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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 2:03 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
The two women lay entwined each other's arms. A soft chenille throw covered their nude forms as they basked in the warmth of fire. An odd mist crept, unknown to them, under the foot of the throw. A third body shape suddenly materialized under the blanket. Both women lay unconscious with soft and satisfied expressions on their beautiful faces. [i:4ca6b2ca59]"Two of them," thought the snake with glee. "What fun we could have." [/i:4ca6b2ca59] She began kissing their legs and moving up to their more delicate areas. Alternating between the two raven haired syrens. When she delved her tongue into the sensual folds of Eveshka's flower Eveshka opened her eyes with a start. A smile immediately crossed her face. "Michelle," she moaned. Morathi swung to her feet in an instant. There, on the ground between Eveshka's legs, sat a third raven haired goddess in the guise of Michelle St. Clair. Her face and body immediately morphed into Khemintiri's. "Come home with me my Firebird," she said silkily.

Morathi stood there and watched, waiting to see what Eve would do.

"Come home with me," she said again.

"No," said Eveshka who sat up and pulled her legs back and curled into a ball with her forehead resting on her knees. "Leave me alone, Khem, please."

Morathi heard Eveshka make her decision and stepped towards Khemintiri. Khemintiri looked daggers at her and with a blast sent her flying across the room and into a heap. Eveshka saw Khemintiri do this and in a fit of rage shouted "NO!!!" As she did so she stood up and a circle of flame radiated out from her catching Khemintiri in its blast and setting the room on fire as it passed.

Khemintiri recoiled in shock and then advanced in anger brushing aside a path in the flames to get to Eveshka. "You are MINE, mortal. You have always BEEN mine," she said with jealous wrath dripping from her forked tongue.

"I am not yours Khemintiri. I am nobody's play thing. I am Eveshka and I will not be trifled with."

"You are mine or you are NOTHING," screamed Khemintiri. She cast a giant serpent on the ground. It raced towards Eveshka who stood there watching it without fear. She picked up the snake and it immediately fell to being docile as a sleeping puppy. Khemintiri turned her head slightly in surprise, her eyes wide with wonder and anger. Meanwhile Morathi was coming to on the far side of the room. She saw the nude form of Eveshka faced off agaisnt the nude form of Khemintiri. Both of them seemed to be stationary at the moment. Morathi stood up and moved towards the pair. Khemintiri saw the movement out of hte corner of her eyes and attacked Eveshka while Eveshka looked over at Morathi.

Had Eveshka been a vampire, she'd have been able to perhaps dodge the racing Setite. She didn't even register that Khemintiri was moving however. Khemintiri had thrown herself on Eveshka and was beginning to suck her dry. Morathi cast a Pillar of Ice spell and encased both Eve and Khem in ice. Now that Morathi had breathing room, thought about her options. She needed to get Eve out of here. She needed to get her away from hostile Cainite society. She needed to get her to Montcalm back in Touraine. He alone of those outside the coterie had remained steadfast in his loyalty to Eveshka. Before leaving Kiev, Morathi placed the frozen Khemintiri in front of the south east facing window with the shades opened.

Three days later the two women arrived in Tours. Montcalm met them in a popular student bar called Au Bureau. He decided to have her housed in the old town of Tours along the old market square of Place Plumereau in one of the towering 16th century post and beam buildings. She was taken there in secrecy. Not even her old realm knew she was there apart from Montcalm. Morathi stayed with Eveshka as her "significant other." As an accomplished magess herself, Morathi managed to place a glamour upon Eveshka that made her unrecognizable to any except those whom Eveshka wished to recognize her. The drawback was that once Eveshka wished for someone to recognize her, that person would always be able to recognize her from there on in.

Luckily Mora was a woman of means and used her wealth and talents to make her absences from Eveshka believable. Morathi still had to fulfill her duties to Julius and as an Astor. Thus did Eveshka disappear from Cainite society for a short time.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 8:43 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
[i:93e93b2960]"My lady.....[/i:93e93b2960] Serai interrupted her mistress's alloted time for estate business with a barely heard request for her lady's attention. Cyrilynn knew she'd not have disturbed her unless it was important, so she put down the quill she was using and gave the ghoul her complete regard. [i:93e93b2960]"Yes?"[/i:93e93b2960] The assistant approached the desk and seated herself in the nearest chair opposite whilst tucking the plaid, ankle-length skirt primly around her knees.

[i:93e93b2960]"There is an officious oaf, who calls himself Gabriel, on the phone for you. I believe you stated you were expecting a call from him?[/i:93e93b2960] She raised an eyebrow. The Tzimisce chuckled at the appelation but did nothing to chastize her servant for it. She'd gotten that impression herself just from watching him at a distance. Body language was often an unspoken form of communication. [i:93e93b2960]"Ahh, yes, I was. Thank you, Serai. Please wait right where you are, I may have new orders for you."[/i:93e93b2960] She picked up the phone and pressed the release button.

[i:93e93b2960]"This is Lady Cyrilynn."[/i:93e93b2960] There was a pregnant pause as if the kindred on the other end were trying to decide to be polite or not. She waited him out. He reintroduced himself and then questioned her ability to cooperate. To which, she simply glossed it over, as it was the first time she'd worked in partnership but she wasn't sanguine enough to believe it would be the last, for she [b:93e93b2960]was[/b:93e93b2960] Julius's thrall. The doubt would always be there until she'd proven herself. She would have felt the same if the situation were reversed.

He instructed her to meet him in Athens and then bid her a pleasant goodbye, which, given the original greeting, surprised her. Hanging up, she informed her assistant that she leaviing as soon as possible and gave instructions for the jet to be readied and to have the galley aboard stocked with her own special vitae. She had Serai pack her some appropriate clothing for the country and weather. Further, that she was in charge of the estate, as per their arrangements in the past. Dismissing the woman, she bent to the task of completing her affairs as quickly as she could.


The best thing about Athens was the fact that you could debark and walk straight to your hotel room in less than 10 mins. Providing you'd called well enough in advance. And Cyrilynn had cause to bask in her ghoul's efficiency. Not only had the woman snagged two rooms side-by-side but she'd managed to catch Tyler and had him convey the reservations and location to his master. Now she merely awaited his appearance.

Gabriel arrived in a less than pristine fashion, as if he'd had a devil of a time getting to this point and the trip had not been easy on him. He rubbed at the ache in his shoulder as if the change in climates made it worse. But he still carried the competant business man to perfection and it was hardly noticeable to all but the most observant of eyes. Lady Cyrilynn wondered where he'd been all this time. Given the expression on his countenance, she wasn't about to ask. He shed his coat and then set down to the business of telling her what she needed to know.

The fact that he was just as much in the dark as she was regarding what they were supposed to find (and equally close-mouthed about WHY they had to find it) was a lesson in frustration and how to hide it. The only pieces of data that were clear cut was to find a key, mark, symbol, apophthegm, anything that would help them find a clue to whatever it was that Julius wanted them to find. I.e. A one-of-a-kind component. AND that the starting point was to be the Oracle at Delphi.

After that it was a matter of gathering information and letting Gabriel rest. Cyrilynn, having arrived before him and feeling quite refreshed, co-opted the hotel's vaunted amenities and utililized one of the conference rooms with computers and printers installed. Spending a fascinating time digging up the information she thought they would need, she presented the Ventrue with a portfolio containing all the facts she was able to find on the net when he joined her again. Everything from maps and tour schedules to the year round weather.

