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PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 4:28 am Reply with quote
Get your clan name here - PM JuliusPosts: 0Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2003 5:11 pm
Khemintiri looked over to the corner of the room where a mirror stood. She saw her own image gazing back at her. "The mirror," Khemintiri said and looked over at Julius.

Julius merely looked up at her with a puzzled expression. "Put her in the mirror with Goratrix."

Julius' eyes opened wide with comprehension. But how could he willingly place her in there with Goratrix? Times were desperate, however. Desperate times called for desperate measures. Maybe that was the only way to sustain Eveshka without letting her sap the life out of the inhabitants of Marseilles and reduce her humanity to nothingness.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 9:29 am Reply with quote
User avatarSalubriPosts: 14Joined: Mon Aug 04, 2003 11:18 am
Elzbet spent every minute of her time before her date, getting ready. She drew her bath and added jasmine and sandalwood. It was a subtle blend that would cling to her skin for hours and she soaked for quite awhile, air redolent with their fragrance. She stepped from the bath only to lather herself with lotion of the same scent, leaving her skin smooth as silk.

From the bathroom, she repaired to her vanity table and began selecting cometics. First a light dusting of base, followed by eyeshadow, liner, a little blush, and finally, wine lipstick. She brushed out her hair, which was normally a two-person-15-minute job, taking nearly an hour when alone. Once she was done, she lifted the diadem from it resting place on the custom wig stand. The one she would wear tonight was studded with deep purple and red crystals, and resting against her brow, an enormous ruby.

Once her hair was out of the way, she began with the foundation garments, followed by the outfit itself. It was stunningly simple. A pair of velvet pants that flowed like water down her legs in the deepest of clarets, topped with a backless shirt of the same material, which draped at the collar. It had no sleeves, only thin straps leaving her shoulders bare as well as her entire back. The only thing keeping it from gaping in the front was a tie across her back about mid-torso. It molded to her contours and played peek-a-boo with her belly button as the pants rode low on her hips stopping just north of her tush. It was an ensemble meant to titillate. Black platform sandals and a beaded bag in the same color completed the picture.

She set her purse by the door and sat in the living room with a small goblet of vitae before Tyler arrived. Knowing men as she did, telling him that the show started at 10:00pm ensured that he would show up around that time. Luckily, the showtime was actually 10:30pm and with the theater literally around the corner, they would make it in plenty of time. She relaxed and drifted, making sure to follow the thin bond to Julius. He was doing fine at the moment, waves of contentment and peace lapping gently down the thread. She drew out of trance at the faint knock on the door and got up to answer it.

Standing on the other side was Tyler in nothing less than she expected, jeans and a sweater, shirt beneath. Men! They were sometimes so predictable. What was even more predictable, even without second sight, was his jaw hitting the floor as he saw the front of her outfit. Elzbet almost laughed, but instead looked him up and down. His black pants were snug and went well with the royal blue pullover.

Finally getting his wits back, he asked, [i:a2fe2656bc]"I hope I'm not late?"[/i:a2fe2656bc] Elzbet trilled, [i:a2fe2656bc]"Of course not, as I misread the listings. It's not starting until 10:30pm."[/i:a2fe2656bc] She turned to grab her purse and heard the hissing of his breath as he caught a flash of her skin from the rear. [i:a2fe2656bc]"We could..skip the movie,"[/i:a2fe2656bc] Tyler put forth. [i:a2fe2656bc]"Nonsense,"[/i:a2fe2656bc] she replied, [i:a2fe2656bc]"besides, the night is still young. There's plently of time for....other things."[/i:a2fe2656bc] She leaned in close to him looping her arm around his neck and trailing nails up his denim-clad leg. [i:a2fe2656bc]"Oh, Tyler,"[/i:a2fe2656bc] she cooed. [i:a2fe2656bc]"Is that a Swiss Army knife in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"[/i:a2fe2656bc] Nothing got by her when it came to men. She watched as a blush crept across his cheek. [i:a2fe2656bc] "It's alright,"[/i:a2fe2656bc] she consoled, [i:a2fe2656bc]"I'm just as happy with your other tools."[/i:a2fe2656bc] She grinned wickedly and pushed him in the hall. Tyler grinned as well and said, [i:a2fe2656bc]"Well, then off to the movies, so that I can show-off the rest of my equipment later."[/i:a2fe2656bc]

They reached the theater in no time and sat down to watch the fun. Not two minutes in, though, Elzbet felt his arm settle around her shoulder and draw her closer. She allowed this liberty and invited more by snuggling under his arm and rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. His fingers began soft caresses up and down her arm inciting little tingles that shot through her system. Her arm closest to him rested against his thigh and she started to trace patterns on the lower portion of it. His caresses grew bolder and slipped across her collar to play with the skin just above her blouse.

She raised her eyes to his and read the desire rising in him. His head lowered to hers and their lips met. His were firm yet soft and tasted tangy. It was a light first kiss, but she wanted more. She reached up with her hand and running it down his cheek, pulled him back to her. Their next kiss was hotter than the action that was forgotten on the silver screen in front of them. Tongues mingled wildly as passion rose, and Tyler slipped his hand further down her shirt. Elzbet turned into him as his lips left hers and dirfted down her neck as her head fell back. She moaned softly and silently cursed the arm of the seat blocking her from crawling into his lap. Tyler stroked down as much of her body as he could reach, concentrating on all the important parts.

Suddenly, Elzbet's back bowed and she gave a small scream as pure terror tore down her connection to Julius. Her contortions lasted mere seconds yet frighten Tyler horribly. Her body slumped forward and she panted in pain. People were beginning to look their way and she summoned enough strength to beg [i:a2fe2656bc]"Please get me out of here."[/i:a2fe2656bc] Tyler scooped her up in his arms and carried her out of the auditorium to the street. She clung to him for a moment as he set her down, still trying to summon a barrier against the massive influx of emotion.

Finally, blocking out most of the agony, she was able to concentrate on Tyler, who was frantically asking her questions. She reassured him that it was nothing that he done that caused this. [i:a2fe2656bc]"I'm so sorry, Tyler. We must to go. It's Julius again. Something's wrong. I will go ahead and meet you there."[/i:a2fe2656bc] Grabbing his hands, she pleaded with her eyes for understanding. Nodding, Tyler steadied her for a few seconds longer and she straightened up and thanked him, even as she handed him her shoes.

Tapping into her Celerity and Clothos, she sped back to the hotel and through the lobby to the bank of elevators and hit the button. Cursing the fact that she couldn't fly, she was almost flattened by another wave of grief rolling down from the top floor. There were three distinct patterns. The first was the Tremere's of course, the second was very ancient and had to be that of the Anathema. The third was unfamiliar to her and kept fading in and out. All of them were locked in a cycle of despair.

Elzbet stepped into an empty elevator car and pushed the button for the penthouse suite. Gleaning all the information that she could from her memory and the pain surging through the air, Elzbet realized that it was the mage's lost love. Remembering the talk of late about all the dead animals and homeless, she came to the conclusion that Eveshka was draining them to remain on this plane. Somehow she had found a way back here, was trying to manifest and now Julius and Khem were pouring enormous amounts of power into anchoring her in the physical plane.

Ripping off her crown, she began the ancient chants in preparation for taking control of the situation. None of them were going about it the right way. They were feeding their fears off one another and draining their energies all that much faster. The car glowed with amber fire as her third eye opened and Elzbet began to See the eddies of the spirit world.

The doors slid back and she dashed down the hallway and into the master suite, tossing her headdress at the dining room table. She stopped in the door, assessing the rest of the scene. In seconds Elzbet had erected a barrier around Eve that shut out the negative emotions of the other two and reflected peace and reassurance back at the fading shade. Meanwhile, she set up a direct feed to the tiring woman. Instead of fading more, she became more opaque the more she calmed. The more she calmed, the less power she required to sustain herself and she was able to solidify her image.

