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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2001 9:08 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
(((were in game lastnight, i got lost in the sewers and found her. i fed her, she beame more aware. then she ran from me. i looked for a while but then gave up. then i walked through the tunnells some more untill i found a ladder to the surface. i trailed back and looked for her. when i found her she was with a human named matt. soon after i led them to the way out. one on the surface we walked about untill we reahed the formar house of Reanag. adrianna had a key hidden somewhere and went and got it. rofellos thought that matt was a hunter and wanted to exterminate him, but adrianna had told him no. they went inside and matt began to hit on adrianna. this went on for ten minutes and then he left. Rofellos was question adrianna on why she was down there, who put her down there and so on. adrianna began to pout and rofellos then began to feel sorry. some other things went on that escape me...but this is a quick run down of the events.

Thank you. :smile:

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety;
Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2001 10:56 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1554Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((yes it's true, I've decided to rename my character troublemaker cause that's all I ever seem to do. 8P

Last night we played a game, I was found by Roffellos and NPC Matt. As Matt is a human character, I din't put any nossies in the Sewer, no reason to confirm what Matt the hunter was looking for by placing vamps in the game... Me Bad. Soory Drain.

The game was mostly Role play but I did put some ghoul rats around, and I think one or two aligators and one homeless person.

I would like drain to post something like he knew we were there and ordered his nossies to wait for him to arrive, this would make sense if he had to come from say the otherside of cascadia. Also his ghouls and stuff could have easily followed us to Reanneg's old apartment. As for me i'm still feeling bad about running out on drain, so it only right for him to catch me alone at Reanneg's.

One thing i'm confused about... How did matt know we were Vampires? at no point did Roffellos or me do anything Vampy. the trouble i have with this is, in trying to keep the masquerade, Roffellos says I've broken it. which amounts to me going through all this stuff just to end up getting killed for sparing Ryan's NPC. 8P

I'm out of options... So think hard about your posts, I will be waiting to see what you guys come up with before I post again. :cool:


Happy New Year


that lil troublemaker


Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2001 11:40 pm Reply with quote
(( Nah ... you're not a trouble maker ... you're just a good rper and enjoy this messy stuff .. :smile: Good for you ... :smile: Believe me .. you'll get out of it .. :smile:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2001 11:44 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun May 04, 2003 11:21 pm
((i said you risked it....

Rofellos pressed on, it had already been 2 hours sine hed been down in the sewers. he had not seen one nossie. although he had found giant rats. the cappadoian managed to kill on and store it in his bag. he would examine it later. suddenly he heard a scream. the scream of a woman. rofellos followed the sound untill he found its source-a ravaged young lasombra, the beast had claimed her. the appadocian knew what she needed-blood. he caused his finger to forma bone sharp as a knife. he slit his wrist, the blood flew out quickly and the lasombra lunged at him. she drank and drank whole heartedly. the cappadocian grew weak he gentily removed the young lasombra and withdrew a pearl of blood from his pocket. he bit into it and let the lasombra feed once more. when she got her fill she stopped and looked about./...

((aight thats all ill post for now...more in a while

[ This Message was edited by: Rofellos on 2001-12-31 21:23 ]

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 5:15 am Reply with quote
They wandered through the labyrinth for what seemed hours. An endless search that seemed fruitless. The smell had made most of the men sick. They felt they were weak in the use of the gas masks. Kiya ignored their ignorance and kept walking.

The ghoul rats seemed to have retreated into cowering in corners. As they were heading out of the tunnels, they heard footsteps coming towards them. They stopped in their tracks. Pitamy took a couple steps forward ... listening as the footsteps stopped a few yards in front of them.

"What are you doing?" The voice was scratchy and hoarse. The annoyance level in his voice was more then obvious.

"Would you know where the lady that was taken refugee in these tunnels would be?" Pitamy sounded cool and collective as he switched on his flashlight to expose the creature.

