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<  USA  ~  City of Angels

PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 9:23 am Reply with quote
Her face was rich and soft and full of tender life, her brown eyes warm and sensual set back into her elegantly defined facial features that were beautifully accentuated by her long woven hair. Her lips were wet and vibrant, a red colour. Her smile that she cast at her patron was sexual, yet reserved and as she brushed the smooth skin of her hand against his cold skin she shivered uncontrollably. Her eyes darted quickly away as she stepped back slightly from the man she was servicing and her eyes came to bare on Hayden.

The mere seconds that she cast her gaze upon him seemed to never end as he gazed passionately into her deep dreamy eyes. Innocent, compassionate and full of love yet she was defensive and reserved. She stepped away and his eyes settled down too the clear glass of a dark liquid that he played with in his hands.

In the depths of the liquid he saw a wavering reflection of himself; a ghostly image of a young man within his early twenties with a pale complexion and well defined facial features, his eyes a dark portal into his soul that contained his most private and sacred possession. Soft short hair that was immaculately groomed was a soft purple colour that disguised its natural shade. He wore a pair of black Versace Jeans and a white turtleneck FCUK top.

Raising the glass in his delicate hand he brought it up to his cold lips. The liquid flowed down his throat creating a warm and soothing feeling that spread through his body. Licking his dry lips he set the glass back down and turned to face the young man who sat beside him at the bar.

The teenager tipped the bottle to his mouth as his lips wrapped around its neck he let out a content sigh feeling the ice cold liquid bring relief to his arid throat. His body visibly relaxed as he sunk into his stool. As he went to take another sip from his drink he turned to face Hayden.

Hayden’s lips parted slightly as a coy smile spread across his face, his soft eyes gazing deep into those of the teenager opposite him. His green eyes were imbued with fragments of dark shards chaotically arranged deep within the window to his soul. The randomness comforting yet warding as if hiding a deep, dark and mysterious past that betrayed his juvenile appearance.

Raising his hand into the air with a graceful signal the barmaid walked over, her legs striding with confidence, the skin tanned and smooth as it pushed against the straining black fabric of her revealing mini skirt. Her enrapturing eyes exposed; a warm welcome smile across her face as she stood awaiting the request from Hayden. His eyes parted from the gaze with the young man and turned to the bar maid as he ordered another drink.

His attempts to strike up a conversation with the mysterious teenager were wasted and futile as they were met with silence and a blank look as if he was staring directly through him. Standing Hayden took a few steps towards the dance floor where his eyes set upon a “gothic chick”. Sliding his lithe form the rough the crowed he approached her from behind.

Pressing his lips to her ear his soft sensual voice whispered words into her soul that enthralled her. His soft delicate fingers moved with a feather like touch down the front of her cleavage and resting below her breasts, holding her tightly against his body as they swayed to the music.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 8:06 pm Reply with quote
LasombraPosts: 0Location: Wherever the Dark one leaves a trailJoined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 8:05 pm
Fraser wore a beige light weight jacket over a white T-shirt and a pair of faded jeans which were accompanied by a pair of white trainers. His eyes were an emerald green colour and his hair was black with blonde highlighted tips.

He had sat and watched for the last few hours analysing every move and gesture that was made by the one that he had relentlessly perused across Europe and America for the last half a century but he had now finally managed to find the vicious beast in the darkness of a down town club in Los Angeles .

Shadows danced and moved across the cold club floor with nothing on there minds except drink, drugs and sex. They were completely unaware of the blood vengeance that would be carried out to avenge the deceit and slaughter of his family.

The blood within his veins boiled in anticipation under his ghostly white skin as he continued to wait for his targeted prey to make its first move. Fifty years of fury, hate and blood spent tracking the one that haunted his night mares and now it sat a few feet away in the shadows.

He slowly stood to his feet as he watched his target raise from his table and move through the chaotic dance floor with supernatural grace; sliding his way past dancing youths with his lithe body and his long leather trench coat flowing behind him.