Once all of this was in place, as she was able to hold Eveshka to the mortal plane without eye contact, she walked over to the two magi. They were doing as well as expected if slightly tired. [i:a2fe2656bc]"I can keep this up for a short while."[/i:a2fe2656bc] she told the weary pair. [i:a2fe2656bc]"Whatever you plan to do, do it quickly. Time is of the essence."[/i:a2fe2656bc] Julius turned to discuss with Khemintiri ways to solve this problem . As it was something that she knew next to nothing about, Elzbet folded herself into a chair. Given the situation, answers would not come easy nor in the blink of an eye. Conserving her energy would be wise without knowing the length of time she would have to hold this woman here.

Perfection of spirit can only be reached with the attainment of Golconda. That is the reason that we still exist.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 2:09 am Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
[i:740029967b]"Okay."[/i:740029967b] Said Julius after a moment. [i:740029967b]"Let's do it. How do we proceed?"[/i:740029967b]

Khemintiri looked confused in turn. [i:740029967b]"I don't understand."[/i:740029967b]

Julius looked at the shimmering form of Eveshka, then back to Khemintiri. [i:740029967b]"Khem, if I knew the first thing about how to magic up shades, do you not think I'd have done something sooner."[/i:740029967b]


Julius once again turned to Eve, the fear in her eyes wrenching at his heart. [i:740029967b]"I'm neither omnipotent, not omniscient. Even in the area of the magical arts, there are things I do not know. Maybe, with the right textbooks and some study time. Say a day..."[/i:740029967b] He trailed off, glancing at Elzbet, who shook her head. [i:740029967b]"We'll have to find another way. The book, there has to be something in the book."[/i:740029967b]

Julius reached his hand to Eveshka, a lump in his throat. [i:740029967b]"Do not fear, my love. We will find a way."[/i:740029967b] He promised huskily.

Eveshka stretched her ghostly hand to brush his, her ethereal fingers passing straight through his. [i:740029967b]"I believe in you."[/i:740029967b] She whispered, forcing a weak smile.

Julius sat and opened the Book of Thoth and began to read. Almost immediately, the words of Meerlinda came back to haunt him. His ability to read heiroglyphics was appalling. Meer had told him to brush up, months ago, he'd just never had the time. Almost in disgust, he pushed it towards Khem. [i:740029967b]"You'll have to read this."[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"Julius, I'm not sure that..."[/i:740029967b] Began the alluring Setite.

[i:740029967b]"I don't have time to discuss this with the committee."[/i:740029967b] Interrupted the magus.

[i:740029967b]"I am not the committee."[/i:740029967b] Protested Khemintiri, taking the book.

Julius paced. It was an activity in which he was particularly skilled. Able, with each step to give just the right air of appearing patient, whilst at the same time silently nagging louder and more colourfully than the most caustic fishwife.

[i:740029967b]"Julius."[/i:740029967b] Said Eve after Khem had given him a particularly unpleasant look. [i:740029967b]"Please sit down. You're not helping."[/i:740029967b]

Julius opened his mouth to protest, but Eve spoke again. [i:740029967b]"Yes, love. I know, you can't stand the waiting around, you're feeling helpless and out of control. Just trust Khem. She'll find it."[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"Got to do something."[/i:740029967b] Muttered Julius under his breath. [i:740029967b]"How are you holding up?"[/i:740029967b] He asked Elzbet quietly.

[i:740029967b]"Tolerably well."[/i:740029967b] She replied.

[i:740029967b]"Hmmm..."[/i:740029967b] Mused Julius. [i:740029967b]"I'll be right back."[/i:740029967b]

Julius headed into the study and rooted around in one of his cases, withdrawing a bottle, apparently containing a glowing mist. [i:740029967b]"I was saving you for a special occasion."[/i:740029967b] He said quietly. [i:740029967b]"I guess this counts."[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"Inhale a little of this."[/i:740029967b] He instructed the raven haired Salubri. [i:740029967b]"It will help."[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"What is it?"[/i:740029967b] She asked, dubiously.

[i:740029967b]"Auram [/i:740029967b]vis[i:740029967b]. Raw essence of air magic, also used for powering spirit spells. Extremely rare, in this day and age."[/i:740029967b]

Elzbet removed the stopper and sniffed, a little of the glowing mist entering her nostrils. Her eyes widened becoming slightly dreamy as the [i:740029967b]vis[/i:740029967b] fueled her power, making her feel somewhat light headed. [i:740029967b]"This does help a little. I will be able to continue a little longer."[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"Use it all, if need be."[/i:740029967b] Said Julius. [i:740029967b]"How are you doing, Khem?"[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"I think I have the answer."[/i:740029967b] She announced, with a hint of distaste.

[i:740029967b]"What is it?"[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"When my sire chopped up Osiris into itty bitty pieces, Isis used some clever magic to put him back together. Bitch."[/i:740029967b]


[i:740029967b]"Well, if we can find all the parts of Eveshka, then with what's in here and your own skills, we should be able to reunite her soul with her body."[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"Find all the parts. But aside from her heart, which is somehow stored within Measha, she's..."[/i:740029967b] Julius trailed off, more than slightly aware Eve was still in the room.

[i:740029967b]"I don't think it matters. When Isis rebuilt Osiris, she didn't have all the parts either, some fish had..."[/i:740029967b] Khemintiri couldn't resist the smile. [i:740029967b]"Eaten a part of his body. Isis had to use magic to recreate it. It's all in here. Gather what you can, then we can do the rest."[/i:740029967b]

It took Julius mere minutes to fly to the now horribly ruined chateau which had seen such battles recently. Where Eveshka had died, there was indeed ash, remnants of dead kindred, yet it was intermingled with the ash of so many other dead. Sifting through this would be next to impossible... except... He closed his eyes and concentrated.

[i:740029967b]"Julius?"[/i:740029967b] Said a voice in his mind. [i:740029967b]"Man, you really know how to cause big trouble. You realise they are watching my every move now?"[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"I'm sorry, Lucien. I simply couldn't stay."[/i:740029967b] Replied Julius.

[i:740029967b]"I hope you know what you're doing. What use can a childe be to his sire today? Oh and I hope you realise it's light outside, so don't expect me to be on my toes."[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"How goes the research?"[/i:740029967b] Julius asked.

[i:740029967b]"Slow but steady. Give me a century and I'll boil water by whizzing the molecules around, give me two and I'll split the atom with my mind alone."[/i:740029967b]

Julius shuddered, movement of the mind applied to smaller and smaller particles. He was a powerful magus, but Lucien's research scared even him.

[i:740029967b]"I need to sort the ash of one particular dead kindred from piles of others."[/i:740029967b] Julius explained.

[i:740029967b]"You've no chance."[/i:740029967b] Lucien answered flippantly.

[i:740029967b]"Lucien... this is no..."[/i:740029967b]

His childe interrupted. [i:740029967b]"Which is why you need my help. It's childs play, or perhaps, childes play."[/i:740029967b]


[i:740029967b]"All right, already. Have you got anything of this kindred?"[/i:740029967b]

Julius thought, then held up his hand. Eve's hairbrush appeared, several hairs twined amongst the bristles. [i:740029967b]"I have now."[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"Burn it and don't let the ash get mixed up with anything else. Say, who is this kindred anyway?"[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"Eveshka Semonovna Shuvolov."[/i:740029967b] Said Julius quietly.

Lucien was silent for a brief moment. [i:740029967b]"I'm sorry, Julius."[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"Dammit, this isn't a funeral, I'm trying to save her."[/i:740029967b] Snapped Julius.

[i:740029967b]"Save her? But..."[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"Don't ask. Do!"[/i:740029967b] Commanded Julius, setting fire to the hairs and allowing the ash to fall onto a clean piece of floor.

[i:740029967b]"You'll have to trust me now, my Sire. I will need to work through you."[/i:740029967b] Instructed Lucien.

[i:740029967b]"Let's get it done."[/i:740029967b] Said Julius, opening his mind to Lucien.

In another time, it would have been fascinating. Lucien could perceive the matter in entirely different ways, sensing the molecules and the supernatural signature of their origin in ways even Julius could scarcely begin to understand. Like a puppet, an extension of the mind of Lucien, he used fine tuned telekinesis to collect particles of ash from the mingled whole, gathering it all into a canopic jar he had prepared for the purpose. In a short while, the job was done.

