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Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 4:32 am |
She didn’t know why she bothered going to the meeting. There was nothing left for her in Cascadia. Perhaps she was hoping Valek would say something to her to try and make up for the things he had said. She didn’t care about the scar, that was nothing compared to the words that had left Valek’s mouth only a night before.
She hurried out of the meeting, not wanting to speak or see anyone remaining in this city. The humility was too much. Kiya had been beaten all her life, used, and finally when she thought she had things worked out and things were going to start happening for her, it crumbled to the point where there were no remains left to pick up. She had no one in the city, no friends, no one she could turn to. She had changed her ways for this city, she gave up her sire, and her clan as a whole. She did not dedicate herself to her clan anymore; it was to the city of Cascadia. She scoffed at the irony of the situation, at Valek as well.
She hurried to her haven, not knowing why she was going there. She needed nothing; she wanted nothing but maybe a last look around. She walked past Frank, her head hung low and her sunglasses securely intact. She made her way to the stairwell, her hands running across the wall and the banister. She felt the soft plush carpet beneath her feet. She closed her eyes as she climbed each stair, feeling her way only by touch. At the top she looked over the balcony at the fire that was always lit. She starred at the dancing flames, smiling slightly to herself. Kiya made her way to the painting, easing it to the side and opening the wall. The familiar red lights gleamed as usual. She looked down at her rest bed momentarily, then taking a few steps forward. Kiya bit her bottom lip slightly as it began to quiver. She removed the lid, placing it on its side next to her crypt. Her fingers ran across the soft satin and velvet material that lined the interior of it. The memories of the first night her and Valek spent together swept through her mind, blood tears rushing down Kiya’s face and onto the satin. Her heart ached as she remember his words “I will never hurt you.†How quickly they were forgotten. She took one last look in, quickly placing the cover back in its original position. Kiya rushed out of the room, half stumbling down the stairwell and out the door. She gave Frank a quick wave as she made her way past him.
Kiya ventured into the forest, the sounds of nature all around her, some familiar sounds, some sounds she had never heard before. She looked around, taking in everything that she could possibly see. She put her head back … smelling the air. Her nostrils flared as a smile slowly crossed her face. She began to run deeper into the unknown territory. She grabbed at her bandana, tearing it off and throwing it to the ground. She didn’t care if anyone saw it, and if anyone did it would be too late for her to care anyways. She ran until the trees began to thin. She walked into the clearing on the top of the hill. The moon shined brighter then it ever had before, the stars playing tag across the sky. Kiya had hours to enjoy this. She lay on her back starring up at the sky, a peaceful smile across her face, waiting for her final sunrise.
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 4:39 am |
((Nice post :smile: , ill post something shortly , i wont let you watch the sunrise lol ))
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 4:42 am |
(( In my favorite words to you sweety .. "We'll see" :grin: lol
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 5:49 am |
She sat there … starring up at the sky. Valek’s words repeated through her head, over and over again like a broken record. She went to roll over on her side when she felt something patruding, pressing sharply against her leg. She reached down, pulling her cell from her pocket. She gently pressed the little on button, the phone lighting to life. She flipped through her phonebook that consisted of just one number. She traced the letters with her eyes, once again losing control of the tears the seemed to never stop. She pressed the speed dial button and waited to hear the ringing.
“Hello?†The males voice rang through her body like a freight train hitting a ton of bricks.
She stayed silent for a moment, the greeting repeated a couple more times. “Valek …†She paused, “I … I just had to hear your voice one last time. The stars are gorgeous out here tonight, the smells are wonderful … and the moon is full. There’s nothing more that I can ask for. I’m going to have a perfect ending to all this too Valek … I’m going to be able to watch the sunrise.†She pulled the phone away from her ear … unable to tell if he was saying anything, and disconnected the line. She closed her eyes, saving her energy for whatever may come.
