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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  IC letter to the Kindred of Cascadia

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 2:13 pm Reply with quote
((To those it may concern replace ***** with your own name.

Master/Mistress *****,

My master Lord Tanos Scirenczy requests the pleasure of your presence on the 18th of this month at a banquet in honour of your Prince Lord Valek, and his loyal subjects. I hope you will accept his offer in the mind it was considered, that of friendship, and my Lord looks forward to seeing you.

Yours Faithfully,

Randall Polenius,
Retainer and loyal guardian

[i:297a3099bc]Randall Polenius[/i:297a3099bc]

I stand watching. Your head fucked full of ugly, spittle sweet thoughts, and damp, forced sounds. You lie quivering, I can smell your pain, no taste your fear. Incomplete and straining under my touch. It is all you have now. You are mine for the taking.

[ This Message was edited by: Tanos on 2002-01-15 08:17 ]

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 3:52 pm Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
Aitreni rolled her blue eyes as she heard a paper thrown under the door that was the treshold to Graventhorp's haven. To any witnesses the door led to a small stone cabin between a small memorial graveyard and Cascadia Forest. But under the "cabin" were two floors, Gravethorp's most recent haven. They had moved in 2 weeks ago, Aitreni's master was paranoid when it came to staying in a haven for more than a couple of months.
She took the letter, institively sniffed it, and worked her way to the lowest floor where the City Gangrel Proctor slept.
"This arrived." She simply stated and threw it at Graventhorp, who was sleeping on a mangy couch that had followed them from haven to haven since their arrival to Cascadia.
He sat up suddenly, looked around and muttered something about disrespectful ghouls. He took the letter and sniffed it, making a face. "Shite, Tzimicse..."
He opened it and read it. He made a slight grunt and crumpled the paper, throwing it behind his shoulder. "I'll be there if I get bored." he yawned and lied down back again, the sun was barely beginning to hide, the night was young, he could sneak in a couple of hours of extra sleep.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 9:08 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm

The hour was growing late. The sky was overcast and it appeared as if it might rain. He felt aweful about what he had done to his sire, but life as it is must go on.

The Lonely Cappadocian could feel the sun rise, but it didnt bother him, for he was busily working away at his garden, tending to his Ruby Red Roses. There was suddenly a knock on the door to the small indoor green-house [ ...its in the monastery, second floor...].

"Enter." He said as he turned his head to meet the visitor. The visitor was evidently one of the few monks that prowled the monastery after dark [mortal however..].

"A letter for you Brother Robert." He walked over and handed it to Rofellos.

"Thank you, Was that all?"The Cappadocian said kindly. But the monk nodded and quickly fled. The cappadocian lifted the letter, it looked very official. he placed it in his pocket. he would open it soon after he finished his work here.

[i:58d77f9a84]"...Take it for what its worth.My birth was a blessing.Sent to live or die on earth; its a blessing..."[/i:58d77f9a84][b:58d77f9a84]-Earl Simmons[/b:58d77f9a84]

[ This Message was edited by: Rofellos on 2002-01-15 15:45 ]

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 9:39 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Tobias picked up the letter that had been slipped under the door and took it directly to kathy.
"yes Tobias, what now?" she said without looking up from her desk, the plans that she had been looking at for ages now, spread out out wide across it.
"A letter Mistress, it looks important,shall I put it aside though till you have more time?"
Without looking up Kathy held out her hand for the letter and sat down to read it smiling at the thick heavy vellum envelope.
"someone with taste obviously" she said as her nails slit the envelope open, her eyes scanning over the elegant writing.
Without looking up she reached for her filofax and quickly checked the date.
perfect she thought a chance to make amends perhaps, a smile crossing her lips.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 8:36 pm Reply with quote
Isis looks at the letter.
"Pity I have to go back to LA. I would love to maek the aquaintence of this tzimisce.", She thinks with a smile.
She tucks the letter in her bag.
"Perhaps I'll write him.", she thinks as she goes back to packing.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 12:32 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
Diam looked at the letter that Nite had rushed to her. She half smiled.
"Well... this should be interesting... a Tzimisce."
She began preparations, taking her hair out of spikes and making it smooth and redying it. She found a long elegant dress.

: Balance is an Essence of Life :
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 2:08 am Reply with quote

Arriving home around 2pm.

: Throwing his keys on the dining room table, Seeing his small white puppy and smiling:

“Hey Puppy you love Daddy don’t you? Yes you do.” as Calvin gently began petting his pup.

Ah the letter I received from Tanos, perhaps I should take care of this now.

: Pulling out a pen and some paper:

Dear Sir Tanos:
I am pleased you have invited me to attend your gathering. I am afraid I cannot attend due to my lack of a Domitor. With no mistress I would be attending alone. I have not the comfort of a clan or a friend in the City to surround myself with. Please accept my humblest apologies for missing your gathering; I am sure it would have been fantastic.


: Closing the envelope and sealing it with some wax. Driving down and dropping it in the mailbox:

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 4:15 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
The settie guard looked at the letter suspiciously.

"it's for who?" he hissed.

"adrianna, this is the Lasombra haven isn't it?" asked the carrier. He hesitated handing the envolope over to the settie guard, thinking that maybe something was wrong. That maybe he had gotten the wrong adress by mistake.

"Yessess, adrianna, yessss yess, she is inside, I will see that she gets this." The guard snatched the envolope out of the carriers hand before he could withdraw it.

