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< Ancient Tomes ~ The Brujah Thread with lots of sex and violence.. aight well |
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 3:27 am |
Chaz leaned back on the bar, an imported Canadian beer in his hand, watching the kine around him. His ice blue eyes scanned the diverse crowd. Crowded around the ring were men and women clad in stylish buisness attire. In the corner a man wearing a wedding ring was gettin a blowjob from a girl who was most definatly not his wife. A group of college kids passed around a small pipe as they laughed and yelled into the crowd. All around Chaz was chaos....
"I love it" he said aloud, the jewelry on his face sparkling in the orange glow of the lamps. Martha was approaching, weaving her way through the jumbled mass of human bodies.
"Whos the broad?" She asked nodding her head towards the DJ booths direction where Diam was still visible. "Your latest conquest no doubt" she said with a sly smile. "I like her hair..."
Chaz smiled back at the purple haired woman, "Aww cmon babe, you know your the only one for me..."
"Thats only cause I bring you money." she interjected. "Heres your cut from the last fight." Martha handed him a stack of $50 bills, which Chaz accepted and stuffed in his jeans pocket, not bothering to count.
"People still bet against me? Shit aint they learned by now?" He flashed a crooked smile and shook his head.
Martha shrugged her leather clad shoulders. "I dunno boss, but Freddy'll take their money as quick as it comes"
Chaz nodded and took another drink of his beer. "When am I up?" he asked.
"Should be soon, yup, theres the next one, comin outta the back."
Chaz craned his neck to see a very tall man stepping forward towards the ring. The gas lamps flared brightly once and Rob Zombies "Dragula" blared loudly out of the speakers. A well dressed man, clad in an Armani suit and sunglasses cockily entered the ring. His shoes were polished black and reflected the orange glow of the fire brightly. He stood just inside the gate and took off his tailored jacket exposing his massive and well defined chest. A quick flex of his pecs brought a squeal from more than one of the women staring into the ring.
The harsh first notes of "Bad to the Bone" overpowered the techno rock still screaming into the air. The crowd once again let up a tremendous howl and began to chant Chaz's name. Chaz slugged back the remainder of his beer and stood from the bar. The crowd parted before him as he made his way to the steel cage. As he entered he dropped his vest and t shirt off in Marthas waiting hands and walked slowly into position.
The DJ screamed into his PA system
"3,2,1, SWITCH!!"
((sorry for the long ass post, I'll do the fight next))
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 4:20 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
Diam heard Chaz's music then laughed.
"He'll never win this one..."
She grinned, walking over to a boy who looked about 22 and starting to talk to him, her eyes shimmering, she took his hand and walked over by the fence of the pit. She had awed him, he'd do whatever she wanted, she kissed him deeply, an eye flicking over to Chaz a moment, then she told the boy he could do whatever he wanted to her. He slid his hand up her chest, under her shirt and bra, she leaned her head against the fence, letting out a soft growl that she knew only Chaz would recognise. She knew this would fuck with him bad.
The boy kissed her deeply, sliding her shirt off over her head and same with her bra, she stood there, he looked down at her pale chest, shimmering with sweat, she forced her heart to beat so it wouldn't scare him and he craned his neck over her chest, sucking on her breasts, biting softly. Then he moved his chest against hers, grinding into her as he leaned in at her neck, she grinned, tilting her head to one side and biting hard, breaking the skin a little, a tinge of blood trickling down her back. She only leaned against the fence, not making any more than the slightest struggle to dig her nails softly into his back and grin over his shoulder, eyes closed. Thinking about Chaz's reaction.
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 5:57 am |
Chaz looked over at Switch as he hammered on the lever causing the gate to drop away. A woman was beside him being molested by some guy. He let a smile flash across his face as he began to walk casually towards his opponent. He stared intently at the big mans face, seeking for a moment of hesitation that would prove to be his undoing.
Over the din of the crowd he heard a barely audiable growl, something he'd heard before. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to place it. His mind wandered to the two people making out beside the ring.
"Nah... couldn't be..." He let his eyes travel back to the pair of lovers, and squinted, trying to make out thier features.
A heavy fist landed on his chin, twisting his neck and sending him spinning across the ring. Chaz caught himself on the chain link fence, feet away from the two lovers. Her shirt was off now, and he was licking her boobs. Chaz's steel blue eyes searched out her face.
