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Vera Zantosa
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2001 1:37 pm |
~Vera Zantosa sat in a small room, dimly lit by a single candlebra. She sat upon a small stool, fingers steepled in front of her. She looked down at her latest point of interest. The table she sat over, seemed to writhe in the dim light. Blood pooled on it's surface and a low moaning sound emanated from it. Her temper sometimes got the best of her. This entire incident happened not too long ago...~
~3 hours earlier~
~Vera enters her tattoo parlor, returning from a minor club event. Still dressed in a form fitting dark red leather gown and bondage strapped boots. She passes a few dazed customers and heads into the back.~
Vera: Nikolas, why, was it urgent to call me?
Nikolas: Forgive me Mother Zantosa, but we have had complications arise in your latest...experiment.
Vera: Tracy?
Nikolas: Yes Mother. First her parents are looking for her, and someone sent them looking around here. Second, Tracy is begining to lose her will to live. Me and Gregory have both been trying to keep her from beating her head against the wall.
~Vera sighed, even though it wasn't neccesary. Her exhale of breath seemed to frighten Nikolas. Vera was not in a very good mood all things considered. Her current flesh pet is trying to kill herself, and her damn parents are looking for her. She headed down the stairs to the cellar and dungeon. Upon entering Tracy's cell, she found Gregory attached to Tracy, pants around his ankles, bruises on Tracy's face, and lust in the ghoul's eyes. Tracy's moans were that of pain, and Gregory's of primal urge. With amazing speed, Vera clenched her hand around Gregory's member and squeezed. Flesh and cartilidge gave way to the pain and agony of Gregory, leaving his now severed member, still inside Tracy. His howls of anguish reverberated on the stone walls as Tracy slipped to the floor unconcious. Vera said nothing to Gregory, but began her work on him immediatly...
When Tracy woke up, it was to Vera, gently carressing her face, setting bone back in place with her fingers and smoothing away the bruises. Tracy began to struggle.~
Vera: Ah ah ah! Don't move. We seem, my dear, to have a bit of a problem concerning your parents...they seem to have come looking for you recently. Of course I have better plans as what to do with you. So to answer your question, no, you are not going home. You're already here.
~Tracy glanced to the writhing and breathing gothic style table, pooling blood across it, shivering in pain. She knew what had happened to the bastard that had been raping her. Tears flooded her eyes.~
Vera: Gregory has made his final mistake. Lucky for me, I've found my replacement.
~It took Tracy a moment to realize what she meant by that, but by the time it clicked, Vera had slashed across her collarbone and pressed Tracy's lips to it. Tracy's first reaction was disgust. The sickly sweet strong smell of blood filled her nostrils and as she struggled more, the more she wanted a taste. It grew until finally, her tounge snaked along the smooth skin of Vera, sliding across the blood. It was...her Heaven.~
~Vera stood and walked to Tracy and watched her shiver as the blood still excited her. Soon, Vera would be done with making a replica of Tracy to dump in the river. The police should chalk it up to rape, and the parents will learn to get over it. In time. But for now, Vera had her flower. Her Ivy.~
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2001 7:22 pm |
((Damn this is some high class stuff, ::bows down in homage :: excellent :: :smile:
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2001 8:23 pm |
(( i smell a game in the works over this hahah
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2001 8:38 pm |
((VERY NICE STUFF MAN! Great work once again))
Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2001 12:01 am |
[Pantheon Tattoo and Peircing. 10:43pm]
[Etrigan sat, finishing an artistic portrayal of a succubus on the shoulder of a young female. Once finished, he put some salve on it, to keep it safe and went down the list of how to take care of it. Little did she realize as she hung on his every word. That his ink was special. Mixed with a trace amount of his own blood to give it that extra kick. That always got customers coming back. After the young girl left, two teenagers came in.]
Etrigan: Yeah, can I help you?
Teen Guy #1: Uh yeah I--
Teen Girl: He wants his cock peirced, Father Etrigan.