[i:740029967b]"That's all I can do for you."[/i:740029967b] Concluded Lucien, releasing Julius' mind. [i:740029967b]"The rest is up to you. Good luck."[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"I owe you a debt."[/i:740029967b] Said Julius simply, breaking the contact with his childe and launching for the skies, to return to the hotel.

[i:740029967b]"I don't know how this will work. I should warn you."[/i:740029967b] Said Khemintiri, addressing both Julius and Eveshka. [i:740029967b]"It may restore Eve's vampiric body, it may make her mortal. It may even turn her into a mummy. I really don't know."[/i:740029967b]

Elzbet took another sniff of the almost empty bottle of [i:740029967b]vis[/i:740029967b] and looked at the group. [i:740029967b]"You have little choice, I believe."[/i:740029967b] She announced.

[i:740029967b]"Eve?"[/i:740029967b] Asked Julius gently, compressing all his questions into one single word. Eveshka nodded, once, giving her consent.

[i:740029967b]"I can recreate the body from this."[/i:740029967b] Said Khemintiri. [i:740029967b]"Julius, you will have to maintain it, until Eveshka can fend for herself."[/i:740029967b]

[i:740029967b]"I understand."[/i:740029967b] He replied.

Khemintiri began to speak in an archaic Egyptian dialect, sounds which evoked the feeling of sand and stone, forgotten gods and ancient rituals, whilst moving her hands over the jar and Measha. The jar shattered and Measha mewled piteously for a moment, as a great light appeared where Khemintiri worked. Upon the floor, the body of Eveshka now lay, deathly cold and at the brink of death. Julius now in turn worked healing magics, preserving the flesh at this instant of lifelessness, holding it just beyond the brink. Finally Khemintiri again used her Egyptian magic, reuniting the soul with the body.

[i:740029967b]"What now?"[/i:740029967b] Said Julius.

[i:740029967b]"Now we wait, when she awakes, we will know in what form she has returned."[/i:740029967b]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 5:01 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Tyler slumped against the theater's brick exterior, offering it some of his weight as he no longer had the focus required to maintain it himself. His head was a cyclone of thoughts and emotions and even as Elzbet rapidly shrunk into the darkness of the night, he felt strangely satisfied.

Not physically obviously, the tapered jeans made it nearly impossible for him to mask his excitement, a realization that caused him to slip deftly into the shadows. She had been truly magnificent. He had never met such a girl, her every feature etched painlessly into his mind. Every moment with her had been so utterly enthralling! He hoped to God he wasn't in love.

His physical arousal subsiding, the youth lurched off the wall and began to dawdle down the sidewalk, Elzbet's high heels still swinging freely from one hand. He became distinctly aware of the sweet scent of flowers intermingling with the familiar odor of car exhaust in the night air. Distant voices cried out with excitement, but Tyler's very loose French could not pick up what they were saying.

Even the clouds, which appeared as great billowing blue forests of smoke, could not cloak the moon. The great white orb stood defiantly, casting a softening light over every feature the city had to offer. Tyler could not have been happier. He decided to call it a night and began the walk back to his hotel, whistling merrily as he did so.

((short ::shrugs::

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 10:46 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
Julius sat watching Eve, whom they had laid upon his bed. The ring he had crafted for her was back upon her finger where it belonged, yet there was no sign of life. Her body was still, unmoving and deathly cold. Khemintiri knocked gently on the door.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Take a break Julius, I'll watch for a while."[/i:b34f2de7d3] She said gently.

Julius nodded and stood, placing a gentle kiss upon the lips of his love.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"She just needs time."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Reassured the Setite, as much for her own benefit as for Julius'.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"I'm sure you're right."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Replied the magus. [i:b34f2de7d3]"I can sense her. I know she'll be back with us soon."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Julius headed for his study, perhaps a book and a glass of brandy to wind down before getting some sleep. Gabriel was in his bedroom, door slightly ajar, tapping away on his keyboard, clearly engrossed in some delicate matter of business. Julius smiled, things were getting back to normal, and soon, all would once again be well.

Gabriel noticed an aura passing by the door, it's colours unfamiliar, or at least unusual from recent nights. Calmness, almost contentment showed in the quiet passing. At once, he stood up and looked out of the door, to see Julius disappear into his study. Such strange behaviour deserved further investigation. Gabriel knocked lightly on the door, which swung open at his touch.



"Forgive my asking...but is everything alright?"[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Julius smiled. [i:b34f2de7d3]"I hope so Gabe, it's been a hard night."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel was caught a little off guard by the Tremere's apparent sincerity. He glanced briefly back to his bedroom, the laptop with piling up chat boxes, then apparently reached a decision, going to close the bedroom door, before returning to the magus. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Why?"[/i:b34f2de7d3] He asked. [i:b34f2de7d3]"What's been going on?"[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Julius smiled a bit weakly. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Come on in."[/i:b34f2de7d3] He said. Gabe returned the smile, with somewhat more vigour, then stepped into the room.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Get you a drink?"[/i:b34f2de7d3] Offered Julius.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"I'm fine for now, thanks."[/i:b34f2de7d3] The Ventrue declined politely, watching as Julius plopped into an armchair, then following suit. His eyes were drawn to the glowing skull on the desk. [i:b34f2de7d3]"I never get used to that thing."[/i:b34f2de7d3] He remarked.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"It's a useful tool. I tend to rely on it more than I should, but perhaps that's what tools are for."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Explained Julius.

Gabriel grinned. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Seems a bit out of place, but then no one ever said Wizards could decorate."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"I'm sorry Gabe..."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Said Julius, unexpectedly.

Gabriel raised an eyebrow. [i:b34f2de7d3]"You've nothing apologize for Julius."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Yeah, I have."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Julius insisted. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Throwing you through the wall... amongst other things."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel looked a little uncomfortable, covering his feelings with a smile. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Well, such things are in the past Julius. I've no hard feelings."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Julius returned the smile, noticing his friend squirming somewhat. [i:b34f2de7d3]"It wasn't your fault Gabe."[/i:b34f2de7d3] He reassured.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Julius...ah...I'm truly sorry for your loss...our loss. She was...well..."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Gabriel trailed off, lacking the words to express his feelings.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"She was... and I hope she still is. That's the job we did tonight."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Still is?[/i:b34f2de7d3] Asked Gabriel. [i:b34f2de7d3]"I fail to catch your meaning...I thought she was...gone."[/i:b34f2de7d3] He threw a few glances about the room, trying to find traces of what Julius referred to.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"You should have been home earlier. We had quite a busy evening."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Julius looked at his watch. [i:b34f2de7d3]"If you've the time, I'll try to explain."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel was quick to agree, yet not so quick as to appear overly eager. Revelations from the Tremere, especially from this Tremere were rare indeed. He waited as Julius pondered what to say.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"You've seen that Egyptian looking woman I came in with the other night."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Began Julius.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Yes, I've noticed her. Very enticing."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Replied Gabriel, who had assumed she was some kind of comfort for Julius.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Well…"[/i:b34f2de7d3] Julius paused then seemed to come to a decision. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Gabe, I'm going to come clean with you and you won't like this. Not at all."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel said nothing, propping up a leg and listening intently. [i:b34f2de7d3]"See,"[/i:b34f2de7d3] Went on Julius. [i:b34f2de7d3]"she's crucial to what's been happening. I've been seeing Eve."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Seeing her? As in apparitions?"

"Pretty much like that, yes. I thought it was some kind of hallucination, stress, grief, that kind of thing."

