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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2003 3:18 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
A tired and careworn Eveshka finally arrived back at the small taverna where Julius paced back and forth, wearing a groove into the stone floor as he worried himself to death.

"Oh... so you finally deigned to ret..." Julius saw her face. "Are you ok, love?"

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2003 2:53 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
"I saw the shell of a man I used to be in love with," said Eve huskily,as if she'd been crying a lot. "It has been years since last we saw one another. I think time has been kinder to me than it has been to him."

Julius just nodded. He really had no idea about whom she was speaking.

"He had the audacity to tell me that he felt I was insane and showed signs of paranoia."

Again Julius just nodded.

"Well, what was your relationship like before? I presume you were lovers of some sort"

Eve nodded and said, "We used to be mutually bound to one another. He was the Seneschal of Cascadia and then York. I was the Harpy in Cascadia while I was his 'girlfriend.'" she said. "Together we ran the city."

"Sounds like you had a rather good relationship," said Julius.

"Well, yes, until Rhiannon started fucking it all around," she said savagely. This was the first vulgarity she'd uttered since returning from Paris. Julius smiled inwardly, but outwardly nodded.

"Then he tangled with some fucking usless Malkavian named Mark Archer," she began.

"Mark from York?" asked Julius with his eyes raised. "I remember him. The great Pine-Apple or something idiotic like that. Used to where Jelly Babies on his coat."

"Yep, that's the one," said Eve. "So any how, he had more personalities inside of him than Sybil. He was disturbed to say the least. Then he got in the way."

"Got in the way?," asked Julius, not really ever hearing THIS story before.

"Prince Daphne went bug shit nutters, attacked him, got herself diablerized by that even more useless Malk, Daisy, and everything went to shit," said Eve. "Then like the love sick little school girl that I am, I followed my heart strings," she said this with a sarcastic wave of her hand. "I went out and found Rhiannon and brought her back to York."

"This I remember," said Julius. "You tried to bond me for her."

"Not bond so much as stick my finger in the pie as it were."

"I nearly left the city because of that," said Julius, who still harbored some resentment about that first meeting.

Eveshka shrugged. "Sorry, Love, but having the main Tremere Chantry in the British Isles was not in keeping with my grand scheme at the time. Then again, things were a lot different back then."

Julius was almost beside himself with happiness. This, although not the Eve he loved strictly speaking, was a definate improvement over the overly pious one. He read her aura and saw that it was flickering all over the place. There was a definate spiritual battle going on within her. Her emotions were running all over the place. So, the old Mercurial Firebird was still in there somewhere.

"What are you thinking about Evey?" asked Julius.



"I am thinking of tracking down all of those old acquaintances from York and Cascadia and killing them one by one in a spectacularly frightening way."

Julius started a bit and blinked. Ok, so maybe this wasn't going so well after all. But he figured she was just venting and decided to go along with it. "So, my vengeful one, who is first on the hit list?"

Eveshka looked down at her glass of Ouzo, looked back up with a ravishing smile and said, "Rhiannon of course."

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PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2003 7:34 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
Eveshka had retired, finally. Her aura continued to display the mish-mash of conflicting emotion as she left, though outwardly she continued to display a calm and collected appearance, if filled with murderous intent. Frankly, this was not good. Too many people had been screwing around with her head. Priests, madmen from the past, Meerlin...

Julius' train of thought stopped abruptly. Meerlinda. What [b:a184a8ebdc][i:a184a8ebdc]was[/i:a184a8ebdc][/b:a184a8ebdc] she up to with this bonding thing? Why would she want to bond Eveshka? More importantly, why was Renee in cahoots on the deal? Did Meer have some kind of hold over Renee, perhaps? It was certainly possible. Meerlinda was, perhaps, the most active of all the councillors. Her whole attitude differed from the others, in the way that she took an interest in life beyond the chantry. For Meerlinda, quick roads to power were her preferred method, she had, after all, little patience with the plodding road that most Tremere took.

Perhaps what Eve needed was a little direction. She had been the great manipulator, schemes within schemes. Her mind was as quick as any he had known, perhaps it was putrefying in this seemingly endless quest to find the blood of Cain. To speak the truth, she was displaying a few signs of paranoia, perhaps her former lover had the right of it. So, how to direct her bored and underused intellect to something truly magnificent? If the tables could be turned, it was just possible that instead of Eveshka falling to Meerlinda, instead, Meerlinda would fall to them. It had a kind of poetic justice, Julius had, after all promised to protect Eve from those who would control her.

Abruptly Julius blinked. What was he thinking? The ultimate betrayal of his vows to House and Clan Tremere, not to mention the councillor who raised him through the ranks so fast. Instead of Goratrix, the clan would hunt for Julius! On the other hand, what truly had Meerlinda done for him? Rank and privilege is all well and good, but where was the real power that went with it? Despite all he had done for the House and Clan, he was, still shunted out to one side. The freedom and leeway within which he operated little more than an excuse not to involve the newcomer in the real inner workings of the House. Even as the Merlin of Britain, he was reporting back to Meerlinda on the actions of Grimgroth. He'd been used time and again. Now it was his connection to Eveshka that was being abused.