[i:93e93b2960]"It appears that what was once the Delphi Oracle, is now an ancient ruin on the slopes of Mt. Parnassus that held what used to be the temple to Apollo and was home to the Pythias. Those women who gave out prophetic words and advice through the means of gasses and vapors."[/i:93e93b2960] She looked up at her erstwhile partner with eyes enthralled by what she'd found out. [i:93e93b2960]"Once the "navel of the known world", that drew kings and princes, it's now pretty much a tourist attraction."[/i:93e93b2960] She paused and frowned. [i:93e93b2960]"The Omphalos Stone, unfortunately, now resides in a museum here in Athens."[/i:93e93b2960]

[i:93e93b2960]"According to what I've dug up, it seems the seat of the "oracle' is a cavern that was situated deep down in the earth, with a narrow mouth from which issued the "pneuma" (gasses or vapors), sometimes called the Breath of Apollo. It is this which the priestesses inhaled to give them the trance-like state wherein they prophesied."[/i:93e93b2960]

[i:93e93b2960]"As legend would have it, Apollo's mother (pregnant by Zeus), in fleeing the wrath of Hera, passed by the island where the Python guarded the sacred ground and lived in her cave. The Python, having been warned that Apollo would be her undoing, attempted to waylay Leto and dispose of her and her unborn twins, but he missed and she escaped his clutches. Because of this, Apollo returned to slay him with an arrow and then took over the temple as his own place of worship."[/i:93e93b2960]

Finished with her nutshell recitation, she cocked her head aslant and looked at him, [i:93e93b2960]"My recommendation would be to start with a tour at the ruins themselves. If nothing comes of it, we could then make an attempt to visit the stone, itself, and see if it would present us with any further clues."[/i:93e93b2960] She waited to see what his own suggestion would be.

He stared thoughtfully at the one hand held between his relaxed knees as he absorbed everything she'd given him, then glanced up. Cyrilynn thought she caught a flash of admiration for her investigative thoroughness but it had vanished. She chalked it up to a trick of the inadequate lighting of the hotel. He gave a curt nod, [i:93e93b2960]"I agree. We'll go first thing after we've both had proper rest."[/i:93e93b2960] The lady inclined her head regally, [i:93e93b2960]"Thank you. I'm still adjusting to the time zone and the sun's path. I could use the respite."[/i:93e93b2960]


Entering the parking lot of the lower part of the Delphian tourist attraction at mid-twilight, on an April heat wave, had been easy enough. The climb upward to the site proper, lengthy but not onerous. The guard at the bottom challenged them, discouragingly, in English, [i:93e93b2960]"I'm afraid you folks are a bit late for seeing the Oracle. Sun's gone down and it's getting too dark to see anything."[/i:93e93b2960] He gave them a bit more of a once over than he normally would have. Very few people, if any, showed for a viewing at this hour.

Gabriel, who looked every inch the important personage, started to reply until a woman he'd never seen before darted around him and engaged the guard's attention. [i:93e93b2960]"Oh, there you are! I'm so glad it's you. My associate and I..."[/i:93e93b2960] she waved a hand towards the shocked Ventrue, [i:93e93b2960]"....were going up to see the site by moonlight. We wanted to see if the vapors had any phosphoresence to it and to also get a star chart reading to see how much it differed from Athenian times. Since we were here not too long ago with other researchers, I'm sure that our permit is still active. We won't be very long, so I'm sure you won't mind."[/i:93e93b2960]

The guard seemed mesmerized by her eyes as he slowly nodded in agreement. [i:93e93b2960]"Certainly, Ms. Westin, I remember you from the de Boer party. Go right on up."[/i:93e93b2960] He waved them on and then turned back to his little shack and began locking up. Gabriel stared as the woman turned to him. He glanced quickly to his side to see what Cyrilynn made of this person, only to find himself unable to see where she was. Turning back to the stranger, he caught a furtive quirk of a grin.

What he [b:93e93b2960]saw[/b:93e93b2960] was a woman about his height (the Tzimisce was shorter) , thin and with a narrow face (his associate's was more filled out), the hair was dark and pulled back into a bun (the older woman's was silver), held together with a pencil through a coil in the back. She had on sensible shoes (he thought they looked familiar) and the dress reached about mid-calf (wasn't Cyrilynn's skirt longer?). Somehow, this female looked familiar. He was sure he'd seen her recently.

The blouse sported longer, tighter sleeves but was basically the same cut and decoration as the Tzimisce's. To shock him further, her voice, in formal tones, issued from those pouty little lips, [i:93e93b2960]"Her picture was in one of those articles I showed you. Remember?"[/i:93e93b2960] She lifted an eyebrow at him.

[i:93e93b2960]"After you, sir."[/i:93e93b2960] She stepped back to allow him to proceed. Then waited him out quietly while he picked his jaw up off the pavement, allowing him to look her up and down and make up his mind about her and this revolting ability to be something other than herself. Gabriel was sure he didn't want to find out how she accomplished it! He [b:93e93b2960]knew[/b:93e93b2960] he wouldn't like the answer.

He finally strode off, up the incline, slightly miffed, and she trailed after him, catching up to him shortly. Both of them climbed silently, their individual thoughts taking many strange avenues. Hers, in regards to the information on this most impressive of ancient sites. His, on the aspects of her abilities and what he [b:93e93b2960]didn't[/b:93e93b2960] know about his companion. Until, at last, they both topped the last rise and beheld the ruined foundations, lying bathed in the silvery half-light of the waning moon.

Last edited by Lady Cyrilynn on Fri Oct 10, 2003 10:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 2:58 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
Julius smiled. The spring air was marvellously restorative, though the idea of leaving this clearing and again entering the winter imprisoned forest held little appeal. Though still very short of vitae, he magical energies were once again flowing freely, although slightly strangely. It was as though...

Julius peered at the scantily clad figure. There was something about her. In fact there was something about this whole area. A little touch of magic revealed the fae aura pervading the area. Useful to know, in such auras Hermetic magic tended to be a little... off. He would have to be sure to limit any magic he used. Anything too big could have unexpected results.

The fae woman asked again. [i:b30afa6aff]"Why do you come here?"[/i:b30afa6aff]

Julius looked about. [i:b30afa6aff]"Quite by accident. I was searching for someone. Nice tank."[/i:b30afa6aff]

Gerhardt struggled against his bonds, swearing and cursing in gutter German. Julius smiled. [i:b30afa6aff]"Whatever you say Jack, you're the master race!"[/i:b30afa6aff]

The fae rolled her eyes. [i:b30afa6aff]"Cainites. One day you will learn to play nicely together."[/i:b30afa6aff]

[i:b30afa6aff]"I guess that's one for her side, eh Jack?"[/i:b30afa6aff] Julius grinned. Gerhardt glared silently and sullenly.

[i:b30afa6aff]"Who were you searching for?"[/i:b30afa6aff] Asked the woman.

[i:b30afa6aff]"Baba Yaga."[/i:b30afa6aff] Replied Julius.

[i:b30afa6aff]"OOO! The little grandmother. You'll never find her."[/i:b30afa6aff] The fairy grinned cheekily, in the manner of someone who knows more than they are letting on.

