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Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 6:33 am |
Valek smiled evily and said " I didnt said a word Mr.Tanos ... I came here to meet you .. no one else ... but it is indeed your haven and i will respect that ... "
Valek then looked at Ekaterina and smiled evily ...
He then looked back at Tanos as he said ...
" So ... why are you in Cascadia ... ? "
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 8:06 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 4Joined: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:56 am
"Hmmm... How about a game of quid pro quo. You know my name, now what's yours? Or are you going to continue to be rude and not tell me.", she says very sternly.
She looks at him with the evil eye. And gives him the once over.
"He would be great for my next vozhd.", she thinks as she licks her lips.
"So, what do you think prince?", she says; the word prince said with great contemptas she takes a sip from her chalice.
The children of Dracon shall always be strong. ::Loud screaming, and the cracking of bones is heard as another mortal is bonecrafted into another war ghoul:: Now if only all mortals had such a practical application.
[ This Message was edited by: {NPC} Ekaterina on 2002-01-24 02:07 ]
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 3:17 pm |
Valek looked at Ekaterina for a second then back to Tanos , " I do not want to sound or be rude Tanos but if your sister continues interupting our talk ill be forced to leave as i have other matter to take care of ... "
Valek looked back at Ekaterina " Mr.Tanos mentioned my name earlier ... in case you didnt heard it ... Valek is my name ... "
Valek looked back at Tanos and said " So .. what brought you in Cascadia ? "
We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..
[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2002-01-24 09:34 ]
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 7:09 pm |
"I'm afraid our Prince Valek is much more comfortable in his current form Miss....."
Ekaterina and the Prince both turned from their respective seats to the doorway, Tanos smiling from over their shoulder. In the doorway of the room Randall stood sheepishly dwarfed next to a larger man.
Gabriel stood in full attire, his shining blonde hair clipped along his jawline once more, accenting his thin face perfectly. His eyes sparkled in the fire light, glinting and hiding secret motives. They were suspicious eyes, the eyes of a predator.
A low hanging tuxedo attempted to hide a thin frame, and cast forth a powerful exterior. As he stepped forward, passing the Tzimisce's nervous servant, the light darted across his perfectly shined shoes. Every inch a Ventrue.
"Ah....Mr. O'Brien," Tanos said, a false smile crossing his face, "a pleasure to see you once more." The Tzimisce Lord stood up, extending a rippling hand. The two shook formally, the host motioning towards a chair by the fire. "Please...sit. Randall, a drink for our kind Seneschal."
Gabriel nodded to the dark Prince, who sat, eying the woman on his left. Valek returned the nod but said nothing. The Ventrue Primogen eased into the chair, the creases in his clothes somehow adjusting perfectly to his change in stance.
"Does the Seneschal not greet guests in his city?" the skeletal woman asked, a tone of arrogance in her voice that reminding Gabriel of several clan-mates he had met.
"Forgive ME Miss, but it should be YOU who greet me. I make my haven here and act as Seneschal." Gabriel said curtly, turning away from her and looking to Tanos, who sat taking it all in, fingers forming a small triangle in front of his face. "So Lord Tanos, when do the festivities begin?"
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 8:31 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 4Joined: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:56 am
"Finally someone reasonable to talk to.", she stands up and offers her hand, "I'm Ekaterina."
He takes her bone covered hand an tries to kiss it. He looks repulsed when he ralizes that all of the bones are real. Ekaterina smiles evilly as she watches his face.
"Is there a problem?", she asks.
_________________ Knowledge is like the earth, it nourishes the young trees so they might grow strong. |
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 4:58 pm |
Gabriel felt the anguish rise in his long dead inards as he pressed his lips against the cold bone hand. Politeness could be a true chore at times. He released the hands and looked the woman in the eyes, being careful to block his mind from outside priers. He had been around Kindred long enough to realize they enjoyed reading feelings and emotions.
"No, there is no problem at all Ms. Ekaterina. A pleasure to make your acquantence (sp?)."
