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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Fate

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2002 12:38 pm Reply with quote
((Im a moving the shop part of the "Torn" thread to this new home to prevent the confusion of the two stories that are running :P))

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2002 12:39 pm Reply with quote

The engine inside the X-type jaguar came to a silent purr as it stopped outside of the small shop. The body work was perfect and the silver shine of the paint glistened under the moon light. The black leather interior made this convertible car a handsome beast. The headlights faded and the driver sat silent.

His trousers were white with a chocolate brown leather belt wrapped around his waist to offer support and keep his clothes in place. His shirt was a deep green with thin stripes of a darker shade of green sparingly spread across the shirt. His eyes were concealed behind a pair of mirrored sunglasses and his short blue hair was combed back.

He reached into his glove compartment. Inside was a desert eagle place inside a shoulder holster that he quickly slid onto his body. He also took out a thick steel dagger and attached the blades ((for lack of better word, I cant remember what there called lol)) holster to his belt. Swinging round he took his briefcase in hand.

This black leather brief case was from inspection a rather ordinary object. However with a closer look the two switches and panel could be noticed. Inside the case a UZI was rigged to fire from the panel, which is released, when the switch was pressed. Creating a useful and concealed weapon. The other switch armed the countdown for the explosives inside the case. A bomb.

The man jumped over the drivers door and out onto the street. He looked towards the building and began to approach it. Pushing the door open he stepped inside.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2002 12:39 pm Reply with quote
His eyes examined the contents of the shop. There was no assistant at the counter which was cluttered with strange looking objects and books. Stepping up to the counter he placed the brief case on the floor by his right foot , hidden from view. Removing his sunglasses and hooking one arm into his shirts pocket he stood waiting for the owner to arrive.

He had heard rumors that the owner of this shop was cappadocian and would be able to help him with his small problem. The problem of bringing back several kindred from death. He smiles sinisterly as he heard the sound of approaching foot steps.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2002 12:40 pm Reply with quote

Batgirl heard the floorboards above her creak. Company... in her shop... Cain's henchmen seldom stepped into her haven and this worried her. She took no chances, patting the concealed dagger to reassure herself before ascending the stairs.

"Yes?" He looked up almost startled at her sudden appearance.


PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2002 12:41 pm Reply with quote
Startled the Man lifted his eye up to meet Batgirl’s stare. Looking deep into her eyes with a penetrating yet seemingly relaxing glare he read the aura around her. Having become accustomed to the use of his skill he was satisfied in his perception that she was a kindred.

Standing up straight he smiled a weak and pathetic smile at her, his yes like that of a pleading puppy as he spoke in a tone of voice that reflected his apparently lost and desperate state.

"You are the one they talk of? The great Cappadocian Batgirl. One of the last surviving clan of death with the power to raise our kind back from the grips of final death?"

A silence passed as Batgirl suspiciously kept her eyes on him. The protecting guard close at hand ready to move from his apparently relaxed stance at the first sign of trouble. Thinking in the terms of no news is good news he started to speak again.

Within the last few weeks me and my brother, brother in life and brother in death, were ambushed by a… sabbat pack. They ruthlessly beat him to death and I only barely escaped with his body. Now I ask of you… I plead you to help me. Bring him back to this eternal unlife. I will offer you all I can in return."

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2002 10:08 pm Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 11:39 pm Reply with quote
((we are playing over here now batty babe lol))


((@ Batty's shop haven...

Batgirl narrowed her eyes at the man. He spoke softly and she listened cautiously. Her eyes widened at the mention of the Sabbat. He was kindred but not of Cascadia. Was the city on the brink of yet another Sabbat attack? The mayhem and devastation of the Elysium danced in her mind until the sound of her name snapped her attention back to the conversation.

"Aye... I am the one you seek." She didn't take her eyes away from him. "And who are you? Who sent you here?" She wondered who it was that had taken it upon themselves to publicise her abilities.

The Assamite guard stepped out of the shadows, making his presence known. Batty relaxed a little, if this man tried anything she was sure they could take him down.


[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2002-01-11 09:22 ]

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 3:30 pm Reply with quote
A weak smile crossed his face as he looked directly into Batgirl’s eyes while sliding his hands into the inside of his jacket. Immediately the guard reacted looking as if he was about to pounce onto the man standing before batty. Withdrawing a thick set of notes totaling to $5’000 he swiftly placed it down on the counter in front of batty. The guard immediately relaxed.

"I’m sure someone like yourself can understand the importance of confidentiality." A more evil smile crossed his face. "There is a lot more where that came from. Do we have a deal?" The look in his eyes returned to that of a pleading child as he spoke the final word "please…"

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