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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 11:07 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
As the taxi made its way through the busy streets of new york kathy's beeped telling her she had a message on it.
Kathy took it out of her pocket and clicked on to her messages sighing as she read it.
"are you okay kath, not bad news I hope " gabriel glanced at her as he watched the busy streets of the city passing by the taxi window.
Kathy showed him the text message *DONT FORGET TO MEET LAMB LITTLE ONE*
She deleted the message and looked at gabriel
"as if I'd forget...noone forgets Lamb"
Kathy sat close by Gabriels side as they looked out of the window at the kine rushing aorund to get home or heading towards the bars.
"Do you think the hunters will find us again, what if they are watching the airport?"
kathy shuddered as she remembered the night before and how it had started out as a social affair and quickly turned into them running for their lives.
Gabriel looked at her smiling.."I'm sure we will be fine, we look different now I dont think they will recognise us"
He rubbed his hand over his short blonde hair.
Gabriel kept glancing behind, his eyes watching a car following them, it had been there for 4 blocks now, its speed matching the taxis.
Kathy looked behind her, her worried face then looked at him.
"whats wrong ?what are you looking at ?"
He smiled falsely "nothing kath, nothing at all" he kissed her cheek softly, his eyes still watching the car.

((where we going gaybe....I aint paying for the taxi neither lol xx

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 5:40 am Reply with quote
Gabriel kissed Kathy's cheek lightly and glanced behind him once more at the yellow Sedan following a few cars back. He watched as the headlights swerved violently, cutting the car in front of it off. It was definately following them.
Gabriel leaned up to the driver in the front seat.
"Take a left here..." he said, motioning to the side street just ahead.

((errrg....sorry i'm so sleepy...i promise that within a week my posts will be back at regular number. just exams and such. i'll post in the morning...:(

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 2:47 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((its ok gabe no rush :smile::)

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 2:58 pm Reply with quote
The yellow taxi slowly turned off the busy street and accelerated down the small side street in between two large buildings. On the right side of the street was a parking lot wedged next to the larger of the buildings.
"In here.." Gabriel said, pointing towards the near empty lot. The taxi jolted slightly as it pulled in. Kathy sat staring out the back window, as the yellow Sedan pulled off the main street and into the lot.
"Okay...keep the meter running." Gabriel said, opening his door. Kathy put her hand on her door handle, but Gabriel grabbed her wrist firmly but gentley. "Kath, you stay here."
Kathy gave him a look of bewilderment, but took her hand slowly off the handle. Gabriel offered her a smile and head out into the crisp evening air. He had never seen such a dark area of New York.
The small parking light was devoid of lights, aside from the cutting headlights of the two cars. Gabriel closed the door and watched his breath float away in a misty cloud.
Glancing across the lot to the adjacent car, Gabriel could see nothing but a black blur behind the blinding headlights. He raised his hands to his eyes, blocking the light. He slowly reached his other hand around to the back of his Trench, gripping his shoulder harnested pistol by the hilt.
He watched as the door of the Sedan opened and a figure stepped out....

((okay Kath take it away :smile:

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 12:44 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((Gabe im so sorry i just didnt get round to posting blame mark chatting to me

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 11:12 pm Reply with quote
((s'okay...i'll post in the meantime

The alleyway was in the heart of Manhattan and worked as a channel for the bleak night's winter wind. The air rushed past Gabriel, carrying the mist of his breath along with it. Tiny goosebumps ran over his dead skin as the unfamiliar feeling of wind blowing over his scalp caused him to shiver.
Gabriel watched the figure step out and stand motionless for a moment. Gabriel could feel the strength of the silouette, but he could not afford to show his fear. He glanced left for a moment and shifted weight onto his other leg, taking a stance of defiance.
From what Gabriel could see the figure was male and rather slender. As he stepped forward Gabriel picked up every detail of his appearance that he could. He was indeed slender, his cheekbones converging on tightly strung lips. His nose was thin pointed, his brow smooth and refined.
Even from across the parking lot, Gabriel could see his pale blue eyes beaming through the night. The man's hair was brown and long, hanging to his shoulders. It was thin but full of body, flaring out in a style that made Gabriel think of ancient Greek warriors.
He wore a white jacket, buttoned up halfway. Underneath a tight white turtleneck of admirable quality beamed out. His slacks were white as were his shoes. Gabriel drew in a breath and held it, puffing himself up slightly as an intimidation technique.
The man strode up to him gracefully, almost as if dancing and stopped about five feet away, just in front of the taxi. The headlights beamed over his body, casting his shadow far across the parking lot.
"Mr. O'Brien...." he said. His heavy Italian accent hung in the air. Gabriel cracked his neck loudly.
"Aye, that's me." he said, doing his best to project confidence. The man smiled slightly, his fangs awash in the headlights glare.
"I've been sent here to warn you..." he said, glancing around without moving his head. Gabriel cocked his neck slightly.
"Warn me of what?" Gabriel asked, a tone of caution in his voice. The roar of traffic threatened to drown out his conversation.
"Valentine...he is not your ally." the man said, turning around. Gabriel stepped forward.
"Wait...what do you mean? What is Valentine after?" Gabriel called out. The man kept walking towards the Sedan silently.
As the door of the Sedan opened and the passenger stepped inside he stopped.
"Mr. O'Brien," he called out. "you and I will be meeting again very soon. All will be explained."
The door shut and the Sedan roared out of the parking lot and into the busy New York streets. Gabriel turned and looked through the window of the taxi at Kathy. She sat with a look of confusion on her face, Gabriel regretted only being able to share in her confusion....