And there was the problem. Julius didn't really need political power. He had no desire for a seat on the council, but he objected to being taken for a fool. What he really wanted was more and greater magical power and clan could not, or would not, teach him anything more than he learned on his own. He was already way ahead of most, if not all the council. The only wizard on the planet he feared, perhaps, was Tremere himself. Sure enough though, a wizards march would prove inconvenient. Accordingly, therefore, any attempt to control Meerlinda would have to be done quietly and carefully without arousing suspicion. That would be the first problem. He'd have to ask Eve about that.

The second problem would be the physical method of control. Doubtless Meerlinda used the same magics he did to prevent herself from becoming bonded to anyone. Either another method would have to be used, or Julius would have to come up with a way to circumvent that magic. It certainly wasn't impossible, given a little thought.

Julius headed to the room he shared with his Toreador love. "Evey, are you awake?" He asked gently. "Just about." She murmured.

"I just had a bit of an idea." He enthused. Eveshka sighed and rolled over. "I thought we came here to get away from scroll nonsense." She said into the pillow.

"No, love. This has nothing to do with scrolls."

"Oh?" She said, turning back to at least make a show of paying attention.

As Julius unloaded his thoughts, Eve's eyes fluctuated from wide as saucers to narrow as slits. "You've completely lost it, Julius. The madman convention is on top of the mountain tonight." She said when he had finished, turning away again.

"No, love." He replied. "I'm not mad, but I am pissed off and so should you be. If anyone can pull off a stunt like this, it's the pair of us. Remember, Meerlinda has no clue that she can't bond you."

Eveshka turned back to Julius and examined his aura. He didn't seem insane, rather he seemed annoyed and extremely frustrated. Perhaps it was possible, but did she really want to play this game?

"Well, love." She began. "What I think, is this."

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2003 4:02 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
"I think it would end in disaster, Julius." said Eve rather frankly.
"Meerlinda would squash us. You and I are powerful, probably more powerful than the average Vampire, but against the institution of the Camarilla?" She shook her head no. "No way."

Julius expelled some air through pursed lips. "It wouldn't be the Camarilla, Eve. It would be discrediting Meerlinda and Renee. Somehow they are mixed up in this scheme against you. I don't think they are even thinking about me at this point. That is only to our advantage, Love."

Eve looked at him. "Let me think on it a bit. Something isn't sitting well with me about it. I don't know, maybe I've just lost my nerve."

With that Eve rolled on to her stomach and turned her head away from Julius.

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PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2003 4:19 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
Eveshka got up early that evening and padded over to her luggage. She pulled out a little leather bound book that encased her diary and began to write in Cyrillic.

[i:424c7509e9] December 7, 2002.

Here I am in Kos. Meant to be a vacation but my past follows me everywhere. Maybe he was right. Maybe I have lost it. I keep thinking about that night along the Bug so long ago. The little girl. How could I have done that. How could I have done all of that. So many people destroyed by my hand. All they wanted was to make the Rusalka go away. She wouldn't. She never did. She is still here, sucking the life out of all living things. There is no escape. Now Julius wants to bring me back center stage. I've not participated in an insurrection like he is proposing in nearly five hundred years. Yes we could triumph. I always have..... for a while at least. But in every triumph there is that little girl. She follows me everywhere. I cannot escape her. I cannot escape myself. God has damned me. There is no redemption. I might as well face it. I am the Scarlet Whore. There is no going back. Better to rule in Hell than, well, be a completely miserable woman. I may as well enjoy some comfort before the end comes. What the hell, it might even be fun.


Eveshka walked back into the room where Julius lay. He was reading [i:424c7509e9] From Russia With Love [/i:424c7509e9] in bed. Eveshka walked up to him and plucked the book from his hand. She gave it a look and smirked. She tossed it away and placed her hand on his manhood. Eve gave him a smile and then engulfed his hardening shaft in her mouth.

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PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2003 8:51 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
Their lovemaking had been intense, even frenzied, yet even whilst they indulged each other, revelling in the return to their former intimacies, Julius could feel something was not right. It was almost as if his beautiful and highly skilled lover was acting out of some kind of resignation. Some part of the passion of nights they had once spent together was missing. He had to act. He had to do something, anything to shake Eveshka out of this... whatever it was she was in. Everything he had tried was met with the same shrug of the shoulders, the non-committal "maybe". Finally, his frustration drove his decision.

So it was that Eveshka found him packing his bags, clothes were being rammed forcefully into holdalls and suitcases whilst Julius stomped around the room gathering his possessions together and stuffing them haphazardly into his luggage.

