cradled between his jaw and shoulder. A full length straight razor glided across the opposite cheek, slicing away the blonde muttonchop with some ease. Tyler wondered whether he had procurred the blade in Marseilles or had somehow managed to bring it along.

It seemed unlikely that Gabriel would embark on such a frivolous task as buying sundries for himself. For the moment, Tyler stood martially at the door, awaiting his master's attention.

[i:66ae7644c7]"Mm hmmm. I know Kay. Well of course I do. Well why must I say it if you already know I feel it? Oh alright..."[/i:66ae7644c7] he turned momentarily to Tyler with uncaring green eyes. Understanding, the youth turned and left the room without another word. [i:66ae7644c7]"Yes I love you."[/i:66ae7644c7]


As soon as it was clear to him that his employer would be disposed for some length of time, Tyler stripped off his shirt and flung it aside. As he paced towards the kitchen, a pair of loose sweatpants barely managing to cling to his waste, he glanced at the room's occupants. All women. Just where he wanted to be.

The effects' of Caine's blood had in no way lessened Tyler's appeal. If anything it had only accentuated his most attractive traits. Although naturally athletic, the taking of Gabriel's vitae on an almost nightly basis had a certain degree of toning effect on him. Where once a firm and tight stomach had sat, now a rigid and clearly defined set of abdominals had been obtained, with no distinguishable effort being put forth.

Every muscle and sinew appeared fuller, healthier, bursting with potential. His face had slimmed somewhat, but not to the appearance of his peers. He was not a gaunt shadow of his former self, but an improved model. Lithe, powerful, energetic. Tyler was in his peak form and he revelled in it.

His disdain for shirts of any type had become increasingly apparent, but unlike Porter it was not due to their constraining qualities, but because of his now ever-increasing vanity.

He measured up the prey as he poured himself a bowl of Wheaties, the box looking foreign in French. He halfway expected it to say "Le Wheaties", with a picture of some skinny buffoon with a penciled in mustache and a striped shirt on the front.

The ravishing creature who tapped away on her laptop so intently immediately drew his eye. Her hair was pulled back tightly and she dressed fairly conservatively. In Tyler's experience, women like that were always somewhat animalistic behind closed doors. At least the women in Gabriel's office had been.

Tensing his muscles for several seconds to get the upmost definition, he took his bowl of Wheaties and sat down directly across from her at the table, smiling shrewdly. His arrival did not even register a glance from the enveloped woman. Oh well, no point in playing it cool.


Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 5:25 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
It was a night for solitude and so, Julius walked the sea front taking in the smells and sounds of the early evening. The small hours of the morning would call for delicate magic and the potential of twisted, churning emotions, so now was the time to be alone and prepare, to set his mind at peace and be ready for what the night would bring.

The bench upon which he finally sat had a fine view over the warm sea, the lights of distant boats. Like distant fireflies, they bobbed up and down twinkling in the darkness. It reminded him of Eveshka. So many times it seemed, they had sat looking at once ocean or another, rapt in the moment and each other. It was oddly comforting to consider that perhaps, even now, her spirit, the shade she had apparently become, might be sitting here with him, just beyond sight of his eyes to see. For all his brave face, the humour and mild moods he had displayed of late, he missed her dreadfully, the hole in his heart yet unfilled, the wound still agape.

A pretty girl, no more than twenty years of age, sat gently at the other end of the bench, the breeze carrying her perfume to Julius' nostrils. It had been an age it seemed since he had drunk of fresh blood, either from his lover, or from mortal veins and at once the hunger came upon him like a burning fire. The endless bottles of stored vitae, no matter how potent the source, suddenly seemed as thin as water.

If any passers by thought it strange, the young girl and the older man running together onto the deserted beach, they made no comment. Events of recent weeks had been traumatic for the city and none begrudged any other what comfort could be gained. No-one cared to comment upon the pair sitting watching the waves, the girl cradling the man's head in her lap, stroking his hair while he kissed her hand and wrist.

