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PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 3:29 am Reply with quote
The crescent moon beamed brightly in the Cascadian night sky, hindered only by a few passing clouds that threw black streaks across her visage. Far below, on a stretch of land devoid of almost all life, Gabriel O'Brien stared up at the celestrial orb and wondered if his Sire was somewhere admiring it as well.
His eyes twinkled slightly in a way they hadn't in over a century. He finally had a purpose, only recently discovered. His search for love, humanity, and for God had all led him to one goal. His purpose was to protect those he cared for, he had been granted strength for a reason. His body pulsated with energy as he switched his gaze to the air strip that lay before him.
Dark and forbading, the forests surrounded the small plot of land. The trees loomed over like creatures of the night, concealing hidden dangers. It was odd how the forest could be a caring mother and a fearsome foe at the same time. For years now it had aided Cascadian Cainites in defense of the city, it's presence holding back Sabbat and Garou attacks.
At the same time it played host to many dangers, the Sabbat and Garou alone hid within the forest waiting for the right moment to extract their terrible wrath.
Gabriel shook his head clear of the distractions and picked up his small duffle bag. Inside the black bag, the various weapons clinked together. The Ventrue Primogen handed the bag to the haughty man aboard the plane, who set it aside and offered his hand to Gabriel.
Taking one last look at the dark Cascadian skyline in the distance, Gabriel sighed with a heavy heart. His Sire had worked so hard to keep the Kindred safe, and yet like all leaders, he was betrayed and besmirched. Now, in his hour of need, he could count on only his Childe to save him. So be it.
He brushed the man's hand away and hoisted himself into the small porthole of the six seater plane. Inside, the various lights of the instrument panel flashed an eerie glow on the pilot's face. Fredrick sat crammed into the back seat, a look of concern upon his time aged face.
"Fredrick, old friend, are you alright?" Gabriel asked, raising his voice above the high pitch squeel of the plane.
"Aye Gabriel, I'm alright, I just don't appreciate you leaving my in England like that and then...."
"WHAT?" Gabriel shouted, cupping his hand to his ear. "SPEAK UP MAN!"
"FREDRICK I CAN'T HEAR YOU, WE'LL TALK LATER!" Gabriel shouted and took his seat. A thin smile ordained his lips as he wallowed in the secret satisfaction. Fredrick's complaint could wait. As the main door was shut Gabriel glanced around the small plane's insides.
A Cesnar....Cessner....what had the pilot called it? No matter. Whatever it was it was small, too small for a Ventrue's taste. But then again, this wasn't about dignitas, this was about saving the one true father he had ever had.
The four tiny windows allowed the moonlight to shine in, casting a bright hue about the various metal objects inside. The pilot and co-pilot's seat were clearly visible from Gabriel's vantage point, in fact their seats were directly in front of him.
All that seperated them was a thick black curtain that hung on a rung across. During the daytime the curtain would be pulled closed, to protect Gabriel's Cainite skin from the sun beaming through the cockpit windshield.
All in all the plane could not have been more than 15 square feet inside, Gabriel guessed. It may be cramped and uncomfortable, but it's presence would not be detected by many. And that's what he wanted.
The previous night his Sire's presence had been cut off to him. He had received the mental picture of Sorenti being attacked viciously in a dark room. The location had been Giza, and that's where Gabriel planned to go. He would find his Sire no matter what the cost.
Gabriel glanced out his window at the Cascadian skyline once more. It stood majesticly (sp?) over the trees, a forbading sight to anyone. A true monument to Cainite and Kine strength. Another sigh escaped his lips but was cut short as the plane jolted foward.


