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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  The Beginning of Evil Revalations

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2001 9:31 am Reply with quote
Isis stands proud in the middle of her new club. She cocks an evil smile.
"This is perfect. I have my beginnings right here.", she thinks to herself.
It is time for her to start her plan. She is waiting for Shadodrake.
"Hmm.... I wonder if this place will be used as elysium now.", she wonders aloud.
She clasps a hand over her mouth and looks around to see if there's anyone else in the room.
She sees no one. She sigh with relief and walks over to where the bar is. It has many shelves ready for their bounty in front of a picture of the Egyptian god of celebration.
She hears foot steps behind her. It is Drake.
"Well, Drake, I'm glad you are here. We have some business to take care of."

"Wacky?!? I'll show you wacky! I"LL SHOW YOU WACKY!!!"

[ This Message was edited by: Isis du Mare on 2001-12-04 03:31 ]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 7:33 pm Reply with quote
Isis and Drake begin blessing the club in the name of Set. They work on this ritual for 6 hours. By the time it's finished, they feel it's ready for opening.
Isis kisses Drake and says, "Alright. Now it's ready. Now i need to talk to Valek."
She cracks an evil smile and cocks an eye.
Later that evening she writes a letter to Valek asking him to meet her at the Eye of Ra.
She goes to find Kiya and gives her the letter.
Kiya asks suspiciously, "What is this about?"
Isis answers, "It's about a new Elysium. Could you please give this to Valek. I think we need a new place congregate, and I have just the place."
She smiles and continues to talk to Kiya about other plans, including her still pending marriage to Jensill. They exchanged plesantries and Isis leaves quietly, hoping that her letter reaches Valek.
Before she leaves she hands a number to Kiya and says, "Here's my cell number. Feel free to take it for yourself, but also give it to Valek. Have him call me to set up a meet time."
After talking about her wedding, she longed to see Jensill.
"Funny,", she thought, "That I should miss him this much."
She smiles as she drives to hunt. She finds a bar and parks outside. She hops out and saunters in to the bar. She picks up her meal and drives him to a dark ally.
She parks and starts looking amourously at her meal. She does some small talk. They start getting hot and heavy. SHe kisses his neck and he gasps. He enters her and starts going to town. As he's busy working on her she feeds from him. After he's finished, she drives him to the bar and dumps him out of her Porsche.
She drives off laughing.
"God, this is just too damn easy. Men always think with the wrong part of their anatomy. Well, I guess i shouldn't say always.", she laughs aloud.
She drives out to Jensill's haven. She smiles knowing that she will see her love this night.

((kiya or valek, feel free to hop in on this at anytime... especially valek.
"Wacky?!? I'll show you wacky! I"LL SHOW YOU WACKY!!!"

[ This Message was edited by: Isis du Mare on 2001-12-05 13:35 ]

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 12:12 am Reply with quote
Valek was in his haven,mutilating a dead corpse...Valek took a butcher knife and cut the top of the head of the corpse,taking the brain in his hands,and puting it in a big bottle for later use.

Valek then ripped off the head off the body,the head rolling on the ground,bits of what was remaining of the brain that was in it earlier getting out of it.At this moment a knocking sound was heard at the entrance door....Valek then slammed the knife on the arm of the corpse as he started to walk away....the arm nearly completely cut fell on the ground....

As Valek arrived to the door he sensed a follower of Seth....he frowned and opened the door slowly,as soon as Valek opened the door the women said "Prince musssssssssst read thisssssss.....a letter from Isisssss"

Valek smirked and took the letter....

-Setite- "I mussssssst go for now...."
-Valek- "Fine...."

Valek closed the door as the setite walked away....Valek with his hands still full of blood due to the authopsy hes been doing earlier opened the letter reading it..

-Few minutes later-


A knocking noise was heard at the entrance door again....Valek frowned again as he walked to the door opening it violently this time....

Kiya was standing at the entrance.

-Valek-"Ahhhh....there you are...theres some things i need to talk about with you....enter..."

Kiya entered and noticed the blood on Valek's hands....she said nothing....

Kiya quickly handed Valek a peice of paper with a number on it.

-Kiya-"This is the number of Isis,she wanted to talk to you...."

-Valek-" About what.........?" Valek said it somewhat coldy....

-Kiya-"Something about Elysium...."

-Valek-"Hmmmm ok.....and since your here theres something i must talk to you about but before i must call someone....stay here..."

Valek dialed the number of Drain,as Drain answered Valek told him that Kiya was present in his haven,and Valek asked Drain to pass by concerning Kiya's punishment due to her acts of disrespect toward Drain a short time ago.

As Valek was done talking to Drain he dialed the number of Isis asking her about the the Elysium that Kiya's told him earlier and to set up a meeting so they could talk about it.....and to the eyes of Valek going in this Setite's location was the only way to see if they were up to cause troubles or not.........

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-12-05 18:12 ]

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 7:24 pm Reply with quote
She stood there speaking to Isis for a bit of time going over plans. Her ideas were always great but she didn't think that Valek would go for the whole new elysium thing being there. Kiya decided not to get
involved in that aspect, instead took the letter and number and left, heading to Valek's.

She watched as the other Setite walked past her ... obviously leaving Valek's haven. She turned as the girl walked past her. Her step swaggering, her hips bouncing. She rolled her eyes and walked to Valek's
door. She knocked heavily on it, looking around slightly. The place always gave her the creeps no matter what was done with the place.

Valek came to the door, blood on his hands. That was really nothing entirely unusual for Valek. She sighed and ignored the blood. She handed him the letter and phone number and relayed the information that she told Isis she would. Valek excused himself and went for his phone. Kiya walked to the doorway, using vanish from the mind's eye to conceal herself and listened intently to Valek's conversations. Her eyes flashed red at the words of "Kiya's punishment". He had mentioned nothing of this previously and she was not going to be punished for a DAMN thing
that she had done months ago, besides the fact that her side was never heard.

