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Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2001 5:28 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
The room vibrated with the thumping beat of the music.Kathy made her way across the room pleased to be out her working clothes and dressed in something more her style.Her long leather gucci black leather dress clung to her body, the deep slash at the front going down to her navel, revealing her white soft breasts.Kathy grinned as she saw women glaring at their men as they cast their eyes greedily upon her body.she had been the cause of many arguments between couples and she loved it.Her hips swayed seductively as she continued walking towards the edge of the dance floor,her swarovski quartz rings glittering as the laser lights hit them.
As she neared the edge of the dance floor she saw Wes, her sire's ghoul stood guarding the door,his long trench coat barely concealing the rifle at his side.
"Is connor in wes....or should i say is he busy ?" kathy asked as she walked over to him pecking him on the cheek.
"he's in, he told me he was expecting you kathy..he has company but im sure he wont mind if you join him" wes said, as he smiled he revealed white teeth each one with a small tatoo on it.
Kathy grinned and wondered just who connor was entertaining.
"I have your money for you wes...thanks for the information i asked for and this time dont tell connor about the money...this trip has been very worthwhile" kathy slipped an envelope to connor, smiling as she thought about the work of art she had stolen and the thrill it had given her.
Wes took the envelope and pressed a code into the door panel.
"anytime kathy.." wes said as he watched her step throught the doorway .
Kathy walked down the corridor to the room at the end...connor's play pen as he called it.
She nodded at sam, a ghoul who had angered her sire, and stood staring at him.Rather than kill him connor had turned his face into a work of art.His face had numerous piercings,but the most impressive where the 8mm bars that stapled his top lip to his bottom lip, each one a different colour.
Kathy broke her stare as the sound of young girls giggling could be heard through the door.
sam opened the door for her and she walked into the room.It was almost bare except for a large circular bed in the centre, marble posts supported layers of gold chiffon that draped to the floor around the bed.
Through the drapes she could see two young girls laid on the bed sharing a bottle of wine.
Two arms wrapped around her from behind and soft lips kissed her neck gently, the feel of teeth brushing against her skin making her tremble.
"kathy, have you come to play with my toys?" connor whispered softly in her ear.
Kathy laughed softly..watching the two girls on the bed.
"I just came to tell you that my business in paris is finished..I leave in 3 hours for cascadia" she kissed his hand draped around her shoulder.
"what have you planned for these two then?"
connor turned her and pointed to a small table with a hypodermic needle and a small glass vial on it.
" i thought I'd numb the pain for them...im feeling generous tonight" he grinned.
" Im sorry your leaving ...but as you say if your business is finished...i take it you have enjoyed yourself in paris?"
Kathy laughed as she thought of all the fun they had had with the groupies that followed connor around.The nightclub he owned ensured that he had a ready supply of vitae and playthings.
"very much so.....I will be bcak dont worry about that .."
connor turned her around in his arms and trailed his nail down the slash in her dress.
" you leave in 3 hours you say...are you packed all ready?" connor asked.
kathy nodded.
"my driver will take you to the airport, traffic isnt bad at this time of night...so i reckon you have 2 hours to spare" connor said slyly his eyes looking towards the bed.
kathy grinned at him...
Kathy picked up the hypodermic and filled it from the vial and walked to the bed with it , the girls looked longingly at the needle they were beginning to come down from the ecstasy tabs that connor readily supplied to his playmates .
"now whos first ?" asked kathy.
((ok well thats kathy :P thats just one of the sides to her , will post her arriving back in the city later on
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2001 6:40 pm |
((don't be offended by this okay? you're writing rox, i just feel the need to stick my nose where it don't belong! :P
Celeste danced to the thumping beat in a trance like state. Her swivelling hips shook violently with each beat drop. Her long black hair arched through the air as she shook her head back and forth. Her tight leather dress was constricting, but she didn't even notice. She was too far into the dance.
She was miles away from the sweat and booze that surrounded her. She felt a brush on her soft buttocks. She immediantly returned to this world. She turned her head to look behind her. A sweaty Kine pressed himself up against her rotating his pelvis.