"Are we going somewhere, lover?" Purred Eveshka, as she slinked into the apartment, oozing sex appeal from every pore.

"I am." Came the short and gruff reply.

Eve stopped short. "Have I done something to upset you?" She asked, caught somewhere between being upset and angry.

"No." He answered, without even looking up from his packing.

Eve decided she was probably angry and went to grab Julius. Julius caught her forearm with a vicelike grip and met her eyes with a stern gaze, pointing at her with his other hand in warning of dire consequences.

This was new. Eve had seen him angry before, but never like this. On a good day, Julius could throw as childish a tantrum as Eve had ever managed, but the strong, silent treatment was something she had never experienced. Clearly something was very, very wrong.

"Where are you going?" She ventured, in a shaky and rather feeble voice.

"I am going to Paris, or Vienna, or wherever Meerlinda is." He snarled.


"And I'm going to find out what the hell she is up to and put a stop to it."

"Julius, you can't confront her directly."

"No? Just watch me." Julius returned to his packing.

"She'll squash you like a bug!"

"Really?" He said, looking up again, "Have you forgotten who I am?" Julius snarled a few words of hermetic latin. Around the pair, the earth began to shake, things fell off shelves, a few screams were heard in the streets. Yet, even as the earth tremor built up to it's crescendo, Julius and Eve stood rock solid, his eyes boring into hers. Next Julius pointed to the television, which flew into life, the announcer speaking in greek, yet Eveshka could understand every word.

"Reports are just coming in of an earthquake on the Island of Kos. Measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale, this is one of the largest quakes to hit the region for some time. Authorities are assessing the situation, but it is too early for any damage esti..."

Julius pointed again and the TV switched back off.

Eveshka was stunned. This was not the Julius who juggled fireballs for a party trick, such a display of raw power was at once humbling and a little frightening. "Julius." She said at length. "Why?"

"Because I promised to protect you. Because someone has to do [b:eedc80c1d7]SOMETHING[/b:eedc80c1d7]." He nearly shouted the word. "Eve, you used to have a lust for life. I was drawn to you [b:eedc80c1d7][i:eedc80c1d7]because[/i:eedc80c1d7][/b:eedc80c1d7] in this world of darkness in which I find myself you had that spark which so many of our kind have lost. I allowed myself to be embraced because I thought that an immortality of time to learn my craft would free me. Instead it has imprisoned me in a world where the ancient are twisted things, dead inside. You were my beacon of hope. Now you are turning into that same dead thing. You are losing your own hope, losing your sense of direction."

Eveshka opened her mouth, but Julius continued unabated.

"And before you start on about how old you are and how we all end up like that, don't even bother. It's bullshit. You've only gotten like this recently. In fact," he went on, "since you became Prince of that two bit remnant of a forgotten domain, since people started tying your hands, since all and sundry forged the bars which finally caged the firebird in bonds of responsibility and duty. Well, I won't have it. The firebird should be allowed to fly free, before your overwhelming weight of self-pity extinguishes the fire once and for all. So you're old and the fight is harder, but dammit Eveshka, you're giving up. And if you won't fight for yourself, then I'll just have to fight the battle for you. Or die in the attempt, because I'll be damned if I see you fall the same way as so many others and I'll be twice damned if I end up falling the same way. You think you're a sinner, well welcome to the club. Everyone on the earth is a sinner. God knows. You know the difference between you and most? You show remorse. You've tortured yourself with all the things you've done and God knows that too. You're a good woman, Eveshka Shuvolov, you've done what had to be done to protect yourself and those you loved. I've never seen you act out of spite, or malice or evil thought and if you have done, in your past, you've repented of those sins so heavily over the long years that how could any God, who claims to be a loving God, fail to forgive you?"

"So, tell me Eveshka, what will it be. Will you fight for yourself, or must I fight for you, alone. I'll do what I must. Will you?"

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2003 11:04 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 25Location: Somewhere close to Bath's ChantryJoined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 5:40 am
[b:5efd066610]Hong Kong: Kai Tak Airport[/b:5efd066610]

For newcomers via air to Hong Kong, landing at the airport can sometimes be regarded as a small adventure. Planes are forced to dive narrowly past the city's buildings so close they almost seem to scrape the belly of the plane in order to land on the airport's single runway, which due to the demands of air traffic a plane lands on or takes off from once every two minutes. Thus such landings need to be rapid and pilots often have to throttle back fast to avoid plunging off the runway and crashing into the ocean liners and fishing craft in Victoria Harbour...

A pair of emerald eyes glinted in the moonlight as their owner watched another such landing as she waited for her own flight to be called. The 'Fragrant Harbour' had changed very little since she had last been here during her months in exile following the fall of New Orleans, and she almost wished she could stay longer, certainly the spirit within was sad to have to depart being eager to learn more about how 3000 years had changed its homeland, but reluctantly agreed that the local vampires tolerance for western Kindred would only go so far outside of the limited niches that they had been able to hold onto after the handover had restored the island to the Chinese and with them the Cathayan Vampires or Kuei-jin as they sometimes refered to themselves as.

