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Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 4:15 am |
Skald of NarvikPosts: 0Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:20 am
The wrecking yards over on the bad side of town...its where the punk wannabes and low lifes hung out. They thought they ruled the streets..thought they had contorl over all who walked them...they forgot 1 thing...these used to be my streets.
The actual wrecking yard was a block of rubble..with numerous can fires burning and old bunrt out wrecks of cars stolen for a nights joy ridin. City hall got so tried of moving them that they left em there and stacked em ontop of each other, almost 3 storys high each colum of wrecks.
Valley climbed one colum and looked out.
He saw a campfire with 3 guys around it and next to them was a women, probably a street walker, tied and gagged. God knows what they were gonna do with her.
He lept from colum to colum silently untill he was crouched on the colum behind them.
"so was we gonna do wiz her" grunted a large fat thug
"whadda ya think a overweight peice of shit..we gonna haz us some fun" the voice came from a skinny guy..dirty wearing rags.
Valley carried on watching them
"So when iz we gonna do her....can we do her nowz"
"Suuuure" said the skinny guy..slowly edging towards her
"i mean..whos gonna hear her scream out her..more importantly.."
he laid his hand on her cheek
Valley pulled out a throwing knife and hurtled it at the mans other hand that was raised ready to strike the women.
"Whos gonna care"
he raised his hand ready to hit the women when the knife struck it and sent the skinny man to his knees.
Valley dropped down infront of the men
"I care" said Valley as one of the men ran at him with a smashed bottle.
Valley side stepped the man and sent an elbow into the back of the mans neck followed by a swift kick on the back of the mans leg..snapping the bone inside and flooring the man. He wraithed about in pain then passed out after seein his own leg bone sticking out.
The fat man looked at Valley, fear creeping over his eyes he darted them left and right looking for an escape...he turned and ran backwards into an enclosed area of stacked wrecks.
with no-one around valley used a burst of celerity and darted away.
The fat man looked behind him then looked forward and saw Valleys boot...he dropped like a ton of shit.
"where are youse" yelled the skinny man
"i gots a knife with your name on itz..and after i done cutting you ups i'm gonna cut up this chick...after i had me some fun with herz"
a voice came from the stacks
" I could have stayed in tonight...unlucky for you i didnt..."
the skinny man looked around the clearing..trying to position where the voice was coming from.
there was a noise...of something being un-sheethed.
the man already sweating looked around, his legs shaking and his hand gushing blood.
"To think" said Valley "that i came back all this way to live a quite life...a life filled with quite contemplation and thoughts. I tried to be nice..tried to be the good little Brujah but..what can i say"
Valley stepped out of the shadows behind the man
"i got....bored"
the man slowly turned to see Valleys face bearing down on him, showing no sign of compasison in his eyes.
"please....please dont kill me..i gotta wife and kid..please" the man slumped to his knees"
"well now...little skinny..stinky man..you got nothing"
Valley brought the swords blade back over his head and swung it round in the blink of an eye and decapitated the man...his head rolling onto the small fire.
Valley looked over at the tied up street walker and flashed a hollow smile.
"your safe now..here let me untie that"
he slowly untied her
Valley looked her in the eys again and repeated himself
"Your safe now...dont worry....one thing though"
the women looked at him and Valley looked back with a sinister grin
"I'm thirtsty"
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 4:26 am |
((nice post man :smile:
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 4:26 am |
((Very cool post man :smile: ))
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 5:11 am |
((Gawd are the Brujahs rockin now... if I was any other clan I'd be seriously considering just falling down at our feet and grovelling right about now....
Nice Post Valley
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 7:20 pm |
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((grovelling?? toa brujah?!? psssht...))
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 7:40 pm |
((great post valley. It was cool to read :smile:
Brujah just aern't scarey. There just like little upset children who had there candy taken from them. So to stop it happening again they look around the playground for some bigger kids and try to immitate them.
Only they never quite got the gangrel style :P but ill give them one point.
They did learnt to shave unlike the older kids :P
if i was you id be kneeling in front of me right now :P ))
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 7:56 pm |
Skald of NarvikPosts: 0Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:20 am
slowly the women awoke..alone..scared..all she could remember was that man..the animal look in his eyes as he sunk his teeth into her neck and drew blood.
She felt so weak as if every drop of energy she ever had was gone.
She looked up into the mid days light..hazey from all the factorys near the wrecking yards.As she stodd up a small buisness card dropped from her chest. On 1 side was a name and adress..Valley...weird name she thought.She slowly turned the card over and something was written on the other side.
"I need a link, your it"
now what did THAT mean..well he was kinda cute lookin..maybe i will pay him a visit later she thought. But not now...i'm hungry..need something to eat..god as if i havent eaten in weeks.
the hunger pangs grew as she made her way to a small side street cafe as a man watched on from the shadows avoiding the killer that was daylight.
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