"Get the **** off me creep." she shouted above the blaring music and moved away. She wasn't here to socialize. There was only one love in her life. The Irishman. She had met him months ago. He was well dressed to be at a club like the dive she had been dancing at. She usually didn't go for his type, but something about him drew her to him.
They had spent an incredible evening together, and at the end of the night in the front seat of his Benz they had spent hours simply touching. He had run his fingers along her neck and arms. Every nerve in her body had felt alive and tingling, begging for his touch. He had licked and kissed her chest and neck, gently threading his fingers through her hair.
The rest of the night had swirled out of control. He had a sick sense of humor however...by the end of the night he had been calling her "my little ghoul".
Then he had disappeared and for 7 months now he was all she thought about. Celeste felt a tear fall and moved to the bar to drown her sorrows in another wine cooler.
A man stood at the bar, dark and mysterious. He looked her up and down. Celeste smirked and ordered her drink. She glanced at him once more, he was still staring at her.
"What are you....." she began. Her voice trailed off. His eyes...they were incredible. She felt drawn to him the same way she had felt drawn to the Irishman. She moved towards him. "H..hi, I'm Celeste."
"My name is Connor." he shouted over the loud music. "Come with me."
She stared at him dumbly.
"Okay..." she said quietly and took his hand as he led her past a man in a trenchcoat and down a bright hallway.
Celeste looked up from her recollection of the night's events. Connor had introduced to her to a stranger, who she had for some reason began to passionately kiss. It seemed like a good idea for some reason.
The woman stood over the bed with a needle in hand.
"Okay who's first?" she asked. Celeste wondered where her Irishman was tonight....
((btw, the Irishman is my character Gabriel
Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2001 10:03 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((okies gabriel...you do know this is in a club in paris though dont you?no matter though i guess your char has been there :smile:
Kathy looked at the black haired girl as she moved to the edge of the bed, her tight dress riding up her thighs to reveal a red silky thong.
"really you must learn to coordinate or go without " kathy laughed.
" I take it you want some of this do you ?" kathy asked as she held the hypodermic up in front of the girls face.
connor walked up behind kathy turning her to face him.
He pointed to the blonde haired girl who looked like she had passed out from drink on the bed.
"she's mine i dont think there will be any need for something to dull the pain with her shes out of it" connor said
"do what you like with this one...."he flicked at the girls black long hair " she's not my type"
Kathy smiled as connor held her close.
"goodbye if I dont see you before you go...have a good trip and remember im always here if you need me " connor said
she watched as connor walked around the bed and picked the girl up, slinging her over his shoulder as if she was a ragdoll.
"Im taking her to the room" he grinned wickedly.
kathy watched him walk out of the room and knew what was to happen to the girl, connor loved to dissect kine...alive...he loved to show them their insides as he cut and sliced away at them , hooking them up to machines to keep them alive...he enjoyed watching the pain and torment in there eyes.
kathy turned back to the bed, needle ready in her hand...the girl was staring at her intently.
"hold out your arm sweet thing...and you can have your medicine" kathy said her eyes shining.
The girl carried on staring at kathys face.
"I....I....dont do drugs..." the girl said quietly.
Kathy frowned, that was odd, connor only played with his groupies and they were all on drugs he made sure of that.
"dont be stupid girl give me your arm now i have no time for stupid games" kathy shouted harshly her hands gripping the girls arm tightly.
"your eyes....he had eyes like yours...and the one that brought me from the bar...he too had the same eyes...what are you ?"
"pleasure seekers sweetie thats all you need to know" kathy said as she plunged the needle into the girls arm.
"he called me his little ghoul, the irish one did....he looked like you...i love him you know..." the girl said softly as the sedative took effect.
kathy sat down on the bed,the girls words making her think, she must be someones ghoul.
Kathy looked around the room and found what she was looking for, the girls bag.kathy emptied the contents onto the bed.makeup, cash, tissues, tampons, mobile phone and bits of paper fell out in a pile.
kathy looked through the pieces of paper,her eagerness to play with the girl had worn off and she would have to leave soon anyway.
A name scrawled on a piece of paper caught her eye.