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2001 12:14 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy turned around on the back seat of the taxi and watched as the man walked towards Gabriel.
"if I tell you to, back the car up ok?" she said to the cab driver.
"hey look missy I dont get paid enough to get into any trouble you know " the cab driver said looking nervous.
"maybe you should get out as well" he glanced around at the woman kneeling up on the backseat.
Kathy turned around and smiled at him...
"surely theres no need for that, I assure you there will be no trouble as you call it "
her soft voice washed over him.
"ok missy you seem decent enough, but im telling you one sign of trouble and im out of here"he replied.
Kathy turned back to watch out of the window.
She frowned as the sedan drove away and Gabriel walked back to the car.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 5:17 pm Reply with quote
((go ahead and post Kath, i'll be back later tonight. one last exam to take. HURRAY!!!! :smile:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 5:57 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
"gabriel who was that ?"
He explained to her the warning he had been given.
"thats strange"
The driver looked at them both.
"where to now?"
Kathy glanced at her watch "To the airport please...I'll have to meet Lamb Gabriel"
He nodded and sped off in the direction of the airport.

Kathy and Gabriel where walking from the taxi rank when kathy stopped in her tracks.
"hello Katherine" a familar voice said.
Kathy turned around and looked the man up and down, he wore black freshly pressed trousers and a skin tight turtle neck sweater a jacket slung over his shoulder that matched the trousers.
Kathy looked at his face and noticed the eyes,still the same glittering sea green eyes, and the short perfectly groomed dark brown hair with a halo of grey flecks in it, a fine stubble blanketed his face and he grinned cheekily at her.
"hello katherine? whats wrong did you miss me ?"

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 6:38 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
(((hmmm well I cant post this as my (NPC) lamb is says the pw is invalid, strange nm this is lamb post tho )

Lamb had been waiting in the Airport lobby for almost an hour. Patience however was never something that concerned him. He slid off his jacket and hung it neatly over the back of his seat. He sat, placing the tray on the table and ate a simple but refreshing snack. Croissants, strong black coffee and some sliced fruit. He ate slowly, thinking about the job ahead, sipping at his coffee between each mouthful. The alarm on his watch alerted him to the rendezvous time. Finishing his coffee he dabbed his lips with a napkin and stood, holding his jacket over his shoulder. His trousers, sweater and jacket were as always impeccably smooth, freshly ironed on his flight here.

Walking towards the taxi rank he saw her. A dark, mischievous grin cracked his face. Creeping around a display he circled her and her Nordic looking companion. The blonde smelled like kindred. The way he carried himself suggested Ventrue, Katherine was moving up in the world it seems.

He waited until they had passed then followed them.

As the couple reached the exit for Gate 12 he spoke up.

“Hello Katherine.”

The look of shock and the sudden flush of her cheeks made him grin before speaking again.

“Hello Katherine. What’s wrong? You missed me?”

He stepped forward, nodding to her companion.

“So Katherine, who’s the stiff?”

Smirking he gestured towards the man that stood so close to her.

Katherine's face flushed redder, the reaction almost passed for living embarrassment. He grinned again thinking You almost seem human old girl.
s post though.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 7:42 pm Reply with quote
Kathy opened her mouth to speak, but Gabriel stepped in front of her before she did.
"I am none of your concern. You are here for a very simple reason, to take care of some business for us. You'll perform, get paid, and leave or you can turn around and get back on that plane. It makes no difference to me."
Gabriel's face was calm and collected but was stern none the less, he was in no mood to argue with some Kine.

((damn...i'd go farther but i don't know how you want Lamb to respond

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 10:05 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((welll just post what you want gabes and we will see what happens...:smile::)

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 1:48 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 pm
The Nordic looking kindred stepped forward, masking Katherine from replying.

“Who I am is none of your concern. You were summoned to complete a task. Now you have two simple choices, either do as you were hired, or turn around and return to wherever you came from.”

As he glared at Lamb his eyes darkened. The reaction made Lamb smile even wider.

