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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Evil never dies

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 8:05 am Reply with quote
((Another post is coming up soon :smile: ))

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 5:52 am Reply with quote
Valek looked in her white eyes...and listened to her voice which was sounding like the one of a demon
most likely from one who is damned...

Valek laughed evily...but always kept his eyes on hers...making sure that if she does something
he will see it...

-Valek-"Answer my"
Seeaira's grip on Valek's throat became harder...squeezing a little and she said
" answer ME first..."she lifted and slammed Valek by his neck as she said it....
-Valek-"...the anger...the hate....let it take will make you only stronger....."

-A long moment of silence-

-Valek-"You....are the "Other one" that haves the curse....few are those with it...only 2 were suposed
to be left in this world...Me....and obviously you....."

Valek thought on how easily she threw him throught the whole room earlier and Valek said
"Im sure...that your the "Other one"..."

-Seeaira-"Let the hate and anger take over you say....You are not doing this anymore....Valek..."
Valek raised an eyebrow....

-Seeaira-"I heard about you...what you did....all of your past i know...."
-Valek-"You have no idea...of what my past was....."
-Seeaira-"I KNOW your the curse take over you as well....."
-Valek-"I will in due time...."
-Seeaira-"Why wait?"
-Valek-"I due time...."

Seeaira mumbled a few words in Los Demonis her hands squeezing Valek's throat...those words she said
made Valek's eyes turn white as well...his voices changed to the one of a demon....both reciting
strange words in Los Demonis...the sky went all gray...rain falled heavier...lightning strikes could be
heard loudly....demonic whisper's...could be heard in all of the Mansion....screams of tortured
souls were also heard in echoes....Seeaira's released her grip...and Valek got up quickly...looking at her
and he said"YoU aRe ReAlLy....tHe OtHeR oNe....."

-Seeaira-"You are holding back Valek.....let i know that you can do much worst than what you already
did in the past......"
Seeaira took out Valek's book....slowly showing it to him....smiling evily......
-Seeaira-"What makes you hold back....Valek....?"
Seeaira's mentioned a few words in Los Demonis again....Valek recited the same ones....spirits of demons
were floating in the Mansion....they were everywhere....screaming and whispering....something is about
to happen.....but what.....?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2001 4:54 pm Reply with quote
((Very nice Valek, but I feel im lacking in the hurting you MORE GOAR! lol..sorry it took awhile...))

The abandoned house in the forest was cold and erie.
Had anyone been walking by they would have run for the exorcist.

Seeaira inside was facing Valek on her feet now. Rain was dripping through the roof and the two sat there drenched.

-Seeaira- "The other one?"
Seeaira paused and walked away from Valek a minute, talking a deep breath she then turned to face him, all the color in her face gone.

-Seeaira- "The other one was my Sire Vangiddian, He told me there would be others. My Sire gave over his curse to me, a willing participant I was. Does this make me as powerful as him? No. Though I now have most of Van's strength and power. Vangiddian whom I presume dead was on a "hunt" for someone like you. There is something even more powerful that can come from ones like us"
-Valek- " More powerful?" Valek seemingly interested took a step closer to Seeaira.
-Seeaira- "I have Vangiddians demons, but I am still lacking.
Vangiddian was doing this study before our haven was raided and he was carried away. I have this book and I will show you, but first thing need to be willing for this, stop holding back. There is a realm of the darkest world waiting for us Valek, its time for you to use what you were given."

Seeaira looked outside, darkness had come again, looking at Valek she said "follow me."

Running through the forrest I could hear Valek close behind me. Getting over a hill I saw the destination.
Pausing I turned to Valek.
-Seeaira- "For whatever reason you have been holding back, its time to let that go Valek."
-Valek- " who are you to tell me what I must do?"
-Seeaira- " Leave the arguing for later, you are about to thank me....I plan on unleashing the evil in you."
-Valek- "there is already evil in me"
-Seeaira- "Yes but not to its full potential. Once you get your strength back from tonight, we will then have our own little ritual where sharing our demons will make me and you...the most powerful demonic vamps around"
Seeaira smiled as her eyes turned black, the wind wiping her hair. Pointing to the city she said "lets go, we have a killing to see to."