[i:5efd066610]"Miss Morathi?... Your interview with that journalist yesterday has made it into the paper..."[/i:5efd066610]

She turned to face the speaker, an elegant woman dressed in traditional chinese clothing, offering a copy of a local gossip paper that Morathi accepted with an amused smile as she started to read the story she had seeded to cover her dropping out of sight.

[i:5efd066610]"Ah.. Wan Zhu... Yes... Miss Troy really should read the papers more often when on holiday, she could have told the press much sooner that she had left her hotel to travel to the east mere minutes before that explosion... Still it was nice of her to reassure everyone that she is actually alive and well... <Laugh> Again I must thank you for your assistance at the museum...."[/i:5efd066610]

The younger Tremere nodded, she was the childe of the local chantry's Regent Oliver Thrace, who Morathi had borrowed the aid of whilst visiting Hong Kong. Secretly in her capacity as an Astor Morathi was surprised at the level of cooperation Thrace was offering an officially disgraced Apprentice and suspected he wished her attentions away from his affairs, his seemingly meek childe also did not quite 'Feel' right and Morathi wondered if perhaps Thrace had 'Diluted' the Cup of Seven for his own purposes when embracing her into the Clan, such a bloodbond she would be compelled to frown on if she proved it. Still Thrace was able to maintain the Chantry after the Handover and to recall him to the Home Office would cost her house and clan valuable insights into the Cathayans, something to keep an eye on though...

She flipped open her satphone and reactivated it, pausing before dialing any numbers. Her patiance was rewarded by an incoming call.

[i:5efd066610]"Hello Willow... Yes I'm fine and I'm sure the story of Miss Troy's close call will spread to Europe soon enough... Hopefully I will be in Vienna by then..... Yes I'm heading to the Home office... You should probably ring that number I gave you and tell them the good news in case anyone wishes to meet me while I'm visiting the archives..... Ah... They are calling my flight..."[/i:5efd066610]

She closed the phone before Willow began to ask the questions she doubtlessly had, all in good time and somethings should not be discussed in public even over a secure line...

[i:5efd066610]"Well miss Wan Zhu.... I'm going to miss your company.... If you ever wish to call to talk... About anything... Or ask for my help with something..."[/i:5efd066610] She looked deeply into her eyes as she asked... [i:5efd066610]"Feel free to do so..."[/i:5efd066610]

Morathi noticed a brief flare of hope in the younger Tremere's eyes and wondered if her suspicions were indeed close to the mark about Thrace. She smiled and turned to make her way to her waiting flight to Vienna...

Now she would see if anyone other than Willow was curious as to what she had been up to since Turkey...

"All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream...."

Edgar Allen Poe
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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2003 12:57 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
Eve cocked an eyebrow at Julius. "As usual, you misunderstand what you are sensing from me. I've resigned myself to whatever happens. As long as I have fun doing it, I don't really care what happens. Someone is screwing with me and I want them skull fucked."

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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2003 4:56 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
The ground shot by as the plane descended, the tightly compacted buildings of Rome juxtapositioned neatly atop the historical elements. Symbols representing what Gabriel considered mankind's (and Cainitekind as well) pinnacle of existance in the ancient world, called out to him. He felt the historian in him stir as the barely visible lights of the colliseum twinkled in the distance.

But much stronger than that was the suppressing veil of faith that hovered over the city of Rome. The human population here more than anywhere else, possessed an astonishing degree of religious fervor. Even with his relatively immature powers, Gabriel could feel the blanket of faith rolling in waves, it's source originating from the Vatican and moving outwards over the city.

The high degree of faith in Rome was the primary reason for it's low Kindred population. Little more than a handful of Ventrue and Nosferatu made their homes in the city, although the ancient metropolis still teemed with visitors.

The Ventrue Gabriel however, felt more at home in Rome than anywhere. To him, it represented strength and the glory of his heritage. His teacher and long time friend Sorenti was a constant presence. And since the stalwart Ventrue had embraced Gabriel as one of his own Childer, that made the young Ancillae in direct descent from Rome's Prince, Sorenti's own Sire Morkarlov.

As the sedan left the airport and headed towards the fabled Trinita' dei Monti where Gabriel's chosen hotel lay, he wondered if he would have a chance to see either of the two. It would be a pleasant reunion to be sure, but unexpected as they were not the Kindred he had come to see. His real reason for being in Rome was to visit his TRUE Grand-Sire.

He temporarily let the strains and hardships of the past several days wash away with the midnight rain into the depths of Rome. As he stepped into the Grand Hotel Plaza, he searched eagerly for that sense of vitality that had pulled him from the depths of his soul so many times before. It proved elusive, and he made his way to his suite without further thought on the matter.