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 6:19 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((*frowns* Casey!!! Noooo..... *pouts in the corner*
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 6:59 am |
Valek picked up the phone as it rang .... "Yes?" Said in a cold way .... Valek had to repeat twice before this person actually start to speak ....
As Valek heard the voice of Kiya he frowned darkly .... She said
"Valek" She paused, "I .. I just had to hear your voice one last time. The stars are gorgeous out here tonight, the smells are wonderful , and the moon is full. There’s nothing more that I can ask for. I’m going to have a perfect ending to all this too Valek . I’m going to be able to watch the sunrise."
Valek smiked evily hearing what she said .... But Valek didn't wanted her torment's to end there .... and as a Prince he couldn't let a kindred die like this .... Valek's eyes were full of hate as usual .... out of anger Valek hung up the phone so hard that he broke the desk while doing so .... Valek smirked ....
Valek tought about sending a few ghoul's but he changed his mind .... he would go himself .... just in case Kiya would turn into a snake again .... Valek got out of his haven slowly .... and headed for the Cascadia forest ....
-Few moments later-
Valek entered the forest .... As Valek entered the forest he saw a rabbit ... all of what God Created Valek hated with never seen hate before .... Valek mouthed a few words in Los Demonis making the surrounding living animals die like a piece of paper burning in a big fire .... Valek laughed evily ....
Valek looked at the sky and smirked as his eyes turned white .... turning into a demon .... Valek started to run trough the forest always mouthing words in Los Demonis making the tree fall down just like if a enormous force was pushing them down .... Demonic whispers could be heard in all the forest .... As Valek reached the middle of the forest he stopped .... seeing a bandana on the ground .... he smirked knowing to who it belong .... and he picked it up .... And he continue to run trought the forest .... the trees still falling down ....
-Few moments later-
Valek was arriving near the hill now .... as he was getting closer to Kiya the demons and Valek lat out a HUGE demonic scream , just like if it announced the end of the world .... some trees nearby Kiya fell down inches from her forming a dense mist of dirt .... Valek stopped in the dirt throwing her bandana to her .... Valek came out of the mist still in a demon appearance .... walking slowly toward Kiya looking at her with his demonic eyes ....
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 7:12 am |
Kiya turned her head at the sight of Valek ... closing her eyes softly.
"Valek, don't ruin this for me. Please, leave." Her once blue eyes could not give birth to anymore of the wretched blood tears. "Please Valek, let me have my happiness as you have had your pleasure with me." Kiya wasn't even stunned by the trees. She could her the demons around Valek. After the night she endured in the dungeon, nothing would ever make her flinch again.
"Valek, please, let me leave this world with some dignity, you took everything away from me. Please, leave." She rolled to her side, burying her head in her arms.
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 7:22 am |
Valek laughed evily "You ruined your own world .... not me .... you caused what happened to you .... And i never took anything away from you .... you did by the acts you performed a few days ago .... one of them was to attack me and Drain .... not a wise choice .... I will not let the sun burn you .... your coming back and will be held in the Prince office prison untill you regain your sanity .... " Valek looked at her burying her head in her arms .... Valek said "Cry all you want .... it will get you no where .... Now stand up and come .... "
Valek waited arms crossed for her to get up ....
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 7:28 am |
She laid there, still refusing to get up. Her head pounding, her sanity too far gone to ever be regained. She turned her head slightly, looking just below eye level.
"Valek, I don't care how you physical tortured me, it's the things you said to me yesterday, that's the real torture. You don't need me, nor want me in your city, so stop wasting your time out here, and leave. I'm not going to live the rest of the God forsaken unlife to hear your words ring through my head every few minutes. NOW PLEASE LEAVE!!!!!!" She braced herself for whatver he may do next.
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 7:37 am |
Valek's patience started to grow VERY thin .... as he said
"Dont play with my patience .... Get up now .... dont make me pick you up .... the sun will rise sooner or later .... Now get up!"
Kiya still remained on the floor not moving .... Valek smirked as he putted a hand on her arm to pull her up ....