It was like a spicy rich wine, rolling into his mouth and over his tongue, that warm red vitae, slowly pulsing from her young heart. The flow of liquid into his tired veins, bringing life and hope to the tired Kindred. Each drop of her bright blood, brought renewed energy and vigour and for a time, after he had drunk his fill, closing the tiny wound with the lightest caress of his tongue, he lay quietly with her, allowing the energy of her healing elixir to infuse his body. With a kiss of gratitude upon the brow of a girl who would have only the vaguest of memories, he left for the hotel and the ritual this night would require.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 5:19 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
Julius strolled along Place de l'Esplanade on his way back to the hotel. He felt quite invigorated from his recent feeding and was mentally preparing himself for the ritual he would perform. As he passed the great Cathedrale de Ste Marie Maje a sudden coldness went through him. It felt as if the life force from his very soul were being sucked out of him. Odd thoughts filled his head. Memories that were not his swam through his consciousness. [i:d1add8f4ed] Snowy plains, frozen lakes, multicoloured penants flapping in the breeze. Lush desciduous greenery growing along the shores of a lazily flowing river. Eyes peer out from the murky waters. The intoxicating scent of nag champa, potchouilli, and jasmine wafting on the night air. [/i:d1add8f4ed]

He stumbled slightly and placed his hand upon a lamp post to steady himself. Again that odd feeling of coldness swept through him. [i:d1add8f4ed]Gnashing teeth with dripping blood, the sounds of swords beating against one another, insane laughter. Wolves howling and barking, razor sharp fangs ripping flesh from bone. Eyes peering out of the murky waters of the river. [/i:d1add8f4ed]

Fog seemed to be gathering across the open ground surrounding the Cathedrale. All of the night seemed to become heavy and dense as if Julius were being placed into a room filled with sound absorbing panels. The mists surrounded Julius; engulfed him was more to the point. He felt something move in the mists. He saw a figure out of the corner of his eyes but could not see it when he looked straight at where it should have been.

He turned his head forward to the way he was heading and saw the figure in the corner of his eye again. It had not moved from that place. More energy seemed to be sapped from him and then suddenly...

[i:d1add8f4ed] "Julius." [/i:d1add8f4ed] The word issued from somewhere out of the mists. Or was it from inside his own mind. He was not sure. Either way he recognized the voice instantly, it was the voice of Eveshka.

"Follow me Evey," he said in a voice filled with emotion. "Come back with me." He got up and activated his celerity and clothos. In a flash he made his way up to his hotel and into it. He burst into the room he used as a haven. "She's here I think," he said as he burst in on a slightly surprised Khemintiri who stood in the steaming water stream of the shower. Khemintiri closed her eyes and reached out with her soul. Her corporeal self smiled slightly as it remained in the shower. She could see Eveshka as if she were a video made from film negatives. Eveshka stood, hovered to be more accurate, in the center of the room. Long wispy tendrils of smoke-like essence surrounded her and eddied around in the ever changing currents of life force that filled the air. She wore an expression of great pain and sadness on her face. Julius watched a single blood tear streak the face of the corporeal Khemintiri. He looked wildly about but could not see Eveshka anywhere. But for a few fleeting glimpses out of the corners of his eyes, he would never have known she was there.

He looked back at Khemintiri who swayed gently in the shower and then out to the seemingly empty room beyond. He walked out into it and felt that same feeling of coldness begin again to fill him. He uttered a few words in Hermetic Latin and produced a shield charm which sealed him off from any external magical interference.

"She's lost," came the voice of Khemintiri from the shower. "She's lost and is beginning to feel real fear that she will fade." Julius looked back at Khemintiri. He had never experienced anything like this before. It was like something out of a bad horror flick from the 1980s. All that was left was for voices to come from out of the television and the scene would be complete. Alas, that did not happen though. What did happen was the a very happy looking Measha came trotting out from the bedroom and began to roll around on the carpet in the center of the room. Khemintiri came out dripping wet from the bathroom. She spoke in the ancient language of Khem with her hands out stretched towards the area above the rolling feline.

And there she was.

And then she faded again.

Khemintiri continued to chant in ancient Egyptian. Julius felt the sheer power eminating from Khemintiri going towards the place where he had seen a brief glimpse of a spectral Eveshka. He too began to chant. The magic he used was something he learned from the Druids while he was the Merlin of Britain. It was something he had never used before, and frankly never really believed in; until now that is. As the magic of ancient east met with the ancient west it melded together in counterpoint.

And there she was.

