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< Ancient Tomes ~ The Brujah Thread with lots of sex and violence.. aight well |
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2002 8:12 am |
Chaz stormed about the back room. The fury that raged within him had not deminished from that which he felt in the Pit. His hand snatched a pool ball off the table. The young Brujah clamped his fingers tightly around the sphere.
"You think I give a FUCK about any of that Shit? I aint one of you fuckin sheep bein herded by the master. I am my own man, no one tells me what the hell I can and cant do. And NO ONE comes into MY FUCKIN CLUB and shows me up!"
Chaz turned on his heel and started to storm towards the door. Diam placed her body between Chaz and the solid oak door that would lead back into the club.... back into Valley...
"Your not leaving this room until you are yourself Chaz!" Diam squared her shoulders and raised up her chin. "Not this fucking animal I see now!"
Chaz raised the hand holding the pool ball up before Diams face. "I suggest you step the fuck back woman" The anarch clamped down on his fingers, crushing the ball into a fine powder before Diams cold blue eyes.
Diam shot her hand out, clutching Chaz's gonads through his jeans. "I can do the same trick tough guy. Now Calm the fuck down!"
A knock sounded on the oaken door. Marthas voice sounded from outside. "Boss...uhh... someone to see you"
Chaz let out a menacing growl, but it caught in his throught as Diam squeezed her fingers.
"Calm Chaz.....Let him in Martha" The heavy wooden door swung slowly inwards, and Valley entered the room. He gazed at the two, the wounds from the battle allready healing themselves.
"If you two are busy," He said, looking at Diams hand placement "I can come back later"
"You gotta alot of nerve comin in here tonite Val" Chaz replied, the anger slipping slowly from his voice. Diam looked into Chaz's eyes and saw the glassy sheen that had previosly been there disapear. She withdrew her hand.
"But it was nice to have a real fight for once..." Chaz extended his hand towards his elder and mentor. "Good to see you Valley."
Diam looked at the two, shaking hands and rolled her eyes "Brujah" she muttered into the night air "Fucking Brujah...."
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2002 9:16 am |
((i wanna say two things.....
1. I am SO sorry...that i didn't read this thread sooner...this thread FRICKING RUUUUULES!!!! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!
2. And to Christian Valley, another Irishman in Cascadia? looks like Gabe and Christian are gonna have to play dueling accents.
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2002 10:53 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((hehe.. glad someone is enjoying this other than Chaz, Valley, and me...
She sat, staring at the two, shaking her head and mutter about Brujah.
She looked at Valley after the two finished the friendly hand shake, she smiled at him.
"Thanks for following the rule... I was scared shitless for a minute... you two were about to put someone in torpor..."
Valley spoke, grinning. "Hey.. yeah.. I heard what you said... I backed off a bit after that... thanks for bringing me back down to earth a bit."
Diam only rolled her eyes. "Someone has to keep you Brujah assholes in line... Might as well be me." She laughed softly, finally finding some humor in this situation.
Chaz muttered something about grabbing a beer if anyone wanted one they could get their own fucking drink. He left the room, Valley and Diam laughing at him a little.
"Well.. nice to meet you Valley... I'm Diam Bloodstaff."
"You aren't a Brujah... what are you?" He noted a sense of power behind her physical strength.
"I'm the primo of the Toreadors. And no Toreador jokes... thank you very fucking much."
"Are you and Chaz... an "item"" He looked her up and down for a moment.
"I don't know, go ask him.. all I know for sure is that we hang out all the time and we are both fucked up in the head."
He nodded, laughing a little, then looking at his blood soaked clothes. "I brought a change..." He went to his duffel bag, grabbing out tan pants and a black silk shirt.
"You want me to go?" Diam looked at him with a smile.
"Naw.. Its cool.. I don't care... I.." He broke off there, laughing. "You can stay."
Diam nodded, falling onto a couch, sweat soaked from watching the masquerade at risk because of the two Brujah. She noted that she smelled like a bar slut. Her eyes flicked over to Valley who was shirtless and spitting blood from his mouth into the wash basin in the corner on the other side of the room.
He turned looking at her, after spitting out some blood, watching her now standing and pulling a towel off of a table and wiping the sweat from her body, she peeled her black sleeveless shirt off of her muscular body, still mopping sweat off her skin.