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 7:44 am |
Kiya jolted her arm back, here eyes starting to glow red. She stood on her own ... and looked into Valek's eyes.
"Are you going to deprieve me of my last sunrise? Is that what you're trying to do? Take the VERY last thing that I want in this world and destroy that for me to?" She put her hand up to her forehead. "God I'm so stupid ... why did I call you ... WHY?!" She looked over to the side of the cliff, analyzing her last move. "Valek, you're sure that you want to deprive me of this? Either way I'm going to get SOMETHING that I want in the end, and that's death. One way or another I'll get it, and you know it. YOU DON'T FUCKING CARE VALEK!!!! YOU DON'T CARE!!!!!! DON'T BRING ME BACK!!!!!!!! I'M NOT HURTING ANYONE BUT MY FUCKING SELF!!!!!!" Kiya ran to the edge of the cliff. "Ok Valek, what do you want now? Either I jump or I burn, your choice, which one Valek?"
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 8:32 am |
Valek smirked hearing what she was saying .... Valek noticed the anger in her eyes .... Valek then said "Good .... let the anger guide you .... " Valek smiled evily .... Kiya then said
"Ok Valek, what do you want now? Either I jump or I burn, your choice, which one Valek?"
-Valek-"If the choice is mine .... "
Valek moved VERY fast and got behind her and pushed her away from the hill so she dont jump "None of them" Valek spat ....
Valek picked her up knowing that the sun would rise soon .... as Valek walked with Kiya on his shoulder's .... Kiya transformed into a snake .... the transformation made Valek roll on the ground .... the giant cobra went deeper into the forest .... Valek smirked as he followed it and reached the snake in no time as it was right next to an old wooden cabin in the woods ....
Valek awed the cobra untill it transformed back into human form .... As Kiya turned back to her normal for she attemped a swing at Valek .... obviously because of the frenzied .... Valek dodged it and quickly looked at the sky .... the sun was about to rise soon .... Valek quickly knocked her head against the wooden cabin knocking her out .... so he could get back to a dark place .... away from the soon to rise sun ....
Valek carried her to her haven .... the door was already halfway open as Valek entered he sat her on the couch .... and picked up the phone and made a few calls so guard's could actually watch over Kiya for now .... stopping her from doing anything stupid like killing herself .... Valek waited arms crossed for the guards to arrive as he watched over Kiya while waiting ....
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 12:38 am |
She stirred slightly, her eyes opening to the familiar surrondings of her haven. The fire crackled a few feet in front of her. Disappointment over took her body.
Kiya sat up, her head feeling like it had been beat with a sledge hammer. She turned to the door, wondering how she got back there. Her eyes narrowed seeing the figure of Valek.
"Damn you Valek. You can't chase me down forever. The second you leave, I'm ending this torment." She raised her hand to her forehead, feeling the scars that he had inflicted upon her. Once again, blood tears came to her eyes. A single one ran down her cheek, catching and hanging onto her chin.
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 12:47 am |
"Damn me heh? .... im already damned .... and i like it .... " Valek smiled evily .... "And you will not be left alone for now .... Death is a great thing isn't it? But you will not die .... You will be kept under surveillance untill you recover your senses .... you received the punishment you deserved .... now get over it .... like a real kindred would do .... "
Valek smiled evily still waiting for the guards to arrive ....
Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2001 12:54 am |
"It's not the fucking punishment Valek. And the gaurds can't stop me. They're ignorant as fuck. Even in a little cage you couldn't stop me." Kiya turned her head, looking into the fire. The flames almost entrancing her, she stood, walking slowly towards them, slowly putting her hands and arms into the flames. She threw her head back, a scream escaping from her lips. The skin on her hands almost melting away, the smell of burning flesh overtaking the room.
Did you hear me? Â No ...
I didn't think that you did ...
you wouldn't still be talking.
[ This Message was edited by: Kiya on 2001-12-10 18:55 ]
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