The spectral image of Eveshka stood before the two powerful vampires. Their combined efforts had wearied them near to exhaustion. But she was there finally. They had given her enough raw life force to make her imprint in the prime material plane more significant. "Evey?" whispered Julius as he beheld what truly looked like an angel shimmering in white with swirling tendrils of energy radiating out of her body. "Julius..." came the eerie reply. "Khemintiri...." the voice said again as if coming through a flanger made of crystal. "Please...... don't let me fade..... please.... don't let me fade." The voice was at once terrifying to listen to and terrified in timbre.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 7:03 am Reply with quote
User avatarSalubriPosts: 14Joined: Mon Aug 04, 2003 11:18 am
"Evening." The smooth tones matched the smile that graced the face of Gabriel's ghoul. She had seen him from the corner of her eyes, strutting his way across to the table. She had even noticed the flexing and the holding of breath. Inwardly, she grinned. It had been awhile since a man had tried to hit on her and she was feeling....flattered that Tyler was chosing her first.

Elzbet looked up from the computer screen to answer, "Good evening....Tyler, isn't it?" Dimples in his cheeks appeared as his mouth curved even more. "Good to see I've already made an impression," he replied. "Yes, Tyler's correct....I'm afraid I've yet to catch your name." he furthered.

Of course he hadn't caught her name, as she had been unconscious for the first couple of days and after that, eveyone who knew her hadn't had time to make introductions. "That's alright. It's Elzbet." she rejoined. The young man cocked his head to the side and said, "Elzbet...that's an interesting name. It has a lovely ring to it."

This boy was good, she had to give it to him. In over 400 years, no one had ever been this charming. Smarmmy, oily and insincere, yes. This man was different and perhaps it was time to consider an affair again. The thought of the very-much younger ghoul picking her out of the women present brought a twinkle in her eyes while she stated, "My mother thought so." Another grin and she continued, "It is a very old and respected name in my family."

The desire in his eyes heated as they ran slowly over her frame. "Well, I can see why." Elzbet fought the urge to lean closer to him as he added, "I'm sure you are a credit to your line....a credit indeed." He leaned back in his seat to relax, and probably to show off the washboard abs. "So, that we've been properly introduced...what brings you to our little party? A personal friend of Mr. Darrant's, perhaps?"

She reclined in her chair, taking her fingers further from tempation. She was good at resisting it, wasn't she? Instead, she answered his question. "Unfortunately, I hadn't made Julius' acquaintance before the other day when I Healed him." She quirked her lips. " You could say that there was a disturbance in the force, Tyler."

A quiet chuckle escaped him as he laughingly stated, "Well, it's good to meet someone around here who knows pop culture." He pointed over his shoulder, towards the master suite and guest rooms. "Most of these stiffs do little but repeat Chaucer and Frost all night long!" He let out a sigh and rose from his seat to take the chair nearest to her. "Seeing as we alread have so much in common," he began, "why not get to know one another a bit better? Maybe go out sometime?"

Elzbet almost laughed at the classic lines, but just managed to keep the hilarity in. She dropped her eyes to hide the humor in them, and looked back to him with lake-blue orbs from under dark lashes. "Well, there IS a showing of Star Trek 5 at the theater around the corner....." she trailed off.

Tyler, who had his elbows on his knees to get as close as possible to his quarry, sat back. That perfume she was wearing floated through his senses and clouding them. His eyes widened, however, in surprise. "A trekkie huh? I wouldn't have taken you for one..." To distract himself from the scent weaving around his libido, he glanced at the screen. "What have you got on your laptop there?" Leaning forward for a clearer view had him too close, he had to back away. So he reclined in the chair once more.

A Mona Lisa smile graced her lips and she thought that despite his age, this man was able to tie her in knots. Every time he got closer his crisp masculine aftershave wafted by her nose. Too much more of this and she would jump him. To avoid the embarassment, she stuck to the subject at hand, her business. "Acutally, they are Stock Market quotes and reports."

He pouted slightly. "Ah, all business, eh?" He flashed his teeth. "Well...hopefully we can get you to let your hair down for a night. Just leave it to me." Elzbet gave a light melodic trill. "It takes a long time to undo my hair as it is so very long, including removing my headdress. Perhaps I will let you help should Shaundra not be available." Looking at the eager expression on his face, she added, "She IS on vacation for the week."