Two large feet clad in hard leather shoes pounded into Chaz's back, crushing him against the steel fence. The Brujah slumped to the floor, not winded, but shocked. His opponent quickly scrambled to his feet, recovering from the drop kick and he lashed out with a swift kick to Chaz's head. His hard shoe belted across the side of the Brujahs face, and Chaz's fine silver chain snagged on it. As the big man brought his foot back for another kick he ripped the chain from Chaz's face, sending sharp pains to his nose and ear. Blood began to flow from the ripped flesh. The big suit attempted to kick again at the Brujah's motionless head, but Chaz was quicker.
The pain he experienced was not great, but it was sharp enough to pull him out of his stupor. Chaz tucked his head close to his chest and the mans sharp shoe whistled past, catching only air. Chaz's arm shot out, clutched the big mans opposite leg and pulled it quickly, sending the man sprawling onto his back. Moving like quicksilver, Chaz rolled across the big mans body and planted a quick elbow onto the bridge of his nose. Chaz felt more than heard, the fragile bone give way under his forcefull strike and blood began to pour from the suits nose.
He picked himself up slowly, allowing his opponent to do the same. The two warriors squared off again. Chaz forced Diam and her toy out of his mind, but let his rage burn inside him.
The big suit shot out a fist, he was surprisingly quick for a meatball, but Chaz easily swatted it aside. He lashed out again, which Chaz swatted to the other side. The big guy rattled off a series of six furiously quick punches, each of which Chaz either swatted aside or dodged his head.
The suit let out a scream and wrapped his huge arms around Chaz, picking him up off the ground and squeezing him tightly. Chaz closed his eyes and brought his head back slowly. The brujah then smashed his forehead into the mans broken nose, causing another burst of blood to escape, showering Chaz's face and neck. The mans grip did not relax, so Chaz began to furiously batter the mans face with his skull. Finally the mans arms lessend their grasp on the smaller Brujah and Chaz squeezed out of his clutches. The suits face was covered in blood and gore, and what was left of his nose hung limply to one side. Chaz spun around behind the big man, who lumbered around dazedly. Chaz lashed out with a fist, smashing it squarly on the suits chin. His head flopped to the side, but he retained his footing. Another punch landed solidly on the side of his head, again the big man didnt fall. Chaz launched a punch to the mans solar plexus, causing the man to sink to his knees... He knelt their unmoving, his eyes staring coldly into the smoke filled arena.
Chaz stood before him, staring into the cold, unfocused eyes. The brujah looked up suddenly, finding Diam and her love toy in his gaze. Chaz's ice blue eyes steeled over and grasped the big suit by the hair. His gaze shot daggers into Diam and he shot out one quick, short punch, sending the bloodied mans head to rest at an odd angle on his neck. Chaz released the mans hair and the body fell forward onto the cold floor. He moved across the ring and snatched up the silver chain that had been torn from his face. As he stood he looked Diam in the face but said nothing. The warrior turned and stalked out of the ring amidst the wild cheers of the crowd.
(whew, long ass... More later)
It's said that death is the final truth.....[i:0317af2e90] They lied.[/i:0317af2e90]
[ This Message was edited by: Chaz on 2002-01-18 01:24 ]
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 6:05 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
She ran her fingers through the boys hair. Her eyes sparkling as he looked up at her questioning why he was making out with this beautiful woman in the middle of the fight club and bar.
"Thanks mate... See ya around." She spoke swiftly, pulling her bra and black sleeveless shirt on. Then she searched out in the crowd for the Chaz who was most likely gonna be pissed off.
She found him, looking up at him, a trickle of blood still on the side of her neck.
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 3:36 pm |
Skald of NarvikPosts: 0Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:20 am
Valley looked around the streets..it was around here somewhere..the cop had told him where to find it but.
something hit Valleys sense's....a familier feeling..one he had only got round...no..it couldnt be..he shaked the feeling off and continued to look around.
Sure enough down a side street there it was. He dropped the duffle bag and pulled out a grey tracsuit top with a hood. he pulled it on and dumped the bag behind some bins.
time to face the music...he pulled up the hood over his head and made sure it concealed some of his face and walked into the clubs entrance. On the front door was a huge bouncer, no doubt kindred..valley spoke in his age old Irish accent.
"Ah heard a'bout a clab where folks can beat seven shaeds'a shit outta each odther...this da place"
the bouncer gave Valley a look and then nodded.
"Good...see ah'm new here and i wanna take part ..where'd i sign my name"
the bouncer looked at him again then over at a book by a small ticket booth
"Not wan for conversation..dont blame ya"
he walked over to the book and signed his name.....CV....
