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PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 12:05 am Reply with quote
User avatarUnknownPosts: 117Location: ChicagoJoined: Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:24 pm
She walks slowly around town, asking kindred for the whereabouts of the prince...
"Not around right now... send him a letter."
She mutters... "hard cold stoney... grrrr"
She writes the letter, it reads:
Dear Prince Sorenti,
My name is Viviane Wellfire and I am here for a short time on buisness... I am here to see a friend... man by the name of Echoe... thanks for the stay in your town... hope I do get to meet you...!
-Viviane Wellfire

She smirks, sending it off to the adress she was given by one of her kind.
She walks around aimlessly, still muttering
"Cold, hard, grrr.... stoney, scaley...."

"Yeah, you want me. Piss me off and I'll fucking kill you."
Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 12:29 am Reply with quote
Echoe sat quietly in his dark corner of the ellysium bar, finger stirring at his teacup, slowly stirring... sofar the evening had been fairly uneventful. Viviane's name rolled over in his mind. He smiled to himself and went on stirring.

~There is nothing more dangerous than a bored malkavian.~

[ This Message was edited by: Echoe on 2001-11-10 18:37 ]

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 4:58 am Reply with quote
User avatarUnknownPosts: 117Location: ChicagoJoined: Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:24 pm
Viviane walks into the elysium, her head turning from side to side, she spots Echoe with a broad grin on her face, she found him stirring his tea with his finger like usual. She sat next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder whispering into his ear.
"Warm, warm... cozy soft cuddly."
She see's him grin and look up at her, they kiss softly, her smooth lips brushing against his, then her forked tongue licking his lips.
"Hello dear, how are you?"
She lays her head back against his chest, snuggling against his jacket.

Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2001 6:26 am Reply with quote
Echoe smiled, better now that she was here. "Very good.. good.. you... you..."

He held her in his arms, hands caressing her soft skin. How had this come about? He had not allowed anyone to touch him in over a hundred years. He didnt care. Her touch, her lips. the texture of her skin. her blood. She had a more powerful effect on him than any of his vices.

She muttered happilly under her breath, still snuggling to his chest. His hand ran smoothly up and down the length of her back. Her happy mutters rolled around in his head.

"Soft cozy warm cuddly... cuddly cuddly... cuddly warm cozy soft soft soft...."

He smiled, content, playing with her hair.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 5:24 am Reply with quote
User avatarUnknownPosts: 117Location: ChicagoJoined: Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:24 pm
She looked up at him, vibrant green eye's pleading for the solitude of a warm bed and his arms.
"You called me, so I kept my promise. I told you I would love you eternally... I drank your blood to those words... and I keep them as though they were sacred. I am so so happy to be with you again...."
As she trailed off she felt a blast of emotion from deep inside him well up, she didn't know what it was, but it was there... and it worried her.

"Yeah, you want me. Piss me off and I'll fucking kill you."
Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 4:21 pm Reply with quote
As he looked into her pleading eyes. Something sparked inside him. It was emotion, it was memory... it was everything.

Somehow those eyes... those eyes connected with something in his dreams. He had seen her often enough recently. But something sparked in his distant, buried past. He searched for a way to explain it.

A pair of eys, a delicate hand. Candle Flame. Fear. Hunters. Heavy footsteps.. Running. Exhaustion. Fire. Snake. Something was missing...

Those eyes... those eyes.. those...

He tried to shake it off. The chance of meeting anyone from one's mortal past was slim, especially after 160 years of unlife. This could only be the same faint fading memory that had haunted him as a fledgling. Or could it be something else?

he looked away from her eyes from a moment, and closed his, the memory fading to the back of his mind.

"J-Just remembering.. a dream.. dream.. dream..." As he held her in his arms, he vowed on his blood that he would always protect her.
Shouldst thou request I rend my heart from mine chest, and hand it to thee, it is done.

[ This Message was edited by: Echoe on 2001-11-12 11:37 ]

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 8:20 pm Reply with quote
User avatarUnknownPosts: 117Location: ChicagoJoined: Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:24 pm
Her apple green eyes searched deep within him, finding comfort with him like she had before, but this was a different feeling, that of protection as well, an unspoken vow of safety.
"Are... are you okay Echoe?"
She looked up at him, a tear of blood forming in the corner of her eye as worry built in her. She wondered what he could have been dreaming that would make him so emotional. Something didn't feel right, when everything else was fitting into to place just fine... she wanted answers.

Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 9:31 pm Reply with quote
Echoe nodded afirmatively. "Okay.. okay.. okay.. j-just... a dream.. dream.." He wasnt sure if it was a dream or a memory. But her eyes...

He saw the worry in her familiar eyes, kissed away the tear that began to run down her cheek. And sighed. The reason he had called her here.

"I need.. to know.. to know.."