What he wanted burned in his eyes, what he said was "Darlin', I will do anything you ask." his voice husky. "Just let me show you a good time." Elzbet couldn't help herself any longer and leaned over to run a pale pink painted nail lightly down his bare chest. Tyler's heart pounded and his blood rushed. She blew her words past his ear. "I wonder how Gabriel would feel if I stole you from him?"

He shot a glance from her to the finger tracing his belly button and back to her face. He then swallowed heavily. "I doubt he'd even notice...he's a big boy now..."

Suddenly, a voice boomed from the guest room. "TYLER!!!!!" Gabriel poked his head out the door. "Tyler! I've been calling you for an eternity now! Get in here!" His head disappeared. With the first shout, Tyler stood rather abruptly, rocking the chair. Elzbet grinned at the untimely interruption. "Perhaps, if you are free later, the show starts at 10:00pm. I'm on the floor below here." He looked at his watch just as his master called "Curse it all, Tyler, what are you doing out there?!"

Tyler sighed, and went on, "I'll be can count on it. Say, about 9:00pm?" "That's perfect!" she said, staring at the rippling muscles. "I'll be looking forward to your company." Tyler tensed his abs and smiled. He bent over and took her hand, gently placing his lips to the back in a light kiss. "Until then...." he whispered over her skin. He straighened as he was called once more. "That's it, Tyler!"

Tyler turned on his heel and ran to the bedroom. Behind him, Elzbet muttered to herself with a conscious sigh, "That boy needs a few lessons in subtle flirting. This should be an interesting evening." He walked away, crowing under his breath, "Right where I want her...this should be interesting."

Perfection of spirit can only be reached with the attainment of Golconda. That is the reason that we still exist.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 12:39 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Gabriel's little task had been unpleasant at best, but took up only a small portion of his time. Now free of the chore and having received Gabriel's blessings to sate his own desires for the remainder of the evening, Tyler turned to the arduous and often impossible chore of dressing himself.

[i:93169a5d12]"I swear Tyler, how one man can have so much style and so little fashion sense is beyond me."[/i:93169a5d12] an ex-girlfriend had said once. That was Tyler's awakening. It had stuck with him, and he realized that he never really could coordinate. The comment was resonating in his mind as he tore into his personal closet.

His solid features and natural charisma managed to cover his fashion blunders, they had even managed to translate them into boyish helplessness. Jessica. Ha! She'd had no clue what she what talking about. Besides, that little comment was nothing compared to the volley of obscenities she had unleashed when she had found him in a comprimising situation with several of her best friends.

[i:93169a5d12]"Ah well, live and let live Jessica."[/i:93169a5d12] he murmured, pulling a freshly pressed shirt from it's hanger and throwing it upon the bed. A brief moment of despondancy overtook him as he looked over the white button down dress shirt. Struck with an idea, the youth strode foward and snatched the shirt from the bed, rolled it into a ball, and let it slip to the floor.

Once more he repeated the odd process until he was properly satisfied with it's abundance of wrinkles and departure from anything that might look respectable. Now happy with his choice of shirts, he turned to the task of selecting pants.

Jeans would do. For such an evening however, he broke out the big guns. The Levi's were a bit snug, a far cry from his normal "baggy" look, but it was just what he wanted. A bit shamelessly, the ghoul also plucked a rather large Swiss Army Knife from the dresser and crammed it into his front pocket. He had never failed to meet a woman's expectations before, but first impressions were important.

Finally, to complete the look, he plucked a rather sharp blue woolen sweater from the closet. It clung to his more masculine features vividly, and as he plucked his collar out from beneath the neck of the sweater, Tyler felt quite pleased with his appearance. A bit of gel and hairspray and the smiling rogue was out the door.

He dallied in the hallway a few moments, chatting the maids up and the random passing guests, not wanting to seem over-anxious for his rendevous with the alluring Elzbet. But when his watch chirped 10:00 PM, he raced to the floor just below and met her at her door.