She looked up at him, smirking as she caught him staring at her. "What? I know.. I smell almost as bad as you." She turned her back away from him as he went to change.
He sat on the couch opposite her, and they talked casually before she bent herself in half, still wearing only the sports bra, as she reached under the couch, digging for something. "What you looking for?"
"This.." She held up a plastic grocery bag with one hand. "Spare set of clothes..."
He nodded, "I'll leave.." He headed for the door.
"Naw.. dun worry about it.. I don't give a shit."
"Uhh.. okay." Valley said as he fell back onto the couch, looking kinda worn down.
She moved over to the wash basin grabbing a wet rag, then sliding the bra off over her head, back to him.
He tried to stare at the ceiling, something familar kept making him glance over at Diam.
She wiped her chest and back down, reaching for a towel to dry herself off, with trouble she reached at her back to dry it.
Without a word he was behind her, towel in hand, softly drying her skin, she realised how suddenly she became modest. She put a hand out behind her, he laid the towel in it.
"Thanks..." She muttered, wrapping the towel around her chest as she turned back to him.
He nodded. "No problem... you.. you remind me of someone."
She laughed at this softly. "I always remind someone of someone... who is the mystery person that I remind you of?"
He smiled a little, looking straight into her eyes. "Her name was Eve."
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2002 11:20 am |
BrujahPosts: 34Joined: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:01 pm
Mouse noticed the two other vampires, possibly two brujah by their clothing and hair styles. One had surgical tape over a torn earlobe, Mouse grinned and approached them. Placing his revolver into his pocket, he introduced himself to the two....
"Hey all, Im Mouse and Im a ravvie here in Cas-cas..Cascadia...."
The woman looked him over and answered.
"Im Diam, a torrie...this is Chaz and he is Brujah...."
Mouse looked over at the silent brooding man and nodded.....
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2002 3:45 pm |
Skald of NarvikPosts: 0Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:20 am
Valley was over by the bar...most of the patrons had left already and the crowds were starting to thin out. He nodded at the Bartender.
"Bottle of Galway if you got it"
"Sorry sir..none such whisky exists in my bar"
he gave the bartender another look...funny accent he had
"ahhh shoot..give me a bottle of jack d"
the bartender pulled out a bottle and handed it to Valley as valley laid the cash on the bar. He looked over to the entrance where Chaz and Diam were...with..another..Kindred but he couldnt tell the clan...he looked a traveler..."ahhhh shit" he thought "not a pikey"
"Hey barkeep..any more fights tonight? "
"not that i am aware of sir..sorry"
he looked down at his ring again..diam had said she wore hers as a sign of power..that power being a Primogen..but his..his had the word Archon engraved on the inside of the ring..but..what was an Archon...as much as he thought his memory was almost back still things eluded him...he shook it off and returned to his drink.
Marley Brennan
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 7:10 am |
MortalPosts: 1Joined: Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:22 am
((OMFG I am stupid mother fucker for not checking this post out earlier. I would post, if Billy weren't being such a pussy now. He will beef up soon and you will get a post.
~Billy :grin:
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 8:09 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((Okay... I'm resetting the pace here... Everyone has scattered and depending on who you ask we are all in different places...
A) Chaz at bar
B) Me going to bar
C) I don't care where Valley and Mouse are, they can figure it out on their own.. thanks for playing, and welcome to the friendly skies.
As Diam shut the door she left Valley behind her, she knew something was really different about that Brujah... there was a soft streak in him for fucking sake. She wove through the hookers and the random asshole guys trying to get laid, then sat her ass on a stool next to a grumpy looking Chaz. She smiles as she starts to speak.
"Hey there."
Chaz looks over from bullshitting with some bouncers. "Hey."
"So what the hell is Valley's story? He doesn't act like he should... ya know."
"Val's different." He motions to the people around him to go bugger off, and watches as they file away from him. "Hes more of a Vent than anything. He got old and went soft. Still got punch left in him tho. Thinks too much. Thats his problem."
She nods, almost in agreement. "Just wondering is all."
"He used to be somebody, now hes nobody..." He shrugs. "Too much bullshit for me... Like I say... hes a vent."
She smiles, moving her lips to his cheek momentarily. He lets her brush her lips against his cheek, staring off into the corner.