"That is not of your concern sir ... now please exit the vicinity." The creature looked over all of the people. He showed no fear of the group. "This is not your dwelling, nor your concern. If you need help leaving, I'll be more then happy to escort you." Pitamy's face grew red under the hoodie.

He spat back, "I built these tunnels with my own bare hands. There are places in here that I'm sure that you will never be able to find ... tunnels that you will never see. This is my dwelling whether you wish to believe it or not. Now, you tell me where that girl is, or you will not be walking any longer son." The creature stepped forward. As he did so ... the guards surrounded Kiya and Pitamy. Pitamy pushed through the forest of arms ... and stood in front of them.

"And who has the nerve to speak to me in such a manner?"

"I am Pitamy ... " He paused for a moment ... casting aura perception on the beast. "Of clan nosferatu ... like you I see. Now … if you will … please direct me to the young women that is supposed to be under the protection of these walls.” Kiya stayed back in the darkness … not allowing the man to see her. She knew that any Nossie in Cascadia would surely recognize her.

“The lady you are looking for is not within these walls. She has been taken to another location.” He sat there smirking at Pitamy and the crew. Pitamy removed his hood and approached the man.

“Sir … I would kindly appreciate it if you would direct me to this location. Believe me, if you decide to help in this manner, I will be able to grant you any wish that you desire. I can take you from the ghoul form you possess now, if that is what you wish. You can live the true life of darkness.” He probed his mind briefly, seeing what his inner most desires were. “I see that is what you want. Just do me this one little favor, and you’ll be able to have it. You will no longer be the slave that you are now.” The man looked at him. His figure already was twisted and distorted. What did he have to lose?

“You’re telling me, that if I do this one favor for you, you will do that for me?” His beady eyes looked at Pitamy as if he were a lost puppy dog. “I wouldn’t have to feel like a slave any longer?”

“I promise you … no more slavery. Whatever you want to do … you do it … when you want to do it … and how you want to do it. You can have slaves of your own. Be your own boss, and live the unlife you want to live.” Pitamy outstretched his hand, taking a hold of the beasts shoulder. “I know this is what you want.”

The man looked at the floor. “She took off towards an abandoned haven. She was with a very tall guy, and another I didn’t get a good look at. I believe they entered Reannag’s old place, up the street a bit. I can lead you if you would like?”

“No thank you. Just tell me how to get there, and we’ll be fine on our own.” The man recited the directions and the team was off, finding their ways through the twists and turns of the endless tunnels. Loud, heavy footsteps could be heard coming from the distance once again. The sounds of demons screaming could be heard coming from afar. Kiya smiled when she realized whom it was … and ran up ahead.

Valek approached. He was obviously beyond angry at something. He looked up to see Kiya … with a team of men just a few steps behind her. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m looking for Adrianna and you. What does it look like I’m doing? Throwing a party in the sewers? Hell … look at me … look at my feet. Does it REALLY look like I’m wanting to be here?” She laughed slightly at the site of herself. Valek just stood there with his arms crossed … starring at the crew.

“Are you ok?” He didn’t show any emotion; just let the words flow from his mouth.

“I’m fine, but I’m not so sure about Adrianna.” Kiya looked around … the rats were still sitting there starring at them. She couldn’t tell if it was the same ones, or different ones that kept popping up. “Pitamy spoke with one of Drain’s ghoul’s … well I’m assuming it’s one of Drain’s ghouls. He said that she’s at Reannag’s old haven. She left with two men.” Her expressions turned solemn at the thought of her being stuck with more men. She didn’t understand how no one could understand what Adrianna was going through. Kiya dismissed it as it being a male controlled city, and made a mental note to change that.

Valek’s eyes were flashing white … he tried to control his anger. “Kiya, get me out of here. There is going to be some big problems for some people around here.”

“Hun, calm down. I don’t believe that we are that far from an exit.” She turned to Pitamy. “How far would you say we are from the exit sir?”

“Just a few turns, and we should be all set.” Valek scowled at the man. Not saying anything.