The crowd seemed to be moving against him like a drowning man swimming against the tide as he left the building onto the cold streets of L.A. His eyes darted around as his senses tried to find a trace of his prey.

Another love that I've taken from you
Lost in time, on the edge of suffering
Another taste of the evil I breed
Will level you completely
Bring to life everything that you fear
Live in the dark, and the world is threatening
Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 8:03 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Location: your nightmaresJoined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 7:51 pm
She rose from where she had been sat , her body nearly shrouded by the darkness that she had called to hide herself as she watched and waited, wondering what exactly he was up to and keen to track down the one that he sought, before he got hold of them, from what she could gather she bore him sheer malice and it wouldn't be a social call that he wished to pay on the one he searched for.

She moved with ease through the crowd, paying no mind to the thump of the music that blasted out, making the kine rhymically( sp? dance to the beat.
wry smile passed her lips, once she would have been their with them, her body dancing and swaying to the music, not any more though, now things where different, her life had changed, gone where her carefree ways, you could say they'd been beaten out of her.

She pulled her parka around her slim body and walked behind Barnaby, her heels clicking on the path, echoing out into the quiet still night.

((there ya go :P:P

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 12:20 pm Reply with quote
Hayden stepped forth from the dark ally behind the night club with a satisfied gleam in his eyes and a prod smile. He wiped the still warm blood from the corner of his mouth on the back of his sleeve as he watched the pale gothic chick saunter out of the alley caressing her neck with a dazed look of confusion.
He was nearly knocked to his feet as familiar a face pushed his way through the crowed in a hurry to break free of its constraints. His anger quickly faded to a smile when he realised it was the guy from the bar who had bumped into him. His attempt to start up a conversation failed once more as Fraser’ eyes darted around almost panicked looking for something or someone before continuing moving away.
Hayden grabbed Fraser by the wrist with vice like grip and smiled coyly as he spoke “Hey the least you could do is say sorry for nearly knocking me over”,
Fraser casually tried to tug his arm away but was surprised by the strength of the man holding his arm. Turning around he faced the other man and met his gaze.
“I’m glad I got your attention… now where’s that apology gorgeous?”
Hayden was taken by surprise as in one rapid movement Fraser broke free from his grip, pressed his arm against his neck and rammed him up against the brick wall. As Hayden came round from the strength and speed of the attack he looked into the fury filled eyes of his attacker who had a wooden stake pressed against his chest.
Time seemed to slow down in the chilling silence as both men starred into each other’s eyes, the prey showing fear and predator a dark coldness. Dropping the stake to the floor Fraser turned and walked away into the darkness leaving Hayden startled as he continued to lean against the wall. He slowly bent down and picked up the deadly stake.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 12:44 pm Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
Mark knelt on the edge of the roof top shrouded in the night’s darkness as he peered down to the street several floors below him. He watched the busy crowd of adolescent adults outside the night club. His casual glance focused onto the one who had been following him since the night was born. He had watched the fight between him and the other young man with the purple hair but something else caught his attention.
He noticed that the hunter was actually the hunted. She was watching him carefully and concealed within the shadows. Standing he took several steps away from the edge of the roof and fell to his knees as pain and suffering overcame him. He spoke silently into the dark whisper of the night.

“That day, that day. What a mess what a marvel I walked into that cloud again. I lost myself and I'm sad, sad, sad. Small, alone, scared. Craving purity. A fragile mind and a gentle spirit.”

”What a marvellous mess. This is all that I can do and I'm done to be me. Sad, scared, small, alone, beautiful and it’s supposed to be like this. I accept everything… It's supposed to be like this”

”I lay down beside myself In this feeling of pain, sadness… scared, small, climbing, crawling towards the light and it's all I see and I'm tired and I'm right and I'm wrong and it's beautiful”

”That day that day, what a mess what a marvel. We're all the same and no one thinks so and it's okay and I'm small and I'm divine and it's beautiful and it's coming, but it's already here and it's absolutely perfect.”