"i'm to deliver that to her myself." said the carrier as he steped forward into the door as if he meant to take the letter back, but his courage wavered when he looked into the setite's eyes and he backed up a step.

"she will get it," hissed the guard closing the door in the carriers face.


Adrianna sat in a room lit by a single candle. After her ordeal in L.A. candlelight was the only bright light that didn't hurt her eyes or make her skin itch to be in it. She sat at her Vanity brushing out her long hair and looking in the mirror at the empty room. from that position she could see the door and was aware that one of the setite guards was standing there watching her.

"you can come in you know, i mean i'm just brushing my hair."


She saw that the guard was carrying something, that looked very much like an envolope.

"what's that?"

"a letter for you... but I wouldn't open it if I were you miss, it could have been sent by your sire."

"hmmm. well little chance of that, i'm sure, Jules isn't into things that he can be traced too." she got up and walked to where the setite was standing. and took the letter from him.

she opened it with her thumb nail and read the message. she smiled and walked over to her wardrobe flinging open the doors.

"what is it miss?"

"it looks like were going to a party." she giggled.


The less i give them the more they want 8P

[ This Message was edited by: Adrianna on 2002-01-16 22:21 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Adrianna on 2002-01-16 22:25 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Adrianna on 2002-01-16 22:27 ]

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 4:38 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
Rofellos had almost completly forgotten about the latter, due to recent events. he dug it out of his pocket and opened it. the letter was once beautiful and grand, but now its stained with both blood and soil. the cappadocian sighed as he opened it.;

Master Rofellos

My master Lord Tanos Scirenczy requests the pleasure of your presence on the 18th of this month at a banquet in honour of your Prince Lord Valek, and his loyal subjects. I hope you will accept his offer in the mind it was considered, that of friendship, and my Lord looks forward to seeing you.

Yours Faithfully,

Randall Polenius,
Retainer and loyal guardian

Randall Polenius

He thought it strange that someone he had never met would invite him to a party of any sort. he laughed at it but shook his head. Yes he would go. He called one of the monks to him and handed him the letter.

"I want you to respond to this letter when you get a chance. Tell him that i will be happy to attend his party. please try to make it look and sound official."

The monk happily complied to his request. In two days he will attend this mans party in honor of Prince Valek.

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 4:38 am Reply with quote
User avatarEndeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
The letter carrier approached the gates at the house of Fidelitus. He pushed the button, and spoke into the microphone, "I have a letter here for Mr. Fidelitus."

A few moments later the letter carrier jumped back slightly as the gate slid open wide enough for him to walk through. He approaced the front of the well guarded house. The Ghoul guards looked at him suspiciously, one of them stepped foreward, "I will take the letter from here...I assure you, my Sire will get this."

And with that, the letter carrier nodded and walked back across the courtyard and out the gate.

The Ghoul opened the large doots to the house and strode across its marble floors until he reached the large grand staircase. He quickly trotted up the oak stairs then turned the corner. He walked quickly to the right and then stopped in front of a large elevator. He pushed the button and the metal doors slid open. He stepped inside and pushed the button mared with a 3.

Upon arriving on the third floor of the house he turned to the left and stopped in front of a large cedar door. He rapped upon it 3 times. "Enter," he heard from inside. And so he entered.

"Master Fidelitus...a letter arrived for you," the Ghoul said. He then walked to the desk in the middle of the room and placed it on top of some papers in the corner. Then with that, he walked out of the room and back outside.

Marcus looked at the parchment envelope. He tore open the end, and proceeded to read the letter. He spoke quietly to himself, "Hmmmm...Lord Tanos..."

((Meaning he'll be there lol))

erm... ZOINK
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2002 10:37 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 4Joined: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:56 am
She picks up the letter. A clawed finger slowly follows the lines. She remembers 500 years ago when she couldn't read. She smiles when she sees another of her kind trying to "reach out" to the Camarilla. She walks over to the blown out window. She overlooks the city as her war ghouls run around the streets. Columns of shadow flank the building and tendrils climb up her leg. She hisses as she turns around and sees Lasombra behind her. She uses Shambling Hordes and raises the dead bodies around her. They attack the Lasombra one by one.
And one by one the corpses fall. As the last corpse falls the building starts to shake as Ekaterina says the arcane words. She laughs and jumps out the window. Her body shifts and changes into bat form. She flies away towards Cascadia. Her terrifying laughter pierces the night.
She lands safely on the ground and flesh and bonecrafts herself to what she normally looks like. She gathers her war ghouls and heads out somewhere where she can mail a reply.
She writes:
I would love to help in your endeavour. I shall be there within the next two days. I would love to teach you my knowledge.


Knowledge is like the earth, it nourishes the young trees so they might grow strong.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 2:49 am Reply with quote
PussyPosts: 2Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:06 am
((sorry, man, seems Like Thorp won't make it to the banquet after all, I'm leaving town tommorrow, I'll porbably return by the Meeting, but not for sure. Sorry.))

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 9:22 pm Reply with quote
User avatarEndeavor Mod LeaderPosts: 142Location: Lacey, WAJoined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:35 am
((Hmmm, Thorp, this is on the MB maybe you can just post an arrival before hand and have it delayed IC for when it gets dark :smile: unless Frank has gotten Vamp! ::crosses his fingers!::

erm... ZOINK
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