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<  USA  ~  Jayde's Journey <Cascadia>

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 7:37 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 34Location: New YorkJoined: Thu Oct 02, 2003 5:00 pm
[i:3c85840e10]<>[/i:3c85840e10]= Thought because Jayde IS Mute

It had been some time since her falling out with Lunis [i:3c85840e10]<Why'd he hafta be such a party pooper....>[/i:3c85840e10]

As she walked through Cascadia, the young Gangrel walked towards the nearest Bar...... [i:3c85840e10]<Gotta find a job and get a temporary place to stay.>[/i:3c85840e10] Jayde thought back to the days of traveling with Lunis where he would perform and earn the money without working, but she could not sing, and prefered not to dance....But a smiling 36 year old that looks 15, THAT was the secret to waitressing and being a nightclub worker.

She shrugged it off and with a smile stepped up to the bouncer.

"Get outta here little girl, isn't way past your bedtime." The surly leather-clad bouncer sneered.

Jayde just smiled sweetly and handed the bouncer her ID, [i:3c85840e10]<How sweet, as usual...he'll claim its fake>[/i:3c85840e10]

The bouncer began laughing as he looked at the birthdate on Jayde's permit "YOu expect me to believe that you are 36?! and that you ONLY have a Permit?!? and an EXPIRED one at that..."

Jayde smiled again and nodded [i:3c85840e10]<You try taking a drivers' test at night....>[/i:3c85840e10]

"Listen girly. I'll check it this time, but if its fake, I'm calling the cops." the bouncer snarled punching the numbers into a small PDA. After a few minutes he looked back at Jayde who was still smiling, only a bit wider, and his face went pale, "Sorry Ma'am...... please enter..." He gasped, stepping aside.

[i:3c85840e10]<So much fun!!!! works EVERY time.>[/i:3c85840e10] Jayde giggled to her self, as she skipped into the Bar.

Looking around the bar, Jayde contemplated her next move [i:3c85840e10]<First, get a job using my usual charms then hope the prince doesn't mind me being a bit late....>[/i:3c85840e10] Jayde shivered as she remembered what happened in McAlester.

<>= Thought because Jayde IS Mute
Offline Profile YIM
PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 10:03 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 34Location: New YorkJoined: Thu Oct 02, 2003 5:00 pm
Jayde managed to find the owner, who luckily thought she was cute and gave her the job as long as she didn't wear the trenchcoat to work.

"See you tommorrow night kid."

Jayde nodded, [i:38fcb142a1]<I had better go see the prince....I can ALWAYS Earth meld for a day.>[/i:38fcb142a1] She thought as she left the bar. [i:38fcb142a1]<And as for hunting... That busdriver a mile out of town was sure filling, I won't have to eat until Tommorrow night.>[/i:38fcb142a1]

<>= Thought because Jayde IS Mute
Offline Profile YIM
PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 9:50 am Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 10Location: New OrleansJoined: Sat Oct 11, 2003 8:53 am
Damien stepped out of the shadows onto the sidewalk. It had been a yr since he last stepped foot on the streets of Cascadia. Not since his fight with his predassesor Chaz and the loss of his childe had he returned. But now it was time to make his presence felt for he still had yet unfinished business to take care of. With a small sniker to himself he strolled on contemplating how he would make his resurgence.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 10:39 am Reply with quote
User avatarBrujahPosts: 10Location: New OrleansJoined: Sat Oct 11, 2003 8:53 am
(( I plan to bring more into this if thats cool with you Jayde i jnust need to do some catching up so i know where to go from this point. And great writing..keep it up

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 1:08 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 34Location: New YorkJoined: Thu Oct 02, 2003 5:00 pm
Jayde smiled, It had been so long since her exodus from McALester, and her separation from her family.

[u:2e7a8b39d0][b:2e7a8b39d0]~~~~~FLASHBACK~~~~~~[/b:2e7a8b39d0][/u:2e7a8b39d0] (Pertaining to FIRST chronicle This character was in)

When Jayde and Lunis entered McAlester, Crono was hot on their tails. Luckily Crono ran into the local Scourge, a Gangrel named Grimm Ravenhair. Crono had made TWO fatal errors, One; he had told the Scourge that he was hunting a Gangrel and a Ravnos, and two; Crono refused to admit that his basic Celerity and Potence were no match for the Gangrel's.