”When everything was a mess and everything was in place and there's too much hurt, sad, small, scared, alone and everyone's a cynic and it's hard and it's sweet, but it's supposed To be like this”

”That day, that day When I sit in the sun and I thought and I cried 'Cause I'm sad, scared, small, alone, strong and I'm nothing and I'm true. Only a brave man can break through and it's all okay, Yeah, it's okay.”

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 1:24 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 1Location: your nightmaresJoined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 7:51 pm
" You shouldn't be playing with stakes you know, you might get a splinter in your finger or god forbid....break a nail and that just wouldn't do....would it?"

Rea stepped in front of him as he was about to leave the confines of the alley where his brief tussle with Fraser had left him.

"what ?" Hayden looked at the woman that stood blocking his way, still shocked by that way that the other guy had looked at him.

He slowly let his eyes travel over her body and he nearly gasped aloud as he saw the large scar that covered one side of her face as she moved herself into the light, but he merely raised his hand as if to touch it.
" Touch me and I'll tear you apart, and believe me ...I'd enjoy it, whats with you and the guy? you two shagging and youve had a fight? and more importantly do you know where he's going?"

"who the hell do you think you are? get out of my way!" Hayden pushed her and was amazed as she felt her slim fingers around his neck as she lifted him up and slammed him into the wall.

"tut that is not what i needed to hear" she snarled as she spoke to him, her sharp white fangs glinting near his face.

He clawed at her fingers but she just tightened her grip.

"now shall we try again"

((I was bored ....markie mooshoes....if he wouldnt have done any of the above youve got my password for the mb so just change it :P:P

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 7:51 pm Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
A smirk shot across Marks face as another twist in the plot revealed itself to him in an unexpected fashion. A fragile chuckle escaped his mouth as his highly honed senses listened to the conversation below. The childe with the purple hair squirmed in her intense grip as he told her the story of how he had just met the mysterious gentleman this night and that he knew nothing. For a moment there was tense silence as she appeared not to believe him. She paused and disappeared into the darkness.

The leather trench coat flailed behind Mark as he jumped down from the roof landing within the shadows on the floor with silent grace. Hayden jumped with shock as he turned around to find Mark.

With a coy smile mark spoke “Hey I have an idea…”

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 10:25 pm Reply with quote
Hayden walked the streets of L.A. in an almost catatonic state with a voice repeating the same thing over and over in his head directing him to Mark’s downtown haven. He climbed lifelessly up the 6 flights of stairs until he arrived at a door marked 6C. Without turning his attention to the keyhole he unlocked the door and walked through as the words sounding in his mind began to play on his lips.

He turned around slowly as the door to the apartment burst open and Fraser stood before him with a large stake in his hand and a passionate fury burning in his eyes. He took deliberately slow measured steps towards Hayden.

“Where is he!”

frustration showed on Fraser’s face as he repeated himself only to be ignored by Hayden whose mouth continued to silently speak the words of the voice inside his head.

“Fine then I shall leave him a message”

He thrust the stake forward with all his strength only to feel a hand grip around his wrist stopping the stake a inch away from penetrating Hayden’s heart. Holding onto Fraser’s wrist Mark turned to Hayden and instructed him to leave. He did so silently as the ‘word’ leave ran through his head like a continual bell.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 11:21 pm Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
Hayden let out a gasp as the disgusting creature before him moved with such inhuman grace and lightening speed that his startled senses barely realised that the wooden stake that was once in his hands was now pressed against his chest and he was looking directly into the eyes of the dark one.

His Lasombra blood boiled in rage coursing through his body, warming his skin as the anger consumed him. He tested the grip that was around his wrist and holding the stake to his heart before letting out a low feral growl. He tried to focus as he felt the beast working its way free.

“So answer me this, why have you been hunting me and why have you intruded into my haven? Have you forgotten the laws of our kind?”

Mark shook his head slowly, sighing as he looked at Fraser disappointedly.
“Do you actually have any idea what happens when you ram one of those into a Vampires heart? What it would feel like to have one rammed through your heart? I’m sure you are well aware that our hunger for blood is more than a fiendish desire, it is a necessity. It is our life immortal reaped from the death of those we feed on. Without blood our bodies become corpses without the power to animate itself so it deteriorates as the beast screams for sustenance”

“Normally our primal instincts and urges, more commonly know as the beast, take control of our body in a thirst for blood. But once you feel the agonising pain of the splinter in your heart things become a little more interesting.”