Julius closed his eyes for a moment, sighing inwardly. He didn't have the time to play silly fairy games. [i:b30afa6aff]"Why..."[/i:b30afa6aff] He began, in the slow drawn out voice of someone who really didn't have the patience for this. [i:b30afa6aff]"...will I never find her."[/i:b30afa6aff]

[i:b30afa6aff]"Because..."[/i:b30afa6aff] Replied the fairy in an equally drawn out, but more of a childish sing song voice. [i:b30afa6aff]"...You're not looking for her properly. You don't know how!"[/i:b30afa6aff]

[i:b30afa6aff]"How then"[/i:b30afa6aff] Asked Julius,[i:b30afa6aff] "Should I look?"[/i:b30afa6aff]

[i:b30afa6aff]"Silly, you've got to see it all."[/i:b30afa6aff] Answered the fae. [i:b30afa6aff]"You never learnt how though, did you."[/i:b30afa6aff] She went on in a rather more serious voice, before carrying on the childish singsong [i:b30afa6aff]"Too late now. You might as well go home. Home... home... home..."[/i:b30afa6aff]

Julius was tired. He'd had a long few days, his temper wearing thin. Through gritted teeth he pressed the question. [i:b30afa6aff]"what do you mean, see it all? How?"[/i:b30afa6aff]

[i:b30afa6aff]"Not gonna tell... not gonna tell."[/i:b30afa6aff] Replied the fae, now displaying a mental age of about five years old.

[b:b30afa6aff]SLAM!![/b:b30afa6aff] The fairy flew into Gerhardt, bounced off and hit the ground with a bump. Gerhardt groaned and swore again.

[i:b30afa6aff]"Damn!"[/i:b30afa6aff] Said Julius, with a thoughtful expression upon his face. [i:b30afa6aff]"I missed."[/i:b30afa6aff]

The fae rubbed at some bruises and looked hurt. [i:b30afa6aff]"Missed?"[/i:b30afa6aff] She managed to say.

Julius nodded. [i:b30afa6aff]"I meant to impale you on that..."[/i:b30afa6aff] He gestured vaguely to some pointy piece of tank. [i:b30afa6aff]"...that.. whatever that bit of tank is."[/i:b30afa6aff]

[i:b30afa6aff]"Um..."[/i:b30afa6aff] Said the fairy.

[i:b30afa6aff]"I thought we were playing games."[/i:b30afa6aff] Said Julius. He pointed a finger at the fairy, then pointed at the air and the ground several times in succession.

[i:b30afa6aff]"This..."[/i:b30afa6aff] THUMP [i:b30afa6aff]"...isn't..."[/i:b30afa6aff] THUMP [i:b30afa6aff]"...very..."[/i:b30afa6aff] THUMP [i:b30afa6aff]"...funny."[/i:b30afa6aff] Managed the fairy between flights and falls.

[i:b30afa6aff]"No? I'm having a ball."[/i:b30afa6aff] Said Julius, conjuring fire and bouncing it on the ground. [i:b30afa6aff]"Perhaps you'd like to tell me something useful, or perhaps you'd prefer a nice game of catch."[/i:b30afa6aff]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 6:19 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2003 12:49 am
Vampires were such pricks, thought the fae. She wiggled her pointy ears and shook her head a bit to clear it. Gerhardt, meanwhile, seemed to have withdrawn within himself and was merely staring off at a particularly interesting blade of grass, blood was dripping like saliva out of his slack mouth.

"Useful?" asked the fae waif. She snapped her fingers and everything went black. Julius rolled his eyes but then noticed that the ball of fire was no longer fire, but a dark lump of coal like substance. He dropped it and held his hand open for the bale fire he wished to ignite. "Shit," he muttered as it wouldn't light.

Suddenly all was light again. Well, sort of light. Things were spinning around them in a blur. Flashes of light followed brilliant whirls of color in a kalaedoscope like effect. Gerhardt still sat there, with his retarded gaze, pinned to the tank. The Fae however was hovering upside down. She pointed at Julius' hand which now held a bale fire and to the ground where a small patch of grass was on fire. "All is not what it seems Cainite," she said simply. "You must let go of what you think you know and see things as they truly are."

"Humph," Julius grunted. "That just clears everything up."

"Look," said the Fae as she held forth a small circular hand mirror. It looked similar in size and shape to a hand held vanity mirror from the Victorian Age, yet it had odd runes on it. Julius had never beheld these runes before. "Look into this and you shall see things as they truly are." She held the mirror up so that Julius could gaze into it. What he saw made him recoil sharply with a yelp of pain. He brought his hands up to his face as if he had a tremendous headache. After a few moments of silence, Julius looked up at the smirking faerie. "I saw... I saw," he stammered.

"Everything?" asked the faerie.

Julius shuddered. Gerhardt merely slumped down the side of the tank a bit more. Bloody drool dribbling onto his uniform.

"What you saw was eternity," said the faerie. "The past, the present, the future."

"H-How?" asked Julius.

"You still don't understand," said the fae woman. "But you will."

((Ok all, you need not wait for Julius to do anything. In fact, feel free to have your characters be concerned because they cannot find Julius and they have not heard from him in a while. I'm thinking of having this be at least several weeks, maybe even a month or two, of time elapsing which should bring us closer to the present. As far as THIS storyline goes, it is only April 2003. Therefore, your characters cannot receive any instruction or anything from Julius as he is kinda not on planet earth as we know it anymore.))

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 12:01 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
Fairies are such pricks, thought Julius. The trouble with the fae is that they have an irritating habit. Actually they have a lot of irritating habits, mused Julius, but the one which, in particular was getting his goat, was they way they would behave like children, then like wise and learned individuals. Actually that wasn't correct either, only the wise and learned ones would behave in such a manner, but they spent so much time being irritating that it was generally impossible to tell the difference.

Clearly, in this case, Julius had stumbled upon one with something to say for itself. Actually this was worse than the stupid ones, because you could just ignore them, instead of having to jump through hoops, bully and cajole the fae into giving you what you needed. Worse still, they generally knew you needed it and were just being annoying for it's own sake. Surely there were things more fun in the world than tormenting Julius. He looked at the fae, who smiled back prettily. In that moment, he knew, the awful realisation came like a revelation, written in letters of divine grace from the highest powers.

[b:19e9c6cf41]No. There was [u:19e9c6cf41]nothing[/u:19e9c6cf41] more fun in the world, than tormenting Julius.[/b:19e9c6cf41]

The Cainite wizard considered this undeniable piece of knowledge for a moment, then looked up at the fae, a smile breaking and slowly becoming a grin.

[i:19e9c6cf41]"No I won't. I'll never understand it."[/i:19e9c6cf41] Replied Julius. [i:19e9c6cf41]"In fact, I don't think I want to anymore. I'll just be heading home."[/i:19e9c6cf41]

He stood and turned to leave. The fairy stamped her foot. Julius dodged Gerhardt swinging for his head with a shovel, of the kind used to dig holes for tanks.

[i:19e9c6cf41]"The trouble with showing me eternity."[/i:19e9c6cf41] Called back Julius, as Gerhardt was duly dodged again. [i:19e9c6cf41]"Is that I know when he's going to swing that thing at me, so you might as well restrain him again."[/i:19e9c6cf41]

Gerhardt was having a bad day. It simply wasn't fair that this insolent creature should somehow avoid all his attempts to re-educate him. It was even less fair when he found himself sitting back on the tank, wearing a wig of curly green hair and a big red nose. He looked at the flower which had appeared on his jacket and it squirted water in his face.