"Well, that's certainly understandable. Anyone's who's been what you've been through the past several weeks..."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Julius nodded. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Back in York, we had a few problems. Seems like an age ago now, long before Eve and I got together. Eve was seeing the then Prince. A Ventrue, named Michelle St. Claire."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"An artist?"[/i:b34f2de7d3] Asked Gabriel.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"A banker, of all things."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Replied Julius. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Well, as it turned out, it wasn't Michelle at all."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel looked mildly surprised. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Then who was it?"[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"A Setite in disguise."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Julius looked down for a moment. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Eve had become bonded, not to a Ventrue, but to a Setite."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel sneered in disdain. [i:b34f2de7d3]"How horrid."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Julius nodded a little sadly. [i:b34f2de7d3]"I don't think it was all bad, Eveshka thrives on passion and this setite gave aplenty. More.. well, more than I ever could."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel shook his head. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Yes, but Julius, a Setite with a power such as Eve's at her disposal....well it's a terrifying thought."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"We didn't know, back then. Well, [b:b34f2de7d3]I[/b:b34f2de7d3] didn't know. I was Pontifex of Great Britain, the politics of the city were of little consequence to my overall position. That is, until Meerlinda came to visit me."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel nodded, understanding. [i:b34f2de7d3]"How could you be expected to keep an eye on every minute detail? The blame surely falls upon those beneath you."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Meer didn't come to accuse, but to assist. Her plan was to set a thief to catch a thief. We Tremere have amassed great knowledge. Meer's plan was to teach me some of that knowledge so I could use it to flush out the Setite. All Meer knew, was that there was a Setite somewhere in the city, even she did not know it was our prince."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabe mumbled, more to himself than Julius. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Setite's are horrendous creatures, simply horrendous."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Gabriel, you have to listen to this. It's desperately important."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Entreated Julius.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"I'm all ears Julius, please continue."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Julius complied. [i:b34f2de7d3]"So, I learned Serpentis."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel's eyes widened. [i:b34f2de7d3]"[b:b34f2de7d3]You[/b:b34f2de7d3]. Learned Serpentis?"[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Trust me, it's not pleasant."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Offered Julius. [i:b34f2de7d3]"And then I went and told Eve what Meerlinda had said, showed her that I was equipped to find and deal with the Setite. How could I have known I was playing into the Setite's hands. Eve actually accused me of being the Setite. After all, I was displaying snake skills."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel shook his head sadly.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Of course, Eve was simply protecting her regent."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Concluded Julius. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Are you sure you don't want that drink?"[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"No, please go on..."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Encouraged Gabriel leaning forward in his chair.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"It turned out to be Khemintiri, Gabriel."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel's jaw dropped and he nearly lost his balance. [i:b34f2de7d3]"The Anathema?"[/i:b34f2de7d3] Julius nodded slowly. [i:b34f2de7d3]"I… I think I'll take that drink now."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Said the Ventrue.

Julius found the good brandy, pouring it into two large balloons. Gabriel gulped his back, feeling somewhat sad that it no longer affected him as in mortal life. [i:b34f2de7d3]"So Eveshka was bonded to Khemintiri?"[/i:b34f2de7d3] He finally managed to ask.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Yes."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Said Julius simply.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Unbelievable..."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Exclaimed Gabe.

Julius continued. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Then there is a blank in the story, Khemintiri was discovered, wasted part of the city and vanished. I was called to other duties. I later discovered Eve had diablerized her."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Diablerized Khemintiri?"[/i:b34f2de7d3] Gabriel shook his head in disbelief.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"So it seemed."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Answered Julius.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"That would make Eveshka.....well I've only heard stories and myths of Khemintiri's age and power...but even if [b:b34f2de7d3]half[/b:b34f2de7d3] of what I've heard is true."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Julius plunged on. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Eveshka did gain in power. But that's not the end of it."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Gabriel listened, struggling to comprehend what he was hearing.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"During our stay in Turkey, when we were searching for the ruins of Nod on the floor of the Black Sea, Eveshka suddenly turned on me. I had to..."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Shadows of remembered pain flowed over Julius' face. [i:b34f2de7d3]"...put a piece of wood through her heart."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Oh Julius, I'm sorry."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Sympathized Gabriel. [i:b34f2de7d3]"What a dreadful event."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"See, it was the old bond calling her. Somehow, don't ask me how, Khemintiri had survived."

"One cannot expect to understand the extent of her powers..."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Mused Gabriel. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Even over one as potent as Eveshka."

"I took her to York, to my old place. Only there did I have what I needed, both out of the way and also a fully equipped lab."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Julius stopped for a moment and looked intently at Gabriel. [i:b34f2de7d3]"You may have some vague memories of being in York with us around that time."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel considered.[i:b34f2de7d3]"Something about masonry...and a few memories I prefer not to think on."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Which is how it had to be."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Said Julius somewhat mysteriously. [i:b34f2de7d3]"There I had what I needed to perform the ritual of breaking. To shatter the blood bond that held Eveshka in thrall still. Once again, I nearly died in the effort, you see, to break a bond, the beast must be released, to burn it away. Eveshka has a powerful beast."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Gabriel shuddered at the thought, but Julius continued unabated. [i:b34f2de7d3]"As does Khemintiri. I once broke a bond for her... well, for Michelle, if you see the difference. I wish I had not, for it was Goratrix which had... but I digress. I broke the bond for Eveshka and that night, Khemintiri came to the house. "[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Well, you could not have known."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Said Gabriel, adding suddenly. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Are you entirely sure you've not gotten your dates mixed up?"[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Quite sure."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Said Julius firmly, studying Gabriel carefully.

Gabriel looked at Julius for a moment before stumbling upon a realisation. [i:b34f2de7d3]"I see."[/i:b34f2de7d3] He said simply.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Let me fill in some gaps in your memory."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Offered Julius. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Brace yourself..."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]I don't think any amount of preparation could steel me for the revelations I've been told tonight...but go ahead..."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Agreed Gabriel.

Julius muttered something incomprehensible in Hermetic Latin and made mystical gestures, restoring Gabriel's memories of that night. The Ventrue stared blankly for a moment as he relived the night in his mind. Once again his jaw dropped. [i:b34f2de7d3]"My God.....face to face....with her...? Her! That's the woman! You've brought her among us!"[/i:b34f2de7d3] He stood from his chair.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Sit down. Please."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Pleaded Julius. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Gabriel, on that night, you were no way ready to face up to things, which I hope you've seen and experienced enough, now, to cope with."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel retook his seat. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Julius, I truly do feel for your loss, but are you sure your in full control of your faculties man?"[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"I know how you feel, I'm sorry to put you in this position."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel sat up straight, closing his eyes and exhaling, before leaning forward.[i:b34f2de7d3]"Julius...I will follow you in whatever ventures you pursue... and you have my loyalty. If you choose to work with...with her, I will support you. But I cannot begin to…"[/i:b34f2de7d3] He shook his head.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Well, here's the thing. Khemintiri loves Eve too. Truly. Even as I do. The bond between the two of them is strong. In the end, that night, Eveshka chose me over her. It broke Khem's heart even as mine would have broken had she chosen otherwise. Khemintiri has also seen Eve."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"The same visions you've been experiencing?"[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"The very same. We have little love for each other, Khem and I. It is this situation which throws us together. It is our belief and Goratrix' belief that Eveshka found a way to transcend final death. Some Russian folk magic.. this is more Morathi's area than mine, you understand, but somehow, Eve managed to place her heart within her cat."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel looked incredulous. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Her cat?"[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Julius nodded. [i:b34f2de7d3]"So...what do you plan to do?[/i:b34f2de7d3] Gabriel asked.

