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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 11:36 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
(( ::rubs her hip:: that hurt lol...

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 11:46 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 pm
((Rewritten, see below:)

[ This Message was edited by: Lamb(NPC) on 2001-12-14 22:56 ]

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 11:53 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy pulled a face teasingly as gabriel got up to answer the door.
"that hurt " she said rubbing her hip then laughing .
She leaned back against the sofa, the soft leather, cool against her arms.
Kathy watched as gabriel walked to the door and smiled to herself.
As she heard a familar voice she stood up, adjusting her thong, and walked to the door.
"Jan how nice of you to visit us" she smiled at him as her fingers trailed up gabriels back, unseen by the visitor.
"and to what do we owe the pleasure of your company....I suppose you saw the mess that the hunters made...really your security is a bit lapse, if thats not too rude for me to say " kathy smiled sweetly and jan.
he looked at her slightly taken aback by kathy.
"well yes my apologises, there was obviously a breakdown in the security here" he said his eyes glancing at gabriel.
"please forgive me jan ...but we thought we would be safe here and we werent at all....but please come in" her soft voice replied as she tiptoed and kissed gabriel on his cheek.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 4:54 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 pm
“So. I’m assuming you acquired the equipment I requested?”

Katherine’s face fell.

“What equipment? I never received any such request.”

Lamb felt the acid rise in his throat.

“I left a list with one of your bloodsluts at your haven.”

Katherine felt a grin creasing it’s way to her lips. The thought of getting a rise from Lamb was promising. She shrugged her shoulders before Gabriel stepped in.

“Have you a list we can work from?”

Lamb nodded handing him a piece of paper. Gabriel scanned it, memorising the frankly ridiculous arsenal Lamb had outlined. He passed it back to Lamb who merely grunted before pocketing the list.

“Now if you don’t mind, we’ve both had a rather stressful few days. We would like a little peace and quiet. Goodnight Lamb.”

Lamb nodded with his eyelids before walking out of the room into his own. He grinned at the vampires irritation. He closed his hotel room door and began undressing before walking out onto the balcony. There he stood, naked save for a shadow and a pair of sleek, skin hugging shorts. He sat on the stone platform, tucking his legs under himself and looked out over the sprawling rooftops. The sounds from Katherine and her foppish friend sailed out to him making his eyes sparkle. The moon shone down upon him as he sat. The light prompted him to look up, muttering something incoherent, something reverential before looking back to the metropolis around him.

Lamb sprinted across the vast grassland that served as a park area within the city. His feet throwing up plumes of mud as he pushed himself on. Early light filtered through the dew-drenched clouds as dawn fast approached. Leaping over clumps of bracken he sailed up the hillock that stood sentry in the centre of the grasses. His breath growing more and more laboured then seeming to stop altogether as he thudded to the hill crest. He stopped almost instantly at the top and looked up at the brightening sky.

Sighing inwardly he sat, his legs tucked neatly under him. The loose joggers he wore sagging from his calves as he sat. His naked torso glistening either from exertion or collected dew. He closed his eyes and sat there, his position almost meditative. His forearms resting on his knees as he began to softly chant. The words indecipherable, growing more and more convoluted as the sun rose higher. Six hours later the sun glared down from it’s highest point. At last Lamb stirred, effortlessly rising to his feet he nodded gratefully to an unseen witness and jogged back to his hotel room. Once there he ordered a simple breakfast. Three raw eggs, salted ham and iced spring water. He showered then upon hearing room service arrive he answered the door wearing a downy, white towel around his mid-riff.

The waiter nodded respectfully as Lamb paid him a modest tip. Closing the door he placed the tray on the coffee table. Breaking the three eggs one after the other he emptied the raw contents into his mouth. Swallowing without chewing. He then cut the salted meat into more manageable strips, eating it hungrily. Once finished he walked out onto the balcony with the glass of water. Looking out across the sunlit cityscape of New York. Looking earthbound he sniffed at the polluted air. Wrinkling his nose he got dressed. He pushed a tiny .22 pistol into his jacket cuff and went outside. Nodding with a knowing wink to a chambermaid as she passed Katherine and Gabriels room.