Kathy walked across the room and picked up the phone.
" sophie its kathy...yes im just great do me a favour will you run this name through the computer, yes I know you shouldn't but I think ive found something that belongs to him,i just need to know where he is "
kathy listened as she could hear sophie typing on the computer.
"kathy, hes in cascadia,im not giving you know address or number though" sophie said.
"thanks thats all i needed to know, bye take care " kathy put the phone down.
Kathy looked at the girl laid on the bed.
"I think you can come back with me and if he doesnt want you then i get to play with you " kathy grinned .
((okies there you go gabriel I will bring her back with me
:P ;)
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 4:36 am |
((hehe okay here you are.
Celeste took another sip of her gingerale in a vain attempt to pop her ears. She set the cup down on the small meal tray hanging from the seat in front of her. Her ears hurt badly from the altitude. Concentrating, she tried to recall the events of the past few hours. The club, that strange man, the woman...the needle. Something about Gabriel.
The woman had wisked her away to the airport and purchased her a standby ticket. Now they were on their way to the States, but she would not say where. She glanced out the window at the vast ocean below. It was slightly obscurred by whispy sirrus clouds that shone brightly in the moonlight.
Celeste sighed and ran the wrinkle out of her leather dress which was now causing her to sweat rather profusely. The sedative was wearing off, she was next to a complete stranger....Jesus what was she doing. She gulped and turned to the woman.
"Listen, I don't know what I may have told you, b..but I think I've made a BIG mistake...I know you spent a lot of money on my ticket and I can pay you back..." tears were already streaming down her face as she saw the woman's emotionless expression. She turned to Celeste.
"Relax, everything will be fine." she said matter of factly.
"Oh God, please just let me go home...I know you're just trying to be nice but..." the woman placed a flawless hand over her face and passed it over her eyes. Celeste felt the world whirl around right before he fell asleep.
((hehe okies thx! :smile:
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 7:44 am |
((wow good stuff you two :smile:
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 2:17 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy looked out of the window and smiled as she saw the airport lights shining brightly.
Kathy stood up and stretched, her leather dress had been replaced with a smart chanel suit, more apt for travelling in kathy had thought.
"I need to make a call " she said to the stewardness...it wasnt a request more a demand.
"we will be landing shortly , you really shoud be in your seat"
" the phone?where is it ?" kathy asked her face determined.
The stewardness sighed, she hated first class, and pointed down the aisleway, "its on the left "
Kathy spoke at length on the phone.
"Yes about 15 minutes i should think, I hope everything is in order, I expect you to be waiting for us...yes..us I have someone with me, and dont be late! " kathy replaced the phone on the handset and walked back to her seat.
"sweetie you have to wake up now, we are about to land" kathy shook the girl awake.
She saw the look on the girls face and leaned close to her whispering in her ear.
"dont cause me any trouble, you may scream and cry all you want once we are out of the airport, until then act normal, dont try to run, im taking you to see your irishman sweetie , he will be disappointed if you run away" kathy smiled falsely at the girl.
The girl nodded understanding completely.
The runway was ahead and as the wheels touched the ground the plane bumped along, the brakes squealing as they went into reverse.
kathy and the girl walked through the first class arrivals lounge , kathys arm tight on the girls elbow.
"dont look so worried sweetie, smile, you are making people look" kathy said as she nipped the girls arm.
Tobias,a detective in cascadia police force and one of kathys loyal kine followers, waited by the gate for them.
Kathy smiled , thinking how kine where so easy to win over, a special party once a month where drugs and young girls , who catered to all varietys of sexual needs, ensured that she had many kine willing to help her.
"tobias, glad you could make it on time, how are you ?"
Tobias chattered away to kathy as he walked them to his car, trying to find out when the next party would be so he could organise his shift around it.
"as usual tobias you will be given 24 hours notice"
"and who is this pretty thing, a new addition?" he asked as he leered at the girl.
"Maybe ...you will have to wait and see"
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 8:21 pm |
Celeste wrinkled her nose in disgust at the overweight detective.
