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< Ancient Tomes ~ A cry for help from the darkness... ((Rated R, no admitance |
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 2:25 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
She lay bloody on the ground, summoning her strength, she looked the Garou above her in the eyes.
"Stay the fuck away from her... or else."
The Garou grinned at her evily.
"You wish... poor pathetic fucking artsy vampires."
She carefully plants her foot in the chest of the garou and digs a metal spike into it's chest from her heal. She grins up.
"I love silver, don't you?"
Kicks hard as she can, the garou flying off the spike in her heal.
"Fucking canine wannabee dog filthy mother fucking animals.... DAMMIT THOSE BOOTS WHERE NEW!!!!"
Looks at the garou on the ground, her eyes flashing red.
Looks really angry, digging the spike into a few more times to make sure he won't get up for a while. Runs over to her sister who is lying on the ground in torpor. She begins to cry, she couldn't even protect her sister from the evils of the darkness.
"WHY HER!!!"
Sobs hard, screaming, calling out for help, the only thing that comes is more garou, she didn't move, surrounded by them, she sent out a disstress signal to all Toreadors that might be able to pick up the weak signal.
It only said "Help... New Oleans... help..."
  -=Taste the Blood of a Rose=-
-=Eternially Mine, as I am Yours=-
-=Diam Rayvn Mystiry Bloodstaff=-
[ This Message was edited by: DiamBloodstaff on 2001-11-19 20:26 ]
Julius Darrant
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 2:36 am |
TremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
belle was reading in her study when she heard the call. she stood up and headed out shouting "MY ROSE WILL NOT DIE"
she sped down the road..her windows highly tinted so she didnt have to stop...as she arrived she could sence where her rose was...
she knelt beside diam..and brushed her hair from her face.."do not worry ..you are safe now" she started to pick up diams dead sister when she heard the growl.
belle takes a deep breath and slowly looks around she sees three garou..and none look nice. they are closeing in slowly not fearing either vampire...belle grabs both diam and her dead sisters body..casts celerity and runs through the opening in the group tword her car...she can feel them in hot persuit..tossing diam in through the back window and her sisters body through the side she jumps in her self and slamms the gas peddle to the floor..one garou grabs the back of the porsche and rips the spoiler off trying to stop them..but belle speads off into the night and takes diam back to her appartment to rest.
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 9:00 am |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
Her eyes open slowly, she looks around, half awake, laying on a cold floor. She moves very little, trying to get re-oriented.
"Lay still girl."
She doesn't know that voice... she kept thinking to herself...
"I should be dead.... I SHOULD be dead... am I DEAD? Am i DrEaMiNg?"
Her eyes started to focus better, as she opened them she saw an absolutely beautiful woman breathing kinda heavy, she started to get up.
"I told you to lay still..."
Diam mumbled...
"Where am I?"
"You are back in Cascadia... where you belong... with your clan... your Toreadors..."
She opened her eyes, finally feeling a little better, then got her first good look at the woman.
"You.... you're Belle... I've heard about you..."
"Oh really? What have you heard"
"I'm sure only what you wanted me to hear..."
Diam smirks at her, scooting backwards against the wall, sitting up. Her eyes fall on her sister's body. Then they dart back up to Belle's eyes.
"Is she really...."
Belle only looks at her solemnly, sighing.
"I'm afraid so... her head is too damaged to revive her with any hopes of a good outcome.. it would be best if you let her go."
Diam hangs her head, slowly getting up and conjuring a rose with her small ammount of strength. She dropped the rose on Tesh's chest, then suddenly, like armor the leaves started wrapping around Tesh's body. Belle stood near Diam as they watched this. When the metomorphis was done, Diam said a few solemn words then Belle told her that they would have her burried in the Cascadia Cemetery. Diam looked at herself, plain white dress torn and muddy, deep scratches all down her body, boots caked with mud, dirt, and blood.
"I am a mess..."
"I'll wash you up... follow me."
They walked down a hall way and into a room with stone walls, a bed, a closet and a wash stand. Belle slowly washes Diam, shyly Diam takes off her dress and stands there in her bra and underwear with Belle washing her.
"Off with the bra girl."
