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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2001 1:47 am Reply with quote
Valek came out of the dark...cold... Cascadia forest,there was a lot of fog in the city this night,lots of it...Valek headed toward the city cemetery again...Lilith was following Valek...Both were walking toward the cemetery...Their eyes were full of anger...they obviously found out something that wasnt meant to be known....

-A few minutes later-

Valek and Lilith arrived in front of the city cemetery gates....Valek opened the gate slowly...They both walked in...

Valek walked his way to the Tombstone of "Kate.V"

Valek stopped as he was now standing inches from the tombstone...He then kneeled on one knee...and whispered a few strange words...Lilith was standing next to Valek..she closed her eyes and whispered the same words....Valek then raised his head....looking at the tombstone and whispered "It's time..."

We live to die...and die to live...And whom so ever beleiveth in me...shall never die...and shall live in eternal life as the undead..


[ This Message was edited by: Valek on 2001-10-02 20:52 ]

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 7:56 pm Reply with quote
The grave attendent sat in his office for about a half an hour in a daze. He was going over the strange events of the night. In his hand was the plot list and map with the one he needed to dig up marked with a pencil.

He came out of his hipnotic like state and began to make plans of how he was going to do this dastardly deed. He stood up and grabbed his heavy rain coat because the sounds from outside were picking up. The rain beat down on his face and chilled him to the bone. for once he enjoyed the feeling, just happy to be allive and to have survived the encounter with the Dark man.

on his way to the grave the attendednt picked up an ax handle. "Just in case" he thought to himself. the wind was blowing directly in his face forcing him to pull the caot titer to his frame and cinch up the hood. He looked at the map and decided the best and fastest way was to go thru the willow grove.

when the would be grave robber reached the end of the willow grove he peered out to the camatary laid out befor him. two figures were standing near the grave he needed to attend to.. He froze watching with awe... :eek:

(( sortry it took so long to reply on this thread but i kinda forgot about it hahahah... ooh well
the man is up wind and hidden in the trees somewhat so you can take it from here ..

PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 4:23 pm Reply with quote
((Nice post man :smile:
ok ill write something soon too :smile:))

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2001 12:14 am Reply with quote
The grave attendent still hiding behind the trees..looked at the two figures...not moving someone scared and surprised at the same time...

Suddenly Valek smirked...sensing the presence of a human around....He stood up slowly...and cracked his neck and said "Let's go" it was said loud enough so the grave attendent could hear it clearly....
Valek and his childe Lilith,walked away from the tombstone.....going in the shadows of the cemetery.....once they got there...Valek stoped walking...and still in the shadows where no one could see them....Valek and his childe Lilith were looking at what this "grave attendent" would do.......

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2001 9:06 pm Reply with quote
The attendent stayed where he was and watched the two leave. He was to frighted to move. So he stood for about 15 minuits befor he attmepted to sneak back to his office. when he cleared the tree line he broke out into a run heading for the his car. He figured that his office may not be the safest place right now. He jumped into his old dodge and fumbled with the keys.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2001 4:43 am Reply with quote
(( topping so Valek can see it

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2001 5:45 am Reply with quote
Valek and Lilith looked at the graveyard attendent running away and getting in a car...

Valek smirked...and told Lilith to stay in the shadows and keep an eye on the tombstone....

Valek walked throught the graveyard..staying in the shadows so no one could see him coming...As Valek was getting near to the car,the graveyard attendent was attempting over and over again to start the car,the car didnt wanted to start,obviously something was broken or not working well...As Valek got next to the driver window...the graveyard attendent turned to look at Valek trought the window...Valek knocked on the window...staying calm and waiting...the guy still tried over and over again to start the car...seeing this Valek then reached for the door handle to open was locked...Valek then simply break the window with one punch...and took the car keys from the hands of the guy...Valek then said
"Get out of the car...."

Out of fear the guy got out of the car....Valek pointed the office of the graveyard attendent so the graveyard attendent could walk there....They both got in the office....the guy sat on a chair as Valek told him to do so...The guy was still shaking...obviously fearing something or someone....Valek then said

"Why did you wanted to go near that tombstone.....and dont lie to me...or you will regret it when ill know the truth...."

Valek waited for an answer....

PostPosted: Sat Nov 17, 2001 7:28 am Reply with quote
Looking into the dark and evil eyes of the man standing at his window. The atendent saw his life flash befor his eyes. His ex-wife who ran off with his kids math teacher. The kids who didn't respect him, a father who beat him, Friends who only made fun of him, all in all his life sucked. What a shitty way to end it, stuck in a shitty car that won't start being beat to death by a weird magical graverobber, or eaten by a hidious monster.

