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Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 2:14 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:15 am
The u-haul drove down the main street of cascadia blending in perfectly...there would be no crazy stunts for this mission...just search and destroy.
the drivers knew they would die..but this time they were going out and takeing the whole bunch of them with em. "lets do this shit right ok boys" the tall man said. "is the bomb ready johnny?" he asked a voice hollared from the back "yeah man im finishing the last wires...lets fuck these cammie bastards up right!!""
the truck picked up speed as the building came into view. "ok johnny in ten seconds its time to die..lets light this city up!!"
the truck slammed into elysium just as the bomb went off...bricks and glass flying everywhere..hitting passing cars and other vehicles..sirens could be heard blareing in the distance.........
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 2:26 am |
LasombraPosts: 12Location: gigglesJoined: Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:56 am
(( Read The Final Death of Mephisto, this is legal-RP ... nice try Cain ... I think ...
Mephisto continued to watch the Elysium through the darkness. The cold wind riped through his clothes while he sat at the window of the clock tower. For a few moments he closed his eyes, and then there was a massive explosion. The Elysium lit up like a violent Christmas Tree on steroids, it and all the buildings around it were engulfed in a giant ball of fire. He opened his eyes wide and let out a peircing yell, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" then he hirled himself out the open window. He cursed as he slamed hard into the ground and tore off towards what was the Elysium. He as fast as he could until he reached it. "Is anyone here!? Can anybody here me!?" Mephisto screamed as watched in sheer terror. Looking for the fastest way in, he panted franticly.
(( Anybody there??? ... Oh, and Mephisto isn't really the same, he's not a Suit anymore really, he's got the Mikela clothes on, except theres Ventrue Septors on his upper arms, not the Caitiff crosses. He's not really back either, I'll explain later.
_________________ Sometimes we come back 8P |
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 2:30 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:15 am
((wow someone poosted..but just to inform there isnt much left it was a pretty big bomb..but thank you for your intrest in this meph
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 2:48 am |
Tobius sat on the cushy barstool, dipping his finger into his whiskey and then putting it into his mouth. It had been nearly three months since Gabriel had embraced him, stripping him of his old life and thrusting him into this sick warped version of a world.
His job as Union Boss had earned him praise and admiration from his peers and enemies. How could he have guessed that one of his enemies would actually bring him into something like THIS??
He had been repremanded like a child for doing what he did best, holding his ground. The one called Drain and the woman Reannag had entered his haven and tried to push him around. Well he had never given in to people like them before and he wasn't about to do so then.
Mr. O'Brien had kept him busy after that with remedial jobs and labour. He spent his off nights in Elysium, trying to get drunk and failing miserably.
Tobius sighed and motioned for Max to bring another drink. Outside Elysium the night was oddly light, a glow almost eminating from the sky. Suddenly light filled the room. The back wall reflected the window patterns as headlights blinded Max and Tobius both.
Tobius dropped the glass and stood up quickly, facing the doorway. He had just enough to time to see the wall burst open before the explosion blocked out his vision and filled his ears.
He felt the odd weightlessness of flight as he was thrown through the air. He landed roughly in what was the bathroom. He head crashed through the porcelein of the toilet, shattering it to pieces. Tobius felt the cold creep of death and then all was black...
"Find anything?" a male voice called out somewhere from above.
"Not yet! Probably crisped all these fuckers!" another voice called out, this one female.
"Well hurry up! The cops and police will be here in no time!" the first voice bellowed. There was a grunt of acknowledgement and then the sound of footsteps crunching over broken wood.
Tobius opened his eyes slowly and felt the sharp tang of pain. Everything around him was pitch black, he slowly let his eyes focus. What the hell just happened....
As the world came into view Tobius found himself in the bathroom, the wall collapsed on him. He twisted his neck to look back in the adjoining Main Hall. It was completely obliterated. The bar was a scorch mark...the tables chairs, simply smoldering heaps. The roof had collapsed and lay scattered about.
In the middle of the room the remains of a truck or van sat stationary, nothing more than a chasse and three wheels. A figure walked into view, a silouette against the fire behind him. It was male, muscular, holding some type of shotgun.
As he stepped into view, Tobius saw him for what he was. The liberty spikes, multiple piercings, and the black hand tattoo. He was one of those....those....Sabbut's or whatever they were called. Gabriel had warned him about these guys. They were insane and fanatical.
He glanced Tobius's direction. Tobius lay motionless, not even daring to breathe. He heard the heavy footsteps plodding over burnt wood and twisted metal towards him. The footsteps entered the bathroom and stopped a few feet from him. Tobius allowed his muscles to be strengthened by his blood potency.