Valley gave the bouncer another look and walked into the club just as a familier face was waling out of the central cage. He kept his head low and stayed to the shadows.
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 12:14 am |
Chaz had his hands to his ear, carefully placing a bit of surgical tape across the freshly torn flesh of his earlobe. He could have healed it easily drawing upon blood to close the wound, but it would never do to give the Juice bags something to wonder about. Martha stood ready to assist just off to his side. The club was thinning out now, the crowd having its appetite for blood satisfied with the death of one fighter allready tonite. As such, the DJ had turned down the wailing music a touch so that one did not have to yell to be heard.
The brujah glared at Diam, his Ice blue eyes colder than a winters night.
"Hey yourself"
"Aww dont be mad baby," Diam said playfully, "I was just tryin to fuck with ya a bit, make it interesting." She drew herself near and placed her hand on his chest. She looked up into his face, her eyes shimmering in the orange glow of the club. "Lemme make it all better" she purred.
Chaz lifted his gaze from her and spoke to Martha. "Whos next?"
Martha turned her head to the DJ booth, waving a hand to attract his attention. She gave a quick hand gesture and recieved one in reply. She nodded once and gave the thumbs up sign.
"Seems ya scared em all off Boss. Everyone pulled thier names."
Chaz gave a quick grunt and turned his head to the bartender Tara. He motioned for a drink. The raven haired bartender nodded her head and moved towards the cooler, reaching for a bottle of Labatts Blue.
Chaz accepted the bottle and took a large drink. He looked down at Diam. "Want one?" A hint of steel edged his voice.
"Sure I..."
"Bars behind ya." Chaz brushed her hand off his chest and moved slowly through the thinning crowd.
"Martha I'll be in the back." He called over his shoulder. "Alone."
Martha nodded once. "Sure boss." And she fell in step behind him. As she brushed passed Diam, Martha let out a quiet "Uhh Ohh" and let a small grin cross her face.
Chaz stepped through the groups of people gathered around the ring. His blue eyes smoldered as he pushed open the door leading to the store room. As it closed behind him he heard the DJ calling over the PA system for "CV". Chaz thought nothing of it and perched his ass on the pool table, casually drinking his beer.
"Martha.." He raised his voice.
Martha poked her purple head inside the door "Ya boss.."
"Anyone out their I'd like?"
Martha grinned, knowing exactly what he meant. "Ya boss, I think I saw a couple of em. Be right back."
Chaz lied down on the pool table, letting his legs dangle off the edge. "Women around here are so easy." He thought to himself, "Just like a pack of dogs... the baddest man gets all the action..." Chaz heard the door open, but did not rise. He lay their on the table, taking in the womans scent as she stepped carefully across the room. "Young...healthy... most probably brunette" he thought to himself. Martha was the best....
He felt slender hands slide up his legs and felt fingers brushing across the front of his jeans, fumbling with the buttons.
"Nah" he spoke. "Not yet.." He pulled himself up off the table. And looked at his new companion. He'd have to give Martha a bonus.... He spun the girl around, and wrapped his arms around her, cradeling her against his chest. Chaz nuzzled his head underneath her long hair, taking in a deep breath as he brushed his nose against her neck. He spoke in a soothing, almost hypnotic voice, drawing upon his blood energy and bent the womans will to caused her to become completely enamoured with him.
He continued brushing his face gently across the tender skin of her neck, letting the intoxicating smell of her young fresh blood work him up. He kissed her neck once and had her completly under his spell. His blue eyes flashed red in the darkness , and felt his fangs expose themselves. He ran his tounge across her neck once and moved his mouth slowly to the soft flesh.
A loud knock sounded at the door. It was Martha. Chaz recoiled his head and forced himself to banish the beast from him.
"Sorry boss" Martha called, "But it looks like we got one more tonite."
Chaz slid off the table, and glanced at the girl. Her face was lost in bliss, completely in Chaz's power.
"Dont go anywhere babe, this wont take long." Chaz flashed his crooked grin and moved towards the door.
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 2:17 am |
Skald of NarvikPosts: 0Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:20 am
Valley heard his name...this was it...back to basics..back to how it used to be..back to the way things were as a bloke with lots of money in old Galway...although now its more up market the principals are the same...get drunk..start a fight..get a women...he was here for only 1 of those things tho..a fight..and no matter who it was he wasnt going to be leaving here the looser.
He leant in one corner of the fighting pit..the hood still over his head, concealing his face...as he looked at the floor...not even remotely soft..concrete strewen with saw dust and cardboard..used to soak up the spilt blood.