:: all this went thru his mind in a fraction of a second. he didn't even hear the question asked to him by the man.

The man did the only thing that he could do

HE Crapped his pants

The man who punched out his window asked the question again. this time the attendent heard him

" I will die if he finds out what i did. ooooh god im going to die anyway.

Valek replied " YES you will" thru clenched teeth.

The driver fainted slumpping over in his carseat.

Drain stood off in the distance just out of hearing distance of the conversation. He witnessed the harrassment Valek had done to the poor man. He watched Lilith trying to hide. Drain Pulled the night around himself in the form of vanish from the minds eye. He slipped up on the car to get a better view of what the two were doing.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2001 6:28 pm Reply with quote
"I hate weak,pathetic...."

Valek frowned losing his patience as he saw the man faints....

Valek would have killed this human long ago,but he wanted to know why he was around the tombstone of "Kate.V"

Valek gripped the man by his collar and took him out of the car quite violently....And took him in the graveyard attendent office....He sat him down and said "Wake up!!!!"

Seeing that the guy wasnt waking up Valek then punch the man in his face,not very hard holding back his strenght so he wouldnt kill him yet.

The guy woke up and looked down at his pants and said
"LOOK What you made me do...fucking bastard!"

Valek smirked taking out a dagger puting it against the man's throat....Valek said
"Once again...and for the last time...what were you about to do on the tombstone of "Kate.V" and you mentioned someone would kill you earlier...WHO is that person..."

Valek had only hate in his eyes....growing less patient by the second....

Valek waited for an answer....

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2001 7:04 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGet your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Nov 30, 2003 7:42 am
I was walking in the streets,headind to the cemetery,i could see a car parked in the street in front of the cemetery entrance,i was getting closer to the cemetery finally.

Four guys got out of an alley and saw me,i stopped startled,and tried to pass by those guys,one of them grabbed my arm and stopped me, he smiled.I tried to get away again,he pushed me on the ground this time,i said
*What is your problem,just let me go.*

The guy obviously didnt liked my remark and kicked the side of my head,i started to bleed as i tried to get up,puting my hand on the knife i had hidden in my dress,the guy had one in hand too,but i didnt noticed,i got up and turned back to look at him.The three other guys stood there laughing,the three suddenly jumped on me attacking me for no reason,i backed up in the alley where ikt was more dark,i attacked them back,i managed to knock two of them out.Two were remaining,one of them pushed me on the floor again,the other one threw his knife on me,it stabbed my left leg,as he kneeled down to take his knife out of my leg i stabbed him with my own knife right in his throat,i stood in the alley on the wet ground pressing my wound with my hands,trying to stop the bleeding.

((I hope you didnt mind me jumping in the thread,let me know if its ok for me to be here))

Offline Profile
PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2001 8:00 pm Reply with quote
(( its ok with me ,,, and ill think of what i should do next and post later)

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2001 10:45 pm Reply with quote
((All is ok with me too,ill think of something to post too lol))

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 7:03 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGiovanniPosts: 7Joined: Sun Dec 07, 2003 4:15 am
((ok its Valek lol,im going to use this msg board name to rp Kate.V as an npc for this thread,just so you all know lol.))

Offline Profile ICQ YIM
PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 7:38 pm Reply with quote
((Same for this one too lol,going to use it as an npc for this thread for an upcoming BIG chron ))

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2001 7:38 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGiovanniPosts: 7Joined: Sun Dec 07, 2003 4:15 am
Meanwhile six feet under the earth in the graveyard....

Kate.V was still in her coffin,strangely she was intact,just like if she was been put in the coffin 2 hours ago,but she has been dead for hundreds of years....

The eyes of Kate opened slowly...due to the lyrics Valek and Lilith's been whispering in front of her tombstone earlier....As she opened her eyes she noticed that she was trapped in a coffin...she then thought about the face of her murder...the one who killed her back in the Cappadocian's cattacombs quite a few years ago...She then tried to open the lid of the coffin...obviously she couldnt,as 6 feet of earth was on it....she then started to hit it...Angry and full of hate she let out a scream...the sounds of it were one of a demon,she started to push on the lid with all her strenght...the earth on top where her tombstone was....was starting to move a little due to her pushing the lid................

Offline Profile ICQ YIM

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