She stood there quietly, not revealing herself until after he was off the phone with Isis.

Did you hear me?  No ...
I didn't think that you did ...
you wouldn't still be talking.


[ This Message was edited by: Kiya on 2001-12-06 13:25 ]

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 7:28 pm Reply with quote
((Nice post :smile:

Ill think of something and post too :smile: ))

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 8:04 pm Reply with quote
After getting off the phone with Valek and giving him the directions to the club she smiled broadly.
"What is it?", Jensill asked her.
"That was Valek. We're going to talk about where the Elysium is to be.", she replied happily.
She kissed Jensill and jumped up.
"Why are you so happy about that.", Jensill asked sceptically.
"I'm just trying to promote good will between me and the rest of court. I know no one trusts me. It's part and parcel with what I am, just like they don't trust Ash. But that's more because of his criminal tendency. I just want them to think of me as much a member of this court as anyone else. I don't know... I think everything that happened recently has made me a bit hyperdefensive, but I still want them to know that I'm not against them, despite my particular distinction.", Isis pontificated.
"Alright, hon, I think I can understand that.", He replied taking Isis into his arms.
"I just hope that he'll go for it.", she said questioning herself.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 8:17 pm Reply with quote
She watched as Valek hung up the phone ... grabbing his arm and reappearing. He jumped up, whirling around, his hand raised ready to hit her.

"What the hell was that about?" Her eyes flashing red in anger.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 8:20 pm Reply with quote
The ugly primogen for the nosferatu sat in his dank, deep hole in the ground. brooding over the loss of the esylum. his phone rang over on his desk... He slowly stood up and went to answer it. at the same time he punched up various angles of the city on his computer. when he heard Valeks voice he hit the key that showed the outside of his haven. The whores were busy working on his street. If they only knew that the city was really ran from the old building behind them.. LOL .
Valek told of his visitor and Drain lit up inside. Showing no emotion in his voice. He asked the Prince to keep her there untill he could arive. the Nosferatu told Lathirous to watch the monitor while he went to see Valek on Clan busniess. Drain picked up his arsonel and began to leave, stopping breifly at Belles cage to give her a rat. and to tell Rak who was on duty watching her to please come to Valeks office at his first oppertunity. " There is justice to be done there, or by god there will be hell to pay."

With that he was off. sloshing thru the muck of the sewers he passed several of the denzions of the sewers. lost souls with nothing to live for, but who drain took pity upon and allowed to live in the safty of the outer catacombs.

Drain climbed out from the manhole in a dark corner of the street. and skulked over to the ladder leading to the princes office.

"I could use the front door but what fun it that" muttered the primogen.

as he enterd he noticed the ghoul standing by the enterence.

" You were expected " He said

"I know i was you dolt. would i come here if i were not invited?" Drain snapped back.

The ghoul almost rolled his eyes but then thought better of it..

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 7:42 am Reply with quote
((Nice posts :smile: ok im going to post something soon enough :smile: ))

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 4:29 am Reply with quote
As Valek turned back his first reaction was to grip the throat of Kiya...locking her against the wall as Valek said "You ARE spying on ME!?"

Valek looked at her with demonic eyes as he said it....

As he heard footsteps he turned around and noticed Drain....Valek said

"Ahh....friend you finally arrived....Take a seat..." Valek spat as he was still holding Kiya againts the wall....

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 6:33 am Reply with quote
She gripped his hand, trying to force it off of her.

"Yes I was spying on you. Your point? You've been gone for how long and I'm supposed to trust you?" She fought off the urge to kick him in the groin. Kiya's facial expression went from anger to sadness. "Valek, I love you, I was worried about you that's all. Please let me go." She looked into her eyes, her lips forming into a pout. A blood tear dripped down her cheek .. onto his hand.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 6:48 am Reply with quote
: walks in the room.

"Oh you started with out me? By all means let us doo this correctly...
Kiya I Drain Primogen of the Nosferatu charge you with assault on a primogen. Namely ME.
and I accuse you of slander against our Former Prince, You took his good name and attempted to use it for your own personal gain.....
YOu insulted the Nosferatu clan. and for that you will be marked for the rest of your days as an enemy to us.
This has come to this because you failed to relingquish your Whip position as you were directed. You so much as Called me a lier. By not taking my word,The Word of a nosferatu Primogen, as the truth.

I have no pitty for you and i pitty most things.

Proceed my prince."

Drain sat down in the chair

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 6:59 am Reply with quote
"Yess and an assault on one of us, is of course, an assault on ALL of us." The gravely voice comming from the doorway was followed by an equally rough looking nosferatu. The malformed figure shuffled into the room. Taking up a spot to the right of his seated primogen.
"I dont believe we have had the pleasure?" Rak said as he grinned lopsided at Kiya. A mischievous grin taking shape on his disfigured lips."Allow me introduce myself, i am Rak."
Turning to Valek, Rak bowed deeply and gratted.
"Please continue my Prince.."

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 7:39 am Reply with quote
She scowled at Drain and hissed her answer.

"I did relinquissssssssh my posssition assss whip. That'sssssss how much you know. And when did I call you a liar?"

She looked back at Valek ... her eyes still pleading with him. "Do you love me? Do you really want to hurt me like this?" Her lips softly kissed his hand .. blood tears starting to stream down her face.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 4:35 pm Reply with quote
((Ok we will take the punishment thing in game or we could start another thread to continue :smile: so Isis post can continue lol))

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-12-08 10:37 ]

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