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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  -§- Vengeance -§-

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 10:10 pm Reply with quote

Mark’s eyes moved slowly from the half corpse before him as they explored the graveyard. He noticed the exit from which he had arrived. The only problem was that between his current location and the exit there was an obstacle. Kate.

Slowly while keeping his eyes on Kate he started slowly edging towards the exit. He heard the demonic voice call out demanding the name of this place.

"Its a… ermm graveyard?" He looked oddly at the women as he spoke in a soft cautious tone.
Her eyes filled with a deeper evil as she glared at Mark. "WhAt ViLlAgE ???"

The demonic voice was unsettling and mark was loosing his composure as he started moving quicker towards the exit while not taking his eyes from Kate. He replied to her in a timid and broken voice.

"Ccc…. Ca Ca Cascadia.."

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 6:51 pm Reply with quote
Angelica still waited in front of Batgirl's haven .... she knocked again ... 6 times once again ... but she knocked more violently .... Angelica waited arms crossed .... slowly starting to think that Batgirl was not there ....

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 7:39 pm Reply with quote
User avatarBone FlowerPosts: 0Joined: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:40 am
((OMG!! This story is AWESOME = ) can i jump in please pretty please ))

Offline Profile
PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 7:59 pm Reply with quote
((Yep hop in when you want :smile: ))

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 1:45 am Reply with quote
User avatarGiovanniPosts: 7Joined: Sun Dec 07, 2003 4:15 am
"Cascadia ? hmmmm .... "

Suddenly something took over Kate .... it made her float in the air .... A circle of fire formed under her .... as demon spirit's appeared ... even Mark could see them .... the demon's kept whispering the name "VaLeK ...." over and over again ... the whispers haunting with torments the mind of those who would hear it .... It suddenly stopped as Kate fell on the floor .... She quickly stodd up .... as she said "Where is Valek!?"

Seeing that Mark was slowly going to the exit she quickly moved in front of the exit .... no waiting for an answer ....

Offline Profile ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 1:50 am Reply with quote
Angelica was still waiting in front of Batgirl's haven door .... She grew impatient ..... and she mouthed a few words in Los Demonis .... A small curse that would last 2 minutes .... A demon voice was heard in Batgirl's haven ... it kept yelling non stop .... screams of torments .... it stopped after 2 minutes .... as it stopped .... Angelica knocked 6 times on the door again ....

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 2:19 am Reply with quote
Batgirl rounded the corner near her haven and stopped fast when she saw the young girl at her door.


There was no time to contact Valek for help... ug what did she want this time?

As if in answer the pendant that rested just below Batty's collarbone glowed, warming her cold skin.

Prepared for the worst, Batgirl approached Angelica.

((sorry for the late reply!!!!!!!


~I have seen the light and it burns...~
~I plan to live forever. So far so good.~
Back to my old email -

[ This Message was edited by: Batgirl on 2001-12-12 20:22 ]

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 2:40 am Reply with quote
((Hey no problem for the time Bat :smile:

Sorry if it sound like i was pushing but i really wasnt lol its Angelica's nature to be VERY impatient lol ))

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 3:14 am Reply with quote
Angelica smirked seeing that no one was answering .... as she was about to leave .... she felt the pendant "The gate of Midian" that was around Batgirl's neck .... Not looking in the direction of Batgirl to have the effect of surprise Angelica left the place going in the oposite way that Batgirl was going .....

Batgirl carefuly looked around .... her hand on the handle of her darksword .... walking carefuly toward her haven .... Angelica's eyes became white as she started to float her way behind Batgirl getting closer and closer .... As Angelica was inches from Batgirl .... Angelica said
"You can't kill me .... cause im already inside you .... " Angelica laughed evily as she reached the ground .... Batgirl turned very quickly taking out her Darksword ....

-Angelica- "Im not here to attack you this time .... " Angelica looked at the chain of the pendant around the neck of Batgirl ...

-Angelica-"Im here for that .... " Angelica spat as she pointed the pendant chain ....

-Angelica-"You most likely dont trust me .... so if you dont want to give it to me .... simply follow me ..... " Knowing already that Batgirl wouldnt want to trust her Angelica then said "Valek is in danger witout it at the moment .... one powerful werewolf is coming his way .... only this pendant can help .... " Angelica really didnt seemed to want any harm to Batgirl this time ..... but why?

Angelica smiled evily waiting to know what Batgirl would do ....

My darkness is everything,the hunger for sins running through my mind....


[ This Message was edited by: Angelica on 2001-12-12 21:20 ]

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 10:59 am Reply with quote
As she aged her mind had grown more paranoid, secretive and suspicious. Valek in trouble? It could be a trap..... but what if Angelica spoke the truth!

"I am under strict orders to surrender this pendant to no one... especially you Angelica!" Batgirl tightened her grip on her dark sword. "Valek warned me that you would come for it but I know you cannot take it from me."

Angelica laughed maniacally, her eyes rolling back in her head like boiled eggs.

Batgirl narrowed her eyes. "Very well Angelica... you say Valek is in danger. Where is he?"


PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2001 4:42 pm Reply with quote
Angelica smiled evily "What's wrong ? You dont trust one of your own clan?" Angelica laughed evily again ....

"The forest of whispers .... right outside Cascadia .... "

Angelica crossed her arms ... waiting

"Keep in mind that if i wanted to harm you i would have already did ..... "

"Not so sure aren't you?"

My darkness is everything,the hunger for sins running through my mind....


[ This Message was edited by: Angelica on 2001-12-13 10:55 ]

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 9:55 am Reply with quote
Angelica smiled evily as she said again "Not so sure aren't you ? "

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 1:17 pm Reply with quote
"I trust only those who earn my trust Angelica... and you have done little to convince me that you are worthy." Batgirl showed no emotion as she spoke. "The Forest of Whispers you say? Very well..." With that, Batgirl pulled her cape tight about her shoulders and began to walk away.

Behind her Angelica started to laugh again.


PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 4:36 pm Reply with quote
"I can care less that you trust me or not .... the fact of the matter is .... i did warn you that one of your friend was in danger .... as i dont want anything bad to happen to my childe .... but believe me im very displeased to do this .... " Angelica started to laugh evily again .... and she then said "We will meet again .... " Angelica disapeared to go in the "Forest of whispers" that she told to Batgirl ....

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 4:39 pm Reply with quote
As she was still in garou form .... she kept sniffing the air .... as she got out of the graveyard she directed herself right outside of Cascadia .... on her path she saw some sort of a small mansion (Kiya's haven) She stopped and started to turn around the place .... howling here and there ....

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