[i:86f8fbf366]"I'll unpack the rest Ferdinand."[/i:86f8fbf366] Gabriel sighed as he reclined on the mountain of pillows that had been meticulously placed on his bed. The youthful Italian ghoul Ferdinand glanced up, his brown eyes still full of humanity and life. He smiled brilliantly and wordlessly bowed out of the room, leaving Gabriel's open suitcases upon the foot of the bed.

He had been a gift from the House of Morkarlov upon his arrival, and had been waiting at the hotel for him sometime in advance. While Gabriel appreciated the gesture, it endeared him to visit the great Ventrue, now that there was no doubt of his knowledge of Gabriel's presence in the Great City.

Rain pittered softly on the great bay windows of the suite, distorting the marvels of the outside. As it ran in wave-like patterns down the smooth glass, Gabriel focused on the shifting mutating reflection of the room. He had expected he would've arrived by now...

[i:86f8fbf366]"Well I certainly extend my apologies if I've kept you waiting Gabriel."[/i:86f8fbf366] the familiar voice said evenly. The young Ventrue smiled and sat up on the bed.

[i:86f8fbf366]"Victorrio...I must say I'm relieved to see you."[/i:86f8fbf366]

Victorrio Venetti, Gabriel's Grand-Sire, shared the feelings of passion and love towards Rome that Gabriel did. The only difference in their perceptions lie in that his Grand-Childe could only dream of Rome's former brilliance, while Victorrio had walked the streets when Ceasar's were still in power and were praising his name.

He was a relatively short man by modern standards, probably not standing an inch over 5'6. But his frame hid no small amount of power, staunch muscles tightly compacted into his casual blue suit. He had the build of a foot soldier, but carried himself with the grace of an officer. He had at one time been both of course and now lacked the bloodlust that had driven him in his former nights.

Thick hair with streaks of gray gave him a royal, distinguished look but even the signs of old age could not subtract from the aura of power that wafted from him. Sparkling green eyes that shone as brilliantly as Gabriel's own peered into his subjects inner workings and could be used to pick a foe apart without any expenditure of blood.

Never losing his temper, always a step ahead, Victorrio Venetti was the essence of what Gabriel longed to be. He had been in the Clan of Kings for over two millenia now and had cemented his position therein. Even more admirable, in the eyes of a young Ancillae at least, was his inclusion in the Inconnu. He worked as a Monitor, although Gabriel had no idea where.

The fact that he had agreed to leave his city to meet with his Childe was a sign of great respect for Gabriel...or possibly a sign that Victorrio missed Rome and it's museums of a previous life immensly.

[i:86f8fbf366]"Well, it's good to see you as well. Although I believe last time we spoke you were in significantly better health."[/i:86f8fbf366] he cooed, eyeing the space that Gabriel's arm had once inhabited.

[i:86f8fbf366]"Ah yes, that..."[/i:86f8fbf366] he tried to be nonchallant about it. Making his way towards the wet bar, Gabriel shrugged it off, a clumsy-looking gesture for a one armed man. [i:86f8fbf366]"It actually has something to do with what I came to talk to you about...."[/i:86f8fbf366]

[i:86f8fbf366]"Ali."[/i:86f8fbf366] Victorrio said shortly, pulling a single satin curtin back from the window and glancing out over his beloved city. Gabriel imagined there had been a time when a younger Victorrio had been in position to take control of Rome, but had chosen not to. Either admiration or naivity, or a mixture of both, refused to let him believe that the Ventrue could not attain anything he desired.

[i:86f8fbf366]"Yes....Ali. Do you know who he is?"[/i:86f8fbf366]

[i:86f8fbf366]"I do. It's unfortunate that he's returned."[/i:86f8fbf366] Victorrio turned from the window and looked Gabriel dead in the eyes, an experience Gabriel would remember for years. [i:86f8fbf366]"I think you'd better come with me."[/i:86f8fbf366]

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2003 6:50 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
"As usual, I misunderstand." Julius looked like he had been slapped in the face. "Well, I guess you're right. I haven't understood for a fair while now. It's hard to care for someone who doesn't seem to care for herself. To love someone with so much pent up self-loathing that it eats them up from inside. I wonder if you care for anything anymore, or anyone. Or maybe I've completely misunderstood. As usual."

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 1:41 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
"Julius, whether you want to believe it or not, there are changes that occur as we age. I am doing my best to fight turning into some useless piece of sculpture. All you are doing is pushing me. I need time dammit."

Julius seemed about to flare into a punishing demon of fire but held his temper. Eveshka did not flinch. She knew he wouldn't destroy her.
She walked over to one of the over stuffed chairs and sat down in it. Her icy blue eyes looked up at him.