“Ahhhh so you’re Gabriel. You’re every bit the Ventrue I expected. Always hiding, never answering a query outright, ever evasive like a good little leech. Listen friend firstly I do not take orders from you. Secondly, if you were capable of handling the current situation you’re faced with I would not be here.”

Lamb sneered at the vampire, hoping his rebuffal would anger him further. The reaction it sparked amused him more than he anticipated. He could smell the blood being warmed from use as Gabriel probed his mind, he welcomed the fine, tendrils of Gabriel’s mind into his own.

Gabriel scanned deeper than he dared usually. Often deep mind probes caused pain in the subject, here he had no concern for this man. Pushing deeper he tried to focus on Lamb’s thoughts. The revelation he found made his eyes widen. He saw nothing. No, not nothing. He saw static!

Shaking his head clear he looked at the stranger Kathy knew so well and blinked. He stepped back, feeling his beast writhe under his skin, angered by the seemed weakness in itself. Katherine looked at him, puzzled by the expression on his face then returned her attention to Lamb who merely smiled.

“How did you know?”

Lamb’s smile darkened.

“I did a little research, you think I would arrive blind?”

She shook her head slowly, reaching for Gabriel’s hand.

“So? Where to? I could use some sleep.”

Lamb sighed slowly, lifting a small duffel bag. He motioned for Gabriel and Katherine to lead the way.

“Please Gabriel dear fellow, lead on.”

Gabriel sneered and took Kathy’s hand, walking towards the taxi rank outside. As they walked Lamb mumbled softly under his breath. They hailed a taxi and got in, Gabriel directed the driver to the Magellan, the hotel would do fine for Lamb he thought.

An hour later the trio sat in the relative luxury of the hotel suite. Gabriel sat with Kathy, sipping a glass of Brandy. Lamb packed the few items of clothing he’d arrived with and unholstered the Glock he’d used in New Orleans. He poured a glass of bourboun from the ice cabinet and sat facing the two vampires.

“So. I’m assuming you acquired the equipment I requested?”

" is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement..."- Hebrews 9:27

[ This Message was edited by: Lamb(NPC) on 2001-12-13 20:49 ]

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 12:11 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy looked over at Lamb.
"I received no such request for anything, connor told me to get you what you needed, which I would have done if I had been asked to, but how do you expect me to have aquired what you need , if you never let me know ?" Kathy smirked.
"katherine I called your haven,and left a message with your ghoul" Lamb grinned as he saw the look of shock on her face.

"yes I have you number connor gave me it"

Kathy frowned " well he had no right to give it to you , none at all"
"but as you can see Im in new york not at my haven so I never got your list , so you will just have to wait,wont you " her eyes flashed slightly and a stubborn look crossed her face.
Gabriel squeezed kathy's hand, this Lamb had obviously upset her in some way.

"Perhaps I could get what you need Lamb, if you tell me what you need, kathy is tired you understand, we haven't had a great deal of sleep" gabriel said to lamb, his eyes staring at him, still unable to understand how he could not be able to read this persons thoughts.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 4:02 pm Reply with quote
((thx for the posts Kath :smile: you da bomb. okay, i'll post one for ya here we go.

Gabriel buried his anger under a thin facade of confusion. It seemed to be working reasonably well, Lamb had no idea of the true nature of Gabriel's feelings. Such an imputent human, Gabriel had been taken aback by his rudeness.
Lamb nodded slightly and produced a small notepad from his jacket pocket and tossed it to the couch where Gabriel and Kathy sat. The Ventrue took his free arm and snatched the notepad from the air. Glancing it over, he memorized the shopping list of arsenal and tossed the notepad back to him.
The human nodded and said his goodnights. A moment later Kathy and Gabriel were once again alone, Lamb no doubt asleep in the adjoining room. Gabriel smiled at Kathy longingly, letting his eyes ride over her body.
He placed his heavy hand on her leg and slowly let his palm ride up the length of the cargo legs until it curved gently up her hip, his thumb hooking the strap of her thong and pulling it gently. Gabriel leaned in and let his tongue roll delicately onto her neck. Kathy sighed, her lips stretched into a smile, and leaned her head back.
A knock arrived at the door and Gabriel growled. He let the thong go, causing it to snap back into place. Kathy hopped a bit at the snap.
"Err...sorry Kath." Gabriel said as he moved towards the door. The entire room had been repaired in only a night. A new fridge had been brought in and the doors replaced. Even the blood had been completely removed from the carpet, or they had replaced the carpetting.
Gabriel opened the double doors somewhat hesitantly, visions from nights ago popping into his head.
Jan Pieterzoon stood smiling softly in the hallway. He had traded his flashy suit for an even more expensive one. Gabriel could tell he was supressing a laugh in a response to Gabriel's clothing.
"Evening Gabriel," he said, his smile broadening slightly, "you look well." This was meant as a slight insult. Gabriel stepped aside.
"Good evening Mr. Pieterzoon, please come in."

((after you madam

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