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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 9:41 pm Reply with quote
I do not know when I was born in the conventional sense, you see we had no dating system in place when I was living and Unliving. It has recently come to my attention how long I was trapped in my cage, my exile into the earth. Things are so different now, the world has changed. The Camarilla. is so well organized in these modern times that I find myself at a loss. Only thru the kind tutelage of Drain, the Primogen of the Nosferatu, that things are becoming clearer. I have so much to learn. But I ramble now, let me tell you of the events that led to my demise and rebirth.
In my living years I was the Son of a great and powerful leader of our clan of nomads. We called ourselves “Musella” or “The People”. It was my Father, I suppose, that set the future in motion.
During his Reign my Father layed the ground work in uniting all the clans in our land as one. Being his son, I naturally took on the leadership after his untimely demise. How he died was a mystery to all. His bodyguard of 20 elite warriors surrounded him and my Father lay at the center, none of them save my Father showing any wounds. His wounds were very strange indeed. Two piercing marks at the nape of his neck was all the evidence left in that small clearing of woods.
Many of our Clans said it was the God Of The Night come to take revenge because of the work he was doing. The Clans were not meant to be united, they said. And so it was that I took up the reigns of leadership and tried to continue my Fathers work. You must understand that in the short period of time I ruled it was not with kindness as my Father had done. No indeed, these were new times now, I ruled with fear. I would be the ruler of all the Clans! Killing those that would see to the failure of my Fathers life long dream. Obliterating the Clans who refused to join and integrating their women and Children into my own tribe became the standard. In my arrogance I saw them not as resisting me but as a bunch of religious fools that were unable to see the sharing of knowledge and the peace my Rule would eventually bring. It was the end result that mattered, not how you achieved it.
Near the end of my reign I suspected nothing, no hint of an uprising. It was those closest to me that eventually attacked and tried to kill me. Kill me they did not, it was through some miracle and an intervention of a mystical nature that I was able to escape out into the plains, alone and only carrying what I was wearing. You see, at the moment of attack by those Warriors and Friends I deemed to be trusted, they began to scream and fall dead to the ground. Assaulted by some unseen force. I froze in place as the carnage began to unfold before my eyes, my comrades falling and writhing in pain on the ground, killed by the shimmering manlike shapes that would briefly form out of the very air itself. At last when the execution of my would be attackers was complete, I still stood frozen to the spot looking around in shocked bewilderment. Wondering what had just happened, my brain failing to register the not so distant screams of more warriors racing down the hill towards where I stood, intending to finish the job the others could not. I was pulled out of my shocked state by a voice, a voice that whispered to me from the very air itself. Flee now, brave king or this will be the end…. And flee I did, into the darkness of the night.
For 2 Seasons I evaded my pursuers, sleeping by day and travelling by night as my companion suggested, trusting him as my new guardian. During this time of flight I never saw my protector, only heard him. His dark grating voice materializing from the very air itself. How many times he saved me from capture I can not count. Often knowing where my pursuers were long before they came into sight.
I, the once great king now hunted like some animal. Outcast from all that I had known came to understand my protector, began to trust him completely. Our bond began to form as we travelled into the night, him sharing his knowledge of great and mystical things. My listening in awe. Telling me I had great potential in the next life. The things I had done were things no ordinary man has done before. I was a great leader, uniting all the Clans as one, for the betterment of all, even if they did not comprehend this, he did. In retrospect I can say that he had me under his power those years. Warping my soul into something otherworldly, preparing me for what was to be my new life. Or rather my new Unlife.
And so when he finally did step out of the shadow and I looked upon his monstrous visage, that it came as no shock at all. Infact it was quite the opposite, I saw him not as a monster but as something else, a god of unnatural beauty.
When the embrace finally took place, I knew I was going to become like him. Raised above others into the fold of godhood. I welcomed it.
Little did I know that what he had made me into was looked down upon by others of my kind. What I thought was going to be my godhood, in reality made me into an outcast of another society. I was and am Nosferatu, living in a network of caves for hundreds of years. Always hiding from mortals while other Kindred roamed and interacted with the Humans. I could not shake this feeling of being lesser than others, eventually it drove me mad. Centuries of living in filth, remembering my glory in life. My position as king of all the land. I came to desire this once again, more than anything.
And so it was I secretly took my leave of my fellow Nosferatu and headed North into what was to become America in the eons of the far far distant future. I was an outcast once more, but this time an outcast with a purpose. I would rule again.
I began to make creatures that would do my bidding. Later I would come to learn the names of the creatures I made. My bretheren called them Ghouls. For a short time I hid with my new, self made Kingdom reveling in the glory and feeling of power. Always moving and staying hidden. For 50 years I lived this way until at last I was discovered by other Kindred and my Ghoulish kingdom ceased to be.
Once discovered I offered no resistance as my subjects were destroyed. I may be power hungry but fighting against my own kind was something that I did not even entertain.
Brought before the Prince I was handed over to my own for punishment. My fellow Nosferatu putting me into a cell deep underground to await my judgement and punishment.
It was during this time, as I waited deep in the earth. My only company being the Rats I was given to feed from, that a great shaking began. The very ground opening beneath my feet. I was hurtled downward into the chasm landing on my back. Only to watch in horror as the ground above me began to collapse as the earthquake gained momentum and I was buried far below the surface. Yet somehow I was still alive, a cave of sorts had surrounded me leaving me with just enough space to stand. Thankfully there were Rats in my new prison with me and I sustained myself with them as I awaited rescue from my kin. A rescue that would never come.
Unkown to me the Nosferatu of this time were making enemies of all the clans of The Kindred and as they attacked my brethren the earthquake struck. The Nosferatu were destroyed in the assault, none escaping the wraith of the mighty Princes condemnation. All save one….. myself.
Buried deep in the ground I was spared one kind of death, only to become damned for another. How long I remained conscious in the grave of earth I know not. Eventually I slept, entering tupor when I had finally eaten my food supply of Rodents.
And so it was that I slept for Eons in my grave, hundreds of feet below the surface. Not breathing, my body withering to a dried out leathery husk.
When I finally emerged from my slumber and escaped my dark tomb the world was a new place. Full of wonders, the like I never dreamed of. And as I gazed upon the marvels of this new age a purpose began to flow in my veins. Perhaps now is the time, the time when all other Clans shall bow before the Nosferatu. Whether they are aware of it or not is of little consiquence to me…..