"Everything we do fits together in an enormous puzzle, Julius," she began.

"Don't talk down to me like I'm some sort of errant school boy," he growled. She felt her mind shut down as he used his regnant dominance on her to shut her up. Eve struggled to maintain contact with that thread of thought that was rapidly vanishing.

"Please, Julius, don't be cruel. Let me speak."

With an effort Julius calmed himself down enough to release her. Her mind flooded back to normal.

"Please, just listen for a minute. I beg you," she said.

"Fine," he said, and sat down huffily into a chair facing away from her.

She chose her words carefully. Eve knew full well that this might be the last opportunity she had to convey what she wanted to convey to Julius.

"Over the years that I've lived," began Eve. "I've seen that everything fits together somehow. A rash action in one time could very well lead to horrid repercussions in the distant future. It has happened more times than I can count."

Julius sat silently brooding in his chair.

"I wish to love and be happy. I still have that capacity. I still love. Sort of," she said.

Still silent.

"Almost all of my past efforts have led me to the place I am at now. I am a gamepiece in somebody's elaborate game. They have used and manipulated my existence for centuries. I am afraid of what my emotions will produce."

Still silent.

"You said that I was a beacon of hope for you."

Julius grunted and turned his head slightly towards her.

"I am afraid to BE that woman anymore. The longer you live, the more you see that you are not immortal. The more every passing moment means." Eve stood up and walked over towards Julius. He turned his head away from her. She knelt down in front of him in subservience.

"I am yours Julius. You own me. Please don't discard me. Please don't abandon me. I don't know what I would do. I don't know what would become of me. I don't know," she said while gently pulling his chin around so that he was at least facing her, "what would become of you."

"Me?" Julius asked. "I would go on as before. I've dumped my share of women."

The Firebird looked away. "But none as powerful as I," she said. She got up and walked over to the window. "I will go with you wherever you want me to go. Please understand this though Julius," she said, speaking in soft tones, they were not bitter or angry, just soft. "This whole long term relationship thing is new to me. I am used to adoration by the masses. All short term relationships," she said.

"I am used to being worshipped as a Goddess. You don't do that. I am used to worshipping my lover like a Go-, well, usually a Goddess, but in this case, a God. You won't let me do that. I don't know what I am. You've never really exercised any regnany powers, you've never used me, you've never betrayed me." She turned around with her eyes rimmed in blood tears. "I don't know how to react to that. I feel like one of those moronic women from Jerry Fucking Springer who say 'He only hits me because he loves me' and then cheats on her new beau because he is NOT hitting her and she thinks he doesn't love her."

Julius looked down at his hands. He rubbed his eyes and then ran his fingers through his hair several times like a person getting out of bed in the morning would do. He looked back up at her after a moment and responded.

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PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2003 3:25 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
"Maybe that's the problem. I haven't placed you on a pedestal, nor raised an altar to your greater glory. You are so full of contradictions. On the one hand is the ancient and powerful kindred, with the wisdom and experience of years beyond my capacity to even begin to comprehend. On the other is a woman who has been used, abused, owned, worshipped, desired and adored. The subject of every kind of infatuation, but I start to wonder, perhaps never been loved, or if you have, it's been so long, you have forgotten how to deal with it."

Julius finally met her deep blue eyes. "And I do love you Eve. That's why you've driven me to the edge of frustration and beyond. I've been standing by watching you tear yourself apart, feeling confined to the sidelines, unable to get through to you. All the problems you've been having, you've not talked to me about them, asked for my help. Simply you've told me 'This is how things are.' as though not a subject for debate. Feels like... rejection."

"Rejection?" Eve echoed with a faint sadness. "You've not understood a word I've just said."

"I... maybe not all." Julius replied, looking out of the window. "Shit." He said, standing and walking to gaze outside. "Now look what you made me do."

The view outside was more than a little chaotic. Julius' show of power had done more than a little damage to a number of the buildings within sight of the hotel. Eve got to her feet and joined him. "See now what I mean about repurcussions?" She asked.

Julius nodded slowly and slid an arm about her trim waist. "The power we wield can exact a terrible cost. To us, to the people we love. To the innocents who were simply unfortunate enough to be near." He stared at his shoes for a moment, before returning his gaze to the devastation outside. "I don't know either." He said after a moment.

"Don't know what, love?" Eveshka asked, turning towards him.

"What would become of me." He replied and gestured vaguely to the scene beyond the window. "That was too easy. What happens when I really lose it?"

Eve interposed herself between him and the window. "Then people will die and you'll start your own collection of hateful memories. You need me, Julius, just as much as I need you."

"I know, love." He said, simply. "I know."

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2003 1:55 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
The two skirted the moonlit shores of Kos sometime that night. They walked hand in hand as young lovers would. In truth they WERE young lovers. At least their love was young, and young love is always exciting and passionate. They seemed not to hear the sounds of emergency crews in the middle of the island working feverishly to clear rubble and the like. The two stopped at a rock jutting out into the warm Aegean. Eve sat down on it and let her feet dangle into the water. Julius sat Indian style next to her.