“Oh … sorry for my rudeness. Pitamy, this is Valek, the Prince of Cascadia.” Pitamy pulled the hoodie back over his face and stepped forth from the darkness. “Valek, this is Pitamy of the Nosferatu. He is the one who designed and build the sewers of Cascadia.” Valek nodded to him. Pitamy gave a half-hearted bow, and walked pass the two kindred. A feeling of tension emanated throughout the group.

“There goes our tour guide. Valek turned, hating the fact he had to rely on another kindred, not even OF this city, to show him the way through his city. A faint mumble of Los Demonis was heard trailing behind Valek. Kiya laughed to herself as she watched the-oh-so-powerful Prince discouraged over such a minor thing.

They group made there way out, crawling one by one out of the sewer, and planting their feet firmly on the dry ground. Kiya finally removed the gas mask and looked herself over. The group smelled wretched and thoughts of a nice warm shower were already dancing through her head. They made their way down the street, right to the door of the former primogen’s haven.

(( Well ... I'm assuming that Adrianna is still there ... I don't know if Rofellos or Matt is though. So if someone could answer me IC or OOC ... I would appreciate that .. :smile:

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 5:25 am Reply with quote
((VERY NICE POST :smile: ))

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 8:16 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1554Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Reanneg's apartment seemed darker then she remembered it being. She was glad to find a change of clothes where she had left them in the secret room. And was even happier to be able to take a shower and wash off the sewers. She must have washed her hair 5 times and still she could smell the stench.

What was she gonna do? She had been wrong to leave Drains haven, but she awoke in such a panic it seemed like the only thing she could do. She would have to make it up to drain, that is if she would get a chance. Reffellos had made it clear that the human was a hunter and that she had maybe breached the masquerade.

She couldn't even imagine what the could mean, Valek would prolly have her killed like he did jessica and... No she wouldn't think about that right now.

She got dressed and wandered out into the main room. It was so quiet and empty, so lonly without her clan, yet in someways she was glad to be the only one. At least they couldn't be mad at her too for her actions.

She thought about Roffellos and felt a wave of anger creep on her. If he would have only taken her to the prince, and turned her in everything would have been better. But now she was left to going by herself. She prolly wouldn't be able to walk in the door without getting killed.

"what a mess i've made" she sighed.

A noise startled her. Someone was just outside the door. She could hear voices. Some that sounded angry, and some just annoyed. But who ever they were they had all been in the sewers and she knew this too. because as they got closer the stench grew...

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 9:15 am Reply with quote
Kiya knocked on the door ... she jiggled the handle ... but it was locked.

"Adrianna ... hun ... I know you're in there. Are you ok?" There was a moment of silence. Not a peep was heard coming from withen. Kiya looked back at her guards frantically and then at Valek. "I'm breaking down this door!" Valek just stood their nodding. She didn't know if it was because he had realized he did the wrong thing with her in the first place, or because he wasn't calm enough yet to react normally. Kiya moved out of the way as 3 guards plowed into the door. The door cracked through the middle, still standing where it was. They attempted it again ... falling through the door and onto the floor. They looked like a bunch of invalid monkies laying there on the floor, stunned like idiots by the impact. Kiya walked around them and hurried through them ... and turned back to the door.

"I want ALL of you to stay outside. I went someone around every windor, door, even the smallest cracks in the walls, I want you there. Valek, understand this please, I don't even want you in here right now." He looked at her stunned. He narrowed his eyes.

"And why is that?"

"You know that you made the wrong choice the first time in even making her stay at Drain's. Now, let me handle this the proper way."

"I choose what's good and what's not!" He took a couple steps forward." Kiya looked him in his eyes, hers turning red by the ignorance this man was showing. Her finger swung in his face.

"Valek, I'm telling you now ... you have done NOTHING right for this girl so far. You have not been right, or good ... or whatever the hell you think you're doing. Now ... You said you were bringing her to my haven ... you couldn't even do that. Let me have time with Adrianna before ANYONE else sees her ... do you understand me?!" She turned and walked on through the house ... from room to room, unaware if Valek had followed or not. She really could care less at this point. He would see that Kiya was right once again, if they did find Adrianna. Evidence was everywhere that she had been there ... but if she was still there was the real question at hand.