"I am NOT a whore. I am a person, and I'd appreciate it if you would not speak about me as if I didn't exist."
The detective chuckled as he drove.
"She's feisty Kathy, I'll tell you that. But I like her, it makes it all the more satisfying when they're finally tamed."
Celeste sighed nervously and glanced out the window. What were these people going to do to her? Would she really see her Irishman again. Gabriel where were you....
She felt the soft touch of a hand on her knee. She glanced away from the car window and the highway rushing by. The woman, Kathy by name, was looking at her almost affectionately.
"Do not be nervous young one. You will see your love, I promise." she said quietly, keeping her voice low so as the man in the front seat would not hear her.
Celeste nodded and turned her attention back to the road. It was pitch black outside but in the distance she could see the city lights approaching like a beacon of hope.
((take it away champ
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 11:12 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
Kathy walked around her haven pleased that all seemed to be how she left it.
"you will stay with me for a while sweetie,until I can find your irishman" she smiled at the girl,hoping that maybe he wouldn't want her no more, she was indeed feisty and would provide hours of fun.
"my name is celeste, not sweetie" the girl said rebellously.
"I'll call you what I wish...sweetie, you will stay in theis room, please go make yourself at home," kathy opened a door and waited for the girl to step into the room.
As she did Kathy swung the heavy door and locked it securely.
Celeste pounded her fists against the door and kathy walked away grinning."its for your own safety my sweetie, Im expecting guests and I wouldn't want them to take advantage of you"
The noise of celeste banging against the door echoed down the corridor.
"see that she doesnt make too much noise,if she does silence her"kathy said to fabian her ghoul.
He nodded smiling as he did he did so enjoy "silencing" his mistress's playmates.
Kathy sat on the sofa and picked up the phone and dialled the number that sophie had given her, she waited patiently for it to be answered.
(there you go....lol@champ...
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2001 12:54 am |
((PHEW! sorry it's been so long to reply, i've been REAL busy in RL :(
The door creaked open slowly, and with it an ever widening beam of light. In the back of the dark room, concealed in the shadows, Celeste looked up from her thoughts.
A silouette appeared in the doorway, tall and broad shouldered. Celeste, her eyes having adjusted to several hours in the dark, held up her hand shiedling her eyes from the light.
"Ms. Kathy says we are going to meet your Irishman. Come along...." Celeste stood up slowly, her head pounding from the light. She didn't really believe him for some reason. Being kidnapped all the way to America had taken it's toll, she had cried for several hours.
She couldn't let them see that however. She wiped her eyes on her sleeve and walked through the doorway, glancing over to get a better look at the man. He was dark featured and fairly handsome. Celeste felt his fingers brush the small of her back as she passed him. She leapt forward, spinning around as she did.
"You keep your hands OFF of me..." she snarled. The man chuckled.
"Alright alright, this way..." he brushed past her and proceeded down the hallway into a living room. The walls were adorned with various modern paintings and sculptures. The couches contrasting colors to make some type of statement. Behind one of the couches stood Kathy, she held a small purse and looked up at her.
"Come along sweetie....we mustn't keep your Irishman waiting."
((there you are. :smile:
Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2001 12:03 pm |
MalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
((ummm where am I meeting you Gabriel? hehe I'll make it up ...
Kathy smiled sweetly at the girl.
"Your irishman as you call him, is here in the city, Ive been in touch with him and he wants me to take you to him"
The girl smiled slightly hoping that he would not lock her in a dark room.
"Im going to tell him that you locked me up...he wont be pleased you know"
Kathy laughed harshly and walked across to the girl.
"that sounds like a threat....sweetie..."
Kathy whispered in the girl's ear...
"I did it for your own protection you have no idea at all what you are getting into "
The girl looked stubbornly at Kathy
"My name is not sweetie..my name is celeste" she said defiantly
"whatever..sweetie, come we will be late if we dont get a move on, really you could have tidied yourself up for your irishman, you look like youve been sleeping on the floor" kathy laughed loudly, noticing celestes crumpled clothes.
The car sped through the city heading to the meeting with Gabriel.
((sorry its not very long im tired..:(:(
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