"But... just leave me to do it."
"You are too injured."
"Fine.. have it your way"
She turned her back to Belle, taking off her bra, Belle slowly wiping her with a soft wash cloth.
"Turn around now..."
Diam slowly turned around, her pale white
breasts shimmering in the moon light glinting in from the windows. Belle breaths in softly, trying to keep herself on task.
Washes Diam's breasts gently, carefully and throughly, holding back everything she wanted right now by caring for Diam.
"Undies too hun."
Diam just looks at her, Belle looks at her gently, and a sense of security came over Diam, slowly slipping her underwear off. Belle washed her up the rest of the way, then dumped the warm water down Diam's back. Diam let out a small moan signifing how great that felt. She turned back around facing Belle.
"Thank you Belle."
Before Belle could finish her last word Diam was pressed against her, hand on Belle's hip and kissing her deeply, someing sparked inside of Belle, something more true than every toy she had had before... something real.
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Julius Darrant
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 12:48 pm |
TremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
((nice post
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 7:12 pm |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((You think it explained things well enough?
Julius Darrant
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 7:19 pm |
TremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 10:00 pm |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
That morning Diam woke up, not sure of what all happened the night before, only knowing that Belle's arms were wrapped tightly around her, small bite marks and bruises on Belle's chest, Diam's back hurt in strips. Gently she rolled Belle onto her back, looking at her perfect body, marked with red bites down her breasts. She smiled to herself, wondering what had come over them the night before.
"Well... I wish I had had a video camera... just to know what happened..."
She laughed softly at that and went to Belle's closet, she hit the stereo on the way over, it played Godsmack pretty loudly, she washed up in the wash stand, then slipped on a matching red bra and underwear.
Belle woke up hearing music and watched Diam dance to the music as she dressed, she thought..
"Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?"
Belle looked at her body, bites and bruises, then laughed. Hearing that Diam turned around, hair up in a messy twist, still in her underwear.
"Good Evening sleepy!"
Belle couldn't help but smile, she was still here, what more could she ask for. Then Diam walked over, kneeling besides her on the bed.
"It's time that I go to the Elysium... I think I'm ready... will you come with me?"
Belle set one hand on her hip, nodding.
"Of course darling, of course I'll come with you."
Diam smiled, then leaned over Belle, deeply kissing her. Belle felt the same thing she had felt last night when Diam had kissed her for the first time. What was it about this girl that kept making her want more, not caring how she got more, becoming intoxicated on every word, movement and smell. Belle didn't know how to handle it. She simply kissed back, passion flowing through her skin and to her lips into Diam.
Diam got up slowly, Belle let her go reluctantly. They both finish getting dressed. Diam slips on a red china doll dress and slides chopsticks into her hair, forming a complicated twist of hair on her head. Then she sat, sliding on black fishnets and red platforms that were red with gold dragons. She watched Belle slide into her clothes, her body aching for another touch or another kiss, or anything... she ached for Belle.
When they were both ready they got into Belle's Porche and zoomed off to the Elysium, hand in hand.
When they walked in, they stood in the doorway of the packed Elysium, Belle had one hand around Diam's waist and Diam had an arm over Belle's shoulders, then Diam whispered something with hot breath into Belle's ear, kissing and licking her ear before pulling her head back. Belle shivered, holding back a moan.
Then she spoke, happy to do this much for Diam.
Both of their arms dropped, standing hand in hand everyone turned to see the two beautiful Toreadors grinning. Diam was home, and boy was Belle happy that she was the one who brought her back.
_________________ :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':
: Balance is an Essence of Life :
:..................................................: |
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 3:01 am |
LasombraPosts: 25Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 2:04 pm
((That's a great post.
((There's only one thing I'd like to protest...the age limit! I've herd,read, and seen worse....yes it is "R", you rated it, and this is just my opinion so dont get mad at me.
(( and keep this a secret....according to the rating I'm not suppose to be in here :P
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 7:47 am |
((is that all i was belle .....just a toy ? hehehe it was fun :grin: ))
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 6:53 pm |
CaitiffPosts: 16Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:18 am
((You know, you could all at least say hi, she is in the Elysium....?
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