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Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 1:46 pm |
"I'm telling ya it's true!"
"No way!"
"Yeah! I really saw this freak digging up some dead guy in the cemetary!"
"Bullshit man, you been trippin"
"I ain't dropped acid for weeks dude - honest. She was weird, all pale and shit with this bright red hair..."
"Take off!"
"Screw you man... you don't know shit!"
"Prove it!"
"Watch me asshole!"
Diesel stormed out of the bar, if his friends wouldn't believe what he saw then he'd get proof.
He walked down the road past the strip mall, his eyes darting left and right. Pulling a trash can from the kerb, he threw it into the shop window. As the alarm sounded, Diesel paused just long enough to snatch a camera from the window display before disappearing into night.
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 1:58 pm |
Batgirl sat in her haven, fresh grave soil littering her desk.
She held the new skull in her hand, staring hard into the hollows that once held eyeballs.
"I've nothing to live for, death is my only release... they'll be sorry..." The blade of a knife danced in her mind.
Batgirl smiled. A skull had never spoken to her this way before. She lowered the skull into a box and placed it on the shelf.
"I need more skulls... morrow eve I shall fetch another"
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 2:01 pm |
(( :: hears the Twilight Zone theam:: Uhh Ohhh))
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 2:10 pm |
((heheh mischief ;)
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 3:21 am |
Loading the film proved troublesome but he made sure to steal a box of four rolls as well as a six pack of beer.
He chose a tall crypt to sit upon, at this height the stolen camera would capture his target perfectly.
He sat and waited, the cool ale keeping him company.
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 5:44 am |
If she chose a fresher grave, the skull's message to her would be easier to hear.
She walked confidently through the gates of the cemetary towards the Catholic section. Both sides of the narrow road were lined with ornate marble crypts. She selected a crypt and kicked in the doors.
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 9:01 am |
((Very cool posts :smile:
I can't wait to read more :smile: ))
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 9:04 am |
((lol you already know what's gonna happen valek ;)
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 9:09 am |
((::just remembers now:: Oh yeah ..  lol
Im a bit sleepy ... so .... yeah ... lol :smile:
But its always great to read anyway :smile:
We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..
[url][/url] [ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-12-15 03:11 ]
Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 9:12 am |
He sat with his legs crossed, his last can of beer almost empty in his hand. It was after midnight and no sign of the girl. Had he imagined it? His friends were right, he had been "trippin" a lot but what he saw had seemed so real.
From somewhere behind him, a dull thud followed by the clanking of metal startled him.
Isis du Mare
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 8:02 am |
((yes, very cool... very cool. i like the whole mortal seeing wacky stuff in the graveyard... wacky...
wacky?!? i'll show you wacky! I'LL SHOW YOU WACKY!!!
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 12:50 pm |
LasombraPosts: 25Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 2:04 pm
((It's sorta like Buffy the Vampire Slayer....because it's in a graveyard, this guy is looking for a vamp.....the only difference is that a male mortal is gonna get his butt kicked by a female vamp instead of a female (sorta) mortal kicking vamp butt....I thaught it was funny..oh well :grin: :P
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 3:05 pm |
Batgirl eyed each casket with greed. The freshest body rested on the far left. Exerting little effort she opened the box and smiled as the unmistakable aroma of death greeted her like an old friend.
She took the dagger from her boot, cutting the head away from the body before stashing it in her satchel.
Behind her a flash of light alluminated the crypt. She spun around, fangs bared as another flash burned her image onto the film.
~I have seen the light and it burns...~
~I plan to live forever. So far so good.~
Back to my old email -
[ This Message was edited by: batgirl on 2001-12-18 09:06 ]
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 1:18 pm |
He couldn't believe his eyes. This girl who didn't look any older than 20, had broken into a crypt and cut off a dead guy's head! He stood at the entrance to the tomb, so repulsed that he almost forgot his mission.
Diesel raised the camera - CLICK!
The flash surprised the girl, she spun around just as he took another shot.
"Fuck!" She had fangs... she was a fucking vampire!! oh man!!
Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2001 3:19 pm |
The bright flash hurt her eyes but did not slow her reaction. She lunged at the intruder, letting her satchel fall to the ground with a soft thud.
Diesel didn't know what hit him... his face was pressed hard against the inside wall of the crypt, cold hands squeezing at his neck.
"Don't kill me..... I'm sorry.... take the camera.... just don't kill me!" He was almost blubbering, any dutch courage he might have received from the beer was long gone.
"Someone needs to teach you that it isn't polite to take photographs without permission."
"Take the camera... I don't want it... just take it please?" His plea was partly muffled by the wall.
"What do you think would be a fitting punishment for such behaviour?" Batgirl enjoyed his fear, mortals were so easily frightened.
"Money... I'll give you money... anything... just dont kill me please!!"
"You need to think about your actions. You've done a very bad thing.... VERY bad!" She dragged his face across the wall to the open coffin. Laughing, she forced him into the coffin, pressing his face into the mess at the corpse's neck.
Diesel couldn't breathe through the blood that trickled from his broken nose. He gagged as he took a mouthful of the rotting sludge.
"This is a particularly nice coffin, Mahogany timber, white satin... the family bought the best for their dearly departed." She shoved his head hard into the corpse again causing him to vomit. "Show some respect for the dead!" She pulled his arms hard, both joints popped out of their sockets causing him to scream again, his mouth filling with more sludge, this time mixed with regurgitated beer. He lay there like a ragdoll.
"Ssshhhh...." She cooed softly. "You don't want to wake the dead!!" The lid slammed shut leaving Diesel in the dark...