Her voice is soft as she speaks, "What's wrong honey?"
He looks Diam in the face, his blue eyes devoid of emotion. "I seem to remember a chat we had once in a club... there was a chick there... you didnt like her so much...." He looks around the bar. "Where's your juice bag fuck pal anyways?"
Her eyes narrow. "Chaz, it was a fucking joke."
He stares back. "Haha fucking ha."
She looks at him, her eyes soft and shimmering. "Ya know... I thought you'd get it... fuck... something you said to me once made me think you actually wanted me."
He stares at her coldly. "I do still. But I ain't willin' to share. You wanna fuck around like that be my fuckin guest, but believe me sister, dont expect me to be waitin at home with supper on the table."
Her eyes sharpen, focusing on his. "If you ain't willing to share than why the hell did you tell me that you couldn't be with just me? What the hell is your problem boy?"
He shrugs. "Things changed. When I saw you with that lil fuck I wanted to kill. No baby... it wasn't the juice bag I wanted to kill either..." Chaz's eyes flared brightly.
She looks at him, her eyes narrowed. "I like you a lot Chaz... and I'd like to be with you... but... fuck..." She stopped there, putting her hand on his cheek.
He allows her to keep her hand on his cheek, staring at her coldly.
She began softly. "I want you so bad. It isn't even funny. But you gotta make up your mind."
He shot his words back at her, "Oh I do!?!?"
She nodded. "I just can't even think about you with anyone else... but you know its up to you."
He began to loose his temper at this. "You sure got a helluva way of showin me sweetie... Ya snap on me for lookin, and then you let some fuckin hairless monkey lick your tits right in front of me. That is Fucked deary, fucked with a capital fuckin F."
She bit her lip, almost ready to cry. "Maybe... but if that is what it took to make you relize what you wanted..."
He stares at her, watching her face and eyes. His eyes seemed to soften a bit, but then steel over again. "It's gonna take more than that sister. I dont buy that for a second. I know you... I seen you before. Everyones gotta love you, and if they don't watch out! That makes it more fun for you. I know. I was there."
She stares at him. "I was with one person for fucking ever... if you don't think that I can't be with one person... think a-fucking-gain. You need to get it through your head that I am not the one with issues. I have had my fun, yes. But I would fucking give that shit up to know I could have a real relationship with you, which right now is fucking doubtful."
He looks at her, his steely blue eyes seeming to crack open, letting thier guard down for just a moment, allowing Diam to look inside his soul and see the chaos within. "I don't know..." His voice trails off. "I can't give you that. I dont know..."
She puts her hands over her eyes, not knowing what to do. "I'm just gonna go..." Then her hands drop to her side as she slides off the barstool. "I'm just gonna go..." Her voice trails away from him as she walks backwards through the crowd, still looking at him.
He reaches out a hand to grab her before she walks away, but his fingers fail to grasp her. His blue eyes shatter and his hand drops, feeling only the air as he looks at Diam. "Thats prolly the best thing....just walk away..." Chaz turned away and rested his head on one hand.
She turns from him, starting to slowly weave through the crowd, brushing past the random guy from earlier like she doesn't even notice him... which she probably doesn't.
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 12:19 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((have your mothers never told you its naughty to fight ? :smile: :grin: :cool:
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 1:47 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
She walked away shaking her head, trying to figure out what just happened. Had they been like together together..? Well.. doesn't matter now... no real loss. She leaned against the wall trying to reason Chaz... it didn't work... there is no reason in chaos... she'd have to just forget about him.
Valley walked up in front of her. "Hey? You okay? I just saw you talk to Chaz then walk off over here..."
"Oh.. hey.." She smiled a little. "Naw... I'm fine. We were just sorting our shit out. No big deal."
He nodded, smiling at her. "Ya know... you're a really pretty girl."
She looked up and smiled. "Not when I'm pissed, so gimme some space... I'll talk to you later." Her eyes flared red for a moment then she squeezed past him and walked around a little more.
  -=Taste the Blood of a Rose=-
-=Eternially Mine, as I am Yours=-
-=Diam Rayvn Mystiry Bloodstaff=-
[ This Message was edited by: DiamBloodstaff on 2002-01-22 19:49 ]
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 4:42 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((I can't run this thread on my own guys... grr.. Valley, you have a reason not to be doing this but.. HEY CHAZ STOP DRINKING BEER LONG ENOUGH TO WRITE A POST!!!