He looked around the now crowded Elysium Bar... needed somewhere more private. This was not to be a discussion for prying ears.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2001 9:50 pm Reply with quote
User avatarUnknownPosts: 117Location: ChicagoJoined: Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:24 pm
Glances around when he does, seeing people she doesn't know...
"Why don't we go home?"
Her eyes plead for some place warm and alone with him.

Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 4:22 am Reply with quote
Hand in hand, they left the crowded Elysium. The night air felt good as they walked to the old part of the city to the abandoned club that Echoe had chosen as a haven when he arrived in cascadia.

Candles burned around the place, providing enough light, and a warm atmosphere.

Echoe sat down on the old sofa he had brought in from the street. the place was slowly beginning to look more like home. Vivianne sat beside him, snuggling into his chest. She looked up into his eyes and they kissed, hands exploring. Now, it felt like home.

He had to tell her about the dream he'd had each day since the first of his unlife. A chill ran up his spine, and he reached down for a notepad, and some colored markers. Sometimes, It was easier for him to communicate with pictures than with words.

The images of his dream burned lucid in his mind. he tapped the notepad with a marker...

"The dream.. dream.. dream..."

She watched the paper intently as he drew a series of images, each more vivid than the last.

First, a pair of eyes, apple green, deep, fair skin.

The second image was one of a woman's hand, reaching up with a match to light a candle on an altar. the colors were vibrant, cheerful.

The third image was a doorway flung open, fading to a blur, legs running through it. a sense of urgency. cofusion.

The fourth image was more forboding, greens and dark shades of brown streaked by. Blurs or trees in backness.

The fifth, stillness. A clearing. Colors, textures holding a sense of calm. Looking up beyond a head buried in his chest. Fire in the distance. Black smoke.

Six. A rattlesnake, rearing to strike. Light of day. Smoke rising in the distance. Echoe closed the notepad.

"Have to ask you... ask you.." A long pause. "Do you remember.... Before the embrace.. the embrace.. embrace..."

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 5:45 am Reply with quote
User avatarUnknownPosts: 117Location: ChicagoJoined: Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:24 pm
She looks at the pictures, something shaking in her deeply. Feeling a connection.
"I don't remember anything before my embrace. Nothing."
She looked up, a mirror, her reflection something she prided herself on, then she looked down at the vivid picture, it was the same as her reflection.
Her eyes trace over the pictures, her body shakes violently.
She hangs her head. She lays him on the couch, her body pressed against her and her body shakes against his, breath hard like she she had been running far and for a long time.
"My god...dess."

[ This Message was edited by: VivianeWellfire on 2001-11-12 23:46 ]

Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 6:55 am Reply with quote
A great longing in his heart suddenly released...

He Clutched her shaking body as it pressed against his. He kissed her as though it had been two lifetimes... and it had. Four hands explored every inch of flesh, so familiar. In unlife.. one need not breathe... the kiss lasted for hours. Tongues entwining, making up for lost time.

The love they made that night was frenzied, Torn clothing lie strewn about, as though they had raped eachother... but this was not rape. Flesh in flesh, flesh against flesh... blood in blood. They drank of eachother, bodies moving in synchrony till the approach of dawn...

Viviane raised her head from his.. and he looked up into those eyes. "Lilliane... never let go.. let go.. let go..."

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 7:27 am Reply with quote
User avatarUnknownPosts: 117Location: ChicagoJoined: Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:24 pm
She cluched him tightly, she knew why she had ached for him when she was gone, she would never leave him again. Everything from that morning was a blurr.

A blurr.....
They ran, running for their lives. She remember collapsing from exhastion((i can't spell)) and sleeping on him, his chest rising and falling under her. Then before the morning came she vaguely remembered a tall imposing male figure lift her from her slumber, carrying her gently, she thought it was Joeseph.... she remembered a hissing voice, whispering sweet words into her ear. She remembered pain, then she remembered those sweet words hissing a vow into her ear.

She had woken up and not remembered anything of the day of mortality. She was trained in the ways of Set, corruption, greed, things she would not admit to, but underhandedly adhere to.

Then a few years from present she had met a strange Malkavian who she had fallen for. She had often tried talking herself out of staying with him, but something kept her there. She willingly blood bound herself to him, as he did to her. They drank from each other freely, sharing everything they had. She had stayed in there haven and he had gone to Cascadia. She was saddened slightly.

When she felt him miss her she resolved to go to him, she knew his feelings and emotions how ever far appart they were.

She came and things were different between them. She felt a perpetual cold unless she was close to him or very near to a fire or heater. She felt nothing soft except a few special couches and anywhere with him. She was very uncomfortable when he wasn't near.

Then this... the pictures, the image of her that he had drawn quickly, but very accurately. It all fit. When he had said Lilliane she could only murmur to him softly... almost questioning...


Then her tears flowed freely as they became one again, life or death, the goddess had made them for each other. Forever, when he said it had made her laugh... now... it meant more.

"Yeah, you want me. Piss me off and I'll fucking kill you."
Offline Profile ICQ

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