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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 4:42 pm Reply with quote
((Ok this thread is the same that took place in Isis Post "The beginning of Evil revelation" just so we can continue it without interfering with Isis thread :smile: lol ))

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 7:24 pm Reply with quote
(( smart move dude

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 2:42 am Reply with quote
((Ok this is what happened in game last night during Kiya's punishment))

Valek was holding Kiya by her throat .... locking her against the wall of the Prince's office .... Kiya been spying on Valek by turning invisible and listening to him talking on the phone .... Valek did NOT liked this .... What Valek said on the phone was something about Kiya's punishment that must take place soon.Thats when Kiya reapperead and grabbed Valek's arm saying "What the hell is that all about!?"

Thats when Valek grabbed Kiya's throat and locked her against the wall by holding her throat .... Drain slowly entered the room ... Since Valek called him to come down so they could both see to Kiya's punishment due to her previous acts of disrespect toward the Nosferatu's Primogen "Drain"

Valek chained her on the wall so she couldnt move....

Valek looked at Drain and said "Ahhh finally you arrived friend .... "

Drain noded ....

Drain and Valek both started to speak about Kiya's punishment , stating that she didnt gave up her Setite whip position , Kiya yelled out that she did , which she really did , but still she needed to suffer for her acts of disprespect toward Drain ,
Kiya then said to Valek that he never heard her side of the story , Drain quickly replied saying that Valek saw the video of it .... Valek noded slowly .... Kiya seemed convinced that she wouldn't get punished .... then Drain took a pen and paper and drawed a symbol .... and he handed it to Valek .... Valek looked at it as Drain said "This is the symbol i want...."
Valek then asked to Drain "Where do you want it carved?" Drain replied ..."On the face...." Valek then said "The forehead?" Drain noded as Valek smiled evily ....

Valek took out a strange looking dagger .... the shape of it was weird and at the handle was made of a demon skull .... As Valek got closer to Kiya .... Kiya said to Valek "NOOOO not the face NOO!!"

Valek smiled evily as he putted the blade of the dagger against Kiya's skin on her forehead .... Valek applied a bit of pressure ready to carve the symbol ..... At this moment Kiya shape shifted to a snake breaking the chain that was holding her .... at first the snake stayed there .... Valek awed it so it doesnt move .... when the spell effect got away the snake attacked Both Valek and Drain .... all Valek and Drain did was to awe it .... trying not to hurt it .... As the effect of awe went off the snake continue to attack them .... Valek and Drain had no choice .... they attacked the snake back and put it into torpor .... Kiya returned to normal .... and she was now in torpor .... Both Valek and Drain frowned at her .... both very angry at what just happened ....
Valek looked at the torture table as Drain said "Chain her on that table .... " Valek noded and lifted up Kiya and chained her on the torture table as Drain said "Drain a bit of her blood ... let only a little in her so she can only survive and not move .... " Valek noded in agreement ....

Valek then Drained a bit of the blood of Kiya with a special instrument and put it in a bottle ....

At this moment .... Valek then took out the dagger .... and put the blade against the forehead of Kiya .... Valek then slowly started to carve the symbol in her flesh .... putting lots of pression .... the symbol was now carved .... a sign that meant that she was an ennemy to all Nosferatu's ... not to be trusted by Nosferatu's .... Valek handed Drain the dagger as Valek said "Keep the dagger in a safe place .... as it is the only thing that can remove the mark .... only I or Angelica my sire ... can remove the carving with this dagger .... " Drain noded as he carved his signature under the carving that Valek just made on the forehead of Kiya ....
Valek and Drain talked about the attack she gave them .... Valek replied that he will make her pass one night in his dungeon .... the dungeon have ALWAYS been FULL of DEMONS .... Drain smiled evily as Valek said "I will send you the tape of her being in the dungeon so you can see how much she suffered for her acts .... " Drain noded as he kneeled and kissed Valek's ring saying "You are truly a great prince .... " Valek noded slowly .... Drain then left saying that he will let Valek take care of the rest .... Valek noded as Drain left the place .... Valek then took Kiya and brought her to the dungeon .... Valek then putted her on an altar in the dungeon .... Valek then woke her up .... Kiya asked why did Valek did that if he loved her ..... Valek simply replied "LOVE IS MEANINGLESS!!!!A simply word that we all need to forget!!!!"

Kiya breaked in tears .... As Valek was slowly leaving the room .... Valek then said before closing the door of the dungeon "May your night in this dungeon be full of torments ..... and trust me .... it will ..... "

Valek closed the door .... and left the dungeon locking it so no one could enter or leave it .... Kiya started to walk in the dungeon .... quickly demons started to appear .... their bright white eyes glowing in the dark .... the demons chased her and tormented her for all night long .... they didnt hurted her physically .... they only tormented her ... making her see things that no one saw before .... like the faces of real demons , the flames of hell , the mental torments ..... the demons played with her all night long .... screaming and running around to catch her .... Kiya kept running to get away from the demons ....

-The night passed-

Kiya was at the door of the dungeon as Valek opened it .... Valek then said "Your punishment is over .... just like the Lasombra Reannag you received your punishment and you are now free to leave .... but you will be watched .... Valek handed her a blood pouch as she took it and runned away from this place as fast as she could .... the demons looked at Valek .... Valek smiled evily proud of what the demons just did .... Valek then said to the demons "Soon......."Brothers" we will rule over this earth again ...... "

Valek then sent the video of Kiya being in the dungeon and running around ... so Drain could see the ammount of torments shes been trought .....Valek laughed evily along with the demons in the dungeon .....

((ok i hope im not forgetting something lol ))

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-12-09 20:43 ]

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 6:18 am Reply with quote
User avatarCaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((You really enjoy evil don't you Valek? God... hehe... Good post, all though it was VERY scary... *frowns* Kiya, don't go...

: Balance is an Essence of Life :
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 6:19 am Reply with quote
(( only that she is forbidden form wearing a mask in Cascadia.

In the sewers watching the flotsm of society sat Drain. In his corner Dark and sullen. There was a mortal party going on not 10 FT from him. several Junkies had made a particularly big score and were celebrating. The electricity in the tunnels was cyphened off of the above ground buildings with no one none the wiser.

Sloshing thru the tunnel came a well Dressed man. Who the Nosferatu recignized as one of Valeks ghouls. The party immatly stoped to watch this stranger.
They then ran fearing the unknown. As the Cappa ghoul approached Drain made his presance known.

" You have something for me." Spoke Drain stepping out of the dark corner.

"Yes. He asked me to deliver this personaly." Replied the man.

"Then your duty here is done. Return to the world of light above and visit me no more. the next thing Your master sends must be by a different messenger. You understand?.."

The man nodded slowly, not sure what he was agreeing to. He then turned and left.

Drain followed him out sending Ghoul rats to harrass him each time he got off the correct path.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 6:27 am Reply with quote
((Ooops yep i forgot about the mask thing lol really great post man :smile:

And yep Diam ,i enjoy playing the bad guy :smile: lol ))

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 10:55 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((::shudders:: valek is one evil dude....

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 11:12 pm Reply with quote
((Valek and Lizze should go out on a date lol

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 11:13 pm Reply with quote
((sorry forgot the main reason i was posting which was to say. Wow cool posts you sickos :P It rocks... only not for Kiya cus now shes all boo hoo wanna kill myself kinda mind state

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2001 1:30 am Reply with quote
((Thanks :smile: lol

Dont ever forget that -There is no real art without the influence of the Devil- :smile: ))

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2001 9:03 am Reply with quote
((hey, at least you found a great way to piss isis off... be afraid be very afraid... :evil:

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