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 10:13 pm Reply with quote
((great writing dude... but no pineapple king bows before any Nossie :P lol

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 10:57 pm Reply with quote
User avatarSirenPosts: 25Location: Washington State, USAJoined: Sat Jan 10, 2004 5:06 am
((::makes one of his animated corpses clap::

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 12:18 am Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 25Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 2:04 pm
((Great writing.......::whispers:: but if you even come close to trying to take over Cascadia I'll have Mark kill you before he kills me.......(lol)

((oh and welcome

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 1:26 am Reply with quote
(( Thanks all, looking forward to meeting and gaming with you

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 1:37 am Reply with quote
((bring it on Sewer Rat..... :smile:

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 1:37 am Reply with quote
((bring it on Sewer Rat..... :smile:

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 2:39 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
what you repeating yourself for gabe??????

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 3:30 pm Reply with quote
((VERY great man :smile:

::points where Rak is from:: Canada...OH HELL YEAH!!!!



Once again very nice post :smile: . ))

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-11-30 09:32 ]

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 3:32 pm Reply with quote
((oh dont worry Mr Night. Malks and nossies are kinda like.... well you know there plain ugly and we malks are a bunch of geniuses so we got on very well for some odd reason.

But im going to take you down :P
just as soon as i get me one of those cars with force forcefields ,phaser beams and grenade launchers and turbo nitro boosting, cloaking and shape shifting abbilities with 5 flavouerd chocolate disspencer and tea maker. BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED))

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 6:10 pm Reply with quote
((guess i better use my nossie contacts and get a monopoly on the battery market :grin:

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 9:46 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 25Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 2:04 pm
((My car doenst have ALL of that but ....yeah most of it....hmm....mine doesnt transform or have chacolates...or a force field.....but thanks for the ideas :grin:

((oh and it had batteries inclueded :P

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 10:48 pm Reply with quote
((A tea maker? oooooooo thats a good idea!!)

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