The Ventrue awoke slowly at first, his eyes flickering open and shut. His mouth opened wide and a loud yawn escaped. Next to him, Fredrick was speaking quietly.
"What? Speak up Fredrick..." Gabriel groaned, his vision still slightly blurry.
"I said, we've arrived in Cairo on schedule sir."
"Everything went smoothly then?" Gabriel asked glancing at the windows. From outside the moon shone brightly, nearly showing through the thin curtains.
"Aye, Ms. Ita Darius is on her way to meet us now." Fredrick said, unbuckling his seat belt. Gabriel smiled and noticed the small circles of sweat that had formed under his armpits. Fredrick was obviously not a fan of airplanes.
For the first time he realized the engines had stopped, they were truly there. Fredrick thrust his body out of the seat and opened the door of the plane, allowing a thick shaft of moonlight in. Gabriel breathed in deeply and undid his own belt.
As he stepped out onto the sands of Egypt he the reality hit him. He was in a very different world, the cold night air bit at him even within the confines of his trench coat.
The dunes stretched out for miles in all directions, they truly seemed alone. For a moment Gabriel wondered if they had arrived at the agreed meeting point. In the distance a pair of headlights cut through the night. As they approached Gabriel caught a glimpse of the Jeep's occupants. Ms. Darius was among them.
As the Jeep rolled over the blue dunes, Gabriel quickly called up everything he could about Ms. Ita Darius.
A fairly well known Ventrue, Ita had been embraced in the early 1800's by an English merchant named Homesly. Her Sire, a Ventrue Antribu, had ravaged her savagely for years. But as he sent her out on more and more errands and tasks, Ita had realized her own potential. Her strength increased, as did her drive.
Within months Ita had slain her Sire and sworn her loyalty to the Camarilla. She quickly made her fortune in oil stocks and had since then spent her years battling off various sects of Setites for her land.
She and Gabriel had met at a Conclave in Germany when he was a neonate. He had helped unravel a plot to overthrow her position as head of her company. Now he was recalling the favor.
The Jeep skid to a stop about 20 yards from them, spraying dust into the night breeze. A tall woman stepped out, her skin olive and smooth. Her black hair was straight and held in place by an ornate golden pin. She carried herself with obvious sophistication.
"Salaam Mr. O'Brien," she said quietly, her accent trickling through the air, "and welcome to Egypt."
Gabriel approached her and gently kissed her hand.
"Ms. Darius. I thank you for your hospitality and your help in this matter."
"Such things need not be mentioned Mr. O'Brien. I am honored to repay you for your deeds at the German Conclave." she said, gently brushing a strand of black hair from her flawless forehead. Her green eyes peered at him through the moonlight.
"Of course. Then perhaps we should get started?" Gabriel said, a small twinge of uncertainty marred his voice. He cursed himself silently for letting it escape. She had the upper hand now.
"Yes...lets. This way." she said leading them towards the Jeep. Fredrick and Gabriel climbed aboard and the group started back towards her main camp. There he would be supplied with a vehicle and man power, but for the moment, he simply stared into the Egyptian sky and wondered where his Sire could be......

((okay crew, i'll be gone till Saturday. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 4:08 am Reply with quote
((Heyyy.. nice post :grin:

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 4:08 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
((good post man..cya when your back :smile:

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2001 11:24 pm Reply with quote
((back from my vacation...if you wanna call it that. it sucked! oh well here we go...

New York is a city of stretched bounds. A metropolis that takes sanity past it's lines of reason. 7 million Kine make their home there, among them lives a different race. A race of night stalkers and predators. The Kindred.
Nearly 500 Kindred now inhabit New York City, a number unheard of in years past. The city is in constant motion, unable it seems to rest. The honking horns, the shouting people, crying babies, ringing bells, screeching tires, roaring engines, blinking lights, laughter, sobbing, music, noise; all these and more make the incredible atmosphere in which a vampire may go unnoticed as just another New Yorker.
Manhatten, the center of the world as some call it. The very hub that holds things together, even after being brutally attacked, activity resumes. The humans still push past each other with quickening pace. Millions of different minds on millions of different agendas. The traffic is nearly standstill and yet the cars accelerate at top speed. The night is all but banished in Time Square, where neon artifical light illuminates the streets.
In the middle of it all stands Gabriel O'Brien.