He looked up as he heard some loud techo rock music blair from the speakers..."great" he thought.."there putting me in with one of the top dogs, all i need"
a voice came on the PA speakers.... and his oppenent...CHHHHAAZZZZZZ...
Valley looked up from the floor and out to the crowd infront of him. Chaz?...that name..so familier...yes..Chaz was his whip back when he was Brujah Primogen.
Chaz spoke..Valley could only just hear him
"So yet more meat for the grinder?. I had other ideas of fun for the rest of the night but beating your worthless ass should end a nice nights run..so what do ya say?"
Valley turned around and looked at Chaz from under his hood and he slowly pulled the hood back from his head revealing his face.
"I say i've had enough of the bullshit..enough of the rules..enough of all the lies that lurk on street corners...i say i was doing this before you were even a glimmer in your grandmothers eyes..and i mean your living grandmother..i say i did this and much more..things you cant even begin to comprehend..things that would make even you think twice..i did them all with a smile on my face and a song in my heart and i hope to do them again because thats who i am...you want to prove otherwise then please...give it your best shot.....::Valley waited a few moments::...boy
Valley braced himself as the crowd cheered on and Chaz ran at him...as much as he hated to admit it..this was gonna hurt...no doubt about it
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 6:43 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
She muttered to herself, hearing Chaz's name as she held onto a beer tightly, almost hard enough to break it, whipping around from the bar, she muttered,"Oh shit..."
She knew she shouldn't have been a bitch last match... maybe he wouldn't be up against this one... Maybe he'd be able to walk away... she knew that the masquerade was about to be endangered. And the two Brujah as she noted, didn't give a shit.
She stood at the fence of the pit, trying to catch Chaz's attention.
As Chaz ran at the man he ignored Diam's out cry, figuring her the boy who called wolf. She swore that he'd be the end of her.
"Mother fucking asshole Brujah fallen clan bastard beasty fucking god damn asshole!!!"
She called up all her strength, waiting for Chaz to get pummeled, then having to cover up the sheer amazing feats about to take place.
"You are both gonna owe me after this." She tried to holler, but the pretty boy from earlier came up to her.
"Who is gonna owe you?!"
"Don't worry your pretty little head about that, go get me another beer... get yourself one too... now."
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 9:53 am |
On 2002-01-17 00:58, Creepshow wrote:
the Brujah in this city are Hardcore!
fa Real
OMG! Creepshow!! Long time... blahblah!! :grin:
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 6:52 pm |
(( DING DING!!! Round One))
Chaz flew across the ring. This one was gonna end quick he told himself. Ima keep calm, work efficently. I dunno what the hell he meant when he said that shit, but I aint gonna worry bout it. Beat him down.
Valley did not move from his position in the ring. His eyes never wavered from Chaz as he dashed across the cold floor. He tried to block the roar of the crowd and the wail of the music out of his mind. Concentrate. Concentrate. Its been a long while since I have seen this lad, he no doubt has grown in power. Valley watched as Chaz leapt off his feet and set into a graceful spin in the air, his left leg tucked into his body.
"Ima shove this boot thru yer head mother fucker" Chaz thought to himself, but as he lashed out, his opponent was gone. "Quick one... great" Chaz landed on his feet, and quickly turned around to face where he instinctivly knew his opponent to be. He brought both hands over to block the blow he knew was coming. "These guys gotta come up with some new tricks" As his eyes finally locked on to his opponents and hint of recognition flickered in Chaz's eye. His opponents fist flew at his chest, as Chaz knew was inevitable, and he preparded himself to catch the fist in his hands. The blow landed heavily on Chaz's bare torso, blasting through his block and sending him flying backwards, into the cold steel of the ring.
Valley stared at Chaz as he slumped to the ground. "You have not forgotten me have you pup?" He said aloud. "I was here long before you, and will be here long after you burn."
Chaz looked up into the mans face, and the recognition was now complete. "Holy fuck"
And he scambled to his feet. "Im not the pup I was when you left Old Man. I've learned a thing or two." Chaz moved out towards the center of the ring, circling around Valley, not wanting to be caught between the steel cage and the old Brujah.
