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<  Ancient Tomes  ~  Watching you Sleep

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 6:02 pm Reply with quote

The window was half open. A breeze of air brushed past the curtains and filled the room with a cool aroma of peace. The sky looked like a deep black sea washing over the world, stars twinkled in the sky and the moon cut through the darkness, bringing just enough light into the room to make the prominent features visible.
Shadows of the curtains danced across the room, lashing out and mixing with other shadows. A table was in the middle of the room; a window in front of it, a door behind it and a bed to the right. The left hand side of the room was filled with objects that were barely visible in the darkness.
The table was made from wood and had four wooden chairs surrounding it. The bed… somebody was in the bed. The bed was soft. The silky sheets bringing comfort to the naked skin of the man as it clung to his moist body. Sweat was dripping from him, his mind tormented as the muscles in his body tightened and relaxed… his limbs moving uncontrollably. Grunting… he laid defenceless against his nightmares.
The man sat up gasping for air as his hands griped tightly to the sheets that were slowly sliding off him. His eyes began to open. He rubbed them slowly before sliding out of the bed. His hand reached to his left pressing a switch that brought light to the room. This new light source dominated the little light that came from the moon. He reached down for his trousers that he put on with little effort. He walked towards the table where his shirt was.
The door to the apartment suddenly opened. His eyes darted to the newcomer. A young beautiful lady stood before him. Her hair was long and silky, a dark brown colour that flowed loosely down her shoulders. Her dress was a deep blue. It amplified her already magnificent tanned and firm smooth skin.
She walked slowly towards him, her lips parted elegantly as she began to speak in a calming voice, "I know why the dreams are returning to you …"
The man spoke in a tired and weak voice "I have faced her before."
The women’s eyes were staring right into his, penetrating his exterior as she continued to approach him until she was directly in front of him. She began to speak again only this time her voice was dark, slow and evil. "And she will defeat you again…"
The man looked in horror and confusion into the women’s eyes. He tried to speak but all he could say was a simple and slow what?
Her left hand gripped tightly around his throat as she forced him down onto the table. He tried to resist her, grabbing onto her wrist to try and break himself free from her tightening hold. His struggles were wasted; he was pinned down to the table. Her right hand was placed flat over his heart. She dug her nails slowly into his flesh and pulled her fingers together.
Blood was seeping slowly from the scratch marks. Her fingernails turned into claws as they ripped straight through the skin of his chest… puncturing his heart. He screamed in agony as blood poured from his wounds, covering her hand in his blood. Her face was emotionless, blank.
The women’s grip tightened around his neck as her eyes turned a deep blood red and blood began to trickle slowly from the corners. Blood was dripping from her nose. The tiny beads of blood moved swiftly down the features of her face and onto her lips. More blood oozed slowly from her ears. Her mouth opened swiftly and a violent gush of blood flowed free
The blood fell from her face and landed on the mans chest. Where the blood met with his own it mixed and started to eat away at his flesh, muscle and bone like acid, forming small that were getting larger as they merged. His body clenched up in pain, he reached out his left hand to her face. He gripped onto her face as tightly as he could and pulled with all his remaining strength. The face… the face was ripped off of the women’s head. Behind this false face was another one.
This women’s face was pale, burnt and scarred. It told a story of agony and pain. She leaned forward so that her face was above his where she smiled a pure evil smile. "See anything you like brother?"
She growled. His neck bones began to shatter with a loud cracking noise. His heart beating in agony as she ripped her claws deeper inside of him. A single tear of blood ran down his face as he surrendered to her. Sunlight burst through the window striking his body; igniting it into an inferno.

Mark felt his shoulders being shaken forcefully. He sat up abruptly bringing his fist back ready to strike.

His eyes darted around the room quickly untill they foun Karl. It was Karl who had been shaking him. A worried look had filled Karl's face a tear running down his smooth cheek.

Mark's hand reached up and wrapper around Karl clinging to him like it was a matter of life and death. His trembling body vibrating softly against Karl, the feel of Karls naked chest against his brought a sense of securness and comfort. His mind began to calm as he tried to gain a grip on reality as the dream... nightmare left its chilling mark in his mind.

There eyes met and were locked in a stare that spoke a thousand words.
" Mark..."
"Just hold me."

They laid on the bed embraced in each others arms, silent. There hearts saying all that was needed.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 8:31 pm Reply with quote
(( Wow! Very nice posts once again ... *cries* I'm jealous ... I never get to participate in posts like that ... :smile:

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2001 2:43 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 4:54 pm
Cool, keep it up guys! :grin:

befor you end the thought that you can bury me
I turn out the lights so you cant see
the shadow in the dark that you can barely sieze...surrounded by the death that doesnt bleed
Offline Profile
PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2001 8:38 pm Reply with quote
see Kiya and Jensill get bonus points becouse they helped give people Ego boosts!

now for my turn :P lol
oh and dont worry. im sure well be able to keep it up... ;)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 2:28 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMalkavianPosts: 0Location: San Francisco Bay AreaJoined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 9:52 am
nice post guys :smile:
thought I had better read it so I knew what you two where about, lol was good fun with you two last night, quite a shock,how embarrassing though, for me I mean..oh the shame of it ...:P:P
Ic I still insist that I was not trying to pick him up karl, I swear I wasn't.
:grins mischievously:: you want to share him though? think of the fun ...hehehehe jk

Offline Profile
PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 4:42 pm Reply with quote
you know you were.. don't lie. We all know what a charmer he is.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 7:11 pm Reply with quote
((sorry Kathy but there is only room for one person in the heart of the pineapple and that is the plum with the cute bum and if you dont know who the sexy cute guy is then youve not read the other posts have you :P ))

[ This Message was edited by: Mark Archer on 2001-11-08 13:12 ]

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 7:14 pm Reply with quote
((P.S. someone needs to shut Echoe up hes making us all look bad with his 7.5 posts per day :P lol

j/k Echoe. keep up the posting :P ))

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2001 8:48 pm Reply with quote
Sure thing.. dont get jealous, the 8.1 is just because i have nothing better to do than sit and tab between the game and the forums all day :P

-nobody reads my IC posts anyways

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