Julius leaned back in his chair gathering his thoughts after telling the story. [i:b34f2de7d3]"We already have done. Morathi put us onto it, according to her, there were things happening in the city, as though a Rusalka of legend had appeared, trying to drain the life energy of mortals to restore it's own life."[/i:b34f2de7d3]


[i:b34f2de7d3]"Yes. If not stopped, she would descend into madness. If she stopped, then she'd remain little more than a wraith, if that."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"What of the thousands of mortals of Marseilles? I've never known Eveshka to be a careless towards life as that... but then... apparently I never truly knew her."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"She had no preparation for her existence, as it is. As fledglings, our Sires taught us to drink only so much. She couldn't know [b:b34f2de7d3]how[/b:b34f2de7d3] to stop."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"It's incredible she's survived for so long without falling to the Beast completely."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"She is strong. And we have done what we can. A newly reformed body now houses her soul. Now we wait, wait until she can assert control over it. She will, sooner or later. For now she is as safe as our combined arts can make her."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Julius rubbed his face as if fatigued.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Wait...wait..."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Said Gabriel, shaking his head as he tried to absorb it all. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Was this a Tremere ritual, or a Setite spell?"[/i:b34f2de7d3]
[i:b34f2de7d3]"Shit."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Murmured Julius, closing his eyes.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Shit?"[/i:b34f2de7d3] Replied his companion.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Gabriel, there's little difference. See, the corruption of the Tremere is Setite in origin, right back to the founding of the clan."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel leant forward placing a hand on Julius' arm. [i:b34f2de7d3]"I don't presume to know about séance's or summoning rituals. I can't contribute some great deal of mystic knowledge to you... But I can tell you, that if someone has noticed you cast this... they'll become suspicious. I think only of the consequences of a recently declared independent being found in a hotel with the most hated Kindred alive, and one of the most infamous Sabbat members trapped in a mirror!"[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"And maybe it will fall to me to become the destroyer of my clan. Who knows?"[/i:b34f2de7d3] Said Julius with a sad fatality.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Destroyer of your Clan? I profess no great love of the Tremere, but why?"[/i:b34f2de7d3] Gabriel's eyes betrayed his lack of comprehension.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"I will not be taken, if need be I'll fight with Khem at my side. This cycle has to be broken Gabriel, what we've done tonight with Eve is simply a step upon a larger path of setting so many things to rights."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Explained Julius cryptically.

[i:b34f2de7d3]"I...well...I've pledged my loyalty and you have it. I've no clue why, I even understand half of what's going on. Goratrix... the Tremere. Setite influence. It's all a mystery to me, and I don't expect you to explain it."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"You've given more than I have any right to expect already."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Answered Julius looking at Gabriel

[i:b34f2de7d3]"But I'll do whatever it is you would have me do."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Said Gabriel with conviction. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Eveshka's death was in part...well... it hurt us all. I included."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"I was going to tell Eveshka what I had discovered... but it was too late. She faced Ali before I could warn her."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Said Julius after a time.

Gabriel rubbed his shoulder, in memory of his encounter with Ali and his missing arm. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Well...she did what she felt was necessary. I cannot say I fully understand her decision..but it was hers to make."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Oh Gabe."[/i:b34f2de7d3] Said Julius, looking pained. [i:b34f2de7d3]"You don't know the half of it.. but then again, only I, Goratrix and Morathi do."[/i:b34f2de7d3] He seemed to think for a moment. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Perhaps you should know, as well."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel looked at his friend, seeing clearly the burden of some terrible secret in his eyes. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Share your pain with me, Julius. And take strength from the sharing. I may not be a great wizard, but my shoulders are still strong enough to share a burden."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Julius nodded. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Gabriel, our quest is this. We seek Ishtar, an antediluvian, the founder of Eve's bloodline, or rather we seek to follow in her footsteps, regaining that which she lost, the splinter of Shal Ka-Mense, which is impregnated with the blood of Cain himself. Ishtar was not Toreador, Gabriel, but rather half Toreador and half Setite, as were her childe, as is Eve."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel shook his head. [i:b34f2de7d3]"Julius…"[/i:b34f2de7d3]

[i:b34f2de7d3]"Wait, Gabriel, there's more. When Goratrix created Clan Tremere from House Tremere, the Tzimisce blood was not strong enough to create the powerful blood which rules the clan to this day. Nor were Hermetic Rituals enough to complete the transformation. Ishtar was known to the Ancient Egyptians as a god, a god we today refer to as Thoth. The Cult of Thoth gave rise to the Cult of Mercury gave rise to the Order of Hermes. The Book of Thoth, gave Goratrix the missing pieces for his ritual. Tremere provided the blood of an ancient. Ishtar's blood. The snakes are everywhere Gabe. In Eveshka, in Clan Tremere. In me. Corruption seeping from our pores, our magic perverted. Now you are one of four who know the truth. I do not yet know what my destiny is. I shall not shrink from it."[/i:b34f2de7d3]

Gabriel thought for a moment. Then spoke.

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 1:17 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
Gabriel shrunk into the chair, rubbing his forehead gently with his fingers. Blonde, nearly white, strands of hair flowed from between them like great shards of light. For a moment, neither man spoke, Gabriel taking the revelations dropped upon him in, and Julius content to let him do so. Finally, the Ventrue propped his chin upon an upright fist and stared at the Magi with stern emerald eyes.

[i:08e78319f5]"So, the Tremere are brethren with the Setites?"[/i:08e78319f5] he asked. The wizard, looking worn, simply nodded.

[i:08e78319f5]"As are the Toreador. Some would say we're one and the same."[/i:08e78319f5] he said resignedly.

[i:08e78319f5]"And you've joined forces with the most infamous of all Setites?"[/i:08e78319f5] Gabriel said, now leaning foward.

[i:08e78319f5]"Reluctantly, yes."[/i:08e78319f5] Julius made no attempt to justify or defend his actions, and for that Gabriel was thankful.

[i:08e78319f5]"What do you propose to do with such information? You said before, if you were forced to be the Destroyer of your Clan you would do so. It would be an easy task with such truths in your possession."[/i:08e78319f5]

[i:08e78319f5]"To be quite honest Gabriel, I've not planned so far ahead yet."[/i:08e78319f5] the wizard was growing increasingly distant, his eyes now wandering from Gabriel's and sweeping the broad city nightscape outside his window. [i:08e78319f5]"Much of what I've disclosed to you tonight is still very knew to me as well and perhaps has not settled fully in my mind. Perhaps it never will."[/i:08e78319f5]

[i:08e78319f5]"And that may be for the best, for now. Perhaps it's better to deal with the task at hand. Revive Eveshka, if possible, and be on our way. I shudder to think how much ground our competition has gained upon us."[/i:08e78319f5]

[i:08e78319f5]"Well...with several key components missing, such as the Scroll itself, I feel confident we've nothing to fear from them."[/i:08e78319f5] as he spoke, he eyed an area of the bookshelf, apparently the scroll's resting place. Gabriel nodded and stood from his chair. As he passed Julius, who nearly looked as though he lacked the strength to rise, he placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, gripping it affectionately.

[i:08e78319f5]"I'm here for you in all things Julius. You need only ask."[/i:08e78319f5] he peered down over his shoulder to the grateful Tremere.

[i:08e78319f5]"Thank you Gabriel, truly."[/i:08e78319f5]

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 4:35 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
[i:97e30aea0c] "Wake up daughter," said the motherly voice.

"I don't want to get up Mother," said voice of Eveshka's childhood.

"Your time here is over for now," said the motherly voice again. "You can return later if you wish, but you must return to your existence on Earth."

"Why do I have to leave so soon?" asked the young Eveshka. "I've still got so many questions."

"I am sorry little one, this was but an interlude in your journey," said the motherly voice. "You have a choice to make daughter."

"A choice?" asked the young Eve.

"In the manner of your return of course," said the motherly voice. "What you choose now will dictate your life, or unlife if you choose."

The young Eveshka got the distinct impression that the complete attention of her Mother was now focused upon her. "What will it be my Daughter? A life of light? Or a life of darkness in which you are a light to others?"

It was cold, deadly cold. Worse than when she had been a young girl out on the plains surrounding Pskov in the depths of winter. Pain. How could there be so much pain? Gnawing, stabbing, biting pain. Through to her very soul. Was this the results of her choice? She didn't think so. She was not aware of making a choice. Apparently she had though.[/i:97e30aea0c]

"JULIUS!!!" shouted Khemintiri. "GET IN HERE NOW!!!"

Julius and Gabriel came bursting through the door almost as one. Eveshka hovered in the air over top of Julius' bed. Her arms were outstretched in a cruciform position. An unearthly light radiated around her as if a force too powerful to behold were at work with upon the beautiful Russian.