The Fae clapped. Julius stopped, turned and bowed. [i:19e9c6cf41]"Unless of course, you want me to understand what you are showing me. In which case, perhaps I might be persuaded to discuss things further."[/i:19e9c6cf41]

Now the fairy sighed. Julius' attempt to manipulate her was pitiful. Of course Julius knew it was pitiful and he knew that she knew how pitiful it was. All of which added up to mean that he knew that she knew that she did actually have something she wanted him to know and she knew that he knew she would have to get around to it sooner or later.

[i:19e9c6cf41]"Julius Darrant."[/i:19e9c6cf41] Announced the fae, pouting. [i:19e9c6cf41]"You are quite the worst grumpy face sourpuss I've ever met."[/i:19e9c6cf41]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 2:30 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2003 12:49 am
The Fae chick walked over to Julius who merely regarded her with an upraised eyebrow. She snapped her fingers. The world around them seemed to explode in a whirl of color. Images flashed past at ridiculously fast rates. Suns rose and set, seasons changed, Mountains were leveled, waters rose and fell. Then they were suddenly standing on a plain made entirely of glass. The surrounding sky was a deep blue. There were three crescent moons in the sky which radiated a soft pink glow. The air was filled with the soft sound of crystal being rubbed. Melodic "ssshhing" sounds ebbed and flowed almost as if the glass ground upon which they stood was actually alive.

Julius looked around. "W-Where are we?" he stammered, plainly impressed with this last bit of what he thought was an illusion.

The Faerie looked up at him with a smile on her pretty face. "Not where, Julius, but when are we would be a more appropriate question."

"When?" asked Julius.

"Yes, when," responded the Fae.

Julius looked around and then up at the moons. He recognized a pattern on the largest moon. "This...," he said. "This is earth. In the future."

The Fae giggled and clapped her hands while bobbing up and down. "It is actually. Indeed we are nearly one hundred thousand years in the future.”

“Something happened to cause all of this,” said Julius surveying the beautiful wasteland.

“Yes, that is right. You did,” she said simply and walked along the glassy sea. Each foot step making a light “shing” sound.

Julius looked at her oddly. “I did?” he asked. “I did… what?”

“Gehenna, Armegeddon, Twilight of the Gods, it’s all the same thing,” she said with a distracted shrug.

“But how did I?” he began.

“You are a fire wizard,” she said simply. “One who suddenly came into much power gained from scores of lifetimes of knowledge.”

“Less riddles please,” said Julius.

“This,” she gestured with her hands around the sea of glass. “Is the result of a battle. A battle that you won. This is the culmination of your purpose.” She continued gesturing about her.

“Some purpose,” he said.

“Well, it was sort of blown off track by the loss of your soul mate,” said the little faerie woman.

Julius merely looked at her blankly.

“Oh come on wizard,” said the fae. “You can’t be that hopelessly mundane.”

“Seems I am,” replied Julius with a smirk.

“You were supposed to be someplace else. Actually YOU aren’t. SHE was. Something unusual happened. A rift in the time line as it were. It was written in the stars, yet nobody saw it. Until now that is.” She pointed up to a constellation around where Andromeda would have been in the early 21st century. Julius looked up and saw in the heavens, “There will be a rift in the timeline with Eveshka and Julius.” He rolled his eyes.

“Sorry, couldn’t resist,” said the fae woman. She waved her hands and it disappeared.
“But it was hinted to in the way the heavens move.” She looked back up in the sky. “We still are not certain what or why at this point. But somehow the natural order that was preordained since the dawn of time when the Creator set the universe in motion,” she looked at Julius with deep green eyes. “Somehow it got altered.”

Last edited by Gerhardt Fallen on Fri Oct 10, 2003 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 9:56 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
The two kindred topped the incline that debouched on to the terraced ruins and were greeted by a fairy land of marvels. The depleted walls, columns, plinths and arches all glinted mysteriously of ancient wonders and untold tales as the spring moon illuminated portions of the site. There was an overall timelessnes that pervaded the night air.

They wandered side by side in an uncharacteristically companionable silence until they seperated, each to his or her own search. Both Gabriel and his unwanted assistant wandered and inspected everything that caught their attention, unmolested and unobstructed by guard or sightseers. It was amazing how much ground could be covered when you had the entire place to yourself.

Lady Cyrilynn immediately sought out the archways, probing for the intaglios that had been etched into the pillars high up so that it could be seen from many angles below. Her investigations had run across the archaic maxims in her Hellenic delvings and they intrigued her in an obscure way. Althought the moonlight was not as effective as sunlight, the Tzimisce's eyesight found the words where the philosopher Socrates, himself, had ordered them placed.

[i:e5149347f5]"Gnothi se auton"[/i:e5149347f5] Know Thyself. Learn how to be who you are. And [i:e5149347f5]"EI"[/i:e5149347f5]. Thou Art. The designation which is true and has no lie in it. These abstract concepts, which were not her usual realm of study, resonated within her awakening soul, in ways she wasn't quite sure she was prepared to examine. As it was, when Gabriel commanded her attention on the other side of the site, she was relieved to head off in his direction.

He'd discovered a trail that lead a short way down to a recent excavation made into the pre-mycenean layers. Recent enough that it was not mentioned in their own documentaries. According to the historical markers, placed there for commentary, it was a settlement from the late-neolithic/early bronze age. The sign, in both Greek and English pointed out where the individual dwellings were and a temple, perhaps the first to stand upon this hallowed ground.

It also advertised a cemetary that contained a stone coffin of a high status burial. The contents had been removed to the National Archaeological Museum, in Athens, and was on display there. Both kindred logged this information along with the possibility of checking out the relics while examining the Omphalos Stone at the same time.

The Ventrue chose to wander among the small gravestones that made up most of the necropolis and had moved away to that side of the dig. But the Tzimisce's interest seemed inordinately drawn to the waiting tomb, it's lid canted up against the side so that the tourists would be able to see inside. She began noticing that the box itself showed signs of an interior fire. That in and of itself, was unusual, as cremations were done under the strict supervision of a priestly caste and the remains placed in a jar or urn before being placed in their ultimate resting spot. She skirted the official barriers and stepped closer.

Cyrilynn crouched down to examine the sarcophagi from a different and closer angle. Although her kindred sight was far beyond that of kine, she understood that the nascent moonlight would bring into bas-relief, the once prominent carvings that were proclaimed to have been chiseled into the stone by the historical marker. Her keen sight made out some of them but climate and wind had combined to ensure that the story inscripted there would no longer be revealed to the naked eye. Reaching out, she ran sensitive finger tips across any projection she could find.

An eerie sensation, similar to, yet at odds with, the *snap-tingle* she was becoming used to, slid across her skin, leaving a chill that rivaled that of her already undead flesh. Snatching her hand back, she stilled and then analyzed the awareness of it. And formulated that it came from the stone coffin itself. No. Nnnooooo...........that wasn't quite right. It eminated from [i:e5149347f5]inside[/i:e5149347f5] the funerary box. Rising gracefully from her lowered position, the Tzimisce peered over and down into the half-shadowed depths.

The bottom of the catafalque was dusted with a fine layer of ash, just out of finger tip range. Pulled by an compulsive need to submerge her hand into the ancient dust, she climbed into the stone trough and, bending from the waist, swept her fingers across the flooring, garnering ashen flakes that clung like a second skin. Standing upright again, she brought her hand up into the lucent moonlight where the scales caught at the luminescence and flung it at her.

A burst of white light filled the questor's eyes and mind and she stiffened with an involuntary intake of air, only to collapse moments later, like a deflated balloon, to lie sprawled upon the hard bottom of the forbidding box. She lay curled on her side, one arm flung above her head, the other buried in powdered remains, her legs bent slightly at the knee. Her mouth open in a soundless choke of shock. There was no further movement.