“Unable to move or feed your body deteriorates as it consumes what little blood you have remaining in your body. You will feel a great discomfort that steadily increases as the pain builds. You’re body slowly consumes itself in a cannibalistic utilization for survival. Capillaries drain dry and moisture in your body vanishes. At first you will appear dry and desiccated and it grows increasingly emaciated as your organs and muscles wither.”

“Of course because you’re staked you will suffer this unbearable torturous pain in silence. You will be in constant excruciating agony appearing as nothing more than an ancient corpse. Then finally you begin to slip into torpor and you are free of the pain,”

“That is of course if you are lucky enough to escape the torment so easily. I would give to you enough blood to keep your mind from entering torpor each night and you will be fully conscious and fully cognizant of the pain wrecking your body. By this method you would be kept staked and alive for weeks, months, years or even decades because after all immortality is eternal and I never tire of a good game.”

“So as you can see the torture would be prolonged indefinitely. The pain destroying your body while the beast destroyed your mind. The few vampires who have survived this ordeal have made me seem like an averagely sane guy.”

Mark smiled sadistically as his free hand griped around Fraser’s neck and lifted him several inches from the floor.

“So I ask again, why do you hunt me?”

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 12:45 am Reply with quote
LasombraPosts: 0Location: Wherever the Dark one leaves a trailJoined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 8:05 pm
Hayden spun his body around breaking free from Mark’s hold and jumped backwards, pulling a machine pistol from behind his jacket as he landed on the floor. Pressing the trigger he watched as a burst of bullets hurtled from the gun in his hands towards Mark.

With a fluidic grace Mark twisted his body as the first hail of bullets skimmed past his shoulder. The following burst narrowly escaped his chest as he knelt back almost falling over, the bullets once again impacting into the hard brick wall behind Mark.

Mark’s right knee buckled causing him to kneel as a bullet splintered his knee cap. Rolling forward he kept low and the bullets missed again. Reaching into the depths of his trench coat Mark withdrew a knife that he launched at Fraser, the knife struck him in the hand causing him to drop his gun.

The two vampires stared of at each other. Fraser stood clasping his bleeding hand as rage and anger burned inside him. Mark knelt down looking up with an amused smile across his face and a hysterical laugher escaping his lips.

Pulling the knife from his hand Fraser charged at Mark with it. What happened next was a fury of rapid blows and strikes that were blocked by Mark which only increased the anger within Fraser. A well timed blow to the fledglings head sent Fraser flying across the room and hitting the wall. Standing to his feet the defeated and frustrated Lasombra gazed upon Mark with hatred.

Mark sighed and shrugged in exasperation. “Hey why the hell do you keep trying to hit me! Come on if I’m going to kill you I might as well know why I did it.”

“Do you not remember what you did to me, how you played me like a fool. Took everything from me, my family my home my honour. Leading me blind into destroying everything I loved. Everything I felt for is gone and soon you will be too.”

“Sorry, I can’t remember what you’re talking about? Who did you say you were?”

“You lie! You evil fiend you know what you have done and you will pay!”

“Lie?” Mark chuckled “When you play as many games as me you can’t expect to remember all the players, who did you say you were again?”

“A g…game?” Fraser began to stutter as sadness overwhelmed him. “Was that a..all it was to you? All I w…was to you?”

“Yea some good, some bad, some fun and some were boring. But I only remember the best ones,”

“Nothing... it was all for noth…ing”

“Sorry I don’t remember you… who did you say you were again” Mark enquired with a inquisitive tone”

The knife dropped from Fraser’s hand and to the floor as he slowly left the room. Tears streaming down his face and emptiness consumed him.

“hmm… weird guy” Mark mused.