Gabriel felt perfectly at home in the hustle of the city. As he glanced around slowly at the dingy streets and clammering people, he nearly smiled. As thick as they could be at times, the Kine were certainly capable of amazing feats.
For hours he walked briskly through Manhattan, his hands thrust deep into the pockets of his tan overcoat. As he approached lower Manhattan, he glanced towards the sky, where only three months ago the World Trade Center buildings had stood. Kine were capable of horrendous things as well.
But around him, life still thrived. Even at night the city was a constant source of entertainment. He walked through Soho, amused at the "trendy" young humans. The buildings rose on all sides, and street splintered off in all directions. Various corridors of steel and brick raced out as far as the eye could see.
On the corner Gabriel could see his destination. He pulled the door open and stepped inside the Brooklyn Bar and Grill. He mused at the name, Brooklyn Bar and Grill in Manhattan? Hmm. It was not exactly high class, but it would serve his purpose.
The walls and floor were all of the same dark oak color. A row of tables lined the right wall, which held a large window as long as the bar itself. Outside Kine hustled and bustled along their way. The walls were decorated with various types of memorabilia, sports figures, actors and actrosses, even Kine presidents had at one time eaten here.
None of which particularly impressed the Ventrue, but none the less would be quite a treat for a more impresionable person. Gabriel made his way towards a small back room which held several more tables. As he stepped through the doorway he noticed several people.
New Yorkers eating their seven dollar hamburgers sat near the doorway at the nearest table. In the back however, cloaked in the shadows of the corner, sat a figure. Gabriel narrowed his eyes and glanced at him once more. He was a thin man, spiky blond hair and peircing blue eyes. His face was soft yet serious.
The man nodded at him slowly and Gabriel started towards the table. Pulling out his chair, he surveyed the man further. He wore a fine French suit, of high quality. A red satin rag hung from his lapel.
"Good evening Mr. Pieterzoon." Gabriel said as he took his seat.
"Evening Mr. O'Brien, welcome to New York City.." he said, the stern look upon his face indicating that he was all business, "I trust you will enjoy it here."
"I don't plan on staying here any longer than I have to. I find this town somewhat busy for my tastes." Gabriel said placing his napkin in his lap.
"It is busy indeed. Since the Camarilla took it from the Sabbat, Calerbos has stepped down as Prince and we have constant bickering between the clans." Jan spoke softly, his Norwegian accent nearly undetectable.
"Aye, so I've heard. However, I am here for a different purpose..." Gabriel said. Jan raised his hand, cutting him off.
"So I hear. You are chasing the one you believe killed your Sire, and your pursuit has led you here."
"Well, there's no proof that my Sire is dead. However, the location of this individual may help in my search for him." Gabriel said quietly, wondering when the waiteress was going to take his order.
"I understand Mr. O'Brien. And I assure you, you'll have anything you need at your disposal. But this is a big city...why don't you start by telling me what exactly happened in Egypt?"
Gabriel sighed and sat back in his chair...
"Very well. I arrived there not a week ago with the intention of scowering the desert for my Sire...." Gabriel began....

((okay, leaving for five days has made me horribly behind on some things. so i'll have to take care of them, hope to be back in game by tonight. i'll post more on this later! later peeps! :P

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2001 12:52 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((jumps in ic :smile:

Kathy had flown to New york earlier that evening to call and see her old friend , kiefer, who ran a very successful strip joint in the city.Keifer always made her smile with his decadent ways and his very obvious gay inclinations he was a delight to watch as he walked around his club, trying to make sure that everyones tastes where catered for.
After a few hours with him though Kathy grew restless and made her excuses and left the club.
Kathy walked down through soho smiling at the girls standing outside the strip joints, each of them trying to offer more than the next one in order to get the punters into the clubs.
Kathy turned out of soho and walked down the streets...not sure where she was going but happy to be among the hussle and bustle of new york at night.
As she approached where the towers had once stood she stopped and looked through the barriers the many flower tributes that had been left to loved ones lost, tied along it .
Kathy shook her head and continued walking along.
Her watch told her that she had 3 hours to wait till her flight back to cascadia and intent on enjoying herself she looked for a bar and caught sight of one on the corner that looked ok.
The Brooklyn bar and grill she thought ...I could do with a bite to eat she laughed to herself.
Kathy stood and checked herself in the window, smiling to herself at the suit she wore , the jacket opened slightly showing only a glimpse of a black lacy bra.Pushing her hair back behind her ears she walked into the bar.
((hi gabe s:)

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2001 6:34 pm Reply with quote
((expect my post VERY soon, thx for joining me by the way :smile:

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2001 8:28 pm Reply with quote
"And so Mr. Pieterzoon, I have followed Mr. Requis to New York City. He is somewhere here, and it is of dire importance that I find him."
Jan Pieterzoon, the famous Ventrue, nodded thoughtfully before slowly raising his hand to call the waiteress over. The waitress, Susan by her name tag, was a homely woman. She looked to be in her late twenties, although she tried desperately with her make up to look younger. Gabriel chuckled to himself lightly.
"What can I get ya?" she asked coarsly. She was obviously in a hurry, tending to several tables at once. Jan sat, his menu folded neatly in his hands.
"I'll have a steak. Extra rare." the woman nodded and looked to Gabriel, all the while writing down the order on her little yellow notepad.
"I'm fine thank you." Gabriel said quietly. The waitress nodded and hustled off to the kitchen to put in the order.
Gabriel sighed and glanced towards the door. In the doorway a striking figure stood, glancing about and waiting to be seated. As Gabriel peered closer he saw it was Ms. Belvadere. He wondered, nearly aloud, what business could have brought her so far from Cascadia.
He wiped the wrinkles from his jet black suit and stood up, raising his hand to signal her. She was a vision, the crowded New York street behind her a stark contrast to her demeanor of complete focus and ease.
Suddenly Gabriel was in a very different place and time. The bar scene faded away slowly, and was replaced with rolling green hills wedged below a blue, grey sky.


The sounds of crunching leaves and snapping twigs cried out as Gabriel ran through the forest. He leapt over a moss covered log and gripped her hand tightly.
"Melissa, HURRY!" he whispered harshly. "We must hurry my love, or they will catch us..."
He glanced behind him, and saw her. He nearly stopped, her beauty overwhelmed him at times. It had been over five years since he had left Ireland to make his fortune in America, the New World. After his "change" he had amassed a small fortune in the transport business and had only recently returned to Ireland to collect his true love.
Melissa Flanagan, the love of his life. Eyes like emeralds of a startling green, hair brown as the deepest oak. They had met as children, in Dublin. They had quickly become best friends, and then lovers. Every moment he spent with her was ecstacy.
But things were different. He had returned to Dublin to bring her with him, and he found himself running from the British as he had when he was a mere child.
A small revolt had led to retaliation, Melissa being a target.
Gabriel gripped her hand tightly and rushed through the underbrush, the canapy of the forest casting strange patterns over the two lovers.
"Up ahead....a clearing.." she whispered. "It's only a mile or two back to your house isn't it Gabriel?"
" tis."
The two moved towards the clearing, embraced tightly. As they emerged from the treeline three riders cut them off, halting their massive steeds mere feet from them.
"Oi, what 'ave we 'ere?" the lead soldier proclaimed. His face was thick and red, sweat highlighting his uncouth features.
"A couple of criminals it would seem." the second boasted.
Gabriel looked to Melissa. In her eyes he saw the truth. They were going to die. She knew it. A tear rode her cheek. She leaned in close to him, her ruby lips brushing his ear.
"Beloved, I'll wait for you..." she whispered. Gabriel felt his heart pound as she rushed foward, he leapt towards her to stop her. She ran, hands outstretched towards the soldiers. "GABRIEL RUN!"
The rifles fired almost simotaniously (sp?), and her body fell to the ground. Gabriel's world spun.
"NOOOOOOOOOO!" he screamed leaping towards the riders. Another shot echoed into the fall sky, and Gabriel fell to the soft green grass as well.

He awoke hours later, the riders were gone and the moon hung directly overhead. He felt his neck to find the bullet hole gone. His body had once again healed itself. As he rose to his feet he saw the dried blood on the grass below.
Ten feet away lay Melissa, face down. Gabriel ran to her and knelt down beside her.
For hours he cradled her in his arms, tears of blood streaming down his cheek.


"Mr. O'Brien? Mr. O'Brien...." Gabriel snapped back to attention to find Mr. Pieterzoon and Ms. Belvadere giving him puzzling looks.
"My apologies....Mr. Pieterzoon this is Ms. Belvadere....." he introduced them, wiping a small blood tear away with his red hankerchief as he went.