She was dimly aware of drums and the chant of many voices in a rising paean of joy and supplication to the Sun God Apollo, asking him to accept the sacrifice and to bless the coming day. Sweet incense rode upon the pre-dawn zephyrs further enhancing the exhaltation derived from the ritual. The chorus drew nearer.

A strange lassitude held her fastened to the bed she reposed on and the trapings of armbands, bracelets, rings, earbobs, necklaces and the diadem serving to act as a costly covering to her nakedness. A priest annointed her body and face with holy oils and leaned in to chant a quick phrase that had her eyes closing in heavy lidded drowsiness. Floating on a sea of stillness for an uncounted time.

Then she grew aware of HIS approach from the east. Of the speed of his chariot, of his determination to finally ensnare her away from her haven, of the death in his arrows. Those tiny lances of light bestowed upon him by another benevolent god. The instrument of her demise at HIS hands. The hands of Apollo, launching them from afar.

The singing began to rise in volume as shafts of light crept around the mountain and painted the dawn with delicate roses and pinks, chasing the ebon skies before it. As they crept upon the sacrifice bound in the sarcophagus awaiting it's fate, the eyes of the sacrificial lamb flew open in horror as the knowledge penetrated her fogged mind, that [b:e5149347f5]SHE[/b:e5149347f5] was the gift to this interloper. That her Final Death would pave the way for his new era. That she was bound over to his mercy by her own worshippers.

But for her, for Python, there was to [b:e5149347f5]be[/b:e5149347f5] no clemency. Only her destruction at HIS hands and HIS arrows. As the first of the lances touched the rim of her resting place, she began to struggle, to fight for life. But it was too little, too late, for she had been robbed of strength and will until the bitter end when her labors would be fruitless. Breaking the unseen bonds that encased her, she shrieked in rage and fear as the golden aurora spilled over into the confines of her prison.

The lower portion of her body coiled and thrashed, shedding scales in it's titanic struggle, despite the body's sluggishness. Dizziness swept the senses as the snake-woman attempted to raise her head and her arms flailed, failing to find a purchase on the edge, so tantalizingly close! Her screams echoed down the forested slopes, nearly drowning out the assembled congregation, as the brilliant coruscation embraced the writhing body and began to devour it.

A torment [b:e5149347f5]SO[/b:e5149347f5] intense as to consume mind and body, overwhelmed the snake goddess as she crisped and blackened. Her cries soon waned to soul shattering whimpers and then ended on a despairing moan as the chanting reached a crescendo and died away. Silence fell as the devotees and the holy elders filed past to look down upon the ashed corpse of their once tyranical ruler. When all had seen, the lid was raised and slid home with a resounding finality. The age of Apollo had finally arrived.

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 3:45 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGhoulPosts: 7Joined: Thu Sep 25, 2003 1:54 am
This was Serai's favorite part of her position as Lady C.'s estate manager. The part that gave her authority to do things she enjoyed, even if they were in her lady's name. Picking up the phone she dialed the number of her contact quickly and impatiently waited for the call to go through. When it did, she licked her lips in anticpation. She always enjoyed a bit of wheeling and dealing. Given how long they'd been gone, surely [b:d7450baffa]something[/b:d7450baffa] had come available by now!

[i:d7450baffa]"Good afternoon, Kinnsters Antiquities and Exotic Imports"[/i:d7450baffa] The voice on the opposite end wheezed to a close. [i:d7450baffa]"How may I be of service?"[/i:d7450baffa]. Serai smiled sardonically at the refinement of the name that covered up the sordid reality of the proprietor's actual business. [i:d7450baffa]"And a pleasant day to you, too, Albert. I was hoping you'd have some good news for me."[/i:d7450baffa] The ghoul purred in to the receiver in hopes this would bring the voluable man straight to the objective.

Albert, if left to his own devices, could drone on and on about his favorite hobby, which was antiques. It took quite a bit to get him to switch over to the less savory part of their business relationship. If the man hadn't been so discreet, reliable and eminently trustworthy in his dealings, she'd have moved on to more worthy dealers a long time ago.

[i:d7450baffa]"Ah, my dear Angelique. Are you looking to place your usual order?"[/i:d7450baffa] Eagerness swept all considerations aside and the woman had a brief mental picture of the corpulent man sitting atop an order pad, pen poised to write. [i:d7450baffa]"No, dear man, I'm afraid the company has discontinued that line of business."[/i:d7450baffa] The coo had disenchanted sincerity dripping from it. A gasp of horror escaped from the other end.

It probably seemed, to the poor merchant, that he was about to loose one of his best paying customers. After all, Lady C. had been buying her poisons, weapons, special clothing and supplies as well as other custom made needs from him for years. Serai hastened to assure him that all was not lost. [i:d7450baffa]"I realize this comes as a shock to you but one must change with the times. That particular line was becoming obsolete and rather than continue to run the danger of being caught with merchandise we couldn't move, we made the decision to upgrade and consolidate the corporation. I'm sure you'll understand why we chose this step rather than take the risks."[/i:d7450baffa]

She could almost see his nod of acquiesence as he absorbed the double meanings of the imparted news that Cyrilynn would not be plying her trade as the Scorpion any longer and, therefore, would not need a steady quantity in the future. Not that he knew of her alternate identity or even who it was that was behind the woman known as "Angelique". Merely that she was a front for the real purchaser. She doubted that even Albert was [b:d7450baffa]his[/b:d7450baffa] actual name!

[i:d7450baffa]"Not to worry, my friend,"[/i:d7450baffa] she hastened to add, [i:d7450baffa]"the owner of the organization is still very much intent on acquiring objects of oriental weaponry and the like. I was asked to find out if anything had surfaced recently?"[/i:d7450baffa] There was a gusty sigh from the factor as he, once again, felt money slip from his grasp [i:d7450baffa]"No, I'm afraid the market has been tighter than a horses.......uh, I beg your pardon, my dear. You get the picture."[/i:d7450baffa] The young woman winced at the crudity of it.

[i:d7450baffa]"However,"[/i:d7450baffa] the voice brightened perceptibly, [i:d7450baffa]"I have come across a gentleman that might be more fitted to your acquisitions. He's an older man that is very knowledgeable and has contacts for exotic weaponry. Katana, wakazashi, nun-chuks, shuriken and even more hard to get items!"[/i:d7450baffa] Albert's voice was full of rising excitement. Apparently, this personage had impressed him quite a bit. [i:d7450baffa]"His name is Abram Kaniel and here's his ring up."[/i:d7450baffa] The affable vendor rattled off the phone number.

Serai spent a few more moments assuring the dealer that they weren't abandoning him entirely, they just wouldn't be needing him as much, and then hung up. She promptly dialed the number that Albert had given her. She tapped her foot impatiently as the phone at the other end rang several times before it was picked up. [i:d7450baffa]"Hello, my name is Angelique. I would like to speak to Mr. Abram Kaniel, please."[/i:d7450baffa]

My soul is lost, my will compromised. Who am I now? What will I become?
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 11:25 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMavenPosts: 38Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:09 pm
The telephone didn’t ring. Instead in the briefest of moments, as quickly as it took the electrons to race along concealed pathways, energy to transfer from one point to another and switch form respectively, a message appeared on a screen.