"HEY! I think I found one....looks dead though. Still better safe than so..." the voice cut off as Tobius hurled a large chunk of stone that lay by his hand at the Sabbat. Caught off guard, the Sabbat received the piece of ceiling directly in the face.
He staggered backwards, dropping his shotgun as he did so. His hands flew to his face and he bent over, screaming in agony. Tobius stood up and shook the dust from his hair. Blood poured from in between the fingers of the Sabbat creep who gripped his face ferociously.
"AAAAHHHHH MY FACE!!! YOU'RE DEAD!!! YOU'RE F*CKIN DEAD!!!" the Sabbat took his hands from his face and looked up, peering into the barrels of his own shotgun, Tobius standing triumphantly at the hilt.
The shotgun flashed white as it went off, splattering bits of skull and brain matter all over the walls. Tobius pumped it vigorously and krept to the remaining doorway of the bathroom.
"RATT! YOU BETTER NOT BE KILLING THEM WITHOUT ME YOU BASTARD!" the female voice echoed from left of the doorway. Tobius stood, shotgun gripped tightly by the barrel, the hilt wavering in the air like a baseball bat. The sound of boots running towards the door sounded out.
Just as the Sabbat's face came into view in the doorway, Tobius swung with all his might. There was a sickening crack as the woman's once somewhat attractive face caved in on itself. Blood arched threw the air followed by small red unidentifiable chunks.
She fell to the ground, unconcious. Tobius stood over her and placed the cold steel of the shotgun in her battered mouth. KAPLOW!!! Her body shuddered slightly, then met Final Death.
Tobius glanced around the Main Hall, looking for anymore Sabbat. It was empty, aside from a charred body that lay near the bar. Max. Tobius shook his head in pity. Max's body was blackened, his bones protruding from his crisping skin.
"Well well well...." a voice called out. Tobius looked ahead, towards the area where the main entrance used to be. The wall was now completely removed, exposing the night stars. The figure stood confidently, feminine and petite.
Next to her two others stood, mirror images of the first one. Tobius pumped the shotgun and stood his ground.....
((take it away Steve. as for the rest of you, listen....this is YOUR CITY! Steve's posted SEVERAL topics about these Sabbat bombings!! you should be standing up for it! what are you doing?? Cain and Valek aren't gonna save you! i mean does steve need to start blowing up your haven's to get your attention, this is something that EVERYONE should be posting on. GET WITH IT Jeez...
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 2:59 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:15 am
emma looked at the dead body of her ther sister and then back at the man infront of them. she glanced at bee and told her to go...she would handle this alone. bee nodded and left. the two stood there for several minuets sizeing each other up..then emma smirked. " i know something you dont" "whats that" tobius replied. "armand is here" and with that the sound of automatic rounds and the sick sound of them hitting flesh could be heard as tobius was filled with bullets. emma walked past the now seemingly lifeless body and got into the car with armand. they left the city limits and rushed to one of the many temporary bases to report to the boss.
[ This Message was edited by: THOSE DAMN SABBAT on 2001-11-29 21:02 ]
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 3:10 am |
Tobius groaned and rolled over, pain racking his body. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on healing, but the blood had already drained from his body. He lay on his side, glancing towards his torso to survey the damage.
His normally flashy club clothes were darkened with sticky warm blood. The shotgun lay several feet away out of reach. Tobius grunted and attempted to stand. He didn't even make it to his knees. He doubled over in pain and lay fetal on the floor. In the distance sirens echoed out.
He didn't have long. He began crawling towards the shotgun, pulling his shredded body over the wreckage of Elysium. Each move was an eternity of pain and suffering. Finally he collapsed onto his face, his nose shattering as it hit the ground. Blood spurt from the shattered cartelage and spread in a spiderweb pattern across the wood floor.
Tobius moaned in pain and looked up at the shotgun. It was nearly within his reach, he stretched out his arm. Just as his hand came to rest of the tip of the barrel, a hand reached down and snatched the gun from his grasp.
The Ventrue Childe turned his eyes up at the large body standing over him now holding his shotgun. The face was black and covered by shadows, Tobius could barely make out the strong jawline. The man's blonde hair wavered slightly in the wind and for a moment Tobius reflected on how it looked like his Sire's.
His world was whirling now, a mirage of colors and sounds. His head felt light....it was difficult to think. Was this truly his Sire back to save him? The barrels of the shotgun leveled on Tobius's head.
"Finish what you start Ventrue..." were the last words Tobius heard before the shotgun went off and he slipped into oblivion....