(( Ok Adrianna .. :smile: I left you room to escape if you wanted too .. If you want to be found ... then have Kiya find you whatever way you wish .. lol ... if not ... you still have room to escape .. :smile:

Did you hear me?  No ...
I didn't think that you did ...
you wouldn't still be talking.


[ This Message was edited by: Kiya on 2002-01-01 03:21 ]

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 9:27 am Reply with quote
Valek frowned his eyes as he looked at the actions and heard the words of Kiya ... "If only you knew ... " Valek mumbled ....

Valek then looked down at the guards still laying on the floor .... he kicked one on the ribs saying " Get up ... "

Valek then walked in the same direction that Kiya went to .... smirking as he walked his way there ....

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 6:25 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMortalPosts: 0Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:15 am
((Matt knew that Adrianna and Rofellos both were Vampires because of a human discipline called BEHOLDER.It senses the true nature of the target.In other words it's the human/hunter version of Aura Perception.Therefore Adrianna you did not break the masquerade.I'm sorry if I confused anyone or got anyone in trouble.Sorry everyone :( .

Not to borrow the strength of another, nor to rely on one's own strength; to cut off past and future thoughts, and not to live within the everyday mind...then the Great Way is right before your eyes.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 6:54 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1554Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
She sat on the only peice of furniture still in the apartment. It was a large cherry wood coffee table with a sheet draped over it. If her heart still beat she was sure it would be racing. She wanted to run, but somehow that din't seem logical anymore. Where would she go? It wasn't like she could hide in cascadia, they had already found her here.

She sat cross legged on the table and watched the door.

The handle jiggled, and then with a crash the whole thing burst in as four ghouls through their bodies against it, until it gave in.

The noise made her jump. She found herself standing against to the far wall.

The're mad at me, she thought. This just isn't going to go good.

she braced herself against the wall. Something had happened to them when they came in. She could hear shouting, what was it they were saying? She couldn't make it out.

Is it Drain?

Is it the hunters again?

a sick feeling came over her that Jules had found her and that made her want to run. She turned to go out the back door and saw a shadow on the fence.

this was it. There was no place to run.
She stood up streight and walked away from the wall. Everyone was always trying to make her something she wasn't. It was time to be what she was.

"come on in, it's open" she giggled and sat back down on the table.

She had been branded, burned by the sun, starved, jailed in a sewer. For heavens sake, what else could they do to her?

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 7:00 pm Reply with quote
Kiya squinted, trying to make out the figure that was in the room. "Adrianna? Is that you?" Kiya rushed over to her ... standing about a foot away, not knowing how she was going to react, or what she was going to do. She looked her over. She was comforted in the fact that she was wearing a clean set of clothes.

"Hun, did anyone hurt you? How did you get here?" She sat there looking at her. Adrianna's calmness seemed eerie. She heard footsteps behind her. It was obviously those of Valek's. Kiya kept her back to him, paying full attention to Adrianna.

(( ok ... sorry the post is so crappy ...

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 7:41 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1554Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
((np... I think we need to take this in game. i will be on today :cool:
hope everyone can make it.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 6:54 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1554Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
she looked at Kiya first, She has been in the sewers too she thought, but why?

"i'm ok," she covered her mouth with her hand trying to hold back from vomiting the stench was overwhelming her. then she saw Valek :eek:

His eyes had narrowed and his frown made her feel a chill creep up her back. she cowered, wanting to slip under that table to hide, but that would only make matters worse. She rubbed her hand against her right hip, where the LA Ventrue had branded her with the emblem of the Carmarilla. It was serving it's purpose, reminding her of her place in vampire society.

"i'm ok, really i'am." and she started to cry.

((k since I ain't seen anyone we can continue here :cool:

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