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Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2001 12:01 am |
SamediPosts: 72Location: Is this really any of *your business*?Joined: Thu Sep 25, 2003 1:05 am
The Outskirts of Berlin, November 13th, 1994
The flatbed of the truck jolted violently once more as the vehicle rolled over the ill kept roads leading towards through the empty countryside. In the cab the driver lit another Kamel cigarette nervously shifting into third gear. His bloodshot eyes scanned the road ahead for any signs of life, but none presented themselves.
Next to him on the seat lie a fake ID, identifying him as a Zygote Corp. Engineer. Under the ID, a manilla file folder held various forged papers. They had told him everything was flawless...it was to go smoothly and without a hitch as long as he kept his calm.
Under the seat on the passenger side lay Plan B. In case of being discovered he was to inact it immediately. A .38 Special.
The driver gulped once more as he strained his eyes to see the turn off ahead. It was obscurred by a large patch of trees on either side, nearly making it invisable. Slowly he turned left off of the side street and onto the road.
The truck rattled with protest as he made his way down the back road, the gravel spewing up and panging the underneath of the Ford. He shot a nervous glance in the rearview to check on the pea green tarp that stretched across the flatbed.
Underneath the tarp four men lay motionless, hardly breathing. Side by side they had remained completely silent for the past two and a half hours. The night was cold and frigid, but the thermal suits they wore blocked out any significant discomfort. Their eyes, hidden by the mirror reflecting visor they wore, stared straight ahead as if in a trance.
Their vests held an assortment of weaponry, from flash bombs to cyanide capsules. They outer armor was state of the art from the US military. Even special forces hadn't been equipped with it yet. A high tech form of camoflauge that created the illusion of invisibility. To the average man they would appear as a wavy vision, similar to the sun rising off hot asphault in the summer.
The breath shot from their mouths in short steamy blasts, but still they remained silent. The breaks squeeled as the truck pulled to a stop.
The driver rolled down the window of the cab and felt the cold German air bite him sharply. He glanced up at the toll guard. The guard station was a tiny hut in on the side of an otherwise empty road. Far ahead in the distance the complex loomed as a silouette against a backdrop of black trees. The moon hovered directly overhead providing a pale yet sufficent light.
"Evening mein Herr..." the toll guard said in German, the rough syllables the only sound aside from the sputtering of the engine.
"Evening..." the driver said. The cold air hurt his teeth as he inhaled. He tried to look confident as he handed the guard his ID. For an eternity the guard seemed to look at the ID and back at the driver until finally handing it back.
"Thank you mein Herr..." he said as he pulled the switch that raised the gate.
The driver let out an inner sigh of relief and he nodded at the guard and pulled away from the station heading towards the complex.
In the back, underneath the tarp, The Soldier lie in wait, ready to fufill his mission as he had done for centuries.....
Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 6:54 am |
SamediPosts: 72Location: Is this really any of *your business*?Joined: Thu Sep 25, 2003 1:05 am
((thx for all the wonderful replies :P anyway, onward we go....
"AH!" Sid spurted, jolting foward in his chair, "This coffee's hot as hell! What're you tryin to do Larry?"
Larry sat across the room at the opposite security desk, his feet propped up and a magazine in his hand. The cramped security office was dark and lightless, except from the soft blue glow from the monitors.
"Sorry." Larry said quietly and went back to reading his Man of Fortune magazine. Sid sighed and set his blue coffee cup down on the desk, and turned his attention back to the monitors.
"What the hell...." he murmured to himself as he zoomed in on monitor 13. The parking lot was empty, save one pickup truck. The driver stepped out...a spindly man, a mop of brown hair sat atop his head. Sid could see it was windy outside, his hair shook violently and he had to struggle to keep his glasses on his nose.
Sid watched curiously as the man made his way to the back of the truck and opened the flatbed. He grabbed hold of the tarp and yanked it into the air above his head revealing....nothing. Suddenly the back of the truck bounced as if something was rolling off. The driver tossed the tarp back in the flatbed and climbed back into the cab.
"Hey Larry....hit number 13 will ya? Who is that guy?" Larry complied and brought the view onto his monitor. He squinted in the soft basking light.
"Hell if I know."
"Well, I'll go check him out." Sid sighed and stood up grabbing his flashlight from under the desk. "Larry...."
"Huh..." Larry murmured without looking up from his magazine.
"Keep your hands off my doughnut okay?"
"Yeah yeah..."
Sid whistled softly as he walked down the white halls of the Zygote Inc building towards the main entrance. The floors were that odd linoleum speckled pattern that your old high school was lined with. Most of the lights were off, only the emergency ones shone like a beacon of truth. The shadows creeped along the walls stalking Sid's portly body.
He turned the corner and stopped in mid thought. The main doors were wide open, he was SURE he had chained them up. He shone his flashlight at the push handles. THe chain was snapped in two and hung limply, swaying in the wind.
Sid pulled out his walkie talkie and raised it to his mouth. Suddenly a horrendous force sent the walkie talkie flying from his hand. Fresh blood rushed to Sid's hand as the bones snapped. Already he could feel shock setting in as his skin began to get cold and clammy.
Instincively backing up he shot his eyes back and forth looking for his assailent. Ten feet in front of him, on the other side of the hall, the air was different somehow. It moved back and forth, like a mirage. Slowly specks of color began to appear until the outline of a man was visible.
The outline filled in until the person was standing in front of Sid, staring at him. He wore all black and carried a large assault rifle of some sort. The barrel raised and pointed directly at Sid. Sid closed his eyes and heard the pops, then felt the impact.
The warmth spread over his chest as the blood poured down in torrents. Sid flew back from the force and hit the wall. Slowly, he slid to the linoleum floor watching as a pool of his own blood expanded.
As Sid slumped over and drew in his final breath, he was positive Larry was eating his last fucking doughnut.....
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