Once outside he took long deep breaths. Not out of some feared suffocation, it seemed more like he was tasting the city air. It was both similar and alien compared to that of New Orleans, lacking the latters absinthe, spice tainted currents. He smiled then stepped across the street. He sampled it all minutely, imperceptibly. As he passed shops, bars even just pedestrians he would breathe them in, the sensation making him grin wider. Hopping from the sidewalk on 5th and Hamlin’s he peered through the window of a curio shop. He pushed open the windchimed door, taking care to snap the lock on and spin the sign to say “Closed”. He walked noncholantly to the glass counter and pressed the service bell. A gruff, cigarette roughened voice slithered out from a dingy stockroom in the back.

“Yeah yeah! I’ll be wit’ ya in a minute!”

Lamb coughed to further the impression that he was in a hurry. The sound brought a rat-like, spindle limbed man from the brown, dusted shadows of the room he was working in. He hadn’t yet looked up at his customer, stopping just behind the counter.

“Yeah? Whaddya want? I’m busy here.”

“Aww Briggs. Not too busy I trust?”

The rat-man looked up as though alarmed. The widening of his beady eyes told the same story.

“Uhh.....Lamb?...Wh..wha?...I don’t know shit man...I swear...”

“Now now Briggs you know I hate cursing.”

Before Briggs could reply Lamb had grabbed his sweat stained shirt, dragging him over the counter. Momentum sent him sprawling into a rack of incense sticks. Lamb stepped over in an instant, lifting Briggs, pushing the .22 into his nostril.

“Come now, be good and I promise I won’t damage you this time.”

Briggs began to stammer again. A flare of anger made Lamb lash out, slapping Briggs hard, a red welt printing on his face.

“God damnit Lamb! Take it easy!”

“I’ve told you before, watch the profanity!”

Lamb struck Briggs again, opening a cut in the weaker mans lip. He cocked the .22 and pushed it harder into his nose.

“Now talk! I’m looking for some hunters, I figured they’d be giving you some custom. Ya know, the usual hunter stuff? Now I want to know where they are, how many there are, and who’s leading them. And after you’ve told me that I want you to find some nests for me.”

“Oh god Lamb. wait I didn’t...I don’t know where they are...they bought some holy water and a coupla binding scrolls. But I dunno where they’re holed up or who’s leading them. I swear it man!”

“Okay Briggs I believe you. But you have until tonight to find out for me. Oh and you can list the nests by then, right?”

Lamb released his grip on Briggs’ collar, sending him onto the floor in a heap. Sliding the pistol back into his cuff he grabbed a handful of lollipops from a dish on the counter and walked to the door. Turning the sign to open, he unlocked it. He glanced over his shoulder making a pistol shape with his fingers and made a popping sound aiming at Briggs. Briggs yelped, his shirt suddenly popping into flame, he slapped the infant fire, dousing it then watched as Lamb disappeared out into the sunlight.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 5:26 pm Reply with quote
((nice post Kathy
Some of us are destined for higher purposes. Things not of this plane, missions you cannot fathom. My purpose is clear, and no one will stand in my way.

[ This Message was edited by: Gabriel on 2001-12-16 10:33 ]

PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 6:13 pm Reply with quote
Gabriel sighed as Kathy leaned up and pecked his cheek softly, her lips brushing his skin. He turned back to his guest. Jan looked a bit tired, although he his it well, his long hair spiking out around his face.
"Mr. Pieterzoon," Kathy said, "your security here leaves something to be desired." Jan cocked his head.
"Why Ms. Belvadere, I thought you understood. This is not my building, it belongs to Valentine, not me." Jan said softly. Gabriel nodded in agreement and led the two to the sitting area. Jan took a seat slowly after Kathy had sat down.
Gabriel smiled and took a seat in the chair across from the two couches.
"So, Jan. Have you turned up anything on Los Requis?" Gabriel asked. Jan nodded slowly glancing around.
"I have Mr. O'Brien. I had a team check Laguardia (sp?) Airport's flight records for any name like it. It seems he wanted to be found...the name was very obvious. Losato Rekisan was the name he put himself under." Gabriel nodded, his face darkening with hatred.
"So when did he get here?" he asked slowly standing up. Jan followed him with his gaze.
"He arrived a day before you, just three days ago." Jan said, brushing a thin strand of hair from his brow. Gabriel walked over to the large window that oversaw the cityscape.
"Any records in the car rental agencies?" Gabriel asked, his eyes running over the skyline. Tiny lights sparkled brightly like lighters in a sea of black. Far below the cars crawled past at a snails pace.
"Yes, Thrifty Car Rental (tm), under the same name. He rented a 98 Hyundai Accent. Red." Jan said softly, "I also checked the surrounding motels. That's where we lost him."
"So you're really out there eh Los..." Gabriel said, nearly whispering. "Where are you? And where's my Sire?" The night sky was in a transition stage. It was becoming an odd purple color as the sun neared the city. They had maybe an hour before sunrise. "Thank you again Mr. Pieterzoon. I'd like to speak with you tomorrow night if I may."
Jan stood and brushed the creases out of his suit.
"Of course." he said. Kathy led him to the door and bid him goodnight. As the door shut behind him Kathy turned a concerned look to Gabriel, who stood back turned, staring at the ever brightening sky.
"Gabriel, are you alright?" Kathy asked gingerly, placing her delicated hand on his back. Gabriel said nothing as he stared over the vast mixture of steel and cement, somewhere below Los Requis hid.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 10:30 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy stood behind him, her hands gently touching his back.
"gabriel, I have something to tell you....I think you need to know this but I dont know if it will be of any help to you...its about your Sire...Sorenti"
Kathy felt his muscles tense under his shirt and he began to turn around to face her.
"no please dont turn around...I couldn't bear you to look at me while I tell you this"
Gabriel nodded and turned back to look out of the window, his hands touching hers lightly as she laced her arms around his waist.
"im sure nothing you can say can be that bad kathy" he said as he looked out at the sky, which was streaked with warm tones of orange.
Kathy sighed "before I came to cascadia, I was a clerk for the Inner circle,but I had to leave, I was sent here by Isaac, an Assamite elder, he was blackmailing me, the reason for me been in Cascadia was to find out as much information as I could about your Sire.....sorenti...but I had only been here a few days before he left the city, I had to do it gabriel, I value my unlife "
Kathy let her arms fall from his waist as he turned to face her.
Her deep blue eyes looked up at him, "I never even got to give Isaac much information,only his general details, his security details at his office and haven"
Her head bowed "I should have told you before....please dont be angry...if you want , I will leave , I can see you love your Sire very much , but please believe me when I say that I never meant him no harm and as far as I know the information that I gave Isaac has nothing to do with sorentis disappearance" kathy said .

Gabriel just looked at her as she touched his cheek softly.

((okies gabe I dont know if you will be mad or not so......dont be mad lol hehehehe post away :smile:

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 4:54 pm Reply with quote
Gabriel sighed slightly, still staring at the ever lightening sky that hung over the city. Hues of scarlet and gold streaked the clouds on the horizon and the sun threatened to rise.
Kathy's newly grown fingernails ran up the length of Gabriel's torso, slipping under his turtleneck shirt.
"So," he said quietly, "you came as a spy?" Kathy gasped slightly.
"Not a spy Gabriel....just an informant.." Gabriel whirled around facing her.
"It's the same damn thing Kathy." Gabriel said, trying to quell the rising anger in his throat.
"I said I was sorry Gabriel...what more do you want from me?" Kathy said, her face filled with pain. Her blue eyes became misty with tears of blood. Gabriel's heart dropped as he saw her pain, his blood slowing.
"I know Kath...I apologize." he said quietly, taking her hand. "Will you help me find him?" Kathy looked to the floor.
"You know I'll do whatever I can." she said, her voice now small and timid like a childs. Gabriel placed a finger under her chin and raised it up until he was looking her in the eyes.
"Thank you Kathy, for everything." he said. He pressed his lips softly against hers, opening his mouth only slightly. Kathy's lips parted in response, Gabriel taking the bottom lip and pulling it slightly. He let go and licked her upper lip gently with his tongue.
Still holding her hand, Gabriel drew the heavy curtains just as the sun rose. The darkness enveloped the room, casting eerie shadows across the floor. Gabriel smiled slightly and led Kathy to the couch, they'd have much to do tomorrow night. Valentine was a traitor and a liar. Los Requis was still lurking in New York somewhere, and Gabriel apparently had a guardian angel watching over him.
The thoughts blurred slightly as he slipped into a deep slumber, Kathy's rythmic breathing lulling him off....

((today's the day of my last exam, then i'm DONE HURRAY!!!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 7:46 pm Reply with quote

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 11:00 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((woohoo!!!!!!! Gabe did they go ?any idea?

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 12:42 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy shifted her body on the sofa.she had been awake ages but had not moved in fear of waking Gabriel.
Kathy gently traced her fingers along his lips, his head resting against her breasts, he moaned as his eyes flickered open.
" hi there sleepy head " she said as she leaned over and kissed him softly.
"hi kath..." he said sleepily as he sat up.
" you must have been exhausted its long past dusk" kathy kissed him on his cheek as she got up off the sofa stretching, her top riding up as she did.
"Ive been awake ages"
Gabriel smiled as he stood up and took her hand.
"we have much to do tonight kath, I need to go and see valentine"
Kathy pouted playfully.." yes I know you do ,but you need to shower"
Kathy led him to the bathroom and kicked the door shut with her foot.

(grrrr i keep get booted by AOL....grrrr take it away gabe you are so much better at posting :smile:

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 1:40 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 pm
Lamb sagged against the door. He felt unusually weak, his body beaten to a pulp. Although the more exterior wounds were healing relatively quickly, he was bleeding internally. He slumped onto the floor, the impact forcing blood up through his mouth, he spat angrily onto the polished floor of the hotel he and the two kindred were staying in. Dragging himself along the floor he strained tentative fingers at the door to Katherines apartment. Scratching at the wood as his reach failed. He moaned as yet another muscle tore from the pressure, foam bubbling up from inside.

He hooked his fingers, anger, wrath digging his nails into the floor. The wood splintered as he penetrated it's shining, varnished surface. Using these new fingerholds he dragged himself forward. Pulling himself up just enough to let himself fall against the door, his weight echoing the sound into the room beyond.

The thud reverberated through her apartment. The sound making her and Gabriel jump. They both stumbled from the steam of the shower. Grabbing large towels as they headed into the main lounge of their suite. Gabriel grabbed the small pistol from his suit jacket, holding it behind his back as Kathy went to open the door.

Suddenly relieved of it's support, Lamb fell limply onto the room floor. The door swinging inward. He looked up as Gabriel stepped into the hall, checking the coast was clear before he and Katherine dragged Lamb inside.

"What the hell happened Lamb?"

Katherine looked surprisingly concerned.

Gabriel lifted him onto a sofa, letting him lie against its softness.

"heh....I had a fight...should've seen their faces.....idiot sabbat.."

As he answered he coughed up blood. The blood sparking the already present lust in the two kindred. They snarled at their beasts inwardly. Katherine grabbing a towel, wetting it and gently wiping the blood from him.

Gabriel grabbed a loose pair of joggers before leaning closer.

"What Sabbat? What have you done Lamb?"

Lamb looked up, his face still glowing. A cheerful grin growing, through the gritted teeth and bruised flesh.