The group of Cainities watched in mute silence as the nude form of Eveshka seemed to act out her final moments against Ali. Visions of that day flashed through all of their minds, even the demigoddess Khemintiri's. They all beheld, with vivid clarity, the titanic struggle of the Russian Methuselah and the Babylonian antedeluvian. As his firey scimitar severed her head in their minds so did the corporeal manifestation of Eveshka fall to the floor in a heap. Julius and Khemintiri seemed to be transfixed for a moment. Gabriel was the first to react. He rushed over to the nude form of Eveshka and pulled her over onto her back. She let out a piteous moan and coughed. Blood came out of her mouth. Then she let in a great gulping breath of air.

"She's breathing," whispered Gabriel.

"What?" asked Julius and Khemintiri together.

"She's breathing." said Gabriel loudly. He looked over at them with a smile on his face.

"Breathing?" asked Julius. "Does that mean...?"

"....she's mortal?" finished Khemintiri.

Eveshka's eyes opened once. The icey blue colour radiated out into the room like the heavens on a clear summer day. Then they closed again and the world seemed all the darker. Julius and Khemintiri moved to where she lay and both of them picked her up between them and carried her back to the bed and lay her down. Her perfect breasts rose up and down in a slow steady rhythem. She was indeed breathing. Khemintiri slit her own wrist and went to dribble some of the blood near Eveshka's mouth but Julius slapped her hand away. Gabriel's eyes flashed at the sight of such powerful vitae dripping freely and fought down the urge to leap at it. Indeed a part of Julius began to stir in a lust for the rapturously beautiful antedeluvian's vitae. Eveshka did not stir however. Khemintiri didn't react to Julius' actions. She licked the wound closed and then laid her head upon Eveshka's naked breasts.

"Her heart is beating," she declared evenly. For the moment at least, she seemed to be mortal. What the implications of that were remained to be seen.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 5:19 pm Reply with quote
User avatarTremerePosts: 845Joined: Sat Apr 05, 2003 2:47 pm
[i:bda757953f]"Come away, I can watch for a while."[/i:bda757953f] Offered Khemintiri silkily.

[i:bda757953f]"I'm fine, thankyou."[/i:bda757953f] Replied Julius, glaring at her, his eyes tracing a path from her dark eyes to her wrist. [i:bda757953f]"You don't trust me."[/i:bda757953f] Accused Khem sulkily. [i:bda757953f]"Would you trust you?"[/i:bda757953f] Julius asked the question mildly, without a hint of accusation, simply offering the opinion matter of factly.

[i:bda757953f]"Then let us watch together, you know this could be a great opportunity for the two of us. We really should work together. Such power we could wield, you and I, with Eveshka, if pushed in the right direction."[/i:bda757953f] Khemintiri's spoke in a melodic, hypnotic tone, her eyes glinting at Julius.

[i:bda757953f]"Maybe you're right, my dear."[/i:bda757953f] Began Julius. Khemintiri smiled seductively. [i:bda757953f]"Perhaps together..."[/i:bda757953f] Julius went on. [i:bda757953f]"We could.... Hey! Stop that!"[/i:bda757953f]

Khemintiri's chuckle was light and without malice. [i:bda757953f]"You can't blame a girl for trying, Julius."[/i:bda757953f]

[i:bda757953f]"Perhaps, Khem, perhaps. However, I don't think you'll blame me if I wait until Eveshka is awake."[/i:bda757953f]

Blood is thicker than water... and much tastier.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 10:40 am Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
Cyrilynn knocked for the third time on the door to the penthouse suite and when no one answered it, she pondered the logic of entering on her own. After all, she WAS to report to Julius for her third drink. Just as she came to the conclusion that her new master could just as easily send a summons, the door was opened by Tyler. He ushered her in quickly with a slightly distracted air. Lady C. sailed past that monstrosity of a thing called a mirror, that mocked her every time she entered this place, and she sniffed distainfully just as she reached it, then went on into the office to meet with the Tremere.

Once again, the office sat empty but this time there was evidence of it having been occupied quite recently. It was then she made note of the excited voices from down the hall, into the next rooms. Padding quietly on bare feet, she neared the room where the talk was sometimes hushed, sometimes incredulous. Peering in, she saw the one called Anathema, Julius, Gabriel the Seneschal, Tyler and the unclothed body of a woman she'd only glimpsed once!!

So [b:c34077b2f5]that[/b:c34077b2f5] was the celebrated Eveska! Hmmm....she could use a bit of sculpting but then why bother with something that was already uncommon enough. She was beautiful in her own Slavic antiquity and the Old Clan Tzimisce had a nostalgic fondness for that kind of rarity. She looked to the Egyptian starring at the woman's limp form on the floor and then back to the Russian herself and sighed. Mr. Darrant had a point in that she had almost thrown away any chance at such an opportunity before her. Perhaps it was time to take stock of her present perdicament and see what she could learn.

Her keen hearing picked up the words [i:c34077b2f5]"breathing"[/i:c34077b2f5] and then the question [i:c34077b2f5]"is she ..... mortal?"[/i:c34077b2f5] which caused her to focus on the scene...... and not the individuals. Indeed she could see the pink flush to the skin, or was that the trick of the lighting in the bedroom? And was that the sound of blood moving sluggishly through the veins of a kine, or was that just wishful thinking? Cyrilynn licked briefly at her fangs, and decided to retreat. This was getting to be more chaotic than she could deal with at the moment. She had problems of her own. As she slipped away down the hall, she could have sworn she could smell a heady vitae permeate the place.

Having made the safety of her meeting place, the restless woman perched on the edge of a chair that she drew up close to the desk that dominated the area. Laying elbows on it's smooth surface, she contemplated the many thoughts in her mind and wriggled impatiently at the delays that were keeping her away from her estates for such an extended time. This was unheard of in her daily life and she could only guess at what kind of disheveled state her lands would be in for lack of her guiding hand. Her retainers would only function in a groove for just so long before one of them would start thinking for themselves. Unacceptable.

As she mused over her current state, her eyes wandered around the room, taking in as much as she could. Seeing what had changed, what stayed the same and what else might have been new. Two balloon glasses were placed (hastily for the looks of them) opposite each other on the surface she was propped against and still with a small bit of untasted liquor in them. Brandy from the smell of it, her nose hadn't lost it's touch. Next to the outside goblet was a bone skull and beyond that was......................her attention snapped back to the last item.

She'd noticed it once before when she'd first come into the room but had been too tired and too caught up in her predicament and staying alive, that she'd relegated is swiftly to the back of her mind for later perusal. And now, here it was and here [b:c34077b2f5]SHE[/b:c34077b2f5] was and there was nothing to distract her. She switched to the armchair nearest it and pulled it closer, again laying her arms down on the table top and just stared at it.

The weathered, ancient structure of it leant an impression of fine aged whiskey, the deepening chocolate brown color of its age giving it even more of a air of a relic of the past. C. wondered idly what use Julius could have for such a wonderous item, after all, he didn't seem the type to take such of an interest in the truly dead. Only the living or the unliving, as the present situation stood. Perhaps, being the wizardly type that he was, it was nothing more than an effect to give those non-sorcerous types the impression that he was capable of anything. She certainly wasn't going to underestimate him again!!

She reached out a finger to tenderly stroke the bald pate of the piece before her and felt (for the 3rd time now!) that *[i:c34077b2f5]snap[/i:c34077b2f5]* of magical currents at work. Snatching her abused digit back, she regarded the offending skeletal item for a moment or two longer, and then tried the same maneuver again. With the same results. This time it was not as startling and she ventured a third pass. She discovered that, while the sensation was unpleasant, it could be bourne enough to complete her examinations. Ignoring the tingling that ran up her hand to the wrist, she continued to explore the bones outer veneer with her tactile senses.

She turned the skull around to face her so that she might trace the features of that long ago face. It impelled her her pick it up for a more firm and deeper probe of the actual structure and she placed both palms flat to the ear holes whilst cupping the bottom jawline gently, so as not to damage any part of it. Although it had the appearance of fragility, it was surprisingly solid and [b:c34077b2f5]hefty[/b:c34077b2f5]. She sucked in an involuntarily gulp of air and peered intently into it's countenance, her senses probing beneath to see what she could find.

