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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  I dont forgive and i dont forget....

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 2:29 am Reply with quote
Demon's whispers could be heard everywhere in Valek's haven...

Valek was writting a few demonic spells in his book...while mouthing a few of them....making
the place a living hell for those who were catholics....still in the underground section writting
those spells on his book...Kildrood ((a servant lol)) came in the room and coughed a little...
Valek turned back slowly...with a killing look in his eyes...Valek said

-Kildrood-"I was wondering where"
Valek made him stop talking as he said
"Dont even pronouce this name....i warn you...i wont warn you twice..."

Kildrood noded and he then said
"Diam is gone so?"

Valek suddenly stood up and walked toward Kildrood with hate in his eyes....he gripped Kildrood's
throat and lifted him with one hand choking Kildrood....Valek then said

"You know more then anyone else that she was only troubles....her name i dont want to
know how much troubles i went through due to her actions towards other kindreds...."

-Kildrood-"::coughs:: yes..::coughs:: i...::coughs::i know..."
-Valek-"You know damn much troubles i went through....dont say this name
are WARNED!!"

Kildrood Valek let off his grip...As Valek walked back to his working desk Valek said
"No one really knows...Im not to blame in all that....She caused what happened to her...::smirks::
and now shes paying the price.....she deserved what shes living now....she caused it to happen...
behind her poor and innocent face she hides another face that other kindred's are not aware of..."

Kildrood was still on the ground...coughing a little...and he said
"Diam deserved it i know...."

Valek turned back and said

Only to hear this name made Valek's anger grow stronger...his eyes turned white and he lifted Kildrood again....
Valek voice changed to a demonic one.....Valek then grabbed one of Kildrood's arm...and Valek said

"I dOnT fOrGiVe.....AnD i DoNt FoRgEt...."

Valek ripped off Kildrood's left arm....and smiled evily...
-Valek-"Feel the fire of hell...."

Valek then took Kildrood by his hair....and he brought Kildrood's head in the fire...there was an heavy metal
door that was closing the screams could be one could saw this......Kildrood
burned Valek smiled evily looking at the scene....Valek then turned back to normal and he said

"You were always worthless........"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 2:41 am Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2003 1:16 am
((cool post dude!

I'm your weakness.
Offline Profile
PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 2:45 am Reply with quote
((Thanks man :smile:))

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 3:15 am Reply with quote
(( Very nice post .. :smile: hehehe .. can I jump in?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 4:43 am Reply with quote
((EeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeViLLLLLLLLLL :grin:))

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 4:29 pm Reply with quote
User avatarUnknownPosts: 117Location: ChicagoJoined: Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:24 pm
((Wow... after Diam had to kill your other servant... is this normally how fast you go through servants? LoL

Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2001 9:50 pm Reply with quote
((yep lol they dont do a good job....their losing their life lol))

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2001 6:47 pm Reply with quote
The night seemed to guide her through the silent streets as the wind swept through her hair. She kept looking over her shoulder being sure that she was not being followed, but she could never be sure. She slipped silent past the fallen drunks and the hookers that lined the streets earlier in the evening. As she got closer her pace quickened and a smile crept across her face. The thoughts of earlier evenings swept through her minds.

Kiya opened the heavy door to Valek's haven, allowing her slender body to slip through. She let the door go, a force taking it from her hands and slamming it shut behind her. The sound of the lock securing itself echoed through the halls. Her eyes glanced around quickly, wondering who or what was around her. Kildrood no longer stood in the entrance way, the demon dogs remained their growling.

Whispers of forgotten souls radiated from the pours of the walls. Screams of pain peircing through her ears.

"Hello?" Kiya stood frozen for a minute, her mind racing. "Valek?" No answer from anyone, just whispers enwrapturning her, filling her head with noises. The presence of whatever it may have been wanted her to follow it. Kiya stumbled back to the doorway, grasping for the handle. The door knob felt as though it was on fire. Panic overwhelmed Kiya as she looked around into the darkness the silence had been over taken by the screams of souls. She looked to her left, a trial of blood seemed to form in front of her eyes. Endless scratching, one much of a puppy dog trying to get in, could be heard as the lines continued to form. Horror and curiosity took control. Her eyes followed the dripping red liquid as her legs followed without direction.

