AssamitePosts: 105Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:38 pm
"Finally" I gasp out as I see the city lights.
I'd been travelling all night and dawn was fast approaching. I had been unsure whether I would make it into the city before first light. Sighing, a huge burden being lifted, I struggled to put one foot in front of the other. I was tired and hungry. It had been ages since I had last fed and the beast was making it's presence felt more and more. Finally I entered the city.
Walking quickly I made my way uptown. Seeking out the warehouse district I moved across town quickly. Looking around the desolate neighborhood I noted an abandoned building and headed towards it. Searching I found an entrance into the building and stepped inside. I heard scuttling about in the building but knew it was just squatters moving at the sound of a new entry.
I could care less about the little shits at this point. I just wanted to rest and not have to worry about the sun. Finding an empty room I sat down against the wall and looked to see if I was exposed to the day's light. Sure of my safeness I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
"NOOOOO!!!!!" a splash of blood "SHARAM!!!!!" A scream of pain "AIDAN RUN!!!!"
running through the night, my breath heavy and hot. flames reflected off the road and glass in front of me.
Screaming I wake with a start. Lashing out my hand closes around a throat.
"arghlbrg" he squeezes out.
Looking up I realize I've got one of the squatters around the neck. Releasing him I look up at him. "What the fuck do you want?" I ask.
He looks down timidly at me " You were screaming in your sleep, are you ok?"
Glaring up at him "yeah i'm fine, piss off"
"No need to be liek that, we're all in the same boat here" he say's as he gestures around the building.
"Speak for yourself now leave me alone" I say
"The name's Robert" he says "Sometimes an ear can do one wonders and begging your pardon sir you look like you could use a friendly ear."
"Think so huh?" I say " You have no idea what my life is like, if i were to tell you my story you wouldn't believe it"
"Try me" he say's extending his hand
I take his hand shaking it "Name's Aidan"
"Hmm where to start? Well how about I start at the beginning?"
"Sounds good to me" he says
"My sire, Sharam, called me into his office one day. He said he had a job for me. Shouldn't be to hard just a routine job as usual." I say as I start to explain
"Two days from now you are to go here, he gives me an address and a name, and you are to take him out"
At this Robert perks up looking over at me. "Take him out?"
I just glared at him " You wanted to know my story use your fucking brains what the hell do you think I mean. Yes TAKE HIM OUT!"
Rebuked Robert just sits there. I go on
"Now I didn't think anything of this. Just another hit just another job." I say as i lower my head holding it between my hands running the events of the last week through my head trying to see what i could have done differently to arrive at another outcome and it always comes back to this. Never what I want, never what I imagine no matter how hard I pray and hope against hopes this is the reality.
Looking back up at Robert I half smile and continue on with my story.
"So where was I? ah yes."
"What I didn't realize that I was not the only one scheduled for a job this night. Almost the entire coterie was out on assignment that night. This was Sharam's area not mine. So I went about my job as normal. Watched him, learned him, and then that night I proceeded to take him out."
"I moved into his haven quietly. I like to be upclose and personal you see. It's who I am."
"Slipping up behind him I yanked his head back and removed my blade from it's sheath and sliced across his throat. I had been sharpeneing my blade all week. mmmmmm the edge on that knife. If you could have seen how thin it was, how sharp it was. Needless to say I removed his head. It came clean off."
At this Robert looked at me shaking now. I just looked at him coldly. "You asked."
He just nodded unable to move or speak now as the fear set in.
"My job done, I casually made my way back to Sharam's haven. I didn't know, It was just another job."
"As I entered the haven, god i still can't believe it, i heard teh scream of one my coterie. I ran to the back of the haven in time to see a slaughter going on"
Hissing loudly I say the name "The Tremere"
"With a scream of anger I threw myself into the fray. Fighting for all I was worth I joined my coterie in fighting off this attack"
"To no avail. One by one I watched as my friends, my comrades were murdered in cold blood by the Tremere until only Sharam and I remained fighting."
"AIDAN RUN!!!" "I'll never forget those words. They were the last words I heard from Sharam. I ran. I never looked back. and I dont know if Sharam is alive or not."
"Not safe in my city anymore, due to the loss of my clan, I moved out." "forthe last 3 days i've been travelling" "here" "I've not fed, I've barely slept and my life is in shambles" "that's my story"
Looking up at Robert I note the look of fear in his face. I study his face watching it, waching him as his fear of me rises. I just smile.
"Like my story?" I ask him.
He doesn't respond, just looks at me.
Smiling I reach out and grab him by the lapels pulling him in close. Yanking his head to the side by his hair I sink my fangs in drinking deeply, the first real meal I've had in days. His blood pouring into my mouth, rolling over my tongue, it fueled my rage, my anger, for the tremere and for those who sought to hurt me. Drinking deeply, feeling his life fuel mine, I sucked like it was my last drink before entering the desert. As his body goes limp I release him, dropping him roughly to the floor.
Engorged and enraged I stand up and stretch. Looking at the window I note that it's night again. Shrugging, "hmm must have taken longer then i thought to tell my story", I head out into the night. Into this new city. This new life. To find those of my kind.
((ok that's my intro to our city now could y'all please dl my skin so i can GET INTO GAMES!!!!! thnx hehe follow me link here hehe i have it on my site :smile: pweeze oh pweeze get my skin :smile:
_________________ You under estimate the power of the dark side.......and never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.