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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2002 9:20 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 25Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 2:04 pm
((Ok a little FYI for all of you:I'm creating a new char and sending Ryan away.This thread is sorta how he leaves Cascadia.))

Ryan was feeling a little cramped and becoming frustrated with his experiments so he decided to talk a walk.He looked around and stared up at the night sky as he walked.Ryan didn't really know where he was going but he just knew he feet were taking him some where.He continued walking and soon can upon a small park.This was the place where he met his first Cascadian Vamp,a Lasombra named Adrianna.He smiled as the memory came upon him.Ryan sighed a happy sigh and walked some more.Finally he came upon the old Elysium.Again a happy sigh exhaled from his mouth.Many good memories he had and many more to come.It had been a little over 2 hours now and his head was finally cleared.He was ready to pick up where he left off at the chantry.
He was heading back when out of the shadows he herd a laugh.At first it only sounded somewhat reconizable but soon Ryan realized it was Cravin Moltar's,the Hunter whom killed his sire Chandra so long ago.

"I'm hurt Ryan,truely I am.We haven't seen eachother in so long and you never write me anymore."Cravin said in a sarcastic tone while grinning.

Ryan responded in a slightly angry voic, "Well you did kill my Mentor and 'Mother'. What did you expect me to do?Just for give and forget?"

"I did this world a favor,that's all I've ever done.I get rid of your kind and make the night safer."Cravin was getting upset.Not because of anything that Ryan said but because he knew that this city was littered with vampires.

"So how'd you find me this time?Who'd you have to kill?"Ryan asked Cravin.

"Well I'll have to admit it was quite challenging.You changed your name and covered your tracks very well.But you shouldn't trust those who live alone in a big condo because they usually don't get most of their money from the stocks."Cravin answered Ryan.Of course he was talking about Matt McAffrey.The only other mortal besides Cravin who knew what Ryan was.Cravin continued explaining,"And those people respond quite well to bribes."

"Well I knew it was strange when Matt came to 'visit' me and fix my car right here in Cascadia instead of me just having it sent to him like we've always done it.So how'd you convince him to take the money?"Ryan continuing to ask questions and stalling,hoping someone might walk up and unknowingly get him out of this mess.

"That doesn't matter.Wat matters is that he did take it and I'm here now to finish what I started oh so long ago"Cravin then pulled out a small flamethrow from beneath his coat and stepped out of the shadows grinning.

((I'm a little short on time so I'll finish it or atleast add more tonight and/or tommorrow night.))

Why don't you ask me what it feels like to be a freak!

[ This Message was edited by: Ryan Night on 2002-02-07 15:21 ]

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2002 10:30 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2002 4:43 pm Reply with quote
((wuh you need help or should is this to be done on your own?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2002 9:36 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 25Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 2:04 pm
((ok sorry but I'm not gonna be able to continue this thread for about 2-3 days.My rL just got REALLY busy so I'll talk to you guys soon and I'll try to make it to the meeting.

Oh and gabriel I think I'm gonna do this on my own.If I need help you're first in line though. ;) ))

Why don't you ask me what it feels like to be a freak!

[ This Message was edited by: Ryan Night on 2002-02-08 15:37 ]

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2002 6:53 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 25Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 2:04 pm
Ryan looked at the barrel of the flame thrower and turned quickly as a big gust of fire sprayed towards him.The back off his coat caught fire and he threw it off in panic.Cravin laughed again,"Poor little Ryan.Mommy Chandra ain't here to save you this time."

Ryan pulled out his pistol and fired it at Cravin's feet.Cravin turned away and dodged the bullets.That gave Ryan a chance to run.Ryan climbed the fire escape and got a big lead but Cravin followed just the same.

"You can run but you can't hide."Carvin yelled as he climb over onto the roof.

Ryan turned and fired a few more shots but they missed.Again Cravin laughed and walked across the roof looking for Ryan."Come out.Come out,Wherever yo are"He said as if playing hide and seek.

Ryan ran from where he was hiding and jusped tothe next building then to the next.Soon he was a bit lost.He had never traveled Cascadia by roof top and he wasn't actually paying attention to where he was going.Ryan looked over the edge of the roof and saw water.He was on a warehouse at the docks.

((I'm truely sorry for the long delay but it seems everyone's RL is pretty busy so I'm sure you understand.))

((And I'll post the last bit later.))

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 9:28 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 25Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 2:04 pm
The water was calm barely any ripples but it was dark.The water was as dark as the night sky.Cravin still laughing took off the flamethrower and threw it to the side."It would be unfair for me to use that now since you are cornered."

"Gee thanks for being so honorable."Ryan sniched back.

Cravin took out a pistol and shot the tank of fuel from the flamethrower.Firey balls of gas flew everywhere as the roof was consumed by the flames.Now Ryan had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.The flames blocked all escape routes.Ryan jumped behind an airvent and checked his clips.Both were only half full(or half empty depending on your point of view :P ).Two large holes appeared on both sides of Ryan's head as two loud gun shots were herd.He stood up and twisted around opening fire on were Cravin stood.Cravin fell backward and laid still as bullets still flew from Ryan's gun.Soon there were no bullets left and only clicking was herd as Ryan still pulling the triggers back.He dropped the guns and walked over to Cravin's body sighing in relief that it wass hopefully over.Just as Ryan reached for the body Cravin's hand snatched Ryan's."Fool.Do you think I would come so unprepared?"Cravin reached up with his free hand while standing up and took off a bullet-proof vest."It's amazing how far science has come in death prevention."Cravin laughed."Now enough fooling around."Cravin started beating Ryan.Some of the hits were blocked,some hits were given and some hits were taken.Then Cravin picked up Ryan and through him almost to the edge.Ryan with a few tries and what was left of his strength,got up.Cravin again kicked and punched him.Ryan tried to risist but wasn't as strong and fell again.Having enough fun Cravin kick Ryan to the edge.Half of him was lying on the roof,the other over the edge."Any last words weakling?"Cravin asked Ryan

Ryan looked up and said,"When you get to hell I'll be waiting."Then Ryan tried to laugh but it hurt when he did.

Cravin just chuckled and gave Ryan one last hard kick and Ryan fell in to the water.Cravin stood watching the water for a few moments butt ehn herd the Fire and Police department coming and so he left.He got into his car and drove out of town and into the now rising sun....laughing.

((Now I'm sorry for the delay again but I wasn't really sure how to end it.I hope you liked it.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2002 1:08 am Reply with quote
It is surely a great loss, I would have liked to kill him by myself... :evil: But it seems that we can't do what we want everytime

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