Grimm quickly beat Crono into Torpor, hog-tied him and threw him into the back of an old pickup. Then with Lunis in back with Crono and Grimm's dog, and Jayde up front, Grimm drove off to the Haven of the Prince, Jeremiah....a Malkavian.

Along the way, the trio ran afoul of some Assamites and a Setite. With Lunis' Chimerstry, Jaydes close combat abilities and the brute force of Grimm, they were able to come out of the fray without injury, Though some of the enemies escaped. Before they left, Grimm Diablerized Crono to replenish his lost power.

As the entered the "Asylum" where Jeremiah had set up his haven and an Elysium.... They ran into the Twins, who thankfully took a liking to Jayde.

The Prince soon ordered The group, along with two other Ravnos (Shinron and Vahn) and another Gangrel (Jeager), to seek out these invaders for interrogation in some abandoned tunnels.

All went well until Grimm slayed the enemies before they could be questioned.

Back at the Elysium, Jeremiah Killed Grimm not only for disobeying, but for Diablerie. then told those that remain to NEVER interfere with him again or face final death.

After this episode Lunis had heard from some strange fellow, the story of Golconda and decided to go for it. Jayde, against her brothers judgement, decided she LIKED being what she was and went her own way.....eventually ending up here in Cascadia.

[u:2e7a8b39d0][b:2e7a8b39d0]~~~End of Flashback~~~~~[/b:2e7a8b39d0][/u:2e7a8b39d0] (Will give more detail as needed and WELCOME Damien!)

<>= Thought because Jayde IS Mute
Offline Profile YIM
PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 5:33 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 34Location: New YorkJoined: Thu Oct 02, 2003 5:00 pm
Jayde sighed as she looked at her pocket watch, [i:e547fbb275]<Almost out of time.... I have to find the Prince SOON, or else I'm sleeping Protean again tonight.>[/i:e547fbb275]

<>= Thought because Jayde IS Mute
Offline Profile YIM
PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 9:36 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 34Location: New YorkJoined: Thu Oct 02, 2003 5:00 pm
After a while of searching in vain to find the prince's domain, Jayde decided to get a hotel room.

Walking up to the front desk of the Cascadia Holidy Inn, Jayde smiled in her usual fashion and handed the clerk a note with her request:


One Bed...unknown duration
First floor, interior if possible


The clerk gave her a quizzical look, which was answered with a grin.

"Miss, You look rather young to be aquiring a room alone....May I ask the purpose of your stay?"

Jayde rolled her eyes, which luckily were hidden behind her sunglasses, and scribbled out another note.


Traveling. Unsure of duration of stay in Cascadia


The clerk sighed, "Well, You will have to pay for at least three nights for an undetermined departure... Is this a problem?"

Jayde nodded, it would be the last of her traveling money until she got paid or could contact what few relatives would still associate with her...but she did need a fairly secure haven while in town.

"That will be $255, in advance.."

Jayde nodded and handed the clerk a wadded handful of twenties and fives.

With a snide look, the clerk took the payment and slid a receipt towards Jayde.

"Sign here."

After signing the proper forms and getting her key Jayde smiled and curtsied slightly.

"Shall I have someone help you with your..." the clerk startede before realizing that Jayde was already halfway out of the lobby.

<>= Thought because Jayde IS Mute
Offline Profile YIM
PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 12:47 am Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 34Location: New YorkJoined: Thu Oct 02, 2003 5:00 pm
Jayde hummed lightly as she unlocked her door and checked under the bed.

[i:17194d6a13]<Just BARELY enough room>[/i:17194d6a13] she thought as she locked the door and went out into the city to explore a bit before the night grew old.

<>= Thought because Jayde IS Mute
Offline Profile YIM
PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 4:19 pm Reply with quote
User avatarGangrelPosts: 34Location: New YorkJoined: Thu Oct 02, 2003 5:00 pm
OOC: I is here now! [url][/url]

<>= Thought because Jayde IS Mute
Offline Profile YIM

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