((ug can't seem to write today, but you get the idea.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 12:21 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((nice post gabe if i could write like that on an off day id be happy :smile:

Kathy stood patiently waited to be seated, her eyes scanning the busy bar, drinking in the atmosphere.In the corner of the bar a tall man in a dark suit stood up and seemed to be waving at her, Kathy smiled as she realised who it was and waved back at him.
The waiter came across to her and kathy brushed him aside and made her way to Gabriel .
AS she neared his table she realised he wasn't alone, she smiled slightly at the stranger and looed at gabriel, his eyes seemed to take on a far away look .kathy watched him , waiting for him to introduce her to the other man.
"Ms Belvadere this is Mr. pieterzon" gabriel said slowly.
Kathy looked concerned as she saw a single blood tear run down his cheek.
Kathy leaned over to peck him on his cheek..."are you ok?" she whispered.

[ This Message was edited by: Kathy Belvadere on 2001-11-27 18:31 ]

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 6:35 am Reply with quote
Gabriel smiled as Kathy's soft lips brushed his cold cheek. Perhaps it was her Toreador manner, but to a Ventrue such acts were obvious signs of affection.
"I'm well Kathy. Thank you for asking."
From across the table Jan Pieterzoon coughed, obviously not appreciating the lack of attention. "Ah, Kathy. Mr. Pieterzoon here is assisting me in my search for Sorenti."
Kathy glanced over at Jan and nodded slightly. Jan in return stood up and brushed the wrinkles out of his slacks in true Ventrue style.
"Well Gabriel, we should get moving. A pleasure meeting you Ms....Belvadere was it?" Jan said curtly. Gabriel interjected.
"Actually, if she's not too busy I would much appreciate her assistance as well, that is if it's alright with you Mr. Pieterzoon."
Gabriel said, glancing at Kathy from the corner of his eye. She seemed content enough with the idea.
"Well....alright. But we should hurry. Things move quickly here in New York City as you'll find out." The three Kindred left the bar, brushing past the waitress carrying Mr. Pieterzoon's steak as they did so.
The night air was cool as Gabriel stepped back onto the crowded streets of Soho, the air a sort of blunt, aggressive chill. He held the door open for Kathy, who walked through with the grace and elegance of royalty. Gabriel could not resist shooting a glance at her exposed bra strap as she did.
The two Ventrues and the Toreador walked through the crowded city streets, discussing matters along the way.
"So Mr. Pieterzoon," Kathy offered, "where exactly are we headed?"
"We are heading towards mid town Manhattan Ms. Belvadere," Jan said shortly, not missing a step, "an associate of mine, a Mr. Valentine holds domain there. Between 54th and 49th Street to be exact. He is a Ventrue and will lend his aid to us."
Gabriel tugged at his coat and a passer by bumped into his shoulder. Manhattan was always busy it seemed.
The trio blended in and made there way north east from Soho to the Turtle Bay District of Valentine....

((take it away. these char's i'm usin btw are real White Wolf chars taken from the New York by Night book and may make Valentine act the way you wish. physically he has short brown/red hair, and dresses to a tee...good luck and happy posting!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 11:49 am Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((well ty gabe for letting me play :smile: im not quite sure what you have Ill post something a bit laters and let you do the main bit lol unless I get a sudden bout of inspiration hehehehe

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 4:12 pm Reply with quote
((gotcha, post forth comin :smile:

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 7:48 pm Reply with quote
Jan Pieterzoon approached the main walkway leading to the entrance of the Citicorp Center. The building, large and powerful, reached far overhead. It seemed almost oddly out of place amid the other crowded shops and restaurants of Manhattan. The structure was nearly one gigantic window. The office walls were complete windows with only thin dividers between floors. They were reflective however not allowing any view of the inside.
Gabriel and Kathy followed him inside, passing through the revolving doors. As they stepped into the lobby Gabriel placed his hand on the small of Kathy's back and whispered.
"Kathy, Mr. Valentine is a very respected man here in New York. Be careful what you say."
Kathy nodded understandingly and continued to follow Mr. Pieterzoon through the ornate lobby. Gabriel glanced around, letting his eyes flow through the room. The floor was marble, blue and grey with shades of purple, it reflected the crystal and gold chandaliers hanging above flawlessly. Business men and women strode to the main check in desk where security guards who looked strangely kindred stood with pads taking down names.
The security guards, dressed in higher quality suits and sunglasses (even at night), glanced over at the three who walked past the sign in desk. Mr. Pieterzoon raised a pale hand and waved them off, all the while keeping his eyes focused on the elevators ahead of him and striding confidently towards them. The security guards nodded slightly and went back to their business.
Jan pressed the button calling the elevator to the ground floor. The doors opened with a PING! and the three stepped inside.


