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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 10:56 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2003 3:47 pm
[i:42ef84557b]" Right now you just listen to me for one were number one around here, but guess what ? I'm back and I wont have you pulling scam deals behind my back!"[/i:42ef84557b]
Every word she uttered was through clenched teeth and just to emphasise the point she was making she delivered a swift sharp kick to his ribs on every syllable.


Blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth as she hauled him up onto his feet , his body nearly doubling over with pain as she made him stand in front of her.

[i:42ef84557b]" Chill? you arsewipe....never rip me off again...otherwise I'll eat you alive....literally"[/i:42ef84557b] Erin dropped Karl to the floor as quickly as she had picked him up.

As much as he hurt he just had to have the last word, he had his street cred to uphold and there was no way he was going to let a goth bitch get the better of him, even if she could give him a beating.

[i:42ef84557b]" Try it baby....maybe you'd prefer if I eat you"[/i:42ef84557b] he said provocatively.

Erin had just been walking towards the basement garage door exit when she stopped dead in her tracks.
One minute she was walking away from him the next she was behind him, her nails digging into the soft tender flesh of his neck.

[i:42ef84557b]" You have just stepped over the mark"[/i:42ef84557b]

Her index finger was covered in a ornate silver sheath and encompassed on the end was a fine silver blade, it was this that ripped his throat open but it was her mouth that latched onto the gaping wound and drank him till his body was nothing but a withered corpse.

Erin wiped her mouth with the bck of her hand.

[i:42ef84557b]" And so you see Karl......the moral of this tale is.....don't fucking piss me off!"[/i:42ef84557b]

" So you think you can take me on, well try me if you dare, my bite is much worse than you could ever imagine"
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 4:43 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2003 3:47 pm
It looked just like any other building on the street, nothing led anyone to believe that they should be suspicious of its uses.The windows were boarded up planks of wood, but then so were many of the other's, it was after all in the poorer suburb of the city. Only the one's with the sight, the vision to see past the crumbling facade of the building could see it's true purpose. A sanctuary, a place of safety, a haven...and most importantly off all, a Brujah haven.

Erin had learn to access many of them in the past and soon found the small stone that was invisible to others that didn't know what they were looking for and as she turned it anticlockwise she could hear the sound of metal grating on metal as the bolts were drawn back.
[i:cfaa6aec67]" Come...take your time why don't you"[/i:cfaa6aec67] she muttered to herself as she listened to the final bolt been drawn back.

Silence and then the door opened under the pressure from her hand and she slipped inside, unseen and unheard.

" So you think you can take me on, well try me if you dare, my bite is much worse than you could ever imagine"
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 12:30 am Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 10Location: New OrleansJoined: Sat Oct 11, 2003 8:53 am
(( sorry but works killing me..Post coming soon :wink:

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 12:46 pm Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 10Location: New OrleansJoined: Sat Oct 11, 2003 8:53 am
Damien walked. It had been a year since his sudden departcher from the city. A year which he he could rather forget, yet was unable to.
Nightmares haunted his dreams. Nightmares so horrible that even his unbeating heart pained for the people that were involved. Horrors that were so unspeakable....pain, suffering, a world without place for any human emotions other then fear and hate....hope none exsistent. What brought on these dreams he did not know. He only knew that for the last 10 months and 11 days he had been unable to make them subside.
<HONKKKKKKKKK> Damien looked up and realized he had walked into the intersection barely soon enough to step back as a car went swerving by. " CHRIST" he thought " Am i going mad". He composed himself and walked on. He would walk to the Brujah haven and call it a night. He made a right and walked on he could see it on the next block, sanctuary atlast a place he knew well enough, atleast he thought. But what did that matter anyways for the day would bring the same as all the others.
He came to the brick wall and stopped looked around and then was inside. And thats when he saw her................

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 3:08 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2003 3:47 pm
Erin had decided that the Brujah haven was basic to say the least, not that she was bothered about frills and lace but the fact that there wasn't even a TV or a sound system had brought a look of distaste to her face. A brief trip out had soon got her what she needed, a 30" widescreen tv with DVD and sound system now had pride of place in the centre of the room. Who needed money when kine were so lax in the security of their houses and their cars. Although the silver convertible had been a dream to drive she had reluctantly dumped it after using it to bring the TV back to the haven, best not bring trouble to her, it seemed to find her readily enough.

She sat with her legs draped over the arm of an ancient looking chair and flicked through the channels and settled on MTV and turned the volume up, the music of Sound Garden thumping out of the speakers.Another acquisition had been a small fridge and she walked over to it and poured herself a Jack Daniel's out of the chilled bottle.
[i:1c70b6773f]" Time to unwind chick"[/i:1c70b6773f] she said to herself as she knocked it back and poured another before she slumped back into the chair.

As she sat down she heard the bolts sliding back on the door and she stood up suddenly, not knowing who are what to expect.
He was tall and dressed more like a ventrue than a Brujah, his long coat swished around his powerful body as he stepped towards her into the light that was cast from the glow of the TV. Her eyes narrowed ferally and she stood defensively, neither of them saying a word. He was old she could tell that, his face however gave the appearance of youth, it was his eyes that held the tale of his life.

[i:1c70b6773f]" Erin?"[/i:1c70b6773f] His voice was low and deep.

There was something very familar about him, and she felt a pull from deep within, a distant memory that she had kept buried.What was it,...damn it she thought to herself, was he someone she had doubled wasn't that....or was it?