"It seems to me as if Meerlinda is making a move to gain influence among the Toreador," began Eve who looked out over the calm waters. The sky was completely clear and the water reflected the stars, the moon, and the running lights of passing yachts off in the distance. "It's almost as if she is trying to run the clan herself."

Julius murmured his assent with a soft "Mmhmm."

"That means Renee is already in her control," said Eveshka.

"Yes," said Julius. "It would appear that your dear sister is part of it." He scratched his chin a little bit as if thinking.

"I wonder how far back this goes into your past," asked Julius.

"I would have to say quite far," said Eve with bitter tone. "Renee knew Rhiannon and they both used me as a go between for various 'missions.' They were both instrumental in keeping me under wraps when Rhiannon was Prince of Cascadia. They kept me under wraps so that I would not outshine them I think."

"It makes some sense," said Julius.

"If we go farther back.... hmmm," mused Eve.

Julius looked over at her knowing that the wheels inside her head were moving at the speed of light, processing and reprocessing centuries of information.

"Renee and Rhiannon, Rhiannon and Jade, Jade and Capulet, Capulet and Louis--" listed Eve.

"Who is Jade?" asked Julius, interrupting Eve.

"Jade was Rhiannon's Seneschal in Cascadia before Tromad-" Eve stopped. "Tromador? I don't think he would have had a hand in manipulating."

"And Capulet?" asked Julius.

"Another Toreador Prince, that was before Rhiannon led the revolt against him. A revolt she didn't even lead in truth. She just figure headed it."

Julius had heard of the revolt, but had never known the Prince's name. Afterall, what did a minor principality matter in the grand scheme of things?

"Who is Louis?" asked Julius.

"Louis XIV of France. Another Toreador. Though I truly do not believe he was involved in the same series of skullduggery as that which spawned Renee and Meerlinda."

Julius was rather impressed. His thrall was once involved in the inner mechinations of the court of Louis XIV? That would look good on a CV.

"When did you start to rise to prominence in your clan Eve?" asked Julius.

"The age of Louis XIII," said Eve.

Julius cocked his head sharply to the side as if struck by something. "Did you ever meet Cardinal Richelieu?" he asked.

Eve nodded. "Of course. One did not move in THAT court without bumping into him at some point. Why?"

Julius scratched his chin a bit. "Did you know that he was kindred?"

Eve nodded her head. "Yes, but I could never figure out from what clan. He never seemed to actually display any vampiric attributes other than his Aura."

"Cardinal Richelieu occupied the position of Pontifex of Western Europe. He was Tremere."

Eve's eyes narrowed. "Tremere," she repeated.

"Yes, the Tremere had a strong hold on France, and most of western Europe, during the reign of Louis XIII. The Sabbat could not contest him. He was just too strong. Until... " said Julius. "Until the .." began Julius.

"Toreador displaced him and brought Louis XIV to power," finished Eve.
She blew air through pursed lips in astonishment. "So this has been going on for 400 years more or less."

"I would have to say yes. If the tales of your, um, methods of gaining influence were true," said Julius, "You would have been a prime target for either destruction or subjugation."

Eveshka looked at him and then out at the water. "You left a trail of thralls walking the streets of every city you visited, Eve," said Julius. "Why do you think the Inner Council placed a limitation on your bonding new thralls to you when you became Prince of Touraine?"

"They wanted me shunted out of the way, but left intact in case they needed me," said Eve.

"You were a throw back to the Toreador of Byzantium. This new breed, like Renee, like Rhiannon, like.."

"Madame Guil," interrupted Eve.

"Yes, like Madame Guil," said Julius. "They do not have the vision that your clan once had. I am thinking that they do not have the vision because they are not allowed to have it. Somebody is pulling the strings within your clan, and it is not the Toreador High Council."

"Can you not ask anyone in your clan that you trust?" asked Eve.

"I am not highly in favor with my House. I am deemed to be something of a renegade," said Julius.

"Well then what about someone of your clan who has been ostracized? Someone who is still connected into the inner workings, but is outside of them."

"Do yuo mean the Sabbat?" asked Julius.

She shuddered and shook her head no. "Tell me about Goratrix," she said.

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PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2003 1:30 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
"Goratrix?" Julius blinked. "Didn't you just say no to the Sabbat? I'd have thought you'd have had enough of him, in any case. That business in Rome, or had you forgotten so soon?"

Eveshka nodded. "I remember well enough." She said, leaning into him. "Humour me. Tell me about Goratrix."

Julius smiled, slipping an arm about her shoulders oblingingly. "Ok, love, but I only ever met him once. Actually, you were there. Do you remember that day Meerlinda came to visit at the place in York?"