The sense of sadness, hatred, anger, and pain seeped through the walls. Her eyes big, but saw nothing. There was nothing around her. Just her, the noised and the endless blood trial that continued to form. She stopped for a second, her mind once again regain control of her body. "I must be mad." She muttered to herself as her body began to shake with fear. A loud scream echoed from down from what seemed the stairwell. Once again, her legs took control, her mind losing all power. She drifted down the staircase, her hands catching the webs of the small creatures that must have been there for centuries. A pale green light radiated from heavy metal door that stood in front of her. Her hand reached for the handle, trying to continue with her journey but was unable too. The voices remained but no longer guided her. She stood there for a moment, her fears easing, but her curiosity as strong as ever. She stood back, looking into the door. A figure appeared, smiling wickedly at her. Pure evil could be seen from the meer child. The girls arms opened as if to invite her into where ever she came from. The once locked barrier seemed to melt into a pool of blood dripping from the ceiling right before her eyes. Kiya stood there astonished at what she just saw. Reluctantly she put her hand through, retracting it just as quickly. She starred at her hand, it came back as clean as it went in. She guided herself through the door. She looked down at herself, she chuckled slightly making a check that she was still all in one peice. She turned back to the door. The lock still was secure and the blood was gone. The girl stood in front of her. The evil smile still secure on her lips. She seemed to float as she walked through the endless maze of the dungeons. The echoes that were surronding her before intensified, ringing through her head like a cannon going off beside her. Finally, the girl approached something that looked like a mirror, walking through it with ease. Kiya reached out her hand, but found it to be solid. The screams that she had heard were coming through this. The sound of one unforgetable demonic scream seemed to be coming closer. It was as though it was all coming from this mirror. She watched as terror took over her body, a dark shadow appearing in the reflection of the mirror. The figure rushed towards her. His eyes were white. Blood and skin running down his face and arms. Kiya began to stumble back, her mind exploding with immense terror. She feel the the ground, her hand falling onto a brick that had fallen from the centuries old wall. Her hand grabbed the object, she closed her eyes and launched it at the mirror, shattering it into thousands of fragments. Slivers of glass glimmered in a circle around her.

Kiya opened her eyes ... seeing Valek's back to her ,,, fire glistening in front of him.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2001 6:20 am Reply with quote
The demon still rushing toward Kiya as she broke the mirror...Kiya could saw Valek's back as she crawled in the other she looked back in the corridor where she saw the demon running toward her,she saw the demon getting closer to her...the demon lat out long and what seemed like a tortured demonic scream....the demon kept screaming as he was getting closer to Kiya...the demon jumped and disapeared as he passed where was the mirror....strangely the mirror was back again....As Kiya looked back to look at where Valek was standing...Valek wasnt there anymore...only wraiths flying in cirlces in the room....demonic whispers could be heard again and again in the dungeon....Kiya stood up...looking around...she saw a nun trapped in a cage...the nun was crying endlessly...As the nun looked up and saw Kiya....the nun said

"Help me...please...dont let them take me again.....PLEASE!!!! HELP ME!!!!"

Kiya looking confused a little due to everything she just saw she walking toward the cage...the nun said

"Hurry!!!!I dont want them to take me back again!"

Kiya opened the cage,freeing the nun...seeing that she was the only "Normal" looking being around.

A scream could be heard....coming from the other side of the mirror..Kiya turned back to look at she did....the nun said in a demonic voice this time

"OH PleAsE....DoNt LeT tHeM tAkE mE bAcK aGaIn....."The nun now possessed by a demon laughed evily as she cut her wrist with a knife endlessly....the nun still possessed by a demon said

"FeEl ThE pAiN....FeEl iT!!!!"
She laughed evily again....the demon walked toward Kiya...Kiya walked backwards...wanting to get away from all of this....She headed toward the she looked at it the face of Angelica appeared again in it....she was smiling evily....opening her amrs again....a demonhoud then breaked the mirror....arriving in the room....his mouth full of blood and full of peices of flesh also....Kiya then started to run away from the room heading to the corridor....the maze she was lost in was really big...therefore really hard to find the way out...she took a left,then a right and a left and right again.....she runned throught a very long corridor...the demons still following her from behind..running and screaming also....

As she continued to walk toward the other end of the corridor...Valek turned the corner....Kiya runned into him....Valek put his arm around her....holding her...Kiya looked in Valek's eyes....his eyes were white....Scared Kiya runned back to where she was she reached the middle of the corridor she saw two demons that turned the corner...she was now trapped between those two demons and Valek....the demons kept walking toward her......Kiya fell on her knees...covering her ears the demons got closer...they stopped and looked at her..the demons were not attacking....they seemed like they wanted to...but they were not attacking her.....Valek walked toward Kiya and as he got next to her he said...."Why have you runned away like this?You can see now that they are not attacking you...."

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2001 7:40 am Reply with quote
User avatarUnknownPosts: 117Location: ChicagoJoined: Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:24 pm
((OMG... LoL... sorry, but this is pretty funny that she doesn't know what is going on...

"Yeah, you want me. Piss me off and I'll fucking kill you."
Offline Profile ICQ
PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2001 5:55 pm Reply with quote
(( She knows what's going on ... she just hasn't seen any of it before ... so OMG ... keep laughing.

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