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Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2001 12:58 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((I dont get into the game at the same time as some of you guys so I thought id try this .
Kathy walked towards the elysium, pattern books and paint colour charts tucked under her arms.Her haven badly needed sorting out, and she was intent on getting it decorated soon. Kathy had tired of her own company though so had decided to come and do her planning in the elysium.
As she pushed the heavy door open she looed around and sighed as she saw noone was in yet.Still its early she thought someone is bound to come along soon.
Kathy placed the books on a small table near the bar and sat down to look at them.
Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2001 2:20 pm |
Mark had left the haven dressed in some of the clothes which Kathy had been given. But with no use for the clothes herself she had given them as gifts to Karl and Mark.
Mark had decided that since he would be meeting up with Karl later that evening in the Elysium that he would dress to look his best.
He decided to dress in one of his ten short sleeved CK tops that were black and clung tightly to his body. On the arm of each of the ten shirts was a different Japanese symbol. He also put on a pair of casual black trousers with a black leather belt. He looked down at his Rosy and Jim’s which were leather Ben Sherman slip-ons. He spiked the front of his hair. and slid on his custom made Red Shades.
It wasn’t long until he had made his way from the haven to the Bar. He pushed the door aside easily allowing a gust of wind to enter the room. Mark swiftly walked over to Max and ordered a Double bond special "shaken not stirred".
Propping himself up on his elbows he took a sip from his drink and looked around the room from the bar counter. He noticed Kathy sat at one of the tables.
He moved swiftly and quietly towards her table. placing a hand on a chair he looked to her and said.
"Hey Kay. Is this seat taken?"
Kathy's eyes looked up from her charts and moved there way over to the hand on the chair. She noticed a small silver bracelet around Mark's wrist. Inscribed on the bracelet were the words "Together, Forever"
Kathy smiled warmly which Mark took as in invitation to sit down. His arms were stretched across the table holding his hands together
"Is that new?" her eyes still on the bracelet.
[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2001-11-27 08:28 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2001-11-27 11:15 ]
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 1:00 am |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy grinned as mark told her that he had got Karl a matching bracelet.
"he will love it im sure he will mark"
Kathy moved some of her papers off the chair so mark could sit down next to her.
"I see youve got your new clothes on too....even your new rosie and jims" Kathy looked him up and down and smiled at him.
"by the way, last night you forgot your crayons, they are still on the bar where i left them, and is karl angry with me ,again, I meant no harm you know"
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 3:20 pm |
Marks attention was suddenly drawn to the pack of 36 crayons that were still left on the bar counter.
He stood and leant over reaching for the crayons bracing himself on the table with his other hand.
After a long effort he finally had the pack in his hands and he sat back down. He opened up the packet and started looking at the different variations of colours he had in the pack.
Kathy coughed very politely and subtly catching marks attention. Kathy still had a wide smile on her face.
"I’m glad you like your crayons"
Mark smiled then remembered the question he had been asked. His short attention span mad even worse by the burning desire he had to play with the crayons
"n... no he’s not angry with you. He just..." his eyes had moved back to the crayons and he had to force himself to look back at Kathy
"He just didn’t know what your intentions were... I’m sure if...."
Once again his eyes had worked there way back down to the pack of crayons and his sentence trailed of
"Red... SKY BLUE....oh.... Poopoo (Purple)!"
He shook his head vigorously then placed the crayons down. "He just cares about me a lot and he wasn’t sure about your intentions"
His hands moved to his wedding ring which he fiddled with
" I miss you my sweet plum..."
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