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 3:10 am Reply with quote
Hey its ok really :smile: dont worry about the time it took :smile: the post is VERY great :smile: ))

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2001 10:33 pm Reply with quote
Valek noded...and said
"Indeed....killings.." He smiled evily...

From the high mountain they were on...they could see a dense white fog surrounding a dark and cold
forest on the path down the way to the Village.....They both started to walk their way down...
entering the white fog....entering the dead looking forest....While walking throught the forest..
demonic whispers could be heard from their mouths...both whispering the same thing...over and over again

In the distance the Village gate could be was open....they both entered the Village
with an evil smile on their faces...looking around..seeing no one...only the dark age looking empty Village was there
no one on the streets....only the wind blowing could be heard...of the the lights flickering a little...making the village
looks like if it was dead and abandoned...Seeaira and Valek could feel a strong holy precense in this
Village...they both frowned...turning at the same time to look at a "Gate"...there was a temple behind it

They walked to it...Seeing guards guarding the door...they both let the demons in them take over...
Seeaira and Valek's eyes turning white...They both killed the guards very quickly...ripping their heads off

The door was big...and looked very difficult to bring down...They both let more demons taking over them
and hitted the door...again and again and again....the nuns and priests inside the temple were looking at
the door moving a little...cracking....and finally breaked into peices...The nuns and priest were
running in the temples...running away from the 2 demons looking persons...Seeaira walked in...and gripped
a priest by his throat....lifting him with one hand...choking the priest...She smiled evil..tilting
her head to the right as she continued to choke him...Valek lifted a her arms...ripping them off
and beating the other priests with it...laughing evily....Valek then threw the arms on the ground
capturing another priest holding him by his arms...turning it to look at Seeaira...Seeaira smiled evily
and started to punch the priest in his chest...making him cough blood...the she hitted his throat
making the breathing difficult..She then peirced the priest rib cage and took out his heart...squashing it on the ground..

-Few minutes later-

All the priests,nuns,guards were dead...laying on the ground...arms.hands,heads,fingers,eyes, spreaded everywhere on the

In the distance they saw a special looking gate...emmiting they got closer...their ears
started to bleed...the light now blinding them...they both yelled out in a demonic way...making the
gate shake a they screamed louder the gate breaked in peices...their ears stopped they both walked in some sort of a ritual room....A black cross was floating up a altar...

The cross was black and upside down...a picture of 2 demons carved on it along with Aramaic text was on it as well...

Valek and Seeaira approached it...the cross was heavily guarded by the monks and priest that they killed before...
it was not meant to fall on Seeaira and Valek's hand...Something evil is about to happen....

Valek was about to pick up the cross..when Seeaira said
"Let me do it...."

Valek noded and lat her take it...

As Seeaira taked up the cross...She fell on the ground..screaming in pain and agony...she was shaking quite a lot
She let out screams in Los Demonis...Valek watched the scene...her screams were getting louder..her back moving a little
...something was trying to get out.....She rolled on the ground in pain...then suddenly one wings ripped
off her skin on her back...getting out...then a second wing ripped off her skin as well..getting out too...
Wings came out of her....her eyes flashing red and white....her teeths getting longer for a second....