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 6:57 am |
((aight I've let this sit long enough, time for a twist.....
Chaz sat at the bar, his bruised hands holding tightly to his beer. The young Brujah stared at the bottle, his thoughts wrestled with his inner torment. Diams blue eyes floated through his mind, her touch... her scent... The beer bottle burst in Chaz's hand. Shards of glass showered the bar, and a droplet of blood trickled down Chaz's hand. Tara the bartender let out a shriek and hurried over to "The Boss". The young Brujah smiled his crooked smile, his blue eyes shimmered in the darkness.
"I’m fine baby, no worries" Chaz spun around on his stool and drew his hand up towards his chest. He expended a small amount of energy to close the deep cut in his hand, and let his eyes wander across the club again.
At the entrance three of his bouncers stood shoulder to shoulder trying to prevent a group of men from entering the club. Chaz caught a glimpse of a familiar face in the group. The Brujah stood immediately and began to push his way through the crowd. He shoved and flung people about, wading his way through the throng of humans to get to the entrance. He pushed his way through his bouncers and stood before a great bear of a man.
"You ain’t welcome here Drago" Chaz snarled
"Ohh Chaz" the man spoke, his Russian accent thick and heavy. "Joo still live among sheep do joo?" The behemoth looked behind him to his three companions. They all began to chuckle. "Joo do not have right to claim Brujah... joo are ... sheep herder" More laughter. "Come vit me, we vould show dis vorld who da true master ist."
"I told ya Drago, I aint interested. Now take yer ugly face and get it the fuck outta my bar, before I remove it for you..."
"Ahh veetle Chazzy," Drago lowered his giant head towards Chaz, his dark eyes begining to glow a hellish red, "joo ave no chance vit out showing dem vat joo are..."
“Don’t do this Drago…….â€
“Joo cant stop me Chaz†Drago stood erect again. “Da volves av come to tend da sheeps.â€
Drago swatted Chaz to the side, the force of his seemingly harmless blow sending the smaller Brujah crashing into the wall, knocking bricks loose from the wall. Dust showered down onto his crumpled body, and as Chaz raised his allready battered face, a faint reddish gleam covered the normally Ice blue of his eyes.
“DRAGOOOOOO!!!!!!!!†Chaz launched himself off the floor, tackling the much larger Brujah, and crashing through the door into the store room. Dragos three henchmen began to force their way into the club flinging people aside with the strength borne of Vampire.
The Dj had just begun to spin a new tune, “Tweeter and the Monkey Man†by the Headstones. Somewhere from the depths of the club a loud voice shouted….
((Let the games begin…….))
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 8:53 pm |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
Diam heard the crash, turning to see Chaz on a large kindred, three others punching at him as well. She looked angry... that is a bad thing... she was not a person to piss off. Especiall after what had just happend with her and Chaz. She stood contemplating leaving him to fight off the 4 vampires for a split second, then ran to his aid.
One of the henchmen turned just in time to see a tall, strong, and muscular female clad in only a tank top and shorts fling her heavy boot to the side of his head. She looked around for a second, then cast celerity, running at the man with speed as her eyes glowed red. Her fists jabbed at his chest not unlike lightening bolts. Her eyes focused as the man was pushed back against the wall, she reached for the jagged edge of a broken bar stool leg, skillfully shoving it through his heart. He fell to the floor limply in the store room. She then turned to help Chaz.
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 5:00 pm |
BrujahPosts: 34Joined: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:01 pm
((sry for the long wait i had exams :mad: ))
Mouse heard the lady say something about clearing the bar....he shook his head and stared at the 6 beings pummeling the crap out of each other.He laughed and leapt upon on of the men.Pulling out a broken beer bottle, he cracked his skull wide open and leapt for another. This guy just threw him off like a rag doll and proceeded to pummel the smaller Chaz. CLearing his head, Mouse leapt upon the man again. Three times he leapt and three times he was thrown off.Mouse then decided to go back to the beer bottle expedition and for the other smaller henchmen.
Another smashed skull fell onto the beer stained ground
Mouse was thrown...far into the brick wall where he passed into unconciousness....
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