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< Ancient Tomes ~ The search of an old friend . |
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2002 5:06 pm |
[b:585aca738e] - Cascadia sewer's - [/b:585aca738e]
- Still deep down the sewers of Cascadia , after everything that happened to Adrianna , the kidnapping , and the search in the sewers for her again , Adrianna was found by Kiya and her guards , but Drain was no where to be found , seeing so Valek did returned in the sewers , in search of his old friend .
As Valek made his way trough the never ending maze of tunnels that is the Nosferatu's Drain sewers , he noticed something quite strange , scratches on the wall made by what seemed like a huge beast , white fur floating on the sewers water , as Valek continue to walk deeper he saw the weapon of Drain " His pipe " on the ground , with some blood on it , only one word came out of Valek's mouth ... " Fuck "
Valek frowned as he took up the pipe looking at it carefully , it was indeed Drain's Pipe , there was no doubt about that .
A sound of someone or something walking slowly in the sewers near him could be heard , seeing it could be most likely anything Valek took out his sword .... [/i:585aca738e]
Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 6:19 am |
The Vampire walked slowly down the tunnell. Making no effort to be unnoticed. In fact being more loud then usuall. If any of his old friends had been there to wittness his walking and stomping they would have said he was annouincing himself.
The Nosferatu walked around the corner and saw the dark figure standing in the middle of the room with his sword drawn.
Startled the Nosferatu pulled the darkness around himself and vanished.(( Cloak of the shadow))
"I was not expecting you here. i was expecting no one to be here, let alone one of your stature and power."
came the voice from the dark corner
Valek looked over this Nosferatus voice. He could hit him with any Number of spells from here, He walked to loudly and gave away his position by speaking.
"I am looking for your primogen, what can you tell me of what has happened to him?"
The darkness replied
" if it is his seat on the council it will be filled by his Childe. our own selecion commitee choise him recently and he will be paying you a visit in due time."
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 6:58 am |
The sh*t was everywhere, in the water, on the grime of the walls, even dripping from the ceiling. Gabriel sloshed ahead slowly, his high rubber boots fighting off the stains. One thing he had finally learned upon arriving in Cascadia, dress for the occasion.
And so he was, the expensive suits hung in his closet at home. He had donned one of his oldest grey sweaters and an equally ancient pair of blue jeans. As he stepped through the thick muck of the Cascadian Sewage System, he couldn't help but wonder what had become of Drain.
Several months previous, his closest friend and ally had disappeared without word. Gabriel had been distressed to say the least and dispatched countless Ventrue Ghouls to the sewers to find what they could. A few met Final Death at the hands of Nosferatu booby traps, but the others reported nothing of interest.
In his studies of Nosferatu Clan Culture he had come across a strange word....the Nicktutu (sp?). Apparently the Nosferatu believed that their Clan Brethren, the original descendents of Nosferatu, seeked to destroy them all and many believed that they were the prime reason the Nosferatu hid in the sewers.
Gabriel turned the flash light beam onto the opening that so many times had led him to Drain's Warren. A spiderweb glistened in the flash lights beam, the spider itself scurrying away from the intruding light. The Ventrue cleared away the web and stepped into the hollow tube, searching for any sign of life.....
((i miss Drain :(
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 9:00 am |
(*( i cna't think so ill write later))
(( PS find the crazy /beautiful soundtrack and listen to the PIMPS cause they rock LOL))
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 9:21 am |
VentruePosts: 1554Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((hopes someone finds drain 8( how will i ever be able to make up running away if something happened to drain? :cry: :cry: :cry: )
Being under settie guard gave her time to think.
she had been wrong for running away from drain's haven, he was doing everything he could to make a bad situration better and he deserved some explaination or better yet an apology, but even that wasn't good enough for drain.
somehow she would have to make it up to him. it would have to be something special, something that he would really like, but what? she wondered. She didn't know what he liked really.
It wasn't like when she was mortal and could give a favourite customer a free lap dance when she had missed them coming to see her and she wasn't there. she wasn't even sure Drain would like something like that. he afterall he was a primogen and she was just some silly vamp who couldn't keep herself out of trouble for nothing.
yep, she would make it all up to him somehow... someway...
The less i give them the more they want 8P
[ This Message was edited by: Adrianna on 2002-02-03 03:23 ]
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 9:49 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
((its strange, but I picture Adrianna as a cute little girl...then she goes on with the stripping and shatters that image completly. :roll: ;)
Come on drain...emerge from the "Throne" of the Ventrue haven...
_________________ Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety; Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. |
Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 6:37 pm |
The Nosferatu hallways were abandoned...well more than usual in either case. In the past Gabriel had made his way through the warrens and his eyes had trained themselves to find traces of Nosferatu presence. A claw mark on a wall, a trail of grime surrounded with rats or flies, anything and everything. But here only cobwebs and raw sewage surrounded him.
Gabriel pushed his way through the empty lair, a flashlight in one hand and a hankerchief in the other, held to his mouth and nose. He followed the light beam, making his way through the familiar catacombs of sludge. Some type of clue was all he needed, something to go on. He sighed and took another step forward...
Gabriel's eyes opened wide, the fear prevelant. His muscles reacted with lightning speed and he threw himself forward, arching his body through the air. From within the wall, hidden by moldy brick, a flamethrower spat forth it's triggered flame. The column of fire shot across the expanse of the hallway, filling the air where Gabriel had been only milliseconds before.
Gabriel landed with a splash, ripples of water and excrement splashing up against the walls of the tunnel. He pulled himself out of the water, disgusted and his insides turning. His once golden hair was brown and covered in filth. The grey sweatshirt was no longer grey and his boots were now filled with sewage water. Gabriel shook himself lightly, brushing some of the larger chunks off of himself. He could almost hear Drain cackling...
Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 4:00 am |
(( Gabe i would like to take this part in game
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