Another love that I've taken from you
Lost in time, on the edge of suffering
Another taste of the evil I breed
Will level you completely
Bring to life everything that you fear
Live in the dark, and the world is threatening
Offline Profile WWW ICQ
PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 4:01 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 25Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 2:04 pm
She stood hidden in the shadows of the corridor as she listened to the arguing and then the fighting that ensued in the apartment.

It had not taken her long to track them down and now she waited patiently either for the smell of blood been spilt or the a deathly silence to ensue.

The door opened and Reannag saw him, the thin line of blood tears running down his pale cheek.

" now there you are you know how long Ive been waiting outside, really most rude of you, dont do it again" she chided sarcastically as she walked to the door .

The door offered little resistance as she kicked it and splinters flew as the lock gave way.

" Hi honey, I'm home " she said quietly as she walked in, finally she was going to see this mark Archer that she had been sent to find.

((ello sexy :P

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 5:07 pm Reply with quote
Hayden stood leaning against a wall as his hands massaged his temples. The heavy and confusing cloud that had obscured his mind slowly cleared leaving him with the feeling of a sluggish and heavy hangover. Memories of the hours previous were like shards of dreams that he couldn’t quite make sense of or remember completely. Reluctantly the young toreador resumed walking towards his art studio.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 5:38 pm Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
Mark swung around to look at the once again forceful entry into his haven by another. He idly held the machine pistol in his hand that Fraser had left in his hurry to flee. As she spoke his eyes glanced down to the gun which he turned over in his hands and examined. After a momentary pause he discarded it onto his bed and frowned. Turning his back to her he walked over to the apartment window and stared out into the night.

“I never really understood the purpose of those things, useless and annoying and all they do is ruin good clothes”

Mark turned to face her and pointed to the hole over his knee.

“What a waste! I loved this pair of trousers as well. Please come in and make yourself at home and tell me why you broke my door”

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 3:27 pm Reply with quote
User avatarLasombraPosts: 25Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 2:04 pm
" very nice of you to be so accomodating I must say" she said as she walked in and sat down on the edge of the table.
" as for the damage to your door, well I apologise, but I didn't want you to disappear on me"

He looked at her long and hard as she spoke, she seemed familar, the long white blonde hair that flowed freely down her back and the slim figure clad in a tight tshirt and faded denims.

" do I know you?" he asked as he rested against the windowsill.

As she turned to look at him, the light from outside caught her face and then realization hit him.

" We have shared the one you call Barnaby, he's, how can I say it, very sweet and most pleasing, but I see you recognise me now, maybe not froma personal view but more from the gossip that flies round this city like wildfire" her voice was low and monotone but still carried the lilt that was once so familar to all that knew her.

" I believe your the one called mark archer, please dont be tiresome and deny it, I find that so boring and quite annoying when people do that, but forgive me, let me introduce myself, my name, if you already don't know is Reannag, as to why I've come to visit you, well thats a different story"

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 7:38 pm Reply with quote
MalkavianPosts: 16Location: Yorkshire, EnglandJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:06 pm
"oh why would I deny who i am... i like who i am"

Reannag frowned as Mark dropped his trousers to the floor and stepped out of them, moving over to his wardrobe he pulled out a sports bag and chucked it onto his bed. Grabbing a random assortment of clothing and hurried collection of personal belongings he stuffed them into the bag, finally he picked up the machine pistol and placed it on top before zipping up the bag.

“As much as I would love to know what the story of you being here is, well maybe I wouldn’t be that interested….” Mark reached into the cupboard and pulled out an almost identical pair of trousers to the ruined ones he just discarded and began to slide them on. “But unfortunately for me some muppet fired an automatic gun in my home.”

Reaching once more into the wardrobe he found a leather jacket that he put on before sliding the sports bag over his shoulder.

“I don’t know who Barnaby is but I do know that if we don’t leave soon some annoying red and blue flashing lights are goanna come up here and I don’t want another blood bath. So if you will excuse me?”

Mark smiled and gestured to the door in a courteous way before moving to it.

“Oh and if this about those twins I fed on last week can we just let it drop?”

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