Cyrilynn went rigid with shock as a crescendo of that *[i:c34077b2f5]snap-tingle[/i:c34077b2f5]* promptly intensified and shot up her arm to her elbow. She stared down at the annoying object in stunned awe and before she knew it, that blasted buzz had started to shriek in her head and had advanced halfway toward her shoulder!! To make matters worse, the damned thing's eye sockets were sporting a cherry red fire in them!!! Gritting her teeth, she placed the thrice-cursed skull carefully on the desk top and then warily removed her hands. She scooted as far back as the chair would allow her and regarded those glowing orbs warily.

The demonic glow faded slowly and the head went back to being what it was, nothing more than a skull She waited a few minutes and then put her hand out toward the thing one last time. A distant sensation of her past discomfort reached toward her and she could see the telltale manifestation of those fires beginning again. Her hand fell to her lap and lay there, quiescent. The irritation subsided quickly. Well! That put paid to her investigations into it but did nothing to quell the curiosity. She would just have to live with it...............for now.

Deciding to let the future take care of itself, she realized, once again, that time had flown and Julius was a no-show. Stretching languidly as a cat arising from a nap, Cyrilynn stood and left the office, heading out of the apartment to her own. She'd managed to have Venisi track down some more kung-fu style films and he and Serai had plans for lots of popcorn to be consumed in the course of the evening's dalliance. Their Shao-lin instructor had the night off and they intended to indulge their brief vacation in some mindless violence. Frankly, [b:c34077b2f5]she[/b:c34077b2f5] was all for studying the moves presented on screen and then trying them out in her next practice session. Perhaps she would have something new to show her sensei when he return to continue their instruction.

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 5:17 pm Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
The silence made the room seem much more confining than it was in reality. Gabriel paced the floor near the back of the room, rummaging idly through this and that. The only sound other than his soft footsteps were Eveshka's unfamiliar breaths, and the rhythmic drum of her heart. He approached a somewhat ancient and tattered tome, and looked to Julius for any sign of disapproval before pulling it from the shelf.

The Tremere sat on an ottoman pulled close to Eveshka's side, one leg propped upon the other. He was spinning what appeared to be a duo of pure crystal Chinese Therapy Balls in his upturned palm. The tiny orbs stole and flung out light mischievously as they spun first clockwise, and then counter-clockwise in his hand. Fluidly, he turned his hand upon it's side and the spheres suddenly appeared in doubles. The quartet cascaded between his outstretched fingers as though on tracks, bobbing to and fro before climbing back to the starting point through some defiance of gravity.

He now turned his hand with the palm facing the floor, and still the orbs continued their impossible route, moving sideways in complete disregard to physics. Suddenly, and without explanation, the tiny balls appeared as two again, and Julius tilted his hand back a bit to roll them over his knuckles, and have them follow the gentle contours of his skin. They spun momentarily there, somehow avoiding contact with one another.

As Gabriel watched, the simple orbs began to capture and keep certain oranges and reds it obtained from it's surroundings until they were completely crimson. The fiery balls spun madly and with increasing speed, until they had each formed little comet-like tails, that threatened to connect with speed. With their pace ever quickening, they eventually blended into a single red loop, hovering slightly over the back on Julius' hand.

To his disbelief, the loop began to separate at one end, forming a distinct head and tail. From the head, a pair of beady white eyes appeared and the malicious groove of a mouth, complete with a tiny forked tongue that flickered swiftly from within. The red snake eventually spun on top of itself, creating a coil still atop Julius' outstretched hand.

Gabriel could feel the cold dampness of sweat upon his brow, and his grip on the book tightening. The miniature serpent ceased it's spinning and rose it's tiny head towards Gabriel, flicking it's flame-red tongue towards him hungrily. He jumped instinctively, and the book toppled from it's place on the bookshelf to the floor, breaking his trance-like stare from the snake.

When he looked back to Julius' hand, he saw nothing but a pair of crystal therapy balls, spinning slowly in his upturned palm. The hands' owner did not even register interest in the commotion, but sat intently watching the nude form before him breathe it's deep, new breaths. Had it been intentional? It certainly didn't seem so.

He looked to the rooms' other occupant. Kheminitri sat on the other side of the sleeping Eveshka, her eyes displaying her love and longing for her. She seemingly did not even register Gabriel's presence, or at least did not feel it of any consequence that he was in the room.

Shaken, the Ventrue replaced the book upon the shelf, and made a rather hurried exit...

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 7:39 pm Reply with quote
User avatarOld Clan TzimiscePosts: 704Location: Seattle, Washington, USAJoined: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:29 am
AWESOME! Just awesome dude!! I think maybe you should encounter more tropical storms if they leave you time to think up stuff like this!! :shock:

You come to me for a mere assassination? Foolish creature, there is more to be gained from my skills then that!. Before I am finished, death will be welcomed as a release.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 5:56 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
With a soft "Mrrrpph," Measha alighted onto the bed occupied by Khemintiri and Eveshka. She slinked up and reached out a delicate paw and touched Eve's dark hair as it fell over the silk covered pillow. Khemintiri was not paying attention however, nor was Julius for that matter. Two icey blue eyes opened to gaze into the gloom above the bed. Measha pawed at her Mistress' lips. Eveshka lifted her snowy white hand and scratched Measha's head. Neither Khemintiri nor Julius seemed to notice.

Eveshka sat up in bed slowly. Khemintiri and Julius reacted in an instant. Julius damned near fell out of his chair as he tried to jump up to be the first to get to Eve. Khemintiri DID fall out of the bed as she scrambled to turn around to face the newly risen Firebird. Eveshka saw both of them and her face broke into a radiant smile. But there was something different. It seemed to lack something. Yes, she was smiling and looked as inhumanly beautiful as before, but something seemed dulled. She did not sparkle as she did before her fall.

Julius was the first to reach Eveshka. He put an arm around her and pulled her into an embrace. Khemintiri put her arms around Eve and Julius and the three of them shared the moment. Eveshka opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She began to cough as if she had never spoken before. Indeed, at least in this incarnation, she had not spoken at all. She finally managed an airy "How?" Khemintiri pulled back a little bit and looked at Julius. She told Eve of how it came about.

"So you remembered the ritual then?" asked Eveshka in a froggy voice.

"Not quite love. There is something missing still," she said. Julius looked at her sharply. She had neglected to tell him that the ritual was not complete.

"I cannot remember part of it," said Khemintiri with sincere sorrow. "I do not yet know what your present incarnation is, my love." Khemintiri would not meet Eveshka's eyes.

"What do you mean?" asked Julius in unabashed annoyance.

Khemintiri merely shook her head. "Just that, Julius. I have no idea what Eveshka is right now. She appears mortal, but who knows. It could be temporary. It might be like a chrysalis stage." She shrugged her left shoulder and shook her head again. "I do not know."

"Well, how do i find out?" asked Eveshka.

"Try a blood discipline, love," said Julius. Eveshka nodded. She looked right at Julius and nothing happened. She continued to gaze at him. Still nothing happened.

"Well apparently Presence is out of order at the moment," she said. She covered her face with her hands briefly. "Oh no. What am I? I do not think I could handle being a mortal again," Eve said evenly. Khemintiri raised an eyebrow and Julius glared at her.

"Give it time love," he said. "We can figure it out."

Khemintiri stood up quickly and left the room. Both Eve and Julius were slightly shocked at the sudden departure. But then again, given the state from which Eveshka had just awoken, the unknown future ahead of her, and the fact that she appeared pretty much defenseless, Khemintiri's abrupt departure was porbably the least of her worries.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 12:31 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
[i:ece8ce4c86] One week later [/i:ece8ce4c86]

Julius sat with a suntanned Eveshka in the most celebrated restaurant in Marseilles. Julius poked at his [i:ece8ce4c86] entrecote de Chinon [/i:ece8ce4c86] while Eveshka devoured her [i:ece8ce4c86] boeuf en daube [/i:ece8ce4c86]. They shared a 1996 Saumur red.

"This wine is wonderful," said Julius. "Nice amount of tannins and the perfect amount of oak."