Several minutes later the small coterie stood inside the office of Valentine, sipping expensive brandy. Gabriel watched as Kathy admired some of his modern art. Valentine must have had a Toreador decorate.
"So Mr. Pieterzoon, Mr. O'Brien, and Ms.....?" Valentine said, the lights from the lavish lamps reflecting off his pearly white teeth.
"Ms. Belvadere." Kathy said with confidence. Valentine nodded.
"A pleasure. So, we are looking for someone?" Valentine raised an eyebrow, "Well I'll be happy to help in whatever way I can."
Jan Pieterzoon sat forward, a look of interest on his face.
"Yes...a Mr. Los Requis. He apparently has travelled here from Cairo. We believe he has played some part in the disappearance of Sorenti." Valentine's eyes widened slightly and then went back to their cold, lifeless stare.
"Sorenti? Well...although I've never met him personally he is a Ventrue of some reknown. I will put my best men on it. You three of course are welcome to stay in our guest suite in the meanwhile. I must apologize in advance, there is only one available at the moment, the others are being renovated." Valentine nodded and motioned them towards the door with a sweeping motion.
Gabriel nodded his thanks and glanced at Kathy. Mr. Pieterzoon stood up from his chair.
"Actually Mr. Valentine, I must decline your kind offer. I will find my own accomodations." Jan said curtly.
"Of course Mr. Pieterzoon," a wry smile crossing his grey lips. "and what of you two? Will you take my hospitality?" he said looking at the two remaining Kindred.

((okay, you don't need to really do anything plot wise unless ya want, which is fine by me. :smile:

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 10:04 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((well I guessI cant say said to be polite to him lol

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2001 11:44 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy walked around Mr.Valentine's office admiring the many pieces of art that he had amassed over the years.Her fingers trailed lightly over a gold statute as the men talked, as she picked it up she checked the stamp underneath it and her eyes widened as she saw it was an original.Kathy continued walking around sipping a bit on the brandy, trying not to frown as it burned her throat.
As she heard his voice mentioned she stopped still and looked over at them.Gabriel caught her look.
"Kathy, are you ok?" he asked
"yes...of course ...I just cant believe all the art that Mr.valentine has collected, his collection is excellent" she smiled back at them and continued walking around the room.
Gabriel glanced at her and turned back to the others.
Kathy returned to her chair and sat down , her legs crossed elegantly as there conversation seemed to be coming to a close.
kathy looked at Gabriel as Mr.valentine offered them one of his guest suites and smiled turning to face Mr.valentine.
"I'm sure we would be happy to accept your hospitality, if its decorated anything like your office I'm sure it will be exquisite" kathy replied.
Mr.Valentine smiled"well Ms.belvadere, I'm glad you like my office and I assure you the guest suite is just as lavish and yes that statute, it is an original".
Kathy smiled as he led her and Gabriel from his office to the lifts.

((take it away Gabe ...hehehehehehehehe

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2001 3:50 pm Reply with quote
Mr. Valentine handed Kathy the room key, a thin card about the size of a drivers lisence. He escorted the two Kindred to the elaborate elevators (lifts if you like) and smiled warmly.
"Well, I have much to attend to, and many contacts to make if we're going to locate this Mr. Requios. Your room number is 311. I hope you'll be comfortable." he said smiling the whole while.
"I'm sure it will be lovely." Kathy said graciously. The Ventrue and Toreador stepped into the elevator and headed up.

((sorry i know it's a mega short post, but i'm a bit of a tight schedule today :( be back around 4 PM EST.

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