Eve nodded absently.

"As it turned out, it was Goratrix in her guise. He had some kind of interest in..." Julius trailed off. "I wonder what it was he saw in her. Anyway, once I realised the deception he couldn't get out of there fast enough. Impressive teleportation magic, like he's taken movement of the mind onto a whole new level, I wasn't even sure such things were possible with conventional thauma.. OW!"

Eve released her grip on the small piece of skin she had sandwiched between thumbnail and fingernail. Julius looked down to see her face, smiling serenely. "Thankyou for keeping me from getting sidetracked." He said.

"Anytime, love." Eve's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Goratrix?"

"Ok. The history lesson. Just remember you asked for it."

"House Tremere was, originally, part of the Order of Hermes. Tremere was the youngest of the founders and at the time, the last of them still alive. He'd discovered the existance of Kindred and how they appeared to be immortal. With the power of his longevity potions beginning to fade, he resolved to discover the secret of Kindred immortality and imbue himself with it. To achieve this, he called his right hand, Goratrix to the fore. Goratrix managed to capture himself some young Tzimisce and had them embrace some of his apprentices, in exchange for their freedom."

Julius snorted. "Naturally he reneged on the deal and carried on his experiments, both upon the original prisoners and upon his unfortunate apprentices. It's kind of ironic, really. Even as our childe are considered something like property, until released, so were apprentices considered in a similar way, until completion of their training. It was those experiments which led him to create the potion and ritual which turned Tremere and the most trusted members of the house into the first of the new Clan Tremere. That's why, to this day, some of the oldest Kindred still think of Clan Tremere as little more than a bastard offshoot of Clan Tzimisce."

"So it was Goratrix, not Tremere who turned the house into Kindred." Eve summarized.

"Yes. Of course, he got more than he bargained for. He was expecting immortal wizards. Unfortunately for him, what he got was immortals, who had to essentially relearn magic from the top down. A lot of the hermetic techniques don't work correctly for Kindred. So the House had to flee Transylvania. Magic not working right and a load of fucked off Tzims knocking on the door."

"Goratrix, naturally, was on the Tremere Inner Council, but he didn't get on with Etrius and eventually he fell out with Tremere. By this time, he was already talking with the fledgling Sabbat and left House Tremere, forming his own House Goratrix, closely tied to the Sabbat. Their main Chantry was in Mexico, but it got burned down, fairly recently. I don't know where he is now."

"So, as far as I know, Goratrix [b:30eb3fa520]IS[/b:30eb3fa520] Sabbat. One of the leaders, in fact. He's a marked man, by all of my clan."

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2003 3:59 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
[i:9a6f04e9c4]"So who is this Ali?"[/i:9a6f04e9c4] Gabriel asked at last, once they were comfortably seated in the solitude of one of Victorrio's more modest havens in midtown Rome. The apartment, while obviously expensive, was in no league to compete with the Roman Ventrue's notoriously posh tastes.

Victorrio sat quietly for a moment, contemplating the question over a glass of vitae, properly disguised with a mixer of some sort.

[i:9a6f04e9c4]"Jerusalem."[/i:9a6f04e9c4] he said simply, [i:9a6f04e9c4]"It was when I was first monitor there that I heard of Ali."[/i:9a6f04e9c4]

Gabriel had not known that Victorrio had acted as Monitor to the ancient city, but felt certain that his Grand-Sire did not divulge that information to just anyone.

[i:9a6f04e9c4]"So then...who is he? What does he want?"[/i:9a6f04e9c4] he asked. Victorrio stood, downing the last bit of his drink and approached the humble kitchen. After refreshing his drink, he stood quietly by the window, his form immovable and eternal.

[i:9a6f04e9c4]"I think you'll find what Ali wants is far more important than who he is."[/i:9a6f04e9c4] he turned now and nodded, "[i:9a6f04e9c4]That said, Ali is a monster. Or as close to a monster as our kind can get. You may know him better as Ishmael."[/i:9a6f04e9c4]

Gabriel sat back for a moment, mentally scowering two hundred years of unlife for a face to match the name.

[i:9a6f04e9c4]"I can't say that I've met or heard of an Ishmael."[/i:9a6f04e9c4] he said at last.

[i:9a6f04e9c4]"Despite what some of my peers may have you believe, there is much more to the world than Cainite existance. I'm not referring to a Kindred named Ishmael, rather the original Ishmael."[/i:9a6f04e9c4]

Gabriel winced slightly.

[i:9a6f04e9c4]"I'm not sure I follow....the son of Abraham?"[/i:9a6f04e9c4] he said, throwing out the only referance he knew.

[i:9a6f04e9c4]"The very one."[/i:9a6f04e9c4]

Gabriel's eyes widened and he distantly felt the grip on his glass give way. The vitae tumbled towards the floor only to instantaneously appear in Victorrio's hand.

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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