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 9:28 pm Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
Tyler had given Cyrilynn entrance to the suite on her third and final meeting with the Tremere wizard. He'd raised his eyebrows at her [i:0e821b794a]gi[/i:0e821b794a] but had said nothing, after all, this wasn't the worst he'd seen her in. She entered and glanced around noting the quietness. It seemed almost everyone was out. She caught a rare glimpse of the one called Kheminitiri as she passed from one room to another and she rolled the egyptian flavored name around on her mental tongue and savored the taste of it.

Noticing the invitation of Julius' open office door, she gave a mental sigh, at a lost opportunity to formally introduce herself to the woman, and wandered in. Only to be met with empty space; he wasn't there. Scanning the room, she concluded that he must have stepped out for one reason or another and would be back shortly. The art of patiently waiting for her quarry came naturally and she folded herself in to a lotus position upon the floor, in a seldom used foot path to his desk. The ends of her white, student's belt fluttered and slide into her lap as she folded her hands and took up a very light trance state to practice her breathing exercises.

Shortly after Elzbet had introduced her to the now defunct Kung Fu series, she'd done a bit of research on kung fu and the Shao-lin style of fighting. Having stirred up her interest to a high degree, she delved further with the results that she and Serai had found a little known instructor of the art that had actually trained in China with a temple established there. She'd had Venisi check his credentials.

The teachers of her formative years had instructed her in the style of sword, shuriken, garrote, poisons, stealth, seduction (she was female, after all), languages and assassination. Lord Gerald, her first and only husband, had taught her social graces. None of them had cause to complain about her as a student and [b:0e821b794a]ALL[/b:0e821b794a] had taken delight in her rapid absorption of all they could give her as well as the studious nature she had, even to this day. But none of them had taught her Kung Fu.

Now she'd hired the best to do so and he would be attending her and her two ghouls in her apartment in just a little while. He'd asked her WHY she wished to be trained and all she'd said to him was, [i:0e821b794a]"It's time."[/i:0e821b794a] For some odd reason, this had quite satisfied him and he'd agreed. Luckily, he had no other students currently and she intended to see that he remained exclusive to her and her attendents. She'd yet to tell him how old she was.

Lady C. roused from her meditations long enough to note that a bit of time had passed and still no Julius. She shrugged her shoulders and rose gracefully from her sitting position without faultering. Her first lessons assigned by her kung fu master, over the phone, had been accomplished easily. She found Tyler, but didn't see the ancient one, and asked him to deliver a message to Julius that she would await his summons in her quarters below.

She took joy in the fact that she had enough time to polish off the last two episodes of the Kung Fu shows before her sensei showed up. After the lessons, and IF Darrant didn't desire her presence sooner, she had a couple of Bruce Lee movies Elzbet had suggested she watch, just for the sake of fighting form. The edges of her class uniform fluttered at her jaunty little steps on her way out.

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 9:32 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
Julius had reached a new level of despair. If for so much as a moment he ceased concentrating upon his spell, Eve would fade, perhaps forever. The spell was rapidly draining him, however and even if he could keep it up forever, how could he then find the way to restore her. Fate, the cruelest of mistresses, determined to wound him over and over with the ending of his love. Unable to go forward, nor backward, but trapped within a single moment of time, a moment which, with it's oh so inevitable ending, would signal the true and final death of Eveshka.

There were no words to express his feelings, the bittersweet paradox of finding her and at once being on the verge of losing her. Instead, ruby red tears became a cascading river down his face as he shook, both with emotion and the strain of maintaining his love's last moments. He looked at Khemintiri, yet she fared no better, the pain equal to his own in her eyes as she took his hand. The pair, two long standing adversaries, holding onto each other to gain what little comfort could be gleaned in their shared misery.

Their energies drained, Eveshka began to fade, once again, for the final time, her own utter despair wrenching at the hearts of the pair who tried, in vain to sustain her. Yet, even as her form began to dissipate, the room was filled with a golden glow. Standing in the room, was Elzbet, the strange kindred who had healed Julius' mind. Her headdress removed, light shone from a third eye in her forehead, giving healing energies to the shade of Eve, sustaining her and bringing her back from the brink.

[i:7b2ab150e7]"I can keep this up for a short while."[/i:7b2ab150e7] Said the revealed Salubri gently. [i:7b2ab150e7]"Whatever you plan to do, do it quickly. Time is of the essence."[/i:7b2ab150e7]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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