[i:63e242dbca]“Unknown caller. Discretion advised.”[/i:63e242dbca]

Almost as quickly, though not quick in the sense of motion but reaction, a powerful hand rose, tapping the screen once bringing up a short menu of options. It deftly chose “speaker phone” and then returned to it’s rested position upon it’s owners lap.

Alekz awaited for the obligatorily wary second “hello” before speaking. The screen detailing his own sound wave patterns and those of the speaker’s.

Serai winced slightly at the lack of a response. She waited a millisecond before speaking again. Was that a computer clicking in the background? She listened, inwardly relieved as an answer was offered.

[i:63e242dbca]“Who should I be?”[/i:63e242dbca] The voice had an immediately sarcastic tone. But there was little or no malice.

Serai was irritated. Twice in so few seconds had she been caught off guard.

[i:63e242dbca]“Mr. Kaniel? Yes, yes of course.”

“What can I do for you?”[/i:63e242dbca] Abram spoke slowly, his Jewish accent giving everything he said a double meaning. A razor edge of wit tempered only slightly with his apparently advanced years.

Serai explained what had led her to call. The old Gentile would interrupt every few sentences, answering her before she could even pose a question.

[i:63e242dbca]“Of course I can do that. In fact I may have something that’s just the thing.” [/i:63e242dbca]

Serai sighed appreciatively, against better judgement she immediately felt a degree of trust with this man.

[i:63e242dbca]“Of course I have to cover overheads. I’m sure you understand? We should meet so you can see what you’re considering to buy. Perhaps on the 11th? Excellent then. I look forward to doing business with you. And meeting you of course.”[/i:63e242dbca]

Serai dropped the receiver onto it’s cradle the instant Abram hung up. She seemed pleased. This fellow, Kaniel, sounded promising.

Alekz tapped a finger on the touch-screen. The location of their meeting decided, he immediately began to search for an scrutinise streetmaps of the surrounding area. Calculating approach vectors, possible escape routes. Preparing for all and sundry. His face was a mask of grim determination as he affirmed or denied certain routes, circling the printout of the courtyard Serai had selected with a red pen.

At last something closer to satisfaction he walked to his dressing-room, selecting items of clothing to be worn. Disguises to be tested.

Finally and methodically he locked down the apartment he called the “Eyrie”, retiring to his bedchamber. His pistol sitting loaded and loyal within arms reach like some automated pup.

"You were a stranger to sorrow: therefore Fate has cursed you."
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 4:07 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2003 12:49 am
"What do you mean by 'altered,'" asked Julius tentatively.

The fae woman slowly turned around. She honestly looked troubled. That gave Julius a particularly nasty sense of foreboding. Faeries were not usually given to be serious, at least not around humans.

"Well," began the Fae woman.

"Wait," interrupted Julius. "I don't even know your name yet, and you seem to know everything about me."

"Laeryn," she answered without hesitation. "To everything in the universe there is a purpose. Everything has been set into motion since the dawn of time. It is as if we are following a script."

"A script," Julius repeated.

Laeryn nodded and then continued on. "Have you ever wondered why you are so recklessly powerful?"

"Actually, no," answered Julius after a moment's pause. "I just assumed I got lucky."

"There is no such thing as luck," said Laeryn. "There is only acting out the script." She walked away from Julius a few paces.

"Then what did you mean by 'altered,'" asked Julius again.

"Someone edited the script," she responded. "I don't know who."

"Does anyone?" asked Julius.

"I should think so," she answered. "But they are not saying." She sighed.
"You are not supposed to be here anymore. You are supposed to be back with the Creator, as is Eveshka." She turned and stared at him.

Julius cocked an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly to the side.

"Back wit hthe Creator?" he repeated.

"Yes. Your time is over. You were supposed to have fulfilled your purpose several hundred years ago and have not done so yet."

"Why not?" asked Julius with genuine interest, after all it was not often one spoek with someone who seemed to have all the answers.

"Because your soul mate did not return Home for the final reincarnation," she answered with what looked like great concern and compassion, as if she were explaining to a 5 year old where his beloved puppy was that, unknown to him, had not returned home because it had been run over by a truck.

He shook his head slightly, obviously confused.

"Each time you live a life on earth, you come one step closer to realizing your purpose. You cannot complete this task unless your soulmate completes it with you." She paused a moment to let it sink in. "I do not know what that purpose was. I just know it was not completed. Therefore you were sent back to find her."

"But why didn't she return?" he asked.

"Think, wizard," she responded.

After a moment's silence he said, "She was turned into a vampire. She never died. When she DID die, she had made it so that her soul could not return Home."

The fae woman nodded. "That is true. Had she truly and completely experienced Final Death, as the Cainites call it, you would have felt a pulling to return Home to her. You would have found it irresistible given the length of time your souls have been together." She smiled sadly. "That did not happen."

Julius looked as if he were about to start crying. He put his hands to his face and rubbed it. He was thinking of their last meeting. It had not been pleasant.

"She is not in Russia anymore, nor is she living that lifestyle anymore," said Laeryn. "She is back in France."

"She is?" he asked. "How.." he began to ask.

"You will not be able to find her until she is ready to be found," she said simply. "No amount of looking or magical searching will enable you to find her. So put it from your mind."

He nodded slowly.

"You must learn how to access your Eternal Memory," she commanded.

"Pardon?" he asked. "Come again?"

"The collective knowledge gained from all of your incarnations," she said. "You still have to finish your Task, Julius. Now that it is several hundred years later, it will be that much more difficult."

"Does the Blood of Caine exist? The shard of Shal Ka-Mense?" he asked impulsively.

"Yes." she responded. "You will need to get it first before whoever it was that altered the Prordination gets it and does the unspeakable."

"The unspeakable?" he asked.

"Rewrites history," she said.

"You can do that?" he asked.

She merely shrugged. "We don't honestly know."

"Then how do you know that all of this is not just academic banter?" asked Julius now with a feeling that maybe he was being played after all.

"We Fae folk" Laeryn began. "We are more in tune with the blueprint of the universe than any other being save the Creator itself. The Creator does not tell us much of anything. It is off um, creating."

"Creating?" asked Julius.

"You didn't honestly think ours if the only Universe in the um.. hmm. I see your confusion. Your language does not easily permit the discussion of the cosmological world. Let's say for the sake of argument that there is 'Creation,' and then there are 'Universes' within 'Creation.'" Julius nodded. "Well," said Laeryn. "The Creator is off making more Universes."

To Be Continued........

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 5:36 am Reply with quote
User avatarGhoulPosts: 7Joined: Thu Sep 25, 2003 1:54 am
Serai was, indeed, pleased with her efforts, as she put the reciever gently down on to it's cradle. Not only had she made a new possible contact for their collections, but he had some items that might be of interest to her and her mistress. She always did enjoy the sensations of picking up and wielding new weapons. The grip, the heft and the thrill of a sword or bow that seemed custom made for your hands, extensions of arms, eyes and mind. A thrill coursed her body and warmed her, much like the voice of the old man.

She had relaxed into the conversation as soon as she confirmed her guess that the vendor was a Jew. His voice timbre verified it and his insistance on overheads was exactly as she'd expected him to be. The fact that he wanted to [b:3e53ffc1d5]see[/b:3e53ffc1d5] her also tallied. Most old men liked to look at beautiful women and dream of their younger days. It made them easier to dicker with if she also flirted. Ah, yes! She was looking forward to bargaining with this man!


