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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Coming home.....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 4:45 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 1Location: The rolling hills of IrelandJoined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:13 pm
She felt as if she were spriling downwards into a black bottomless pit. She found herself alone with no one to comfort her. She had always been clingy and dependant on others. Now alone for the first time, she had to face the uncertain future on her own.
She took a look around herself, as she clutched at the long dark cloak she was wearing and hugged it against herself as if she were cold. She put a hand up to her cheek, didnt realise she was crying till she felt the dampness on her fingertips.
She pulled the hood of her cloak up over her head, picked up her bag and turned to take one last look behind herself at York. We never should have come to this forsaken place she mumbled as she turned back and walked away. she had gotten used to getting close to mortals and losing them due to old age or diseases, but kindred she would never get used to losing. They were supposed to always be there! always! It wasnt fair.
She thought of the others as she walked on into the night. Rhiannon, Eveshka, Tromador, Valley and then, then Eury. Gone, they were all gone. How cruel fate could be. It must be me she thought, everyone I love dies. Everything I touch turns to ash. She swore then and there to never get close to anyone ever again, it would be to hard to lose again. She would keep herself hidden in the shadows. Then she wouldnt have to face anyone.
The only place she had left to go was the place she thought she would never see again. She tried to brace herself, she knew many memories lived on there for her, but where else was she to go? After all there is no place like home.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 4:48 am Reply with quote
User avatarSkald of NarvikPosts: 0Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:20 am
((wow..gotta say daisy...that sums it all up...welcome back :smile: ))

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 4:56 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
(( :grin: Hello MalkAvian Goddess

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 5:06 am Reply with quote
((Good to see ya again Daisy. Welcome back.

And dont ya hate it when people remember you but you have no idea who the hell they are?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 8:33 pm Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 1Location: The rolling hills of IrelandJoined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:13 pm
She traveled by night by day she slept where she could, abandoned buildings, dumsters anywhere the sun wouldnt find her. After what seemed like forever she saw a sign on the road " Cascadia 5 miles" She bit her lip and treaded on homeward.
Finally reaching Casadia, she kept to the back roads and the shadows, avoiding the main streets at all costs. Lowering her hooded head whenever she saw anyone. Though there were few people on the streets at this hour. After a time, she found herself in the slum area of the city and began a search for refuge from the soon to be rising sun.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 8:48 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:43 am
(( Hmmmmm . . . looks like our ol' family is making a comeback!! YEAAAAAHHHH! ))

im hott and u know it
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 8:55 pm Reply with quote
(( Welcome back :smile: damn cool to see you here :smile: ))

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 12:53 pm Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 1Location: The rolling hills of IrelandJoined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:13 pm
She caught site of what looked like an abandoned apartment building and slowly entered through the crumbling front door. Inside there were doors off of hingers, holes in the walls, dust and cobwebs everywhere. She walked into one of the apartments and was suprised to see some of the previous owners belongings still there. She rummaged through the apartment, taking what she felt she would need. A few old ripped and torn blankets, a few candles,a rusy old butcher knife and a tattred old teddy bear. With her new found treasues in her arms she headed back out into the hallway and to the steep rickety steps leading to the basement. Her eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness as she made her way around all the grbage and clutter that was strewn all over. She noticed a closed door at the far end of the basement and headed to it. She opened the door slowly and found it to be an empty small room with no windows. She smiles softly to herself and said "Welcome home". She put the blankets in one corner of the room , making a makeshift bed and set the knife with in reaching distance next to it. She sat one of the candles in the midle of the room and lit it causing an eerie glow to cast upon the walls. She then set her bag down and began to search through it. Pulling out a purple crayon she headed to the wall opposite the makeshift bed. In big purple leters she wrote "Home Sweet Home" on the wall. She dropped the crayon back into her bag, grabed the teddy bear and crawled into the makeshift bed and closed her eyes.

[ This Message was edited by: Daisy on 2002-01-18 07:12 ]

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 3:59 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 1Location: The rolling hills of IrelandJoined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:13 pm
She awoke some hours later with no clue of how long she had been asleep. Was it minutes hours or days? she was starving and decided it was time to go out and face the streets of Cascadia. She put the cloak back on and covered her head with the hood so she wouldnt be recognised if she should see anyone she knew.
She stepped carefull out of the apartment building so she wouldnt be seen and headed down the street. She stoped and looked down the alley at the end of the block and saw a bum warming himself by a trashcan fire.
She wraped her arms around herself as if she were cold and headed towards him. THe man looked up at her learily. Go away he yelled at her This is my spot! Please MIster she said in the most timid voice she could, Im so cold and and hungry. The hunger welling up so strong inside of her that she could hear the blood pulsing through his veins.
She took a quick glance around to make sure they were alone then she very untactfully and very much out of charecter for her, lunged on him ripping into his flesh almost animalisticly. By the time she was done there was hardly anything left of him. She stood up and looked at the remains. What have I done?? She quickly lifted the body and put it in the can with the fire. She looked around again quickly and darted down the alley...