[i:1c70b6773f]" might be...depends what you want "[/i:1c70b6773f]

He looked her up and down, was this the young girl he had rescued all those years ago...she had changed so much, gone was her auburn curly hair that had fallen in ringlets now replaced by a hair blacker than the night with undertones of a deep blue streaked through it haphazardly.

He stepped closer to her and Erin realized she might be in trouble, he towered over her 5ft slight frame and if indeed he was as old as she thought she would be no match for him. Act quickly, best line of defense if in doubt.

He smiled picking up her every thought, so his childe was not frightened of a fight, although perhaps a little hasty she had at least guts for one so small, he would let her play her little game, although he was perturbed that she didn't recognise him immediatley.

Erin stood on the remote of the TV and the room was plunged into darkness, not that it would hinder either of them, but she was beginning to panic and figured the best plan of action now would be to run....very fast. She got her bearings and headed towards the door, once outside she would have the alleys to duck and dive through. she was nearly there when strong arms grabbed her by her waist and she swore loudly, a tirade of abuse aimed at him as he held her tight and carried her away from the door.

[i:1c70b6773f]" Do you think I'm going to let you disappear again....I think not....Erin....calm down"[/i:1c70b6773f]

Her nails raked his cheek as she lashed out out him, kicking her heels.

[i:1c70b6773f]" Put me down you bastard"[/i:1c70b6773f]

His patience was wearing thin.....she would indeed have to be taught a lesson in manners and he threw her down onto the chair and towered over her, his face a mask of distaste and disappointment.

[i:1c70b6773f]" Enough!"[/i:1c70b6773f] His voice commanded obedience and above all respect and Erin just sat, not moving, her eyes unblinking.


It was the summer of 1888, Whitechapel, London, England. A bonny child stood in the doorway of an abandoned house, the thin cotton dress she wore didn't keep out the chill of the night air and she shivered as she rubbed her arms, trying to get some warmth into them.

[i:1c70b6773f]" Don't you come back till youve got me some ale money....or else I'll get me mates around hear me bitch, your a whore like your ma was"[/i:1c70b6773f] Her pa's words to her had been harsh to her as she left the house and though she longed for the meagre warmth her younger brother gave her as she hugged him tight as they tried to sleep above the room where her pa played cards and drank all night with his mates, she knew if she returned without any money what would happen.

Her body ached with the cold but if was far better than been used by his mates as a sexual release for a penny a go, the last time she had bled for days....and only just now were the bruises beginning to fade.

[i:1c70b6773f]" you shouldn't be out here...get yurself home...there's that murderer about lass"[/i:1c70b6773f]

The local whores who stood vying their trade paid her no heed, they knew about her pa and sometimes gave her anything extra they had just to get her off the streets.

The murders had been happening over the past week and the press had dubbed him jack the Ripper on account of how he disemboweled his victims. Erin shivered again, perhaps it would be better to be dead than live the life she had to lead, a tear ran down her dirty cold cheeks.

[i:1c70b6773f]" Come little one....I have an offer for you....a release that you seemed to yearn"[/i:1c70b6773f]

Erin hadn't even heard anyone approach her and she looked up into a face painted with nothing but kindness and longing to help.

[i:1c70b6773f]" I'm Damien Vryce"[/i:1c70b6773f]


He watched her as she seemed to stare into nothing, her face blank, he saw the thoughts replaying in her head though and hoped for some sort of recognition.
Slowly her eyes lifted to his.

[i:1c70b6773f]" I've....I've looked all over for you...everywhere"[/i:1c70b6773f]

She angrily wiped a tear from her face as she felt it running down her cheek.

" So you think you can take me on, well try me if you dare, my bite is much worse than you could ever imagine"
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 2:00 pm Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 10Location: New OrleansJoined: Sat Oct 11, 2003 8:53 am
Damien watched the tear run down her cheek, And was struck agan with that sorrow he had felt years ago. " Do not cry my child. I see you know remember who i am. I meant you no discomfort. Its just....I've been searching for you for what seems like eternity. There is much to talk about. But first where have you been? I thought you were taken by Chaz. But yet you seem to know the city well." He slid Brujah's Vengence out from its place at his back and laid it against the armrest as he set in the chair. He looked behind him for a moment at the exits then turned back to her waiting for her to begin........

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 3:06 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2003 3:47 pm
She looked at him as he stared at her waiting for answers. Determined as she was she could not return his stare for long, his eyes seemed to scour into her very soul and the feeling was overwhelming her.
[i:a1ab3cfa46]" Chaz....I told him I was looking for Damien we walked out you appeared, he didn't give me a chance, he simply told me that you were not the one I was looking for and whisked me away, what the hell was I to do? [/i:a1ab3cfa46]

As she talked her fingers played with her hair,like a child would when been questioned and feeling nervous.The blue streaks in her hair contrasted vividly with the deep black but still he smiled, she was nothing but a child with vampiric powers trying to act tougher that she actually was.

[i:a1ab3cfa46]" You could have seeked me out Erin....If you had looked deep within yourself you would have known....your feelings would have told you who I was ....did you not feel the pull? whether you hated me or not for leaving you they would have been there"[/i:a1ab3cfa46]

She got up from the chair and paced about, he watched her closely, feeling the hurt she did but waiting for her to talk.

[i:a1ab3cfa46]" you left me....dumped me with the brujah's in had business apparently.....well fuck did I was called living... you gave me a choice ....I took it ....then you left me to fend for myself"[/i:a1ab3cfa46]

(( not posted for erin in a long time i could do for the moment hope its okies :)

" So you think you can take me on, well try me if you dare, my bite is much worse than you could ever imagine"
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