"Come then Boy, show me what you've learned"
The two Brujah advanced on each other. Clan bonds were severed, as each man desired to prove superiority over the other. Chaz was the first to lash out, his fists moving at blinding speed, aimed with deadly intent at Valleys face. A series of six punches forced Valley to take the defensive, parrying each of the blows, but Chaz was quicker. One punch snuck through Valleys defenses and sent the older Brujah spinning. Chaz did not let the opportunity pass by. He snapped out a booted foot and smashed it hard into the back of Valleys neck, snapping his head back and knocking the feet from below him. Chaz followed thru his kick with another spin kick, this one aimed lower and again caught Valley off balance, sending his head crashing into the concrete floor. Blood poured from Valleys mouth, where the impact of the floor had forced Valleys teeth to rip through the flesh of his lips. Chaz leapt on Valleys back, and brought a fist down on the back of Valleys head, again bouncing it off the concrete. The younger Brujah growled with delight, seeing the blood flow freely from Valleys lips. He raised his fist to hammer down another punch, but Valley bucked once powerfully, sending Chaz flying off his back.
Chaz attempted to get up quickly, but allready Valley had leapt to his feet and raced over to the younger vampire, lying prone. Valley lashed out with a booted foot, catching Chaz on the cheekbone, and sending the young Brujah rolling across the floor.
Diam stood outside the ring "Oh shit, here we go" She knew that Valley had just used his powers of Celerity and was now moving faster than any mortal could. Valley leapt on Chaz, stradelling his chest and began to hammer down punches that blurred the eyes. Chaz's face was blistering from the impacts, his hands could not match the speed of Valleys lightning quick punches. A blood curdling growl escaped Chaz's lips which Caused Valley to hesitate for only a fraction of a second. That was all the Chaz needed. His hand snapped up, and clutched Valleys sweater. With a flick that looked as tho Chaz was swatting a fly, he sent Valley flying through the air, impacting the cage upside down and coming to rest heavily on the top of his head. The impact with the floor ripped another tear in Valleys head, and blood poured down from the peak of his hair as he slowly stood and faced Chaz.
The two Brujah stood facing each other. The crimson stains of blood pouring down each mans head. Thier anger had unleashed the beast, and they stared at each other with unholy light gleaming in thier eyes.
((More to come))
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 8:02 pm |
((awesome!! totally awesome :grin:
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 9:26 pm |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
She knew they couldn't hear her, she jumped back as Valley hit the fence of the pit near her. She tried to grab Valley's attention:
"You need to calm it down, we'll get our asses caught!"
Valley only laughed at the girl, not knowing anything more than that she was kindred:
"Don't worry sweetheart, you'll get a round. Right after I pummel this pup."
She started swearing at him heavily, then yelled.
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2002 1:07 am |
Skald of NarvikPosts: 0Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:20 am
Valley could feel it swell in him..all that pent up anger...months of not knowing anything about himself except what he was.
Chaz caught him with another punch in the face and Valley stopped thinking so damn much. The punches chaz was throwing were slipping past his gaurd...he wasnt ready..hes loosing it..another punch caught Valley off guard and he dropped to the floor..motionless.
"Next time dont think ya can beat the master" yelled chaz as he walked away from Valley.
Valley looked up to see Chaz walking away...he jumped up and grabbed the top of the cage ...
"Funny ..i thought a master had to be at least...50 years old...your just a child"
Chaz turned to reply to Valley but he wasnt there..slowly he walked over to where Valley should be when Valley wrapped his legs around Chaz's neck bringing him up into the air where he helf him.
"If a wanted i could remove your head with my legs....but you an i are forgetting 1 thing...THE rule"
"FUCK the damn rules" yelled chaz as Valley dropped him
Valley landed infront of chaz..as soon as he did Chaz broke into a flury of half assed punches eaisly dodged and blocked by Valley.
"Believe it or not Chaz i didnt come back here to kick your ass..far from the point"
Valley pushed chaz back into the fence
"truth be told..i havent even broken into a sweat..now if your quite done lets go somewhere so we can talk."
Valley turned to walk out
((sorry about the crapiness of that post...not nearly as action packed as chaz's and probably seems less balanced but i wanna get involved in some Brujah plotting lol))
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2002 1:24 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
Lets out a sigh of releif. Runs to Chaz's side of the pit, waiting for him to come out.
When he exits, she grabs him by the arm, dragging him to the back room that they were in before.
"What the hell was that about?! The masquerade was in danger, obviously you need to understand that it is more important to be discrete even though you are in a rank fight with another Brujah. You need to take it somewhere else!"
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2002 6:53 am |
((why can't you just raise up some wraiths or kill a few nuns?? sheesh brujah!! :lol:
great posts babes
[ This Message was edited by: batgirl on 2002-01-20 08:40 ]
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