Serai sauntered towards her goal, alert but relaxed. She'd driven the limo up early to check out the neighborhood of the address she'd noted. She wasn't suspicious of it so much as Cyrilynn's ingrained habits drilled into her assistant. Always know where you are and how it's laid out. Besides, it was a lovely crisp spring day and she wanted to make use of it before the weather decided to take a turn for the worse. Spring rains were always unpredictable.

Leaving the estate's conveyance parked in a security lot, she'd walked the three blocks it took to reach her destination. She'd donned a black body stocking with textured pads for the soles. Ones that gripped most surfaces and gave stable footing. She knew she'd have to strip down enough to allow for free movement when she tested the merchandise but wanted something that would still allow for quiet elegence. Hence a form fitting suit with a high neckline and long sleeves that ended at the wrist.

Over that she'd wound a wrap-around skirt in a brown and black stripped pattern on a cream background. She allowed the upper part of the stocking to act as a clinging sort of turtle neck and had added a few gold chains as understated accessories. Golden hoops in her lobes framed her face and she'd swept her hair up into a prim bun and fastened them with chop-stick like wands. She'd doned calf-high black boots with a bit of a heel. A chocolate shaded shawl, shot through with gold threads, completed her outfit. Style accompanied by a youthful flair.

Her long legs flashed with her buoyant steps and promised much to any discerning male, should they win her favor. But Serai was intent on finding only [b:3e53ffc1d5]one[/b:3e53ffc1d5] particular male as she neared her objective, therefore, she ignored most whistles as she passed by. Up ahead was the courtyard, shaded from the afternoon sun on one side, lined by elm trees on the other two and open to the street side.

A bag lady dozed in the afternoon sun on a stoop opposite the intended meeting ground as Serai slowed her steps and prepared to cross the street. She glanced down on the thinning, dish-water white hair and noted the fingertipless gloves on the gnarled hands. She rummaged in the overly large handbag, that swung from her shoulder, for the apple she'd brought with her and dropped it gently into the woman's lap, before stepping down from the curb and passing to the other side.

She strolled up and down the street, to keep her muscles limbered up, but the time for her meeting came and went, the sun slowly turning into mid-afternoon. And still Mr. Kaniel didn't show. Thinking that an old man isn't likely to move very quickly, she didn't become worried at first. She kept looking up and down the street, but young mothers pushing strollers and teenagers were out and about for the moment. Sadly, even the bag lady finally gave up and left, disappearing around a corner. Serai was beginning to feel abandoned.

A few more minutes elapsed and she gave up the vigil as, perhaps, a miscommunication. She would return to the Suffolk town of Leiston, to the estate, and see if she could contact Mr. Abram again and find out what had happened. If nothing more came of it, she'd continue her searches elsewhere. As it was, she'd had a nice day away from her duties. She smiled in contentment as she turned back the way she'd come and took a step forward, just as the cell phone in the pocket of her skirt rang. [i:3e53ffc1d5]"Hello?[/i:3e53ffc1d5] She waited.

Last edited by Serai on Mon Oct 13, 2003 12:17 am, edited 3 times in total.

My soul is lost, my will compromised. Who am I now? What will I become?
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 9:41 pm Reply with quote
User avatarMavenPosts: 38Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:09 pm
The suit had cost him alot. More than simply monetarily, it had cost him time. He had heaved himself along the alleyway, encumbered not only by the weight of the disguise itself, but also by the restrictions its limbs enforced upon him. The heat from the rising, and passing sun was stifling. But he wasn’t concerned. Inside the suit he was protected from Helios’ wrath. Inside the suit he was invisible, because to everyone that might be watching he was a homeless old drunk woman with an unhealthy interest in collecting rubbish in a shopping trolley.

He stumbled as the suit cost him his footing, dropping hard to one knee he drew a few dozen furtive glances from passersby.

Then he sat. The suit’s massive girth and pockmarked, greasy face and hair, looking drained from malnutrition. The eyes filtering and processing the scene for his later study. He pulled his collection closer, the collapsible rifle hidden among the debris.

He watched impassively. Moving irregularly to maintain the illusion of life. Watching the meeting point like some great, fat, rag-wearing gargoyle.

She came into view just before 13:45. A young, very attractive woman passed his position, dropping an apple into his disguised grasp. Alekz hadn’t expected her to be so bold. She stepped briskly, the wrap-around skirt clinging then flaring then clinging again to her sleek frame. The tight bun she wore her hair in combined with the exquisitely understated jewellery she wore gave her a distinctly Eastern appearance. He noted the way she seemed to summon the glances of passing men with each graceful step. He started to record her movements now. Keeping close eye on her as she paced the courtyard.

Just before 14:00. She seemed deflated. She must have checked the time at least four times in the 15 minutes since her arrival. Wondering where he, or rather Kaniel, was. He remained in vigil until 14:07 before he decided to move the plan forward. Shuffling away, tracing his approach exactly he made his way to a waiting van parked in a nearby underground lot.

There he climbed in, quickly disposing of the suit in favour of another, much more civilised look. By 15:00 he checked his visage in a mirror before raising a cell phone to his ear and dialling.


“Miss Serai? This is Mr. Kaniel. I want to apologise for having kept you waiting. I was unfortunately delayed. A friend of mine you see, passed away last night. I hope you can forgive me? If you’re still interested I’d like to re-schedule our meeting to say, tonight? At the Augustus? Let’s say 19:30? Good, good. I look forward to it. And Miss Serai?”[/i:3ea8dfcab2]


“Thank-you for understanding.”[/i:3ea8dfcab2]

At that he hung up the phone.

"You were a stranger to sorrow: therefore Fate has cursed you."
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 11:57 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGhoulPosts: 7Joined: Thu Sep 25, 2003 1:54 am
Serai was understandably disappointed to have missed Mr. Kaniel but she took it in stride. After all, she was of an age to begin seeing old childhood friends beginning to lose their hold on life. But she'd lost contact with them [b:b6642de26a]years[/b:b6642de26a] ago. Still, the thought brought a momentary flash of something lost. For the moment, she would have to make arrangements to stay later than she would need to. She smiled at the extended reprieve.

Utilizing her cell phone once more, she contacted the estates major domo, [i:b6642de26a]"Jaques, I'm going to be delayed and probably won't be back tonight. I'll stay over if it gets too late, so don't have anyone wait up for me. As to Dorotea, have her report to the nurse's office for a check up, she's over due. If Nancy pronounes her fit, start her on an excerise regimen, please. Follow the usual routine for my absence and I'll pick up any loose ends tomorrow."[/i:b6642de26a] She took a deep breath and finished, [i:b6642de26a]"Ring me on this cell phone if an emergency should occur."[/i:b6642de26a]

Serai glanced down at what she was wearing. was good for a quick afternoon assignation but she had a feeling that she would need something a bit more fancy for the evening's engagement. If she remembered correctly, she thought she'd passed a small boutique back the way she'd come from. The ghoul began to retrace her steps to where the limo was waiting. If she couldn't find anything suitable at the small shop, she was sure she could get directions to another place close by. Her steps picked up at the idea of shopping and a smile spread across her lips.


The limousine pulled up to the Augustus and the temporary driver Serai had hired just for this one event, hopped out and opened the door for her. She extended long silken-hosed legs, in the same golden taupe color as her skin, from the deep interior of the vehicle and allowed the man to hand her out. She wore a slim black dress with a scoop neckline that sported black jet-beaded, net capulets for sleeves. A golden shawl draped her shoulders and barely covered the nearly backless part of her evening wear. Her feet encased in two inches heels with a strap encircling the ankle. A small gold purse was clutched in her hands. Her hair was still in it's bundled coil but this time, the wands were gold plated.