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 3:26 am |
SirenPosts: 25Location: Washington State, USAJoined: Sat Jan 10, 2004 5:06 am
lazarus heard the explosiun deep in his haven. as he stepped out of the doors he could see the rageing inferno...and the fire fighters desperately trying to put whats left of the rubble out. he mumbled a few words softly to himself as his eyes reflected the flames. this just would not do.
his ears perked up as he heard what sounded like thunder to him appraoch his cemetary haven...he looked up to see a large punk like man on a motorcycle. lazarus dove behind a grave stone as the man riddled the area with bullets and drove off. he stood back up with a wild look of vengance in his eyes...and with a defening roar he summoned the dead...the earth in the cemetary shook with his vengance as dead crawled from their graves and headed to his underground haven....
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 4:16 am |
Deep with in the sewer system sat the Primogen of the Nosferatu. He was working on stolen magics he had aquired long ago from a tremere, Drain was producing his Pipes. And enhancing them to do the most effective damage he could think of. Poison.
Over on his Desk multiple lights lit up at once. meaning that something was happening at the esylum. Drain shot up from his work table and slapped the keyboard bringing up the multiple sceens that showed the inside and outside of the Vampire safe house.
The cameras that were inside were alll black or just static. the outer ones showed that the parkinglot was no longer there. only a gaping hole in the side of a half collaped wall. Drain grabbed his finnised pipe and called to Joseph ( his childe)
"get the guns out and follow me!! the esyluim has been blown up."
Lathirous went to the controlls of the computer. and started franticly pushing buttons.
" I will keep you informed from here my lord."
Drain replied " good we are going up to the street. and heading south to try to cut off their getaway cars....."
Emerging from the abandoned building 2 blocks away from the ex-esylium Drain witnessed several police cars and firetrucks heading to the explosion site. One car was parked suspiciouly in the ally with the Driver wearing sunglasses.
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 4:19 am |
GangrelPosts: 16Location: San FranciscoJoined: Mon Nov 03, 2003 2:32 am
He walked down the dark streets that night, the prior night had been a mess, he had been jumped from behind, attaked by an invisible enemy. he had died for exactly 28 minutes before Max the bartender had revived him. he owed max his life. he would attempt to pay his debt. but first he would have to find a way to. everything was unertain to him at this time, except one thing, he would not allow himself to be jumped from behind again.
he rounded the corner as a [van?] reved its engine and rammed into the elysium walls. everything was leveld within a [how large?] radius. he was thrown back, far. he jumped up a few seconds later and reahed for where his gun would have been. his gun was gone, the night prior it was taken by "the invisible nutcase" the area was a blaze, moments later sirens were heard. Earl fled, without nearing the building.
((quick rundown of where i was, sorry about the missing info....and ...no...no and...
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 4:24 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:15 am
a black car sped south....the last remaining rabble in it....they needed to get out and fast. this was sure to bring about a major offencive from the other team and they didnt want to be part of it...but just at the souther city limits it seemed there was a road block....
[ This Message was edited by: THOSE DAMN SABBAT on 2001-11-29 22:24 ]
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 4:46 am |
Drain brought up his blood to force himself out of site. and with another supreme effert he cast celetcy to run at top speed after the speeding car. It was making random turns and at one time Drain lost site of it. only to see it heading back accross the ally next to him. The Nosferatu knew where that ally led to and he also knew of a short cut..... He headed for a fence and in one supreme effert leapped it. landing on his feet he again took off at an all out run, his ragged clothes streaming invibely behind him.
:he crossed the parking lot in a flash and heared the car racing up the ally. ran out in to the middle of the ally and ran straight at the car. at the last moment he leapped onto the hood. landing with a thud and cracking the windsheild he attemped to reach around and claw at the driver.
The Driver started swearving smashing into the side of the building next to him. the passenger pulled out a pistol and unloaded at the unseen attacker.
Drain took one shot thru his cheek and one into his chest without losing his grip.
The Driver miscalculated the building and ran into the corner of the next building. Crashing to a halt and sending the Passenger out thru the windsheild. Drain was trown up agains the wall and was dazed. The Driver crawled out from behind the airbag and out the window. He appeared to be unhurt.
Drain recoverd befor the passenger did kicking the gun out from his reach, and clawing out his neck. Completly seperating it from the rest of his body.
The Driver useing auspex looked squarely at drain and Smiled.
" Bring it on Rat boy"
with that he charged at the nosferatu. whoreturned the charge. the two powerfull creatures of the night were locked in a life and death strougle. and in the end Drain walked away caring the mostly lifeless body of the assalent on his sholder..
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2001 4:49 am |
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:15 am
((ok now im not gonna "attack karl but i am going to confront him"
the huge man jumped down from what seemed to be out of nowhere infront of the torrieador. "just where do you think your going?" he said as he pumped a shotgun and pointed it at karls face....
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