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 12:45 am Reply with quote
User avatarSkald of NarvikPosts: 0Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:20 am
Valley was walking the streets of cascadia...what a night he thought as he looked around the empty streets. The streets we literd with trash, needles and empty bottles...didnt take a detective to figure out what went off around here.

He heard something....from down that alley..a muted scream almost and a trash can falling over...he ran down the alley way.

He saw something in a trashcan fire...ohh god..some homeless bum..dead. He looked around and saw something dart of further down the alley way.

"HEY ...STOP" he shouted but the figure kept running

he ran after it..not knowing who or what it was...he ran around the corner to see the figure in a dead end.

"now way out now....did you do that back there?...the guy in the fire?...that your work?"

the figure said only paced looking for an escape route.

"no way out hon" Valley could see the figure was a women.

the figure looked back at him but did not recognise him.

"i cant let you get away with stuff like that" he edged nearer the women...slowly.

"now you can come quitely or i can take you by for..." the women darted at him dodged to oen side and sweepd Valley off his feet..she then dived on him and punched him repeatedly in the face.Valley look back up at her threw her off him into some garbage cans.

"OK...i didnt want to do this the hard way but your leaving me no choice"

Valley jumped in the air and aimed a foot at her head but she rolled away flinging a trashcan lid at his neck,Valley ducked and looked at her again..something odd he thought. Using celerity he ran at her punching her multiple times in the chest and face knocking her back into the side of a dumpster leaving a nice dent where she hit. Valley tried punching her again but she rolled under his punch and all Valley found was steel.

"OWWWWW..shit.." He looked around and saw her leaping up onto a fire escape..he leapt up and followed as she ran up the steel staircase towards the roof. When he reached the top she was stood at the other side..the roof space was empty and he walked towards her..being careful not to startle her.

"just..just let me go..please...i was hungry thats all" the figure spoke in a very familier voice

"cant do that broke our laws..cant have sabbat wandering the streets"

"i'm not sabbat...just a traveller..please..let me go" she moved closer to the edge of the building..they were 20 floors up..if she jumped ..she'd know about it.

Valley moved closer...god knows why he wasnt killing her..there was something about her familier

"come on..back down of the edge" he was 8ft away from her when he saw her step back off the edge and dissaper

He powerd up a burst of celerity and was at the edge and holding her by the wrist in the blink of an eye..the womens hood had come off and the face he saw was Daisys...Valley looked at her..amazed to see her again


he pulled her up and over the edge..she seemed to be in a state of madness but she WAS a malk...she didnt seem to recognise him..

"Valley? that you?" spoke daisy sotly

he nodded "sorry about this"

he punched her across the jaw sending her to the floor and knocked out..he approached her and through her over his shoulder as he came down the building and took her back to his....boy is she gonna hate me for this...least he could be gratful for one least he had his daisy back...valley smiled as he walked off.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 5:07 am Reply with quote
User avatarSkald of NarvikPosts: 0Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:20 am

the shakles hadnt been used in an age but Valley thought it nesacary to use them on daisy.

Just under an hour ago Valley had laid eyes on Daisy after months of not seeing her..god knows what state she was in..this wasnt just for his protection but hers aswell...last thing he needed was Daisy to be under the thrall of the beast and attack him as he rested.

Daisy was chained up to one of the beds in another room of the run down hotel that Valley now made his haven in.

He sat across from Daisy..watching her intently..perhaps he had hit her to hard but there was no way to tell what was wrong with her. Still seeing Daisy again after so long was a mix of emotions....yes emotions and something else...deeper...he shrugged it off and carried on his vigil over Daisy.

She seemd so at peace of her surroundings such...such a provoctive temptation...lying tried shrugging the feeling off..averting his eyes to elsewhere in the room..but he found them wandering back to her face...and there he sat..looking at her...observing his sleeping beauty.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 5:57 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 1Location: The rolling hills of IrelandJoined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:13 pm
Daisy moaned quietly her eyes shut tighter and she licked her lips. She looked as if she were strugling to open her eyes wich was not the case, she was merley trying to wake up out of what seemed a stone cold sleep. She began to lift her hand to her head wich is when her eyes darted open. She couldnt lift her hand more than a couple of inches. she looked down and saw the shakles What the.. Then she noticed him sitting and looking at her. Who are you? She demanded. Then with a second look at him, she mouthed the word Valley? She tasted blood on her lips and felt as tho she had been hit by a truck. She strugled against the restraints, the whole time screaming LET ME OUT OF HERE!!! LET ME GO! Valley just sat there still watching her, wich made her even more upset. Finally Valley stood up and made his way over to the bed. He stood there and looked down at her.

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