Eveshka purred her delight and said, "Ninety-six was an amazing year in the Loire Valley. I love the buttery aftertastes. I've never experienced this before."

Julius smiled. He could not detect any buttery aftertastes. In fact, he was starting to notice that subtlies were beginning to blur. Delicate flavours and scents in food and drink often escaped his notice unless he purposefully looked for them. Watching Eveshka that night seemed to be a painful reminder that perhaps the things about which she had spoken as a Vampire were more accurate in him than he'd noticed or previously cared to admit. Vampires really do die inside. They die and are left as a shell that is moved about by sheer will power.

Julius smiled again. He could see from her vivid aura that she was happier than he had ever seen her before.

"So what did you do today, love?" asked Julius.

"I found a wonderful beach. I lay there in the sun for hours sipping dacueries while the local men stumbled about to get a glimpse of me," she giggled.

"A glimpse?" asked Julius with a smirk. "Trying to see what the teeny amount of bathing suit has covered?"

"Bathing suit?" she asked with a cat like grin. "Didn't I tell you? It was a nude beach."

"Oh?" asked Julius again, his smile growing wider. "So that means um..."

"No tan lines," said Eve. "Excuse me a moment, lover, I must use the little girl's room."

Julius raised his eyebrows a moment.

"Yes, I'm not quite used to this whole call of nature thing." She got up and strutted across the room. Julius smiled at seeing the other men in the room follow the progress of his miniskirt and thigh high leather boot clad lover.

She returned a few minutes later, emerging out of the crowd behind Julius. She slinked up behind him and licked the back of his neck while trailing something silky and still warm across the side of his neck. She dropped a black silken thong onto his lap and then kissed his cheek. He smiled ear to ear as he watched her sache back to her seat.

"Julius," she began. "I think I would like to go to Russia."

"Russia?" he asked, adjusting his weight in his chair wondering what was going to come next. "Where exactly?"

"Pskov," she answered without hesitation. "I want to go home."

"[i:ece8ce4c86] Pskov?," [/i:ece8ce4c86] he wondered. "[i:ece8ce4c86] After all this she wants to go there?" [/i:ece8ce4c86]

"What about the Scroll, Eve?" he asked. "Shouldn't we continue our search?"

She looked down and then back up. "You are right of course," she said. "It just seems that I have been removed from having any relevance with the issue."

"What do you mean?" asked Julius.

"Well, I am not one of you anymore," she said simply. "I have absolutely no hope of competing against the forces against us. I would be swatted like a fly."

Their conversation continued through dessert and out into the early spring night. They strolled hand in hand along the Rhone heading down towards the Mediterreanean.

"I spoke to Goratrix about the events that have occured." said Julius in a distant and reluctant sounding voice.

"Yes?" asked Eve.

"It is his opinion that all you'd need do is drink of your own Vampiric vitae and regain all of your powers. It would be like awaking from torpor really," said Julius.

"And this is what you are recommending?" she asked with a bit of heat rising in her tone.

"Of course not," said Julius as he stopped and turned to face her. "We still don't even know if you are actually aging. We don't know anything. I mean, maybe you are actually immortal. It was the ritual Khemintiri was trying to recall from thousands of years ago. Maybe it really did work."

Eveshka frowned slightly. "Well, I would sure like to know what I am then."

"There is a way to find out if you really want to love," said Julius.

"What?" she asked laughing. "Shoot me and see if I stand back up."

"Well, no," he responded with a smirk. "Though that idea does have its merits." Eve slugged him on the arm. "I am talking about just taking a sample of your tissue and doing a few tests on it to see if it is oxydating."

Eveshka looked at him. "You mean, to see if I am aging," she said in clarification.

Julius nodded.

"Can't we do that in Pskov?" she asked. He looked a bit annoyed. "Just a few days Julius. Please."

"Just a few days then. I can actually do some investigating there," he said, his face brightening. "Very well. I shall inform the entourage of our departure."

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 1:21 am Reply with quote
User avatarVentruePosts: 1553Location: Virginia, USAJoined: Fri Apr 04, 2003 5:05 pm
(( always, masterfully done Peter! very enjoyable. BTW Stef, i think i finally stumbled upon a sketch of Julius that i approve of. it's a bit cartoonish...but then all my work is, but i think it's a fair representation of Julius. when i say cartoonish G.I. Joe :P

Money can't buy you friends, but it can buy you a better class of enemies.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 2:58 am Reply with quote
User avatarToreadorPosts: 433Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:14 pm
Julius looked out his window of the Darrant Industries jet. It was nearly 4 am. Eveshka was asleep in the little roll out bed. This would take Julius a bit of getting used to: being with a 22 year old mortal woman with 800 years of experience. It seemed almost paradoxical. Perhaps it was.

Julius had made all the arrangements while Eveshka slept the previous night. He had contacted his usual contacts to arrange pickups and housing. He had even contacted his man in Paris to go to Club Purgatorie, where Eveshka's ghouls dutifully ran her enterprise there. Unbeknownst to her they sent Julius a vial of her own vitae. He had also finished up some loose ends with Cyrilynn in Marseilles.

[i:4abeeba7ee] "I spoke to Goratrix about the events that have occured." said Julius in a distant and reluctant sounding voice.

"Yes?" asked Eve.

"It is his opinion that all you'd need do is drink of your own Vampiric vitae and regain all of your powers. It would be like awaking from torpor really," said Julius.

"And this is what you are recommending?" she asked with a bit of heat rising in her tone.

"Of course not," said Julius as he stopped and turned to face her. "We still don't even know if you are actually aging. We don't know anything. I mean, maybe you are actually immortal. It was the ritual Khemintiri was trying to recall from thousands of years ago. Maybe it really did work."

Eveshka frowned slightly. "Well, I would sure like to know what I am then." [/i:4abeeba7ee]

Julius replayed that bit of conversation over and over in his head. "So would I, Love," muttered Julius to himself. "So would I."

[i:4abeeba7ee] Pskov, Russia. March 25, 2003 (The next day) [/i:4abeeba7ee]

Eveshka walked with Julius up to the ancient Monastery of Pskov. He watched her shudder. Snow drifts rose along the time worn walls as flakes fell gently upon her fur hat. "This is where it all started," she said plainly.

"What do you mean?" he asked with a curious tilt to his head.

"This is where I started my painting lessons as a little girl," said Eveshka. "I studied under a monk named, Rublev."

He listened.

"Just over there," she pointed off in the darkened distance. "That was where the great house was. That was where I lived."

Julius looked over in the distance, his keen vampiric senses discerned a constant ridge indicating the foundation of a building no longer there. He followed it with his eyes as it made a right angle and turned off to the left. It had been a formidable place indeed.

Julius cleared his throat and touched Eve's hand. "So this was where the wall was?"

Eveshka nodded.

"The Swedes came in from over there," she said pointing off to the a place north of their position. Julius nodded and listened.

"They burned part of the monastery," said Eveshka as she took his hand and walked towards the far end of the monastery. After a few moments they arrived at the rounded remains of what was once a steep glacis. She pointed at an area of the wall that had newer bricks in the middle of what was clearly early medieval stonework.

"They breached the wall there," she said dispassionately. Julius noticed that her aura was growing steadily more melancholy and morose.

"We don't have to do this, love," said Julius gently. She continued without any indication that she heard him.

"I can still hear the screams of the monks and of the livestock they slaughtered," she said. A tear had frozen on her face in the frigid air.
"They moved in from the northwall of the monastery and onto the causeway leading over the motte into bailey." Her eyes narrowed. "They knew that was the weak point. Once inside the bailey it was all over. They killed anyone who opposed them. All in the name of Christ." She finished this statement with a flippant flick of her wrist. "I've seen enough here for now, let's go," she said.

Julius silently took her arm and walked to the waiting car which drove them out of Pskov and into Novgorod where they would stay. Eveshka nodded off to sleep around 3 am. Julius kissed her forehead and headed out into the Russian night. He had a few stops he wished to make. He knew that the scroll had made its way through here 800 years ago. There must be some relics still in existence. There must be some trail.

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