"Well, I figured they needed I.....killed a couple."

"A couple? A couple did this? I thought you were good?"

He frowned.

"Nah!....coupla nests or so...maybe more...I forget.."

His eyes fluttered then, he mumbled.

"...the balcony....leave me there...."

" is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement..."- Hebrews 9:27

[ This Message was edited by: Lamb(NPC) on 2001-12-18 19:47 ]

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 7:14 am Reply with quote
Gabriel placed his hands under Lambs battered body and lifted him up with ease. He carried him through the living area and bedroom out to the balcony. The cold air bit his face and they stepped out in the New York City night.
"Gabriel," Kathy called from behind him, "do you really think you should leave him out there?" Gabriel set Lamb down gently.
"Aye, that's what he wants." Gabriel said, turning around and heading back into the bedroom. "I have a meeting soon and I need to get washed up....problem is I have this spot on my back that I just can't reach..."
Kathy smiled coyly, walking up to Gabriel and placing her hands on his chest gently. Her soft hands ran over the muscles on his torso and down towards his thighs. She leaned in closely, her eyes closed.
"Oh you poor thing..." she whispered, "whatever shall you do?" Gabriel smiled as he felt her fingers slip under the waistband of the joggers and begin to move them slowly off his thighs.
"In here Kath." he said tauntingly, taking her by the wrists. He led her to the bathroom and shut the door quietly. The two Kindred disappeared in a plume of soft steam....

((okay i'll post more in the morning...the storyline is gettin ready to explode :smile:

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 3:55 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 pm
((OOC Abba is not a glowing reference to the 70's piss poor band, its hebrew for Dear Father

He heard the fading voices of the kindred disappear into a hiss of running water and steam. As time passed he felt the tremor deep down inside. A vibration rarely used filtered down through him. The sun slowly began to rise sending plumes of yellow light over his battered frame. The sensation of warmth made him groan as tears, cracks began to fuse. He felt the strain as he was lifted to his feet, held inches from the balcony. The sunlight flared then faded, leaving him standing there, his body healed completely. His bloody clothes burnt away from him.

A flood of strength helped him keep his balance. Closing his eyes he stood, head lowered in penitence.

"Thank you Abba, thou art so merciful."

He heard the reply, making him smile an unusually warm smile.

"I understand Abba, I am humbled."

Turning he stepped into the apartment, hearing the groans of sleep coming from the bedroom. He left them then, heading into his own room. Ordering a small feast from room service.

The day passed quickly, he spent it preparing himself mentally and physically for the oncoming battle. Taking the cases that contained the equipment he'd requested he began cleaning and selecting those he would use most frequently.

Lifting a long, bulky case he unfastened it lifting out a weapon clothed in oily rags. Unwrapping it he sighed. It was old,the Maschinengewehr, built in the late 1920's by the Germans it had proved effective in multiple designs. Easily modified for tripod use and effective at long range. Under the gun lay several box feeders. He began to clean the heavy weapon, fitting the butt as he made the ammunition feeding system ready.

Outside the sun began to retreat behind the city, casting a faint orange glow. The change in light only made the recent destruction in the city skyline only too apparent. Lamb sighed, shaking his head at the sight.

"They are capable of such evil Abba, and still you love them."

" is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement..."- Hebrews 9:27

[ This Message was edited by: Lamb(NPC) on 2001-12-19 16:52 ]

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 5:54 pm Reply with quote
((okay, i just wrote this long ass post and it got erased so i'm kind of pissy. this post is gonna suck but it tells what happened.

Gabriel went down to meet Valentine but was not allowed access to his office. Using his powers of obfuscate he snuck in and overheard Valentine's phone conversation with a "Rekisan", the same name Los Requis had arrived under. The two agreed to meet in Central Park. Gabriel grabbed Kathy and headed towards Central Park.

((again sorry for the crappy post, but my original erased :evil: :evil:

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