She stopped moving...Valek approached her slowly...trying to see if something was wrong....
She suddenly got up...her eyes of a glowing red...she was obviously berserk...She tried to attack Valek
...Valek dodged the hits...received a few in the process...Valek's sword started to emmit evil whispers...
and Valek started to talk in Los Demonis....Seeaira stopped attacking Valek...and listened to what was said....
She smiled she handed the cross over to Valek....Valek smiled back evily too...And took the cross in his hand...
Valek fell on ground at his turn...screaming in pain as well...rolling on the ground...scraming in Los Demonis...
making the holy statues around the room bleeding...Seeaira mouthed the same words...making the statues bleeding as well...
Valek's eyes were flashing from white to black....Valek's back was shaking...and a wing came out of his back ripping his skin
on his back...a second wing came out of Valek's back..ripping his skin on his back a little there too...
the wings of Valek were of black feathers...those of Seeaira were looking like those of a gargoyle....

Something was going wrong...the sort of "Transformation" took longer then the one of Seeaira...something was wrong...
Suddenly...Valek stopped moving...uncoucious on the ground...letting out some words in Los Demonis....naming the name of a specific demon...
Valek still uncoucious on ground...the whispers continuing....Seeaira looked at him...and started to walk toward him....

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2001 5:19 am Reply with quote
(( OH NO!!! Get up Valek! Damn it .. stop your evil ways .. lmao... YEAH .. like THAT'S going to happen ..

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2001 10:55 pm Reply with quote
Seeaira looked at Valek on the ground ... something was defiantly happening to him. Leaning down and getting on my knees I saw great pain in his eyes.
Seeaira reached her hand out to help him when all of a sudden Valeks whole body leaned back and the most hideous scream escaped his mouth. For a second I smiled but as Valek looked at me I started to grow scared.
Something was different about Valek I could see it in his eyes.
-Seeaira- Valek why are you looking at me that way
-Valek- Isn't this what you wanted Seeaira? The evil in me to be exposed for all to see, and yet now you look at me as if you are afraid.
-Seeaira- Afraid?
Seeaira got up on her feet looking at Valek now in his eyes, But as she was looking at him lightning bolts were flashing threw her head as she was seeing into Valeks mind again.
Only this was different she was reading his mind and seeing things that were yet to happen. As a vision came to her mind Seeaira feel back on the floor and griped her knife that was strapped on the side of her leg. He...Hes...hes going to kill me!
-Seeaira- Valek what's wrong! tell me what im seeing is wrong?
-Valek- oooooh dear Seeaira, are you afraid of what you have unleashed now? Isn't this what you want? more blood, more killing, more gore, more evil. Well, thanx to you I am all these things now.
Seeaira watched as Valek walked closer to her. Gripping her knife she pulled it out holding it so Valek could see.
Valek seeing the knife just laughed and in a second he was gripping her throat yanking the knife away from Seeaira and throwing it across the room.
Valek squeezed tighter and tighter on Seeairas throat holding her up in the air.
-Valek- and you Seeaira will be my first evil act of pure hatred killing, a sacrifice to that witch is possessing me. As I rip your dead useless body apart I will then gain full authority for all the evil I wish to seek.
Seeaira could barley hear his words at this point she was going in and out of conciseness. As Valek dropped her to the ground she felt something warm dripping down her side. Reaching down and grabbing her side she held her hand up, it was blood. He had cut her somehow. Seeaira tried to gain strength to escape, Valek must be possessed or something. This was not the plan, this did not seem like Valek. But as she watched Valek carry her away she lay helpless in his arms. Reaching Seeairas haven she begun to tremble...she knew where Valek was going. Under a grave stone was a secret pass to her haven and inside was the ritual room. Entering she saw the fire lit all around the pentagram on the floor. Valek threw her to the ground.
Seeaira could barley move and the cut was so deep in her her eyes closed you could hear her mumbling ...."what have I done" :(

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2001 11:24 pm Reply with quote

[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-11-06 20:41 ]

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2001 11:54 pm Reply with quote
((nope, not killing me off...we did talk about this you forgot? I know it has been a while and i didnt post...did you want me to kill myself off? ..naaa im still going to be around))

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2001 2:42 am Reply with quote
((lol yes sorry :( i remember now lol
very nice post :smile: ill post something too soon :smile: ))

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