From the chair across, the host looked on affably, his suit fitted to perfection, and his near stark white hair glinting uniformly in the firelight. Next to him sat the Prince Valek. Valek was an interesting character, that much was certain. Gabriel and he had had their run ins in the past.
He sat in formal attire as well, which was unusual, but fitting. His suit was impecable, accentuating all the right features of his frame. His eyes were cold and calculating and it was obvious to anyone he had secret motives behind them. The eyes of a predator, same as Gabriel.
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 10:45 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 4Joined: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:56 am
"And your's as well... But answer me this one question please. I thought that his kind were destroyed by the Giovanni?", she asks truly intrigued.
She looks back at the arrogant Camarilla prince with disgust.
"He is the most arrogant Cappadocian I have ever met", she thinks, "But then again they all are."
While she awaits his answer she takes in the room.
_________________ Knowledge is like the earth, it nourishes the young trees so they might grow strong. |
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 10:59 pm |
The feeling of tension slowly rose through the air, Gabriel smiling slightly. He turned to Ekaterina once more.
"You'll find that Cascadia has a way of drawing the most unlikely of sorts. We've acquired Cappadocians, Ravnos, and a long list of others previously thought dead." Gabriel paused slightly, glancing at the doorway wondering when Kathy would arrive. Shrugging he pressed on, "You see Ms. Ekaterina, we like to think of ourselves as progressive thinkers. We are not confined merely by the things we can see, there's so much more. Just as the Kine wander about their pitifully mundane lives, brutally unaware of our presence, so do we. We are surrounded by forces.....I don't refer to the legacy of Cain and such...but other things...."
Gabriel trailed off, his thoughts deeply enveloped.
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 11:01 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy stood looking in the mirror frowning to herself that tanos didnt have a full length mirror in the washroom.
satisfied that she looked nothing but her best she pushed the door open and stepped into the corridor.
"Miss Belvadere the other guests are with Tanos, if you would follow me ?"
Randall led the way and kathy followed glancing at the many pieces of art work that had been added since she was last here.
As randall pushed the door Kathy smoothed her dress down and stepped into the room.
"Miss Belvadere, what a pleasure to see you again, I must say your attire tonight is a lot more becoming then the last time we met" tanos said as she walked across to them.
"Thankyou tanos" kathy replied as she looked around the room at the other guests.
Gabriel was there, who she had arrived with, as was valek and two others that she didn't know.
She slid into the chair next to Gabriel and flashed a smile at him.
Leaning back she looked closely at the woman, her eyes gazing at the piercings on her arms and face.
((gr tried to do a quick post it doesnt work lol
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 11:27 pm |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
He stood at he door for what seemed like an eternity, just as he was about to leave the door opened and a man slightly taller than he stood before him. the man greeted him and and showed him to the room the other guests were in.
((where the hell is tanos? i thought he wanted to get a long group roleplay going on and he didnt even answer the door or tend his guests,,,shit.... :roll: oh well after waiting at the door for a few days rofellos is in the banquet hall.
_________________ Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety; Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. |
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 2:14 am |
Endeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
The newly bought black Hennessy Viper rips down the road, approaching the Haven of Lord Tanos. Marcus takes out a small piece of paper from his jacket pocket. He looks at the address, then stops the car and looks at the address on the side of the building, "Hmmm..." he hmmm's to himself as he pulls the keys out of the ignition and steps out of the car. Marcus beeps the alarm and walks off the the large front door.
He was not wearing his usual black pants shirt and trenchcoat, he had changed into a more formal set of attire. Clutching the large breifcase in his hand he walked along the walkway inspecting himself. He was wearing a very nice black suit, with a black shirt and a blood red tie. He was also wearing black jard leather shoes. His black and red hair was tied back with several black hair ties and it was restinbg neatly between his shoulder blades. He smiled slightly to himself as he approached the house.
As he set foot on the doorstep he rapped 3 times upon the wooden door. A Ghoul then opened the door in a matter of seconds, "Good evening," he said.
"Good evening....I am Marcus Fidelitus....I am here to attend the party in which Lord Tanos is holding."