The driver moved the vehicle into the adjacent lot and the door man ushered her through the revolving door. She inclined her head in a small nod of thanks as she enter the luxurious domain. The Augustus itself was a study in class distinction. Quiet and subdued, it gave the visitor the impression of old money and nobility. Serai quite approved as she looked to see where the diningroom was located. Once spotted, she swung through it's portals with assurance and stopped at the head waiter's station. [i:b6642de26a]"I'm expected by a Mr. Kaniel, I believe."[/i:b6642de26a] She stated and at the same time, scanned the room. [i:b6642de26a]"This way madam."[/i:b6642de26a] Replied the maitre d' and lead her to a table in a back corner, placed somewhat in the shadows of the candle-lit dining area, next to a lovely view of the city through large glass windows.

My soul is lost, my will compromised. Who am I now? What will I become?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 10:10 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
[i:d9a0ccf3e4]"Bloody typical."[/i:d9a0ccf3e4] Muttered Julius. What a scenario. On the one hand it seemed he would, given time, become perhaps the most powerful being on the planet. This was all well and good. It wasn't particularly that Julius wanted to blow up the planet, or turn chunks of it into crystal glass, or create extra moons or whatever the hell he was supposed to have done. It wasn't even that he particularly wanted to be so terribly awesomely powerful. It was simply that, like all quality wizards, he had an insatiable curiosity for discovering the workings of the world and how magical forces could manipulate them. Magic was an art, whilst at the same time being a science and Julius excelled in both elements of it's nature. To be that powerful, it would mean he knew a lot of stuff and that suited him well.

On the other hand, it seemed that his life, which was simply a reincarnation of uncounted past lives, was entirely scripted. Like a puppet on a string, his path had been mapped out for him over uncounted thousands of years and his destiny was entirely in the control of the all seeing scriptwriter, that this fae referred to as the "creator". This was not at all the way he perceived his universe, nor was it the way he would wish his universe to be. Far better to kick back, drive fast cars and slake his appetites on the attractive and congenial ladies that always seemed to be able to smell the size of his wallet. Move to Monaco and resume the playboy lifestyle he had neglected for so long. The thought of acting like some misbegotten Toreador, to the point of screaming boredom, suddenly had great appeal.

[i:d9a0ccf3e4]"I quit."[/i:d9a0ccf3e4] He announced. [i:d9a0ccf3e4]"The Bible says that God gave all men free will. I'm not being anyone's stooge, no puppet me. You can take your predetermination, your fated destiny, your tales of what I must and will do and stuff it. I will no longer, as you put it, act out the script."[/i:d9a0ccf3e4]

The Fae opened her mouth as if to argue.

[i:d9a0ccf3e4]"Don't tell me there's nothing I can do."[/i:d9a0ccf3e4] Said Julius. [i:d9a0ccf3e4]"You've clearly gone to a lot of trouble to get me here. How about I blow [b:d9a0ccf3e4]myself[/b:d9a0ccf3e4] up for a change. At least I'll have made the choice, hmm?"[/i:d9a0ccf3e4]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 8:52 pm Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2003 12:49 am
The Fairy smiled her annoying smile. "Try it and find out." She snapped her fingers and suddenly they were back in the magical grotto. The tank still sat there, Gerhardt still sat on the tank in his clown outfit looking rather peaved, greenery still grew around the edges of the grotto, and the pretty little flowers still sat prettily on the ground.

Julius sat looking at her moodily. If the fae strumpet was egging him on to do just what he wanted, it was probably the wrong thing to do. However, she would most likely know that he had this insight and would egg him on to do it knowing very well that he would not do it if for no other reason than she wanted him to do it. So, maybe he should just get on with it and blow himself up. He looked down. Greenery around the edges of the grotto? Just 20 minutes ago it had been all snowy.

"How.. " he began only to be interrupted by Laeryn.

"Long have you been gone?" she asked. "A while. Several weeks."

"I..." he began again.

"Don't understand?" she finished. "I should think not."

His eyes flashed angrily. "Stop," he began.

"Fucking interrupting you?" she finished with a smirk. Julius' eyes flashed redder and he blasted the annoying fairy with a wall of energy that sent her spinning into the tank. Gerhardt watched all this and started laughing. He kicked out at the fallen fae woman with his jackboot and struck her in the head. She fell unconscious in a heap.

"Well, cheers, Jerry," said Julius with a malevolent smirk. Gerhardt raised an eyebrow, kicked his heels together and assumed the "Heil Hitler" salute. Altogether his affect seemed much more pleasing. It seemed to Julius that the Nazi Malkavian would follow whomever seemed to have the most power at the moment. Apparently, at present at least, that was Julius. He thought for a moment, whispered [i:9c9ab6b42c] comprendius [/i:9c9ab6b42c] and spoke to Gerhardt. "What is your name Soldier?" he asked.

"Obersturmfuhrer Gerhardt Fallen, Mein Fuhrer." he answered smartly.

"Well Oberstoominwhatsitz, did you understand any of the things that Laeryn and I were saying to one another?" Julius asked.

"I believe so, Mein Herr."

"Ok, so what is the quickest way out of here?" Julius asked.

Gerhardt looked around, and then down at himself. He looked back at Julius with a plaintive look on his face. "Oh very well," said Julius with a resigned sigh. He waved his hand and Gerhardt returned to his former appearance of black SS Panzer Uniform. "Come, Mein Herr, we go now," he said. He beckoned to the tank. "Why not," Julius muttered. "It might be fun."

Gerhardt climbed atop the cupola of the Panzer MK IV-F and said," Climb down in here Mein Fuhrer. It will be safer for you." Julius shrugged and complied. The inside was cramped and smelled strongly of diesel oil and gun powder. Gerhardt climbed in after him and shut the hatch. As Julius' eyes grew accustomed to the gloom he noticed that the tank was manned by what looked like zombies, all of whom wore the same SS uniforms as Gerhardt.

"To what unit do we belong, Herr Fallen?" asked Julius.

"Grossdeutchland, Mein Herr," said Gerhardt proudly. Julius had heard of that unit. They had been under the control of Tremere Regent. That Regent had fallen when the Russians rumbled through eastern Germany in 1945. He could not for the life of him remember the regent's name. For some reason he felt it was important. Well, maybe it would come to him, he thought.

The tank lurched forward. Julius went down to the gunner's periscope and pushed the zombie out of the way. He looked around and what he saw sent chills through his body. For the first time in a long time, Julius was truly afraid. Off in the distance, he saw a vast burning city by night. All around him lumbered tanks lined with the field grey of the supporting SS Schutzen. Every so often he saw a burst off in the distance of some explosion. He looked over at the commanders "desk" and saw a map. He recognized the river's path, and the city growing from its banks. This was Stalingrad. The tank column was heading south along the river bank. Well, he thought, he didn't specify the manner of his leaving the fairy world, just that he wanted the quickest way out.

"What is the date today, Gerhardt?" asked Julius.

"Feldwebel?" asked Gerhardt while poking one of the zombies in the back with his boot toe. "The date, for Mein Herr."

The zombie turned around and said in a voice gurgly with decay and blackened blood, "Twenty-Second, August."

"The year," commanded Julius in a tone more desperate sounding than he would otherwise have intended.

"Nineteen Fourty-Two," answered the zombie sergeant.

Last edited by Gerhardt Fallen on Wed Oct 15, 2003 3:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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