[She spoke, blushing, but she seemed familiar. Where had he seen her before...ahhh that's right. She was the girl at the club. Hoping now to cajole her boyfriend into getting a stud for himself. He wondered if she was trying to have the same feeling he gave her, with her boyfriend. No matter.]
Etrigan: That'll be $80. And I'll need you to sign this waiver.
[Trey signed the waiver and fished a 100 dollar bill from his wallet, and got his change. Etrigan let out a sharp whistle.]
Etrigan: Tracy!
[A frail form slipped from behind the curtain, a peirced beauty. Tracy was now dependant on the blood that made her life so much richer. Her face was full of glittering rings and studs. Her tounge itself had a triple stud. Her visage had changed from what she used to be, to fit what she had become. Enlightenment, was not without it's costs. She held the curtain open for Trey to step through and once he did, she slipped back behind the curtain nodding slightly to Etrigan.]
Etrigan: Have a seat doll, this could take a while.
Teen Girl: Do you...remember me Father Etrigan?
Etrigan: Yes I do.
Teen Girl: You do?
[Etrigan sighed inwardly at the girl's typical behavior. She went on explaining why she went to the club and how she felt about it and much more inane bullshit. Soon thereafter...]
Teen Girl: Why is it taking so long?
Etrigan: It's a delicate procedure, one slip could leave your boyfriend impotent for the rest of his life...or maybe Tracy just can't find it.
[He chuckled to himself as the girl seemed to take offense. Odd. Etrigan headed to the curtain and peered behind it. Again, he sighed. A useless gesture, but seemed to fit none the less. The blood does strange things to people. Some become deranged shells of what they used to be. Others become docile and more tractable. And others...become nymphos. Slipping inside, he grabbed Tracy by the hair and pulled her mouth off of Trey.]
Etrigan: Tracy, I'm not going to tell you again, do your job, or else.
[Tracy nodded managing to look innocent while doing so. This just made Etrigan sick.]
Etrigan: 5 minutes.
[He stepped back through the curtain to find the girl looking at pictures of tattoos on the wall. Etrigan slipped behind her.]
Etrigan: Wanna get cut?
[The girl jumped at his voice so close behind her. Scared out of her mind now.]
Girl: What?
Etrigan: Cut....Tattooed?
Girl: Oh, no...my parents would kill me.
Etrigan: Could put it somewhere your parents shouldn't be looking...unless they are.
Girl: No! They aren't...is that, an offer?
Etrigan: I'm going to the same club tommorow night. Be there.
[Tracy led Trey out from behind the curtain who looked to be more scared than hurt.]
Etrigan: You better stay off it for about 2 weeks. Unless you want to feel what real pain is.
[The two left, as the girl looked back at Etrigan, almost longingly. Stupid humans, he thought. Only think about one thing. His attention turned to Tracy. He locked the door to the store, and in an instant his fingers were tangled in her hair. He half dragged, half carried her to the staircase in the back and proceeded to haul her down them.
Her body hit the hard concrete steps as bones cracked and flesh was bruised. She came to rest at the foot of the steps, and heavy foot falls followed down the steps echoeing loudly through the stone walls. Tears slid down her cheeks. As she was picked up by her hair again.]
Etrigan: This...is a business. The more the juicebags stay here the more likely they are to find out about us, and that means I'll have to start killing the ones that know or even suspect. If I need to stay safe and that means killing you, I'd do it in the slowest way possible. So just watch yourself bitch. You hear me?
[Tracy nodded.]
Etrigan: You're mine now. I don't care what it takes, I'll either mold you or break you. Your choice. So start learning and stop this nympho bullshit or I'll make sure you won't have anything to fuck with. You, are mine, and if you're good, I'll give you your pay.
[Etrigan bit his wrist and held it close to Tracy. She sturggled to lap at the wound.]
Etrigan: Ah ah ah....beg for it...and then you'll heal..
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