The Ghoul looked Marcus up and down, "Alright," he then opened the door and let him in, "I shall fetch Lord Tanos," and with that the Ghoul left Marcus in the entry way as he walked off to the dining room.
_________________ erm... ZOINK |
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 2:36 am |
Tanos stood, his grey, now reptilian visage looking more like sculpted poisonous lead as he moved.
"Ahhh I think our final guest has arrived."
He nodded to Marcus as he entered the room.
"Mr Fidelitus I presume?"
"Please follow me, I have prepared a banquet that [i:74b35199d6]should[/i:74b35199d6] satisfy most needs."
He opened the drawing room door, and sent Randall in advance to set some light refreshments before the dining commenced. The others followed, Tanos watched as Miss Katherine snaked an arm around that of Mr O' Briens. The sight made him smile inwardly. He ushered the Prince to the far head of the massive oak table, pouring him a glass of vitae before arranging the others in their respective seats.
"Sister? Will you honour me by sitting at my side?"
Pulling a seat to the left of the head seat he allowed Ekaterina to rest, pouring her a glass of the foetal vitae.
The others sat in silence as Randall appeared, placing several vast dishes of meats, exquisite desserts, sugared delicacies that made even Tanos' mouth open.
"Excellent! That will suffice for now Randall."
Randall left bowing as the others began to peruse the feast in front of them. Gabriel took a small sliver of the meat, apparently prime venison. As he liberally chewed the cut he noticed that out of all the others only Tanos made no motions towards the wine or feast.
"Lord Tanos? Are you not hungry? You haven't touched a thing, not even the wine.."
"Ahhh forgive me Gabriel?" He paused awaiting the expected name correction. Receiving none he continued.
"Yes forgive me, but you see I do not eat and well....I never drink.......wine."
He grinned mischeviously at the guests before sipping from his goblet.
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 2:44 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
The Cappadocian was quiet, he sat at the banquet table, not touching anything. the others were busy communicating amungst eachother. he sipped a goblet of Red Vitae a man had brought to him moments before. he looked up at the prince and then to the other guests, they all seemed very irritated about something...
_________________ Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety; Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. |
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 2:59 am |
Endeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
Marcus smiled as he entered the dining room. Marcus continued to smile as he bowed deeply, "Good evening fellow Kindred," he began, "For those of you who do not know me...I am Marcus Fidelitus...of Clan Caitiff," and at the end of his medeocre introduction Tanos looked at him and smiled.
"Good evening Mr. Fidelitus...welcome to my home. Please, make yourself feel comfortable, and if there is anything you need, do not hesitate to ask myself or any of my Ghouls," he smiled warmly to him.
Marcus then smiled again and nodded, "Thank you my lord," and with that a Ghoul led him to his seat to the left of Lord Tanos, and to the immediate left of Ekaterina. The Ghoul pulled out the large chair and Marcus sat down. There were silver plates and cultery at every position on the table, and the goblets appeared to be made out of crystal.
"Good evening once again Ekaterina," he smiled to the Tzimisce next to him.
"Hello Marcus," she smiled back, "I trust you made it here without trouble?"
Marcus chuckled slightly, "Yes yes yes...thank you."
_________________ erm... ZOINK |
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 3:05 am |
Gabriel set the delicate silverware down as he finished the last sliver of meat. There's no accounting for taste, but he certainly had a proper chef team in the kitchen. The others, hesitant at first, gradually grew more comfortable, light conversation bubbling up between guests.
The Ventrue went back to doing what he did best, judge character. He distanced himself from the dinner conversation which had spurred up between Ekaterina and Kathy, and kept his view on Lord Tanos, who sat quietly observing his guests with steely eyes.
The desert platter, sparkling with reflections of the flame, finally reached his position around the table, but he turned it down, passing it to Marcus. He watched as Tanos's skin rippled on particular topics the way a wave travels across water's surface.
Making note of the topics he seemed most interested in, Gabriel kept to himself, his stomach full and his mind wandering....
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